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Active Doppler sonar systems are gaining popularity as a method to profile remotely the oceanic velocity field. Estimation of the variance with which an ideal single.beam sonar system measures relative Doppler motion is the subject of this paper. Theoretical formulations, simulated reverberation data, and sea data are considered to determine this variance. The sea data considered in this paper were selected carefully to avoid performance degrading physical/instrumental phenomena and bias corrected to remove further instrumental effects. Asymptotic performance, determined in this research, is realized when instrumental and physical phenomena do not measurably affect experimental performance. Oceanic and simulated data sets are processed with several velocity-estimation algorithms that are implemented in existing sonar systems. These algorithms are compared against each other and the velocity-estimation standard-deviation results tabulated. The algorithms are shown to possess similar performance characteristics when simulated, and sea data are processed in spite of the fact that some of these algorithms are suboptimal from a theoretical viewpoint. The results of this study show that the asymptotic performance of the Doppler system examined is approximately 25 percent above a theoretical lower bound.  相似文献   

单波束测深技术在海底管道检测中应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明海底管道的位置和掩埋状态,在海底管道检测中使用了单波束测深技术。对探测过程中海底管道的声波反射特征和解释方法进行了研究,研究结果表明,浅水时反射曲线更能反映管道的真实形态;深水时无论是绕射曲线还是反射曲线均与管道的真实形态有较大差异。波束角会严重影响单波束对海底管道的探测能力。通过对测量记录的分析,可对海底管道的位置、埋设深度和是否发生悬空等状况进行判断。  相似文献   

An acoustic ground discrimination system (QTC VIEW, Series IV) was used to identify and map the bottom acoustic diversity in the bar channel of Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal. The majority of the survey area presented shallow depth for this type of equipment, ranging mainly from 5 to 15 m. Depth occasionally reached 25 m in specific areas located across the entrance channel, dug by the strong tidal currents, reaching 3 m/s. The acoustic data were submitted to manual and auto-cluster and the results obtained from both procedures were coherent. Using aids to the acoustic classification and ground-truth sediment data, a final solution consisting of four acoustic classes was reached. Their geographical distribution was coincident with the spatial distribution of the major bottom types and sediment groups (hard bottom, coarse sand, medium sand and fine sand), identified through multivariate analysis of the grain-size data, and reflected the complex hydrodynamics of the entrance channel. The acoustic pattern was coincident at the intersections of the acoustic survey lines, assuring the repeatability of the acoustic procedure. Overall, the acoustic approach showed consistent results for the assessment and mapping of the benthic habitats in this shallow-water coastal area, providing a very valuable tool in an area where conventional sediment sampling is less favourable, namely due to strong tidal currents and frequent ship traffic, such as the entrance channel of Ria de Aveiro and the near-shore adjacent shelf.  相似文献   

The calibration of multibeam echosounders for backscatter measurements can be conducted efficiently and accurately using data from surveys over a reference natural area, implying appropriate measurements of the local absolute values of backscatter. Such a shallow area (20-m mean depth) has been defined and qualified in the Bay of Brest (France), and chosen as a reference area for multibeam systems operating at 200 and 300 kHz. The absolute reflectivity over the area was measured using a calibrated single-beam fishery echosounder (Simrad EK60) tilted at incidence angles varying between 0° and 60° with a step of 3°. This reference backscatter level is then compared to the average backscatter values obtained by a multibeam echosounder (here a Kongsberg EM 2040-D) at a close frequency and measured as a function of angle; the difference gives the angular bias applicable to the multibeam system for recorded level calibration. The method is validated by checking the single- and multibeam data obtained on other areas with sediment types different from the reference area.  相似文献   

华志励  刘波 《海洋科学》2019,43(9):94-103
为了准确理解冷泉水体中甲烷气体的分布规律,综合运用单波束测深数据和冷泉水体流场数据,建立了冷泉气泡上升、溶解速率的定量反演方法,利用现场海试资料对反演方法进行了验证,并对海试区域的冷泉气体溢出、溶解通量以及冷泉水体的甲烷浓度进行了估算。计算结果表明,考察船航向与冷泉水体流向的差异会对声学探测结果产生影响,当航向与流向的夹角大于±60°时,声学成像中冷泉倾角的误差将超过50%。同时,冷泉气泡上升速率的衰减与溢出口水深显著相关,相关系数可达0.9,并且冷泉上升流对上升速率的提升效果明显。水合物稳定带的分布对冷泉气泡的收缩速率影响显著,稳定带内、外收缩速率的差异可达3~4倍。冷泉气体通量的计算结果表明,调查区域内冷泉的溢出强度整体较大,同时溶解通量与水深之间呈现明显的分段效应。根据冷泉气体溶解通量估算的冷泉水体甲烷浓度与色谱分析结果具有较好的一致性。相关研究有助于实现对冷泉水体中甲烷气体分布的定量评估,为潜在海底冷泉区的圈划和海域天然气水合物的调查提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

