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Tourmaline occurs as a minor but important mineral in the alteration zc,ne of the Archean orogenic gold deposit of Guddadarangavanahalli (G.R.Halli) in the Chitradurga greenst~ne belt of the western Dharwar craton, southern India. It occurs in the distal alteration halo of the G.R.Halli golcl deposit as (a) clusters of very fine grained aggregates which form a minor constituent in the natrix of the altered metabasalt (AMB tourmaline) and (b) in quartz-carbonate veins (vein tourmaline). ~['he vein tourmaline, based upon the association of specific carbonate minerals, is further grouped as (i) albite-tourmaline-ankerite-quartz veins (vein-1 tourmaline) and (ii) albite-tourmaline-calcite-quartz veins (vein-2 tourmaline). Both the AMB tourmaline and the vein tourmalines (vein-I and vein-2) belong to the alkali group and are clas- sified under schorl-dravite series. Tourmalines occurring in the veins are zoned while the AMB tour- malines are unzoned. Mineral chemistry and discrimination diagrams 1eveal that cores and rims of the vein tourmalines are distinctly different. Core composition of the ve:n tourmalines is similar to the composition of the AMB tourmaline. The formation of the AMB tourmaline and cores of the vein tour- malines are proposed to be related to the regional D1 deformational event associated with the emplacement of the adjoining ca. 2.61 Ga Chitradurga granite whilst rims of the vein tourmalines vis-a- vis gold mineralization is spatially linked to the juvenile magmatic accretion (2.56-2.50 Ga) east of the studied area in the western part of the eastern Dharwar craton.  相似文献   

<正>Greenstone belts of the eastern Dharwar Craton,India are reinterpreted as composite tectonostratigraphic terranes of accreted plume-derived and convergent margin-derived magmatic sequences based on new high-precision elemental data.The former are dominated by a komatiile plus Mg-tholeiitic basalt volcanic association,with deep water siliciclastic and banded iron formation(BIF) sedimentary rocks.Plumes melted at90 km under thin rifted continental lithosphere to preserve inlraoceanic and continental margin aspects.Associated alkaline basalts record subduction-recycling of Mesoarchean oceanic crust,incubated in the asthenosphere.and erupted coevally with Mg basalts from a heterogeneous mantle plume.Together.komaliites-Mg basalts-alkaline basalts plot along the Phanerozoic mantle array in Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb coordinate space,representing zoned plumes,establishing that these reservoirs were present in the Neoarchean mantle. Convergent margin magmatic associations are dominated by tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts eompositionally similar to recent intraoceanic arcs.As well,boninitic flows sourced in extremely depleted mantle are present,and the association of arc basalts with Mg-andesites-Nb enriched basalts-adakites documented from Cenozoic arcs characterized by subduction of young(20 Ma),hot,oceanic lithosphere. Consequently.Cenozoic style "hot" subduction was operating in the Neoarchean.These diverse volcanic associations were assembled to give composite terranes in a subduction-accretion orogen at~2.1 Ga,coevally with a global accretionary orogen at ~2.7 Ga,and associated orogenic gold mineralization. Archean lithospheric mantle,distinctive in being thick,refractory,and buoyant,formed complementary to the accreted plume and convergent margin terranes.as migrating arcs captured thick plumeplateaus. and the refractory,low density.residue of plume melting coupled with accreted imbricated plume-arc crust.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000790   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Heilangou gold deposit is located in the northern QixiaePenglai gold belt, which is one amongst the three large gold belts in the eastern Shandong Province (Jiaodong Peninsula). The ore body has formed within the Guojialing granite. In this study, we report the mineral chemistry of pyrite, as well as the S, Pb, and HeO isotope data of the Heilangou gold deposit. The chemical composition of pyrite in the Heilangou gold deposit indicates that the associated gold deposit is a typical magmatic hydrothermal one. The geochemical signatures and crystal structure of pyrite show that the ore-forming materials have been derived from the crust. The S isotope data of the pyrites from Heilangou show an overall range from 5.5 to 7.8&amp;and an average of 6.7&amp;. The S isotope data in this deposit are similar to those from the deposits in the Jiaodong gold belt. The Pb and S isotope variations are small in the Heilangou gold deposit. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios are 17.4653e17.5958, 15.5105e15.5746 and 38.0749e38.4361, respec-tively. These data plot between the lower crust and the orogenic belt. The Pb isotope data in the Heilangou gold deposit are similar to those in the Linglong gold deposit. From the Qixia gold area (the Liukou and Majiayao gold deposits) to the MupingeRushan gold belt (Rushan gold deposit) to the ZhaoeYe gold belt (the Linglong, Sanshandao and Jiaojia gold deposits), the 206Pb/204Pb ratios progressively increase. The DeO isotope data obtained from quartz separates suggest that the ore-forming fluid was similar to a mixture of magmatic and meteoric waters. These results suggest that the ore-forming elements were primarily from source fluids derived from the lower crust.