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Summary High resolution absorption spectroscopy can be used for obtaining very small background concentrations or very low upper limits of trace constituents, particularly from measurements inQ-branches of fundamental vibration-rotation bands. As examples, the results of a search for NH3 and SO2 in the Vermande and Dionne Mont-Louis solar spectra will be reported. The relative concentration of NH3 is very much lower above the Pyrenees than the generally accepted minimum background concentrations near sea-level.  相似文献   

Calculating the global mass exchange between stratosphere and troposphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-scale cross-tropopause mass fluxes are diagnosed globally from 1979 to 1989 for Northern Hemisphere winter conditions (December, January, and February). Results of different methods of approaches with regard to the definition of the tropopause and the way to calculate the mass fluxes are compared and discussed. The general pattern of the mass exchange from the tropopause into the stratosphere and vice versa agrees fairly well when using different methods, but the absolute values can differ up to 100%.An inspection of the temporal development of the mass fluxes for solstice conditions indicates a complex picture. Whereas a permanent significant downward flux from the stratosphere into the troposphere is detected for latitude regions nearly between 25°N and 40°N and between 30°S and 50°S (initiated by the poleward branches of the Hadley cells), a non-uniform behaviour is observed at higher latitude bands. Periods of strong mass exchange from the troposphere into the stratosphere are disrupted by periods of an opposite mass exchange. A comparison of the stratoshere-troposphere (ST) exchange with the exchange at higher altitudes through surfaces, quasi-parallel to the tropopause, excludes a general connection. Only a few strong upward directed ST mass exchange events have counterparts at higher altitudes. The composition of the stratosphere may be influenced directly by the ST exchange only in a thin layer above the tropopause.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of CCl4, CFCl3, and CF2Cl2 mixing ratios in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere have been measured on four flights with chartered aircraft, type HS 125. The flights were carried out in November and December 1976 over Europe at latitudes between 50 and 60°N. At least eight air samples were taken during each ascent and descent of the aircraft at altitudes between 7 and 12.5 km. The samples were analysed in the laboratory using gaschromatographic procedures. The results indicate a decrease of the CCl4, CFCl3, and CF2Cl2 mixing ratios above the tropopause. The observed average gradients in the stratosphere are 14 pptv/km for CCl4, 12 pptv/km for CFCl3 and 27.8 pptv/km for CF2Cl2. With exception of CFCl3 these gradients are higher than those predicted by model calculations. Apparently, further sink mechanisms for CCl4 and CF2Cl2 exist in the lower stratosphere not yet included in the models.  相似文献   

A single-wavelength Rayleigh lidar system has been used to measure the temperatures in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in the night in the altitude range from about 8 to 30km. The temperature derivation is based on an inversion algorithm of the pure Rayleigh backscatter. Calculations include the derivation of the air molecular concentration by an iterative method and the backscattered signals corrected by the background aerosol, which is now found to be low and stable. The uncertainties in estimating the temperature using this method are discussed in detail.The temperature profiles and the tropopause characteristics derived by using the lidar measurements are compared with the radiosonde data. Good agreement is found between these two measurements revealing the potential of this method. The comparison with radiosonde data shows that the lidar measured tropopause temperature is lower by 0.8±1.5K and the tropopause height is higher by 0.45±0.8km than the radiosonde measurements. The climatology of local tropopause (24.57°N,121.13°E) is briefly discussed in terms of a double tropopause formation and seasonal variations of the tropopause height and temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The data on geopotential heights and temperatures at 7 pressure levels between 1000-10 hPa above Berlin(52.5 °N, 13.4 °E) are analysed for the winters of 1963–1973. No demonstrable effect of the interplanetary magnetic field sector boundary crossing (IMF SBC) is found in the lower and middle stratosphere, but there is a demonstrable effect in the middle troposphere at the 500 hPa level. This effect is less important than the IMF SBC effect in the tropospheric vorticity area index and seems to be of a different type.
auum ¶rt;a nnmua m u mnam a 7 nm ¶rt;au ¶rt; 1000-10 a a¶rt; u(52,5 °.., 13,4 °.¶rt;.) ¶rt; u 1963–1973. ua ¶rt;aam m nu mau nam aum n( ) ¶rt;a amu u u ¶rt; mam, ma m a¶rt; ¶rt; mn a 500 a. mm m a, m u¶rt; na¶rt;u aumu am, u am m ¶rt; muna.

