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The inner shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea(ECS) is a high-sedimentation-rate fine-grained sediment unit that has preserved a continuous environmental evolution history since the last deglaciation. We present a high-resolution clay mineralogical study from Core MD06-3040 to semi-quantitatively evaluate terrigenous sediment contributions from various potential provenances throughout the Holocene. The results showed that the clay mineral assemblage is composed of dominant illite(34–49%), moderate smectite(16–41%) and chlorite(15–28%), and minor kaolinite(5–12%). Provenance analysis suggested that most fine-grained terrigenous sediments originated from the Yangtze River, with minor sediments derived from Taiwan island and negligible sediments from nearby Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. Time series variation in the contribution of the Yangtze source fluctuated in the range of 38–80%, whereas that of Taiwan island had a converse variation pattern from ~10%to ~55%, and the contribution of Fujian was relatively stable in the range of 7–11% throughout the Holocene. The fluctuations of clay mineral assemblages and variations of clay mineral contributions from different provenances of Core MD06-3040 were controlled by the variability of precipitation in the Yangtze drainage associated with periodic fluctuations in the East Asian monsoonal circulation.  相似文献   

The impact of global warming on the climate of northern China has been investigated intensively, and the behavior of the East Asian monsoon during previous intervals of climatic warming may provide insight into future changes. In this study, we use paleovegetation records from loess and lake sediments in the marginal zone of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) to reconstruct the EASM during the interval of warming from the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) to the Holocene. The results show that during the LGM, desert steppe or dry steppe dominated much of northern China; in addition, the southeastern margin of the deserts east of the Helan Mountains had a distribution similar to that of the present-day, or was located slightly further south, due to the cold and dry climate caused by a strengthened East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM) and weakened EASM. During the last deglaciation, with the strengthening of the EASM and concomitant weakening of the EAWM, northern China gradually became humid. However, this trend was interrupted by abrupt cooling during the Heinrich 1(H1) and Younger Dryas(YD) events. The EASM intensified substantially during the Holocene, and the monsoon rain belt migrated at least 300 km northwestwards, which led to the substantial shrinking of the desert area in the central and eastern part of northern China, and to the large expansion of plants favored by warm and humid conditions. Paleoclimatic records from the marginal zone of the EASM all show that the EASM reached its peak in the mid-Holocene, and past global climatic warming significantly strengthened the EASM, thereby greatly improving the ecological environment in northern China. Thus, northern China is expected to become wetter as global warming continues. Finally, high resolution Holocene vegetation records are sparse compared with the numerous records on the orbital timescale, and there is a need for more studies of Holocene climatic variability on the centennial-to-decadal scale.  相似文献   

全球变暖对中国北方气候的影响已经引发了学术界的广泛关注,地质增温期东亚季风变迁历史可为理解未来气候变化提供重要参考.文章主要基于中国北方夏季风边缘带的湖泊、黄土等记录的古植被信息,探讨了末次冰盛期至全新世全球增温过程中东亚季风的变化历史.地质记录显示,末次冰盛期东亚冬季风增强,夏季风减弱,中国北方气候干冷,大部分地区呈现荒漠草原或干草原景观,贺兰山以东沙地的东南边界和现代沙地边界接近或略向东南方向小幅扩张.在由冷转暖的末次冰消期,东亚冬季风逐渐减弱,夏季风逐渐增强,但在快速变冷的Heinrich 1(H1)和Younger Dryas(YD)事件期间,中国北方气候变干.全新世冬季风减弱,夏季风显著增强,季风雨带向西北推进至少300km,中国中东部干旱区范围大幅度缩小,北方喜暖喜湿植物显著增加.从夏季风边缘带的记录看,中全新世夏季风最为强盛.显然,古增温有利于东亚夏季风的增强,从而极大改善中国北方的生态环境.如果全球变暖持续下去,中国北方将变得湿润.与轨道尺度记录相比,高分辨率的古植被记录较为缺乏,全新世气候突变事件以及百年-十年尺度气候旋回尚需深入研究,应作为今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

The last 2000 years are an important time span both for IGBP-PAGES and CLIVAR of WCRP. One of the main aims of these projects is to obtain high-resolution records of global change, such as that stored in ice cores, tree rings, speleothems, corals, lakes, marine records, etc., and then use these data to make sound estimates for future global change. To accomplish these projects, we first need to obtain high-resolution geological records and proxies for climatic/environ- mental changes. …  相似文献   

