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Major, trace element, and Sr isotopic data are reported forvolcanic rocks from the island of Alicudi, Aeolian Arc, SouthernTyrrhenian Sea. The island is constructed of basalt, basalticandesite to high-K andesite lavas, and pyroclastites, whichshow a continuum in the variation of many major and trace elements.Total iron, MgO, CaO, Ni, Co, Sc, and Cr decrease with increasingsilica, whereas incompatible elements Rb, Ba, Th, and LREE displaythe opposite tendency. Very significant positive correlationsare defined by incompatible elements on interelemental variationdiagrams. Sr isotopic ratios vary from 0–70352 to 0–70410.Overall, basalts (0–70352–O-70410) and basalticandesltes (0–70356–0–70409) are enriched in87Sr compared with high-K andesites (O–70352–O–70367),which display the lowest Sr isotopic ratios within the entireAeolian archipelago. Overall negative relationships exist between87Sr/86Sr and several incompatible trace element abundancesand ratios, such as Th, U, LREE, Zr, La/Yb, and Th/Hf. Otherelemental ratios such as La/Rb, Ba/Rb, and Sr/Rb show more complexbehaviour, even though negative correlations with Sr isotopicratios are observed in the basalts. The observed compositional variations are best explained interms of a model in which primitive calc-alkaline magmas evolvedby crystal-liquid fractionation to give a series of variouslydifferentiated liquids, which underwent different degrees ofinteraction with crustal material. The more mafic and hotterbasaltic liquids appear to have assimilated higher amounts ofmetamorphic wall rocks than did the cooler late erupted andesiticmagmas. This process produced significant variations of Sr isotopicratios, Rb, Cs, Rb/Sr ratios, and LILE/Rb ratios in mafic magmas,but had only minor effects on the abundances and ratios of otherincompatible elements such as Th, LREE, La/Yb, and Th/Hf. When compared with mafic rocks from other Aeolian islands, theAlicudi basalts are more primitive geochemically and isotopically.Going eastward, there is a decrease in Ni and Cr abundances,mg-number and Nd isotopic ratios which parallels an increaseof Sr isotopic ratios in basaltic rocks along the arc. Thesecompositional variations are typical of volcanic series whichhave undergone interaction with upper-crustal material, andsuggest that this process may have contributed significantlyto the regional geochemical and isotopic trends observed inthe Aeolian arc.  相似文献   

New geochemical and isotopic data are reported for calc-alkaline (CA) volcanics of the Aeolian arc. Three main groups are recognized: the Alicudi and Filicudi volcanics in the western part of the arc; the Panarea, Salina and Lipari (henceforth termed PSL) volcanics in the central part of the arc and the Stromboli suite which makes up the eastern part of the arc. Each group is characterized by distinctive isotopic ratios and incompatible element contents and ratios. 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70352–0.70538) increase from west to northeast, and are well correlated with 143Nd/144Nd (Nd from +4.8 to -1.5). Pb isotope ratios are fairly high (6/4=19.15–19.54; 7/4=15.61–15.71; 8/4=38.97–39.36), with a general increase of 7/4 and 8/4 values from Alicudi to PSL islands and Stromboli. LILE contents and some incompatible element ratios (e.g. Ba/La, La/Nb, Zr/Nb, Rb/Sr) increase from the western to the central part of the arc, whereas HFSE and REE abundances decrease. Opposite variations are often observed in the volcanics toward the north-east from PSL islands. To account for these features and the decoupling observed between isotopic compositions and incompatible element abundances and ratios, it is suggested that a mantle source with affinities to the MORB source is metasomatized by slab-derived, crustal components. The proportion of crustal material entrained in the mantle source increases from Alicudi to Stromboli, according to the Sr and Nd isotope variations. It is also proposed that slab derived hydrous fluids play an important role, but which is variable in different sectors of the arc. This is attributed to the metasomatizing agent having variable fluid/melt ratios, reflecting different types of mass transfer from the subducted contaminant (probably pelagic sediments) to the mantle wedge. Thus, it is suggested that the slab derived end-member has a high hydrous fluid/melt ratio in the PSL mantle source and a correspondingly lower ratio in the Alicudi and Stromboli sources.  相似文献   

