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基于RANS方程的求解方法,对PPTC大侧斜螺旋桨的敞水和空化性能进行数值计算。采用不同的两方程湍流模型对PPTC螺旋桨进行敞水计算,计算的结果与SVA公开发表的试验结果十分吻合。选取表现相对较好的RNG k-ε湍流模型做了网格无关性验证的计算。依据SVA公布的空泡试验结果,选取其中一个的典型空化状态进行数值模拟(J=1.019,=2.024),计算结果表明在叶片上出现了与试验结果基本吻合的片状空泡,将计算结果与其它相关数值模拟结果进行比较分析。  相似文献   

首先,使用叶素动量理论对所设计的室内试验用小型水平轴潮流能水力涡轮叶片模型进行初步计算,获得其性能参数,此后借助NUMECA软件,采用三维计算流体动力学(CFD)方法对水平轴水力涡轮进行三维水动力分析,得到其性能曲线,最后通过试验水槽进行模型试验,对BEM计算结果和CFD计算结果进行验证,结果表明:叶素动量理论和CFD方法均能对水力涡轮性能进行有效预测,且CFD方法具有更高的精度;此外,根据CFD方法得到叶片表明的压力分布,根据空化条件可知,该水力涡轮会发生空化。  相似文献   

基于重叠网格模型,通过非定常RANS数值模拟与结果分析,研究了块状冰的尺寸、轴向运动和冰桨位置对螺旋桨水动力性能的影响。选用切割体网格绘制整体静止计算域的背景网格,之后结合棱柱层网格绘制螺旋桨子计算域和冰块子计算域的重叠网格,不同的计算域之间通过两者的重叠区域进行数据传递和插值。计算结果显示,当冰块固定在桨前时,螺旋桨产生的非定常推力和扭矩均以叶频为基频进行周期性变化,而且两者的时间平均值和振幅主要受冰块在螺旋桨盘面内的轴向投影面积、冰桨轴向位置和冰桨水平位置的影响;当冰块在桨前沿轴向匀速靠近螺旋桨时,冰桨轴向距离逐渐变小,冰桨周向相对位置发生周期性的变化,使得推力和扭矩两者均以叶频振荡,而且两者的时间平均值和振幅均随着冰桨轴向距离减小而增加。  相似文献   

由于前后桨的相互干扰,对转桨的推力和扭矩呈现非常明显的非定常特点。一些主要的设计参数,如前后桨叶数比、推力比以及桨盘面间距对对转桨的水动力性能皆有一定的影响。分别对它们进行系统的研究有助于减弱对转桨的不利干扰,最大程度地回收周向动能。本文采用CFD方法首先分析了叶数比的影响,推力和扭矩的预报结果与试验值吻合良好,结果显示,叶数比为4∶5的对转桨拥有较好的稳定性。另外,对转桨的效率比等效单桨高8.73%~10.2%左右。最后研究了前后桨不同间距和不同推力比的影响,结果显示,增加前后桨的间距可以有效减小前后桨的不利干扰,但是在一定间距内或者推力比在1附近,对转桨水动力均值变化影响不大。  相似文献   

为了更准确地模拟潮流能水轮机的水动力学性能并研究边界层转捩对水轮机翼型水动力学特性的影响,本文采用κ-ε湍流模型以及γ-Re_θ转捩模型对水轮机翼型水动力学性能进行了考虑转捩的数值模拟。在进行转捩模拟时通过CFD软件的UDF接口将转捩经验关系式导入求解器中,在-5°~25°攻角范围内对水轮机翼型的水动力学性能进行了数值模拟。比较湍流模拟与转捩模拟下水轮机翼型的升阻力系数以及流场特征,结果表明:对水轮机翼型水动力学性能进行全湍流模拟时在小攻角范围内忽略了转捩前的层流状态,导致湍流模拟所得到的升力系数小于使用γ-Re_θ转捩模型的转捩模拟所得的升力系数;阻力系数则大于转捩模拟所得的结果;相比于全湍流模拟,转捩模拟时会更早的进入深失速状态。  相似文献   

