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The mineralogy of gold from a volcanogenic sulfide deposit in northern Sweden (Långsele) was studied. The enrichment of gold and silver in massive ore occurs associated with an intrusive metadolerite vein which can be traced across the ore. The emplacement of this vein mobilized the precious metals together with galena and Pb-Sb sulfosalts into fractures and low pressure zones. A high mercury content at L»ngsele (average 250 ppm) has influenced the gold mineralogy. Thus, gold occurs as Au-Ag amalgam, native gold and rarely as aurostibite (AuSb2). The results of microprobe analyses of amalgam cluster around Au0.45Ag0.45Hg0.10. The composition of ternary amalgam is discussed in connection with the synthetic Au-Ag-Hg system. Furthermore, native gold was found myrmekitically integrown with stibnite which has been interpreted as a breakdown product of aurostibite at low temperature.  相似文献   

Lead isotope analyses of 25 sulfide samples (galenas, iron sulfides, and sulfosalts) from five different mines of the Skellefte district, northern Sweden, demonstrate that the Pb-isotopic composition of galenas and other sulfides rich in lead varies between individual deposits within the district. This contrasts with many other base-metal districts, where ore lead is isotopically homogeneous on a regional basis. Although all of the Skellefte leads are depleted in 207Pb relative to average global lead evolution models, thus suggesting a large mantle-derived component in their sources, the Nasliden deposit lying at the contact of the host volcanic rocks and the overlying metasediments contains a significant component of crustal lead. It is concluded that while the Pb-isotope data are consistent with a volcanic exhalative origin of the ores of the Skellefte district, they also demonstrate that older crustal lead was incorporated into the sulfides during their emplacement and the subsequent period of magmatic and metamorphic activity which followed their deposition.  相似文献   

The Kristineberg volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, located in the westernmost part of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte district, northern Sweden, has yielded 22.4 Mt of ore, grading 1.0% Cu, 3.64% Zn, 0.24% Pb, 1.24 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag and 25.9% S, since the mine opened in 1941, and is the largest past and present VMS mine in the district. The deposit is hosted in a thick pile of felsic to intermediate and minor mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Skellefte Group, which forms the lowest stratigraphic unit in the district and hosts more than 85 known massive sulphide deposits. The Kristineberg deposit is situated lower in the Skellefte Group than most other deposits. It comprises three main ore zones: (1) massive sulphide lenses of the A-ore (historically the main ore), having a strike length of about 1,400 m, and extending from surface to about 1,200 m depth, (2) massive sulphide lenses of the B-ore, situated 100–150 m structurally above the A-ore, and extending from surface to about 1,000 m depth, (3) the recently discovered Einarsson zone, which occurs in the vicinity of the B-ore at about 1,000 m depth, and consists mainly of Au–Cu-rich veins and heavily disseminated sulphides, together with massive sulphide lenses. On a regional scale the Kristineberg deposit is flanked by two major felsic rock units: massive rhyolite A to the south and the mine porphyry to the north. The three main ore zones lie within a schistose, deformed and metamorphosed package of hydrothermally altered, dominantly felsic volcanic rocks, which contain varying proportions of quartz, muscovite, chlorite, phlogopite, pyrite, cordierite and andalusite. The strongest alteration occurs within 5–10 m of the ore lenses. Stratigraphic younging within the mine area is uncertain as primary bedding and volcanic textures are absent due to strong alteration, and tectonic folding and shearing. In the vicinity of the ore lenses, hydrothermal alteration has produced both Mg-rich assemblages (Mg-chlorite, cordierite, phlogopite and locally talc) and quartz–muscovite–andalusite assemblages. Both types of assemblages commonly contain disseminated pyrite. The sequence of volcanic and ore-forming events at Kristineberg is poorly constrained, as the ages of the massive rhyolite and mine porphyry are unknown, and younging indicators are absent apart from local metal zoning in the A-ores. Regional structural trends, however, suggest that the sequence youngs to the south. The A- and B-ores are interpreted to have formed as synvolcanic sulphide sheets that were originally separated by some 100–150 m of volcanic rocks. The Einarsson zone, which is developed close to the 1,000 m level, is interpreted to have resulted in part from folding and dislocation of the B-ore sulphide sheet, and in part from remobilisation of sulphides into small Zn-rich massive sulphide lenses and late Au–Cu-rich veins. However, the abundance of strongly altered, andalusite-bearing rocks in the Einarsson zone, coupled with the occurrence of Au–Cu-rich disseminated sulphides in these rocks, suggests that some of the mineralisation was synvolcanic and formed from strongly acidic hydrothermal fluids. Editorial handling: P. Weihed  相似文献   

