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The Moon has an anorthositic primordial continental crust. Recently anorthosite has also been discovered on the Martian surface. Although the occurrence of anorthosite is observed to be very limited in Earth's extant geological record,both lunar and Martian surface geology suggest that anorthosite may have comprised a primordial continent on the early Earth during the first 600 million years after its formation. We hypothesized that differences in the presence of an anorthositic continent on an Earthlike planet are due to planetary size. Earth likely lost its primordial anorthositic continent by tectonic erosion through subduction associated with a kind of proto-plate tectonics(PPT). In contrast, Mars and the Moon, as much smaller planetary bodies, did not lose much of their anorthositic continental crust because mantle convection had weakened and/or largely stopped, and with time, they had appropriately cooled down. Applying this same reasoning to a super-Earth exoplanet suggests that, while a primordial anorthositic continent may briefly form on its surface, such a continent will be likely transported into the deep mantle due to intense mantle convection immediately following its formation. The presence of a primordial continent on an Earth-like planet seems to be essential to whether the planet will be habitable to Earth-like life. The key role of the primordial continent is to provide the necessary and sufficient nutrients for the emergence and evolution of life. With the appearance of a "trinity" consisting of(1) an atmosphere,(2) an ocean, and(3) the primordial continental landmass, material circulation can be maintained to enable a "Habitable Trinity" environment that will permit the emergence of Earth-like life. Thus, with little likelihood of a persistent primordial continent, a super-Earth affords very little chance for Earth-like life to emerge.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.07.005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Hadean history of Earth is shrouded in mystery and it is considered that the planet was born dry with no water or atmosphere. The Earth-Moon system had many features in common during the birth stage. Solidification of the dry magma ocean at 4.53 Ga generated primordial continents with komatiite. We speculate that the upper crust was composed of fractionated gabbros and the middle felsic crust by anorthosite at ca. 21 km depth boundary, underlain by meta-anorthosite (grossular + kyanite + quartz) down to 50–60 km in depth. The thickness of the mafic KREEP basalt in the lower crust, separating it from the underlying upper mantle is not well-constrained and might have been up to ca. 100–200 km depending on the degree of fractionation and gravitational stability versus surrounding mantle density. The primordial continents must have been composed of the final residue of dry magma ocean and enriched in several critical elements including Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, K, and Cl which were exposed on the surface of the dry Earth. Around 190 million years after the solidification of the magma ocean, “ABEL bombardment” delivered volatiles including H2O, CO2, N2 as well as silicate components through the addition of icy asteroids. This event continued for 200 Myr with subordinate bombardments until 3.9 Ga, preparing the Earth for the prebiotic chemical evolution and as the cradle of first life. Due to vigorous convection arising from high mantle potential temperatures, the primordial continents disintegrated and were dragged down to the deep mantle, marking the onset of Hadean plate tectonics.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):910-944