We studied the geochemical characteristics of three types of Mesozoic igneous rocks from the Luzong volcanic basin: basaltic trachyandesite at Shuangmiao, pyroxene monzonite at Bajiatan, and quartz-syenite (A-type granite) at Huangmeijian. Based on analyses of whole-rock major elements, all investigated rocks are enriched in K, Na, Ti, Al, but depleted in Ca, representing a shoshonitic series. Trace element analyses show that these rocks are characterized by enrichments of large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. Positive Nb and Ta anomalies in the chondrite-normalized spider diagram indicate that the shoshonitic volcanic rocks share similar features with Nb-enriched basalts, which are different from normal island-arc volcanical rocks (they are typically strongly depleted in Nb and Ta). Bulk-rock chemical compositions and Sr–Nd isotopes indicate that the three types of igneous rocks are geochemically comagmatic, suggesting that the melts were derived from an enriched mantle reservoir. We postulate an extensional tectonic setting for the formation of Luzong volcanic basin, possibly related to subduction of a palaeo-Pacific plate beneath the east Chinese continent during the Yanshanian period (Cretaceous). Therefore, the petrogenetic features of those volcanic rocks as well as A-type granites in the Luzong basin indicate that the regional large-scale Fe–Cu–Au mineralization was associated with oceanic slab melting, but not delamination or recycling of the ancient lower continental crust, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Petrological, trace element and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic data are reported for volcanic rocks from the island of Filicudi, Aeolian Arc, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. The volcano consists of several monogenic and polygenic centres built up through four major phases of explosive and effusive activity started before 1 Ma. Rock composition ranges from calc-alkaline basalts to high-K andesites. There is a negative correlation between silica and MgO, CaO, TiO2, FeOtotal, and a positive trend for K2O, Na2O and P2O5. LILE and HFSE increase with silica, whereas ferromagnesian trace elements have an opposite tendency. Incompatible elements, such as Zr, Ba, Rb, La, display well-defined positive correlations on elemental variation diagrams; weak correlations are shown by the other incompatible elements; Sr and compatible elements define negative, roughly curvilinear trends with incompatible elements. 87Sr/86Sr is poorly but significantly variable (0.704016–0.704740) and shows overall higher values in the mafic than in the sialic rocks. Nd isotope ratios range from 0.512670 to 0.512760 and are negatively correlated with 87Sr/86Sr. Pb isotope ratios cluster around 206Pb/204Pb=19.31–19.67, 207Pb/204Pb=15.64–15.69, 208Pb/204Pb=39.11–39.47.Major, trace element and isotopic variations reveal complex, multistage polybaric evolutionary processes for the Filicudi magmas. It is clear that crystal-liquid fractionation processes determined many of the petrologic and geochemical characteristics of these magmas. However, elemental variations when coupled with isotopic variations (in particular Sr isotopes) demonstrate that mixing processes and interaction of the magmas with older crustal material also played an important role.When compared with other Aeolian arc volcanoes, Filicudi shows petrological and geochemical characteristics similar to those of the nearby islands of Salina and Alicudi. The three islands consist of calc-alkaline rocks, but the degree of magma evolution increases going from the Alicudi to Salina. These variations are likely related to the plumbing system of the three volcanoes. However, trace element and isotopic evidence also suggests significant variations of primary magmas, which reveal a zoned source which suffered different types of metasomatism.  相似文献   

