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The Triassic deposits of Cerro Puntudo in the San Juan province of western Argentina constitute the northernmost exposures of the northern portion of the nonmarine Cuyo rift basin, also known as the Las Peñas-Tamberías half-graben. The local column, with an exposed thickness of approximately 400 m, consists of abundant basal and topmost coarse alluvial fan conglomerates and breccias (facies associations I and II) and a relatively thin (approximately 50 m) intervening sequence of marginal, shallow lacustrine deposits characterized by stromatolitic (domal) limestones, tuffaceous mudstones, and fine-grained sandstones (facies association III). Subaerial exposure in the lacustrine deposits is evidenced by desiccation cracks and brecciation. A very thin (0–6 m), laterally, discontinuous succession of lacustrine deposits with similar characteristics is interbedded with the basal conglomerates. Laterally, this lacustrine interval was eroded by overlying conglomerates. The basal conglomerates commonly show crude normal grading, faint cross-bedding, and b-axis clast imbrication. The predominance of coarse deposits and paleocurrents from NW to SE, indicative of an axial flow pattern, suggest that these exposures correspond to the northern end of the Cuyo basin, which is characterized by a shallow, alluvial fan-encased, carbonate-rich lake margin. This lacustrine interval can be correlated with the thicker lacustrine section exposed to the south at Quebrada del Tigre and Ciénaga Larga along the border fault margin of a nonmarine half-graben. The correlation with these sections suggests that the Cerro Puntudo lacustrine deposits are the shallowest equivalent of more profundal, organic-rich lacustrine sediments exposed in the deepest segment of the border fault margin. These thickness and facies variations are the result of differential subsidence along the border fault margin between the low accommodation, fault tip end represented by the Cerro Puntudo section and the high accommodation, central segment located to the south.  相似文献   

运用层序地层学原理,对鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上三叠统延长组长7—长4+5曲流河三角洲露头进行深入的研究,划分出低位体系域、湖侵体系域和高位体系域,其内部砂体骨架是由席状化水下分流河道、曲流型分流河道、辫状型分流河道沉积构成。阐述了鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上三叠统延长组层序格架和砂体结构特征,建立了鄂尔多斯盆地层序地层格架内砂体分布模式,构建了层序地层格架内砂体结构与相对湖平面响应模式图。研究表明随湖平面变化层序格架内砂体结构发生规律性变化,低位体系域早期侵蚀,晚期充填呈复合状砂体;湖侵体系域砂体呈孤立状;高位体系域早期砂体发育不全,晚期呈席状砂体。  相似文献   

塔北-塔中盆地三叠纪陆相层序地层划分及沉积演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
塔北-塔中盆地的三叠系包含了长周期、中周期和短周期三个级别的基准旋回,其包含有由不整合限定Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个长周期,长周期Ⅰ中可识别一个中周期(Ⅰ1);长周期Ⅱ中可识别出三个中周期(Ⅱ1,Ⅱ2,Ⅱ3)。塔北-塔中盆地三叠系-侏罗系的有利储集相带与中周期低水位体系域关系密切。盆地中三叠系的3套重要含油气储层Ⅲ油组(T2a),Ⅱ油组(T2a)和Ⅰ油组(T3h),分别对应三个中周期的Ⅱ1,Ⅱ2和Ⅱ3。  相似文献   

东营凹陷在沙河街组沉积期为北陡南缓的箕状断陷湖盆。通过钻井岩心、测井、薄片及扫描电镜分析,在断陷湖盆的南缓坡带古近系沙河街组中识别出了冲积扇、河流、三角洲和湖泊沉积体系,以及滨浅湖砂坝和缓坡远端浊积扇沉积相。建立了东营凹陷南部缓坡带层序地层格架及层序演化模式。在此基础上,详细研究了层序地层格架内的成岩作用特征。层序地层格架内主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、压溶作用、溶解作用等,成岩阶段为早成岩A、B期,晚成岩A、B期。层序地层格架内发育了碳酸盐胶结、石英次生加大、高岭石胶结和泥岩压实四种成岩相。  相似文献   