For life to have dramatically evolved and diversified during the so-called Cambrian explosion, there must have been significant changes in the environmental conditions of Earth. A rapid increase in atmospheric oxygen, which has been discussed as the key factor in the evolution of life, cannot by itself explain such an explosion, since life requires more than oxygen to flourish let alone survive. The supply of nutrients must have played a more critical role in the explosion, including an increase in phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) which are key elements for metabolisms to function. So, what happened at the onset of the Cambrian to bring about changes in environmental conditions and nutrient supply and ultimately evolution of life?An ultimate trigger for the Cambrian explosion is proposed here. The geotherm along subduction zones of a cooling Earth finally became cool enough around 600 Ma to allow slabs to be hydrated. The subduction of these hydrated slabs transferred voluminous water from the ocean to the mantle, resulting in a lowering of the sea level and an associated exceptional exposure of nutrient-enriched continental crust, along with an increase in atmospheric oxygen. This loss of water at the surface of the Earth and an associated increase in exposed landmass is referred to here as leaking Earth. Vast amounts of nutrients began to be carried through weathering, erosion, and transport of the landmass; rock fragments of the landmass would break down into ions during transport to the ocean through river, providing life forms (prokaryote) sufficient nutrients to live and evolve. Also, plume-driven dome-up beneath the continental crusts broadened the surface area providing a supply of nutrients an order magnitude greater than that produced through uplift of mountains by continental collision. Simultaneously, atmospheric oxygen began to increase rapidly due to the burial of dead organic matter by enhanced sedimentation from the emergence of a greater landmass, which ultimately inhibited oxidation of organic matter. Hence, oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere, which when coupled with a continuous supply of nutrients, resulted in an explosion of life, including an increase in the size. An enhanced oxygen supply in the atmosphere resulted in the formation of an ozone layer, providing life a shield from the UV radiation of the Sun; this enabled life to invade the land. In addition to a change in the supply of nutrients related to a leaking Earth, the evolution of life was accelerated through mass extinction events such as observed during Snowball Earth, possibly related to a starburst in our galaxy, as well as mutation in the genome due to radiogenic elements sourced from carbonatite magma (atomic bomb magma) in rift valley. There are two requirements to find a habitable planet: (1) the initial mass of an ocean and (2) the size of a planet. These two conditions determine the history of a planet, including planetary tectonics and the birth of life. This newfound perspective, which includes the importance of a leaking planet, provides a dawn of new planetary science and astrobiology.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.08.003   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The primordial crust on the Earth formed from the crystallization of the surface magma ocean during the Hadean. However, geological surveys have found no evidence of rocks dating back to more than 4 Ga on the Earth's surface, suggesting the Hadean crust was lost due to some processes. We investigated the subduction of one of the possible candidates for the primordial crust, anorthosite and KREEP crust similar to the Moon, which is also considered to have formed from the crystallization of the magma ocean. Similar to the present Earth, the subduction of primordial crust by subduction erosion is expected to be an effective way of eliminating primordial crust from the surface. In this study, the subduction rate of the primordial crust via subduction channels is evaluated by numerical simulations. The subduction channels are located between the subducting slab and the mantle wedge and are comprised of primordial crust materials supplied mainly by subduction erosion. We have found that primordial anorthosite and KREEP crust of up to ~50 km thick at the Earth's surface was able to be conveyed to the deep mantle within 0.1-2 Gy by that mechanism.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000267   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Habitable Trinity is a newly proposed concept of a habitable environment.This concept indicates that the coexistence of an atmosphere(consisting largely of C and N),an ocean(H and O).and a landmass(supplier of nutrients) accompanying continuous material circulation between these three components driven by the Sun is one of the minimum requirements for life to emerge and evolve.The life body consists of C,0,H,N and other various nutrients,and therefore,the presence of water,only,is not a sufficient condition.Habitable Trinity environment must be maintained to supply necessary components for life body.Our Habitable Trinity concept can also be applied to other planets and moons such as Mars,Europa,Titan,and even exoplanets as a useful index in the quest for life-containing planetary bodies.  相似文献   