Macro- and meso-structural analyses of the Ustica rock formations lead to an interpretation of most of the deformational features that define the structural framework of the island. A regime of sinistral transtension seems to be the best explanation for the most significant fault associations. This regime is consistent with the kinematic model for the Tyrrhenian back-arc-accretionary wedge system proposed by Doglioni (1991). A caldera collapse in the northern part of the island provides the major source of volcanotectonic deformation while cracks, open or filled by clastic and/or volcanic material, were formed by downslope block sliding mostly along the southern coastline. Joints in indurated surge deposits were generated by brittle deformations induced by gravity after deposition, rather than by tectonism.  相似文献   

报道的高钾-钾玄质火山岩位于狮泉河镇南东方向约20km处,向东延伸。高钾-钾玄质火山岩Si O2变化于60.35%~68.68%之间,属中酸性岩范畴;具有高的K2O+Na2O含量(8.8%~10.66%),K2O/Na2O值在1.92~2.49之间,Mg O含量较低,介于0.88%~3.47%之间,Al2O3含量为14.02%~14.91%,属于高钾-钾玄质系列。岩石强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb、Ba、Th、U和轻稀土元素(LREE),高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti具有明显负异常,Cr、Ni、Co相容元素含量低于或接近地壳的平均含量,结合Th/Yb-Ta/Yb、(Th×100)/Zr-(Nb×100)/Zr判别图及La-La/Yb图解,暗示岩浆源区可能为下地壳。在左左乡南东约2km处和狮泉河水泥厂北东约1km处各采集1个高钾-钾玄质火山岩样品,对其中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定,得到的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为22.04±0.42Ma和22.29±0.31Ma,此年龄被解释为狮泉河一带高钾-钾玄质火山岩的喷发时代,即中新世阿启塔期。由此表明,该火山岩是印度板片向北俯冲时在狮泉河一带俯冲板片断离,岩浆发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

尼玛次仁    王国灿  顿都    次仁央宗  焦文龙  普尺  叶强  达娃 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1656-1667
报道的高钾-钾玄质火山岩位于狮泉河镇南东方向约20km处,向东延伸。高钾-钾玄质火山岩SiO2变化于60.35%~68.68%之间,属中酸性岩范畴;具有高的K2O+Na2O含量(8.8%~10.66%),K2O/Na2O值在1.92~2.49之间,MgO含量较低,介于0.88%~3.47%之间,Al2O3含量为14.02%~14.91%,属于高钾-钾玄质系列。岩石强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb、Ba、Th、U和轻稀土元素(LREE),高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti具有明显负异常,Cr、Ni、Co相容元素含量低于或接近地壳的平均含量,结合Th/Yb-Ta/Yb、(Th×100)/Zr-(Nb×100)/Zr判别图及La-La/Yb图解,暗示岩浆源区可能为下地壳。在左左乡南东约2km处和狮泉河水泥厂北东约1km处各采集1个高钾-钾玄质火山岩样品,对其中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定,得到的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为22.04±0.42Ma和22.29±0.31Ma,此年龄被解释为狮泉河一带高钾-钾玄质火山岩的喷发时代,即中新世阿启塔期。由此表明,该火山岩是印度板片向北俯冲时在狮泉河一带俯冲板片断离,岩浆发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

