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The methods and analytical results for distinguishing lake types of East Taihu Lake and West Taihu Lake by biological markers were dealt in this paper.  相似文献   

陈荷生  李幼芬 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):59-66
According to the social and natural conditions of Taihu Lake Basin, the planning objectives and some ideas for water pollution prevention in Taihu Lake and its surrounding river-lake system are proposed.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores, one 396 cm long from west Taihu Lake, another 246 cm long from east Taihu Lake, are interpreted from the analysis of their magnetic susceptibility, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total pigments, organic carbon isotope, hydrogen index, saturated hydrocarbons, 14C dating and surficial sediment conditions. The west Taihu Lake core is the longest one studied in this lake so far, and has provided us the most complete environmental and climatic information for this lake. The results from the west Taihu lake core indicate that Taihu Lake has undergone the following stages:from ca.14 300 to 13 300 aB.P. Taihu Lake was in low lake-level, and there existed exposed features from the proxies reflecting arid paleoclimate. From ca.13 300 to 12 400 aB.P. an arid transitional stages occurred with a slightly warmer and wetter climate. From ca. 12 400 to 10 900 aB.P. a period of large climatic fluctuation occurred and from 10900-10 000 aB.P. a warm period developed with deep water and strongly reducing sediments. During ca.10 000-7 200aB.P., a cool transitional period alternating with a warm climate occurred. It was warm and wet during 7 200-5 700aB.P.; some proxies changed violently in 5 050aB.P., reflecting obvious changes in material source and a probable interruption of sedimentation. The east Taihu Lake history from ca. 6 550 to 6 450 aBP, the climate was cold and dry, and gradually turned warm and wet in ca. 6 450-6 050 aBP. It was warm and wet in ca. 6 050-5 800 aBP and had a cold tendency in 5 800-ca. 5 000 aBP. An abrupt change occurred at ca. 5 000 aBP, and the lake sediment in the uppmost part was disturbed by wave action indicating shallow water conditions.  相似文献   

吴化前  李安邦 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):111-116
Taihu Lake is a mutiple-function fresh water lake situated in the delta of Yangtze River. Nowadays, the serious pollution mainly created by industry and residents'' life has made the water quality of the lake decline continuously. Eutrophication is the main characteristic of the water pollution. The water pollution not only affect the several functions of the lake, but also cause the changes of the aquatic biological community.The pollution control strategies to be adopted include the treatment of the industrial waste water and residents'' life sewage, as well as the agricultural non-point polluting source. Ecological engineering is the useful measure for diminishing the nutrition salts in water. On the basis of pollution control, the ecological restoration methods include the transplanting of the emerged and/loading anchored aquatic plants at first and the restoration of the submerged plants in the next.  相似文献   

The water quality of Lake Taihu has declined markedly in the past two or three decades. We used modern non-parametric statistical methods to analyse the water quality record for 1989-1993 (samples collected at 2-monthly intervals). Phytoplankton blooms have been a particular problem, as the very high peak chlorophyll a concentrations in the Meiliang (up to 0.4 g·m-3) and the coastal regions (up to 0.5 g·m-3) indicate. However, over a large area of the middle of the lake, peak chlorophyll a concentrations were much lower (0.01-0.03 g·m-3). In this deeper, turbid part of the lake there may often be insufficient underwater light to support rapid phytoplankton growth; grazing by the abundant benthic bivalves may also be important. Total phosphorus (P) concentrations in the coastal waters increased significantly (p < 5%). Suspended solids concentrations also increased significantly, and as a result transparency decreased. However, phytoplankton probably usually only account for a small proportion of the suspended material, so the parallel increase in total P and suspended solids may be coincidental. Significant increases in chlorophyll a were not observed, but phytoplankton blooms are often short-lived (e.g. days to weeks), and thus may not always be detected by the 2-monthly sampling.  相似文献   

The lake sediments, especially in recent years, genuinely record human being''s activities upon the lake environment. The top 30cm sections are of significance in the process of advanced cultural eutrophication and water quality deterioration. Based on the data of 4 core sam-ples obtained in June 19-22, 1997, with VCS in northern, western and southern Taihu Lake, some preliminary results are reported. Further analyses on the physico-chemical items as well as element content may reveal more information of the accelerating cultural eutrophication.  相似文献   

