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The Planetary Society's British Volunteer Team has awarded the TELSTAR Award 98–99 to BBC Radio's The Late Show with Tony & Julie .
Click HERE to view the article.  相似文献   

测定的震级之间不应相互换算   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
新的强制性国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740—2017)规定了地方性震级ML,短周期体波震级mb,宽频带体波震级mB(BB),面波震级MS,宽频带面波震级MS(BB)和矩震级MW等6种震级的测定方法,并将矩震级MW作为对外发布的首选震级。由于不同震级所使用的地震波类型不同,所表示的意义也不同,因此新标准明确要求:测定的震级之间不应相互换算。为了帮助相关技术人员更好地理解并能在实际工作中正确使用新国标此项规定,本文从地震的复杂性、震级的多样性、新旧国标的一致性,以及使用地方性震级ML转换成面波震级MS开展地震速报所产生的一系列问题等方面,阐述制订该规定的主要原因。  相似文献   

Determining the impact of urbanisation on baseflow is complex because of the multiplicity of factors that govern subsurface flows. Although many metrics are available to quantify the baseflow regime, the lack of consensus on which metrics need to be used for baseflow characterisation limit their practical application for stormwater management. We performed principal component and correlation analyses on a set of 32 baseflow metrics to identify a subset of non‐redundant metrics for baseflow characterisation. We compared the results for streamflow time series from natural and urban catchments. We found that a subset of five metrics, including at least one metric from each of the four ecologically significant flow characteristic groups (i.e. magnitude, duration, frequency, and timing), explained most of the variability in baseflow regime for both natural and urban catchments. In addition, we analysed the relationship between this set of metrics and some low flow percentiles obtained from flow duration curves. Flow percentiles were only highly correlated to the magnitude and duration metrics, confirming that flow duration curves could be satisfactorily used for baseflow characterisation, but in combination with metrics representing frequency and timing. Metrics based on integration of the flow duration curve, however, cannot simply substitute the consideration of a suite of metrics. We discuss the practicality of our results with a regional regression study; the analyses show how the metrics can be used to quantify the alterations to baseflow caused by urbanisation, and to determine baseflow restoration objectives for urbanised catchments based on pre‐development baseflow regime. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在当前科技飞速发展的时代,作为编辑应与时俱进,随着时代的发展逐步建立创新意识、信息意识、市场意识、经营意识、成本意识、精品意识、危机意识和责任意识等,以使所编辑出版的出版物能适应时代的发展,能够畅销,能正确引导读者,为我国的编辑出版事业做出我们应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Di Wang  Li Wang 《水文研究》2019,33(3):372-382
Canopy interception is one of the most important processes in an ecosystem, but it is still neglected when assessing evapotranspiration (ET) partitioning in apple orchards on the Loess Plateau in China. To explore the importance of canopy interception, we monitored two neighbouring apple orchards on the Loess Plateau in China, one 8‐year‐old and the other 18‐years old at the start of the study, from May to September for four consecutive years (2013–2016). We measured parameters of canopy interception (I) including precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, leaf area index, transpiration (T), and soil evaporation (S) to quantify ET. The importance of canopy interception was then assessed by comparing the relationship between water supply (precipitation) and water demand (ET), calculated with and without considering canopy interception (T + S and T + S + I, respectively). Tree age clearly influenced canopy interception, as estimates of annual canopy interception during the study years in the younger and older orchards amounted to 22.2–29.4 mm and 26.8–39.9 mm, respectively. Daily incident rainfall and rainfall intensity in both orchards were significantly positively correlated with daily canopy interception in each year. The relationship between annual precipitation and annual ET (calculated with and without consideration of canopy interception) in the younger orchard differed during 2015 and 2016. Ignoring canopy interception would result in underestimation of annual ET in both apple orchards and hence incorrect evaluation of the relationship between water supply and water demand, particularly for the younger orchard during 2015 and 2016. Thus, for a complete understanding of water consumption in apple orchards in this and similar regions, canopy interception should not be ignored when assessing ET partitioning.  相似文献   

