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We interpret the puzzling-ray bursts as emitted by cooling sparks from the surface of spasmodically accreting, old neutron stars. Their spiky, anisotropic radiation is oriented w.r.t. the galactic disk via interstellar accretion, whose orbital angular momentum tends to counteralign with the galactic spin; in this way, larger source numbers in directions of the galactic disk are compensated by smaller beaming probabilities, resulting in a near-isotropic arrival distribution, as observed by BATSE. The source distances range between 10 pc and 500 pc. Their radiated energies are of order 1035 erg, corresponding to accreted clumps (blades) of typical mass 1015 g per burst. Magnetic surface field strengths range between 1010 and 1012 G, somewhat weaker than those of newborn neutron stars.  相似文献   

We investigate the viability of the Galactic corona model of -ray bursts by calculating the spatial distribution of neutron stars born with high velocities in the Galactic disk, and comparing the resulting brightness and angular distribution with the BATSE data. We find that the Galactic corona model can reproduce the BATSE peak flux and angular distribution data for neutron star kick velocities 800 km s–1, source turn-on ages 10 Myrs, and sampling depths 100 kpc d max 400 kpc.  相似文献   

When measurements are performed with a detector under the conditions of a variable threshold, systematic errors in the threshold determination strongly influence thelogN-log(C/C min) distribution. Applications to gamma ray burst samples are discussed.  相似文献   

Poynting-flux driven outflows from magnetized rotators are a plausible explanation for gamma-ray burst engines. We suggest a new possibility for how such outflows might transfer energy into radiating particles. We argue that, in a region near the rotation axis, the Poynting flux drives non-linearly unstable large-amplitude electromagnetic waves (LAEMW) that 'break' at radii     where the MHD approximation becomes inapplicable. In the 'foaming' (relativistically reconnecting) regions formed during the wave breaks, the random electric fields stochastically accelerate particles to ultrarelativistic energies which then radiate in turbulent electromagnetic fields. The typical energy of the emitted photons is a fraction of the fundamental Compton energy     with     plus additional boosting due to the bulk motion of the medium. The emission properties are similar to synchrotron radiation, with a typical cooling time ∼10−3 s. During the wave break, the plasma is also bulk accelerated in the outward radial direction and at larger radii can produce afterglows due to interactions with the external medium. The near equipartition fields required by afterglow models may be due to magnetic field regeneration in the outflowing plasma (similar to field generation by LAEMW in laser–plasma interactions) and mixing with the upstream plasma.  相似文献   

During February, 1981 and June, 1982 the gamma-ray and the hard X-ray spectrometers on the Hinotori satellite observed four gamma-ray bursts on 28 February, 21 July, 1981, 26 February and 13 March, 1982. These gamma-ray bursts were simultaneously observed by other satellites. The time histories and energy spectra are shown for these gamma-ray bursts, and the burst sizes (erg cm–2) are estimated. Two possible source locations for the burst of 21 July, 1981 are roughly determined from arrival time delays between two pairs of satellites, PVO-Hinotori and ISEE-3-Hinotori. The weak gamma-ray line peak structure around 1.8 MeV was observed for the burst of 13 March, 1982. The line could be interpreted in terms of gravitationally redshifted neutron capture line at 2.22 MeV.  相似文献   

Temporal aspects of the gamma-ray burst phenomenon are reviewed in a hierarchical schema. The macrocosm - burst profiles taken as a whole - is fairly well characterized. The bimodal duration distribution can be framed in terms of discretization of pulse structures. The average burst envelope is slightly asymmetric, an aspect possibly related to spectral softening. Burst durations are longer for dim BATSE bursts, an effect explainable by either cosmic time dilation or a luminosity function governed by special relativistic beaming, or a combination. GeV emission, persisting up to thousands of seconds after burst cessation at keV-MeV energies is one of the most challenging features of bursts. On the timescale of pulses structures (the mesocosm), some properties mirror the macrocosm: rise/decay asymmetry; wider pulses and longer intervals between pulses in dim bursts than in bright ones; and the tendency of pulses to soften with time. A central clue to the burst mechanism may be the organization in time and energy, manifest as pulses, for both long and short bursts. Burst profiles appear to be well represented by pulses, accounting for the vast majority of emission in the BATSE energy band. In the microcosm, existence of a higher frequency component - with properties possibly unlike those of pulses - has not been well addressed.  相似文献   

