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根据2003年7月台风发生期间工厂化虾池生态系中的实测数据,重点分析了不同养成密度虾池生态系中COD的变化状况及其影响因素。结果表明:台风气候对虾池生态系中COD的影响较大,台风发生时COD含量相对较高,台风前后相对较低;台风气候对COD周日变化的影响以养成密度大的养殖池较为显著,养成密度小的养殖池则影响较小;COD与环境因子之间的相关性差异也较大,台风前,养成密度大的养殖池与NO2^-呈显著正相关(r=0.668),与T和Chl.a呈负相关关系(r=-0.608或r=-0.633);台风后与PO4-P、NH4^+和Chl.a之间则表现的显著正相关(r=0.907、0.832、0.846)。而养成密度低的养殖池,台风前COD与pH呈显著负相关(r=-0.732),台风后与PO4-P和NO2^-分别呈显著正相关(r=0.720)和良好正相关(r=0.591)。但在台风发生时,二池均无此类相关性出现。  相似文献   

研究了湛江东海岛3种不同养殖模式虾池弧菌对抗菌药物的耐药性,并对虾池水域环境的水温、盐度、DO、pH、叶绿素a、DOC、无机氮、无机磷、硅酸盐、细菌总数和弧菌数量变化进行了监测和评价。结果表明,调查的三个虾池的弧菌对万古霉素产生耐药性,高位新池和传统精养池的弧菌对利福平产生耐药性,对其他抗菌药尚未形成耐性,3个虾池的弧菌对恩诺沙星和氯霉素高度敏感,传统精养池和天然虾池的弧菌对复方新诺明、庆大霉素、TMP和环丙沙星高度敏感;在水平差异上,高位新池的弧菌比传统精养池和天然虾池对12种抗菌药更具耐药性,同时多重耐药菌株在高位新池中出现,可能与虾苗来源和配合饲料中添加了抗菌药物有关。水质监测结果表明,养殖过程中,虾池水域环境逐渐富营养化,无机氮和Chla超过富营养化阈值,细菌总数增加;两个精养池的水体富营养化程度高于天然虾池;调查期间的弧菌数量在对虾发病的感染剂量阈值范围之内,尚无弧菌病害发生的潜在危险。  相似文献   

【目的】分析海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)对南海台风强度的影响。【方法】以南海为研究区域,以中国气象局热带气旋资料中心热带气旋最佳路径数据集为基础,利用Savitzky-Golay卷积平滑算法和多项式插值算法将台风数据进行插值,对强化值和SST值在南海区域的网格单元进行平均,建立模型并对其做回归分析,分析台风强度强化程度与SST模型之间的关系,以及检验模型残差的分布。通过数据提供的台风轨迹的增强率,来检验SST对台风强度变化的影响。【结果】建立台风强化值与SST之间的回归模式,平均而言,平均SST每增加1℃,台风强度强化度增加12.5%。该模型具有统计学意义,即台风高强度强化值与高海温值相关。【结论】本研究建立的统计模型对南海台风强度的预报有较好的指示效果。  相似文献   

针对目前大批低产老化虾池的改造和可持续生产的问题,设计了一个自然生态养虾新模式。利用长期不能清淤的低产老化虾池和已造成生态失衡的虾池,实行疏放苗,精管理,综合利用、立体开发,混养、轮养。试验结果表明,养殖周期为 80~90 d,对虾成活率60.5% ~76% ,体长达10.1~13.2 cm ,平均体重 17.2~19.2 g/尾,饵料系数 0.77~0.80,平均产量 645~780 kg/hm 2,鲻鱼产量 420~465 kg/hm 2 。整个养殖过程虾池的各种水质理化因子基本符合要求,从而使对虾养殖在一种相对稳定的生态环境中进行  相似文献   

以2012年"泰利"和"苏拉"台风期间的福州台和漳州台秒采样的重力固体潮为研究对象,首先通过巴特沃斯高通滤波,提取出重力固体潮中高频的台风扰动;其次采用傅里叶变换分析福州台和漳州台重力的功率谱特征。分析结果表明:台风中心距台站越近、风速越大、气压越低,重力固体潮的扰动也越明显。"泰利"和"苏拉"台风引起的重力扰动主要频率范围为0.16~0.28 Hz,而福州台和漳州台无台风影响时的正常重力地脉动脉动频率为0.25~0.35 Hz。  相似文献   

地形对台风影响的数值模拟研究——以台风“泰利”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究台湾岛地形对台风移动路径及结构的影响,利用高分辨率中尺度MM5V3模式,设计3组敏感性试验,对“0513”号台风“泰利”在2005年8月31日00:06到9月1日18:00(世界时)影响台湾岛的过程进行数值模拟研究。主要就台湾岛地形对台风移动路径、气压场、散度场、涡度场和降水场进行分析。试验结果表明:台湾岛地形对台风“泰利”的移动路径和中心气压的影响不显著;地形的强迫作用对台风涡度场的中心强度和非对称结构有明显的影响;台湾岛地形是形成迎风坡诱生低压和背风坡诱生高压的主要因子;地形是台风外围降水加强的主要原因。  相似文献   

