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A slight cooling can induce the formation of ice sheets in the Scandinavian mountains and in the American Arctic. The increasing albedo and the appearance of cold air masses above the glaciers cause glaciation to spread over a vast area. As a result, the sea level lowers and a large part of the Barents and Kara seabeds dries up. Ice sheets are formed there, which spread over the northeastern part of the Kola Peninsula, the Pechora River basin, and over northwestern Siberia. The glacier barrier extending nearly from the North Pole to central Europe hinders latitudinal atmospheric circulation. Precipitation decreases sharply in the areas east and southeast of the glaciers. As a consequence, glaciers in the mid-latitudes retreat and sea level rises. Increased iceberg formation is induced in the periphery of the Barents Ice Sheet, causing it to disappear. An interglacial sets in.  相似文献   

The popular concept of a Late Weichselian ice sheet covering the Barents Shelf and confluent with the Scandinavian and Russian ice sheets is based primarily on the 6500 B.P. isobase which rises to the east over Spitsbergen, and to the west over Franz Joseph Land. Analysis of uplift curves from the Spitsbergen archipelago shows, however, that the strongest early Holocene uplift occurs over northeastern Spitsbergen and eastern Nordaustlandet, falling both to east and west, and that the centre of uplift migrates to the southeast during the Holocene. Direct evidence of glacier fluctuation indicates an important Billefjorden Stage of glaciation at about 11,000 to 10,000 B.P., part of whose extent can be defined by moraines and by abrupt changes in the marine limit. The dominant ice masses of the Billefjorden Stage seem to have formed over eastern Spitsbergen, Edgeøya, Barentsøya and southern Hinlopenstretet, and it is the decay of this ice mass which is primarily responsible for the pattern of early Holocene uplift. Stratigraphic evidence suggests the absence of an important glacial event at 18,000–20,000 B.P., but an important phase of Spitsbergen-centred glaciation at about 40,000 B.P., and a glacial phase at 80,000–120,000 B.P. It is suggested that many raised beach sequences outside the Billefjorden readvance show an upper sequence related to deglaciation at about 40,000 B.P., and a lower, Holocene sequence related to decay of the Billefjorden ice. The anomalous pattern of late Holocene uplift may be related to restrained rebound produced by regeneration of ice on the main islands of the archipelago and unrestrained rebound on Hopen and Kong Karls Land, which were incapable of sustaining large ice masses of their own. A pattern of LateGlacial climatic circulation which may have produced ice masses on the east coast of Spitsbergen, west coast of Novaya Zemlya and north coast of Russia is suggested. It is also suggested that this pattern of glaciation produced features which have been wrongly interpreted as evidence of a Barents ice sheet.  相似文献   

Abrupt climate change: An alternative view   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypotheses and inferences concerning the nature of abrupt climate change, exemplified by the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events, are reviewed. There is little concrete evidence that these events are more than a regional Greenland phenomenon. The partial coherence of ice core δ18O and CH4 is a possible exception. Claims, however, of D-O presence in most remote locations cannot be distinguished from the hypothesis that many regions are just exhibiting temporal variability in climate proxies with approximately similar frequency content. Further suggestions that D-O events in Greenland are generated by shifts in the North Atlantic ocean circulation seem highly implausible, given the weak contribution of the high latitude ocean to the meridional flux of heat. A more likely scenario is that changes in the ocean circulation are a consequence of wind shifts. The disappearance of D-O events in the Holocene coincides with the disappearance also of the Laurentide and Fennoscandian ice sheets. It is thus suggested that D-O events are a consequence of interactions of the windfield with the continental ice sheets and that better understanding of the wind field in the glacial periods is the highest priority. Wind fields are capable of great volatility and very rapid global-scale teleconnections, and they are efficient generators of oceanic circulation changes and (more speculatively) of multiple states relative to great ice sheets. Connection of D-O events to the possibility of modern abrupt climate change rests on a very weak chain of assumptions.  相似文献   

