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The characteristics of gravitational bursts from active galactic nuclei, and globular clusters are obtained for three astrophysical situations:(i) scattering of stars by massive black holes residued at the centers of galaxies and globular clusters; (ii) the close encounters of stars in the nuclear regions of these objects; (iii) scattering of stars by black holes of stellar mass containing in the stellar population of galactic nuclei and clusters. The most effective source of gravitational bursts appears to be a scattering of stars by the massive central black holes which produces the bursts with dimensionless amplitudeh10–19–10–21 and frequencies from 10–1 to 10–5 Hz. The characteristics obtained correspond to the possiblities of a future gravitational-wave experiment with use of laser Doppler tracking of interplanetary spacecrafts.  相似文献   

New absolute proper motions of the two globular clusters NGC 4147 and NGC 6218 and a specific model of galactic mass distribution are used to integrate their orbits numerically. The resulting values of orbital parameters and their variation due to the uncertainty of the initial values are discussed. Furthermore, the deviations from the time average of the virial theorem are determined.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of galactic globular clusters has been studied by means of Walsh-Hadamard transforms. Consistent indications have been collected suggesting the existence, at least in a first approximation, of two disting populations of clusters — the metal poor clusters showing a spherical distribution whereas metal rich clusters are flattened along the disk.Simulated cluster-halos have been computed in order to study the dependence of observed radial velocities on the eccentricity of cluster orbits, showing that only a general high value of eccentricity seems able to reproduce the observational features.  相似文献   

The migration of central compact massive objects (CMO) in galactic nuclei caused by encounters with spherical clusters is studied. A CMO moves in the field of the fixed potential of a galactic bulge. An empirical relationship between the masses of a CMO and of a bulge (Mbh = 0.001 Mb) is used here. The dependence of the amplitude of the CMO drift on the mass and size of a bulge, as well as on the initial velocity and mass of a spherical cluster, is found. It is shown that, on the average, the drift amplitude increases as the size of a bulge increases (with its mass fixed) and decreases with increasing bulge mass (with its size fixed). The amplitude of the drift increases on the average with increasing cluster mass and decreasing cluster velocity.  相似文献   

The Galactic globular clusters are believed to be among the most ancient objects for which reliable ages can be determined. As the Universe can not be younger than the oldest object it contains, the oldest Galactic globular clusters provide one of the few most important constraints that one can have on cosmological models. Latest estimates indicate that the absolute age of the oldest globular clusters is 14 ± 3 Gyr. The calibration of absolute ages is still subject to observational and theoretical uncertainties at the ≈ 20% level, and represents a major limitation on our ability to test cosmological models. However, relative ages are starting to be much better known due to the super colour-magnitude diagrams that have been obtained through the use of CCD detectors on large telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope. The available data are consistent with the majority of Galactic globular clusters being virtually coeval but with a minority having significantly lower ages. The existence of “prehistoric” clusters with ages of around 50 Gyr, as hypothesised in the quasi-steady state cosmology, should be readily recognised.  相似文献   

We consider essential mechanisms for orbit shrinkage or 'hardening' of compact binaries in globular clusters (GCs) to the point of Roche lobe contact and X-ray emission phase, focusing on the process of collisional hardening due to encounters between binaries and single stars in the cluster core. The interplay between this kind of hardening and that due to emission of gravitational radiation produces a characteristic scaling of the orbit-shrinkage time with the single-star binary encounter rate γ in the cluster which we introduce, clarify and explore. We investigate possible effects of this scaling on populations of X-ray binaries in GCs within the framework of a simple 'toy' scheme for describing the evolution of pre-X-ray binaries in GCs. We find the expected qualitative trends sufficiently supported by data on X-ray binaries in Galactic GCs to encourage us towards a more quantitative study.  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric stellar clusters (compact galactic nuclei and globular clusters), far advanced toward the state of complete statistical equilibrium in the course of evolution, are investigated. The equation of state of such systems (a polytrope with an index k = 0.5) is derived and their main characteristics are calculated. It is shown that compact galactic nuclei must consist mainly of rapidly rotating neutron stars and white dwarfs. It is demonstrated that pulsars may be created by the evaporation of neutron stars from the nucleus of our Galaxy. The number of such pulsars is ~3.106. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 41–50, January-March, 1998.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of binary stars in globular clusters using a new Monte Carlo approach combining a population synthesis code ( startrack ) and a simple treatment of dynamical interactions in the dense cluster core using a new tool for computing three- and four-body interactions ( fewbody ). We find that the combination of stellar evolution and dynamical interactions (binary–single and binary–binary) leads to a rapid depletion of the binary population in the cluster core. The maximum binary fraction today in the core of a typical dense cluster such as 47 Tuc, assuming an initial binary fraction of 100 per cent, is only ∼ 5–10 per cent. We show that this is in good agreement with recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of close binaries in the core of 47 Tuc, provided that a realistic distribution of binary periods is used to interpret the results. Our findings also have important consequences for the dynamical modelling of globular clusters, suggesting that 'realistic models' should incorporate much larger initial binary fractions than has usually been the case in the past.  相似文献   