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000292   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromagnetic anomaly zonation of the Ordos Basin and adjacent areas was obtained by processing highprecision and large-scale aeromagnetic anomalies with an approach of reduction to the pole upward continuation.Comparative study on aeromagnetic and seismic tomography suggests that aeromagnetic anomalies in this area are influenced by both the magnetic property of the rock and the burial depth of the Precambrian crystalline basement.Basement depth might be the fundamental control factor for aeromagnetic anomalies because the positive and negative anomalies on the reduction to the poleupward-continuation anomaly maps roughly coincide with the uplifts and depressions of the crystalline basement in the basin.The results,together with the latest understanding of basement faults,SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of metamorphic rock and granite,drilling data,detrital zircon ages,and gravity data interpretation,suggest that the Ordos block is not an entirety of Archean.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000357   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field and remote sensing studies reveal that Au-bearing quartz±carbonate lodes in Romite deposit,in the extreme South Eastern Desert of Egypt,are controlled by NNE-striking shear zones that splay from the ca.660—550 Ma Hamisana Zone.Quartz in releasing bends with sinistral shear geometry and abundant boudinaged quartz-carbonate lodes with serrate ribboned fabrics suggest vein formation throughout a transpressive wrench system.Ubiquitous hydrothermal quartz,carbonate,and subordinate chlorite and sericite within the shear zones and as slivers in veins,indicate that gold deposition and hydrothermal alteration occurred under greenschist fades conditions.The Al(Ⅳ) in chlorite indicates a formation temperature of~300℃.comparable with temperatures estimated from arsenopyrite composition for grains intimately associated with gold in quartz veins. The new geological and geochemical data indicate that splays off the Hamisana Zone are potential gold exploration targets.Quartz veins along the high order(2nd or 3rd) structures of this crustal-scale shear zone are favorable targets.In the Romite deposit and in surrounding areas,a Au-As-Cu-Sb-Co-Zn geochemical signature characterizes mineralized zones,and particularly rock chips with>1000 ppm As and high contents of Cu,Zn,and Co target the better mineralized areas. The carbonateδ13Cpdb andδ18OSmow isotope signatures preclude an organic source of the ore fluid,but metamorphic and magmatic sources are still valid candidates.The intense deformation and lack of magmatism in the deposit area argue for metamorphic dewatering of greenstone rocks as the most likely fluid source.The narrow ranges ofδ13C(-4.6‰to -3.1‰) andδ18O(11.9‰-13.7‰) in carbonate minerals in lodes imply a corresponding uniformity to the ambient temperature andδ13CCO213C∑C) of the ore fluids. The calculatedδ18Oh2o values of 6.9‰—7.9‰for ore fluids,based onδ18O values of vein quartz further suggest a likely metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography can provide both fine P-wave and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle.In addition,with proper computation,Poisson’s ratio images from the seismic velocities can be determined.However,it is unknown whether Poisson’s ratio images have any advantages when compared with the P-wave and S-wave velocity images.For the purposes of this study,high-resolution seismic tomography under the eastern part of North China region was used to determine detailed 3-D crustal P- and S-wave seismic velocities structure,as well as Poisson’s ratio images.Results of Poisson’s ratio imaging show high Poisson’s ratio(high-PR) anomalies located in the Hengshan-North Taihang-Zhangjiakou(H-NT-Z) region,demonstrating that Poisson’s ratio imaging can provide new geophysical constraints for regional tectonic evolution.The H-NT-Z region shows a prominent and continuous high-PR anomaly in the upper crust.Based on Poisson’s ratio images at different depths, we find that this high-PR anomaly is extending down to the middle crust with thickness up to about 26 km.According to rock physical property measurements and other geological data,this crustal Poisson’s ratio anomaly can be explained by Mesozoic partial melting of the upper mantle and basaltic magma underplating related to the lithospheric thinning of the North China craton.