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 Estimation of aquifer parameters is vital for the assessment of groundwater potential and groundwater flow regime. On an oceanic island where fresh water lens is fragile and sensitive to various stresses, it is even more essential that in order to assess the potential of fresh water lens and the effect of various stresses on the fresh groundwater regime the parameters should be representative to the field hydrogeological set up. Pumping tests conducted on existing large diameter wells on an oceanic island have been analyzed. A finite difference method has been used to take into account the well storage, partial penetration and upconing effect into the aquifer. Forward modeling has been carried out to estimate aquifer parameters from the pumping test data. Field examples are described. Received: 15 June 1998 · Accepted: 25 August 1998  相似文献   

The Okavango Delta of semi-arid northern Botswana is a large alluvial fan (22,000 km2) covered by permanent and seasonal swamps from which 96% of the annual discharge is lost by evapotranspiration. Many small islands (1ha) within the permanent swamps are the sites of accumulation of sodium carbonate salts and many contain saline pans. The associated alkaline soils are toxic to vegetation. An understanding of the processes involved in alkalinization could be of potential benefit to long-term conservation planning in this unique ecosystem. The relation between soil chemistry and mineralogy, and swamp and groundwater chemistry were investigated on an island in the swamps. The study revealed that the water table beneath the island is depressed and swamp water enters the groundwater regime of the island from the margins and below, and flows toward the centre. The water becomes progressively more saline, initially owing to transpiration by trees and ultimately by evaporation in the central parts of the island. As a result of increasing salinity, amorphous SiO2 and magnesium calcite precipitate in the soils beneath the marginal zone of the island, raising the land surface, while the more soluble alkali carbonates are concentrated in the centre of the island as surface crusts and brine ponds. Leaching of these salts into the soil during the rainy season and gravity-driven flow of saline brines in the dry season causes the downward movement of Al and Fe in the central zone of the island. K-feldspar and possibly amorphous allophane develop in the deeper soils under the central zone of the island.  相似文献   

A map indicating zones related to groundwater on the mountainous terrain of the island of Naxos, Greece, was produced, using statistics, remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. Naxos mainly consists of polydeformed and polymetamorphosed crystalline formations where groundwater is restricted to secondary porosity; its movement is erratic and occurs along lithological contacts, solution openings, faults and fractures. As in the most central Aegean islands, water in Naxos is a scarce commodity. Many dry holes have been drilled. It is known that in areas of such geology, linear features may play a significant role in their hydrogeological regime. Various lineaments’ directional properties were calculated and statistically tested against collected spring data using GIS techniques in an attempt to evaluate the hydrogeological significance of remotely sensed lineaments. Based on the results achieved, a map was prepared to contribute to conventional ground surveys in the selection of drilling sites. The reliability of the map was tested with existing borehole data. The results obtained encourage the use of statistical analysis on remotely sensed lineaments for groundwater targeting studies in crystalline mountainous areas.  相似文献   

A 45 km long barrier island exists west of the town of Guerrero Negro, Mexico, along the western coast of the Baja California peninsula, about 720 km south of San Diego, California. This barrier has developed in a mesotidal, arid-climate regime characterized by steady, strong, onshore winds from the NW. The barrier island W of Guerrero Negro has prograded seaward about 1·6 km in the last 1800 years while an aeolian dunefield fed by sand blown from beaches has advanced inland up to 13 km. Landward progradation of the dune system from the barrier has occurred during relative rise in sea-level; thus, aeolian sediments exist at or below the water table over a wide area. The progradation of dunes across marshes, tidal flats, and tidal channels, as well as the repeated submergence of interdune areas by tidal waters, has created a complex suite of mixed aeolian and subaqueous sediments in the back barrier. The complexity of the suites of aeolian sedimentary structures, together with the inclusion of subaqueously formed structures such as current and oscillation ripples, would make recognition of the aeolian origin of much of the sediments difficult in ancient rocks. In addition to the scientific importance of recognizing the aeolian deposits, the sedimentation model represented by the Guerrero Negro barrier has applications in petroleum exploration and development. Currently, most preservational models for barrier islands attach little volumetric importance to aeolian deposits. This modern example suggests that volumetrically significant aeolian deposits can be preserved behind a barrier, particularly in an arid-climate regime. If preserved and charged with oil, the resulting productive sandstone could have an extremely irregular landward edge comprised in part of onshore-prograded aeolian dune sandstone with excellent reservoir characteristics. As with current barrier models, the reservoir would be sealed landward and above by lagoonal mudstone and silt, evaporites, or evaporitic, sandy sabkha deposits. High organic productivity occurs in lagoons immediately adjacent to the dunefields of Guerrero Negro, suggesting that organic-rich source rock may exist near aeolian sandstone in ancient settings similar to Guerrero Negro.  相似文献   