We utilize the temperature profiles with a height resolution of 50-m obtained over the Beijing Observatory in the period between January of 2002 and December of 2002 to study vertical wavenumber spectra of normalized temperature fluctuations in the 1.67-8.02 km and 13.57-19.92 km altitude ranges and compare them with linear saturation model.Results indicate that individual vertical wavenumber spectra reveal a considerable variability in both slope and amplitude.The observed variability is not consistent wit...  相似文献   

利用1958~2001年共44年的ECMWF资料及参数化方法,计算了对流层顶上、下3 km气层间的臭氧含量及其吸收太阳辐射加热率的时空分布.结果表明: (1) 臭氧分布的空间梯度从赤道指向两极,而加热率则是分别由高纬和低纬指向副热带,这样的经向梯度可能是驱动对流层顶结构变化的一种重要因素;两者空间分布的季节变化显著,但其对应关系并不完全一致,1月和4月的空间结构与7月和10月的相反,随季节调整具有突变现象;东亚及青藏高原是季节变化相对稳定的区域.(2) 在热带对流层顶控制区加热率与臭氧含量呈正相关,而极地对流层顶控制区各季节有所不同,还与太阳赤纬变化相关联;各纬度间加热率季节变化的位相和变率都存在差异,但南半球相对较为一致,最大距平为±2×10-4 K·d-1,北半球则较复杂,最大正距平为4×1010-4 K·d-1;两半球的季节周期位相趋于相反.(3) 除赤道外,臭氧距平的季节变化位相超前于加热率距平2~3月,并且发生在季节变化的调整期;最大距平出现在南极的8月大于0.4 DU,3~4月则小于-0.2 DU,而北极为±0.2 DU.(4) 臭氧含量和加热率的年际与年代际演变关系对应一致,并具有多尺度的结构特征;但两半球及赤道的时空演变差异明显,30° S~30° N间副热带控制区的加热率变幅剧烈,最大距平为±2.5×10-4 K·d-1,高纬和两极的变幅在不同演变期各不相同;臭氧的变幅结构与之相反,北极的最大距平分别大于0.25 DU和小于-0.35 DU.(5) 20世纪70年代以前及70年代中期,两半球的正负距平具有相反的演变结构,而90年代是负距平演变最剧烈的时期.  相似文献   

Summary The average change in height of several constant pressure levels in the troposphere and lower stratosphere after a strong solar flare is described. The analysis covers the northern hemisphere north of 10°N and is based on a sample of 81 carefully selected flares from the period July 1957 through December 1959.The statistical significance of the results is tested by drawing a comparison with the results obtained when one applies exactly the same analysis to three samples of 81 random key-dates selected from the same period.Properties of the reaction pattern are (1) it is pronounced at high as well as low latitudes, (2) it consists of alternating cells of positive and negative height change, (3) it is established within six hours after the flare, and (4) the maximum response occurs near the tropopause.It appears more likely that the atmospheric reaction pattern can be attributed to very energetic solar particles rather than to enhanced ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Rocket-borne ultraviolet photometers operating at =0.31 m have been used at Thumba (8°33N, 76°52E) to make measurements of atmospheric scattering at tropospheric and lower stratospheric altitudes. Measurements could be made of the amplitude of the scattered fluxes and the angular distribution up to an altitude of about 24 km on three rocket flights conducted as part of the 16 February 1980 solar eclipse campaign. These measurements have been used to study the size distribution as well as the number densities of aerosols in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over Thumba.  相似文献   

In order to determine typical sizes of ice-supersaturated regions (ISSRs) in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere we set up the frequency distribution of path lengths flown by MOZAIC aircraft within ISSRs. The mean path length is about 150 km with a standard deviation of 250 km. We analyse the influence of a selection bias (viz. that large ISSRs are more often crossed by aircraft than small ones) on the obtained path length statistics and derive a mathematical equation that relates the path length distribution to the underlying size distribution of ISSRs, assuming that they have circular shape. We solve the equation (by trial and error) and test the result using numerical simulations. Surprisingly, we find that there may be many more very small ISSRs than apparent from the data such that the true mean diameter of the ISSRs may be of the order a few kilometres only. The relevance of the result is discussed and dedicated research flights to measure the true extension of ISSRs are recommended.  相似文献   