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001296   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present field, petrographic, major and trace element data for komatiites and komatiite basalts from Sargur Group Nagamangala greenstone belt, western Dharwar craton. Field evidences such as crude pillow structure indicate their eruption in a marine environment whilst spinifex texture reveals their komatiite nature. Petrographic data suggest that the primary mineralogy has been completely altered during post-magmatic processes associated with metamorphism corresponding to greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The studied komatiites contain serpentine, talc, tremolite, actinolite and chlorite whilst tremolite, actinolite with minor plagioclase in komatiitic basalts. Based on the published Sm-Nd whole rock isochron ages of adjoining Banasandra komatiites (northern extension of Nagamangala belt) and further northwest in Nuggihalli belt and Kalyadi belt we speculate ca. 3.2–3.15 Ga for komatiite eruption in Nagamangala belt. Trace element characteristics particularly HFSE and REE patterns suggest that most of the primary geochemical characteristics are preserved with minor influence of post-magmatic alteration and/or contamination. About 1/3 of studied komatiites show Al-depletion whilst remaining komatiites and komatiite basalts are Al-undepleted. Several samples despite high MgO, (Gd/Yb)N ratios show low CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Such anomalous values could be related to removal of CaO from komatiites during fluid-driven hydrothermal alteration, thus lowering CaO/Al2O3 ratios. The elemental characteristics of Al-depleted komatiites such as higher (Gd/Yb)N (>1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (>1.0), Al2O3/TiO2 (<18) together with lower HREE, Y, Zr and Hf indicate their derivation from deeper upper mantle with minor garnet (majorite?) involvement in residue whereas lower (Gd/Yb)N (<1.0), CaO/Al2O3 (<0.9), higher Al2O3/TiO2 (>18) together with higher HREE, Y, Zr suggest their derivation from shallower upper mantle without garnet involvement in residue. The observed chemical characteristics (CaO/Al2O3, Al2O3/TiO2, MgO, Ni, Cr, Nb, Zr, Y, Hf, and REE) indicate derivation of the komatiite and komatiite basalt magmas from heterogeneous mantle (depleted to primitive mantle) at different depths in hot spot environments possibly with a rising plume. The low content of incompatible elements in studied komatiites suggest existence of depleted mantle during ca. 3.2 Ga which in turn imply an earlier episode of mantle differentiation, greenstone volcanism and continental growth probably during ca. 3.6–3.3 Ga which is substantiated by Nd and Pb isotope data of gneisses and komatiites in western Dharwar craton (WDC).  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000607   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Qinling Complex of central China is thought to be the oldest rock unit and the inner core of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt (NQOB). Therefore, the Qinling Complex is the key to understanding the pre- Paleozoic evolution of the NQOB. The complex, which consists of metagraywackes and marbles, un- derwent regional amphibolite-facies metamorphism. In this study, we constrained the formation age of the Qinling Complex to the period between the late Mesoproterozoic and the early Neoproterozoic (ca. 1062-962 Ma), rather than the Paleoproterozoic as previously thought. The LA-ICP-MS data show two major metamorphic ages (ca. 499 and ca. 420-400 Ma) for the Qinling Complex. The former age is consistent with the peak metamorphic age of the high- and ultra-high pressure (HP-UHP) rocks in the Qinling Complex, indicating that both the HP-UHP rocks and their country rocks experienced intensive regional metamorphism during the Ordovician. The latter age may constrain the time of partial melting in the NQOB between the late Silurian and early Devonian. The Qinling Complex is mostly affiliated with subduction-accretion processes along an active continental margin, and should contain detritus deposited in a forearc basin.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001091   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Wulungu Depression is the northernmost first-order tectonic unit in the Junggar Basin.It can be divided into three sub-units:the Hongyan step-fault zone,the Suosuoquan sag and the Wulungu south slope.The Cenozoic strata in the basin are intact and Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation can be observed in the Wulungu step-fault zone,so this is an ideal place to study the Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation.By integration of fault-related folding theories,regional geology and drilling data,the strata of the Cretaceous—Paleogene systems are divided into small layers which are selected as the subjects of this research.The combination of the developing unconformity with existing growth strata makes it conceivable that faults on the step-fault zone have experienced different degrees of reactivation of movement since the Cretaceous.Evolutionary analyses of the small layers using 2D-Move software showed certain differences in the reactivation of different segments of the Wulungu Depression such as the timing of reactivation of thrusting,for which the reactivity time of the eastern segment was late compared with those of the western and middle segments.In addition the resurrection strength was similarly slightly different,with the shortening rate being higher in the western segment than in the other segments.Moreover,the thrust fault mechanism is basement-involved combined with triangle shear fold,for which a forward evolution model was proposed.  相似文献   