The origin of volcanism in the Canary Islands has been a matter of controversy for several decades. Discussions have hinged on whether the Canaries owe their origin to seafloor fractures associated with the Atlas Mountain range or to an underlying plume or hotspot of superheated mantle material. However, the debate has recently come to a conclusion following the discovery of nannofossils preserved in the products of the 2011–2012 submarine eruption at El Hierro, which tell us about the age and growth history of the western‐most island of the archipelago. Light coloured, pumice‐like ‘floating rocks’ were found on the sea surface during the first days of the eruption and have been shown to contain fragments of pre‐island sedimentary strata. These sedimentary rock fragments were picked up by ascending magma and transported to the surface during the eruption, and remarkably retained specimens of pre‐island Upper Cretaceous to Pliocene calcareous nannofossils (e.g. coccolithophores). These marine microorganisms are well known biostratigraphical markers and now provide crucial evidence that the westernmost and youngest island in the Canaries is underlain by the youngest sediment relative to the other islands in the archipelago. This finding supports an age progression for the onset of volcanism at the individual islands of the archipeligo. Importantly, as fracture‐related volcanism is known to produce non‐systematic age‐distributions within volcanic alignments, the now‐confirmed age progression corroberates to the relative motion of the African plate over an underlying mantle plume or hotspot as the cause for the present‐day Canary volcanism.  相似文献   

Washover sand bodies commonly develop along microtidal coastlines in beach/barrier island or spit settings. Wave runup, usually in conjunction with an abnormally high water level, may overtop the most landward berm of the beach and the foredune crest, if one exists, to produce overwash and subsequent runoff across the more landward subaerial surface. Two main elements of the resulting deposit are the washover fan and runoff channel. Newly formed, small-scale washover deposits were examined along the Outer Banks, North Carolina, near Pt Mugu, California, and at Presque Isle (Lake Erie), Pennsylvania. The fans were formed in response to unidirectional landward transport, and the runoff channels in response to unidirectional flow usually in a landward direction, but sometimes in shore-parallel then seaward direction. Where overwash carried across the fan surface and entered a pond or lagoon, a small-scale delta (microdelta) developed. In this case, the washover fan consisted of two subfacies, the wetted, but ‘subaerial’ part of the fan and the subaqueous washover delta. Flow associated with the development of the fan and runoff channel produced distinctive sets of bedforms and internal stratification. High velocity discontinuous surges moving across the fan surface resulted in the development of a plane bed and subhorizontal to low-angle (landward dipping) planar stratification which comprised the major part of the fan. Similarly, rhomboid forms were produced by high velocity sheet flow across the fan surface. Where flow carried into a standing body of water, delta-type foreset strata developed. For this case, the lateral structural sequence was subhorizontal, planar stratification merging landward into landward dipping, delta (tabular) foreset strata. In the runoff setting, where flow became channelized and continuous, both upper-flow and lower-flow regime currents were typical. Upper-flow regime bedforms included antidunes, standing waves, and plane beds. The most commonly observed lower-flow regime bedforms included microdelta-like bars, low-amplitude bars, linguoid ripples, and sinuous-crested current ripple trains. The sets of sedimentary structures comprising modern washover sand bodies provide criteria for the identification of similar deposits in ancient sediments and for more specific interpretation of the environment.  相似文献   

