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The western border of South America is one of the most important seismogenic regions in the world. In this region the most damaging earthquake ever recorded occurred. In June 23rd, 2001, another very strong earthquake (Mw = 8.1–8.2) occurred and produced death and damages in the whole southern region of Peru. This earthquake was originated by a friction process between Nazca and South American plates and affected an area of about 300 km × 120 km defined by the distribution of more than 220 aftershocks recorded by a local seismic network that operated 20 days. The epicenter of the main shock was localized in the northwestern extremity of the aftershock area, which suggests that the rupture propagated towards the SE direction. The modeling of P-wave for teleseismic distances permitted to define a focal mechanism of reverse type with NW-SE oriented nodal planes and a possible fault plane moving beneath almost horizontally in NE direction. The source time function (STF) suggests a complex process of rupture during 85 sec with 2 successive sources. The second one of greater size, and located approximately 100–120 km toward the SE direction was estimated to have a rupture velocity of about 2 km/sec on a 28°-dipping plane to the SE (N135°). A second event happened 45 sec after the first one with an epicenter 130km farther to the SE and a complex STF. This event and the second source of the main shock caused a Tsunami with waves from 7 to 8 meters that propagated almost orthogonally to the coast line, by affecting mainly the Camaná area.Three of all the aftershocks presented magnitudes greater or equal to Mw = 6.6, two of them occurred in front of the cities of Ilo and Mollendo (June 26th and July 7th) with focal mechanisms similar to the main seismic event. The aftershock of July 5th shows a normal mechanism at a depth of 75 km, and is therefore most likely located within the subducting Nazca plate and not in the coupling. The aftershocks of June 26th (Mw = 6.6) and July 5th (Mw = 6.6) show simple short duration STF. The aftershock of July 7th (Mw = 7.5) with 27-second duration suggests a complex process of energy release with the possible occurrence of a secondary shock with lower focal depth and focal mechanism of inverse type with a great lateral component. Simple and composed focal mechanisms were elaborated for the aftershocks and all have similar characteristics to the main earthquake.The earthquake of June 23rd caused major damages in the whole southern Peru. The damage in towns of Arequipa, Moquegua allow to consider maximum intensities from 6 to 7 (MSK79). In Alto de la Alianza and Ciudad Nueva zones from Tacna, the maximum intensity was of 7 (MSK79).  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, a strong earthquake of M7.0 occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, northern Sichuan. The earthquake occurred on a branch fault at the southern end of the eastern section of the East Kunlun fault zone. In the northwest of the aftershock area is the Maqu-Maqin seismic gap, which is in a locking state under high stress. Destructive earthquakes are frequent along the southeast direction of the aftershocks area. In Songpan-Pingwu area, only 50~80km away from the Jiuzhaigou earthquake, two M7.2 earthquakes and one M6.7 earthquake occurred from August 16 to 23, 1976. Therefore, the Jiuzhaigou earthquake was an earthquake that occurred at the transition part between the historical earthquake fracture gap and the neotectonic active area. Compared with other M7.0 earthquakes, there are few moderate-strong aftershocks following this Jiuzhaigou earthquake, and the maximum magnitude of aftershocks is much smaller than the main shock. There is no surface rupture zone discovered corresponding to the M7.0 earthquake. In order to understand the feature of source structure and the tectonic environment of the source region, we calculate the parameters of the initial earthquake catalogue by Loc3D based on the digital waveform data recorded by Sichuan seismic network and seismic phase data collected by the China Earthquake Networks Center. Smaller events in the sequence are relocated using double-difference algorithm; source mechanism solutions and centroid depths of 29 earthquakes with ML≥3.4 are obtained by CAP method. Moreover, the source spectrum of 186 earthquakes with 2.0≤ML≤5.5 is restored and the spatial distribution of source stress drop along faults is obtained. According to the relocations and focal mechanism results, the Jiuzhaigou M7.0 earthquake is a high-angle left-lateral strike-slip event. The earthquake sequence mainly extends along the NW-SE direction, with the dominant focal depth of 4~18km. There are few shallow earthquakes and few earthquakes with depth greater than 20km. The relocation results show that the distribution of aftershocks is bounded by the M7.0 main shock, which shows obvious segmental characteristics in space, and the aftershock area is divided into NW segment and SE segment. The NW segment is about 16km long and 12km wide, with scattered and less earthquakes, the dominant focal depth is 4~12km, the source stress drop is large, and the type of focal mechanism is complicated. The SE segment is about 20km long and 8km wide, with concentrated earthquakes, the dominant depth is 4~12km, most moderate-strong earthquakes occurred in the depth between 11~14km. Aftershock activity extends eastward from the start point of the M7.0 main earthquake. The middle-late-stage aftershocks are released intensively on this segment, most of them are strike-slip earthquakes. The stress drop of the aftershock sequence gradually decreases with time. Principal stress axis distribution also shows segmentation characteristics. On the NW segment, the dominant azimuth of P axis is about 91.39°, the average elevation angle is about 20.80°, the dominant azimuth of T axis is NE-SW, and the average elevation angle is about 58.44°. On the SE segment, the dominant azimuth of P axis is about 103.66°, the average elevation angle is about 19.03°, the dominant azimuth of T axis is NNE-SSW, and the average elevation angle is about 15.44°. According to the fault profile inferred from the focal mechanism solution, the main controlling structure in the source area is in NW-SE direction, which may be a concealed fault or the north extension of Huya Fault. The northwest end of the fault is limited to the horsetail structure at the east end of the East Kunlun Fault, and the SE extension requires clear seismic geological evidence. The dip angle of the NW segment of the seismogenic fault is about 65°, which may be a reverse fault striking NNW and dipping NE. According to the basic characteristics of inverse fault ruptures, the rupture often extends short along the strike, the rupture length is often disproportionate to the magnitude of the earthquake, and it is not easy to form a rupture zone on the surface. The dip angle of the SE segment of the seismogenic fault is about 82°, which may be a strike-slip fault that strikes NW and dips SW. The fault plane solution shows significant change on the north and south sides of the main earthquake, and turns gradually from compressional thrust to strike-slip movement, with a certain degree of rotation.  相似文献   