We present lipid biomarker records of two cores(ZY1 and ZY3) from the central South Yellow Sea mud area to investigate the changes in sources and transport processes of the sedimentary organic matter(OM) throughout the Holocene. Based on the analysis of marine biomarker content(SPB(Phytoplankton Biomarker, total content of brassicasterol, dinosterol and C_(37)-alkenones) and crenarchaeol), and terrestrial biomarkers(Sn-alkanols and br GDGTs) as well as TMBR′ and BIT index values, the marine organic matter(MOM) and terrestrial organic matter(TOM) deposition history was reconstructed. Changes in TOM and MOM were related to variations in land vegetation density and marine productivity, as well as transport processes dominated by the oceanic circulation system. The marine biomarker contents from the South Yellow Sea have generally increased throughout the Holocene, indicating that the increased MOM contents were mainly controlled by the strengthening of the circulation system. The terrestrial biomarkers, on the other hand, were more variable, indicating more complex influence of TOM burial in the Yellow Sea. During the Early Holocene(7200–6000 cal yr BP), the moderate TOM input revealed by the terrestrial proxy records may result from abundant land source supply by strong river transport despite the lack of transport via circulation system. The Mid-Holocene(6000–3000 cal yr BP) was characterized by decreased terrestrial biomarker contents. The balance between the decrease in land source supply and increase of transportation by the current system of the TOM resulted in the lower but stable contents of TOM. During the Late Holocene(3000 cal yr BP to present), the TOM deposition in the South Yellow Sea increased as the current system was further enhanced and thus transported more TOM to the central South Yellow Sea, although the land supply of TOM was further reduced.  相似文献   

273 samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed for grain-size distributions using grain-size class vs. standard deviation method and end-member modeling algorithm (EMMA) in order to investigate the evolution of the East Asian monsoon since about 20 Ma. 10–19 μm/1.3–2.4 μm, the ratio of two grain-size populations with the highest variability through time was used to indicate East Asian winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon. The mass accumulation rate of the coarsest end member EM1 (eolian), resulting from EMMA, can be used as a proxy of winter monsoon strength and Asian inland aridity, and the ratio of EM1/(EM2 EM3) as a proxy of winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon. The combined proxies show that a profound enhancement of East Asian winter monsoon strength and winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon occurred at about 8 Ma, and it is possible that the summer monsoon simultaneously intensified with winter monsoon at 3 Ma. Our results are well consistent with the previous studies in loess, eolian deposion in the Pacifc, radiolarians and planktonic foraminifera in the SCS. The phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau may have played a significant role in strengthening the Asian monsoon at 8 Ma and 3 Ma.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 190 ka during late Quaternary from core MD01-2393 off the Mekong River in the southern South China Sea are reported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. The dominating clay mineral components indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high glacial illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents and high interglacial smectites content. The provenance analysis indicates the direct input of clay minerals via the Mekong River drainage basin. Illite and chlorite derived mainly from the upper reach of the Mekong River, where physical erosion of meta-sedimentary rocks is dominant. Kaolinite derived mainly from active erosion of inhered clays from reworked sediments in the middle reaches. Smectites originated mainly through bisiallitic soils in the middle to lower reaches of the Mekong River. The smectites/(illite+chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are determined as mineralogical indicato  相似文献   

湛江湖光岩玛珥湖全新世粒度变化特征及古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
吴旭东  刘国旭  沈吉 《湖泊科学》2016,28(5):1115-1122
对湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物全新世粒度参数、550℃烧失量和Ti元素含量的变化特征研究后认为:粒度频率特征曲线指示湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物的外源输入部分主要来自其小流域;沉积物粒径的变化主要受降雨量,而不是湖泊水位波动的控制;较粗的粒径指示降雨量增加,较细的粒径指示降雨量降低.湛江地区全新世早期季风强盛,6085 a B.P.以后,季风显著减弱.湖光岩沉积物记录的全新世中期季风迅速减弱的发生时间与全球很多地质载体记录的全新世中期季风迅速减弱时间都非常接近,体现了湛江地区全新世季风演化的全球性.湛江地区6085 a B.P.以后的季风迅速减弱、气候转干很可能与厄尔尼诺活动增强有关.2000 a B.P.以后,粒度参数、550℃烧失量和Ti元素含量的变幅明显增加与人类活动的影响有关,是人类活动和气候因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Hisaki  Yukiharu 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(8):493-515
Ocean Dynamics - Wave climate is important for marine disaster prevention and marine development. The East China Sea is open to the Pacific Ocean and is considered to be greatly affected by swells....  相似文献   