基于UDF的水平轴潮流能水轮机被动旋转水动力性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对水平轴潮流能水轮机被动旋转问题,基于Fluent 17.0,运用UDF(User Defined Function)控制滑移网格对网格进行动态调整,仿真研究水轮机在不同安放角下被动旋转的水动力特性。通过仿真分析,结果表明:潮流能水轮机随着叶片安放角度的增加,尖速比、输出功率、捕能系数都是先增大后减小,叶片安放角为6°时,叶轮前后速度差最大,对潮流能利用充分,且各项性能均达到最佳;通过分析叶片受力,叶尖叶素在安放角为2°时阻力最大,3°时升力最大,升阻比在6°时最大,此时叶尖叶素升阻比C_L/C_D=6.27、攻角α=3.06°。由仿真结果可知水平轴潮流能叶轮的自启动过程由5个阶段组成,即加速度增大的加速运动段—加速度减小的加速运动段—加速度反向增大的减速运动段—加速度反向减小的减速运动段—稳定运行段,这对潮流能水轮机的设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线作用力的CFD模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王忠涛  王寒阳  张宇 《海洋学报》2016,38(9):110-117
海底管线是海洋工程中用于传输原油和天然气等的重要通道,通常放置在海床表面或处于悬跨状态。本文采用计算流体动力学CFD法模拟了不同冲击角度下海底滑坡对置于海床表面的海底管线的作用,得到了管线所受的轴向荷载和法向荷载与滑坡冲击角度之间的关系。同时分析了沿冲击方向管线截面形状与管线所受阻力之间的关系。对已有研究进行拓展延伸,丰富了不同工况下轴向阻力系数和法向阻力系数的计算成果,得出了海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线冲击力的计算公式。  相似文献   

采用计算流体力学(CFD)的雷诺平均法(RANS方法),并考虑了自由表面的影响(采用VOF方法模拟自由表面),来模拟三维球体的单自由度强迫摇荡运动,得到纵荡、升沉及横摇的附加质量与阻尼系数。该数值模拟结果与三维势流理论计算的结果进行比较,趋势基本一致,但CFD方法更能凸显粘性的作用。本文所应用方法能合理给出浮式结构物的水动力系数,更精确描述海洋浮式结构物周围的流场,可应用于船舶与海洋工程浮式结构物的水动力性能研究。  相似文献   

波浪溢流现象使得海堤受到了越浪和溢流的联合作用,复杂的水动力过程会引起海堤后坡产生严重的侵蚀破坏。基于FLUENT软件建立了二维数值波浪溢流水槽模型,该模型运用UDF速度边界造波法分析在不同超高条件下海堤后坡流量和水流厚度的水力学特性。结果表明数值模拟结果与前人物理模型试验结果吻合,该模型可以真实地模拟出海堤波浪溢流现象。在此基础上进一步研究了波浪溢流中越浪和溢流在不同相对超高条件下的主导性作用,而后建立了十分准确的波浪溢流海堤后坡稳定水流厚度计算公式。  相似文献   

中国潮流能储备量巨大但大部分地区流速较低,针对这一问题设计一款安装方便、自动对向的小型悬浮轮辋式潮流能水轮机.运用数值模拟方法,对不同前缘形状、尾部张角和长度比例的导流罩水动力学性能进行研究,分析悬浮轮辋式水轮机的诱导因子,得到1.5 m/s流速下的导流罩诱导因子达-0.8902,且ai+ad<0.通过比较,斜面前缘、...  相似文献   

In order to study hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in the free surface, the numerical simulation and open-water experiments are carried out with varying shaft depths of propeller. The influences of shaft depths of a propeller on thrust and torque coefficient in calm water are mainly studied. Meanwhile, this paper also studies the propeller air-ingestion under special working conditions by experiment and theoretical calculation method, and compares the calculation results and experimental results. The results prove that the theoretical calculation model used in this paper can imitate the propeller air-ingestion successfully. The successful phenomenon simulation provides an essential theoretical basis to understand the physical essence of the propeller air-ingestion.  相似文献   