本文从准同生成岩作用、成岩作用类型及其强度、成岩环境演化等方面探讨了成岩作用与海平面升降、层序地层学的关系。研究指出,准同生期成岩作用反映海平面升降、层序界面的形成最敏感;成岩作用的类型及其成岩强度反映了海平面升降幅度、层序边界的类型:体系域的演化控制了成岩环境的演化,不同的体系域其成岩作用类型及其组合不同。成岩作用研究在白云岩地层中对层序边界及其类型的识别、体系域的划分具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地长8油层组古地理环境与沉积特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对地震、钻井资料的综合分析,认为延长组下部长8沉积时期鄂尔多斯湖盆可能不具有明显的"南陡北缓"的古地貌特征,也可能不存在大面积分布的半深湖—深湖环境。长8期湖盆古地形较为平坦,坡降不足0.1°或2m/km,气候较为干旱,湖泊水体为微咸水,水深小于10 m。具有如下特征的浅水湖泊三角洲为此时盆地的主体沉积类型:1)砂...  相似文献   

陆相拗陷湖盆陡坡带具有坡度陡、构造活动强烈、物近源、多物源、相变快等特点。勘探实践表明,与拗陷湖盆陡坡带相关的各类砂体,由于具有良好的油源条件、储集条件和油气运移条件,是油气聚集成藏的极有利场所。鄂尔多斯盆地三叠纪时期为典型的内陆大型拗陷盆地,陇东地区三叠纪延长期时在西缘逆冲带的影响下处于陡坡带,该区有两种物质聚集模式,一是从长10-长7退积型三角洲模式,二是从长6-长1进积型三角洲模式。并且在盆地形成演化过程中,伴随着基准面的升降变化,不同相区、不同时期可容纳空间和沉积物供应之间的比值发生相应的变化,从而表现为不同的地层充填样式。  相似文献   

Petrographic analysis of ooids from the Upper Triassic (Mercia Mudstone Group) of southwest England provides an opportunity to assess in detail the origins, transport pathways and diagenesis of an ancient oolite. The Clevedon Oolite is dolomitized and contains a variety of dissolved ooids (oomoulds) and associated grains. The oomoulds occur in well‐sorted, planar and cross‐stratified grainstones, packstones, sandstones and conglomerates associated with shoreface, intershoal, foreshore, beachrock and littoral strandplain deposits. The ooids grew in suspension in the shoreface zone and developed a radial aragonite microstructure. The ooids grew to 0.80 mm in diameter, after which they fractured or ceased growing. Broken grains deposited on or near mobile shoals were rapidly recoated, while other grains, deposited in less agitated, intershoal and lower foreshore areas, were micritized or microbially bound into grapestone aggregates. Locally peloids, intraclasts, quartz grains and micritized grains from intershoal areas supplied nuclei for ooids on nearby shoals. Grains deposited in foreshore areas were rapidly cemented into beachrock and reworked into conglomerates. Soon after deposition, the ooids were subjected to widespread aragonite dissolution followed by dolomitization. The lack of pre‐dolomitization calcite, together with the abundance of early (pre‐compaction) dolospar cements and fabric‐selective dolomitization of micritic fabrics, suggest aragonite dissolution by dolomitizing fluids. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract New and previously published models of wet aeolian system evolution form a spectrum of types that may be explained in terms of aeolian dune dynamics, rate of water table rise and/or periodicity of interdune flooding. This is illustrated with an example from the Mid‐Triassic (Anisian) Helsby Sandstone Formation, Cheshire, UK. Lenses of damp and wet interdune strata exhibit an intertonguing, transitional relationship with the toe‐sets of overlying aeolian dune units. This signifies dune migration that was contemporaneous with water table‐controlled accumulation in adjacent interdunes. Downwind changes in the geometry and facies of the interdune units indicate periodic expansion and contraction of the interdunes in response to changes in the elevation of the groundwater table and episodic flooding, during which accumulation of dune strata continued relatively uninterrupted. This contrasts with other models for accumulation in wet aeolian systems where interdune flooding is associated with a cessation in aeolian bedform climbing and the formation of a bypass or erosional supersurface. Architectural panels document the detailed stratigraphy in orientations both parallel and perpendicular to aeolian transport direction, enabling a quantitative three‐dimensional reconstruction of genetically related aeolian dune and interdune elements. Sets of aeolian dune strata are composed of grainflow and translatent wind‐ripple strata and are divided by a hierarchy of bounding surfaces originating from oblique migration of superimposed dunes over slipfaceless, sinuous‐crested parent bedforms, together with lee‐slope reactivation under non‐equilibrium flow conditions. Silty‐mudstone and sandstone interdune units are characterized by wind ripple‐, wavy‐ and subaqueous wave ripple‐laminae, desiccation cracks, mud flakes, raindrop imprints, load casts, flutes, intraformational rip‐up clasts and vertebrate and invertebrate footprint impressions and trackways. These units result from accumulation on a substrate that varied from dry‐ through damp‐ to wet‐surface conditions. Interdune ponds were flooded by either fluvial incursions or rises in groundwater table and were periodically subject to gradual desiccation and reflooding. Red silty‐mudstone beds of subaqueous origin pass laterally into horizontally laminated wind‐ripple beds indicating a progressive transition from wet‐ through damp‐ to dry‐surface conditions within a single interdune.  相似文献   

