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This work aims at processing the data of CP1 and CP2 programs of EISCAT ionospheric radar from 1987 to 1994 using the –full profile method which allows to solve the –temperature-composition ambiguity problem in the lower F region. The program of data analysis was developed in the CEPHAG in 1995–1996. To improve this program, we implemented another analytical function to model the ion composition profile. This new function better reflects the real profile of the composition. Secondly, we chose the best method to select the initial conditions for the –full profile procedure. A statistical analysis of the results was made to obtain the averages of various parameters: electron concentration and temperature, ion temperature, composition and bulk velocity. The aim is to obtain models of the parameter behaviour defining the ion composition profiles: z50 (transition altitude between atomic and molecular ions) and dz (width of the profile), for various seasons and for high and low solar activities. These models are then compared to other models. To explain the principal features of parameters z50 and dz, we made an analysis of the processes leading to composition changes and related them to production and electron density profile. A new experimental model of ion composition is now available.  相似文献   

A radon concentration measurement survey was carried out in Ecuador using the SSNTD technique. The data analysis shows a definite radon anomaly prior to March 6, 1987;M=6.9 earthquake. Anomalies found before October 18 and October 28th mild earthquakes in 1986 could be correlated with these events. Other anomalies that we cannot correlate with any geophysical event were also found.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory-scale experiments on a small cylindrical barrier capable of being moved zonally with respect to a rotating hemispherical shell of liquid are described. When the cylinder is moved west relative to the shell at rates approximating 1/10 of the basic rotation a strong anticyclonic circulation developes around the cylinder and pronounced wave motions appear in the remainder of the liquid. When the cylinder is moved eastward at the same relative rates there is no net circulation around it and rapid motions toward the east occur in the latitude zone that it occupies. Velocity discontinuity surfaces on which occasional vortices develop divide this zone from the remainder of the liquid on both sides where much less developed motions occur. General implications of these and certain other types of experiments for problems of flow over large mountain masses are pointed out.  相似文献   

Convection occurs when two water reservoirs, the overlying and the underlying, are connected by a narrow channel and the fluid in the lower reservoir is heated to the stage of phase transition into steam. The laboratory study of the properties of unstable steam-water convection showed that under favourabieP-T conditions the convection can be the triggering mechanism of seismicity. This type of convection causes a sudden fall of pressure in the lower reservoir and in the connecting channel, the impulsive mechanical disturbances, and cyclicity. The point of initiation of this phenomenon can be located at a depth of 5–7 km from the earth's surface with subsequent propagation of the process of instability to larger and smaller depths. This model of the natural terrestrial conditions can account for the earthquake cyclicity in the same focal zones, the rise of temperature and of the level of ground waters during earthquakes, the enhancement of seismicity while filling the water storage basins, the effect of floating up of hypocenters of aftershocks and the greater intervals between them.  相似文献   

使用宁夏四个地电台站记录的地电场数据,研究其变化特征、频谱特征、与区域气压变化的关系及测量方向与附近断裂走向的关系。研究结果显示:部分地电场具有日变化特征,同时也具有气压非周期性变化特征,这种特征与气压变化呈负相关,当场地裂隙优势方位与附近断裂带方位呈近似垂直或较大夹角时,测向与附近断裂走向近垂直的地电场与气压相关性较高。分析认为地电场具有气压非周期变化特征是因为测量位置基岩孔隙的渗透率与附近断裂裂缝的渗透率不同,流体渗流过程中气压系统变化引起的流体“窜流”所致。  相似文献   

This paper studied some properties of PdSwr phase related to 670 km discontinuities in detail, and theoretically processed a preliminary analysis to this phase. We discussed the relationships between the incident angle ih of PdSwr phase with its path, epicentral distance, travel-time and relative amplitude due to low velocity zone (LVZ) of upper mantle, and preliminarily pointed out the main characters of PdSwr phase recorded in seismogram. The PdSwr phase is concentrated in range of 13.5(~96.5(. When epicentral distance is greater than 33(, the start point of PdSwr phase is relatively well distinguishable and could thus be determined more easily. When the epicentral distance is between 13.5( to 33(, the triplication of PdSwr(s travel-time curve could be slightly distinguished due to the low velocity zone and 220 km seismic velocity discontinuity of upper mantle. The relevant observed PdSwr phase should be in a more complex pattern and it should be more difficult to determine its start point.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):182-188
We investigate the contribution of atmospheric and its induced non-tidal oceanic loading effects on surface time-varying gravity and tilt measurements for several stations in Western Europe. The ocean response to pressure forcing can be modelled accordingly to the inverted barometer, i.e. assuming that air pressure variations are fully compensated by static sea height changes, or using ocean general circulation models. We validate two runs of the HUGO-m barotropic ocean model by comparing predicted sea surface height variations with hundred tide-gauge measurements along the European coasts. We then show that global surface pressure field, as well as a barotropic high-resolution ocean model forced by air pressure and winds allow in most cases a significant reduction of the variance of gravity residuals and, to a smaller extends tilt residuals.We finally show that precise gravity measurements with superconducting gravimeters allow the observation of large storm surges, occurring in the North Sea, even for inland stations. However, we also confirm that the continental hydrology contribution cannot be neglected. Thanks to their specific sensitivity feature, only tiltmeters closest to the coast can clearly detect the loading due to these storm surges.  相似文献   