Svalbard has been completely covered by an extensive ice sheet at least once, but not in the Late Weichselian (max. 18,000–20,000 years ago). Areas in the western and northwestern parts of Svalbard have been ice-free for more than 40,000 years. The extension and time of a Barents Shelf glaciation are questions still open for discussion. For most of the Svalbard area we do not know when the last deglaciation started, geographically and in time. The oldest datings for the interval 15,000 to 10,000 years B.P. have an age of about 12,600 years, and datings from between 11,000 and 10,000 years B.P. are rather frequent in the western and northern parts of Spitsbergen. No moraines from Younger Dryas have been found in Svalbard and the glaciers were probably less extensive 10,000 years ago than today. The maximum extension of glaciers in the Holocene took place only a few hundred years ago.  相似文献   

It is argued that high-level shell beds buried by till at various localities around the Scottish coast are in situ and represent a marine transgression immediately prior to and consequent upon loading of the earth's crust by the build-up of the last Scottish ice sheet. The high-level rock platforms of the Hebrides may also have been eroded at this time. A relationship between the build-up of the last Scottish ice sheet and world sea-level is suggested and it is further argued that the Scottish ice sheet was a more sensitive indicator of the onset (and termination) of a period of northern hemispheric glaciation than either the Laurentide or Scandinavian ice sheets. It is suggested that the build-up of the last Scottish ice sheet took place in the Early Devensian and a tentative correlation is proposed between the Scottish evidence and the deep-sea evidence for glacier build-up at ca. 75,000 years B.P  相似文献   

Changes in ocean temperature, carbonate productivity, and ice-rafted detritus in the North Atlantic suggest that half of the Northern Hemisphere ice volume at the last glacial maximum had disappeared by 13,000 yr B.P., despite the still-extensive limits of the ice sheets. This early thinning of the ice sheets occurred during a time when summer insolation values were slowly rising but when pollen evidence south of the ice margins indicates cold, dry air masses. We infer that this rapid early ice disintegration (16,000–13,000 yr B.P.) was caused by oceanic mechanisms: (1) rising sea level, causing increased calving along ice margins; (2) the chilling of the sea-surface by icebergs and meltwater, reducing moisture extraction by the atmosphere and transport to the ice sheets; and (3) winter freezing of the low-salinity meltwater layer, suppressing local moisture extraction and the regional influx of moisture-bearing storms from lower latitudes in winter and hence starving the ice sheets. These oceanic feedback mechanisms were strongest from 16,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., and weaker but still active from that date until the end of deglaciation at 6000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates from critical stratigraphic localities in southern British Columbia indicate that the growth history of the late Wisconsin Cordilleran Ice Sheet was different from that of most of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to the east. Much of southern British Columbia remained free of ice until after about 19,000 to 20,000 yr ago; only adjacent to the Coast Mountains is there a record of lowland glacier tongues in the interval 22,000 to 20,000 yr B.P. A major advance to the climax of late Wisconsin Cordilleran glacier ice in the northern States was not begun until after about 18,000 yr B.P. in the southwest of British Columbia and after about 17,500 yr B.P. in the southeast. The rate of glacier growth must have been very rapid in the two to three millennia prior to the climax, which has been dated in western Washington at shortly after 15,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

During the last glacial interval, the North Atlantic ice sheets expanded and contracted in approximate synchronicity with orbitally forced global climate change. Variation in ice rafted detritus content in North Atlantic marine sediment cores record the waxing and waning of glaciers, as well as the abrupt temperature changes at millennial time scales. The background variations of ice rafting are punctuated by Heinrich layers, which appear to record the catastrophic collapse of the Laurentide ice sheet through the Hudson Strait. The objective of this paper is to document the evolution of glaciation on Laurentia during the last 43 14C kyr. We present a provenance study based on 40Ar/39Ar dates of individual hornblende grains from 57 samples taken at 2 cm spacing between 4 and 134 cm from core V23-14 (43.4°N, 45.25°W, 3177 m). Sedimentation rates outside of the Heinrich layers are very low in this core, but the Heinrich layers are easily identified. Laurentide glaciation did not extend into the ocean south of 55°N until about 26 14C kyr, and retreated to the coastline or beyond by 14 14C kyr. Documenting the history of this major ice sheet has significant implications for understanding ice rafting sources in more distal locations where mixing among different ice sheets is likely.  相似文献   