Abstract Accumulation within the unconformity‐based Hauterivian Avilé Sandstone of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was characterized by a close interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes developed after a major relative sea‐level drop that almost completely desiccated the entire basin and juxtaposed these non‐marine deposits on shallow‐ and deep‐marine facies. Aeolian deposits within the Avilé Member include dune (A1) and sand sheet (A2) units that characterize the lower part of the unit. Fluvial deposits comprise distal flood units (F1) interbedded with aeolian dune deposits in the middle part of the succession, and low‐ (F2) and high‐sinuosity (F3) channels associated with floodplain deposits (F4) towards the top. The internal characteristics of the aeolian system indicate that its accumulation was strongly controlled by water‐table dynamics, with the development of multiple horizontal deflation super surfaces that truncate dune deposits and form the basal boundary of flood deposits and sand sheet units. A long‐term wetting‐upward trend is recorded throughout the entire unit, with an increase in fluvial activity towards the top and the development of a more permanent fluvial system overlying a major erosion surface interpreted as a sequence boundary. The upward increase in water‐table influence might be related to relative sea‐level rise, which controlled the position of the water table and allowed the accumulation of tabular aeolian units bounded by horizontal deflation surfaces. This high‐frequency, eustatically driven process acted together with a long‐term climatic change towards wetter conditions.  相似文献   

中国三叠纪钾盐沉积——以四川为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国三叠系蒸发岩分布于华南,面积超过100×104km2,发现硫酸钾盐及富钾卤水,钾盐矿物有杂卤石、无水钾镁矾、硫锶钾石及多钙钾石膏等,富钾卤水矿化度255~382g/l,含钾量4~49g/l。蒸发盆地的发展受控于古构造及古地理,经历了开放台地一局限台地一堰塞湖一盐湖的发展阶段。钾盐沉积后,经历多阶段的复杂演变。富钾卤水中的钾主要来自硫酸钾盐的深滤,其次来自蒸发浓缩卤水及火山灰吸附钾的释放。杂卤石与富钾卤水的钾同位素测年值分别为210~150Ma及264~150Ma,说明固液相钾盐同源。从地质背景及成矿环境预测,三叠系的钾盐类型只能是硫酸钾盐,主要目的层为T1j5~2及T2l4~2,主要成矿带为构造分异及钾异常明显的四川盆地东、西部,富钾卤水的储集取决于蒸发岩地层的含钾性、碳酸盐夹层的裂隙发育程度及构造控矿条件。找矿模型应是油气钾卤兼探。  相似文献   

基准面变化与层序地层——以塔里木盆地陆相地层为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以海平面变化为基础的层序地层学理论在研究陆相盆地中遇到了困难;地层基准面变化在解释地层层序成因和地层层序划分中发挥了重要作用。本文通过基准面变化过程中地层层序的形成和演化的研究,来建立基准面变化曲线和地层成因分析,划分地层层序,从而建立层序地层格架。以基准面变化曲线为基础的层序地层学方法在塔里木盆地东南部露头剖面中成功地解释了三叠系一侏罗系陆相层序,并可与塔里木盆地北部地层层序进行对比。  相似文献   

浅水三角洲是当今沉积学研究热点和油气勘探重点对象。鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区三叠系延长组发育了大型浅水辫状河三角洲,并在其中发现了丰富的油气资源。在大量野外露头、岩心和地球物理资料分析的基础上,明确鄂尔多斯盆地延长组具有利于浅水辫状河三角洲发育的大型坳陷湖盆地质背景,形成的辫状河三角洲具有粒度较粗、塑性岩屑较多、成分和结构成熟度较低、发育交错层理和间断正韵律、水下分支河道多叉、砂厚、延伸远等沉积特征。鄂尔多斯盆地浅水辫状河三角洲沉积时期,沉积区距物源区相对较近,河道宽深比较大,发育浅水沉积构造和沉积韵律,构造活动和湖平面变化共同控制了三角洲的发育,形成了"小平原、大前缘"的浅水辫状河三角洲沉积体系。  相似文献   