对矩形虾池在水车式增氧机作用下产生的环流特点进行理论分析,结果表明,在转角处会形成涡旋,边壁附近在一定条件下会产生回流;利用ANSYS软件的FLOTRAN CFD进行数值计算,获得与理论分析一致的结果,与现场实际情况吻合。并进一步对虾池阻力进行分析,提出了一些减阻措施。  相似文献   

为研究台风时期对流层延迟的演变,基于ERA5再分析数据,计算西北太平洋1822号台风“山竹”、1622号台风“海马”以及西北大西洋1709号飓风(台风)“厄玛”时期各高度层可降水量及对应的对流层延迟。结果表明,计算得到的对流层延迟与IGS对流层延迟产品存在明显时空差异,台风对测站影响越强,两者一致性越差。进一步分析表明,台风过境会引起可降水量及各高度层水汽分布比例发生变化,两者均会影响对流层延迟,其中,可降水量的变化占主导。在可降水量一定、850~500 hPa高度层中水汽含量占比最大时,对流层延迟最大。台风使分布于对流层低层的水汽增多,使用传统对流层延迟模型估算对流层延迟,可能会产生额外误差。  相似文献   

对矩形虾池在水车式增氧机作用下产生的环流特点进行理论分析,结果表明,在转角处会形成涡旋,边壁附近在一定条件下会产生回流;利用ANSYS软件的FLOTRANCFD进行数值计算,获得与理论分析一致的结果,与现场实际情况吻合。并进一步对虾池阻力进行分析,提出了一些减阻措施。  相似文献   

【目的】研究2007—2017年间西北太平洋过境冷涡的11个台风导致浮游植物生长和冷涡(CCE)变化现象。【方法】统计并计算出可能影响叶绿素(Chl-a)浓度变化的因素:台风性质(强度、移动速度、强迫时间)、台风前混合层厚度(MLD)、降雨量、海表面温度(SST)、埃克曼抽吸速率(EPV)和两层约化重力模式下的涡动能(EKE),其中EPV和EKE分别代表上升流和湍流混合强弱。【结果与结论】通过线性回归分析发现,除台风强度、SST与Chl-a浓度相关性不显著(P0.05),移动速度Uh、强迫时间、降雨和MLD、EPV、EKE与Chl-a均有显著相关性(P0.05),并建立了冷涡背景条件下的多元线性回归模型:?=0.006-0.038 x_1+0.0257x_2+0.023 8 x_3。浮游植物生长主要取决于上升流和湍流混合对营养盐的输送作用,慢而尺度大台风意味着受台风强迫时间长,足以超过地球自转调整的时间则会引起强上升流(EPV)以及湍流混合输送营养盐,促进Chl-a浓度大幅度增加,强湍流混合同时也需要降雨抑制,避免破坏浮游植物光合作用,台风前CCE区域MLD(25m)与Chl-a呈现出正相关。  相似文献   

Stable isotope methods can be used to determine the food sources and prey items of aquatic organisms accurately andreliably.This study examined the relative contribution of artificial foods (the formulated feed and Artemia) and natural foods toshrimp growth in an intensive Fenneropenaeus chinensis pond by using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes.The results showed that the nutrition utilization efficiency of the harvested shrimp was low,only 33.18% of feed nitrogen and 21.73% of feed carbon beingconverted to shrimp flesh.Our stable isotope results showed that the shrimp obtained nutrition for maximum growth from artificialfoods,whose contribution was 93.5%,with the remaining attributed to the natural foods.However,there was 0.94 t harvested shrimpderived from natural foods (the rest of 13.56t harvested shrimp derived from artificial foods) in lha intensive pond with a shrimpproduction of 14.50 tha-1.Therefore,unit area shrimp production can be increased by increasing the contribution proportion of natu-ral foods in intensive shrimp farming.  相似文献   

测试了由紫外线杀菌器、臭氧发生器、蛋白质分离器和生物过滤器4部分构成7种不同组合的水处理系统的水处理效果,探讨了各部分在水处理中的作用。结果表明,开启整套系统对砂滤水三次处理时,系统对NH4+-N、NO2--N、普通细菌、弧菌去除作用明显,去除率分别为41.92%、53.58%、94.59%和100%,且能明显增加水体溶解氧含量,对pH的影响不明显。  相似文献   

养殖场底泥中芽孢杆菌属细菌的生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近海养殖场底泥细菌的研究 ,发现养殖池底泥中芽孢菌为优势菌群。应用形态学、生理生化和 16SrDNA序列测定 ,对芽孢杆菌属细菌做进一步分类的结果表明 ,该属细菌在底泥中的主要种群为蜡状芽孢杆菌、巨大芽孢杆菌、短小芽孢杆菌、坚强芽孢杆菌、Bacillusbaekryungensis等。同时 ,还分析了这些芽孢杆菌属细菌在底泥元素的地球化学循环中的作用 ,认为这类细菌应属于陆生微生物 ,在养殖环境中代谢有机化合物产生氨、亚硝酸盐和H2 S ,对养殖环境产生不利的作用和影响  相似文献   