On September 3rd (22:07 UTC), 1997 a small earthquake with Mw=4.54 started the foreshocks sequence (1500 events with ML <3.1) of the September 26th seismic sequence. Two days after, three seismic stations of the University of Camerino were installed around the macroseismic epicenter of the foreshock. We present in this paper the location of foreshocks (with 2.1L<3.3) which occurred between September 3rd and 26th. Foreshocks location, with horizontal (ERH) and vertical (ERZ) error less than 1.5 km, define an area 4 km large. Foreshocks have been localized between the epicenters of the two major events of September 26th, which occurred at 00:33 UTC with Mw=5.6 and at 09:40 UTC with Mw=6.0 (Amato et al., 1998; Ekström et al., 1998). In a vertical cross-section, hypocenters show a low angle (30°) structure with SW dip-direction. Focal mechanisms for three of the major events show dip-slip fault solutions with strike direction of about N130, in agreement with the CMT solutions of September 3rd and September 26th earthquakes (Ekström et al., 1998). Data recorded at two stations Popola (POP) e Capodacqua (CPQ) located on the rupture area of the September 26th faults, allowed us to calculate a mean Vp/Vs ratio of 1.84±0.03 for the foreshock. This value is lower than the Vp/Vs ratio of 1.89±0.02 calculated for the aftershock sequence occurred in the same area. Besides, the Vp/Vs ratio during the foreshocks sequence is not stable in time but it seems to increase approaching September 26th. After September 26th mainshocks, this value tends to stabilize around a higher value of 1.89. Following the dilatancy model, we suggest that the relative low Vp/Vs ratio before the main shocks could indicate the presence of fluid in the focal volume. The presence of fluids could have increased the effective stress on the fault plane and could be responsible for the long foreshock activity before the two main earthquakes of September 26th. Therefore, we suggest that this foreshock activity could have also contributed to reduce the friction along the September 26th fault plane, breaking the active structure in two smaller segments. In this hypothesis, foreshock activity could have drastically contributed to mitigate the seismic potential of the Colfiorito's active structure.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic.Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km.The depth profile(section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone(NE direction) shows anisomer-ous wedgy distribution characteristic of aft...  相似文献   