Establishment of a geodetic network in Tenerife is the starting point for the use of GPS and other precise geodetic techniques in the support of the study of kinematics and their relation with island volcanic activity. This paper is focused on the characterization of volcanotectonic activity of Tenerife, to determine the geodynamic framework for volcanic surveillance.TEGETEIDE network, set up in 2005 and re-observed each year, is composed of seven GNSS–GPS stations scattered throughout the island. A horizontal deformation model is presented in order to explain the observed island displacement pattern in the geodynamic context of the Nubian plate.According to the models obtained, the most important geologic structures, such as the volcanic rifts and the caldera, determine the current deformation pattern of Tenerife. The geodynamics of the most stable areas of the island behave similarly to that observed from the permanent GNSS–GPS reference stations located in La Palma and Gran Canaria Islands.Anomalous geodynamic behaviour has been detected in two zones of Tenerife, which configure an NW–SE axis crossing the central sector of the island, related with the volcanotectonic activity of the island and its surroundings.  相似文献   

Three Holocene tufas from Gran Canaria volcanic island were studied with the aim of deciphering their sedimentary evolution through space and time. Las Temisas tufa (south-eastern arid part of the island) is dominantly composed of oncoids, intraclasts, phytoclasts, coated stems, minor thin stromatolites, and a high amount of siliciclastics. It was deposited in a fluvial system with variable flow velocities and palustrine conditions areas, which alternated with high energy events. Azuaje tufa (northern humid part of the island) is composed of coated stems, stromatolites, oncoids and phytoclasts, with relatively low amounts of siliciclastics, suggesting slow-flowing and palustrine conditions and a relatively low incidence of (high energy) floodings. Los Berrazales tufa (north-west of Gran Ganaria, the most humid one), is mainly composed of coated stems and crystalline crusts, formed in a laminar flow regime. Dominant clastic sedimentation in Las Temisas and high calcite growth rates in Los Berrazales led to a poor development of stromatolites in comparison with Azuaje. Las Temisas and Azuaje deposits have similar upward evolution with decreasing trend in siliciclastics and increasing trend in carbonates. However, Las Temisas has higher siliciclastic and lower phytoclastic contents suggesting a less vegetated area and more arid climate than in the other deposits. Additionally, tufas record local events common in volcanic terrains. Azuaje presents three units bounded by erosive discontinuities, which reveal significant erosion by enhanced runoff that could be caused by loss of vegetation due to wildfires related to volcanic eruptions at headwaters. Las Temisas record a possible interruption in sedimentation represented by aligned boulders due to rockfalls from the hillsides. These deposits formed from waters with similar chemistry providing to the carbonates their similar signals in δ13C–δ18O stable isotopes and 87Sr/86Sr ratios like that of the volcanic rocks. This work shows how, in volcanic areas, tufas are unique archives of the climate, vegetation and volcanic-related processes, because all imprint the sedimentary regime of tufa deposition.  相似文献   

The volcano-sedimentary succession around Wadi Zaghra in Sinai, at the northernmost segment of the Arabian Nubian Shield, comprises volcanic rocks interbedded with rather immature sediments. The succession is dominated by intermediate to silicic volcanics of medium-to high-K calc-alkaline affinity. It is divided into two units, the lower unit includes intermediate rocks and dacites interbedded with graywackes, semi-pelites and pelites and topped by polymict conglomerates. This unit is subjected to folding and regional metamorphism(up to garnet zone) and is intruded by quartz diorite-granodiorite inducing, locally, low-pressure contact thermal metamorphism. The unmetamorphosed upper unit encompasses acid volcanics intercalated with litharenite, sublitharenite and minor arenite. The rhyolites of this unit pertain to the highly fractionated granites and are characterized by an agpaitic index(NK/A) ranging from 0.87 to 0.96. They may reflect either extensive interaction of subduction-related magmas with the continental crust or a change in the tectonic regime. The present lithological and geochemical characteristics of the studied sediments together with available zircon ages indicate rather distal provenance of their detritus. This detritus comprises fluvial-alluvial sediments accumulated in the intermontane basins, which are half-grabens or tilted fault blocks. The tectonic setting of the depositional basins is active continental margin and continental island arcs. Geochemical patterns of the Zaghra volcano-sedimentary succession indicate their correlation with the Dokhan Volcanics-Hammamat Clastics sequence of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Also, the Zaghra volcanics display geochemical similarities with those exposed in Sinai, at the Rutig, Ferani and Iqna Shar'a areas. The Zaghra succession is dated as Ediacaran but is not related either to the ensimatic island arc assemblage or to the rift-related assemblage formed during the early stages of the break-up of Rodinia as previously thought.  相似文献   