An analysis of periodic components of flux variability was carried out based on the long-term monitoring of the nuclei of active galaxies 3C454.3, 1633+382, and 3C120, performed in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory from 1985 to 2008 at 22.2 and 36.8 GHz. Long-period components of the variability (12–14 yrs) were detected and interpreted in terms of the precessional motion of the central body in binary systems. Short-period components (1.5–3 yrs) related to the orbital periods for the motions of the central supermassive black holes were also detected. We concluded that the brightest active galaxies observed as nonstationary sources in a wide range of wavelengths are binary systems of supermassive black holes at the stage of evolution close to coalescence. For the supposed binary black-hole systems, the masses of the central objects and their companions, the orbital radii of the companions, and the coalescence times were determined. The ratios of the masses in the binary systems in all cases proved to be less than ten, pointing to a strong gravitational effect of the companion on the central black hole. The velocities of the central body motion proved to be high, approximately 1000 km/s. This fact should be accounted for in the calculations of the rate of accretion onto the central body. The orbital radii of the companions fall into a narrow range between 4 × 1016 cm and 6 × 1016 cm, demonstrating a strong dependence of the masses of the binary systems on the orbital sizes and the energy loss for the gravitational radiation. Within the orbit of the companion during its motion through the accretion disk, a high temperature of surrounding gas is achieved. The high density of the medium, 109–1010 cm?3, combined with the magnetic field and shock waves propagating in the accretion disk, develop the conditions for powerful energy release in the directed jets.  相似文献   

The spatial velocities of 24 globular clusters have been determined. Correlations among the velocities of the clusters, their positions in the Galaxy, and their metallicity indices are investigated. The mean velocity ellipsoid is determined, which proves to be nearly spherical. Clusters belonging to different groups of blue horizontal-branch stars in accordance with Mironov, Rastorguev, and Samus’ are considered separately. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 259-268, April–June, 2000.  相似文献   

Data from catalogs of multiple open star clusters (OSCs) have been used to compile a list of double and triple OSCs. Seven pairs of young OSCs with similar ages of their components have been selected from them. The dynamical evolution of the selected pairs of clusters in the Galactic gravitational field has been simulated numerically. The individual cluster masses have been estimated and the time dependences of the separations between the clusters have been constructed. The separations between the clusters are shown to exceed the tidal cluster radii. Various hypotheses of the origin of double OSCs are discussed: chance formations of pairs, formation within the same star complex, etc.  相似文献   

Merger process of binary globular cluster is discussed for a pair of unequal-mass components. We calculated the case of mass ratio 10.5 by means of anN-body code with 6144 particles in total. We have found the followings. The mass exchange between the components takes place through the Roche-lobe overflow. In the early stages, however, the dynamical evolution is mainly governed by escape of particles from the system. As the particles escape carrying angular momentum with them, the separation between the component cluster shrinks. The time-scale of this shrinkage depends upon the size of the clusters. When a critical separation is reached, the orbital angular momentum is transferred unstably to the spins of the component clusters. This is the process of the synchronization instability which was found in a previous study on binary cluster of equal masses. As a result the component clusters merge into a single cluster. The structures of the mergers are quite similar among different cases except for the central cores which retain their initial central concentrations. In particular, the ellipticity and the rotation curve are quite close each other among models of different initial radii and of different mass ratios.  相似文献   

Binary stars are common in star clusters and galaxies, but the detailed effects of binary evolution are not taken into account in some color-magnitude diagram (CMD) studies. This paper studies the CMDs of twelve globular clusters via binarystar stellar populations. The observational CMDs of the star clusters are compared to those of binary-star populations, and then the stellar metallicities, ages, distances and reddenings of these star clusters are obtained. The paper also tests the different effects of bi...  相似文献   