The Kristineberg massive sulfide deposit is hosted by metamorphosed volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte Group. The deposit consists of: (1) two main massive sulfide horizons, the A-ores and B-ores, which dip steeply southwards and are separated by 100–150 m; and (2) the Einarsson Zone, a complex interval of Cu–Au-rich ‘stockwork‘ sulfides and small massive sulfide lenses in altered and deformed rocks near the 1,000 m level. The Einarsson Zone occurs some 20–100 m south of the B-ores. There are no definite younging indicators in the mine sequence. In many areas of the mine, the original host rocks are impossible to identify petrographically due to the abundance of secondary minerals such as quartz, chlorite, muscovite, cordierite, andalusite, phlogopite, pyrite and talc, combined with variably schistose fabrics. Application of immobile-element methods to 600 recent whole-rock chemical analyses has, however, allowed the original rock types to be identified and correlated. Rhyolite X lies immediately north of the A-ore, while andesitic to dacitic to rhyodacitic rocks make up the 100–150 m interval between the A-ore and B-ore, and massive rhyolite A lies immediately south of the B-ore. The felsic rocks are mostly of calc-alkaline affinity, excluding rhyolite X, which is transitional. The mine porphyry, which lies north of the A-ore and forms the marginal phase of the synvolcanic Viterliden Intrusive Complex, is compositionally similar to dacite and rhyodacite. Mass changes calculated for all rock types indicate that most of the volcanic rocks in the mine area are strongly depleted in Na and Ca, and have gained variable amounts of Mg and Fe, whereas Si changes range from negative to positive. Gains in Fe and changes in Si are largest within 5–10 m of the massive sulfide lenses. Cordierite-bearing schists of andesitic to felsic compositions that lie between massive sulfide lenses A and B are not as altered. The Einarsson Zone commonly shows large gains in Fe and Mg, while Si shows large gains to large losses. Immobile-element ratios indicate that very different secondary assemblages in the mine, e.g. andalusite–quartz–muscovite and cordierite–chlorite–talc, can be produced from the same precursor volcanic unit, e.g., rhyolite. Conversely, the same secondary mineral assemblage can be produced from different rocks, e.g. weakly altered andesite and strongly altered rhyolite. The common presence of cordierite + andalusite in the mine area, without anthophyllite, is unusual in the alteration systems of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits, and is proposed to have formed by the metamorphic reaction of the synvolcanic alteration minerals kaolinite and chlorite to produce cordierite. Where kaolinite was in excess of chlorite, andalusite was also formed. We propose that highly acidic alteration fluids locally produced high-Al minerals such as kaolinite that either overprinted, or occurred in place of, a more typical sericite–chlorite–quartz alteration assemblage that otherwise formed near the massive sulfide lenses. Application of lithogeochemical methods to the altered, deformed and metamorphosed Kristineberg rocks has identified specific volcanic contacts with massive sulfide potential, and quantified the effects of synvolcanic hydrothermal alteration. Such an approach can increase the effectiveness of mineral exploration in metamorphosed terrains.  相似文献   

The ore lead isotope ratios from the Näsliden deposit are mantle-like in terms of the idealized plumbotectonics model. They suggest that the Näsliden deposit was formed in the Proterozoic equivalent of a Phanerozoic primitive island arc. The mantle-like nature of the lead and its homogeneity indicate that crustal lead does not constitute the major component of the ore lead. Crustal lead contamination is suggested to be the cause of divergences in ore lead isotopic compositions associated with later veins in the deposit.  相似文献   

Ore lead isotope ratios have been analysed in galenas and sulphosalts from nineteen massive sulphide deposits hosted by Svecofennian (1.9 Ga) supracrustals in the Skellefte ore district, northern Sweden. The ore lead data can be grouped on the basis of their geographical distribution. Most probably, this feature is reflecting a number of lead isotopic provinces which correspond to crustal blocks. The obtained ore lead data define linear trends in conventional Pb-Pb plots. The ore lead signatures are due to synvolcanic mixing processes as lead was leached from mafic and acid volcanic sources. The relationships inferred for initial ratios in source rocks at 1.89 Ga require a pre-Svecofennian crustal history. It is suggested that magmatic processes at c. 2.0 Ga involved recycling of Archean sedimentary material into the mantle and the formation of a crystalline, felsic basement. The metasomatized mantle and the basement melted at the time of Svecofennian magmatism (1.89 Ga) which created mafic and acid magma sources. Subsequently, basalts and rhyolites were extruded onto the sea floor. Ore was formed as hot solutions penetrated isotopically different levels of the volcanic pile.  相似文献   