Zonal mean data and amplitudes and phases of planetary zonal waves were derived from daily hemispheric maps for tropospheric and stratospheric levels, for the four winters 1975–76 to 1978–79. Important year-to-year fluctuation in zonal means and wave activity are described, most notable of which are the changes from 1975–76 to 1976–77. Comparison of the relative strengths of the stratospheric and tropospheric jet streams shows a strong negative correlation (–0.8) between monthly mean zonal stratospheric winds (at 10 mb, 65°N) and zonal tropospheric winds (at 200 mb, 32.5°N, in the jet core) and a positive correlation (+0.7) between the stratospheric 10 mb winds and the tropospheric 200 mb winds at 65°N. Parameters correlated were the departures from the climatological mean zonal winds. The structure of correlation between wave amplitudes in the same wave number (1, 2) at different altitudes and between wave numbers 1 and 2 is investigated. We find a high correlation (+0.93) between wave 1 in the stratosphere (10 mb height) and wave 2 (height) in the troposphere at 65°N; but only a weak correlation (+0.2) between wave 1 amplitudes in the stratosphere and troposphere. These results suggest the possible importance of wave-wave interactions in processes linking the stratosphere and troposphere. The wave correlations presented here are based on comparisons of monthly means of daily amplitudes; the correlation structure in individual wave developments may differ, in view of the likelihood of altitudinal lags in wave amplification.  相似文献   

Summary Spectrometric experiments performed, in November 1976, within the framework of the Latitude Survey Mission on board the NASA Convair 990 from Ames Research Center are briefly deseribed. The results presented concern odd nitrogen molecules, HCl and water vapor. In terms of vertical column density, HNO3 is predominant over NO+NO2 at all latitudes higher than 40 degrees. A seasonal variation of NO2 abundance is observed, with larger values in the summer hemisphere at high latitude. The mean zenith column density of HCl above 11 km is 1.5×1015 mol.cm–2, with no evidence for any seasonal or climatic variation. Local number densities as high as 1.4×1010 mol.cm–3 for HNO3 and 5.4×1014 mol.cm–3 for water vapor have been measured during the same flight near 11 km.  相似文献   

Influence of short-term changes in solar activity on baric (pressure) field perturbations is studied using such characteristics as the Sazonov index (IS), describing the intensity of meridional transfer, the Blinova index (IB), describing the intensity of zonal transfer, and ‘vorticity area index’ (VAI) describing the tropospheric cyclonic perturbations. The epoch superposition method is used to reveal effects of the solar central meridian (CM) passage of active regions, the Forbush decreases (FD) in galactic cosmic rays, and the solar proton (SP) events. The results of the analysis show that influence of short-term changes in the solar activity on baric field perturbations is the most evident in the stratosphere (30 mbar-level). The meridional circulation in case of the FD and SP events begin to increase about 5–7 days before the key date, reaches maximum nearby the key date and decays after the key date. The meridional circulation in case of the solar CM passage of active regions starts to increase after the key date and reaches the maximum by 5–6 days. Fluctuations of baric field within periods of 5–7 days typical of meridional and zonal transfers in troposphere (500 mbar-level) are evidently connected with internal dynamics of the atmosphere, not with the effects of solar activity. VAI characterizing cyclonic activity in the troposphere, shows the striking correspondence to changes of the meridional circulation in the stratosphere. Comparison of changes in the stratospheric perturbations with behavior of the UV irradiance in course of the FD and SP events show their full correspondence at the initial stage of these processes. The conclusion is made that growth of baric perturbations observed in the stratosphere in associations with the FD and SP events before the key date is caused by the solar UV irradiance increase, whereas decay of the baric perturbations after the key date is related to direct influence of the solar energetic corpuscular fluxes on the stratosphere.  相似文献   