Based on Link & Epstein's study of temporal asymmetry of 631 gamma-ray bursts from the BATSE 3B catalogue, we identify the population of bursts with rising times that are longer than their decays, thus showing atypical profiles. We analyse their sky distribution, morphology, time–space clustering and other average properties and compare them with those associated with the bulk of the bursts. We show how most of the peculiar bursts analysed are consistent with recent fireball models, but a fraction of bursts (∼4 per cent of the total sample) appear to be inconsistent.  相似文献   

GRBs are the most energetic combination of jets and disks in the Universe. Observations made using Swift reveal a complex temporal and spectral behaviour. We propose that this behaviour can be used to refine the GRB classification scheme and align it better with progenitor types. The early (prompt) X-ray light curve can be well described by an exponential which relaxes into a power law. The transition time between the exponential and the power law gives a well-defined timescale, T p , for the burst duration which we use with the spectral index of the prompt emission, β p , and the prompt power law decay index, α p to define four classes of burst: short, slow, fast and soft. Short bursts tend to decline more gradually than long bursts. Most GRBs display a second “afterglow” component which can be fitted in a similar way to the early emission. During the decay of this second component, few GRBs show jet breaks in accord with pre-Swift predictions. However, the start time of the final afterglow decay, T a , correlates with the peak of the prompt γ-ray emission spectrum, E peak, in an analogous way to the Ghirlanda relation found between optical “jet-break” times, t j , and E peak. These data are inconsistent with simple achromatic jet-break models casting doubt on the reliability of using late temporal breaks to determine the jet collimation.  相似文献   

An overview of the observational and theoretical study of white dwarf pulsators is given. Particular attention is drawn to the contributions of South African-based workers.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray bursts: post-burst evolution of fireballs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The post-burst evolution of fireballs that produce γ-ray bursts (GRBs) is studied, assuming the expansion of fireballs to be adiabatic and relativistic. Numerical results as well as an approximate analytic solution for the evolution are presented. Owing to the adoption of a new relation between t R and γ, our results differ markedly from previous studies. Synchrotron radiation from the shocked interstellar medium is carefully calculated, using a conventional set of equations. The observed X-ray flux of GRB afterglows can be reproduced easily. Although the optical afterglows seem much more complicated, our results can still present a rather satisfactory agreement with observations. We also find that the expansion will no longer be highly relativistic about 4 d after the main GRB. We thus suggest that the marginally relativistic phase of the expansion should be investigated so as to check the afterglows observed a week or more later.  相似文献   

A gamma-ray burst (GRB) releases an amount of energy similar to that of a supernova explosion, which combined with its rapid variability suggests an origin related to neutron stars or black holes. Since these compact stellar remnants form from the most massive stars not long after their birth, GRBs should trace the star formation rate in the Universe; we show that the GRB flux distribution is consistent with this. Because of the strong evolution of the star formation rate with redshift, it follows that the dimmest known bursts have z  ∼ 6, much above the value usually quoted and beyond the most distant quasars. This explains the absence of bright galaxies in well-studied GRB error boxes. The increased distances imply a peak luminosity of 8.3 × 1051 erg s−1 and a rate density of 0.025 per million years per galaxy. These values are 20 times higher and 150 times lower, respectively, than are implied by fits with non-evolving GRB rates. This means either that GRBs are caused by a much rarer phenomenon than mergers of binary neutron stars, or that their gamma-ray emission is often invisible to us due to beaming. Precise burst locations from optical transients will discriminate between the various models for GRBs from stellar deaths, because the distance between progenitor birth place and burst varies greatly among them. The dimmest GRBs are then the most distant known objects, and may probe the Universe at an age when the first stars were forming.  相似文献   

Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are important for the study of the Universe near and beyond the epoch of reionization. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of an 'ideal' instrument that can be used to search for GRBs at z ≥ 6–10. We find that the detection of these objects requires soft-band detectors with high sensitivity and a moderately large field of view. In light of these results, we compare available and planned GRB missions, deriving conservative predictions of the number of high-redshift GRBs detectable by these instruments along with the maximum accessible redshift. We show that the Swift satellite will be able to detect various GRBs at z ≥ 6, and likely at z ≥ 10 if the trigger threshold is decreased by a factor of ∼2. Furthermore, we find that INTEGRAL and GLAST are not the best tools to detect bursts at z ≥ 6, the former being limited by the small field of view, and the latter by its hard energy band and relatively low sensitivity. Finally, future missions ( SVOM , EDGE and, in particular, EXIST ) will provide a good sample of GRBs at z ≥ 6 within a few years of operation.  相似文献   

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