An arguable point regarding the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution of the North China Craton(NCC)is whether the tectonic setting in the central belt during the mid-Paleoproterozoic(2.35-2.0 Ga)was dominated by an extensional regime or an oceanic subduction-arc regime.A review of the midPaleoproterozoic magmatism and sedimentation for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region suggests that a back-arc extension regime was dominant in this region.This conclusion is consistent with the observation that the 2.35-2.0 Ga magmatism shows a typical bimodal distribution where the mafic rocks mostly have arc affinities and the acidic rocks mainly comprise highly-fractioned calc-alkaline to alkaline(or A-type)granites,and that this magmatism was coeval with development of extensional basins characteristic of transgressive sequences with volcanic interlayers such as in the Hutuo Group.Although the final amalgamation of the NCC was believed to occur at ~1.85 Ga,recent zircon U-Pb age dating for mica schist in the Wutai Group suggests a collisional event may have occurred at ~1.95 Ga.The metamorphic ages of ~1.85 Ga,obtained mostly from the high-grade rocks using the zircon U-Pb approach,most probably indicate uplifting and cooling of these high-grade terranes.This is because(i)phase modeling suggests that newly-grown zircon grains in highgrade rocks with a melt phase cannot date the age of peak pressure and temperature stages,but the age of melt crystallization in cooling stages;(ii)the metamorphic P-T paths with isobaric cooling under 6-7 kb for the Hengshan and Fuping granulites suggest their prolonged stay in the middle-lower crust;and(iii)the obtained metamorphic age data show a continuous distribution from 1.95 to 1.80 Ga.Thus,an alternative tectonic scenario for the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region involves:(i)formation of a proto-NCC at ~2.5 Ga;(ii)back-arc extension during 2.35-2.0 Ga resulting in bimodal magmatism and sedimentation in rifting basins on an Archean basement;?  相似文献   

The South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions of Central Asia are located in the southwestern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The formation of South Tianshan Orogen was a diachronous,scissors-like process,which took place during the Palaeozoic,and its western segment was accepted as a site of the fnal collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent,which occurred in the late Palaeozoic.However,the post-collisional tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions remains debatable.Based on previous studies and recent geochronogical data,we suggest that the fnal collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent occurred during the late Carboniferous.Therefore,the Permian was a period of intracontinental environment in the southern Tianshan and adjacent regions.We propose that an earlier,small-scale intraplate orogenic stage occurred in late Permian to Triassic time,which was the frst intraplate process in the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions.The later largescale and well-known Neogene to Quaternary intraplate orogeny was induced by the collision between the India subcontinent and the Eurasian plate.The paper presents a new evolutionary model for the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions,which includes seven stages:(I)late Ordovicianeearly Silurian opening of the South Tianshan Ocean;(II)middle Silurianemiddle Devonian subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean beneath an active margin of the North Asian continent;(III)late Devonianelate Carboniferous closure of the South Tianshan Ocean and collision between the Kazakhstan-Yili and Tarim continental blocks;(IV)early Permian post-collisional magmatism and rifting;(V)late PermianeTriassic the frst intraplate orogeny;(VI)JurassicePalaeogene tectonic stagnation and(VII)NeoceneeQuaternary intraplate orogeny.  相似文献   

