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The phenomenon of the seismic coda, which is composed of seismic energy delayed by scattering, is seen on both the Earth and the Moon. On the Moon the scattered coda is very large relative to body wave arrivals with a delay of the time of maximum energy, whereas on Earth scattered codas are relatively small and show no delay of the energy maximum. In both cases the form of the coda is controlled by three distance scales, the mean free path L, which is the average distance seismic energy travels before it is scattered, the attenuation distance x1, which is the average distance seismic energy travels before it is attenuated, and the source-receiver distance R. Two coda models are discussed based on these parameters; a strong scattering (diffusion) model, and a weak scattering (single scattering) model. A discussion of the diffusion scattering model indicates that if x1/L ? 1, diffusion scattering is an appropriate model, but if x1/L ? 1, single scattering is the appropriate model, within the appropriate range of R. A survey of the literature indicates that for the frequency range 0.5–10 Hz, diffusion scattering is important in lunar codas, but for the frequency range 1–25 Hz single scattering is important in terrestrial codas. Another important effect of attenuation is the elimination of scattering paths much longer than x1. On the Moon, this means that seismic energy in the coda can only propagate directly in the near-surface strong scattering zone between surface sources and the seismometer for source-seismometer separations of the order of (x1L)12; otherwise, scattering is limited to regions near the source and the receiver. On Earth, this effect probably prevents multiple scattering.  相似文献   

由中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所和京都大学地球物理实验室共同主办、国家自然科学基金委员会资助,第9届勘探地球物理学新近展国际研讨会暨城市地球物理和活动构造中日双边会议(RAEG2005)于2005年3月28日至29日在北京外国专家大厦举行.本次研讨会共有15位日方代表和30位中方代表参加,分别来自中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、中国地震局地球物理研究所、中国地震局地震预测研究所、北京大学、清华大学、  相似文献   


Following the 1st International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards, which incorporated the 15th session of the long-standing the International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, in September 2017 in Liverpool, United Kingdom, a topical collection has appeared in recent issues of Ocean Dynamics. Here, we give a brief overview of the 15 papers published in this topical collection as well as an overview of the widening scope of the conference in recent years. The continuing trend towards closer integration between the wave and ocean modeling communities is reflected in this workshop, culminating in the renaming of the workshop, while maintaining the connection with the three-decade long history of the wave workshop. This is also seen in this topical collection, with several papers exploring wave-generated storm surge, wave-tide contributions to coastal flooding, forcing a global ocean model with fluxes from a wave model and interaction between surface waves and sea ice.


应韩国气象厅气象研究所的邀请,中国地震局地球物理研究所的郑需要研究员和郑秀芬博士于2005年12月18日至23日期间,赴韩国济州岛参加了由韩国气象厅气象研究所主办的第五届中、日、美、韩“地震减灾国际研讨会”(THE 5 TH INTERNATIONALW ORK-SHOP ON THE FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH  相似文献   

月球表层及月壳物质密度分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杜劲松  陈超  梁青  周聪 《地球物理学报》2010,53(9):2059-2067
月球表层与月壳岩石密度的横向与径向的变化,反映了月表及内部成分以及月球演化等特征.本文利用月球勘探者号伽马射线谱仪探测的月表Fe, Th与Mg元素分布数据,依据前人给出的元素含量与岩石类型的关系,对月球表层进行了岩性填图,并结合岩石样品与陨石的密度测试数据建立初始密度模型,采用铁元素与岩石密度的关系对其进行修正,从而建立了月表物质密度分布模型.基于嫦娥一号激光测高数据和日本SELENE计划发布的月球重力模型,计算出月球布格重力异常,进而反演得到月壳0~40 km深度范围内岩石平均密度分布模型.分析表明,大部分区域上,月壳至少月壳上部岩石成分主要以轻质的富含铝、钙、镁质的硅酸盐类岩石为主.由此推测,原始月壳极有可能是由轻质的、富含钙、镁质硅酸盐类岩石构成的全球性月壳.现今的玄武岩与克里普岩只是覆盖于原始的月壳之上的岩层,且厚度不大.  相似文献   

张蕙  梁向军  董春丽  张玲 《山西地震》2010,(4):17-26,39
选取山西地震台网2007年1月至2008年6月产出的数据,运用“十五”和“九五”两种定位系统的的定位软件进行处理,对比定位参数之间的差异。初步认为,山西台网“十五”期间的定位结果是可信的,与“九五”的定位结果差异不大。JOPENS系统的单纯型法是比较优的定位方法,适用于网内、网缘和网外的近震;HYP2000法适用于网内近震。  相似文献   

天津测震台网子台地脉动分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地脉动信号波形数据,计算了天津台网31个地震台站背景噪声水平、地动噪声功率谱,进一步研究了台站观测环境随时间和季节的变化情况,并对整个台网的监测能力进行了重新估算,同时也对天津周边的一些大震前的地脉动进行了分析,希望能捕捉到明显的震前异常变化。  相似文献   

引言地球有一套复杂的动力地质系统,它控制着这个星球及整个人类所经历的过去的演化、现在的状态和未来的状况。由于地球科学在过去两个世纪已变得成熟,发展中的各分支学科可以稳步完善地解答构造、作用和历史等各方面的具体问题,各个动力地质系统的多学科特性受到越来越多的关注。持续的理论和技术改进使得地球科学的所有分支学科有能力解释地球变化的地质记录,并可观测今天的地球从地表到内核正在发生的作用,更逼真地模拟复杂的动力作用,所有这些工作都还需要继续进行。但是本次报告所  相似文献   