On November 15, 2014, an Mw4.3 earthquake occurred 2 km west of Mihoub village, 60 km SE of Algiers. In this study, we retrieve the relative source-time functions of the mainshock and largest aftershock (Mw3.9) for rupture analysis using the empirical Green’s function method. The two events are nearly colocated with a smaller aftershock (Mw3.5), which is treated as the empirical Green’s function. Moreover, these three events have similar focal mechanisms, suggesting that deconvolution is well posed in this case. The three events were recorded by nine stations of the Algerian permanent network. We use mainly P-wave data. The focal mechanism solution shows dominant reverse faulting with a strong strike-slip component. The two nodal planes align almost E-W, dipping to the south, and NNE-SSW, dipping to the NW, respectively; the fault and auxiliary planes cannot be resolved from hypocenter locations alone because too few aftershocks were recorded by the permanent network. The results show unilateral rupture propagation to the ENE and complex rupture with multiple episodes for the mainshock. The largest aftershock shows similar behavior with slightly less pronounced directivity at some sites. The rupture directivity for the mainshock is estimated at about N66° E, and the rupture velocity is Vr = 0.66β. The E-W nodal plane of the best-fit focal mechanism is the preferred fault plane because it best agrees with the directivity direction and is consistent with the E-W faulting that dominates in the region.  相似文献   

We collected seismic records of 228 ML≥1.0 Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 earthquake sequence from Dec.26, 2005 to Jun. 30, 2006. By using double-difference method combined with waveform cross-correlation, those earthquakes were relocated and finally the accurate source parameters of 224 earthquakes were obtained. The errors are about 0. 5km in horizontal and less than 2km in vertical direction, respectively. It was found that the depth of earthquake sequence concentrates in 8~14km range, and the epicenters are distributed along both NW and NE direction, and dominantly along NW direction. Combined with the focal mechanism, the distribution direction and the tectonic setting, we infer that the rupture of the NW-trending fault caused the MS5. 7 main shock, and then the rupture probably encountered an asperity and triggered the MS4. 8 strong aftershock. The NE-trending fault came into a seismically quiet period by stress adjustment in a short time, while the NW-trending fault released stress for a long time which caused a series of aftershocks. The MS5. 7 main shock is caused by the NW striking Yangjisshan-Wushan-Tongjiangling Fault and the MS4. 8 aftershock occurred on the NE striking Liujia-Fanjiapu-Chengmenshan Fault.  相似文献   

基于四川数字地震台网记录到的该研究区域(27.5°~31.5°N,100°~104°E)103 990个地震的震相数据,运用双差层析成像方法对泸定MS6.8地震震源区及周边地区执行地震层析成像和精定位。结果表明:(1)余震序列主要分布于鲜水河断裂西南侧,长度约60 km,整体沿鲜水河断裂呈北西向展布,震源深度多集中在5~15 km,呈现出由北向南逐渐加深的迹象。根据余震序列空间分布特征及主震位置,提出鲜水河断裂东南段为发震断层,并且发现余震序列南北两端或许存在分支断层。根据背景地震的空间分布特征,推断其或许为泸定主震的前震。(2)主震的西北侧存在高速异常体,其或许阻挡了泸定地震向西北向破裂,结合鲜水河断裂东南段力学性质较弱,其滑动方向为首选的传播方向,推断泸定地震为单侧破裂,方向为东南。(3)泸定地震震源区下方30 km深度处存在弱S波低速层和高波速比,已有结果得知研究区中下地壳存在明显的高导层和低阻层,泸定主震位于热流值为65 mW·m2的大地热流等值线附近,综合推断震源区下方30 km或许存在地壳流体。同时,泸定地震发生在应力易积累,同时...  相似文献   

We investigate mainshock slip distribution and aftershock activity of the 8 January 2013 M w?=?5.7 Lemnos earthquake, north Aegean Sea. We analyse the seismic waveforms to better understand the spatio-temporal characteristics of earthquake rupture within the seismogenic layer of the crust. Peak slip values range from 50 to 64 cm and mean slip values range from 10 to 12 cm. The slip patches of the event extend over an area of dimensions 16?×?16 km2. We also relocate aftershock catalog locations to image seismic fault dimensions and test earthquake transfer models. The relocated events allowed us to identify the active faults in this area of the north Aegean Sea by locating two, NE–SW linear patterns of aftershocks. The aftershock distribution of the mainshock event clearly reveals a NE–SW striking fault about 40 km offshore Lemnos Island that extends from 2 km up to a depth of 14 km. After the mainshock most of the seismic activity migrated to the east and to the north of the hypocenter due to (a) rupture directivity towards the NE and (b) Coulomb stress transfer. A stress inversion analysis based on 14 focal mechanisms of aftershocks showed that the maximum horizontal stress is compressional at N84°E. The static stress transfer analysis for all post-1943 major events in the North Aegean shows no evidence for triggering of the 2013 event. We suggest that the 2013 event occurred due to tectonic loading of the North Aegean crust.  相似文献   

