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A Probabilistic Method for Motion Analysis of Caisson Breakwaters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 .IntroductionInrecent years ,especiallyfrom1994 when aninternational conference on breakwater design washeldinJapan,muchresearchonthe dynamic analysis of caisson breakwaters has been done ,and manyimportant progresses have been made .Oumeraci and Korten…  相似文献   

Reliability Index of Caisson Breakwaters for Load Variables Correlated   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to suit the condition that the wave uplift is correlated with the horizontal wave load acting on a vertical breakwater, a generally used method for determining the reliability index β of the breakwater, i.e. the Hasofer-Lind method, is extended in a generalized stochastic space for correlative variables. The computational results for a caisson breakwater indicate that the value of β for the case of correlated variables is obviously smaller than that for the case of independent variables.  相似文献   

Importance Sampling Method in V-Space   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the observation of importance sampling and second order information about the fail-ure surface of a structure,an importance sampling region is defined in V-space which is obtained by ro-tating a U-space at the point of maximum likelihood.The sampling region is a hyper-ellipsoid that con-sists of the sampling ellipse on each plane of main curvature in V-space.Thus,the sampling probabilitydensity function can be constructed by the sampling region center and ellipsoid axes.Several exampleshave shown the efficiency and generality of this method.  相似文献   

在建立海上油气设施的风险分析系统时,对由台风引发的极端海况造成的结构失效进行风险评估是1个十分重要的问题。为了建立实用可靠的风险评价方法,本文使用基于重点抽样法的随机模拟技术,对渤海海域CB12-C井组平台结构进行了全概率法失效概率计算,并在此基础上进行了平台结构的风险评价。该方法是1种适用于固定式海洋平台的定量风险评价方法,充分考虑了平台结构风险分析过程中各种不确定性的影响,极大提高了定量风险评价结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionTremendousdevelopmentofinternationaltradeandseatransportationhastakenplacesincethe1 980s.Duringthesameperiodoftime ,harbortransportationincreasedmarkedly ,resultinginthede teriorationofwaveconditionsinharbors .Reducingwavedamagetoportandmarine…  相似文献   

Evaluating the expected sliding distance of a vertical slit caisson breakwater is proposed. Time history for the wave load to a vertical slit caisson is made. It consists of two impulsive wave pressures followed by a smooth sinusoidal pressure. In the numerical analysis, the sliding distance for an attack of single wave was shown and the expected sliding distance during 50 years was also presented. Those results were compared with a vertical front caisson breakwater without slit. It was concluded that the sliding distance of a vertical slit caisson may be over-estimated if the wave pressure on the caisson is evaluated without considering vertical slit.  相似文献   

A new load surface based approach to the reliability analysis of caisson-type breakwater is proposed. Uncertainties of the horizontal and vertical wave loads acting on breakwater are considered by using the so-called load surfaces, which can be estimated as functions of wave height, water level, and so on. Then, the first-order reliability method(FORM) can be applied to determine the probability of failure under the wave action. In this way, the reliability analysis of breakwaters with uncertainties both in wave height and in water level is possible. Moreover, the uncertainty in wave breaking can be taken into account by considering a random variable for wave height ratio which relates the significant wave height to the maximum wave height. The proposed approach is applied numerically to the reliability analysis of caisson breakwater under wave attack that may undergo partial or full wave breaking.  相似文献   

Corresponding to the sliding and the overturning failure, the elementary motion modes of caisson breakwater include the horizontal-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal sliding-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal vibrating-uplift rocking coupled motion, and the horizontal sliding-uplift rocking coupled motion. The motion mode of a caisson will transform from one to another depending on the wave forces and the motion behaviors of the caisson. The numerical models of four motion modes of caisson are developed, and the numerical simulation procedure for joint motion process of various modes of caisson breakwater under wave excitation is presented and tested by a physical model experiment . It is concluded that the simulation procedure is reliable and can be applied to the dynamic stability analysis of caisson breakwaters.  相似文献   

Corresponding to the sliding and the overturning failure, the elementary motion modes of caisson breakwater include the horizontal-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal sliding-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal vibrating-uplift rocking coupled motion, and the horizontal sliding- uplift rocking coupled motion. The motion mode of a caisson will transform from one to another depending on the wave forces and the motion behaviors of the caisson. The numerical models of four motion modes of caisson are developed, and the numerical simulation procedure for joint motion process of various modes of caisson breakwater under wave excitation is presented and tested by a physical model experiment. It is concluded that the simulation procedure is reliable and can be applied to the dynamic stability analysis of caisson breakwaters.  相似文献   

- In this paper, some problems in the design of the breakwater for Dayaowan port area are described including the optimal selection of the layout plan of the breakwater; the selection of structural type of the breakwater, the concrete block type for bank protection, the reversed L-shape parapet; the elevation of the parapet; the stability test of the whole revetment; as well as wave absorbing effects of the perforated  相似文献   