El Zeit Bay is a semi-closed area with a rectangular shape which south side is connected witu northwestern side of Red Sea. The study was done to detect the characteristics of the bottom facies at El Zeit Bay. Single-beam seabed echoes combined with diving survey and sediments analyses were used to detect sea bed characteristics. The seabed floor of the study area is characterized by three physiographical distinct bottom facies; sand facies: floral facies and coral patches facies. Sand facies lies at very shallow water it extended from shore line to depth about 2 m. It has very fine sand size intercalated by mud sediments. It is characterized by very poor benthos. Floral bottom facies has medium sand which characterized by rich floral vegetation this flora appear in scattered and irregular forms. It is observed at an average depth from 4 m to 6 m. Coral patches facies is characterized by the presence of coarse sediments. The coral reef covers about 40% of the study area (29.5% hard corals and 10.5% is soft ones) while the rest of the area (60%) is characterized by different benthos. In communities general, his area characterized by high biodiversity.  相似文献   

科考船定点作业时会受到海洋风、涌、浪、流等外界环境因素影响,导致工作效率降低,原位测量精度下降,甚至影响作业安全。动力定位系统 (DP) 具有自动定位功能,能够抵抗外界环境因素的影响,可实现科考船高精度定点控位。 单波束测深仪不仅可以测量水深,也可反映水下设备深度信息,可以起到辅助监控水下设备功能。本文在介绍定点作业施工现状与局限性的基础上,分析 DP 系统与单波束测深仪工作原理,以“向阳红 01”船为载体,在定点作业时开启 DP 系统与单波束测深仪,发现该方法可以提高科考船定点作业工作效率、原位测量精度并保障作业安全,可为其他科考船定点作业提供参考。  相似文献   

A recent time reversal (TR) experiment demonstrated that multiple foci can be projected from an array of sources to the same range but at different depths. This multiple input/multiple output process can potentially increase the information data rate. This paper presents experimental results of coherent TR communications (binary phase-shift keying, quaternary phase-shift keying, and 8-quadratic-amplitude modulation) at 3.5 kHz with a 1-kHz bandwidth where different messages were sent simultaneously to either two or three different depths at an 8.6-km range in a 105-m-deep water.  相似文献   

Based on Olex single-beam sounder data, multibeam sonar surveys, and sparse seismic reflection profiles, we recognize a large area of anomalous bathymetry on the Northeast Newfoundland Shelf as having formed as a result of mass-transport processes. Transported masses include (1) an arcuate ridge of deformed material with an area of 430 km2, which has moved distances of ~20 km; (2) a 70-km2 mass of deformed material displaced 50 km along a nearly horizontal track flanked by 90-m-high berms. The movement of these and other sediment bodies has created a 150-m-high headwall escarpment extending 110 km along the north flank of the Notre Dame glacial trough. In addition, a 35-km2 block of undeformed material has moved 5 km to the southeast, away from the headwall, creating a gap of the same dimensions, while a smaller block of material originating in this vicinity has been displaced 24 km in the opposite direction, creating a 20-m-deep groove on the seafloor. There is evidence for mass transport and headwall formation elsewhere on the Northeast Newfoundland Shelf. Analysis of seismic reflection data indicates that the transported material most likely consists of stacked Quaternary till sheets that overlie Cenozoic, Mesozoic and older sedimentary rocks. Given the very low gradients involved, glaciotectonism is the most likely process to account for transport and deformation of the large sediment masses. However, some mass transport may have resulted from submarine sliding away from the headwalls that were created by the glacial transport.  相似文献   

A portable system for the measurement of certain underwater acoustic propagation phenomena is described. Acoustic sources and receivers of special design are used. A precision tracking system enables coherent signal reception in the presence of source-receiver motion. The major elements of the acoustic range are described and examples of data are presented.  相似文献   

Considering two identical two-level atoms interacting with a single-model dissipative coherent cavity field without rotating wave approximation, we explore the entanglement dynamics of the two atoms prepared in different states using concurrence. Interestingly, our results show that the entanglement between the two atoms that initially disentangled will come up to a large constant rapidly, and then keeps steady in the following time or always has its maximum when prepared in some special Bell states. The model considered in this study is a good candidate for quantum information processing especially for quantum computation as steady high-degree atomic entanglement resource obtained in dissipative cavity.  相似文献   

A numerical short-wave model system based on the Boussinesq equations is verified against analytical as well as experimental results for shoaling, refraction, diffraction and partial reflection processes. It is shown that engineers can confidently and responsibly apply such a model system to the study of wave disturbance in coastal regions.  相似文献   