Estimation and analysis of the uncertainty introduced by using a numerical model for the investigation and study of any type of flow problem have become common industry practice. Through understanding and evaluation of the uncertainty introduced by a numerical model, the accuracy and applicability of the model itself are evaluated. In this paper, the numerical uncertainty of a CFD-methodology developed to analyse the hydrodynamic performance of a collective and cyclic pitch propeller (CCPP) is estimated and analysed. The CCPP is a novel propulsion and manoeuvring concept for autonomous underwater vehicles, aimed to generate both propulsion and manoeuvring forces through advanced control of the propeller's blade pitch. The numerical uncertainty is established for three performance parameters, the generated propulsive force, the side-force magnitude, and the side-force orientation, by conducting a grid and time-step refinement study over three operational conditions. Additionally, the influence of the oscillatory uncertainty, introduced by the periodic nature of the problem, is investigated although shown to have a minimal effect when properly monitored. Based on a least-squares regression analysis of the refined simulation results, the numerical uncertainty is proven to be dominated by the introduced discretisation errors. In the case of the propulsive and side-force magnitude, the total uncertainty is dictated by the time discretisation uncertainty under bollard pull conditions, while the total uncertainty of the captive cases is mainly a result of the spatial discretisation uncertainty. The total uncertainty in the side-force orientation is observed to be primarily a consequence of the time discretisation uncertainty for all simulated cases. Overall, the total uncertainty for captive cases can be considered satisfactory for all three performance parameters, while further work is needed to reduce the observed uncertainty of the simulations under bollard pull conditions.  相似文献   

Predicting the velocity within the ship’s propeller jet is the initial step to investigate the scouring made by the propeller jet. Albertson et al. (1950) suggested the investigation of a submerged jet can be undertaken through observation of the plain water jet from an orifice. The plain water jet investigation of Albertson et al. (1950) was based on the axial momentum theory. This has been the basis of all subsequent work with propeller jets. In reality, the velocity characteristic of a ship’s propeller jet is more complicated than a plain water jet. Fuehrer and Römisch (1977), Blaauw and van de Kaa (1978), Berger et al. (1981), Verhey (1983) and Hamill (1987) have carried out investigations using physical model. Current paper reviews the state-of-art of the equations used to predict the time-averaged axial, tangential and radial components of velocity within the zone of flow establishment and the zone of established flow of a ship’s propeller jet.  相似文献   

The present investigation focuses on the effects of the stern appendages and the propulsion system on the hydro-loads generated by the propeller during off-design conditions, with particular emphasis on the in-plane components. Recent experimental investigations carried out by free running model tests [7], [8] and CFD analysis [5] for a modern twin screw model, highlighted that maneuvers at small drift angles and yaw rates might be as critical as the tighter ones due to complex propeller-wake interactions. Therefore, design criteria should take into account also these operative conditions, in order to reduce the effects of propeller-wake interaction phenomena that degrade the overall propulsive efficiency, induce shaft/hull structural vibration and increase noise emission. In the present study we analyze the effects of geometric and propulsive modifications with respect to the twin screw configuration studied in [5]. In particular, the effect of the centreline skeg, propeller direction of rotation and control strategies of the propulsion plant on the propeller bearing loads have been investigated from the analysis of the nominal wake in maneuvring conditions, computed by unsteady RANSE simulations coupled with a propeller model based on Blade Element Theory. The considered test cases were turning circle maneuvers with different rudder angles at FN = 0.265.  相似文献   

Surface Piercing Propellers (SPP) show high efficiency at high advance speeds. Regarding operational conditions, this kind of propellers generate an air layer when entering the water due to the rotation of the propeller; this phenomenon is called ventilation. The ventilation phenomenon divided into some mechanism with respect to air cavity length on the propeller surface; among them are partially ventilation mechanism and fully ventilation mechanism which has great importance. In this study, using numerical simulation, we have investigated ventilation patterns and also the performance of a five-blade SPP propeller (SPP 5.74) at immersion ratio of 33, 40, 50and 70% respectively. We used Sliding Mesh Technique for modeling. Also, we applied the volume of fluid method to simulate the open surface pattern. To validate numerical results, the four-blade propeller, 841-B was simulated, and then the results of thrust and torque coefficients compared with Olofsson experimental results and validated accordingly. The findings indicate that the maximum value for thrust and torque coefficient would occur at immersion ratio of 70% and the maximum propeller efficiency occurs at immersion ratio of 33% and advance coefficient of 1.1; Moreover, the critical advance coefficient (at the partially and the fully ventilation boundary) increases by a reduction in immersion ratio, so that critical advance coefficients are 0.6 and 0.76, respectively at immersion ratios of 70 and 33%. Meanwhile, as advance coefficient increases, length of ventilation zone will decrease, and consequently the propeller will be laid on partial ventilation zone.  相似文献   

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