Large glaciers descended western valleys of the Olympic Mountains six times during the last (Wisconsin) glaciation, terminating in the Pacific coastal lowlands. The glaciers constructed extensive landforms and thick stratigraphic sequences, which commonly contain wood and other organic detritus. The organic material, coupled with stratigraphic data, provides a detailed radiocarbon chronology of late Pleistocene ice-margin fluctuations. The early Wisconsin Lyman Rapids advance, which terminated prior to ca. 54,000 14C yr B.P., represented the most extensive ice cover. Subsequent glacier expansions included the Hoh Oxbow 1 advance, which commenced between ca. 42,000 and 35,000 14C yr B.P.; the Hoh Oxbow 2 advance, ca. 30,800 to 26,300 14C yr B.P.; the Hoh Oxbow 3 advance, ca. 22,000–19,300 14C yr B.P.; the Twin Creeks 1 advance, 19,100–18,300 14C yr B.P.; and the subsequent, undated Twin Creeks 2 advance. The Hoh Oxbow 2 advance represents the greatest ice extent of the last 50,000 yr, with the glacier extending 22 km further downvalley than during the Twin Creeks 1 advance, which is correlative with the global last glacial maximum. Local pollen data indicate intensified summer cooling during successive stadial events. Because ice extent was diminished during colder stadial events, precipitation—not summer temperature—influenced the magnitude of glaciation most strongly. Regional aridity, independently documented by extensive pollen evidence, limited ice extent during the last glacial maximum. The timing of glacier advances suggests causal links with North Atlantic Bond cycles and Heinrich events.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary glaciation of Tibet and the bordering mountains: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abundant glacial geologic evidence present throughout Tibet and the bordering mountains shows that glaciers have oscillated many times throughout the late Quaternary. Yet the timing and extent of glacial advances is still highly debated. Recent studies, however, suggest that glaciation was most extensive prior to the last glacial cycle. Furthermore, these studies show that in many regions of Tibet and the Himalaya glaciation was generally more extensive during the earlier part of the last glacial cycle and was limited in extent during the global Last Glacial Maximum (marine oxygen isotope stage 2). Holocene glacial advances were also limited in extent, with glaciers advancing just a few kilometers from their present ice margins. In the monsoon-influenced regions, glaciation appears to be strongly controlled by changes in insolation that govern the geographical extent of the monsoon and consequently precipitation distribution. Monsoonal precipitation distribution strongly influences glacier mass balances, allowing glaciers in high altitude regions to advance during times of increased precipitation, which are associated with insolation maxima during glacial times. Furthermore, there are strong topographic controls on glaciation, particular in regions where there are rainshadow effects. It is likely that glaciers, influenced by the different climatic systems, behaved differently at different times. However, more detailed geomorphic and geochronological studies are needed to fully explore regional variations. Changes in glacial ice volume in Tibet and the bordering mountains were relatively small after the global LGM as compared to the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. It is therefore unlikely that meltwater draining from Tibet and the bordering mountains during the Lateglacial and early Holocene would have been sufficient to affect oceanic circulation. However, changes in surface albedo may have influenced the dynamics of monsoonal systems and this may have important implications for global climate change. Drainage development, including lake level changes on the Tibetan plateau and adjacent regions has been strongly controlled by climatic oscillations on centennial, decadal and especially millennial timescales. Since the Little Ice Age, and particularly during this century, glaciers have been progressively retreating. This pattern is likely to continue throughout the 21st century, exacerbated by human-induced global warming.  相似文献   

We have examined the circulation of the subpolar North Atlantic at 9300 yr BP by using a dispersed layer of silicic volcanic ash as a synchronous horizon. At the level of this datum, we have reconstructed from foraminiferal evidence a geologically synoptic view of seasonal variations in sea-surface temperatures and salinities. The reconstruction defines two oceanic fronts at 9300 yr BP: (1) the meridionally oriented Polar Front bordering the axis of deglacial outflow of Arctic and Laurentide ice and meltwater and (2) a zonal portion of the Subarctic Convergence along 48° N, marking a major confluence between the subtropical and subpolar gyres. The 9300-yr configuration primarily differed from the modern pattern in the more easterly position (by 3°) of the Polar Front and the more southerly (3°) and easterly (5°) position of the Subarctic Convergene. Both fronts had been merged at 18,000 yr BP into the full-glacial Polar Front; at 9300 yr BP, they were approaching the end of a northwestward deglacial retreat toward the modern interglacial positions.There were two dominant departures at 9300 yr BP from the Earth's modern configuration, both related to deglaciation: the very large Laurentide Ice Sheet still covering eastern North America to 48° N, and the region of cold Arctic/Laurentide deglacial outflow. These two features caused: a more easterly position than now of the region of upper air divergence and lower air convergence downstream from the Ice Sheet and meltwater outflow; a more intense expression of this upper air divergence and lower air convergence over the central portion of the subpolar North Atlantic; and a latitudinally more stable axis of convergence of surface westerlies over this region. These factors apparently caused the stronger oceanic convergence along 48°N than at present. They also created a stronger, southeastward-directed wind drift current, which opposed the meridional (northward) flow typical of the present interglaciation.  相似文献   

