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This study deals with the technique of remote sensing and how far it helps in the rapid study of geographical phenomena especially land use within a very short time and accurate manner. It evaluates how well data from the Landsat - Multispectral Scanner (MSS) could be used to detect, identify and delineate land use features within the Andhra Pradesh State. The main objective was to prepare a small scale land use map from satellite imagery showing the broad distribution of land use patterns to serve as a base for monitoring land use change.  相似文献   

To tackle the problems arising due to rapid urbanization, the urban planners need relevant data base. Since the conventional methods of data acquisition and processing ate not cost and time effective, introduction of new techniques is necessary. Application of satellite remote sensing is an alternative. Ia this paper attempt has been made to find out the usefulness of visual interpretation technique of satellite remote sensing data in the selection of new residential site. SPOT 1 HRV 1 MLA (FCC) date has been used to map existing landuse/landcover of Hisar town and its environs. Based on existing landuse/lsndcover conditions and evaluation of various suitability parameters like physiography, slope, drainage, availability of drinking water and wind direction, a new residential site has been selected. This study may be useful to the urban planners in the preparation of a comprehensive plan Df the town.  相似文献   

针对单一应用遥感影像难以进行城市内部用地结构分类以及高精度城市内部用地多期空间数据叠置分析中位置误差问题建立了基于"分层分类"与"对象分割"的城市内部用地空间信息数字重建方法。实现对特大城市产业用地(住宅、商业、工业等)以及交通、水系、生态绿地等不同功能结构用地的高精度监测以及历史演变过程的重建。综合集成SPOT5,1︰1万地形图、历史地图及城市规划图等辅助信息对长春城市1905年以来城市用地信息进行分类。研究表明,在专家知识参与下人—机交互解译,集成多源空间信息对实现高精度城市用地空间信息重建具有较高的应用价值,该方法不仅能提高城市用地分类精度而且能提高城市用地空间信息提取效率以及多期空间数据叠置分析的定位精度。  相似文献   

Bombay Metropolitan Region covering an area of about 4,360 sq. km. was selected for urban land use studies and for urban land use zoning. Urban land use mapping was carried out using SPOT multispectral linear array imagery on 1∶25,000 scale employing visual analysis tehcniques. Fifteen maps were prepared depicting the spatial distribution of various urban classes in the Greater Bombay and New Bombay regions. Sixteen urban land use maps were also prepared using Landsat TM data showing the distribution of land use pattern on 1∶50,000 scale for the entire metropolitan region. Urban land use zoning was carried out based upon suitability index on 1∶250,000 scale. This map provides information on the areas to be used for construction and areas to be kept under green belt in the metropolitan region. This study is a joint venture of Space Applications Centre with Bombay Metropolitan Development authority.  相似文献   

In most of the developing countries, cities are expanding due to urbanization. To cope-up with problem, planners/decision makers need up-to-date physical data base for proper planning and management of the cities. Such data base can be generated quickly through aerial/satellite remote sensing techniques. In this ‘Case Study’ of Chiangmai, Thailand, sequential aerial photographs and SPOT image were used for urban landuse change studies. A comparison was also made for the growth studies of SPOT and aerial photographs. The analysis of study revealed that maximum agriculture land was converted to urban landuse. Urban growth of the city found to be 3.5 times less in case of SPOT results compared to aerial photographs. Urban landuse change was observed all around the city.  相似文献   

The Paper describes an effort made in mapping the existing Land Use in the City Centre of Dehra Dun, using Aerial Photo-interpretation techniques. An attempt is also made towards evolving a suitable land use classification for an Indian Urban situation as well as to test the land use classification scheme designed by the Town and Country Planning Organization (TCPO), Delhi. Black and white aerial photographs on a scale of 1:11,000 (approximately) taken by a wide angle lens camera were used. Field verification of random samples was carried out to check the validity of classification.  相似文献   

