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Coastal zone planning at regional level has been introduced in Norway to deal with the problems of integration that coastal zone planning at municipal level has not been able to solve. In particular, this relates to coordination between the relevant sectors at regional level. The present article discusses the effects of different planning strategies at regional (county) level in terms of achieving integration between the interests of the aquaculture industry with those of other coastal interests. The findings are based on a study comparing the experiences in three counties. The authors argue that the individual county's choice of planning strategy influence the way in which the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) is carried out. The more active the county authorities have been as a meta-governor in the planning and implementation processes, the higher level of integration is achieved.  相似文献   

海岸带退缩线是海岸带国土空间规划工作的重要部分,平衡沿海城市资源利用与生态保护需求,保障沿海地区健康可持续化发展的安全底线。目前我国海岸带退缩线缺乏系统的评估和管控体系,文章通过梳理社会经济价值、空间发展潜力、景观风貌风险、海洋灾害风险、生态环境价值5个影响维度与海岸带各类要素的关联机制,建立了陆海统筹的滨海地区海岸带退缩线重要程度的评估体系,总结我国海岸带退缩线分级分类差异化管控策略,并以东营市为例,进一步探讨了该评估体系在退缩线划定和管控层面的应用,以期为海岸带国土空间规划的管控提供参考。  相似文献   

For coastal areas across the world, sea-level rise and problems of coastal erosion and coastal flooding are expected to increase over the next hundred years. At the same time political pressure for continued waterfront planning and development of coastal areas threatens to increase our societal vulnerability, and necessitating climate adaptation in coastal zone management. The institutional dimension has been identified as important for ensuring a more robust adaptation to both current climate variability and future climate change. In this paper, lessons regarding institutional constraints for climate adaptation are drawn from a Swedish case-study on local coastal zone management, illustrating the diverse and complex nature of institutional capacity-building. The aim of the paper is to illustrate critical factors that from an institutional perspective condition the capacity to achieve a more integrated, strategic and proactive climate adaptation and for turning “rules on paper” to working practice, based on case-study experiences from Coastby. Following and expanding a framework for analysing institutional capacity-building we learnt that a selective few key actors had played a critical role in building a strong external networking capacity with a flip-side in terms of a weak internal coordinating capacity and lack of mutual ownership of coastal erosion between sectoral units e.g. risk-management, planning and environment. We also found a weak vertical administrative interplay and lack of formal coherent policy, procedures and regulations for managing coastal erosion between local, regional and national administrations. Further, tensions and trade-offs between policy-agendas, values and political priorities posed a barrier for capacity-building in coastal zone management which calls for processes to mediate conflicting priorities in policy-making, planning and decision-making. The case-study suggests that the ability of the political administrative system to acknowledge and deal with institutional conflicts is a critical condition for ensuring an integrated and proactive climate adaptation in coastal zone management.  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理作为沿海区域实现可持续发展目标的重要途径,对沿海地区科学有效地利用海岸带资源具有重要意义。本文从国家、省、市三个层面分析了我国当前海岸带综合管理制度现状和实践状况,提出了在海岸带综合管理立法缺失、权属不清、海陆统筹不能兼顾、海岸带规划与评价不足、管理技术亟待升级、海岸带基础数据尚不完备等制度方面存在的问题;基于国内外对海岸带综合管理的经验和实践,从加快海岸带立法、完善海岸带规划、协调综合管理、兼顾陆海统筹、提升管理技术、加强管理效果评价以及夯实基础信息等方面提出海岸带综合管理制度进一步完善的措施和建议,为进一步提升我国海岸带综合管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

海岸带可持续发展已成为区域可持续发展和全球变化科学等多学科交叉研究的重要内容和热点课题。加快推进海岸带可持续发展相关研究,对加强我国生态安全、海洋环境保护、海洋经济发展,实现我国经济社会的可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。在系统调查分析了相关文献资料的基础上,总结了国内外海岸带可持续发展相关的资源、环境、经济、技术、政策和规划等方面的研究现状和进展,分析了海岸带可持续发展研究存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

海岸带滨水区具有多重功能,是地球上物理、化学、生物和地质过程最活跃的地区,对人类社会发展具有特别重要的意义.但随着海洋城市建设的加速推进,海岸带资源开发力度的不断加大,滨水区承受的压力也日益加剧.本文归纳总结了海岸带滨水区开发利用方式及特点,系统地分析了滨水区环境退化的胁迫机理,研究提出了海岸带滨水资源利用的六方面策略:1)以循环经济和可持续发展理念指导海岸带滨水区的开发利用;2)对滨水区生产和生活岸线布局进行战略调整;3)坚持亲水性原则,精心布局,开发好、利用好海湾滨水资源;4)大力发展海岸带滨水区沙滩特色旅游,高度重视沙滩的保护;5)构建海岸带滨水区生态预警与防范体系;6)实施海岸带滨水区生态修复、加强海湾滨岸生态化建设.  相似文献   

