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As a new remote sensing technology, the global navigation satellite system(GNSS) reflection signals can be used to collect the information of ocean surface wind, surface roughness and sea surface height. Ocean altimetry based on GNSS reflection technique is of low cost and it is easy to obtain large amounts of data thanks to the global navigation satellite constellation. We can estimate the sea surface height as well as the position of the specular reflection point. This paper focuses on the study of the algorithm to determine the specular reflection point and altimetry equations to estimate the sea surface height over the reflection region. We derive the error equation of sea surface height based on the error propagation theory. Effects of the Doppler shift and the size of the glistening zone on the altimetry are discussed and analyzed at the same time. Finally, we calculate the sea surface height based on the simulated GNSS data within the whole day and verify the sea surface height errors according to the satellite elevation angles. The results show that the sea surface height can reach the precision of 6 cm for elevation angles of 55° to 90°, and the theoretical error and the calculated error are in good agreement.  相似文献   

This work presents the first calibration results for the SARAL/AltiKa altimetric mission using the Gavdos permanent calibration facilities. The results cover one year of altimetric observations from April 2013 to March 2014 and include 11 calibration values for the altimeter bias. The reference ascending orbit No. 571 of SARAL/AltiKa has been used for this altimeter assessment. This satellite pass is coming from south and nears Gavdos, where it finally passes through its west coastal tip, only 6 km off the main calibration location. The selected calibration regions in the south sea of Gavdos range from about 8 km to 20 km south off the point of closest approach. Several reference surfaces have been chosen for this altimeter evaluation based on gravimetric, but detailed regional geoid, as well as combination of it with other altimetric models.

Based on these observations and the gravimetric geoid model, the altimeter bias for the SARAL/AltiKa is determined as mean value of ?46mm ±10mm, and a median of ?42 mm ±10 mm, using GDR-T data at 40 Hz rate. A preliminary cross-over analysis of the sea surface heights at a location south of Gavdos showed that SARAL/AltiKa measure less than Jason-2 by 4.6 cm. These bias values are consistent with those provided by Corsica, Harvest, and Karavatti Cal/Val sites. The wet troposphere and the ionosphere delay values of satellite altimetric measurements are also compared against in-situ observations (?5 mm difference in wet troposphere and almost the same for the ionosphere) determined by a local array of permanent GNSS receivers, and meteorological sensors.  相似文献   

GNSS-R海面测高算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了GNSS-R海面测高的原理和主要误差源,对测高中的两个关键算法进行了研究,包括利用梯度法直接从实测数据中计算镜点位置,利用非线性回归算法计算相关波形峰值点的位置,并在此基础上研究了散射延迟的问题。  相似文献   

Ship-board global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements are widely used to determine sea surface heights, marine geoid validation, and/or satellite altimetry calibration. However, the use of a vessel could be complicated near coastal areas due to shallow water. Therefore, in the area of sea ice formation, GNSS measurements on the ice surface could be a viable alternative to vessel-borne surveys. Importantly, the ice-covered water is not affected by short-term winds, which otherwise could have systematic influence on the instantaneous sea surface topography. This study tackles methodology and validation of marine geoid models by profile-wise GNSS measurements on ice in an archipelago of the Baltic Sea. The GNSS measurements were carried out on the three ice roads with total length 48 kilometers. The along-route standard deviation between the gravimetric geoid model and profile-wise GNSS heights remained within ±2.1 centimeters.  相似文献   

简述了卫星重力梯度测量技术的基本原理和GOCE数据特点;基于三个不同的重力场模型,采用不同阶次,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算出全球海面地形,并对结果作了比较分析;探讨了卫星重力梯度测量技术在海洋科学各相关领域的具体应用前景,指出卫星重力梯度测量技术的发展将为海洋科学发展带来巨大的变化。  相似文献   