The deglaciation patterns of the Bergen and Nordfjord-Sunnmøre areas in western Norway are described and correlated. In the Bergen area the coast was first deglaciated at 12,600 B.P., with a succeeding re-advance into the North Sea around 12,200 B.P. Later, during the Allerød, the inland ice retreated at least 50 km, but nearly reached the sea again during the Younger Dryas re-advance, ending at 10,000 B.P. Sunnmøre was ice-free during an interstadial 28,000–38,000 B.P. Later the inland ice reached the sea. The final deglaciation is poorly dated in Sunnmøre, while further south in Nordfjord, it started slightly before 12,300 B.P., followed by a major retreat. No large re-advance of the inland ice occurred during the Younger Dryas. However, in the Sunnmøre-Nordfjord area many local glaciers formed outside the inland ice during the Younger Dryas. Limnic sediments outside one such cirque glacier have been cored and dated, proving that the glacier did not exist at 12,300-11,000 B.P., and that it was formed and disappeared in the time interval 11,000–10,000 B.P. (Younger Dryas). The erosion rate of the cirque glacier was 0.9 mm/year.  相似文献   

We propose that prior to the Younger Dryas period, the Arctic Ocean supported extremely thick multi-year fast ice overlain by superimposed ice and firn. We re-introduce the historical term paleocrystic ice to describe this. The ice was independent of continental (glacier) ice and formed a massive floating body trapped within the almost closed Arctic Basin, when sea-level was lower during the last glacial maximum. As sea-level rose and the Barents Sea Shelf became deglaciated, the volume of warm Atlantic water entering the Arctic Ocean increased, as did the corresponding egress, driving the paleocrystic ice towards Fram Strait. New evidence shows that Bering Strait was resubmerged around the same time, providing further dynamical forcing of the ice as the Transpolar Drift became established. Additional freshwater entered the Arctic Basin from Siberia and North America, from proglacial lakes and meltwater derived from the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Collectively, these forces drove large volumes of thick paleocrystic ice and relatively fresh water from the Arctic Ocean into the Greenland Sea, shutting down deepwater formation and creating conditions conducive for extensive sea-ice to form and persist as far south as 60°N. We propose that the forcing responsible for the Younger Dryas cold episode was thus the result of extremely thick sea-ice being driven from the Arctic Ocean, dampening or shutting off the thermohaline circulation, as sea-level rose and Atlantic and Pacific waters entered the Arctic Basin. This hypothesis focuses attention on the potential role of Arctic sea-ice in causing the Younger Dryas episode, but does not preclude other factors that may also have played a role.  相似文献   

Collection of seismic reflection data from continental margins and ocean basins surrounding North America makes it possible to estimate the amount of material eroded from the area formerly covered by Laurentide ice sheets since major glaciation began in North America. A minimum estimate is made of 1.62 × 106 km3, or an average 120 m of rock physically eroded from the Laurentide region. This figure is an order of magnitude higher than earlier estimates based on the volume of glacial drift, Cenozoic marine sediments, and modern sediment loads of rivers. Most of the sediment produced during Laurentide glaciation has already been transported to the oceans. The importance of continental glaciation as a geomorphic agency in North America may have to be reevaluated. Evidence from sedimentation rates in ocean basins surrounding Greenland and Antarctica suggests that sediment production, sediment transport, and possibly denudation by permanent ice caps may be substantially lower than by periodic ice caps, such as the Laurentide. Low rates of sediment survival from the time of the Permo-Carboniferous and Precambrian glaciations suggest that predominance of marine deposition during some glacial epochs results in shorter lived sediment because of preferential tectonism and cycling of oceanic crust versus continental crust.  相似文献   