<正>The formation and disruption of supercontinents have significantly impacted mantle dynamics,solid earth processes,surface environments and the biogeochemical cycle.In the early history of the Earth,the collision of parallel intra-oceanic arcs was an important process in building embryonic continents.Superdownwelling along Y-shaped triple junctions might have been one of the important processes that aided in the rapid assembly of continental fragments into closely packed supercontinents. Various models have been proposed for the fragmentation of supercontinents including thermal blanket and superplume hypotheses.The reassembly of supercontinents after breakup and the ocean closure occurs through "introversion","extroversion" or a combination of both,and is characterized by either Pacific-type or Atlantic-type ocean closure.The breakup of supercontinents and development of hydrothermal system in rifts with granitic basement create anomalous chemical environments enriched in nutrients, which serve as the primary building blocks of the skeleton and bone of early modern life forms. A typical example is the rifting of the Rodinia supercontinent,which opened up an N—S oriented sea way along which nutrient enriched upwelling brought about a habitable geochemical environment.The assembly of supercontinents also had significant impact on life evolution.The role played by the Cambrian Gondwana assembly has been emphasized in many models,including the formation of 'Trans-gondwana Mountains' that might have provided an effective source of rich nutrients to the equatorial waters,thus aiding the rapid increase in biodiversity.The planet has witnessed several mass extinction events during its history,mostly connected with major climatic fluctuations including global cooling and warming events,major glaciations,fluctuations in sea level,global anoxia,volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts and gamma radiation.Some recent models speculate a relationship between superplumes,supercontinent breakup and mass extinction.Upwelling plumes cause continental rifting and formation of large igneous provinces.Subsequent volcanic emissions and resultant plume-induced "winter" have catastrophic effect on the atmosphere that lead to mass extinctions and long term oceanic anoxia.The assembly and dispersal of continents appear to have influenced the biogeochemical cycle,but whether the individual stages of organic evolution and extinction on the planet are closely linked to Solid Earth processes remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

近年的研究表明,地球生命可能起源于距今39~36亿年之间。除了碳元素以外,水、氮、氢、磷等元素也是生命起源的必备条件,黏土矿物和金属硫化物是有机质合成的重要催化剂,有热液活动的碱性热水环境是最有利生命发生的孵化场。自原核生物在约3.5 Ga出现之后,生命就一直表现为与环境的协同进化关系。大气圈氧化是地球史上最重大的地质事件之一,它不仅改变了地球表层环境条件、加速了表生地质过程和新矿物的产生,而且改变了海洋化学条件和元素循环。大气圈氧化事件的根本在于产氧蓝细菌的出现,元古宙中期海洋化学性质的整体转换也与微生物过程密切相关。新元古代多细胞生物的繁盛和末期后生动物的出现及其在寒武纪初期的快速多样化是生物圈演化的重大飞跃。这个过程也与海洋氧化增强及其导致的海洋化学变化密切相关,其中硫化水域消失和减弱以及海水中微营养元素可得性增加可能是重要因素,这也与微生物过程直接相关。  相似文献   

As we continue searching for exoplanets,we wonder if life and technological species capable of communicating with us exists on any of them.As geoscientists,we can also wonder how important is the presence or absence of plate tectonics for the evolution of technological species.This essay considers this question,focusing on tectonically active rocky(silicate) planets,like Earth,Venus,and Mars.The development of technological species on Earth provides key insights for understanding evolution on exoplanets,including the likely role that plate tectonics may play.An Earth-sized silicate planet is likely to experience several tectonic styles over its lifetime,as it cools and its lithosphere thickens,strengthens,and becomes denser.These include magma ocean,various styles of stagnant lid,and perhaps plate tectonics.Abundant liquid water favors both life and plate tectonics.Ocean is required for early evolution of diverse