利用机载GNSS反射信号反演海面风速的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王迎强  严卫  符养  李萍 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):51-59
全球卫星导航定位系统的反射信号(GNSS-R)遥感技术作为一种新型的、低成本的、高机动性的海面微波遥感测风技术,与其他测风手段优势互补,可以增加测风手段的多样性,弥补局部测风手段不足的状况。研究了接收机在机载高度时,GPS反射信号功率理论模型四部分函数的性质,在此基础之上,数值模拟了机载高度下理论相关功率波形,基于海面风速对波形峰值与后沿的影响,提出了一种能够兼顾所有理论波形信息的二维插值风速反演方法。利用该方法,结合实测机载数据对海面风速进行反演,反演的风速均值与附近测站风速均值相差为1.4 m/s,与浮标数据相一致。  相似文献   

根据2种海气通量数据集(COADS、ECMWF)和2种海气通量块体参数化方案(常数块体参数化方案和非常数块体参数化方案)的不同结合,构成4组数值实验,使用HYCOM数值模式分别模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度。实验结果表明:(1)非常数块体参数化方案优于常数块体参数化方案;在太平洋40°N~20°S区域内,采用前者得到的年平均海表温度比Pathfinder卫星资料高约0.21℃,而采用后者得到的年平均海表温度比Path-finder卫星资料高约0.63℃。(2)HYCOM数值模式很好地模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度变化及西太平洋暖池空间分布的月变化。特别是实验2(采用COADS数据集和非常数块体参数化方案),在太平洋40°N~20°S区域内,冬、春两季平均SST仅比Pathfinder卫星数据集高0.02℃。(3)不同海气通量数据会对模拟结果产生明显影响。对比采用COADS数据集的实验2结果与采用ECMWF数据集的实验4结果可以发现,在模拟区域的西北部,实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约1℃;在模拟区域的东南部,实验4比实验2的年平均SST高约1℃。两者差的最大值出现在58°N、140°E附近及中国渤海,实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约4℃。  相似文献   

A bottom pressure gauge (BPG) was installed in proximity (3.7 km at closest approach) of Jason-1 and formerly TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) ground track No. 238 at the Wusi site, located ∼ 10 km offshore off the west coast of Santo Island, Vanuatu, Southwest (SW) Pacific. Sea level variations are inferred from the bottom pressure, seawater temperature, and salinity, corrected for the measured surface atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the water column (steric increase in sea surface height, SSH) due to temperature and salinity changes is approximated by the equation of state. We compare time series of SSH derived from T/P Side B altimeter Geophysical Data Records (GDR) and Jason-1 Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDR), with the gauge-inferred sea level variations. Since altimeter SSH is a geocentric measurement, whereas the gauge-inferred observation is a relative sea level measurement, SSH comparison is conducted with the means of both series removed in this study. In addition, high-rate (1-Hz) bottom pressure implied wave heights (H1/3) are compared with the significant wave height (SWH) measured by Jason-1. Noticeable discrepancy is found in this comparison for high waves, however the differences do not contribute significantly to the difference in sea level variations observed between the altimeter and the pressure gauge. In situ atmospheric pressure measurements are also used to verify the inverse barometer (IB) and the dry troposphere corrections (DTC) used in the Jason IGDR. We observe a bias between the IGDR corrections and those derived from the local sensors. Standard deviations of the sea level differences between T/P and BPG is 52 mm and is 48 mm between Jason and BPG, indicating that both altimeters have similar performance at the Wusi site and that it is feasible to conduct long-term monitoring of altimetry at such a site.  相似文献   