Radar measurements at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) of winds at tropospheric and lower stratospheric heights are shown for 12–13 March 1994 in a region of highly curved flow, downstream of the jet maximum. The perturbations of horizontal velocity have comparable amplitudes in the troposphere and lower stratosphere with downward and upward phase propagation, respectively, in these two height regions. The sense of rotation with increasing height in hodographs of horizontal perturbation velocity derived for hourly intervals show downwards propagation of energy in the troposphere and upward propagation in the lower stratosphere with vertical wavelengths of 1.7 to 2.3 km. The results indicate inertia-gravity waves propagating in a direction similar to that of the jet stream but at smaller velocities. Some of the features observed contrast with those of previous observations of inertia-gravity waves propagating transverse to the jet stream. The interpretation of the hodographs to derive wave parameters has taken account of the vertical shear of the background wind transverse to the direction of wave propagation.  相似文献   


本文利用2006年6月至2014年6月COSMIC掩星观测的水汽廓线, 分析了对流层/下平流层(TLS)比湿信号对ENSO的响应.在数据处理中, 将COSMIC掩星水汽廓线计算得到的全球比湿数据内插为1000~30 hPa区间水平分辨率为5°×5°的三维格网, 在各等压面上求取各格网点去除年/月际信号后的比湿月异常值.然后在对比湿月异常时间序列低通滤波的基础上, 进行经验正交分解(EOF)得到比湿主成分, 并对该主成分信号进行二项式平滑; 接下来将平滑后的主成分信号与反映ENSO活动的ONI指数进行相关处理, 得到各等压面主成分信号相对于ONI指数的相关系数及对应的时间延迟.论文分析了包括Niño-3.4的5个代表性区域的TLS比湿异常主成分信号, 结果表明:在各区域, 采用本文先低通滤波再EOF分解的处理方法获得的TLS比湿异常主成分信号与ONI指数均有很强相关性, 对流层相关系数绝对值达0.8以上, 低平流层高于0.7, 在300~200 hPa的上对流层达到峰值; 各等压面上比湿异常主成分信号相对于ONI指数的时间延迟不尽相同, 在对流层中比湿异常主成分信号普遍滞后于ONI指数1~6个月; 在各区域, 比湿异常主成分与ONI指数相关系数绝对值达到最大的等压面都接近250 hPa, 最大相关系数绝对值均达到0.9以上.进一步对全球250 hPa等压面比湿异常主成分与ONI指数相关性的分析表明:两者强相关的区域主要集中在热带; 在这些强相关区域, 比湿异常主成分相对于ONI主要表现为滞后, 且相关系数越大, 相应的时间延迟越短.


Analyses of evolutions of the kinetic and thermal energy associated with the major and minor stratospheric warmings in the winters of 1976–77 and 1975–76 respectively indicate that the predominant ultra-long waves in the stratosphere oscillated at periods of 10–20 days, whereas in the troposphere the predominant long waves oscillated at periods of 8 to 12 days. These tropospheric long waves are almost out-of-phase with the stratospheric ultra-long waves for the minor warming, but in-phase for the major warming. The kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow in the stratosphere for the minor warming is much greater than that for the major warming, indicating that the occurrence of a major warming depends on the magnitude of the kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow relative to that of the meridional convergence of the poleward flux of sensible heat. In both the major and minor warmings, most of the stratospheric eddy kinetic energy is contained in waves of wavenumbers 1 and 2, whereas the stratospheric available potential energy is primarily contained in waves of wavenumber 1. The kinetic energy associated with waves of wavenumber 1 appeared to be 180° out-of-phase with those of wavenumber 2, indicating that nonlinear transfer of kinetic energy occurred between waves of wavenumbers 1 and 2. The occurrences of wind reversals were accompanied by decouplings of the stratospheric and tropospheric motions, and blockings in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Data from three years of MOZAIC measurements made it possible to determine a distribution law for the relative humidity in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Data amounting to 13.5% of the total were obtained in regions with ice supersaturation. Troposphere and stratosphere are distinguished by an ozone concentration of 130 ppbv as threshold. The probability of measuring a certain amount of ice supersaturation in the troposphere decreases exponentially with the degree of ice supersaturation. The probability of measuring a certain relative humidity in the stratosphere (both with respect to water and ice) decreases exponentially with the relative humidity. A stochastic model that naturally leads to the exponential distribution is provided. Mean supersaturation in the troposphere is about 15%, whereas ice nucleation requires 30% supersaturation on the average. This explains the frequency of regions in which aircraft induce persistent contrails but which are otherwise free of clouds. Ice supersaturated regions are 3-4 K colder and contain more than 50% more vapour than other regions in the upper troposphere. The stratospheric air masses sampled are dry, as expected, having mean relative humidity over water of 12% and over ice of 23%, respectively. However, 2% of the stratospheric data indicate ice supersaturation. As the MOZAIC measurements have been obtained on commercial flights mainly between Europe and North America, the data do not provide a complete global picture, but the exponential character of the distribution laws found is probably valid globally. Since water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas and since it might enhance the anthropogenic greenhouse effects via positive feedback mechanisms, it is important to represent its distribution correctly in climate models. The discovery of the distribution law of the relative humidity makes possible simple tests to show whether the hydrological cycle in climate models is represented in an adequate way or not.  相似文献   