陈荷生  范成新 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):117-122
The eutrophication of Lake Taihu is becoming more serious day by day and more urgent to be comprehensively harnessed. The lake sludge is considered as a important polluting factor. To control the internal pollution source of Lake Taihu and restore its water ecological environment, this paper put forward an idea of the dredging for environmental purposes. It was on the basis of the research on the sludge storage and physical/chemical characteristics. The technical keys are sludge-dredging depth, time, method and sludge treatment. The requirements and scheme for the environmental dredging work in Lake Taihu were also analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

The outline of Taihu Lake Basin, including the geographical and hydrometeorological characteristics, its main functions and resource-environmental state and problems facing in Taihu Lake were introduced.  相似文献   

黄漪平  诸敏 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):85-94
Lake Taihu, the third largest fresh water lake in China, with a surface area of 2 338 km2, is located in the Changjiang River Delta, the most advanced economic zone in China. During the last two decades, the rapid economic development of local agriculture and industry both in the urban and rural areas of the region has made great advances. Great quantieis of pollutants have been discharged into the lake, its nutrient content has increased continuously, and phytoplankton blooms have occurred in some areas. Water quality protection in Lake Taihu is very important because of its close relation with economical development and people''s daily life. It is urgent to have comprehensive pollution control in Lake Taihu. Based on water quality monitoring data in Lake Taihu from 1987 to 1994, the dynamic variations of water quality and eutrophication trends have been analyzed, showing obvious spatial and temporal variations. The main water quality factors were compared with the standard for drinking water and indicate considerable change with the seasons. Some basic strategies to protect water quality and prevent eutrophication are discussed.  相似文献   

In accordance with the natural, geographic, and ecological characteristics of the Taihu Lake Basin, and the relation between the water body of Taihu Lake and its surrounding environment, an area, which has tight relevance with the water environment of Taihu Lake, was token as the main investigation region. The area was named as the Taihu Lake Region. Some factors, such as TN, TP, CODCr that characterized the main environmental problem, the eutrophication were selected when conducted the pollution sources investigation on in Taihu Lake Region. The categories, distribution, pollution contribution to the Lake of dijferent pollution sources, as well as the routes of pollutants entering the Lake were basically made clear. Pollution sources that must be preferentially controlled and the direction of controlling those main pollutants, such as TN, TP, CODCr, were proposed. Base on the investigation, a series of eco-systematic approaches for controlling Taihu Lake eutrophication were put forward. They are ecosystem regulation, nutrient substances transferring along food chain, trophic masse degrading step by step along the route from a pollution source to the Lake, building ecological preventive zone of the Lake, as well as the ecological measures for point sources treatment and so on.  相似文献   

戴曦  陈非洲 《湖泊科学》2012,24(1):149-155
富营养湖泊中蓝藻水华对枝角类种群和群落结构有显著的影响,但自然条件下群体微囊藻对大型枝角类溞属不同种类的影响仍存在争议.本研究通过两次为期各10 d的模拟实验,利用过滤后的太湖原水模拟群体微囊藻(20~100μm和100 ~200 μm)添加对大型枝角类同形溞(Daphnia similis)种群特征的影响,结果显示两次实验的同形溞均大量存活,不同浓度和颗粒大小的群体微囊藻对其生长和繁殖的影响不同,添加群体微囊藻的同形溞的生长和繁殖显著大于未添加微囊藻的.说明在自然条件下藻毒素对同形溞种群并没有明显的抑制作用,同形溞能够与微囊藻水华共存,其种群特征与微囊藻群体大小组成和生物量有关.  相似文献   

采用基于ITS序列的PCR-DGGE方法分析了太湖梅粱湾水华暴发过程中(6-11月)微囊藻的不同基因型组成的变化,同时利用针对微囊藻毒素合成酶基因mcyA和微囊藻特异性的16S rDNA部分核苷酸序列的引物,应用实时荧光定量PCR方法(qRT-PCR)分析水华样品中产毒微囊藻与总微囊藻的量.通过两者的比值反映产毒微囊藻丰度.结果表明,在发生水华的不同时期,微囊藻的基因型组成发生了变化,其中以8月末、9月和10月的基因型最多,基因型M5和M10存在于整个水华发展过程中.共检测到12种主要的基因型,每个基因型在水华的不同时期所占的比例互不相同.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示从6月到10月,产毒微囊藻的丰度呈增大的趋势,从0.750%增加到32.16%,而11月产毒微囊藻的丰度显著下降.  相似文献   