开发水利资源中应注意的一些问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着西部大开发和西电东送工程的建设,在西部地区,特别是云、桂、贵、川等地水利资源丰富的大江大河上兴建的水电站越来越多,其中有一些坝很高、库容大的水电站建在或即将建在断裂发育、构造活动强烈、地震烈度高的地区.结合铜街子水库蓄水后,其周围地区的地震活动发生了变化,同时结合发生在四川两次地震水灾,提出在开发西部地区丰富的水力资源时应注意的六个问题。  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to establish methodology for realistic laboratory-based test exposures of organisms to oil dispersions, specifically designed to generate parameterized toxicity data. Such data are needed to improve the value of numerical models used to predict fate and effects of oil spills and different oil spill responses. A method for continuous and predictable in-line production of oil dispersions with defined size distribution of different oil qualities was successfully established. The system enables simultaneous comparison between the effects of different concentrations of dispersion and their corresponding equilibrium water soluble fractions. Thus, net effects of the oil droplet fraction may be estimated. The method provides data for comparing the toxicity of oil dispersions generated both mechanically and with the use of chemical dispersions, incorporating the toxicity of both dissolved oil and droplets of oil.  相似文献   

论述了水氡观测仪器在标定中应注意的问题,提出了在标定过程中,固体氡放射源与待标仪器的连接方式及吸源时间以多长为最佳的问题。报告建议为减少标准源的外在损失,提高K值的标定精度,在标定仪器时尽可能地采用图6的连接方式和严控或适当缩短吸源的时间。  相似文献   

防震减灾科学技术教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是构建和谐社会的一个重要内容。而搞好防震减灾科普示范学校建设就是贯彻落实《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》的有力举措,以达到教育一个孩子、带动一个家庭、影响整个社会的目的,推动全社会防震减灾意识的形成和增强。但由于防震减灾科普示范学校建设仍处于探索阶段,经验普遍比较缺乏,再加上有的指导思想不明确、工作措施不到位、方法形式简单,  相似文献   

Starting from an analytical reservoir model that incorporates full interaction with an elastic overburden, a new hybrid mathematical approach is developed by combining two numerical discretization methods. A tabular reservoir (petroleum reservoir or an aquifer) in an infinite or semi-infinite domain is viewed as a macroscopic displacement discontinuity, allowing use of the efficient displacement discontinuity mathematical method to calculate stresses and displacements that arise because of pressure changes. A 3-D finite element method using a poroelastic formulation is used to discretize the reservoir itself. By coupling the displacement discontinuity and finite element methods, a 3-D large-scale poroelastic reservoir can be simulated within an infinite or semi-infinite domain. The numerical model has been verified through comparison to known solutions, and some time-dependent pressure drawdown problems are analyzed. Results indicate that including the complete overburden (reservoir surroundings) response has a significant effect on pressure drawdown in a poroelastic reservoir during pumping, and should be incorporated in appropriate applications such as well test equations and subsidence analyses.  相似文献   

The distribution of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons was determined in surface sediments collected at 36 stations along the Galicia continental shelf (NW Spain), following the Prestige oil spill. Sampling was performed in December 2002, just after the accident, and in February and September 2003. Concentrations of PAHs (summation operator 13 parent components) were in the range of 0.9-422 microg/kgdw, the highest values being close to coastal urban areas (e.g. Pontevedra and A Coru?a), whereas in the stations of the area most heavily impacted by the spill (off Costa da Morte) concentrations were in the range of 14.8-89.6 microg/kgdw, with a certain predominance of alkylated compounds, which may suggest a mixture of petrogenic and pyrolytic sources. The detailed study of petrogenic molecular markers (e.g. steranes and triterpanes) showed the occurrence of an old (weathered) petrogenic chronic pollution in the shelf sediments but not of the Prestige oil, with the possible exception of few stations in the area of Costa da Morte. This was attributed to the heavy nature of the spilled oil that was barely dispersed in the water column and mainly stranded on the coast or sedimented in the form of oil patches. The addition of increasing amounts of fuel oil to a representative sediment sample showed that the molecular indices were indicative of the presence of the Prestige oil when the amount was above 1g/kg of sediment. The toxicity of selected samples (showing the higher PAH concentrations) was tested using the bivalve embryogenesis bioassay. Embryogenesis success reached high values in all cases (80-88%, with 86% in the control), indicating a lack of toxicity in the sediments and supporting the conclusion that the patchiness of the fuel eventually reaching the seafloor reduced its impact on the benthic communities of the Galician shelf.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The paper addresses the problems associated with the maximum earthquakes in a seismically active region. Pisarenko and Rodkin (2009; 2010;...  相似文献   