The study of fluid inclusions in high-grade rocks is especially challenging as the host minerals have been normally subjected to deformation, recrystallization and fluid-rock interaction so that primary in- clusions, formed at the peak of metamorphism are rare. The larger part of the fluid inclusions found in metamorphic minerals is typically modified during uplift. These late processes may strongly disguise the characteristics of the "original" peak metamorphic fluid. A detailed microstructural analysis of the host minerals, notably quartz, is therefore indispensable for a proper interpretation of fluid inclusions. Cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques combined with trace element analysis of quartz (EPMA, LA- [CPMS) have shown to be very helpful in deciphering the rock-fluid evolution. Whereas high-grade metamorphic quartz may have relatively high contents of trace elements like Ti and A1, low- temperature re-equilibrated quartz typically shows reduced trace element concentrations. The result- ing microstructures in CL can be basically distinguished in diffusion patterns (along microfractures and grain boundaries), and secondary quartz formed by dissolution-reprecipitation. Most of these textures are formed during retrograde fluid-controlled processes between ca. 220 and 500 ℃, i.e. the range of semi-brittle deformation (greenschist-facies) and can be correlated with the fluid inclusions. In this way modified and re-trapped fluids can be identified, even when there are no optical features observed under the microscope.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987110000125   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>Carbonatites are commonly related to the accumulation of economically valuable substances such as REE.Cu,and P.The debate over the origin of carbonatites and their relationship to associated silicate rocks has been ongoing for about 45 years.Worldwide,the rocks characteristically display more geochemical enrichments in Ba,Sr and REE than sedimentary carbonate rocks.However,carbonatite's geochemical features are disputed because of secondary mineral effects.Rock-forming carbonates from carbonatites at Qinling.Panxi region,and Bayan Obo in China show REE distribution patterns ranging from LREE enrichment to flat patterns.They are characterized by a Sr content more than 10 times higher than that of secondary carbonates.The coarse- and fine-grained dolomites from Bayan Obo H8 dolomite marbles also show similar high Sr abundance,indicating that they are of igneous origin.Some carbonates in Chinese carbonatites show REE(especially HREE) contents and distribution patterns similar to those of the whole rocks.These intrusive carbonatites display lower platinum group elements and stronger fractionation between Pt and Ir relative to high-Si extrusive carbonatite.This indicates that most intrusive carbonatites may be carbonate cumulates.Maoniuping and Daluxiang in Panxi region are large REE deposits.Hydrothermal fluorite ore veins occur outside of the carbonatite bodies and are emplaced in wallrock syenite.The fiuorite in Maoniuping has Sr and Nd isotopes similar to carbonatite.The Daluxiang fiuorite shows Sr and REE compositions different from those in Maoniuping.The difference is reflected by both the carbonatites and rock-forming carbonates,indicating that REE mineralization is related to carbonatites.The cumulate processes of carbonate minerals make fractionated fluids rich in volatiles and LREE as a result of low partition coefficients for REE between carbonate and carbonatite melt and an increase from LREE to HREE.The carbonatite-derived fluid has interacted with wallrock to form REE ore veins.The amount of carbonatite dykes occurring near the Bayan Obo orebodies may support the same mineralization model,i.e.that fluids evolved from the carbonatite dykes reacted with H8 dolomite marble,and thus the different REE and isotope compositions of coarse- and fine-grained dolomite may be related to reaction processes.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000060   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Khondalite Belt within the Inner Mongolia Suture Zone(IMSZ) in the North China Craton is a classic example for Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) metamorphism.Here we report new spinel-bearing metapelitic granulites from a new locality at Xumayao within the southern domain of the IMSZ.Petrological studies and thermodynamic modeling of the spinel+quartz-bearing assemblage shows that these rocks experienced extreme metamorphism at UHT conditions.Spinel occurs in two textural settings:(1) high XZn(Zn/(Mg+Fe+Zn)=0.071-0.232) spinel with perthitic K-feld-spar. sillimanite and quartz in the rock matrix;and(2) low XZn(0.045—0.070) spinel as inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts in association with quartz and sillimanite. Our phase equilibria modeling indicates two main stages during the metamorphic evolution of these rocks:(1) near-isobaric cooling from 975℃to 875℃around 8 kbar.represented by the formation of garnet porphyroblasts from spinel and quartz;and(2)cooling and decompression from 850℃.8 kbar to below 750℃.6.5 kbar,represented by the break-down of garnet.The spinel+quartz assemblage is considered to have been stable at peak metamorphisni.formed through the break-down of cordierite.indicating a near isothermal compression process.Our study confirms the regional extent of UHT metamorphisni within the IMSZ associated with the Paleoproterozoic subduction-collision process.