S. CALMANT  K. CHENG  G. JAN  C. KUO  C. SHUM  Y. YI 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):597-613
A bottom pressure gauge (BPG) was installed in proximity (3.7 km at closest approach) of Jason-1 and formerly TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) ground track No. 238 at the Wusi site, located ~ 10 km offshore off the west coast of Santo Island, Vanuatu, Southwest (SW) Pacific. Sea level variations are inferred from the bottom pressure, seawater temperature, and salinity, corrected for the measured surface atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the water column (steric increase in sea surface height, SSH) due to temperature and salinity changes is approximated by the equation of state. We compare time series of SSH derived from T/P Side B altimeter Geophysical Data Records (GDR) and Jason-1 Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDR), with the gauge-inferred sea level variations. Since altimeter SSH is a geocentric measurement, whereas the gauge-inferred observation is a relative sea level measurement, SSH comparison is conducted with the means of both series removed in this study. In addition, high-rate (1-Hz) bottom pressure implied wave heights (H 1/3 ) are compared with the significant wave height (SWH) measured by Jason-1. Noticeable discrepancy is found in this comparison for high waves, however the differences do not contribute significantly to the difference in sea level variations observed between the altimeter and the pressure gauge. In situ atmospheric pressure measurements are also used to verify the inverse barometer (IB) and the dry troposphere corrections (DTC) used in the Jason IGDR. We observe a bias between the IGDR corrections and those derived from the local sensors. Standard deviations of the sea level differences between T/P and BPG is 52 mm and is 48 mm between Jason and BPG, indicating that both altimeters have similar performance at the Wusi site and that it is feasible to conduct long-term monitoring of altimetry at such a site.  相似文献   

利用JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计在相互校正阶段的观测资料,对两者在中国海和西北太平洋测得的海面风速、有效波高、后向散射截面、海平面高度等参数进行一致性分析;利用j,v模型及主要分潮的调和常数,对中国陆架浅海的JASON-1海平面高度数据进行浅海潮汐修正,使用验潮站月平均水位资料对修正结果加以印证。结果显示,2颗高度计观测的海洋环境参数具有强相关性,JASON-1具备了完成延续TOPEX/POSEIDON数据集这一使命的条件。但是,2套系统对于同一海洋环境参数的观测还是存在不能忽略的差异,对这种差异进行了分析,并给出了修正模型。所使用的浅海潮汐修正方法有效地抑制了中国陆架浅海潮波对海平面高度反演的影响,所使用浅海水域的5个验潮站月平均水位资料与JASON-1高度计经过浅海潮汐修正后的海平面高度的相关系数为0.738,标准偏差为0.096m。通过进一步融合JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON在并行飞行期间的海平面高度数据并与验潮站资料比较显示,两者的相关系数提高到0.83,标准偏差为0.067m。  相似文献   

本文使用HYCOM数值模式,根据两种海气通量数据集(COADS、ECMWF)和两种海气通量块体参数化方案(常数块体参数化方案和非常数块体参数化方案)的不同结合,构成4组数值实验,分别模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度.实验结果表明:1)在本文的实验中,非常数块体参数化方案优于常数块体参数化方案;在太平洋40°N-20°S区域内,采用前者得到的年平均海表温度比Pathfinder卫星资料高约0.21 °C,而采用后者得到的年平均海表温度比Pathfinder卫星资料高约0.63 °C.2)HYCOM数值模式很好的模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度变化及西太平洋暖池空间分布的月变化.特别是实验2(采用COADS数据集和非常数块体参数化方案),在太平洋40°N - 20°S区域内,冬春两季平均SST仅比Pathfinder卫星数据集高0.02 °C.3)不同的海气通量数据会对模式结果产生明显的影响.对比采用COADS数据集的实验2结果与采用ECMWF数据集的实验4结果可以发现,在模拟区域的西北部,实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约1 °C;在模拟区域的东南部,实验4比实验2的年平均SST高约1 °C.两者差的最大值出现在58°N、140°E附近及中国渤海,约为4 °C(实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约4 °C).  相似文献   