江苏海岸带环境的压力分析与政策响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
江苏省的海岸以淤泥质为主,岸外发育有辐射沙脊群,陆域则是人工灌溉系统和天然水系复合构成的复杂水网体系,在强烈的人类活动影响下,海岸带环境受到很大压力,而传统的管理思路不能解决江苏海岸这一复杂系统所面临的环境问题。提出以压力分析的方法,对江苏海岸带的环境问题进行分解,找出重要的影响因子,并提出相应的管理方案,供江苏海岸带管理实践之用。  相似文献   

The development of industrial and tourism activities as well as the increase in the urban population in the northwest African region has generally been highly concentrated in the coastal zone. Due to high rates of population growth, urbanisation is likely to increase dramatically in the coming future. This paper presents a physical and socio-economic environmental analysis of the region and highlights the few efforts that have called for the development of co-ordinated strategies in view of integrated coastal zone management. Experience in the implementation of methodologies for adopting integrated coastal zone management strategies in these countries is discussed.  相似文献   

The coastal and marine environments and resources of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are globally significant and generally in a healthy state. Current regional issues include localized destruction of coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves; declines in some fisheries; exploitation of some endangered species; pollution from the development and transport of petroleum; and disposal of industrial and municipal wastes. The underlying causes of these issues are the natural vulnerability of the Red Sea due to its semi-enclosed nature; economic reliance on the petroleum industry; significant navigation risks; a rapidly increasing coastal population and associated developments; lack of fisheries information, surveillance and management; poor coastal zone planning; and limited technical expertise. Strategic actions addressing these issues will need to be implemented regionally and focus on coastal zone management that integrates environmental planning, environmental assessment and review; training and institutional development; public awareness and participation; information gathering especially fisheries statistics; reducing navigation risks; and the development of resource management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Climate change poses a significant challenge for the future of Northern Ireland’s coast due to impacts that include, inter alia, mean sea level rise of between 13 cm and 74 cm by 2050. Whilst flooding is regarded as a major hazard in the United Kingdom (UK), to date Northern Ireland’s experiences of coastal flooding have been infrequent and less severe compared to those in England and Wales. Similarly, coastal erosion has historically been, and remains, only a minor concern in Northern Ireland. Partly as a result of this, Government administrative arrangements for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) in Northern Ireland operate in the absence of any statutory provision for coastal erosion, as well as without formal or strategic shoreline management planning and any integrated flood and coastal erosion risk management policy. This paper provides a commentary on Northern Ireland’s approach to FCERM, comparing this with its UK counterparts, highlighting both congruence and divergence in policy evolution and development. It is noted that the recent EU Floods Directive has been a significant catalyst and that the current institutional landscape for FCERM is in flux.  相似文献   

An essential component of ecosystem-based approaches in coastal zone management and the emerging field of marine planning are partnerships and collaborations between a range of multi-sector organisations and individuals. Ensuring that partnerships are effective is a priority for those responsible for planning and management in coastal and marine environments. Current partnership evaluation approaches, however, tend to view effectiveness as the cumulative end result of a set of variables acting in a linear process at a specific point in time. Given that governance and participation are acknowledged as non-linear and multifaceted processes, more reflective and nuanced approaches that take account of the dynamic, multidimensional and geographically embedded nature of the collaborative process are needed. This paper proposes a new framework for partnership evaluation based on policy narratives and indicators, and demonstrates the potential of the approach using three case studies of partnerships focused upon marine nature-based tourism. The insights from this research have direct relevance to the agencies and organisations responsible for delivering integrated coastal management, including marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity conservation is a common issue in the world. Due to rapid economic development in coastal area in China, marine biodiversity conservation faces great pressure. In this paper, the idea of the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) was applied as a framework in marine biodiversity conservation. At first, the relationship between integrated coastal zone management and the marine biodiversity conservation was discussed. Then, as a case study in Fujian Quanzhou bay, a set of strategies on marine biodiversity conservation based on ICZM were put forward, which included how to define management boundary of marine biodiversity conservation, the impact assessment model of human activities in the coastal area on marine biodiversity, the planning and management of marine biodiversity conservation, and the monitoring system of the marine biodiversity. Finally, the framework of the comprehensive decision support system based on GIS was suggested.  相似文献   