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000430   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mineral assemblages formed during hydrothermal alteration reflect the geochemical composition of ore-forming fluids. Gold is mainly transported in solution as AueCl and AueS complexes. The change of physicochemical conditions such as temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, and sulfur fugacity are effective mechanisms for gold precipitation. Gold tends to be concentrated in the vapor phase of fluids at high temperatures and pressures. AueAs and AueSb associations are common in gold deposit. Native antimony and/or arsenic e native gold assemblages may precipitate from hydrothermal fluids with low sulfur fugacity. Hydrothermal fluids forming epithermal gold deposits are Au-saturated in most cases, whereas fluids of Carlin-type are Au-undersaturated. Quasi-steady As-bearing pyrite extracts solid solution Au from hydrothermal fluids through absorption. The capability of As-bearing pyrite to absorb Au from under-saturated fluid is the key to the formation of large-scale Carlin-type deposits. With increasing new data, studies on the geochemistry of gold deposits can be used to trace the origin of ore-forming fluids, the source of gold, and the transporting form of Au and other ore-forming elements, such as Si, S, F, Cl, As and Ag.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001314   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As one of the areas where typical late Archean crust is exposed in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, the northern Laioning Complex consists principally of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, massive granitoids and supracrustal rocks. The supracrustal rocks, named the Qingyuan Group, consist of interbedded amphibolite, hornblende granulite, biotite granulite and BIF. Petrological evidence indicates that the amphibolites experienced the early prograde (M1), peak (M2) and post-peak (M3) metamorphism. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved as mineral inclusions, represented by actinotite + hornblende + plagioclase + epidote + quartz + sphene, within garnet porphyroblasts. The peak assemblage (M2) is indicated by garnet + clinopyroxene + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + ilmenite, which occur as major mineral phases in the rock. The post-peak assemblage (M3) is characterized by the garnet + quartz symplectite. The P–T pseudosections in the NCFMASHTO system constructed by using THERMOCALC define the P–T conditions of M1, M2 and M3 at 490–550 °C/<4.5 kbar, 780–810 °C/7.65–8.40 kbar and 630–670 °C/8.15–9.40 kbar, respectively. As a result, an anticlockwise P–T path involving isobaric cooling is inferred for the metamorphic evolution of the amphibolites. Such a P–T path suggests that the late Archean metamorphism of the northern Liaoning Complex was related to the intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas. The underplating of voluminous mantle-derived magmas leading to metamorphism with an anticlockwise P–T path involving isobaric cooling may have occurred in continental magmatic arc regions, above hot spots driven by mantle plumes, or in continental rift environments. A mantle plume model is favored because this model can reasonably interpret many other geological features of late Archean basement rocks from the northern Liaoning Complex in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton as well as their anticlockwise P–T paths involving isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000776   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Donalda gold deposit in the southern part of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt consists mainly of a subhorizontal gold-quartz vein perpendicular to subvertical shear zones. The 0.3e0.5 m thick vein is characterized by vein-parallel banding structures indicating multiple episodes of fracture opening and mineral precipitation. Measurement of the c-axis of primary growth quartz indicates that quartz preferentially grew perpendicular to the fracture, suggesting open space filling and/or extensional nature of the fracture. Measurement of the orientations of microfractures, veinlets and fluideinclusion planes (FIPs) crosscutting primary growth quartz indicates that the vein minerals were subject to a vertical maximum principal stress (s1), which is inconsistent with the subhorizontal s1 inferred from the regional stress field with NeS shortening. This apparent discrepancy is explained by invoking episodic fluid pressure fluctuation between supralithostatic and hydrostatic regimes accompanied by episodic opening and closing of the subhorizontal fracture. When fluid pressure was higher than the lithostatic value, the fracture was opened and primary growth minerals were precipitated, whereas when fluid pressure decreased toward the hydrostatic value, the hanging wall of the fracture collapsed, causing collision of protruding primary growth minerals from both sides of the fracture and resulting in formation of vein-parallel deformation bands. The columns where the two facing sides of the fracture collided were subject to higher-than-lithostatic stress due to the bridging effect and reduced support surface area, explaining the development of vertical s1. This hypothesis is consistent the fault-valve model, and explains the flipping of s1 without having to change the regional stress field.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000564   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