Here an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of satellite remote sensing in land system mapping, land resources inventory and land use planning of a sample river basin (in Arunachal Pradesh) covering an area of 10,186 sq. km. The (Kemang) river basin has been divided intofour land systems viz : structural, denudational, piedmont and fluvial. Each system has been analysed with respect toeight land water-land use (resource) parameters for proper land use and environmental management of the river basin. A tentative‘productivity/development strategy ranking’ is also given for optimum planning of the basin.  相似文献   

This study aims to prepare a detailed GIS-based geomorphological map accompanied with landfill sites of Dhaka city area which can be used for multipurpose functionality. Attainment of the geomorphological map is based upon interpretation of the oldest available aerial photographs (1:40,000) and contemporary topographic maps (1:8000) which reflect almost pre-urban ground of Dhaka. Randomly distributed 160 boreholes have been used to prepare representative soil profiles (RSP) to identify the near-surface lithology of the geomorphological units. The study reveals that 13 out of 18 low-lying geomorphic units, comprising 65% of the total area demand landfill practices for urban development. Landfill sites have been merged with urban growth on each low-lying geomorphic unit using a spatially enhanced fused image of IRS-1D PAN and ETM+ bands 5, 4 and 3, acquired February 2000 and 2002, respectively. We found that 43% area of the total low-lying geomorphic units experience fill practices so far. The fill sites have been differentiated into four classes based on their relative thickness. Integration of fill classes with geomorphological map shows the urban dynamics of Dhaka city area till 2002. Due to GIS integration, this map can be rapidly updated to demonstrate temporal modifications in urban ground. It can be used effectively in different geomorphological hazard mapping and urban land-use practices.  相似文献   

The Lucknow Urban Sprawl map for 1972-92 and land use/land cover map of Lucknow area for 1992 were prepared from the satellite imageries of different time period. The analysis has revealed that Lucknow City has been growing at a faster rate especially during the last decade. Most of growth has been towards north-east and South-West direction along major transport routes.  相似文献   

基于TM图像,采用灰度图像分割算法,自动提取南京市中心城区的不透水面、植被及水体;并用单窗算法反演了地表温度;依据离市中心的距离将中心城区分为45级缓冲区,依次统计分析每一级缓冲区内的平均温度、不透水面温度、植被温度、水体温度及各类地物的面积比例等;建立了地表温度与不透水面比例、植被比例、水体比例之间的关系模型.研究结果表明:随离市中心距离的增大,地表温度降低;植被、水体具有降温效应,水体的降温效应是植被的2.43倍;地表温度与不透水面比例、植被比例、水体比例的综合关系模型模拟效果较好.  相似文献   

针对在微观尺度上土地利用绩效研究比较欠缺的问题,从乡(镇、街道)尺度开展兰州市土地利用绩效空间差异研究。根据前人工作基础确立土地利用绩效评价指标体系,运用熵值法计算和分析兰州市土地利用绩效的空间差异。结果表明,土地利用程度、效率与效益三者呈现出聚集且相似的空间分布特征;而土地利用可持续性空间分布趋势则比较离散;土地利用绩效值形成了4个高值中心区,较高值区分布在高值区的外围,低值区则分布在边缘地区;土地利用绩效的空间聚集性分为热点区、冷点区和异质冷点区3种类型,冷点区空间分布广,稳定性优于异质冷点区和热点区。研究结果为相关政府部门推进土地合理利用提供可靠详实的决策信息。  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of Landsat Thematic Mapper data coupled with ground checking has been used to extract information for urban areas. The emphasis has been given on development of land use/land cover scheme and image interpretation keys for interpretation and delineation purposes using satellite remote sensing data. Lucknow city and its surroundings have been studied to evaluate the usefulness and potentiality of satellite data particularly Landsat Thematic Mapper for urban area studies. This study has demonstrated that remote sensing can provide a valuable tool for urban data acquisition.  相似文献   