This paper derives the explicit expressions for the average intensity, beam width and angular spread of Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beams with edge dislocation propagating through atmospheric turbulence along a slant path. The propagation of GSM beams with edge dislocation through horizontal atmospheric turbulence can be treated as a special case through a slant one. The propagation properties of GSM beams with edge dislocation through slant atmospheric turbulence are studied, where the influence of edge dislocation parameters including the slope p and off-axis distance d on the spreading of GSM beams with edge dislocation in atmospheric turbulence is stressed. It shows that the spreading of the intensity profile of GSM beams with edge dislocation along a slant path is smaller than that along a horizontal path in the long-distance atmospheric propagation. The larger the slope vert pvert and the smaller the off-axis distance vert dvert are, the less the beam-width spreading and angular spread of GSM beams with edge dislocation are affected by turbulence. The GSM beams with edge dislocation is less affected by turbulence than that of GSM beams without edge dislocation. The results are illustrated numerically and their validity is interpreted physically.  相似文献   

Achieving reliable underwater communication in shallow water is a difficult task because of the random time-varying nature of multipath propagation. When the product of Doppler-related signal bandwidth spread and multipath-related time spread of the channel is larger than one, some types of adaptive signal processing may not work very well. In this paper, various methods of coherent space-time processing are compared for a condition of a marginally overspread channel operating at 50 kHz. Various combinations of suboptimal spatially adaptive and time adaptive methods are considered. The coherent path beamformer (CPB) and recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive beamformer, both in combination with RLS time filtering, are analyzed. Also considered in the analysis is the combined RLS space-time optimal adaptive processor. Many experiments using broad-band phase-shift-keyed transmissions in shallow water have been conducted to provide data for testing these various processing methods. Because of the rapid time variation of the multipath, the product of bandwidth spread and time spread at this test site approached unity. In this environment, a suboptimal approach consisting of the adaptive beamformer followed by RLS equalization reduced reverberation and transmission errors  相似文献   

A new broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) is described, with a useful range comparable to that of a commercially available narrowband (incoherent) system of the same acoustic frequency, but having enhanced performance. The extra performance may be traded off among (1) reduced velocity variance, (2) reduced averaging time, and (3) finer depth resolution. This improvement permits the observation of phenomena with smaller time and space scales than is now possible with available ADCPs. An expression predicting r.m.s. velocity error in terms of system parameters and the measured acoustic data is given and is shown to be consistent with the independently measured velocity error among redundant beams. Two major sources of bias error in incoherent ADCPs are shown to be much reduced for the broadband system. Field data demonstrating the improved performance over the existing incoherent ADCP are shown for cases of both strong and weak shear  相似文献   

基于相参X-波段海洋雷达的海表轮廓测量研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
X-波段海洋雷达测量所得海面散射单元的多普勒信息与散射单元的雷达视向速度密切相关。首先,基于符号多普勒估计方法,对X-波段雷达海面回波的多普勒频移信息进行了估计;在此基础上,应用各分辨单元回波的多普勒频移信息,建立了海浪表面轮廓的反演算法。该算法中,同时考虑了雷达入射角、方位角和雷达空间分辨率等因素对反演结果的影响。通过将反演结果与浮标测量数据相比较,发现雷达空间分辨率起到了类似低通滤波的作用,该作用对短重力波谱影响显著。同时,还应用加拿大麦克马斯特大学的IPIX雷达数据对海表轮廓进行了反演,并将反演所得有效波高、海浪周期与现场测量数据进行了比较,反演结果与现场测量结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

Previous studies have highlighted reversals in the Beaufort Gyre on regional scales during summer months, and more recently, throughout the annual cycle. In this study we investigate coherent ice drift features associated with individual ice beacons during winter 2008 that may be a signature of ice–coast interactions, atmospheric and/or oceanic forcing. Examined in particular are three case studies associated with reversals in ice beacon trajectories in January and April of 2008; case I corresponds to a meander reversal event in January, case II to a loop reversal event in April, and case III to a meander reversal event located to the northeast of the Mackenzie Canyon in April. An assessment of atmospheric and oceanic conditions during these reversal events shows enhanced ocean–sea-ice–atmosphere dynamical coupling during the Case I meander reversal event in January and comparatively weak coupling during the Case II loop and Case III meander reversal event in April. Absolute (single-particle/beacon) and relative (two-particle/beacon) dispersion results demonstrate dominant meridional ice drift displacement and inter-beacon separation for Case I relative to Cases II and III indicative of ice–ice and ice–coast interactions in January. The results from this investigation provide an ice drift case study analysis relevant to, and template for, high-resolution sea ice dynamic modeling studies essential for safety and hazard assessments of transportation routes and shipping lanes, ice forecasting, and nutrient and contaminant transport by sea ice in the Arctic.  相似文献   

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