In the dynamic stability analysis of a caisson breakwater, most of current studies pay attention to the motion characteristics of caisson breakwaters under a single periodical breaking wave excitation. And in the lifetime stability analysis of caisson breakwater, it is assumed that the caisson breakwater suffers storm wave excitation once annually in the design lifetime. However, the number of annual severe storm occurrence is a random variable. In this paper, a series of random waves are generated by the Wen Sheng-chang wave spectrum, and the histories of successive and long-term random wave forces are built up by using the improved Goda wave force model. It is assumed that the number of annual severe storm occurrence is in the Poisson distribution over the 50-year design lifetime, and the history of random wave excitation is generated for each storm by the wave spectrum. The response histories of the caisson breakwater to the random waves over 50-year design lifetime are calculated and taken as a set of samples. On the basis of the Monte Carlo simulation technique, a large number of samples can be obtained, and the probability assessment of the safety of the breakwater during the complete design lifetime is obtained by statistical analysis of a large number of samples. Finally, the procedure of probability assessment of the breakwater safety is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

基于海浪谱的沉箱式防波堤动力分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海浪谱JONSWAP谱生成随机波浪,并结合改进的波浪力时程模型生成一个连续的、持续时间相对较长的随机波浪力作用过程。假设五十年设计基准期内防波堤每年遭受一次风暴,利用波浪谱随机生成五十次风暴波浪作用过程,对防波堤五十年设计基准期的响应过程进行一次随机模拟,以此作为一个样本。经过对大量随机模拟产生的样本进行统计分析,实现对防波堤整个设计基准期内的安全度进行概率评估。最后,通过算例对该方法的应用进行了演示。  相似文献   

作为深海科学研究的重要基础装备,深海超长沉积物柱状取样系统在海底地形地貌、海洋地质构造、气候环境变化等研究领域发挥了重要作用,其在海底矿产资源勘探、海洋工程地质勘察等方面展现了巨大应用价值。针对传统超长柱状沉积物取样系统在作业过程中存在的盲目采样、安全隐患大、甲板作业空间受限等问题,自主研制了一套适用于深海的超长可控可视沉积物柱状取样系统,该系统具有液压锤击、立式收放和实时监控功能,能获取连续、超长、具有精准姿态方位信息的柱状沉积物样品。现通过对独立排缆方式、取样管快速拆装、样品封堵、低扰动取样刀头等关键技术细节进行优化,解决了样品扰动大、取样率低的问题,提高了取样作业效率与样品质量,且降低了作业安全风险。2017—2021年,该取样系统搭载不同母船在南海1 700,1 725 和1 778 m水深分别获取了15.25、16.01和15.83 m的长柱状沉积物样品。该设备的成熟应用,可为我国深海探测研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Abstract. Meiobenthic samples were collected by two different methods from the microtidal coralline sand beach at Gosier, Guadeloupe, West Indies: (I) vertical cores and (2) the K araman /C happuis (KC) technique of digging a hole and filtering the seepage water from the bottom. Nematode species diversity was unaffected by the sampling method, but nematode species composition differed. There was no evidence from statistical analysis to suggest differences in diversity or composition of higher taxa between sampling methods, although gastrotrichs appeared to be underrepresented by the KC technique.  相似文献   

文中介绍了如何利用触摸屏和PLC相结合,对海水样品自动采集、预处理与分配系统进行控制,着重介绍了控制系统的组成以及PLC和触摸屏的软件设计。  相似文献   

系统阐述宁波舟山港主通道跨海工程混凝土结构耐久性评估与维护技术。首先介绍宁波舟山港主通道工程概况及100年使用年限的总体要求;确定耐久性极限状态为海洋氯离子侵入引起的钢筋表面脱钝。针对此极限状态,建立了氯离子侵入过程的耐久性评估模型,确定了不同暴露条件下模型参数的统计规律;根据混凝土保护层厚度的现场实测数据和修正的暴露条件下氯离子扩散系数,对模型参数进行了更新;考虑施工阶段混凝土构件的耐久性附加措施,以某标段非通航孔桥为例,使用全概率方法计算了各类混凝土桥梁构件的失效概率和可靠指标;最终在混凝土构件耐久性评估的基础上,提出了某标段非通航孔桥各类混凝土构件的基本维护制度和维护周期。  相似文献   

载波相位测量中小周跳的探测与修复一直是高精度GPS定位研究中的热点领域。分析了L1和L2载波相位观测值的关系,通过相邻历元的相位观测值求差来探测周跳,并结合伪距差分约束条件来确定及修复周跳。结合实例分析,证明该方法可以有效地探测并修复周跳,并通过Matlab编程实现了算法的程序化。  相似文献   

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