single-celled organisms,then colonies of cells which specialized further to form guts,appendages,and sensory organisms up to the complexity of fish(central nervous system,appendages,eyes).Large expanses of dry land also begin in the ocean,today produced above subduction zones in juvenile arcs and by their coalescence to form continents,although it is not clear that plate tectonics was required to create continental crust on Earth.Dry land of continents is required for further evolution of technological species,where modification of appendages for grasping and manipulating,and improvement of eyes and central nervous system could be perfected.These bioassets allowed intelligent creatures to examine the night sky and wonder,the beginning of abstract thinking,including religion and science.Technology arises from the exigencies of daily living such as tool-making,agriculture,clothing,and weapons,but the pace of innovation accelerates once it is allied with science.Finally,the importance of plate tectonics for developing a technological species is examined via a thought experiment using two otherwise identical planets:one with plate tectonics and the other without.A planet with oceans,continents,and plate tectonics maximizes opportunities for speciation and natural selection,whereas a similar planet without plate tectonics provides fewer such opportunities.Plate tectonics exerts environmental pressures that drive evolution without being capable of extinguishing all life.Plate tectonic processes such as the redistribution of continents,growth of mountain ranges,formation of land bridges,and opening and closing of oceans provide a continuous but moderate environmental pressure that stimulates populations to adapt and evolve.Plate tectonics may not be needed in order for life to begin,but evolution of technological species is favored on planets with oceans,continents,plate tectonics,and intermittently clear night sky.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.10.005   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The Earth was born as a dry planet without atmosphere and ocean components at 4.56 Ga, with subsequent secondary accretion of bio-elements, such as carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N) which peaked at 4.37–4.20 Ga. This two-step formation model of the Earth we refer to as the advent of bio-elements model (ABEL Model) and the event of the advent of bio-elements (water component) as ABEL Bombardment. It is clear that the solid Earth originated from enstatite chondrite-like dry material based on the similarity in oxygen isotopic composition and among other isotopes. On the other hand, Earth's water derives primarily from carbonaceous chondrite material based on the hydrogen isotopic ratio. We present our ABEL model to explain this enigma between solid Earth and water, as well as secondary accretion of oxidizing bio-elements, which became a precursor to initiate metabolism to emerge life on a highly reductive planet. If ABEL Bombardment had not occurred, life never would have emerged on the Earth. Therefore, ABEL Bombardment is one of the most important events for this planet to evolve into a habitable planet. The chronology of ABEL Bombardment is informed through previous researches of the late heavy bombardment and the late veneer model. ABEL Bombardment is considered to have occurred during 4.37–4.20 Ga, which is the concept to redefine the standard late heavy bombardment and the late veneer models. Also, ABEL Bombardment is the trigger of the transition from stagnant lid tectonics to plate tectonics on this planet because of the injection of volatiles into the initial dry Earth.  相似文献   

Discontinuity and periodicity of tectonic processes, eustatic fluctuations of the ocean level, volcanic and metallogenic activity, and some other global processes in the Earth’s history are indicative of the pulsatory nature of the Earth’s evolution. Correlation of geomagnetic field variations with global geological processes shows the geomagnetic field polarity to be an indicator of pulsations. The phases of the Earth’s expansion correspond to normal (present-day) polarity, and the planet’s contraction to epochs of reversed polarity. In terms of the concept of geopulsations, the diversity of basic geodynamic regimes of continents is determined by the combination of three factors: the phases of the Earth’s evolution (contraction-expansion), the effects of deep fluid and heat flows (plumes), and the state of the asthenosphere (its depth, thickness, and degree of heating). The general evolution of Phanerozoic ore deposition and the specific metallogenic features of tectonomagmatic cycles may be considered in a new light in view of the Earth’s pulsatory history.  相似文献   