The Skellefte district in northern Sweden is host to abundant volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits comprising pyritic, massive, semi-massive and disseminated Zn–Cu–Au ± Pb ores surrounded by disseminated pyrite and with or without stockwork mineralisation. The VMS deposits are associated with Palaeoproterozoic upper crustal extension (D1) that resulted in the development of normal faults and related transfer faults. The VMS ores formed as sub-seafloor replacement in both felsic volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks and partly as exhalative deposits within the uppermost part of the volcanic stratigraphy. Subsequently, the district was subjected to deformation (D2) during crustal shortening. Comparing the distribution of VMS deposits with the regional fault pattern reveals a close spatial relationship of VMS deposits to the faults that formed during crustal extension (D1) utilising the syn-extensional faults as fluid conduits. Analysing the shape and orientation of VMS ore bodies shows how their deformation pattern mimics those of the hosting structures and results from the overprinting D2 deformation. Furthermore, regional structural transitions are imitated in the deformation patterns of the ore bodies. Plotting the aspect ratios of VMS ore bodies and the comparison with undeformed equivalents in the Hokuroko district, Japan allow an estimation of apparent strain and show correlation with the D2 deformation intensity of the certain structural domains. A comparison of the size of VMS deposits with their location shows that the smallest deposits are not related to known high-strain zones and the largest deposits are associated with regional-scale high-strain zones. The comparison of distribution and size with the pattern of high-strain zones provides an important tool for regional-scale mineral exploration in the Skellefte district, whereas the analysis of ore body shape and orientation can aid near-mine exploration activities.  相似文献   

The Vargfors basin in the central part of the Skellefte mining district is an inverted sedimentary basin within a Palaeoproterozoic (1.89 Ga) marine volcanic arc. The fault-segmented basin formed from upper-crustal extension and subsequent compression, following a period of intense sub-marine volcanism and VMS ore formation. New detailed mapping reveals variations in stratigraphy attributed to syn-extensional sedimentation, as well as provenance of conglomerate clasts associated with tectonic activity at the transition from extension to compression. The onset of fan delta to alluvial fan sedimentation associated with basin subsidence indicates that significant dip-slip displacement accommodating rapid uplift of the intrusive complex and/or subsidence of the adjacent volcano-sedimentary domain took place along a major fault zone at the southern margin of the intrusive complex. Subsidence of the Jörn intrusive complex and/or its burial by sedimentary units caused a break in erosion of the intrusion and favoured the deposition of a tonalite clast-barren conglomerate. Clast compositions of conglomerates show that the syn-extensional deposits become younger in the south-eastern parts of the basin, indicating that opening of the basin progressed from north-west to south-east. Subsequent basin inversion, associated with the accretion to the Karelian margin, involved reverse activation of the normal faults and development of related upright synclines. Progressive crustal shortening caused the formation of break-back faults accompanied by mafic volcanic activity that particularly affected the southern contact of the Jörn intrusive complex and the northern contact of the Vargfors basin.  相似文献   

杨开辉  侯增谦  莫宣学 《矿床地质》1992,11(1):35-44,64
“三江”地区是我国一个主要的火山成因块状硫化物成矿区域,包括2个成矿带:①赠科—乡城矿带,主要产出伴随晚三叠世义敦岛弧裂谷火山作用形成的黑矿型Zn-Pb-Cu块状硫化物矿床;②昌宁—孟连矿带,以伴随保山—掸邦微陆块晚古生代裂谷火山作用形成的老厂型Pb-Zn-Cu和别子型Cu-Zn块状硫化物矿床为主,本文揭示“三江”地区,尤其是赠科—乡城和昌宁—孟连矿带的构造-火山-矿床的地质特征,阐明该区块状硫化物矿床的主要成因类型。  相似文献   

Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in ophiolite complexes are usually attributed to the Cyprus type. They associate with basaltic volcanics that are formed in mid-ocean or back-arc spreading centers and much less frequently in intra-plate settings. The deposits are characterized by copper or copper-zinc ores that are enriched in Ni, Co, and in places Mn and As, but are very poor in Pb and demonstrate a low to moderate content of Ag and Au. Typically, the deposits are low to very low in ore and metal reserves. Cyprus-type deposits were irregularly distributed during geological history. The most ancient of them were formed in the Neoproterozoic, while the bulk of the deposits are Ordovician or Cretaceous in age. Their possible Paleoproterozoic analogues can be found in the Svecofennian belt (Outokumpu ore district), while modern ones are confined to the Explorer and Endeavour Ridges and southern segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.  相似文献   

The Näsliden and Rävliden deposits in the Skellefte field consist of stratiform massive sulfide ores associated with submarine volcanic and clastic rocks. The ores are pretectonic. Consequently, the orebodies are considered to have formed syngenetically with deposition of the host rocks. Banding and interlayering with host sediments are common features. Cu : Zn and Zn : Pb ratios of the ores show stratigraphically and laterally defined trends. Cu : Pb : Zn ratios correspond with those found in other deposits of volcanogenic origin. Nonstratiform breccia Cu mineralizations occur directly under the massive stratiform ores in the footwall rocks where hydrothermal alteration is strongest. Ore formation took place intermittently resulting in clusters of ore systems occurring at slightly different stratigraphical levels within each deposit.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - The massive sulfide deposits of the Kristineberg area, Sweden, occur within a 2- to 3-km-thick succession of felsic volcaniclastic rocks belonging to the Skellefte Group. The...  相似文献   

吉林省铜镍硫化物矿床地质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吉林省是中国重要的镍成矿区,笔者基于以往的科研资料,结合目前地质勘查成果,全面总结了吉林省铜镍硫化物矿床地质特征,并指出尽管全省铜镍硫化物矿床处于不同的地质构造单元,但它们具有相同的物质来源和相似的成岩成矿作用过程。  相似文献   

黑龙江北部多宝山矿区广泛发育奥陶系,因含有铜、钼矿源层而受到地质界的注意.本文概述了其生物地层和沉积特征,重点探讨了其火山岩的岩石化学特征.该套火山岩总体上属钙碱性系列,部分(主要是酸性岩)可能属拉斑玄武岩系.下旋回(窝里河组)火山岩以相对低K、La和Eu负异常为特征,总体属大陆边缘岛弧,局部显示出大洋岛弧安山岩的性质.上旋回(多宝山组)的弧则属大陆边缘岛弧与安第斯型山弧的过渡类型,部分地区可能有安第斯型山弧发育.分5个阶段重塑了该区奥陶纪大地构造演化,早古代洋壳向东偏北消减于布列亚一佳木斯地块之下,因后退式的消减而火山弧向西偏南迁移,构造线方向为北北西向.  相似文献   

曹毅    聂风军  丁成武  蒋喆  李强锋  王丰翔  张伟波 《地质通报》2015,34(06):1172-1181
比约克达尔(Bjokdal)金矿位于瑞典北部古元古代斯科勒费特(Skellefte)地块的东部。成矿母岩为花岗岩类侵入体。该金矿的石英、白钨矿、方解石中的包体有3类。石英的δ18O值为8.3‰~14.3‰,2个全岩样品的δ18O值分别为9‰和10.4‰。Sm-Nd同位素数据得出矿石中白钨矿等时线年龄为1915±32Ma (MSWD=0.25),白钨矿的ε(Nd)(t=1.88Ga)的值为+1.1~+1.7。通过对矿化石英脉中流体包裹体的研究,将矿化分为3个主要阶段。第一阶段发育的石英脉伴随少量的白钨矿和硫化物,矿化作用的主要阶段发生了岩浆流体和地表水的混合,混合的同时伴随压力下降和pH值增加,第三阶段发生在130~220℃,这时产生了金-方解石-碲化物矿化,并对原生矿石进行了部分改造。  相似文献   