海洋的盐度观测对于气候和海洋科学的研究有重要的意义,盐度的卫星遥感观测需要估计各种因素带来的误差影响。本文基于海面微波辐射理论和海水相对电容率等模型,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法研究了在盐度遥感中温度误差、仪器误差以及风速误差对于后续的盐度反演的影响。通过计算温度误差产生的盐度误差,并与敏感性方法的对比发现,在低温低盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较大,2种方法的偏差较大;而在高温高盐时温度误差对盐度反演误差的影响较小,2种方法的偏差较小。辐射计仪器噪声对盐度误差的影响普遍在0.1psu以上,在低温低盐时可达0.5psu以上。风速误差对盐度反演误差的影响在水平极化状态下随入射角增大,在温度低于20℃时普遍超过1psu;在垂直极化状态下随入射角先减小后增大,在温度低于20℃以及较小的入射角下误差也会超过1psu。对误差的综合分析发现,采用垂直极化状态在高温时这2种误差的影响较小。研究发现,当入射角是45.6°和垂直极化状态下,对于3种典型海面状态(35℃和35psu,20℃和35psu,5℃和30psu),反演的盐度反演误差可达到0.162,0.153和0.444psu,达到了卫星单次扫描对盐度反演的误差要求。  相似文献   

葛磊  徐永生  尹宝树 《海洋科学》2016,40(2):128-135
压力传感逆式回声仪(pressure-sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders,PIES)可以用来测量海底压力和声波从海底到海面的传播时间。海底压力和声波传播时间分别被用来估计水体质量变化(正压)和比容变化(斜压)对海面高度距平的贡献。对由PIES在日本海西南海域现场观测数据得到的海面高度距平(PIES SLA)与卫星高度计海面高度距平(Sat SLA)进行了比较研究。利用相关分析法,对PIES SLA和沿轨T/P卫星、沿轨ERS-2卫星测得的海面高度距平(TP SLA、ERS-2 SLA)进行了比较;对PIES SLA和AVISO网格化海面高度距平进行了比较,估计可能的误差来源,并分析PIES SLA正压部分和斜压部分对SLA的贡献。比较发现,PIES SLA和Sat SLA的相关系数较高,且均方根误差较小,并且对特定区域和特定站点产生误差可能的原因进行了进一步的探讨。通过研究,有以下结论:(1)相对于湾流和黑潮地区,这一区域正压部分对海面高度的贡献相对较大;(2)如果再考虑斜压变化对海面高度的贡献,PIES SLA和Sat SLA相关系数会有所提升;(3)在高能区PIES SLA和Sat SLA相关系数较高,符合得相对比较好。总的来说,在日本海地区,PIES SLA和Sat SLA相关系数较高,具有较高的一致性,能为我国海洋二号(HY-2)等卫星高度计的校验提供一种可靠的方式。该研究对于PIES的研发和设计以及对于PIES的布放位置的选择都有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

全面收集1988—2025年中国地球观测卫星(和飞船)计划,包括历史的、运行中的和列入未来计划的。详细介绍风云卫星系列(FY-n)、海洋卫星系列(HY-n)、资源卫星系列(ZY-n)、环境卫星系列(HJ-n)、中国遥感卫星系列(CRS-n)、灾害监测星座/北京小卫星(DMC/BJ-1)、神舟飞船系列(SZ-n)和天宫空间站系列(TG-n)等8个卫星(和飞船、空间站)系列。这些卫星(和飞船、空间站)系列都提供对海洋的观测,从而构成中国卫星海洋观测系统。按装载的传感器分类,进而给出中国的海色、海表温度、海面高度、海面风场和合成孔径雷达(SAR)卫星观测系统。对中国海洋观测卫星与国际海洋观测卫星装载的传感器性能作了比较和讨论,指出差距。列出目前在轨运行的中国海洋卫星观测系统38个传感器及其类似的国外卫星传感器。  相似文献   

太平洋波高分布及变化规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
使用 Topex/ Poseidon卫星高度计 1 992年 1 0月~ 1 998年 1 2月连续 75个月 ,2 30个重复周期的有效波高资料对南北太平洋的有效波高进行了统计 ,分析了太平洋有效波高的多年平均、多年各月平均和多年各季平均的空间分布特征和时间变化规律。结果表明 ,太平洋波高分布具有明显季节变化的规律 ,与太平洋的风速分布特征具有良好的对应关系  相似文献   