对2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震主震震中周边29个地震台记录到的震后一年多的微、 小余震,利用Hypo71绝对定位方法进行定位,获得了约1960次地震的震源位置. 结果显示,芦山地震余震在平面上主要沿双石—大川分支断裂及其周边分布,在垂向上主要集中在大约5—20 km深度之间的两条余震交叉带上. 其中一条余震带倾向NW,倾角在12 km左右深度发生变化,浅部倾角较陡,该余震带延伸至地表与双石—大川分支断裂和新开店断裂之间的推测隐伏断裂位置相重合; 另一条余震带倾向SE,其延伸至地表的位置与双石—大川断裂非常接近,但与该断裂倾向相反. 主震震源位置与两条余震带相交的位置接近,且芦山地震主震的两个节面产状与这两条余震带的深部几何形态正好对应, 表明芦山地震主震可能是两条余震带所对应的两条断裂同时活动的结果.   相似文献   

At 08:47 GMT, on May 13, 1995, a strong earthquake of Ms = 6.6 occurred in the NW part of Greece (Western Macedonia) and caused serious damage in the Kozani and Grevena prefectures, but fortunately no fatalities. The maximum observed macroseismic intensity was IX + of the Modified Mercalli scale. The main shock was preceded by several foreshocks and followed by intense aftershock activity lasting several months.The Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, in order to monitor and study the aftershock activity, installed a seismic network of nine (9) stations operated for a period of 50 days. Thousands of aftershocks were recorded. Based on the analysis of recorded data, a NE-SW trending zone dipping NW is defined.In the field a surface rupture of normal slip was observed, following a NE-SW direction for a length of 8 km with a 4 cm down throw of the NW area. This break was located along a pre-existing minor normal fault, while a main fault system exists 10 km to the SE.The focal mechanism of the main shock shows normal faulting, which is in agreement with the field observations. Moreover focal mechanisms of several well defined aftershocks were computed, showing various types of faulting.  相似文献   

利用来源于江西区域台网和中国地震台网共6个台的宽频带数字地震记录,采用CAP方法反演了2005年11月26日九江—瑞昌5.7级地震和4.8级强余震的震源机制解,并结合地震序列的精确定位结果和区域地质背景讨论了发震构造.结果显示,5.7级主震的最佳双力偶解为节面Ⅰ走向223°,倾角75°,滑动角144°;节面Ⅱ走向324°,倾角55°,滑动角18°.4.8级强余震的最佳双力偶解为节面Ⅰ走向54°,倾角71°,滑动角-160°;节面Ⅱ走向317°,倾角71°,滑动角-20°,这两次地震的震源机制解不完全一致.地震序列在震中空间分布和震源深度分布上也具有复杂性.5.7级主震发生后,余震活动从SE向NW、从浅部往深部发展,在破裂过程中可能遇到障碍体,触发了4.8级强余震.5.7级主震的发震构造可能为隐伏在瑞昌盆地内的洋鸡山—武山—通江岭NW向断裂,4.8级强余震的发震构造可能为瑞昌盆地西北缘的丁家山—桂林桥—武宁NE向断裂北段.  相似文献   

吕鹏  丁志峰  朱露培 《地震学报》2011,33(4):407-419
选取了汶川地震主震后的2008年5月12日——2009年8月31日, 震级为3.0le;MSle;5.0的余震4240次.利用波形互相关方法得到其P波到时,用双差定位方法对其进行定位,最终得到了2441次重新定位的结果.统计定位误差(两倍标准偏差)在E-W方向为0.4 km,N-S方向为0.4 km,垂直方向为0.7 km.定位结果表明,汶川地震的余震深度集中在10——20 km,震中分布与龙门山中央断裂带的走向关系密切.沿龙门山断裂的地震分布具有明显的分段性,西南段呈水平带状分布,东北段接近垂直分布,且在北川附近存在深度突变.这与龙门山断裂的地震在西南段多表现为逆冲,东北段多表现为走滑的现象相吻合.在深度剖面上地震的空间分布存在分立的特征,通过对比前人在此地区浅层的地震剖面资料, 发现地震空间分布与已探知的浅部断层有较好的对应关系.   相似文献   