微生物对太湖微囊藻的好氧降解研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈伟民  蔡后建 《湖泊科学》1996,8(3):248-252
通过模拟实验研究了微生物对微囊藻残体的降解作用。水体内悬浮质和各主要形态磷浓度的变化结果表明:微囊藻的好氧分解符合一级动力学,其乳浮质和颗粒性磷的浓度呈指数关系递减,降解速度分别为0.227/d和0.088/d。经32d降解后,水体内的总溶解磷和可达总磷的53%,而TDP的主要成分为PO^3-R。  相似文献   

太湖底泥水华蓝藻复苏的模拟   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
本实验采集太湖梅梁湾底泥及上覆水,在保持底泥表面完整的前提下在实验室中建立湖泊生态系统模拟装置,探索太湖底泥中蓝藻种群的复苏规律经60d光照升温培养,显微观察蓝藻复苏细胞,测定底泥和上覆水中的色素含量.结果表明,在室内模拟条件下,太湖底泥蓝藻复苏初始时主要以2-8个细胞的小群体存在,其细胞直径为7.2-7.8μm,大于夏季的藻群体中的细胞直径(4.8-6μm).底泥蓝藻的复苏过程与环境温度变化密切相关.蓝藻在水体温度达到14℃时开始少量进入水柱中,在环境温度升至18-20℃之间时大量进入水中,为水华形成提供了种源.底泥蓝藻的最佳复苏温度(18-20℃)高于非蓝藻的复苏温度(14-18℃),高温对蓝藻复苏更为有利  相似文献   

将太湖微囊藻水华中3种优势微囊藻包括水华微囊藻1028、惠氏微囊藻929、铜绿微囊藻469和铜绿微囊藻905培养在改良后的BG-11培养基(TN=10mg/L,TP=0.4mg/L)中,然后加入角突网纹搔,以研究3种优势微囊藻对浮游动物摄食压力的形态反应.整个实验共进行了12d.除了水华微囊藻1028以外,在惠氏微囊藻929、铜绿微囊藻469和铜绿微囊藻905中没有观察到有大群体(大于10个细胞)的出现.在水华微囊藻中,处理组大群体细胞所占总细胞的比例与对照组显著不同,其中对照组占22%,而试验组占53%.水华微囊藻对照组和处理组中单细胞、2细胞、小群体(3-10个细胞)和大群体(大于10个细胞)细胞密度存在显著的不同.实验第6-12d,水华微囊藻对照组和试验组单位大群体细胞数量存在显著差异.研究结果表明,角突网纹潘的摄食压力不能促使惠氏微囊藻929、铜绿微囊藻469和铜绿微囊藻905形成大群体.角突网纹溞的摄食促使水华微囊藻形成更大的群体.  相似文献   

太湖中4种细菌的分离、鉴定及生长曲线的测定   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
对4种可能和太湖微囊藻生长代谢有关的细菌进行了分离,经鉴定,其中3株为假单 菌,1株为芽孢杆菌,在相同培养条件下,X1,Y2的迟缓期小于0.5h,30h左右进入稳定期,D的迟缓期为1h,20h左右进入稳定期,H的迟缓期达10h,60h进入稳定期。  相似文献   