It is convenient to use the semi-empirical model (SEM), developed by the authors earlier and describing the relation of the electron density at heights of the middle ionosphere (120–200 km) to the parameters of the thermosphere and the integral flux of the ionizing solar radiation, to estimate the gas composition characteristics using the data of ionospheric measurements [Shchepkin et al., 2008]. The ratios of the concentrations of oxygen atoms and nitrogen molecules to those of oxygen molecules and atoms at a height of 120 km are compared using two SEM versions. The first version is based on the usage of the coefficients obtained from the measurements of N(h) profiles at Moscow observatory. The electron densities at heights of 120–200 km, obtained at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in 2003–2006 using the digisonde, were the experimental data for the second version.  相似文献   

The distribution of the electric potential, generated by the magnetospheric field-aligned currents flowing along the auroral oval and in the dayside cusp region at the upper atmospheric boundary in the polar ionosphere, is calculated. The obtained electric potential distributions are used to calculate the electric field strength near the Earth’s surface. The results of the model calculations are in good agreement with the electric field measurements at Vostok Antarctic station. It has been indicated that large-scale magnetospheric fieldaligned currents, related to IMF variations, can affect variations in the electric field strength in the polar regions via changes in the electric potential in the polar ionosphere, associated with these currents.  相似文献   

阐述了热田区热水开采对怀来4井水氡、气氡引起的阶段性变化,针对开采引起的干扰情况,采取了相应的抗干扰措施,保证了地下流体观测资料的可靠性.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of measurements of electric resistivity changes in the sample subject to uniaxial loading in the automatic press. Four-electrode method was used. All minielectrodes were fixed inside the samples. The zone of future fracture was determined by a kind of pre-cut. Distribution of minielectrode sets in various parts of the samples ensured the possibility of monitoring the changes of electric resistivity either in the direct fracture zone, or outside of that zone. The comparison of the measurement data obtained in the fracture zone and outside of it shows that electric resistivity method can be used to failure prediction in both zones, although the precursor phenomena are much better visible in the direct fracture zone. The typical progress of changes obtained in the fracture zone is similar to that observed while investigating the resistivity changes in mines. Decreased repetition time of measurements improved the quality of results. New precursor phenomena were found out in the course of electric resistivity changes. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 220–228, 1992.  相似文献   

Making measurements of electric resistivity at 16 s intervals, the authors noticed fast changes of this parameter prior to the occurrence of the main fracture. The changes are superposed on bay pulsations of increasing amplitude and decreasing period. This finding opens prospects for a wider use of an electric resistivity method and proves the high quality of automatic instruments, in particular their high resolution. It also gives evidence for the occurrence of short-period precursors in the fracture zone while the main fracture is being formed.  相似文献   

Efforts have been made to extend the MF radar tidal profiles to E-region heights. The totally reflected MF radar echoes from E-region heights during daytime are known to be group-retarded and the corresponding wind and tidal data will have associated height discrepancies. The estimation of the E-region real heights (Namboothiri et al., 1993), and the elimination of the data for which the group retardation is significant, are selected as the basic criteria to extend the tidal profiles to 100–125 km. The analysis of the quiet (Ap<19) days of the winter and summer seasons of 1988/89 shows that the tidal propagation continues to higher altitudes with some changes in their pattern, e.g. longer wavelengths, compared to that in the lower altitudes. Comparison with the model profiles shows some resemblance and some disagreements. The reliability of the MF radar tidal measurements of E-region heights and the propagation of tides in this region have been discussed in the light of existing theories and other experimental observations. It is concluded that, based on the initial studies with UHF and MF systems and within the limits of the available theories, the information on tides presented here for the 100–125 km region using the MF radar observations is useful. Suggestions for future work in this direction are also given.  相似文献   