When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga). The trigger of the initiation of plate tectonics is the ABEL Bombardment, which delivered oceanic and atmospheric components on a completely dry reductive Earth, originally comprised of enstatite chondrite-like materials. Through the accretion of volatiles, shock metamorphism processed with vaporization of both CI chondrite and supracrustal rocks at the bombarded location, and significant recrystallization went through under wet conditions, caused considerable eclogitization in the primordial continents composed of felsic upper crust of 21 km thick anorthosite, and 50 km or even thicker KREEP lower crust. Eclogitization must have yielded a powerful slab-pull force to initiate plate tectonics in the middle Hadean. Another important factor is the size of the bombardment. By creating Pacific Ocean class crater by 1000 km across impactor, rigid plate operating stagnant lid tectonics since the early Hadean was severely destroyed, and oceanic lithosphere was generated to have bi-modal lithosphere on the Earth to enable the operation of plate tectonics.Considering the importance of the ABEL Bombardment event which initiated plate tectonics including the appearance of ocean and atmosphere, we propose that the Hadean Eon can be subdivided into three periods:(1) early Hadean(4.57-4.37 Ga),(2) middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga), and(3) late Hadean(4.20-4.00 Ga).  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.11.007   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Lunar anorthosite is a major rock of the lunar highlands,which formed as a result of plagioclasefloatation in the lunar magma ocean(LMO).Constraints on the sufficient conditions that resulted in the formation of a thick pure anorthosite(mode of plagioclase 95 vol.%) is a key to reveal the early magmatic evolution of the terrestrial planets.To form the pure lunar anorthosite,plagioclase should have separated from the magma ocean with low crystal fraction.Crystal networks of plagioclase and mafic minerals develop when the crystal fraction in the magma(φ) is higher than ca.40-60 vol.%,which inhibit the formation of pure anorthosite.In contrast,when φ is small,the magma ocean is highly turbulent,and plagioclase is likely to become entrained in the turbulent magma rather than separated from the melt.To determine the necessary conditions in which anorthosite forms from the LMO,this study adopted the energy criterion formulated by Solomatov.The composition of melt,temperature,and pressure when plagioclase crystallizes are constrained by using MELTS/pMELTS to calculate the density and viscosity of the melt.When plagioclase starts to crystallize,the Mg~# of melt becomes 0.59 at 1291 C.The density of the melt is smaller than that of plagioclase for P 2.1 kbar(ca.50 km deep),and the critical diameter of plagioclase to separate from the melt becomes larger than the typical crystal diameter of plagioclase(1.8-3 cm).This suggests that plagioclase is likely entrained in the LMO just after the plagioclase starts to crystallize.When the Mg~# of melt becomes 0.54 at 1263 C,the density of melt becomes larger than that of plagioclase even for 0 kbar.When the Mg~# of melt decreases down to 0.46 at 1218 C,the critical diameter of plagioclase to separate from the melt becomes 1.5-2.5 cm,which is nearly equal to the typical plagioclase of the lunar anorthosite.This suggests that plagioclase could separate from the melt.One of the differences between the Earth and the Moon is the presence of water.If the terrestrial magma ocean was saturated with H_2O,plagioclase could not crystallize,and anorthosite could not form.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):945-965