Star dunes have received less study than other major dune types, though they are widely recognized to represent a major dune type that develops under a multi-directional wind regime. Several types that include simple, compound, and complex star dunes are identified in the south of China’s Kumtagh Desert. It is suggested that the formation and development of these star dunes is controlled by wind regime, the underlying and surrounding topography, and sediment availability. A complex wind regime and rich sediment availability are generally required for the development of star dunes. Especially, wind regime appears to be the most important control factor. The wind regime under which star dunes arise is characterized by the drift potential, amount of variability in drift direction, and the direction distribution mode of the drift potential. It is strongly suggested that a rectangular bimodal wind direction distribution mode has unique significance in star dune formation. Under this mode, star dunes can develop in areas with a directional variability index typical of linear dunes or even barchan dunes. A development model is proposed for star dunes based on the following evolution: barchan dunes → transverse ridges → dune networks → simple star dunes → compound star dunes → star dunes atop complex linear dunes.  相似文献   

太阳系固体星球都有类似的核-幔-壳结构,但唯独人类居住的地球具有长英质组成的大陆壳。太古宙大陆克拉通主要由英云闪长岩(Tonalite)-奥长花岗岩(Trondhjemite)-花岗闪长岩(Granodiorite)为主的TTG深成侵入体变质而成的正片麻岩和由基性-超基性酸性火山岩及少量沉积岩变质的表壳岩(绿岩)组成。已有的资料显示这些太古宙大陆岩石组合起源于大洋壳的部分熔融。大洋壳分为大洋盆地、洋中脊、岛弧和洋底高原(大洋岛)。前两者地壳的平均厚度只有5~10km,不可能成为形成太古宙TTG深成侵入体的场所。因此,长英质大陆或起源于板块构造体制下的岛弧,或起源于地幔柱体制下的洋底高原。板块构造体制下的岛弧模式能够很好地解释太古宙克拉通TTG深成岩的成因,即俯冲大洋板片部分熔融所形成的埃达克岩相当于太古宙高压(高Al2O2)型TTG,而俯冲板片脱水导致地幔楔部分熔融形成的玄武质地壳再次熔融所形成的钙碱性花岗质岩石相当于太古宙低压(低Al2O2)型TTG。然而,板块构造体制下的岛弧模式不能令人满意地解...  相似文献   

本文选取巴颜喀拉山群复理石沉积中砂岩、粉砂岩样品,进行主量元素地球化学分析,并利用分析结果对其物源区沉积大地构造背景进行判别。结果显示,晚三叠世巴颜喀拉山群物源主要来自大洋岛弧,少量来自大陆岛弧,表明当时研究区处于邻近大洋岛弧的周缘前陆盆地环境。  相似文献   

U–Pb (SIMS) dating of zircons from granite of the Petrokamensk gabbro–granitoid complex, marking termination of the Devonian island–arc magmatism in the Verkhisetsk–Tura Zone of the Middle Urals, gave an age of 386 ± 3 Ma. Zircons from the West Verkhisetsk granitoids, the formation of which corresponds to the beginning stage of magmatism of the continental margin in the region, yielded ages of 386.6 ± 4.1 and 381.8 ± 6.0 Ma. This suggests that the change in the regime of the island–arc geodynamic mode to an active continental margin took place at the boundary of the Middle and Late Devonian. The upper boundary of existence of the continental margin subduction zone is determined by the closure of the Ural paleo-ocean and the beginning of continental collision processes, which resulted in accumulation of flysch in the Ural foreland trough from the second half of the Bashkirian Stage.  相似文献   