The composition of ice‐rafted debris (IRD) within a sediment core from the European continental slope (core OMEX‐2K; 49° 5′ N, 13° 26′ W) has been examined using environmental magnetic analyses. The data demonstrate compositional variability of the IRD within Heinrich layers 2 (H2) and 1 (H1) and these differences are most readily explained by changes in the contribution of different IRD sources to the core site. Some IRD within the main Heinrich layers show magnetic signatures that are similar to IRD derived from the Laurentide ice sheet found in cores from within the main North Atlantic IRD‐belt. In contrast, other IRD‐rich layers, both prior to and within the main Heinrich layers, demonstrate different magnetic behaviour, suggesting a contribution from a non‐Laurentide sourced IRD, most likely derived from ice streams discharging from northeast Atlantic ice sheets such as the British and Fennoscandian ice sheets. These data are consistent with published compositional data from the same core and, given the rapid, highly sensitive and non‐destructive nature of the method, suggest that environmental magnetic analysis has considerable potential for characterising IRD materials within Heinrich layers for the purposes of defining provenance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Exceptionally high sedimentation rates in Arctic fjords provide the possibility to reconstruct environmental conditions in high temporal resolution during the (pre‐)Holocene. The unique geographical location of Svalbard at the intersection of Arctic and Atlantic waters offers the opportunity to estimate local (mainly glacier‐related) vs. regional (hydrographic) variabilities. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and geochemical data from the very remote, glacier‐surrounded Wahlenbergfjord in eastern Svalbard provides information on glacier dynamics, palaeoceanographic and sea‐ice conditions during the Holocene. The present study illustrates a high meltwater discharge during the summer insolation maximum (c. 11.3–7.7 ka) when the intrusion of upwelled relatively warm Atlantic‐derived waters led to an almost open fjord situation with reduced sea ice in summer. Around 7.7 ka, a rapid hydrographic shift occurred: the dominance of inflowing Atlantic‐derived waters was replaced by a stronger influence of Arctic Water reflecting regional palaeoceanographic conditions evident in the benthic foraminiferal fauna also at Svalbard's margins. Neoglacial conditions characterized the late Holocene (c. 3.1–0.2 ka), when glaciers probably advanced as cold atmospheric temperatures were decoupled from the advection of relatively warm intermediate waters probably caused by an extending sea‐ice coverage. Accordingly, our data show that even a remote, glacier‐proximal study site reflects rapid as well as longer‐term regional changes.  相似文献   

The Northern Hemisphere ice sheets decayed rapidly during deglacial phases of the ice-age cycle, producing meltwater fluxes that may have been of sufficient magnitude to perturb oceanic circulation. The continental record of ice-sheet history is more obscured during the growth and advance of the last great ice sheets, ca. 120,000–20,000 yr B.P., but ice cores tell of high-amplitude, millennial-scale climate fluctuations that prevailed throughout this period. These climatic excursions would have provoked significant fluctuation of ice-sheet margins and runoff variability whenever ice sheets extended to mid-latitudes, giving a complex pattern of freshwater delivery to the oceans. A model of continental surface hydrology is coupled with an ice-dynamics model simulating the last glacial cycle in North America. Meltwater discharged from ice sheets is either channeled down continental drainage pathways or stored temporarily in large systems of proglacial lakes that border the retreating ice-sheet margin. The coupled treatment provides quantitative estimates of the spatial and temporal patterns of freshwater flux to the continental margins. Results imply an intensified surface hydrological environment when ice sheets are present, despite a net decrease in precipitation during glacial periods. Diminished continental evaporation and high levels of meltwater production combine to give mid-latitude runoff values that are highly variable through the glacial cycle, but are two to three times in excess of modern river fluxes; drainage to the North Atlantic via the St. Lawrence, Hudson, and Mississippi River catchments averages 0.356 Sv for the period 60,000–10,000 yr B.P., compared to 0.122 Sv for the past 10,000 yr. High-amplitude meltwater pulses to the Gulf of Mexico, North Atlantic, and North Pacific occur throughout the glacial period, with ice-sheet geometry controlling intricate patterns of freshwater routing variability. Runoff from North America is staged in the final deglaciation, with a stepped sequence of pulses through the Mississippi, St. Lawrence, Arctic, and Hudson Strait drainages.  相似文献   