The birth of modern life on Earth can be linked to the adequate supply of nutrients into the oceans. In this paper, we evaluate the relative supply of nutrients into the ocean. These nutrients entered the ocean through myriad passageways, but primarily through accelerated erosion due to uplift. In the ‘second ecosystem’, uplift is associated with plume-generation during the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. Although the evidence is somewhat cryptic, it appears that the second ecosystem included the demospongia back into the Cryogenian (~ 750 Ma). During the Ediacaran–Cambrian interval, convergent margin magmatism, arc volcanism and the closure of ocean basins provided a second pulse of nutrient delivery into the marine environment. A major radiation of life forms begins around 580 Ma and is represented by the diverse and somewhat enigmatic Ediacaran fauna followed by the Cambrian Explosion of modern phyla during the 540–520 Ma interval. Tectonically, the Ediacaran–Cambrian time interval is dominated by the formation of ultra-high pressure (UHP), high pressure (HP) and ultra-high temperature (UHT) orogenic belts during Gondwana orogenesis. Erosion of this extensive mountainous region delivered vast nutrients into the ocean and enhanced the explosiveness of the Cambrian radiation. The timing of final collisional orogeny and construction of the mountain belts in many of the Gondwana-forming orogens, particularly some of those in the central and eastern belts, post-date the first appearance of modern life forms. We therefore postulate that a more effective nutrient supply for the Cambrian radiation was facilitated by plume-driven uplift of TTG crust, subsequent rifting, and subduction-related nutrient systems prior to the assembly of Gondwana. In the outlined scenario, we propose that the birth of the ‘second ecosystem’ on our planet is plume-driven.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle is an important process that regulates Earth’s evolution. We compare two typical periods, in the Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, in which many geological events occurred. It remains an open question when modern plate tectonics started on Earth and how it has influenced the carbon cycle through time. In the Paleoproterozoic, intense weathering in a highly CO2 and CH4 rich atmosphere caused more nutritional elements to be carried into the ocean.Terrestri...  相似文献   

徐林刚 《矿床地质》2020,39(6):959-973
海相沉积型锰矿的成矿过程受古海洋沉积环境影响,而古海洋环境又与超大陆聚合与裂解、极端地质事件、生命演化等密切相关,因此,海相富锰地层是岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈等多圈层耦合关系与物质循环相关信息的重要载体。深层海水缺氧模型、最小氧化带模型和幕式充氧模型都显示海水中氧化还原梯度的变化是导致锰矿形成的最主要原因。全球范围内海相沉积型锰矿主要形成于古元古代、新元古代和显生宙3个地质历史时期。其中,元古宙时期,地球上发育了完善的氧化还原分层的古海洋结构;古元古代早期和新元古代,超大陆裂解引起的海平面升降变化导致古海洋氧化还原结构产生动荡,并促使大规模沉积型锰成矿作用发生;地球沉寂期(1800~800 Ma)涵盖了整个中元古代,这一时期仅在华北地台发育了少量沉积型锰矿床,反映该时期古海洋中锰的迁移受到了抑制;显生宙地球再次进入活跃期,经历了数次海洋缺氧事件,冰室-温室气候交替促使海水的化学性质剧烈变化,并在局部氧化还原分层的沉积盆地中富集形成沉积型锰矿床。总之,古海洋氧化还原环境的变化是沉积型锰矿形成的必要条件,同时,区域性沉积盆地的结构、海平面的升降、火山作用导致的物缘供给等多种因素都会影响沉积型锰矿的形成。与沉积型铁矿相比,沉积型锰矿对局部海水化学性质的变化更加敏感,综合研究铁锰矿床的共生与分异过程,将有助于更加有效的识别不同尺度的沉积过程与古海洋环境变化。  相似文献   

Geological observations indicate that there are only a few rocks of Archean Earth and no Hadean rocks on the surface of the present-day Earth. From these facts, many scientists believe that the primordial continents never existed during Hadean Earth, and the continental volume has kept increasing. On the other hand, recent studies reported the importance of the primordial continents on the origin of life, implying their existence. In this paper, we discussed the possible process that could explain the loss of the primordial continents with the assumption that they existed in the Hadean. Although depending on the timing of the initiation of plate tectonics and its convection style, subduction erosion, which is observed on the present-day Earth, might have carried the primordial continents into the deep mantle.  相似文献   

W.G. Ernst   《Gondwana Research》2007,11(1-2):38