Analysis of the mesoscopic structure of the early Paleozoic Shoo Fly complex, northern Sierra Nevada, California, reveals three phases of deformation and folding. The first phase of folding is pre-Late Devonian and the second two are constrained by regional relations as due to the Late Jurassic Nevadan orogeny. Main phase Nevadan deformation produced penetrative slaty cleavage which is steep, NNW-trending and parallel to tectonostratigraphic terranes of the region. Cleavage is axial-planar to ubiquitous isoclinal similar folds. Fold axes define a NNW-trending girdle with a distinct, near-vertical maximum. Main phase Nevadan folds have nearly ideal class 2 orthogonal thickness geometry although some class 1C forms exist in more competent units. The overall geometry of main phase folds suggests formation by progressive deformation in a flattening regime with cleavage as the flattening plane and a steep extension axis defined by the fold axis maximum. A steep extension axis direction for main phase Nevadan deformation is supported by analysis of interference relations where folds of this generation deform pre-Late Devonian folds. Late Nevadan folds range from kink flexures to ideal class 2 similar folds with incipient axial-planar cleavage. The kinematic significance of late Nevadan folds cannot be evaluated because of their varying style and orientation throughout the northern Sierra Nevada.Penetrative ductile deformation and near-vertical extension during the Nevadan orogeny was synchronous with accretion of oceanic and/or island arc rocks against the western margin of the northern Sierra Nevada. The kinematic framework of deformation defined for Nevadan deformation is consistent with essentially orthogonal convergence of these exotic terranes with the Sierran margin and argues against a transform/transpressive regime.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to have substantial impacts on flow regime in the Upper Yellow River (UYR) basin that is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots in the world. These impacts will most possibly exert negative effects on the habitat availability for riverine species. Thus, it is necessary to understand the alteration of river flow regime under climate scenarios. In this paper, we use the modified hydrological model HBV in conjunction with three general circulation models under three representative concentration pathways (RCP 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5) to address changes in flow regime under climate change for the UYR basin in the mid-term (2050s) and end-term (2080s) of the twenty-first century. Flow regime is quantified using the Indicators of hydrological alteration approach. Thereafter, the potential threats to riverine ecosystem in the UYR basin are identified based on the projected alterations of various flow characteristics and their ecological influences. The results showed that the magnitude of monthly flow would increase during the dry period. The date of the annual 1-day minimum streamflow will likely shift toward earlier time under different scenarios, and significant increases in magnitude of annual minimum flow of different durations were detected under both RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios in the 2080s. In addition, assessments of the modification degree of the overall flow regime revealed that climate change would remarkably modify (medium level) the overall flow regime in the UYR basin, particularly by the end of the twenty-first century or under the high emission scenarios. Besides, destruction of habitat and reduced availability of food induced by substantially increased hydrological instability in the 2080s would make two endangered fishes more vulnerable in the UYR basin. These findings provide insights into potential adaptive countermeasures for water resource management and environmental system restoration in the Upper Yellow River.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1922-1940
Our aim is to determine the mean compositions of modern island and continental arcs, along with dispersion estimates, and use them to evaluate their similarities and differences in such subduction settings. First, following the conventional approach, the statistical parameters of mean, median, and standard deviation were simply calculated from the available combined data from all island or continental arcs. However, it is mandatory to ascertain from significance tests that all island or continental arcs used for these estimates are statistically similar in their compositions before combining the data from different arcs and calculating the mean values and their uncertainties for the chemical parameters of interest. A new computer program, Univariate Data Analysis System (UDASYS), was developed for this purpose because the available programs are not efficient for applying the significance test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to large numbers of sample groups, as in the present work. Compositional data for 16 island and 12 continental arcs around the world were compiled and processed in UDASYS. The best compositional estimates for all three types of magmas (basic, intermediate, and acid) from island and continental arcs were statistically evaluated to document, for the first time, significant differences for 64–94% of the geochemical parameters under study. These differences in large-ion lithophile elements, light rare earth elements, high-field strength elements, and numerous log-ratios are likely caused by different types of underlying crust beneath island and continental arcs. More specifically, the examination of two nearby arcs, Izu-Bonin (island) arc and Japan (continental) arc, confirmed that about 65–77% of the parameters showed significant differences, which may be related to the different types of crusts beneath these spatially close areas. The differences between the log-ratios of island and continental arc basic magmas further indicate that new multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams can certainly be proposed in future to discriminate such basic magmas from these two very similar tectonic settings, which at present is possible only from diagrams for intermediate and acid magmas.  相似文献   