以阿坝-若尔盖盆地岩相与古地理研究为例,并结合区域上有关资料。认为巴颜喀拉三叠纪沉积盆地发育有世界上罕见的巨型浊流沉积,主要由一套大陆斜坡浊积扇相组合与深海盆地相组合等构成。而斜坡浊积扇、深海盆地的形成与发展和海平面的下降期与上升期存在着对应关系,发育一系列叠复的浊积扇舌状体;浊流沉积物以陆源碎屑为主,伴有火山物质和碳酸盐岩的混合源型。物源主要来自北西侧与北侧的浅变质岩区;盆地属多阶段、多物源、不同构造性质相叠加的复合盆地。巴颜喀拉地区作为独立的微板块与东部扬子板块之间会聚、碰撞表现为扬子板块为俯冲,巴颜喀拉微板块为仰冲性质。新都桥组缺氧事件沉积物中具较广泛的微细浸染型金矿化,赋存于低密度浊流沉积的扇尾—深海盆地相内,而且也是现代砂金矿床的主要源区地层。  相似文献   

层序地层标准化是未来层序地层研究重要发展方向,层序成因模式、标准建立、工业化应用是核心;层序地层学分析的标准工作流程强调识别沉积物成因类型和层序地层界面的原因,向共同方法迈进。针对中国陆相沉积复杂多变的特点,可以利用野外露头伽马仪、元素捕获仪、探地雷达以及元素地球化学等多种手段进行高精度层序划分,识别三级层序界面与洪泛面,建立露头-钻井-地震层序地层格架。可以依据陆相湖盆沉积旋回在古水深、古气候、沉积地球化学特征等方面的定量表征,综合开展高精度层序地层研究。在四川盆地上三叠统须家河组层序岩相古地理研究中,将须家河组划分为5个三级层序,须家河组二段上、下亚段实际上是2个不同三级层序的基准面上升与下降体系域沉积,须二下段发育进积型三角洲,上段发育退积型三角洲;由于三角洲砂体发育机理明显不同,导致须二下段储层厚度和物性均好于上段,产层主要分布在下段。在层序岩相古地理研究基础上,进一步明确须二、四、六段是主要储层发育段,层间泥岩也可作为烃源岩。须一、三、五段是主要烃源岩发育段,盆缘规模较小的三角洲砂体也是重要的储层。  相似文献   

Predominantly fine‐grained strata were deposited in the Smith Bank Formation (Early Triassic) in the Central North Sea area of the Northern Permian Basin. Previously regarded as monotonous red claystone, examination of continuous core reveals abundant stratification, significant variation in colour, siltstone as the prevalent average grain size, and claystone is rare. Loessite occurs beyond the north‐western lacustrine margin, and aerosol dust has inundated clay pellets derived from aeolian reworking of the desiccated lake floor. The loessite has limited evidence of pluvial reworking but rare fossil roots testify to sufficient moisture to sustain plants. Loessite has not previously been differentiated successfully from other fine‐grained strata in the subsurface, but this study defines the presence of random grain‐fabric orientation as an intrinsic unequivocal characteristic of loessite that formed during air‐fall deposition of aerosol dust. Comparison with outcrop data verifies the utility of grain fabric to differentiate loessite. Tosudite, an aluminous di‐octahedral regularly ordered mixed‐layer chlorite/smectite, which is rare in sedimentary rock, forms a significant proportion (10 to 21%) of the clay mineral fraction of loessite along with a similar quantity of kaolinite. In all other samples, only illite and chlorite are identified, which is typical of fine‐grained Triassic strata. In a location, close to the southern lake margin, lacustrine strata are characterized by fining‐upward couplets of very fine‐grained sandstone into siltstone and mudstone, with occasional desiccated surfaces. Small sand injections and associated sand extrusions are common and indicate periodic fluidization of sand. Precise stratigraphic location of the Smith Bank Formation is problematic because of extremely sparse fossil preservation; however, there is no sedimentological evidence for a period of hyperaridity known from the early Olenekian in continental Europe, which may mean that the North Permian Basin was never hyperarid or that the Smith Bank Formation is restricted to the Induan.  相似文献   