A major challenge is to develop a biodiversity observation system that is cost effective and applicable in any geographic region. Measuring and reliable reporting of trends and changes in biodiversity requires amongst others detailed and accurate land cover and habitat maps in a standard and comparable way. The objective of this paper is to assess the EODHaM (EO Data for Habitat Mapping) classification results for a Dutch case study. The EODHaM system was developed within the BIO_SOS (The BIOdiversity multi-SOurce monitoring System: from Space TO Species) project and contains the decision rules for each land cover and habitat class based on spectral and height information. One of the main findings is that canopy height models, as derived from LiDAR, in combination with very high resolution satellite imagery provides a powerful input for the EODHaM system for the purpose of generic land cover and habitat mapping for any location across the globe. The assessment of the EODHaM classification results based on field data showed an overall accuracy of 74% for the land cover classes as described according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) taxonomy at level 3, while the overall accuracy was lower (69.0%) for the habitat map based on the General Habitat Category (GHC) system for habitat surveillance and monitoring. A GHC habitat class is determined for each mapping unit on the basis of the composition of the individual life forms and height measurements. The classification showed very good results for forest phanerophytes (FPH) when individual life forms were analyzed in terms of their percentage coverage estimates per mapping unit from the LCCS classification and validated with field surveys. Analysis for shrubby chamaephytes (SCH) showed less accurate results, but might also be due to less accurate field estimates of percentage coverage. Overall, the EODHaM classification results encouraged us to derive the heights of all vegetated objects in the Netherlands from LiDAR data, in preparation for new habitat classifications.  相似文献   

Much effort has been applied to the study of land use multi‐objective optimization. However, most of these studies have focused on the final land use scenarios in the projected year, without considering how to reach the final optimized land use scenario. To fill this gap, a spatio‐temporal land use multi‐objective optimization (STLU‐MOO) model is innovatively proposed in this research to determine possible spatial land use solutions over time. The STLU‐MOO is an extension of a genetic land use multi‐objective optimization model (LU‐MOO) in which the LU‐MOO is generally carried out in different years, and the solutions at year T will affect the solutions at year T + 1. We used the Wuhan agglomeration (WHA) as our case study area. The STLU‐MOO model was employed separately for the nine cities in the WHA, and social, economic, and environmental objectives have been considered. The success of the experiments in the case study demonstrated the value and novelty of our proposed STLU‐MOO model. In addition, the results also indicated that the objectives considered in the case study were in conflict. According to the results, the optimal land use plan in 2050 can be traced back to 2040, 2030, and 2020, providing a series of Pareto solutions over the years which can provide spatio‐temporal land use multi‐objective optimization solutions to support the land use planning process.  相似文献   

利用纹理特征提取城市用地信息方法探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘玉芳  刘定生 《测绘科学》2005,30(4):46-47,56
就利用灰度共生矩阵纹理特征提取城市用地信息做了初步探索。计算灰度共生矩阵四个纹理特征量,选择建筑用地与其它地类的纹理特征统计量差别较大的特征,用于提取建筑用地信息。通过计算选择了对比度纹理特征,对该特征图像进行分类、密度分割及后处理,得到城市用地信息。通过精度评定证明了纹理特征用于分类可以提高分类的精度,并能提高土地利用动态监测的自动化程度。  相似文献   

最佳波段组合的城市土地利用类型提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对Landsat 8陆地成像仪(OLI)遥感影像光谱特征利用率不高等问题,为排除波段间冗余信息的干扰,提高土地利用特征提取的精度,该文以2014年唐山市中心城区Landsat 8OLI遥感影像为主要数据源,开展了基于Landsat 8OLI影像的城市土地利用特征提取的最佳波段选择研究。根据最佳波段选取原则统计波段光谱信息,基于最佳指数因子以及不同土地利用类型的光谱特征曲线,确定波段1、5、7为最适合该遥感影像进行土地利用特征提取的最佳波段组合。  相似文献   


