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A non-traditional fuzzy quantification method is presented in the modeling of an extreme significant wave height. First, a set of parametric models are selected to fit time series data for the significant wave height and the extrapolation for extremes are obtained based on high quantile estimations. The quality of these results is compared and discussed. Then, the proposed fuzzy model, which combines Poisson process and generalized Pareto distribution(GPD) model, is applied to characterizing the wave extremes in the time series data. The estimations for a long-term return value are considered as time-varying as a threshold is regarded as non-stationary. The estimated intervals coupled with the fuzzy theory are then introduced to construct the probability bounds for the return values. This nontraditional model is analyzed in comparison with the traditional model in the degree of conservatism for the long-term estimate. The impact on the fuzzy bounds of extreme estimations from the non stationary effect in the proposed model is also investigated.  相似文献   

基于随机集合的非传统型有效波极值模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis and design of offshore structures necessitates the consideration of wave loads. Realistic modeling of wave loads is particularly important to ensure reliable performance of these structures. Among the available methods for the modeling of the extreme significant wave height on a statistical basis, the peak over threshold method has attracted most attention. This method employs Poisson process to character- ize time-varying properties in the parameters of an extreme value distribution. In this paper, the peak over threshold method is reviewed and extended to account for subjectivity in the modeling. The freedom in selecting the threshold and the time span to separate extremes from the original time series data is incorpo- rated as imprecision in the model. This leads to an extension from random variables to random sets in the probabilistic model for the extreme significant wave height. The extended model is also applied to different periods of the sampled data to evaluate the significance of the climatic conditions on the uncertainties of the parameters.  相似文献   

本文基于第3代海浪模式WAVEWATCH III (WW3)模拟的1996–2015年海浪后报数据,分析了南海北部有效波高及其极值的时空变化特征,并采用Pearson-III和Gumbel两种极值分布方法对该区极值波高重现期进行了估算。结果表明,南海北部有效波高的季节变化和空间分布与季风风场基本一致,呈现秋冬高春夏低,并自吕宋海峡西侧向西南降低的特征,与ERA5再分析数据结果高度相似。有效波高极值(简称极值波高)的时空分布特征受时间分辨率强烈影响,采用极值数据的分辨率越高(如逐小时),所展现的台风型波浪特征越显著。扣除季节变化信号后的有效波高和年极值波高均体现出较强的线性增高趋势,近20年升高的比例分别为7.7%和31.6%,值得警惕和关注。该区多年一遇极值波高存在若干个大值区,且与台风的路径、强度有直接联系,表明台风是引发该区域极端大浪的最主要机制。对比Pearson-III和Gumbel极值分布估算结果发现:若极值波高较低,频率随极值波高升高缓慢降低,此时两种极值分布的估算都比较准确,差异极小,可忽略不计;但当研究时间范围内,某年极值波高远超其他年份时,Pearson-III极值分布估算结果明显高于Gumbel极值分布估算结果,且更接近实际极值波高,即Pearson-III极值分布在此情况下表现更好。本研究表明对于特定海区,在出现超强台风引发极值波高远超出其他年份时,不同计算方法对极值波高的估算差异较大,会显著影响重现期的评估。此外,南海北部年极值波高的强烈增高趋势,也可能给计算未来极值波高重现期和海上工程防护带来不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

墨西哥湾波候统计特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了波候的概念,简述Weibull分布及对数一正态分布的拟合方法,提出最大熵分布拟合有效波高、峰周期分布的新方法;选取半封闭海湾墨西哥湾内水深不同、地理位置不同的六个观测站一年的连续资料,以上述三种拟合方法对其有效波高,峰周期概率分布进行拟合,并与观测直方图进行比较检验,结果表明,在墨西哥海湾内,最大熵分布优于对数-正态分布,对数-正态分布优于Weibull分布。  相似文献   

中国近海及临近海域海浪的季节特征及其时间变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用1992年12月-2005年3月TOPEX卫星高度计资料,对中国近海波浪季节特征及其时间变化进行了分析。分析结果表明,冬季平均波高最大,台湾海峡、南海北部、中南半岛东南海域以及吕宋海峡外侧是冬季的大浪区;夏季平均波高最小;春、秋两季为过渡期。对冬季大浪所在区域波浪时间变化的研究表明,年变化是其主要时间变化特征,而季节内变化是该海区的另一重要特征,并且以5 a为周期的年际变化与ENSO事件有着很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical model to characterize the long-term extreme value distribution of significant wave height, conditioning to the duration of the storm and accounting for seasonality. A time-dependent version of the peak over threshold (POT) approach is used to build the model, which is then applied to specific reanalysis time series and NOAA buoy records. The model considers the annual and semiannual cycles which are parameterized in terms of harmonic functions. The inclusion of seasonal variabilities substantially reduces the residuals of the fitted model. The information obtained in this study can be useful to design maritime works, because (a) the model improves the understanding of the variability of extreme wave climate along a year and (b) the model accounts for the duration of the storm, which is a key parameter in several formulations for rubble mound breakwater design.  相似文献   

1988-2002年黄海和渤海风浪后报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对黄海和渤海风浪开展长期后报实验,时间范围覆盖1988至2002年,并分析相应的区域波候特征。首先,模式输出的月平均有效波高和卫星数据比对一致。其次,我们讨论了气候态月平均有效波高和平均波周期的时空分布特征。有效波高和平均波周期的气候态空间分布都呈现出西北-东南、或由近岸向深水区增加的趋势,这种空间的分布特征和局地的风强迫和水深密切相关。同时,海浪参数的季节变化也较显著。进一步,我们统计分析了风场和有效波高的极值,给出并揭示了黄海和渤海多年一遇有效波高的空间结构,并讨论了有效波高极值和风强迫极值之间的联系。  相似文献   

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