It is now agreed that mergers play an essential role in the evolution of galaxies and therefore that mergers of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) must have been common. We see the consequences of past supermassive binary black holes (SMBs) in the light profiles of so-called ‘core ellipticals’ and a small number of SMBs have been detected. However, the evolution of SMBs is poorly understood. Theory predicts that SMBs should spend a substantial amount of time orbiting at velocities of a few thousand kilometers per second. If the SMBs are surrounded by gas observational effects might be expected from accretion onto one or both of the SMBHs. This could result in a binary Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) system. Like a single AGN, such a system would emit a broad band electromagnetic spectrum and broad and narrow emission lines.The broad emission spectral lines emitted from AGNs are our main probe of the geometry and physics of the broad line region (BLR) close to the SMBH. There is a group of AGNs that emit very broad and complex line profiles, showing two displaced peaks, one blueshifted and one redshifted from the systemic velocity defined by the narrow lines, or a single such peak. It has been proposed that such line shapes could indicate an SMB system. We discuss here how the presence of an SMB will affect the BLRs of AGNs and what the observational consequences might be.We review previous claims of SMBs based on broad line profiles and find that they may have non-SMB explanations as a consequence of a complex BLR structure. Because of these effects it is very hard to put limits on the number of SMBs from broad line profiles. It is still possible, however, that unusual broad line profiles in combination with other observational effects (line ratios, quasi-periodical oscillations, spectropolarimetry, etc.) could be used for SMBs detection.Some narrow lines (e.g., [O III]) in some AGNs show a double-peaked profile. Such profiles can be caused by streams in the Narrow Line Region (NLR), but may also indicate the presence of a kilo-parsec scale mergers. A few objects indicated as double-peaked narrow line emitters are confirmed as kpc-scale margers, but double-peaked narrow line profiles are mostly caused by the complex NLR geometry.We briefly discuss the expected line profile of broad Fe Kα that probably originated in the accretion disk(s) around SMBs. This line may also be very complex and indicate the complex disk geometry or/and an SMB presence.Finally we consider rare configurations where a SMB system might be gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy, and discuss the expected line profiles in these systems.  相似文献   

The system of globular clusters in the Galaxy is used in order to locate the position of the galactic centre and, consequently, to determine the galacto-centric distance of the Sun,R 0. The space distribution and metallicities of the whole sample of known globular clusters are taken into account, and the obtained results indicate that 8.6 >R 0 (kpc) > 6.4. Analysis of a selected sample of clusters further suggests thatR 0 = 7.6 ± 0.4 kpc.  相似文献   

We present the results of a K -band imaging survey of 40 arcmin2 in fields around 14 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN), comprising six radio galaxies and eight quasars, with z >1.5. The survey, which is 80 per cent complete to K <19.2 mag and complemented by R -band imaging, aimed at investigating whether extremely red objects are present in excess around high- z AGN, and to study the environment of z >1.5 radio galaxies and radio-loud quasars. At 18< K <19 mag, the differential galaxy counts in our fields suggest a systematic excess over the general field counts. At K <19.2 mag we find an excess of galaxies with R − K >6 in comparison with the general field. Consistently, we also find that the R − K colour distribution of all the galaxies in the AGN fields is significantly redder than the colour distribution of the field galaxies. On the other hand, the distribution of the R − K colours is indistinguishable from that of galaxies taken from literature fields around radio-loud quasars at 1< z <2. We discuss the main implications of our findings and we compare the possible scenarios that could explain our results.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the X-ray point source populations in 182 Chandra images of galaxy clusters at   z > 0.1  with exposure time >10 ks, as well as 44 non-cluster fields. The analysis of the number and flux of these sources, using a detailed pipeline to predict the distribution of non-cluster sources in each field, reveals an excess of X-ray point sources associated with the galaxy clusters. A sample of 148 galaxy clusters at  0.1 < z < 0.9  , with no other nearby clusters, shows an excess of 230 cluster sources in total, an average of ∼1.5 sources per cluster. The lack of optical data for these clusters limits the physical interpretation of this result, as we cannot calculate the fraction of cluster galaxies hosting X-ray sources. However, the fluxes of the excess sources indicate that over half of them are very likely to be active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the radial distribution shows that they are quite evenly distributed over the central 1 Mpc of the cluster, with almost no sources found beyond this radius. We also use this pipeline to successfully reproduce the results of previous studies, particularly the higher density of sources in the central 0.5 Mpc of a few cluster fields, but show that these conclusions are not generally valid for this larger sample of clusters. We conclude that some of these differences may be due to the sample properties, such as the size and redshift of the clusters studied, or a lack of publications for cluster fields with no excess sources. This paper also presents the basic X-ray properties of the galaxy clusters, and in subsequent papers in this series the dependence of the AGN population on these cluster properties will be evaluated.
In addition the properties of over 9500 X-ray point sources in the fields of galaxy clusters are tabulated in a separate catalogue available online or at http://www.sc.eso.org~rgilmour .  相似文献   

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