The 87Sr/86Sr ratios have been determined on the volcanic rocks of Ustica, Linosa and Pantelleria Islands. The petrology of these islands is typical of volcanic products belonging to the alkalic suite. The volcanites of Ustica and Linosa Islands are mainly represented by basic terms (alkalibasalts and hawaiites), with minor mugearitic and trachytic differentiates. In addition to alkali-basalts and hawaiites, also some alkaline and peralkaline rocks of Pantelleria have been isotopically analysed. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios are consistent with a subcrustal origin for all the volcanic products of these islands. Some differences in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios have been found and tentatively related to an inhomogeneous Rb/Sr distribution in the mantle source material. The genetic relationships of these rocks with some products of the recent Tyrrhenian volcanism are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Boninite series volcanic rocks have been recovered from three dredge hauls on the inner slope of the Mariana Trench. These hauls included olivine boninites, boninites, boninitic andesites and boninitic dacites, as well as island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites. The boninite series volcanics range from 52 to 68% SiO2, and are characterized by very low abundances of high-field-strength cations and heavy-rare-earth elements. Boninites and olivine boninites have phenocrysts of olivine and orthopyroxene, the andesites phenocrysts of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, and the dacites orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase. Most of the major and trace element variation in the series from boninite to boninitic dacite can be modelled by fractionation of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase in the proportions 2.5412, leaving 47% residual liquid. The fractionation must be in part open-system: reverse zoned phenocrysts, resorbed olivine and plagioclase xenocrysts, and bulk rock compositions which cannot be fit by simple closed system crystallization indicate some magma mixing and phenocryst accumulation. Two boninitic magma stems can be identified, with similar high-field-strength element abundances, but different amounts of Ca, Na, Al and light-rare-earth elements. There is also evidence for a magma stem transitional in chemistry from the boninites to arc tholeiites. The compositions of these boninites are consistent with hypotheses for boninite formation by partial melting of a depleted mantle mixed with an incompatible element enriched fluid. The Mariana forearc boninite series lacks a strong iron enrichment, but produces andesites with lower Ti, Al and Y/Zr, and higher Mg, Ni and Cr than typical calcalkaline arc andesites and dacites. Boninites in the Mariana system were erupted only in the earliest phases of subduction zone activity.  相似文献   

Summary Pyroclastites erupted from the Upper Pollara magma chamber (13 ka, Salina Island, Aeolian Archipelago) resulted from mingling and mixing of rhyolitic and andesitic magmas. An experimental study has been conducted on the rhyolitic end-member to constrain the pre-eruptive conditions of the magma. In order to check for the role of mixing on the equilibrium phase assemblage, three different starting compositions, corresponding to three different mixing degrees, have been used. The crystallization experiments were conducted at two different oxygen fugacities and at variable temperature and fluid contents. The results indicate that the natural mineralogical assemblage can only be reproduced from a composition showing a certain degree of mixing. Assuming a pressure of 200 MPa (generally accepted for the Aeolian Islands), the pre-eruptive temperature of the magmas is estimated between 755 and 800 °C and the water content of the melt was higher than 4–4.5 wt.%. The Upper Pollara magma crystallized at relatively high fO2 (ΔlogfO2 = Ni–NiO + 1 log unit), compared to rhyolitic magmas from Lipari and Vulcano. As this difference has not been observed for the most primitive magmas the difference in fO2 could be related to different degassing processes operating in Salina and Lipari – Vulcano magmas.  相似文献   

The deformation pattern and the dynamics of the southern sector of the Aeolian archipelago are investigated. A study on the ground deformation, measured over the last 20 years in the trilateration geodetic network between the islands of Vulcano and Lipari, has been conducted. Analysis of the relative displacements and the uniform strain tensor parameters, as well as the comparison between areal dilatation and the vertical variations deduced by precise levelling, allow distinguishing different phases associated both with the regional dynamics and the local volcanic context of the area. These phases, however, appear to be closely interrelated. The analysis of the deformation pattern allows to constrain the predominance of a roughly E–W trending extension and a N–S contraction at a regional scale. This regime is consistent with right-lateral movements along a NW–SE striking fault system.  相似文献   

赤峰地区中生代火山岩中非金属成矿系列研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明,满克头鄂博组、玛尼吐组、白音高老组和义县组中酸性火山岩是赤峰地区珍珠岩、沸石、膨润土、叶腊石、高岭石等非金属矿床的重要赋矿层位,并形成珍珠岩—沸石—膨润土成矿系列和叶腊石—高岭石成矿系列.在矿床特征和成因研究后认为,矿床的时空分布主要受控于区域性NNE向断裂和中生代火山岩建造,成矿作用对矿床成因类型及组合关系...  相似文献   