张钰  谷孝鸿  朱光敏  何俊 《湖泊科学》2007,19(5):566-571
微囊藻是形成蓝藻水华最普遍的一种,不同枝角类受微囊藻的影响不同.实验从太湖梅梁湾分离天然的微囊藻,研究了其对长刺溞、隆线溞、短尾秀体溞和角突网纹溞四种枝角类存活和生殖的影响.在微囊藻食物浓度为1×106 cells/ml,测得四种枝角类的半致死时间(LT50)分别为长刺溞3.03 d、隆线溞3.79 d、短尾秀体溞8.48 d和角突网纹溞9.25 d,体长较小的短尾秀体溞和角突网纹溞的半致死时间相对较长;实验过程中没有观察到长刺溞和隆线溞有新生幼体,而短尾膊秀体溞和角突网纹溞在少数几天里产出了少量新生幼体.以不同浓度微囊藻(0.5×106-8×106 cells/ml)喂养枝角类,测得四种枝角类的24h半致死浓度(LC50)分别为:4.10×106、4.78×106、6.21×106和7.77×106 cells/ml.参照以栅藻喂养的枝角类生长情况,可知太湖微囊藻对四种枝角类的存活和生殖有很强的负面作用,其中体长较大的长刺溞和隆线溞受的影响相对较大.  相似文献   

大量微囊藻群体的形成和聚集是微囊藻水华形成的重要条件.氮、磷浓度是影响微囊藻群体生长的重要因素之一.为了探讨氮、磷浓度对微囊藻群体生长的影响,本研究以太湖微囊藻水华优势种之一的水华微囊藻作为研究对象,开展了不同氮、磷浓度对水华微囊藻群体生长的影响研究.以近几年太湖微囊藻水华暴发最严重的梅梁湾氮磷比的平均值作参考,氮、磷浓度设置为5个水平组,依次是T1(TN=0.1 mg/L,TP=0.005 mg/L)、T2(TN=1 mg/L,TP=0.05 mg/L)、T3(TN=10 mg/L,TP=0.5 mg/L)、T4(TN=100 mg/L,TP=5 mg/L)和T5(TN=250 mg/L,TP=5.44 mg/L)(BG-11培养基中氮、磷的浓度).结果显示,T1、T2、T3和T4 4组微囊藻群体均增大,且都发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成,群体大小分别为151、217、437和160 cells,而T5组微囊藻群体实验初期增大,实验后期变小,T5整个实验期间未发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成.研究结果表明相对低的氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,而过高的氮、磷浓度则会抑制微囊藻群体生长.本研究结果也表明目前太湖氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,从而有利于微囊藻水华形成.  相似文献   

太湖藻类生长模型研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
本文提出了一改进的藻类生长模型及其新颖的计算机模拟算法,该模型不但考虑了不温、总氮、总氮、总磷、浮游动物的辐射等因素对藻类生长率的影响,而且根据水量,总磷和藻类浓度等因素对藻类死亡率进行了修正和计算精度至关重要的,因此,本文建立了具有绝对稳定性和二阶精度的数值算法求解藻类生长模型中的偏微分方程组,此外,为了进一步验证该藻类生长模型的实测值进行模拟,由于实测值为每个月中某一天的测量值,为了模拟过程能正确进行,本文采用样条插值的方法估计出每用插值等方法,本文提出了一种广义拟结果与测量数据基本符合,而在有明显的差异的地方,文中作出了相应的解释,结果表明,本文提出了藻类生长模型及其算法是有效的,各采样点藻类浓度的模拟值能较好地拟合实测值。  相似文献   

富营养化是现今各国面临的主要水环境问题,其中蓝藻水华暴发是全球富营养化水体最常见的现象之一.蓝藻水华将产生大量的蓝藻碎屑,其对水质及生物的影响还尚不清楚.本研究通过向中宇宙系统添加微囊藻碎屑,分析其对水体不同形态营养盐及水生生物生物量的影响.结果表明:微囊藻碎屑加入后,水体不同形态的营养盐浓度均在短期内迅速增加,其中水体总氮和总磷平均浓度最高分别达到3.86和0.36 mg/L;浮游植物生物量(用叶绿素a表示)在前9天随营养盐浓度的升高而增加,随后逐渐下降至实验初始水平.此外,附着藻类生物量在微囊藻碎屑加入后呈逐渐下降趋势,这可能与浮游植物快速增殖引起的水体透明度下降有关.微囊藻碎屑加入后,水丝蚓生物量随微囊藻碎屑的分解持续增长,在第20天达到生物量最大值.本研究通过模拟太湖梅梁湾生态系统,探讨微囊藻碎屑对水质及水生生物生物量的影响,结果有助于进一步了解蓝藻水华对水生态系统影响的途径及机理,为富营养化湖泊管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

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