The olcostephanid fauna of the Olcostephanus (O.) laticosta[formerlyO . (O.) leanzai] Subzone (Agrio Formation) represents the last of four discrete invasions of olcostephanid ammonites into the Neuquén Basin of west-central Argentina. Olcostephanus (O.)laticosta (Gerth) dominates the fauna and is known only from the Neuquén Basin. But the co-occurrence of the distinctive subgenus Jeannoticeras, newly recorded from Argentina, provides a link with the ‘standard’ West Mediterranean sequence and indicates that the O. (O.) laticosta Subzone is probably of mid Early Hauterivian age. This is supported by the discovery of two specimens of the widely distributed late Early Hauterivian speciesO . (O.) variegatus (Paquier) in the overlying Hoplitocrioceras giovinei Subzone. O. (Jeannoticeras) agrioensis sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

The sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of a retrogradational fan-delta system within Lower Triassic in the Mabei area of Junggar Basin in northwestern China were investigated using seismic, well log, and core data, complemented by the modern deposition and a flume tank experiment. The Lower Triassic in the Mabei area is dominated by fan deltas, which are composed of fan-delta plain (including subaerial debris flow, braided channel, conglomerate overbank, and floodplain), fan-delta front (including conglomerate shoal and sandy shoal), and prodelta. The braided channels form during the low flood period. The conglomerate overbanks form during the flood period and occupy most part of the fan-delta plain. The conglomerate shoals and sandy shoals form by a sheet flow prograding into lakes and occur as a sheet. The braided channels, conglomerate shoals, and sandy shoals are easy to form high-porosity reservoirs. One long-term base level cycles (LSC1), three middle-term base level cycles (MSC1, MSC2, and MSC3), and fifteen short-term base level cycles are identified. MSC1 is dominated by the fan-delta plain; MSC2 is dominated by the fan-delta front; and MSC3 is dominated by the fan-delta front and prodelta. The stratigraphy shows a proximal-middle-distal trend demonstrating an overall retrogradation stacking pattern. The sequence architecture is controlled by an interplay between lake level changes and sediment supply. The quick rise in the lake level and the creation of accommodation outpacing the rate of sediment supply result in a retrogradational fan-delta syste.  相似文献   

Spitidiscus is a widely-distributed Hauterivian genus that briefly invaded the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, in mid Hauterivian times, well after it first evolved in the west Tethyan area. Its appearance in Argentina is linked with a globally-significant mid Hauterivian sea-level rise. This is marked in the basin by a sharp facies change in the Agrio Formation, from non-marine sandstones of the Avilé Member to marine sediments, often laminated black shales, with Spitidiscus at the base of the overlying Agua de la Mula Member. Our extensive field work has shown that Spitidiscus occurs across the whole basin, where it is represented by two species, Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wiedmann and Spitidiscus kilapiae sp. nov. For most of its vertical range Spitidiscus occurs alone, characterising the S. riccardii Zone. But at the top of its range it is joined by the first crioceratitid ammonites, their appearance marking the base of the Crioceratites schlagintweiti Zone.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Tordillo Formation at Cañada Ancha area, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina, comprises a multi-stage suit of predominantly alluvial sediments that is heterolithic in nature. In that suit, several lithofacies, architectural elements, and bounding surfaces of different order have been identified and their lateral and vertical distribution characterized. This analysis allowed the differentiation of 3 main units (lower, middle and upper), 20 subunits (C-1 to C-20), and the characterization of their alluvial styles.The lower unit (which comprises subunits C-1 to C-4) is mainly formed by fine- to medium-grained sandstones, which become medium- to coarse-grained towards the top. These sandstones characterize settings ranging from floodplains with isolated, unconfined flows, to more complex, vertically stacked, multi-storey sheet sandstones of braided fluvial systems. The middle unit (C-5 to C-10) is dominated by pale brown-grey fine-to coarse-grained sands and medium size subangular to angular conglomerates, which reflect amalgamated complexes of sandstone sheets and downstream accretion macroforms. Remarkably, this alluvial sedimentation was episodically punctuated by volcaniclastic flows. The upper unit (C-11 to C-20) consists of finer sediments, mainly pink to white fine-to medium grained sandstones and red to green siltstones. Towards the top, bioturbation becomes important, and also the presence of volcanosedimentary flows is noticeable. Fluvial settings include braided sheet sandstones with waning flood deposits evolving to isolated high-sinuosity fluvial systems, with flash flood deposits. At the top of this unit, facies may suggest marine influence.Vertical changes in the fluvial style result from both climatic and tectonic controls. A semiarid to arid climate and the active tectonism linked to the eastward migration of the Andean volcanic arc determined major bounding surfaces, fluvial style evolution and the presence of the volcano-sedimentary deposits. Different stages of high and low subsidence rates has been deduced from the vertical stacking of sediments.  相似文献   

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