Most Ruapehu lavas and those of related vents (Taupo VolcanicZone, New Zealand) are calc-alkaline, medium-K basic and acidandesites, though minor volumes of basalt and dacite occur.Nearly all are porphyritic with phenocrysts of plagioclase,augite, olivine (mainly in basalts and basic andesites), orthopyroxene(mainly in acid andesites and dacites), and titanomagnetite(chrome spinel in basic lavas). The lavas have been subdividedinto six groups, each petrographically, geochemically and isotopicallydistinct: Type 1 plagioclase-pyroxene phyric lavas dominate,and range from basalt to dacite. Least squares mass balancecalculations indicate that these lavas were probably generatedfrom low-alumina basalt by combined crystal fractionation (15–55per cent) and crustal assimilation (1–30 per cent). Xenolithstudies indicate that the assimilant is most likely to be apartial melt of gneiss, originally Torlesse terrane greywacke.Crystal accumulation occurs to a minor extent in Type 1 lavasand becomes important in Type 2 (plagioclase-phyric) and Type3 (pyroxene-phyric) lavas. Type 4 lavas are rare and of unknownorigin, though they may be similar to rare hornblende-bearingandesites from nearby Maungakatote volcano. Type 5 lavas areclinopyroxene-olivine-phyric andesites which were probably generatedfrom a primitive basalt by crystal fractionation without crustalassimilation. Type 6 lavas show strong evidence of disequilibriumand were probably generated by mixing Type 5 basalt with Type1 dacite in proportions of between 60:40 and 50:50. The assertion that the assimilant involved in contaminationof most Ruapehu andesites is a partial melt of basement greywackeis a significant departure from previously published theoriesand has important implications for trace element and isotopicmodelling.  相似文献   

The erosion of a southern volcanic belt provided the bulk of the fine-grained and moderately sorted siliciclastic detritus in the whole deltaic to lagoonal Carnian (Upper Triassic) sequence of the Bergamasc Alps. Volcanic input began in the Early Carnian (Calcare Metallifero Bergamasco) and became prominent in Early-Middle (Val Sabbia Sandstone) and Late Carnian times (S. Giovanni Bianco Fm.), after an intervening period of diminished supply (Gorno Fm.). The mineralogical and chemical composition of the sandstones compares closely with that of siliciclastics derived from modern, Pacific-type magmatic arcs and it testifies to an evolution of the source rocks from andesites and dacites during the deposition of the Val Sabbia Sandstone, towards rhyodacitic ignimbrites for the S. Giovanni Bianco Fm. The marked reduction in feldspars at the top of the sequence contrasts with the classical trend from Undissected to Dissected Magmatic Arc provenance and is ascribed to the progressive deepening of erosion into Middle Triassic felsic volcanics. An increase in undulatory and polycrystalline quartz grains in the Late Carnian shows that the erosion did reach deeper into the crystalline roots of the arc, although non-volcanic detritus never exceeded 10%. After a terminal pyroclastic event in Middle-Late Carnian times, suggested by the sudden appearance of pumiceous vitric clasts at the top of the Val Sabbia Sandstone, the mid-Triassic orogenic magmatism ended and was followed by the tensional stage which led to the birth of Neotethys.  相似文献   

Samples of volcanic rocks from Alborán Island, the Alboran Sea floor and from the Gourougou volcanic centre in northern Morocco have been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr–Nd isotopes to test current theories on the tectonic geodynamic evolution of the Alboran Sea. The Alborán Island samples are low-K tholeiitic basaltic andesites whose depleted contents of HFS elements (0.5×N-MORB), especially Nb (0.2×N-MORB), show marked geochemical parallels with volcanics from immature intra-oceanic arcs and back-arc basins. Several of the submarine samples have similar compositions, one showing low-Ca boninite affinity. 143Nd/144Nd ratios fall in the same range as many island-arc and back-arc basin samples, whereas 87Sr/86Sr ratios (on leached samples) are somewhat more radiogenic. Our data point to active subduction taking place beneath the Alboran region in Miocene times, and imply the presence of an associated back-arc spreading centre. Our sea floor suite includes a few more evolved dacite and rhyolite samples with (87Sr/86Sr)0 up to 0.717 that probably represent varying degrees of crustal melting. The shoshonite and high-K basaltic andesite lavas from Gourougou have comparable normalized incompatible-element enrichment diagrams and Ce/Y ratios to shoshonitic volcanics from oceanic island arcs, though they have less pronounced Nb deficits. They are much less LIL- and LREE-enriched than continental arc analogues and post-collisional shoshonites from Tibet. The magmas probably originated by melting in subcontinental lithospheric mantle that had experienced negligible subduction input. Sr–Nd isotope compositions point to significant crustal contamination which appears to account for the small Nb anomalies.