A moderate-size earthquake (Mw = 6.2) occurred on 3 February 2002 (07:11:28 GMT) in the Sultanda??-Çay region of southwest Turkey. The mainshock was followed by a strong aftershock of Mw = 6.0 just 2 h after the mainshock, at 09:26:49 GMT. A temporary seismic network of 27 vertical component seismometers was installed to monitor aftershock activity. One thousand sixty nine aftershocks (0.2 < ML < 3.3) were recorded during the period from 5 to 10 February 2002. We analyzed the P and S arrival times and P wave first motion data to obtain high-quality hypocenters and focal mechanisms, which revealed fine details of the fault zone. We infer that the mainshock has ruptured a segment of the Sultanda? Fault Zone that is approximately 37 km long and 7 km wide at depth. The average slip over the rupture plane during the mainshock is estimated to be 32 cm. The linear distribution of the aftershocks and the location of the mainshock epicenter suggest that rupture has initiated in the eastern bending of the fault and propagated unilaterally to the west. The majority of fault plane solutions indicate E–W to ESE–WNW striking oblique–normal faulting mechanisms with an average dip angle of 62° N ± 10° . The high-resolution aftershock seismicity image also shows that faulting involved a complex array of synthetic and possibly antithetic structures during the evolution of the aftershock sequence. The steady increase of the b value towards the west implies that the highest moment release of the mainshock occurred to the west of the epicenter. The study clearly shows the activation of the WNW–ESE-trending Sultanda? Fault Zone along the southern margin of the Ak?ehir-Afyon Graben (AAG). The westernmost end of the aftershock activity corresponds to a structurally complex zone distinct from the main rupture. It is characterized by both ENE–WSW- and NNE–SSW-trending oblique-slip normal faulting mechanisms, the latter being associated with the NNE–SSW-trending Karam?k Graben. The intersection of these two grabens, AAG and Karam?k Graben, provides abundant faults available for failure in this region. The occurrence pattern of large events in recent years indicates a possible migration of earthquakes from east to west. Thus, we conclude that this has an important implication for earthquake hazard for the city of Afyon, which lies along the same fault line and only 20 km west of the termination point of the aftershock zone.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

本文采用云南测震台网的观测报告数据,利用双差定位方法对2014年鲁甸MS6.5地震及其强余震序列进行了重定位,获得了3 658个地震事件的震源参数。重定位后地震序列的震中分布显示,余震分布存在两个优势方向,分别为近EW向和SES向,呈共轭型分布,近EW向条带展布长度为30 km,SES 向条带展布长度为20 km;震源深度的分布显示,地震序列总体表现为主震附近震源较深,沿近EW向和SES向逐渐变浅,地震序列的震源深度主要分布在4—20 km范围内。截至2017年2月28日,鲁甸MS6.5地震震源区共发生(同一天发生的一组地震算一次)MS≥4.5强余震4次。重定位后的鲁甸4次强余震序列震中分布存在差异:2014年9月10日和10月27日两次强余震序列的展布特征与主震相同,而2016年和2017年另外两次强余震的后续余震仅分布在强余震的周边,与主震序列明显不同。综合重定位后余震序列分布、震源区地质调查资料以及前人研究认为,鲁甸地震的4次强余震序列是区域应力场和主震引发的震源区应力场共同作用的结果,2014年9月10日和10月27日的两次强余震序列主要受主震引发的震源区应力场的影响;而2016年和2017年两次强余震序列则主要受区域应力场的影响。   相似文献   

The 2018,Songyuan,Jilin M_S5. 7 earthquake occurred at the intersection of the FuyuZhaodong fault and the Second Songhua River fault. The moment magnitude of this earthquake is M_W5. 3,the centroid depth by the waveform fitting is 12 km,and it is a strike-slip type event. In this paper,with the seismic phase data provided by the China Earthquake Network, the double-difference location method is used to relocate the earthquake sequence,finally the relocation results of 60 earthquakes are obtained. The results show that the aftershock zone is about 4. 3km long and 3. 1km wide,which is distributed in the NE direction. The depth distribution of the seismic sequence is 9km-10 km. 1-2 days after the main shock,the aftershocks were scattered throughout the aftershock zone,and the largest aftershock occurred in the northeastern part of the aftershock zone. After 3-8 days,the aftershocks mainly occurred in the southwestern part of the aftershock zone. The profile distribution of the earthquake sequence shows that the fault plane dips to the southeast with the dip angle of about 75°. Combined with the regional tectonic setting,focal mechanism solution and intensity distribution,we conclude that the concealed fault of the Fuyu-Zhaodong fault is the seismogenic fault of the Songyuan M_S5. 7 earthquake. This paper also relocates the earthquake sequence of the previous magnitude 5. 0 earthquake in 2017. Combined with the results of the focal mechanism solution,we believe that the two earthquakes have the same seismogenic structure,and the earthquake sequence generally develops to the southwest. The historical seismic activity since 2009 shows that after the magnitude 5. 0 earthquake in 2017,the frequency and intensity of earthquakes in the earthquake zone are obviously enhanced,and attention should be paid to the development of seismic activity in the southwest direction of the earthquake zone.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山区三维地壳结构层析成像   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用长白山天池火山区三维空间深地震测观测系统所采集的反射P波走时资料,采用层析成像技术,重建了该区地壳界面构造形态和速度分析图像。界面成像结果表明:研究区地壳界面总体上显示了由北西向东南加深的趋势;马鞍山—三道白河断裂和富尔河—红旗河断裂是本区两条主要的深部构造,尤其是马鞍山—三道白河断裂,北北东向穿越天池火山口,其两侧的地壳界面存在明显的错断,预示了该处地壳厚度陡变或深大断裂带的存在,速度成像结果显示在10km深度,明显的P波低速异常分布在天池周围;15km深度上它表现为一个近南北向的P波低速异常条带,其延展尺度南北向为80~90km,东西向30~40km;随着深度的增加,P波低速异常分布在天池西侧,其尺度有明显的缩小,分布范围更加集中,而且低速扰动幅度更大。这种P波速度异常的变化图像在一定程度上反映了天池火山口下方壳内岩浆系统的空间分状况。  相似文献   