厦门海岸带资源与管理战略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张聪义 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):228-234
本文分析了厦门海岸带资源现状和管理中存在的问题。厦门海岸带管理素来以行为的基础,实施行业管理。这种管理机制已经难以解决海岸带过度开发、环境恶化、资源开发利用与保护之间的矛盾等日益严重的问题。新型的海岸带资源管理是一种较为全面的管理方法,致力于建立综合管理体制,其中考虑到各行业部门对海岸带及其资源可能造成影响的各种活动,同时综合考虑社会、经济、环境和生态等问题,从而平衡和优化经济发展、公共利用和环境  相似文献   

海岸带开发的可持续性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾建军 《海洋科学》1998,22(5):39-41
以海带为研究对象,探讨了影响岸带环境系统可持续性的相关因素,在将人类社会经济活动纳入统一的海岸带生态系统范范畴的前提下,提出了海岸带开发的可持续性判定因子。指出,实现海岸带的可持续发展,必须树立新的社会经济-生态环境观,以海岸带社会,经济,环境的协调发展为基础理念,实施一体化管理,依赖科技进步,确保环境资源的消耗与补给达到动态平衡,通过动态规划和及时的反馈调整,最终走出持续发展之路。  相似文献   

滨海旅游开发与保护的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
滨海旅游业在带来巨大的经济利益的同时,对沿海地区的环境具有一定的负面作用。区域海岸带综合管理规划是解决滨海旅游业的开发与环境保护矛盾的有效方法。按照综合管理的原则在对海岸带地区资源承载力和生态承载力做出估计后确定其环境容量及旅游容量,在保证国家宏观调控和地区优先发展方向的大前提下,做出滨海旅游可能的最优发展规划,最终应在地区性法规体现以保证实施。同时旅游业行业管理条例中同样应做出规定,提倡生态旅游,真正地实现海岸带和旅游业的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

系统调研美国温排水法规标准体系、混合区政策以及滨海核电厂混合区的设置,并与我国现状进行比较。可以看出,美国清洁水法和联邦法规给出温排水和水质标准的一般要求,各个州的水质标准给出水质准则、混合区政策以及对水生生物保护的要求。水质准则给出各种类型水体温度限值(包括温升限值和/或温度上限值);混合区政策给出混合区的位置、尺寸、形状以及混合区内水质要求;具体厂址应基于"一事一议"的方式确定混合区范围,并满足混合区最小化要求,大部分美国滨海核电厂混合区范围满足州的混合区政策要求;少数核电厂混合区范围超过了州混合区政策要求,这些电厂需进行厂址特性热影响研究,以证明当前的温排水限值能够确保受纳水体中结构稳定的土著贝类、鱼类和其他野生生物种群的生长和繁育。我国当前没有地区差异的水质准则,无温排水混合区政策、设置方法或导则。美国温排水混合区设置方法和实践有助于我国滨海核电厂温排水混合区的设置和优化,以减小对水生生物的影响。  相似文献   

荷兰海岸带综合治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙述了荷兰海岸带治理的历史和现状;重点介绍了荷兰传统的海岸带治理和“三角洲工程”、海岸带动态保护和海岸带综合治理的基本经验。  相似文献   

Coastal areas are among the world's most vulnerable landscapes to impacts related to climate change, including inundation from sea-level rise (SLR), increased exposure to shoreline erosion, and greater frequency and intensity of storms. The status of research on the physical, ecological, and socio-economic effects of vulnerability to SLR and progress toward planning for its consequences varies from region to region worldwide. Here, we synthesize the results of three decades of SLR research and the development of coastal management policies in North Carolina, USA. We identify the major factors responsible for opening new policy ‘windows’ that address SLR, including how stakeholders have developed an increased understanding of the risks, the extent of public dialogue about potential response strategies, and advances in political receptivity to policy change. Research and policy progress in North Carolina continue to provide a model for other regions to help guide and evaluate the development of coastal policies.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2007,31(5):607-610
This paper examines at the origins of coastal zone management and planning in England and from that, how integrated coastal zone management techniques were developed. The lack of heritage management planning in coastal plans in England is discussed and put into context of ‘integrated heritage zone management’ approaches. Having looked at these two systems, examples of good practice are discussed. The concept of spatial planning is also discussed and the opportunities that this might offer for integrating coastal and heritage planning in the Solent are considered.  相似文献   

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