In the early Earth, accretionary impact heating, including collision with a large, Mars-sized object, decay of short-lived radioisotopes, and (after an initial thermal run-up) continuous segregation of the liquid Fe–Ni core resulted in extensive the melting of the silicate mantle and in the formation of a near-surface magma mush ocean. Progressive, continuous degassing and chemical–gravitational differentiation of the crust–mantle system accompanied this Hadean stage, and has gradually lessened during the subsequent cooling of the planet. Mantle and core overturn was vigorous in the Hadean Earth, reflecting deep-seated chemical heterogeneities and concentrations of primordial heat. Hot, bottom-up mantle convection, including voluminous plume ascent, efficiently rid the planet of much thermal energy, but gradually decreased in importance with the passage of time. Formation of lithospheric scum began when planetary surface temperatures fell below those of basalt and peridotite solidi. Thickening and broadening of lithospheric plates are inferred from the post-Hadean rock record. Developmental stages of mantle circulation included: (a) 4.5–4.4 Ga, early, chaotic magma ocean circulation involving an incipient or pre-plate regime; (b) 4.4–2.7 Ga, growth of small micro-oceanic and microcontinental platelets, all returned to the mantle prior to 4.0 Ga, but increasing in size and progressively suturing sialic crust-capped lithospheric amalgams at and near the surface over time; (c) 2.7–1.0 Ga, assembly of cratons surmounting larger, supercontinental plates; and (d) 1.0 Ga–present, modern, laminar-flowing asthenospheric cells capped by gigantic, Wilson-cycle lithospheric plates. Restriction of komatiitic lavas to the Archean, and of ophiolite complexes ± alkaline igneous rocks, high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes to progressively younger Proterozoic–Phanerozoic orogenic belts supports the idea that planetary thermal relaxation promoted the increasingly negative buoyancy of cooler oceanic lithosphere. The Thickening of oceanic plates enhanced the gravitational instability and the consequent overturn of the outer Earth as cold, top-down oceanic mantle convection. The scales and dynamics of deep-seated asthenospheric circulation, and of lithospheric foundering + shallow asthenospheric return flow evidently have evolved gradually over geologic time in response to the progressive cooling of the Earth.  相似文献   

自从地球诞生以来经历了许多重大事件:早期生命的出现、大气氧化事件(Atmospheric oxygenation)、雪球地球及多次生物绝灭与复苏事件。稳定同位素记录在古环境和生命演化研究中具有重要意义,在记录环境变化和生命演化的重大事件中发挥着重大作用:碳同位素的分馏记录了最早生命的开始,硫同位素的非质量相关分馏(Independent mass fractionation of sulphur isotopes)记录了大气中氧含量的重大变化,而在显生宙的几次重大生物灭绝事件中,均有碳同位素的负向漂移。  相似文献   

What is pre-life? We have no idea, since it is hidden in chemical molecules that conceal its future genetic potential. From the biological standpoint, a prokaryotic cyanobacteria cell represents a culmination of biochemical evolution. Its appearance on the Earth marked the starting point of the formation of the first biogeocoenosis on the planet, i.e., the onset of its biosphere. After having started, approximately 4.0–3.7 Ga ago, biosphere evolution has continued uninterrupted on the Earth. Its whole course is reflected in the geochronological record of the stratisphere, the stratified shell of the Earth. In the stratigraphic sense, this record comprises the Archean, Proterozoic (i.e., Karelian and Riphean), and Phanerozoic (i.e., Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic). They correspond to acrochrons, i.e., the main stages in biosphere evolution. According to the Precambrian paleontology, the first three acrochrons represent a pre-Vendian stage in the evolution of unicellular prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms that terminated in the Riphean with the appearance of their colonial communities. The true metacellular structure of tissue Metaphyta and Metazoa started forming only in the Late Neoproterozoic (Late Riphean). The Vendian Period was marked by a radiation of macrotaxonomic diversity with the appearance of the main multicellular types of the Phanerozoic organization level. Therefore, the last acrochron (lasting from approximately 650 Ma ago) should be considered as corresponding to the Vendian-Phanerozoic period. The Cambrian explosion corresponds to the mass expansion of skeletal Metazoa.  相似文献   

行星地球不均一成因和演化的理论框架初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球是太阳系的一部分 ,研究地球的成因和演化必须要与太阳系的形成结合起来。文章在综合最新的地球化学、地球物理和天体化学研究资料的基础上 ,对地球的不均一成因进行了理论上的推导。对星子学说、地球的多阶段堆积模型和地球化学不均一性以及它们的相互关系进行了论述 ,从行星演化的角度阐述地球不均一成因的理论框架。根据行星起源的星子学说 ,以及天体化学、地球化学和深部地质地球化学和地球物理资料的多重限制 ,行星地球的增生经历了两个主要阶段 ,即原地球的形成阶段和晚期星子堆积形成上地幔镶饰层阶段。早前寒武纪岩石的铅、钕、氧同位素的研究表明 ,在地球形成的初期就存在化学不均一性 ,而这种不均一性很可能代表初始堆积星子化学组成的差异  相似文献   

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