High-pressure(HP) granulites widely occur as enclaves within tonalite-trondhjemitegranodiorite (TTG) gneisses of the Early Precambrian metamorphic basement in the Shandong Peninsula, southeast part of the North China Craton(NCC).Based on cathodoluminescence(CL),laser Raman spectroscopy and in-situ U-Pb dating,we characterize the zircons from the HP granulites and group them into three main types:inherited(magmatic) zircon,HP metamorphic zircon and retrograde zircon.The inherited zircons with clear or weakly defined magmatic zoning contain inclusions of apatites,and 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2915—2890 Ma and 2763—2510 Ma,correlating with two magmatic events in the Archaean basement. The homogeneous HP metamorphic zircons contain index minerals of high-pressure metamorphism including garnet,clinopyroxene.plagioclase,quartz,rutile and apatite,and yield 207Pb/206Pb ages between 1900 and 1850 Ma,marking the timing of peak HP granulite fades metamorphism.The retrograde zircons contain inclusions of orthopyroxene.plagioclase.quartz,apatite and amphibole.and yield the youngest 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1840—1820 Ma among the three groups,which we correlate to the medium to low-pressure granulite fades retrograde metamorphism.The data presented in this study suggest subduction of Meso- and Neoarchean magmatic protoliths to lower crust depths where they were subjected to HP granulite facies metamorphism during Palaeoproterozoic(1900—1850 Ma).Subsequently, the HP granulites were exhumated to upper crust levels,and were overprinted by medium to low-pressure granulite and amphibolite facies retrograde event at ca.1840—820 Ma.  相似文献   

The Linxi Formation occupies an extensive area in the eastern Inner Mongolia in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).The Linxi Formation is composed of slate,siltstone,sandstone and plant,lamellibranch microfossils in the associated strata.Major and trace element data(including REE) for sandstones from the formation indicate that these rocks have a greywacke protolith and have been deposited during a strong tectonic activity.LA-ICPMS U—Pb dating of detrital zircons yield ages of 1801 to 238 Ma for four samples from the Linxi Formation.425—585 Ma,together with the ~500 Ma age for the metamorphism event previously determined for Northeast China,indicates that their provenance is the metamorphic rocks of Pan-African age that have a tectonic affinity to NE China.A few older zircons with U-Pb ages at 1689-1801 Ma,1307-1414 Ma,593-978 Ma are also present,revealing the Neoproterozoic history of NE China.The youngest population shows a peak at ca.252 Ma,suggesting that the main deposition of the Linxi Formation was at late Permain.Moreover,the ca.250 Ma zircon grains of all four samples yield weighted mean ~(206)Pb/~(238)U ages of 250 ± 3 Ma,248 ± 3 Ma,249 ± 3 Ma,and 250 ± 2 Ma,respectively.These ages,together with the youngest zircon age in the sample ZJB-28(ca.238 Ma),suggest that the deposition of the Linxi Formation extended to the early Triassic.Combining with previous results,we suggest that the final collision of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in the southern of Linxi Formation,which located in the Solonker-Xra Moron-Changchun suture,and the timing for final collision should be at early Triassic.  相似文献   

Isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(iGDGTs) from the Gulu hot springs (23-83.6℃,pH>7) and Yangbajing hot springs(80—128℃,pH>7) were analyzed in order to investigate the distribution of archaeal lipids among different hot springs in Tibet.A soil sample from Gulu was incubated at different temperatures and analyzed for changes in iGDGTs to help evaluate whether surrounding soil may contribute to the iGDGTs in hot springs.The sources of bacterial GDGTs(bGDGTs) in these hot springs were also investigated.The results revealed different profiles of iGDGTs between Gulu and Yangbajing hot springs. Core iGDGTs and polar iGDGTs also presented different patterns in each hot spring.The PCA analysis showed that the structure of polar iGDGTs can be explained by three factors and suggested multiple sources of these compounds.Bivariate correlation analysis showed significant positive correlations between polar and core bGDGTs.suggesting the in situ production of bGDGTs in the hot springs.Furthermore,in the soil incubation experiment,temperature had the most significant influence on concentration of bGDGTs rather than iGDGTs.and polar bGDGTs had greater variability than core bGDGTs with changing temperature.Our results indicated that soil input had little influence on the composition of GDGTs in Tibetan hot springs. On the other hand,ring index and TEX86 values were both positively correlated with incubation temperature, suggesting that the structure of archaeal lipids changed in response to varying temperature during incubation.  相似文献   

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