计算了1587年以来的华北地区200个5级以上地震发生日的月相,其结果表明二者的相关性不明显,但分布在华北境内的中国东部重力梯级带上的101个较强地震,却与朔望日有着较密切的关系。  相似文献   

Experimental data on cation diffusion in silicate melts and glasses at atmospheric pressure cannot be quantitatively applied to diffusion in magmas at depth because pressure and dissolved H2O have significant effects. Diffusivities of Ca and Cs in soda-lime aluminosilicate melt are reduced by roughly an order of magnitude as pressure increases from 1 to 30 kbar at 1100°C (in the case of calcium, the pressure effect is smaller at higher temperatures). The influence of dissolved H2O is opposite to and (for some ions) far more important than that of pressure: at 700°C, Cs diffusion in granitic obsidian is enhanced by four orders of magnitude by the addition of 6 wt.% H2O, and Ca diffusivity increases by 2.5 orders of magnitude. Sodium diffusion, on the other hand, is relatively immune to changes in H2O content.The retarding effect of pressure on diffusion in deep-seated magmas is largely compensated by higher magmatic temperatures, such that overall “depth” effects on diffusion are of secondary importance — diffusion rates in mantle melts are probably well approximated by 1-atm, near-liquidus values. Diffusion rates in crustal magmas, however, are extremely sensitive to H2O content, so that models of rate-controlled processes in hydrous magmas may be grossly in error if 1-atm diffusivity values are used.  相似文献   

The size and frequency of the largest explosive eruptions on Earth   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
A compilation and analysis of the size and frequency of the largest known explosive eruptions on Earth are presented. The largest explosive events are defined to be those eruptions yielding greater than 1015 kg of products (>150 times the mass of the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo). This includes all known eruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of 8. A total of 47 such events, ranging in age from Ordovician to Pleistocene, are identified, of which 42 eruptions are known from the past 36 Ma. A logarithmic magnitude scale of eruption size is applied, based on erupted mass, to these events. On this scale, 46 eruptions >1015 kg are defined to be of magnitude M8. There is one M9 event known so far, the Fish Canyon Tuff, with an erupted mass of >1016 kg and a magnitude of 9.2. Analysis of this dataset indicates that eruptions of size M8 and larger have occurred with a minimum frequency of 1.4 events/Ma in two pulses over the past 36 Ma. On the basis of the activity during the past 13.5 Ma, there is at least a 75% probability of a M8 eruption (>1015 kg) occurring within the next 1 Ma. There is a 1% chance of an eruption of this scale in the next 460–7,200 years. While the effect of any individual M8 or larger eruption is considerable, the time-averaged impact (i.e., erupted mass×frequency) of the very largest eruptions is small, due to their rarity. The long-term, time-averaged erupted mass flux from magnitude 8 and 9 eruptions is ~10–100 times less than for M7 eruptions; the time-averaged mass eruption rate from M7 eruptions is 9,500 kg s–1, whereas for M8 and M9 eruptions it is ~70–1,000 kg s–1. Comparison of the energy release by volcanic eruptions with that due to asteroid impacts suggests that on timescales of <100,000 years, explosive volcanic eruptions are considerably more frequent than impacts of similar energy yield. This has important implications for understanding the risk of extreme events.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   

The measurements of the broadband wave radiation in the region of the geomagnetic equator in the topside ionosphere are presented (the APEX satellite experiment). It has been indicated that the electromagnetic radiation, observed in a plasma density pit, could be related to the formation of a large-scale plasma cavern in the vicinity of the geomagnetic equatorial surface. A large-scale plasma density pit could be formed in the region of heating during damping of plasma vortical structures and electrostatic oscillations, propagating across geomagnetic field lines and crossing the geomagnetic equatorial surface. Brightness of the electromagnetic radiation, observed at frequencies higher than the plasma eigenfrequencies and local plasma and/or upper hybrid frequencies, decreases with increasing eigenfrequencies.  相似文献   

2003年9月24~26日“第五届中哈现代地球动力学和中亚地震危险国际学术研讨会”在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图举行。来自7个国家140名代表参加了会议。文章介绍了会议概况、学术交流、取得的成果,以及几点认识。  相似文献   

Following the 14th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and 5th Coastal Hazards Symposium in November 2014 in Key West, Florida, a topical collection has appeared in recent issues of Ocean Dynamics. Here, we give a brief overview of the 16 papers published in this topical collection as well as an overview of the widening scope of the conference in recent years. A general trend in the field has been towards closer integration between the wave and ocean modelling communities. This is also seen in this topical collection, with several papers exploring the interaction between surface waves and mixed layer dynamics and sea ice.  相似文献   

笔者作为中国地震局人事教育司2008年度普通交流访问学者,2008年5月到中国地震台网中心前兆台网部由刘春国副研究员指导工作,研制了地震科学数据共享暨“九五”前兆数据入库与检查软件,为做好“九五”前兆资料收集、数据质量检查等工作提供了技术支持。从软件设计、功能特点和应用效果等3个方面介绍了该软件研制过程及其使用说明。  相似文献   

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