An observation line along the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) ground track 060 was set to estimate the Oyashio transport. We call this line the OICE (Oyashio Intensive observation line off-Cape Erimo) along which we have been conducting repeated hydrographic observations and maintaining mooring systems. T/P derived sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) was compared with velocity and transport on OICE. Although the decorrelation scale of SSHA was estimated at about 80–110 km in the Oyashio region, the SSHA also contains horizontal, small-scale noise, which was eliminated using a Gaussian filter. In the comparison between the SSHA difference across two selected points and the subsurface velocity measured by a moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), the highest correlation (0.92) appeared when the smoothing scale was set at 30 km with the two points as near as possible. For the transport in the Oyashio region, the geostrophic transport between 39°30′ N and 42°N was compared with the SSHA difference across the same two points. In this case the highest correlations (0.79, 0.88 and 0.93) occurred when the smoothing scale was set at 38, 6 and 9 km for reference levels of 1000, 2000 and 3000 db, respectively. The annual mean transport was estimated as 9.46 Sv in the 3000 db reference case. The Oyashio transport time series was derived from the T/P SSHA data, and the transports are smaller than that estimated from the Sverdrup balance in 1994–1996 and larger than that in 1997–2000. This difference is consistent with baroclinic response to wind stress field. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以研究《联合国海洋法公约》及相关法律文书为出发点,探讨海洋划界理论与技术,分析我国领海现状,在此基础上提出领海基点信息管理与应用,建立领海基点信息数据库,进而实际制作领海基点信息系统。  相似文献   

数字海洋水体模型建立与三维可视化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分析数字海洋水体要素信息表达需求基础上,提出了"水体立方"数据模型及其建立方法;基于 TerraSuite、Ev-Globe 等三维地理信息软件,研究了海面模拟、水体要素立体表达和海洋虚拟场景建立,其中通过"像元体"表达三维水体要素是本文的重点.该研究对数字海洋原型系统建设有技术指导作用.  相似文献   


HY-2A, which was launched on 16 August 2011, is the Chinese first microwave ocean dynamics environment satellite. Analyses of HY-2A daily sea-level anomaly data and HY-2A–Jason-2 (H-J) dual crossover sea-level anomaly differences show that HY-2A has measurement differences that mainly refer to an orbit error. H-J crossover differences and HY-2A–HY-2A (H-H) crossover differences give an estimate of the HY-2A orbit error. Smoothing cubic-spline functions are then used to obtain a continuous estimation of the HY-2A orbit error over time. On the basis of the simultaneous global minimization of H-J dual crossover differences and H-H crossover differences, the HY-2A observation error is efficiently reduced and height measurement data that are more precise are obtained. Specifically, the range bias/trend of the HY-2A altimeter is removed effectively and the root mean square of H-J crossover sea-level anomaly differences decrease from above 60?cm to 5.64?cm, and the standard deviation of H-J crossover differences decreases from 6.68 to 5.64?cm. Furthermore, the rms and standard deviations of H-H crossover differences both decrease from 7.46 to 6.55?cm. The results show that HY-2A after correction has a measurement accuracy and precision that are comparable to those of Jason-2.  相似文献   

This study estimates a realistic change of the Japan Sea by assimilating satellite measurements into an eddy-resolving circulation model. Suboptimal but feasible assimilation schemes of approximate filtering and nudging play essential roles in the system. The sequential update of error covariance significantly outperforms the asymptotic covariance in the sequential assimilation due to the irregular sampling patterns from multiple altimeter satellites. The best estimates show an average rms difference of only 1.2°C from the radiometer data, and also explain about half of the sea level variance measured by the altimeter observation. The subsurface conditions associated with the mesoscale variabilities are also improved, especially in the Tsushima Warm Current region. It is demonstrated that the forecast limit strongly depends on variable, depth, and location.  相似文献   

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