The unmistakable supra-subduction zone (SSZ) signature shown by our Alboran basalts and basaltic andesite samples refutes geodynamic models that attribute all Neogene volcanism in the Alboran domain to decompression melting of upwelling asthenosphere arising from convective thinning of over-thickened lithosphere. Our data support recent models in which subsidence is caused by westward rollback of an eastward-dipping subduction zone beneath the westernmost Mediterranean. Moreover, severance of the lithosphere at the edges of the rolling-back slab provides opportunities for locally melting lithospheric mantle, providing a possible explanation for the shoshonitic volcanism seen in northern Morocco and more sporadically in SE Spain.  相似文献   

G. Milano  G. Vilardo  G. Luongo   《Tectonophysics》1994,230(3-4):249-264
An analysis of the spatial distribution of the seismicity of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea is presented with the aim of putting constraints on the geometry of the complex Benioff zone of this area by relocating the earthquakes that occurred in the period 1985–1990. The data set used in this analysis is based on information from ING, ISC, and NEIS databases.

In order to ensure the quality of epi/hypocentral locations, we based our selection of earthquakes on both the available number of P- and S-readings (at least eight P- and two S-pickings) and the epicentral distances of the stations reporting the event (< 5°). Such a selection enabled us to obtain a catalogue of 450 well-located events with focal depths of up to 500 km.

The seismogenetic volumes estimated from the distribution of hypocentres of the whole seismicity analysed were interpreted according to a recent geodynamic model proposed for this area. This has led us to the hypothesis of an active NW-SE-oriented subduction of the lithosphere generated and stressed by the opening of the Tyrrhenian Basin.  相似文献   

鲸鱼湖地区识别出了两个时期橄榄玄粗质火山岩喷发,早期为中新世,晚期为更新世。早期的属低碱安粗岩类,晚期的主要为碱玄岩-高碱的安粗岩类。两者在斑晶类型、主元素和微量元素丰度和同位素比值等方面都存在区别,但显示了相同的稀土元素分配型式。岩石同位素的环境判别表明它们都源自EMⅡ型地幔,属有再循环地壳物质加入的富集地幔。鲸鱼湖产出两个时代火山岩表明不同时期的新生代火山活动在空间上是可以叠加的。鲸鱼湖的火山沿巨型昆仑山南缘左行走滑断裂带分布,主要受断裂带北侧展布的次级断裂控制.岩石圈深断裂起到了岩浆通道的作用,而两期火山喷发的存在则说明了断层的多期活动。  相似文献   

粤西阳春地区马山二长岩的岩石化学组成特征为典型的钾玄质岩石,岗尾、轮水石英二长岩和花岗闪长岩属酸性一偏中性的钾玄质系列岩石(少数样品为高钾钙碱性岩石),而石菉花岗闪长岩则为典型的钙碱性系列岩石,这些岩体在岩石化学演化趋势上存在显著的差异,不属于同一个岩石成因系列.40Ar-39Ar和Rb-Sr同位素定年结果表明,马山和岗尾岩体的形成年龄分别为(164±2)Ma和(154±1)Ma.阳春地区从中侏罗世到早白垩世期间发生了3次主要的岩浆活动,从早到晚岩浆的K富集程度逐渐降低,岩浆岩成分从钾玄质系列过渡到钙碱系列.  相似文献   

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