In regions where aquifers sustain rivers, the location and quantification of groundwater discharge to surface water are important to prevent pollution hazards, to quantify and predict low flows and to manage water supplies. 222Rn is commonly used to determine groundwater discharge to rivers. However, using this isotopic tracer is challenging because of the high diffusion capacity of 222Rn in open water. This study illustrates how a combination of isotopic tracers can contribute to an enhanced understanding of groundwater discharge patterns in small rivers. The aim of this paper is to combine 222Rn and δ13CDIC to better constrain the physical parameters related to the degassing process of these tracers in rivers. The Hallue River (northern France) was targeted for this study because it is sustained almost exclusively by a fractured chalk aquifer. The isotopes 222Rn, δ13CDIC, δ2H and δ18O were analysed along with other natural geochemical tracers. A mass balance model was used to simulate 222Rn and δ13CDIC. The results of δ2H and δ18O analyses prove that evaporation did not occur in the river. The calibration of a numerical model to reproduce 222Rn and δ13CDIC provides a best‐fit diffusive layer thickness of 3.21 × 10?5 m. This approach is particularly useful for small rivers flowing over carbonate aquifers with high groundwater DIC where the evolution of river DIC reflects the competing processes of groundwater inflow and CO2 degassing. This approach provides a means to evaluate groundwater discharge in small ungauged rivers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff models are widely used to predict flows using observed (instrumental) time series of air temperature and precipitation as inputs. Poor model performance is often associated with difficulties in estimating catchment‐scale meteorological variables from point observations. Readily available gridded climate products are an underutilized source of temperature and precipitation time series for rainfall–runoff modelling, which may overcome some of the performance issues associated with poor‐quality instrumental data in small headwater monitoring catchments. Here we compare the performance of instrumental measured and E‐OBS gridded temperature and precipitation time series as inputs in the rainfall–runoff models “PERSiST” and “HBV” for flow prediction in six small Swedish catchments. For both models and most catchments, the gridded data produced statistically better simulations than did those obtained using instrumental measurements. Despite the high correspondence between instrumental and gridded temperature, both temperature and precipitation were responsible for the difference. We conclude that (a) gridded climate products such as the E‐OBS dataset could be more widely used as alternative input to rainfall–runoff models, even when instrumental measurements are available, and (b) the processing applied to gridded climate products appears to provide a more realistic approximation of small catchment‐scale temperature and precipitation patterns needed for flow simulations. Further research on this issue is needed and encouraged.  相似文献   

Summary A review is given of the investigations on variations in the general circulation in middle latitudes made byWillett andPetterssen. According toWillett a «high-index» type of circulation pattern with a strong zonal flow has probably caused the recent climatic improvement in the northern latitudes while the «low-index» type with meridional flow would create a cooling off in the same areas. According toPetterssen an other type of «low-index» pattern with a weak zonal flow and strong meridional exchange of air has been the essential cause of the warming up of the northern latitudes in Europe. This implies that the definition of the «low-index» type is not clear and gives rise to misunderstanding. Making use of our experience on glacier retreat in northern Scandinavia it is concluded that thePetterssen type of circulation more probably than the «high-index» type has caused the warming-up in the North Atlantic area from which the retreat of the glaciers has followed.  相似文献   

Summary With a self-neutralizing, rocket-borne parachute aspiration probe concentration and mobility measurements of positively and negatively charged carriers were made between 72 and 40 km over Sardinia. Between 72 km and 60 km a heavy and a light group of positively charged particles were found. The heavy group was more abundant than the hight group in the greater heights. For the negatively charged particles only one mobility group was found which roughly corresponded to the mobility of the light group of the positively charged carriers. The probe was designed so that no electrons could enter the analyzer section of the aspiration system. By this the electron concentration was given by the difference in concentration between the positively and negatively charged particles.This paper was read byH. Dolezalek, in an abbreviated form supplied by the authors.  相似文献   

Old, cold oceanic lithosphere is denser and therefore gravitationally more unstable than younger, hotter oceanic lithosphere. Hence, whereas old lithosphere will sink under its own weight, subduction of young lithosphere may require an additional force. Interarc spreading occurs or occurred recently in the western Pacific, in the southern Atlantic, and possibly in the Mediterranean, where the subducted sea floor appears to be more than 50 m.y. old, and in many cases, is more than 100 m.y. old. In most of these regions, the ease with which the old dense lithosphere sinks may have contributed to a seaward migration of the trenches, which led to interarc spreading. Cordilleran tectonics, including high mountains and broad zones of deformation, are present on the margins of the eastern Pacific where the subducted oceanic lithosphere is younger than about 50 m.y. An extra force, which we presume to be necessary to cause subduction of the young lithosphere, may be responsible for the deformation and mountains just as an extra force seems necessary to drive continental collision in Asia. The extensive early Tertiary deformation across a broad zone of western North America may be related to the long-term, continuous subduction of young lithosphere of the Farallon and Kula plates.  相似文献   

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