The troposphere and lower stratosphere (TLS) is a region with active atmospheric fluctuations. The Wuhan Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) radar is the first MST radar to have become operational in Mainland China. It is dedicated to real-time atmospheric observations. In this paper, two case studies about inertia gravity waves (IGWs) derived from three-dimensional wind field data collected with the Wuhan MST radar are presented. The intrinsic frequencies, vertical wavelengths, horizontal wavelengths, vertical wavenumber spectra, and energy density are calculated and analyzed. In this paper, we also report on multiple waves existing in the lower stratosphere observed by the Wuhan MST radar. Lomb-Scargle spectral analysis and the hodograph method were used to derive the vertical wavenumber and propagation direction. Meanwhile, an identical IGW is observed by Wuhan MST radar both in troposphere and lower stratosphere regions. Combining the observations, the source of the latter IGW detected in the TLS would be the jet streams located in the tropopause region, which also produced wind shear above and below the tropopause.  相似文献   

The aspect sensitivity of SOUSY-VHF-radar oblique-beam echoes from the troposphere and lower stratosphere has been examined for a number of jet stream passages during the years 1990 - 1992. When the core of the jet is overhead or nearly so, vertical profiles of the aspect sensitivity display two notable features. First, the distinction between mainly isotropic and strongly aspect-sensitive echoes in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, respectively, often reported for measurements made during calm conditions, does not necessarily prevail in the vicinity of the jet stream. Second, echoes obtained at altitudes near the height of the horizontal wind maximum are found to be more aspect sensitive for beams directed parallel to the horizontal flow or nearly so, than for other beam directions. It is demonstrated that time-averaged horizontal wind speeds estimated from the radar data, taking into account the reduced effective oblique-beam zenith angle resulting from aspect sensitivity, may exceed uncorrected wind speeds by as much as 10 m s−1 in these circumstances. Implications for wind profiling and for describing the backscattering process are discussed. Doppler spectral widths examined for one jet stream passage are found to be narrower in a beam aligned with the horizontal wind at heights near the wind speed maximum than corresponding widths measured in a beam projected at right angles to the jet. The narrowest spectra thus coincide with the most aspect-sensitive echoes, consistent with the hypothesis that such returns result from specular backscattering processes.  相似文献   

Marked wavelike variations of the lower stratospheric wind observed on 7–10 May, 1985 by an MST radar in Japan (by the MU radar) are analyzed assuming that they are induced by monochromatic internal inertio-gravity waves. These variations are mainly composed of two modes (periods: 22 and 24 hours), both of which have zonal phase velocities (C X ) slower than the mean westerly wind (). A statistical analysis of the zonal phase velocity shows thatC X above andC X below the tropopause jet stream, which is considered to be a vivid proof of wave selection due to the tropospheric mean flow and upward wave emission from the tropopause jet. A comparison between the MU radar results and routine meteorological observations leads to the conclusion that the marked waves appear when the jet stream takes a maximum wind speed.  相似文献   

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