比约克达尔(Bjokdal)金矿位于瑞典北部古元古代斯科勒费特(Skellefte)地块的东部。成矿母岩为花岗岩类侵入体。该金矿的石英、白钨矿、方解石中的包体有3类。石英的δ18O值为8.3‰~14.3‰,2个全岩样品的δ18O值分别为9‰和10.4‰。Sm-Nd同位素数据得出矿石中白钨矿等时线年龄为1915±32Ma(MSWD=0.25),白钨矿的ε(Nd)(t=1.88Ga)的值为+1.1~+1.7。通过对矿化石英脉中流体包裹体的研究,将矿化分为3个主要阶段。第一阶段发育的石英脉伴随少量的白钨矿和硫化物,矿化作用的主要阶段发生了岩浆流体和地表水的混合,混合的同时伴随压力下降和p H值增加,第三阶段发生在130~220℃,这时产生了金-方解石-碲化物矿化,并对原生矿石进行了部分改造。  相似文献   

安徽池州许桥银矿地质特征及矿区深部找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许桥银矿床位于长江中下游成矿带安庆-贵池矿集区东南部,矿床银储量达到中型规模,成矿岩体为分水岭石英闪长岩,矿体主要呈似层状赋存于分水岭岩体北东侧奥陶系仑山组、汤山组地层层间裂隙中;矿石矿物主要为黄铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、黝铜矿、黄铜矿、辉银矿、自然银,脉石矿物为石英、碳酸盐矿物;矿石组构以自形-他形晶结构、交代结构、稀疏浸染状构造和网脉状构造为主;围岩蚀变类型主要有硅化、碳酸盐化、矽卡岩化、绿泥石化等;许桥银矿床成矿作用经历了两个成矿期:热液期和表生期,热液期又可分为三个成矿阶段,即为矽卡岩阶段、石英-硫化物阶段及碳酸盐-硫化物阶段;成矿流体早期以岩浆热液为主、晚期混有大气降水的流体演化特征;成矿物质主要来源于岩浆热液,地层贡献了部分矿质;成矿温度为中低温(208~259℃),矿床类型为中低温热液银多金属矿床,并指明了矿区深部找矿方向。  相似文献   

黑龙江鸡东金场沟矿区岩浆岩主要为花岗闪长斑岩, 岩石SiO2含量为62.60% ~64.18% , 全碱 (Na2O + K2O) 含量为6.57% ~7.45% , K2O >Na2O; MAL I指数为4.48~6.68, ASI指数(铝饱和指数) 为1.44~1.79 > 1.1, 富磷( > 0.2% ) , 属镁质、碱性、(强) 过铝质花岗岩, 且岩浆分异程度较高(D I = 71.71~76.92) 。该区的花岗闪长斑岩形成于碰撞后-造山晚期的构造环境, 岩浆源区的物质可能主要来源于地壳物质, 源岩可能是砂屑岩。  相似文献   

The Cuyuna sulfide deposit is located in south central Aitkin County in an outlying area of the Cuyuna Iron Range, Minnesota. The principal ore minerals are pyrrhotite and pyrite, whereas magnetite and marcasite are subordinate. In addition, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, ilmenite, covellite, hematite, and goethite are present in minor quantities. Four generations of pyrite two generations of marcasite and three generations of Magnetite have been recorded. The genetic and textural relations displayed by the ore minerals indicate that an iron formation, originally containing sedimentary sulfide and carbonate facies, was profundly modified through subsequent metamorphic and supergene events.
Zusammenfassung Die Sulfidlagerstätte von Cuyuna liegt im Aitkin County, Minnesota, in einem Seitenzweig der Cuyuna Iron Range. Magnetkies und Pyrit sind die häufigsten Minerale, während Magnetit und Markasit untergeordnet vorkommen, neben geringeren Mengen von Zinkblende, Kupferkies, Arsenopyrit, Ilmenit, Covellin, Hämatit und Goethit. Vier Generationen von Pyrit, zwei von Markasit und drei von Magnetit wurden beobachtet. Ihre Herkunft ist abgeleitet und die gegenseitigen Beziehungen gedeutet, insbesondere eine hier zum erstenmal festgestellte Relation zwischen Markasit und bestimmten Pyritgenerationen. Aus den Gefügemerkmalen dieser Erze wird ihre Entstehung wie folgt gedeutet: Es handelt sich um eine ursprüngliche Eisenerzformation mit sulfidischer und carbonatischer Facies; diese Formation wurde umgestaltet durch metamorphe und deszendente Prozesse.

This paper was presented at the International Meeting of the GAC, MAC, MSA, and AZOPRO, at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 18 — September 6, 1967.  相似文献   

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