Land use/land cover (LULC) classification with high accuracy is necessary, especially in eco-environment research, urban planning, vegetation condition study and soil management. Over the last decade a number of classification algorithms have been developed for the analysis of remotely sensed data. The most notable algorithms are the object-oriented K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and the Decision Trees (DTs) amongst many others. In this study, LULC types of Selangor area were analyzed on the basis of the classification results acquired using the pixel-based and object-based image analysis approaches. SPOT 5 satellite images with four spectral bands from 2003 and 2010 were used to carry out the image classification and ground truth data were collected from Google Earth and field trips. In pixel-based image analysis, a supervised classification was performed using the DT classifier. On the other hand, object-oriented (K-NN) image analysis was evaluated using standard nearest neighbour as classifier. Subsequently SVM object-based classification was performed. Five LULC categories were extracted and the results were compared between them. The overall classification accuracies for 2003 and 2010 showed that the object-oriented (K-NN) (90.5% and 91%) performed better results than the pixel-based DT (68.6% and 68.4%) and object-based SVM (80.6% and 78.15%). In general, the object-oriented (K-NN) performed better than both DTs and SVMs. The obtained LULC classification maps can be used to improve various applications such as change detection, urban design, environmental management and zooning.  相似文献   

Simulations of intra-urban land use changes have gradually attracted more attention as these approaches are extremely helpful in regard to decision making and policy formulation. While prior studies mostly focused on methods of developing intra-urban level simulations, very little research has been conducted explain the factors driving intra-urban land use change. Urban planners are highly concerned with how inner-city structures are formed and how they function. Here, to simulate multiple intra-urban land use changes and to identify the contribution of different driving factors, we developed a random forests (RF) algorithm-based cellular automata (CA) simulation model. In this study, the model applied diverse categories of spatial variables, including traffic location factors, environmental factors, public services, and population density, as the driving factors to enhance our understanding of the dynamics of internal urban land use. The CA model was tested using data from the Huicheng district of Huizhou city in the Guangdong province of China. The Model was validated using actual historical land use data from 2000 to 2010. By applying the validated model, multiple intra-urban land use maps were simulated for 2015. Simultaneously, spatial variable importance measures (VIMs) were calculated by using the out-of-bag (OOB) error estimation approach of the RF algorithm. Based on the calculation results, we assessed and analysed the significance of each intra-urban land use driver for this region. This study provides urban planners and relevant scholars with detailed and targeted information that can aid in the formulation of specific planning strategies for different intra-urban land uses and support the future evolution of this area.  相似文献   

This study examined the appropriateness of radar speckle reduction for deriving texture measures for land cover/use classifications. Radarsat-2 C-band quad-polarised data were obtained for Washington, DC, USA. Polarisation signatures were extracted for multiple image components, classified with a maximum-likelihood decision rule and thematic accuracies determined. Initial classifications using original and despeckled scenes showed despeckled radar to have better overall thematic accuracies. However, when variance texture measures were extracted for several window sizes from the original and despeckled imagery and classified, the accuracy for the radar data was decreased when despeckled prior to texture extraction. The highest classification accuracy obtained for the extracted variance texture measure from the original radar was 72%, which was reduced to 69% when this measure was extracted from a 5 × 5 despeckled image. These results suggest that it may be better to use despeckled radar as original data and extract texture measures from the original imagery.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市城乡结合部土地利用时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前遥感分类方法容易混淆地物的问题,该文提出了一种改进的决策树分类方法。对1984、1993、2002、2010年哈尔滨市城乡结合部土地利用信息进行提取,分析了该区域的土地利用时空变化特征。研究结果表明,哈尔滨市城乡结合部建设用地所占的比重一直增加,土地利用程度不断提高,南部和东南部的土地利用程度高于北部和西部。随着与城市核心区距离的增加,表现为城市用地减少、农业用地逐渐增多。从空间上分析,受城市规划政策、城市发展模式及城市对外交通导向等多方面的影响,城乡结合部呈放射性向外发展。  相似文献   

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