南迦巴瓦地震台网完整地记录了米林M6.9地震发生的全过程.本文利用南迦巴瓦地震台网的连续波形数据对米林地震序列进行了研究.南迦巴瓦台网的定位结果显示,米林主震位于29.89°N,95.04°E,震源深度为16.7km,余震序列呈NW向展布,分布在南迦巴瓦峰和加拉白垒峰连线的东北部靠近帕隆—旁辛断裂.经计算,本次地震的h值为1.26,b值为0.84,综合序列衰减情况分析,本次地震属于主震—余震型地震.米林地震前,南迦巴瓦峰地区地震活动表现出明显的时间不均匀性,自研究区1992年ML6.2地震以来,研究区每12年左右发生一次ML6.0级以上地震,2017年至米林地震前,研究区6月前与6月后的地震活动差异很大,6月后的地震活动在频度上要明显强于6月前.空间分布上,米林地震震中附近为研究区地震活动性最强的区域,属于雅鲁藏布江断裂和帕隆—旁辛断裂交汇区域.  相似文献   

A seismic swarm at the Aysén fjord started in January, 2007, reaching its highest activity between January and April, 2007. It was punctuated by the Mw5.3 23rd January event and the Mw6.2 21st April event which triggered a water-wave due to massive landslides; both with dextral strike slip focal mechanisms. More than 100 events were relocated with the Joint Hypocenter Determination method to study the depth distribution of the events of the swarm recorded by the Chile Ridge Subduction Project local network. The events are associated to a small area of approximately 7?×?7 km located in the Aysén fjord, on one of the main branches of the Liquiñe–Ofqui fault. Distribution in depth is located between 0 and 8 km and presents a west high dip with almost NS strike, consistent with the main trending of the Liquiñe–Ofqui fault and the published focal mechanisms. These characteristics, among others, suggest that the Liquiñe–Ofqui fault is active in this region and thus seismic risk has to be re-determined.  相似文献   

Five mobile digital seismic stations were set up by the Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province near the epicenter of the main shock after the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake on June 3, 2007. In this paper, the aftershock sequence of the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake is relocated by using the double difference earthquake location method. The data is from the 5 mobile digital seismic stations and the permanent Simao seismic station. The results show that the length of the aftershock sequence is 40km and the width is 30km, concentrated obviously at the lateral displacement area between the Pu’er fault and the NNE-trending faults, with the majority occurring on the Pu’er fault around the main shock. The depths of aftershocks are from 2km to 12km, and the predominant distribution is in the depth of 8~10km. The mean depth is 7.9km. The seismic fault dips to the northwest revealed from the profile parallel to this aftershock sequence, which is identical to the dip of the secondary fault of the NE-trending Menglian-Mojiang fault in the earthquake area. There are more earthquakes concentrated in the northwest segment than in the southeast segment, which is perhaps related to the underground medium and faults. The depth profile of the earthquake sequence shows that the relocated earthquakes are mainly located near the Pu’er fault and the seismic faults dip to the southwest, consistent with the dip of the west branch of the Pu’er fault. In all, the fault strike revealed by earthquake relocations matches well with the strike in the focal mechanism solutions. The main shock is in the top of the aftershock sequence and the aftershocks are symmetrically distributed, showing that faulting was complete in both the NE and SW directions.  相似文献   

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