Particulate fluxes investigated in the central South China Sea (SCS) during 1993―1996 indicate that opal flux can be used to show primary productivity change, which provides a foundation for tracing the evolutionary relationship between the surface productivity and East Asian monsoon in the SCS during the late Quaternary glacial and interglacial periods. Based on the studies of opal % and their mass accumulation rates (MAR) at the six sites recovered from the SCS during the “Resolution” ODP Leg 184 and “Sonne” 95 cruise of the Sino-Germany cooperation, opal % and their MARs increased evidently in the northern sites since 470―900 ka, and they enhanced and reduced, respectively, during the glacial and interglacial periods. Whereas they increased obviously in the southern sites since 420―450 ka, and they augmented and declined, respectively, during the interglacial and glacial periods. The vari- ability in opal % and their MARs in the late Quaternary glacial cyclicity indicate the “seesaw” pattern of surface productivity in the SCS. The winter monsoon intensified during the glacial periods, surface productivity increased and decreased, respectively, in the northern and southern SCS. The summer monsoon strengthened during the interglacial periods, surface productivity increased and decreased, respectively, in the southern and northern SCS. The cross spectral analyses between the opal % in the northern and southern SCS during the Quaternary and global ice volume (δ 18O) and orbital forcing (ETP) indicate that the East Asian winter and summer monsoons could be ascribed to the different drive mechanisms. On the orbital time scale, the global ice volume change could be a dominant factor for the winter monsoon intension and temporal variations. As compared with the winter monsoon, the correlative summer solar radiation with the obliquity and precession in the Northern Hemisphere could be a mostly controlling factor for the summer monsoon intension and temporal variations.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton size structure plays a significant role in controlling the carbon flux of marine pelagic ecosystems. The mesoscale distribution and seasonal variation of total and size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass in surface waters, as measured by chlorophyll a (Chl a), was studied in the Southern Yellow Sea using data from four cruises during 2006–2007. The distribution of Chl a showed a high degree of spatial and temporal variation in the study area. Chl a concentrations were relatively high in the summer and autumn, with a mean of 1.42 and 1.27 mg m−3, respectively. Conversely, in the winter and spring, the average Chl a levels were only 0.98 and 0.99 mg m−3. Total Chl a showed a clear decreasing gradient from coastal areas to the open sea in the summer, autumn and winter cruises. Patches of high Chl a were observed in the central part of the Southern Yellow Sea in the spring due to the onset of the phytoplankton bloom. The eutrophic coastal waters contributed at least 68% of the total phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. Picophytoplankton showed a consistent and absolute dominance in the central region of the Southern Yellow Sea (>40%) in all of the cruises, while the proportion of microphytoplankton was the highest in coastal waters. The relative proportions of pico- and nanophytoplankton decreased with total biomass, whereas the proportion of the micro-fraction increased with total biomass. Relationships between phytoplankton biomass and environmental factors were also analysed. The results showed that the onset of the spring bloom was highly dependent on water column stability. Phytoplankton growth was limited by nutrient availability in the summer due to the strong thermocline. The combined effects of P-limitation and vertical mixing in the autumn restrained the further increase of phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. The low phytoplankton biomass in winter was caused by vertical dispersion due to intense mixing. Compared with the availability of nutrients, temperature did not seem to cause direct effects on phytoplankton biomass and its size structure. Although interactions of many different environmental factors affected phytoplankton distributions, hydrodynamic conditions seemed to be the dominant factor. Phytoplankton size structure was determined mainly by the size-differential capacity in acquiring resource. Short time scale events, such as the spring bloom and the extension of Yangtze River plume, can have substantial influences, both on the total Chl a concentration and on the size structure of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Climate of Yunnan Plateau is mainly controlledby the system of southwest Asian monsoon, and alsoaffected by westerlies and local climate of the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau. Since the Cenozoic, a large numberof structural lake basins have formed with the uplift ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[1]. As the information aboutthe climate and environment change was faithfullydocumented in lake sediments, which have the char-acteristics of continuity, high resolution, abundant in-formation, lake sediments p…  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the low-frequency sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea (YECS) is linked to large-scale climate variability, but explanations on the mechanisms vary. This study examines the low-frequency variability and trends of some atmospheric and oceanic variables to discuss their different effects on the YECS warming. The increasing temperature trend is also observed at a hydrographic section transecting the Kuroshio. The increasing rate of ocean temperature decreases with depth, which might result in an increase in vertical stratification and a decrease in vertical mixing, and thus plays a positive role on the YECS warming. The surface net heat flux (downward positive) displays a decreasing trend, which is possibly a result of the YECS warming, and, in turn, inhibits it. Wind speeds show different trends in different datasets, such that its role in the YECS warming is uncertain. The trends in wind stress divergence and curl have large uncertainties, so their effects on SST warming are still unclear. The Kuroshio heat transport calculated in this study, displays no significantly increasing trend, so is an unlikely explanation for the SST warming. Limited by sparse ocean observations, sophisticated assimilative climate models are still needed to unravel the mechanisms behind the YECS warming.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional coupled tide-surge model was used to investigate the effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surges along the coast of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. In order to estimate the impacts of tide-surge interactions on storm surge elevations, Typhoon 7203 was assumed to arrive at 12 different times, with all other conditions remaining constant. This allowed simulation of tide and total water levels for 12 separate cases. Numerical simulation results for Yingkou, Huludao, Shijiusuo, and Lianyungang tidal stations were analyzed. Model results showed wide variations in storm surge elevations across the 12 cases. The largest difference between 12 extreme storm surge elevation values was of up to 58 cm and occurred at Yingkou tidal station. The results indicate that the effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surge elevations are very significant. It is therefore essential that these are taken into account when predicting storm surge elevations.  相似文献   