本文提出用于地下成像无源地震方法的分析,在该方法中应用环境地震噪声作为地下散射体的照明源。该成像算法能够以递归方式将新的数据融入到成像中,这使成像背景噪声随时间减少。在空间域不相干环境背景噪声的假设前提下推导出成像算法的点-扩展函数。点-扩展函数表征成像的分辨率,即接收排列长度和环境带宽的函数。  相似文献   

在21世纪的今天,中国正处于快速工业化、经济腾飞和科学技术突飞猛进的进程中,地球物理学面临巨大的机遇,展现出多维的发展空间,同时也面临着严峻的挑战.为此,国家战略需求和自主创新已成为中华民族能否独立于世界民族之林的最强音!在这前提下,地球物理学家就必须超越已有的框架,穿过地平线,全方位的研究、探索、揭示、发现地球内部的奥秘.必须清晰地认识到新世纪里地球物理学的发展导向,即地球物理学的前沿领域和深化研究与现代科学技术进步的制约;地球物理学必须牢牢地把握住向高层次的综合研究脉络方能有所发现与突破;地球物理学所面临的机遇、多元发展空间和挑战;地球内部圈层结构与大陆动力学研究的主体内涵和导向.  相似文献   

基于WFI动三轴试验仪的小型土箱震动台试验系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开展模型地基土动力特性的试验研究,开展了小型土箱振动台试验系统的研制.该系统由WFI动三轴试验仪的控制平台、气压供应系统、气压动力设备和伺服控制数据采集系统与自行设计制作的承台及支撑导向系统、小型土箱、信号调理变换器组装而成.经过性能检测,该系统台面具有较好的单向平稳振动性能,并能通过位移控制实现地震动输人,小型土箱...  相似文献   

All known modifications of the uniformity test for unit vectors on a sphere, utilized in the conglomerate test (which is one of the field tests widely used in paleomagnetology), are considered. Almost all test modifications examine the null hypothesis that vectors are uniformly distributed on a sphere. However, when the conglomerate (uniformity) test is performed, it is important to formulate an alternative hypothesis, which substantially affects (see the paper) the test sensitivity (power) and, thus, is responsible for its reliability. An analysis of the known modifications of the test for vector uniformity on a sphere made it possible to determine the succession of procedures that should be included in the conglomerate test.  相似文献   

为了克服激发极化观测中经常遇到的电磁耦合干扰,以往研究大多基于电磁耦合的频率特点.本文从电偶极子电磁耦合的基本公式出发,借助拉普拉斯变换和数值积分,着重研究了电磁耦合的时间历程及特点.研究表明,在足够长时间的矩形电流激励下,偶极装置电磁耦合的响应电位差表现为矩形激励电流开通时的上升斜坡和关断时的下降斜坡,并且使电磁信号到达的时间推迟;中间梯度装置的电磁耦合响应表现为矩形激励电流开通时的正尖脉冲和关断时的负尖脉冲,同时也使电磁信号到达的时间推迟.与激电法常用矩形电流的接通(关断)时间相比,不论采用何种观测装置,电磁感应耦合终归是一种“短命”的瞬变现象.不同装置的电磁耦合既有不同之处,又有相同之点.在固体矿产勘查常见的地电条件下,就激电法常用的中间梯度和偶极装置以及供电波形而言,电磁耦合的时间一般不超过10-2 s,利用这些时间特点能够达到区分并克服电磁耦合的目的.  相似文献   

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