A comparison of the d-excess values of precipitation and of spring water, streams, groundwater wells and submarine groundwater discharge indicated that the precipitation that occurred during winter season was an important source of groundwater recharge. Due to the steep slope of the island, most of the short duration and high intensity precipitation is lost through direct surface runoff. The comparison indicated that snowmelt is an important resource of groundwater recharge on Rishiri Island. Future climate change will continue to diminish the snowpack, and therefore, reduce groundwater recharge. It may cause the decline of the groundwater level in the coastal area and possibly shift the saline–freshwater boundary on the island. Chloride data indicated that saltwater intrusion is beginning to occur on the western flank of the island. A Piper diagram shows that the water samples are characterized by the dominance of the Ca–HCO3 and Na–Cl type. Their chemistry probably results from sea salt spray and the dissolution of minerals. These results support the need for the effective management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Large, well-developed flood tidal deltas on a barrier island coastline generally indicate a wave-dominated, microtidal sedimentary regime. Vibracores in a lagoon behind the barrier island Shackleford Banks, North Carolina contain an upward fining sequence of coarse-medium, very shelly sand, medium-fine laminated sand, fine-very fine cross-laminated sand and marsh mud. This sequence is interpreted as being a flood tidal delta deposit based on analogy with modern flood tidal delta sediments and represents lagoonal deposition in response to a migrating or closing inlet. The sand facies defined in lagoonal vibracores is found to be continuous beneath a lagoonal marsh and correlative with inlet sections identified in Shackleford Banks drill holes. The correlation of flood tidal delta deposits with inlet sequences in this microtidal environment indicates a close relationship between barrier and backbarrier inlet controlled sedimentation.  相似文献   

北天山东段阿奇山组火山岩的地球化学特征及锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
阿奇山组分布于北天山东段觉罗塔格构造带内部的雅满苏岛弧带中,属于原雅满苏组下部的火山岩部分,而上部火山岩则属于土古土布拉克组。在阿奇山地区,阿奇山组由中-酸性火山岩、火山碎屑岩和火山碎屑沉积岩组成。岩石地球化学特征显示为钙碱性岛弧火山岩系列,火山岩主体具有高Sr、Na2O、Al2O3、SiO2, 低MgO、Y、Yb,及明显亏损HFSE、Nb、Ta等特征,与经典埃达克岩地球化学特征吻合,Nb、Sr、Sr/Y值显示为俯冲型埃达克岩。地球化学相关图解等表明岩浆同化混染作用弱、经历了辉石、斜长石、钛铁氧化物和磷灰石的分离结晶作用、且部分熔融发生在石榴石稳定域。与东部土屋-雅满苏地区阿奇山组火山岩的对比研究表明,东部地区的火山岩不具埃达克岩特征,说明埃达克岩分布的局限性。锆石U-Pb SHRIMP 谐和年龄为341.7±2.7Ma,与首次在该组中采集的化石资料完全一致,代表了火山岩的形成年龄。与其北部大南湖岛弧带中的小热泉子组、企鹅山组形成年龄(325.1±3.2Ma、322.6±2.0Ma)对比研究暗示,准噶尔板块南缘石炭纪存在构造-岩浆活动随时间由南向北迁移。  相似文献   

The tectonostratigraphic and geomorphic study of two post-obduction fluvial sedimentary systems on mainland New Caledonia and imaged offshore on seismic reflection lines provides a new perspective on the post-orogenic evolution of the New Caledonia ridge. Relations between sedimentary sequence boundaries, erosion surfaces and faults, both on land and on offshore seismic reflection profiles indicate that an episode of extensional tectonics initiated in the Early Neogene led to the disruption and collapse of the island landsurface previously shaped during a Latest Oligocene phase of planation. Microtectonic analysis further suggests early slip on the normal faults was associated with ridge-normal extension. A later set of faults accompanied ridge-parallel to ridge-oblique extension that is interpreted to result from a shift toward a transtensional regime driven by the initiation of east-verging subduction of the Australian plate beneath the Pacific plate starting at least in the late Mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

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