High-resolution peat humification records were obtained from Dajiuhu of the Shennongjia Mountains and Qianmutian of the Tianmu Mountains to study climate changes in East China. The analyses of pollen, organic matters, TOC, and Rb/Sr indicate a high degree of peat humification and thus strong decomposition of organic matter when climate was dry. Conversely, when climate was humid, the degree of humification is low because peat was preserved in a waterlogged condition. Peat humification from Dajiuhu occurred not only during the Younger Dryas (about 11.4–12.6 cal ka BP), the Bølling-Allerød Warm Period (12.6–15.2 cal ka BP), and the Oldest Dryas (about 15.2–16.0 cal ka BP), but also during the early Holocene (about 11.4–9.4 cal ka BP), the 8.2 cal ka BP cold event, and the Holocene Optimum (about 7.0–4.2 cal ka BP). Both peat humification records since nearly 5 ka BP are consistent, showing that mountain peatland has synchronous responses to the East Asia monsoon-induced precipitation. The LOI data confirm the above observation. The monsoon precipitation since nearly 5 ka BP recorded in these two peat profiles can be divided into three phases. During 4.9–3.5 ka BP, precipitation amount was high but fluctuated greatly. During 3.5–0.9 ka BP, precipitation amount was low. During 0.9–0 ka BP, degree of humification reduced gradually, indicating the increase of monsoon precipitation. Contrast to other high-resolution records from East China monsoon region shows that the monsoon precipitation records of the two peat profiles since nearly 16 ka BP are controlled by a common forcing mechanism of summer solar radicalization in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

南海北部神狐海域是我国首次获取海洋天然气水合物实物样品的海域.然而, 陆坡区深水水道和海底峡谷的侵蚀以及频发的沉积物失稳, 将会加剧地层对比和沉积相识别的难度, 导致目前该区域典型地震相-沉积相特征、沉积体类型、成因机制和空间匹配关系等方面还缺少精细的研究, 特别是第四纪以来的沉积演化涉及较少, 区域内水合物形成和分布的沉积地质条件尚不清晰.基于海底地形特征的描述、层序地层格架的对比和地震资料的综合解释, 本次研究在第四纪以来的沉积充填序列中识别出5种典型的地震相类型, 并分析了对应的沉积体类型:进积型的陆坡、第四纪早期发育的小型浊积水道、沉积物失稳(滑移和滑塌)、海底峡谷和伴生的沉积物变形、以及深海沉积-块体流沉积的复合体.通过沉积单元的空间匹配关系, 将沉积演化划分为3个阶段:浊积水道侵蚀-沉积物再沉积阶段、陆坡进积-沉积物失稳阶段、海底峡谷的侵蚀-充填阶段.研究结果表明, 受第四纪早期小型浊积水道的侵蚀, 再沉积的沉积物将在中-下陆坡以"近源"的方式堆积下来, 可能具有相对较好的物性条件, 从而可被视为适于水合物赋存的有利沉积体.进积型陆坡带来的沉积物易于发生失稳, 在研究区内广泛分布, 因其具有较小的沉积物颗粒粒度和较好的垂向连续性, 可被认为是水合物的区域盖层.大量发育的海底峡谷及伴生的沉积物变形, 将会侵蚀和破坏先前沉积的有利沉积体, 使其呈现为"斑状/补丁状"的平面展布特征, 进而影响了神狐海域水合物的分布.因此, 神狐海域第四纪以来的沉积演化是钻探区水合物不均匀性分布的关键控制因素之一.  相似文献   