为探讨虾血对抑制兔耳瘢痕增生的影响,以成年新西兰大耳白兔建立兔耳增生性瘢痕模型,将增生性瘢痕块分为对照组(A组)、虾血治疗组1(B组)和虾血治疗组2(C组),以不同组瘢痕组织石蜡包埋HE染色,观察虾血治疗对瘢痕组织中成纤维细胞、胶原纤维的影响。结果表明:肉眼观察虾血治疗组的瘢痕较空白对照组有改善;光镜下见虾血治疗组成纤维细胞减少,胶原纤维含量降低且排列较规则有序,差异具有显著性(p<0.001);虾血治疗组2微血管均数较少,抑制疤痕增生效应最好(p<0.01);虾血可能具有抑制兔耳增生瘢痕的形成及瘢痕组织增生的作用。  相似文献   

A two-layer pollutant advection-diffusion model is built to investigate the pollutant transport in the sea area around Maidao off Qingdao coast. An adjoint data assimilation technique is applied to estimate the optimal values of the model parameters. The experimental results on the initial field of pollutant indicate that the distribution of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) concentra- tion is sensitive to the horizontal eddy diffusivity. An appropriate value of horizontal eddy diffusivity is necessary in order to depict the influence of the initial field precisely, and it is also essential to the simulation of the advection-diffusion process of the pollutant. By inversion of the model parameters and optimization of the initial COD concentrations, the simulation results are improved sig- nificantly. The cost function is reduced to 40% of its first step value. The average misfit between the model outputs and the observa- tions in the upper layer decreases from 0.46 to 0.25 mg L-1, and that in the lower layer decreases from 0.22 to 0.14 mg L-1.  相似文献   

A 13-day feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a microbound diet for rearing the larvae of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis in comparison with the live foods that consist of Isochrysis galbana, Chlorella vulgaris, Tetraselrnis chuii, rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) and Arternia sp. Larvae of 0 to 13d post-hatch (dph) were reared in a temperature-controlled semi-open culture system and stocked at a density of 100 larvae L^-1 in tanks, each containing 50 L sterilized seawater with salinity 30-32. Larvae were manually fed either the live foods or the microbound diet 6 times per day. At 13 dph, the growth of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was approximately 84% of that fed on the live foods. The survival rate of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was 44.29% at 13dph, which was not significantly different from that of larvae fed on live foods (63.55%). The body length and development index (DI) of the larvae fed on the microbound diet were always lower than those of larvae fed on live foods. However, the differences reached significant levels only at 11 and 13 dph (P〈 0.05). The mean dry weight loss of the microbound diet was 9.2% after 90 min immersion in seawater, indicating that this diet has a good water stability. The microbound diet contains 52.23% crude protein and 10.27% lipid and is easy to prepare. These characteristics of the diet suggest good potentials for its successful use in the larviculture of other penaeid and fish species.  相似文献   

The rapid economic and social developments in the Luoyuan and Lianjiang counties of Fujian Province, China, raise certain environment and ecosystem issues. The unusual phytoplankton bloom and eutrophication, for example, have increased in severity in Luoyuan Bay(LB). The constant increase of nutrient loads has largely caused the environmental degradation in LB. Several countermeasures have been implemented to solve these environmental problems. The most effective of these strategies is the reduction of pollutant loadings into the sea in accordance with total pollutant load control(TPLC) plans. A combined three-dimensional hydrodynamic transport-transformation model was constructed to estimate the marine environmental capacity of chemical oxygen demand(COD). The allowed maximum loadings for each discharge unit in LB were calculated with applicable simulation results. The simulation results indicated that the environmental capacity of COD is approximately 11×104 t year-1 when the water quality complies with the marine functional zoning standards for LB. A pollutant reduction scheme to diminish the present levels of mariculture- and domestic-based COD loadings is based on the estimated marine COD environmental capacity. The obtained values imply that the LB waters could comply with the targeted water quality criteria. To meet the revised marine functional zoning standards, discharge loadings from discharge units 1 and 11 should be reduced to 996 and 3236 t year-1, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether high intensity ultrasound could reduce the allergic properties of shrimp allergens. Reducing the allergenic properties of these allergens will be beneficial to allergic individuals. Samples of shrimp protein extract and shrimp muscle were treated by high-intensity ultrasound with water bathing at 0 ℃ or 50 ℃ for different time periods. The treated and untreated samples were then analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blots and competitive inhibition ELISA (Ci-ELISA) to determine the shrimp allergenicity. The results show that high-intensity ultrasound has no effect on allergenicity when the extracts were treated at 0℃. However, a significant decrease was observed in the level of the major shrimp allergen, Pen a 1, when the samples were treated at 50 ℃. In the determination of allergenicity with CiELISA, a reduction in IgE binding was also observed.  相似文献   

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