The distribution of quartz in the surface sediments of the Atlantic Ocean reflects derivation from continents by means of rivers, wind, ice, and coastal erosion. Enrichment of quartz thus supplied has occurred in some deep basins of especially the southern high latitudes from winnowing of finegrained clays by bottom currents. Although similar modes of quartz transport may have operated both during the Holocene and the last glacial maximum (18,000 yr B.P.), significant differences in the intensity of transport and in the locii of deposition, which are attributable to climatic variations during these times, exist in some areas of the Atlantic. In Holocene sediments of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, a band of high percent quartz exists directly off the present Saharan Desert and Sahel region and reflects the trade-wind transport of dusts from these arid and semiarid regions. During the last glacial maximum (18,000 yr B.P.), this high quartz band expanded southward by about 8° of latitude. This expansion was caused not only by the southward expansion of aridity and desert dunes but also by the southward migration of the northerly belt of trade winds during the last glaciation. Relatively high abundances and accumulation rates of quartz during the last glaciation suggest higher intensities of trade winds during that time compared to the Holocene. In the North Atlantic, the abundances of quartz in Holocene sediments are high adjacent to Greenland-Iceland and in the areas off Newfoundland-Labrador, and gradually decrease toward the central areas. The polar front and limit of sea-ice melting are at present confined to the northern part of the North Atlantic. The ice-rafting of quartz grains is, therefore, effective in the areas adjacent to Greenland and to some extent off Labrador causing high abundances in these areas. In contrast to this, during the last glaciation, the quartz abundances and accumulation rates are high in the central areas of North Atlantic around 45°N and decrease toward Greenland-Newfoundland. The migration of the polar front to as far south as 45°N and the consequent southward migration of sea-ice melting and ice-rafting during the last glaciation apparently caused this change in distribution. In addition to ice-rafting at present, wave or current reworking of relict glacial-marine detritus may have caused the high abundance of quartz in the surface sediments off Newfoundland-Labrador. In 18,000 yr B.P. sediments of the Norwegian Sea, the area of high percent quartz (>10%) is more extensive than that in Holocene sediments. This reflects the greater influence of ice-rafting or glacier activity in the sediment dispersal in the Norwegian Sea during the last glacial times.  相似文献   

Uranium-series age determinations by mass spectrometric methods were done for travertines and associated carbonate veins related to clastic deposits of the last glaciation (Pinedale) in the northern Yellowstone area. Dramatic variations in the hydrologic head are inferred from variations in the elevation of travertine deposition with time and are consistent with the expected hydrologic effects of glaciation. We determine the following chronology of the Pinedale Glaciation, with the key assumption that travertine deposits (and associated carbonate veins) perched high above present thermal springs were deposited when glaciers filled the valley below these perched deposits: (1) the early Pinedale outlet glacier advanced well downvalley between 47,000 and 34,000 yr B.P.; (2) the outlet glacier receded to an interstadial position between 34,000 and 30,000 yr B.P.; (3) an extensive Pinedale ice advance occurred between 30,000 and 22,500 yr B.P.; (4) a major recession occurred between 22,500 and 19,500 yr B.P.; (5) a minor readvance (Deckard Flats) culminated after 19,500 yr B.P.; and (6) recession from the Deckard Flats position was completed before 15,500 yr B.P. This chronology is consistent with the general trend of climatic changes in the northern hemisphere as revealed by recent high-resolution ice-core records from the Greenland ice sheet.  相似文献   

Evidence of past glacier fluctuations is valuable palaeoenvironmental data, but determining their relationship to climatic change is sometimes complex because of differing glacier sensitivities and patterns of response. In Iceland, a diverse range of glaciation creates changing geographical patterns of response to climatic changes. The outlet glaciers of the Márdalsjökull ice cap in southern Iceland have produced detailed, but differing, records of change. For a key southwestern sector of the ice cap, we specifically searched for evidence equivalent to the c . 4500 BP, c . 3100 BP and c . 1200 BP advances of Sólheimajökull reported earlier. A combination of geomorphological mapping and dating by tephrochronology and lichenometry was used to constrain the glacier advances and determine the relative magnitude of Neoglacial glacier episodes. This is a key step towards creating a record of the changes for the entire ice cap. Major glacier advances c . 4500–1000 BP previously identified on the southern margin of Márdalsjökull are shown not to have occurred in this sector, where Neoglacial maxima occur post-1755 AD.  相似文献   

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