Two gravity cores collected off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta in the southern Bohai Sea were analyzed for grain size, the total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN) ratio, color diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, 14C dating and 137Cs and 210Pb isotope contents to clarify changes in the sedimentary environment during the Holocene. In particular, the effect of natural and artificial river-course shifts of the Huanghe on the Bohai Sea sediment was investigated. A peat layer, scouring surface and sharp changes in the grain size, TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L?, a?) and magnetic susceptibility were identified and are likely to be due to the early-Holocene sea-level rise resulting in environmental changes from coastal to shelf environments in the Bohai Sea. After the sea level reached its maximum at 6-7 ka BP, the lateral shifts in the river course of the Huanghe formed 10 superlobes, and superlobe 7 (11-1048 AD) and superlobe 10 (1855-present) of the Huanghe delta affected the core sites. The northern site of BH-239 has been more affected by the Huanghe since the middle Holocene. Notably, in the superlobe 10 period, the reshaping of the northern Huanghe delta due to an artificial river-course shift from northward to eastward in 1976 (e.g., a∼10 km shoreline retreat due to coastal erosion) was recorded in the core sediments, particularly in terms of the TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L? and a?) and magnetic susceptibility, owing to the huge sediment supply from coastal erosion of the former river mouth area.  相似文献   

Very diversified and abundant benthic microgastropods and planktonic microgastropods (pteropods) from core NS93-12-25 could provide a glance of change of the sea level in the south continental shelf of the South China Sea since last 14 ka. Research shows that general sea level changes of this sea area were rising and later rising after a short period of falling in this period. In the range from the bottom of the core to the core depth of 200 cm, individuals in big size are common in microgastropods and Turritella filiola is very rich, signifying the environment of the inner continental shelf in the last deglaciation stage. In the core depth range of 200–150 cm the continuously getting light of the δ18O, the regularly decreasing of the percentage content of T. filiola and the high diversification of microgastropods indicate the rising of the sea level. Especially at the core depth range of 175–150 cm the pteropods became dominant, making sure the fact that the high sea level possibly occurred in the early Holocene. Channels of surrounding straits connecting the adjacent sea thus were opened. But at the core depth of about 100 cm T. filiola became very rich again. This possibly implies that there was a short term of the sea level falling, resulting in the temporal closure of the channels. In the core depth range of 55–50 cm the Scaliola’s representatives relatively develop and this may be inferred to the cooling of climate.  相似文献   

Ma  Jiacheng  Zhou  Xinying  Yang  Shixia  Rao  Huiyun  Li  Jiaoyang  Hu  Songmei  Yang  Yimin  Li  Xiaoqiang 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2022,65(7):1317-1327
Science China Earth Sciences - For a long time, the academic community has known very little about hunter-gatherers in the steppe area of northern China in the mid-Holocene. This article reports on...  相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon Holocene optimal period has been debated both about duration and whether conditions were a maximum in thermal conditions or in precipitation. In this study we show Holocene climate variability inferred by a forest reconstruction of a subalpine pollen sequence from peat bog deposits in central Taiwan, based on modern analogues of various altitudinal biomes in the region. A warmer interval occurred between 8 and 4 ka BP (calibrated 14C years) when the subtropical forests were more extensive. The Holocene thermal optimum is represented by an altitudinal tropical forest at 6.1–5.9 ka BP and 6.9 ka BP and only the latter was accompanied by wet conditions, indicating decoupling of thermal and precipitation mechanism in the middle Holocene. Abrupt and relative severe cold phases, shown by biome changes, occurred at about 11.2–11.0 ka BP; 7.5 ka BP; 7.2 ka BP; 7.1 ka BP; 5.2 ka BP, 5.0 ka BP and 4.9 ka BP. A spectral analysis of pollen of a relatively cold taxon — Salix, reveals that the time series is dominated by a 1500 yr periodicity and similar to the cold cycle reported in the marine records of Indian and western Pacific Oceans. The cold–warm conditions inferred by the change of forests show close relationship to solar energy in comparison with the production rate of Be-10.  相似文献   

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