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Previous studies have computed and modeled fluid flow through fractured rock with the parallel plate approach where the volumetric flow per unit width normal to the direction of flow is proportional to the cubed aperture between the plates, referred to as the traditional cubic law. When combined with the square root relationship of displacement to length scaling of opening-mode fractures, total flow rates through natural opening-mode fractures are found to be proportional to apertures to the fifth power. This new relationship was explored by examining a suite of flow simulations through fracture networks using the discrete fracture network model (DFN). Flow was modeled through fracture networks with the same spatial distribution of fractures for both correlated and uncorrelated fracture length-to-aperture relationships. Results indicate that flow rates are significantly higher for correlated DFNs. Furthermore, the length-to-aperture relations lead to power-law distributions of network hydraulic conductivity which greatly influence equivalent permeability tensor values. These results confirm the importance of the correlated square root relationship of displacement to length scaling for total flow through natural opening-mode fractures and, hence, emphasize the role of these correlations for flow modeling.  相似文献   

Natural fractures are characterized by rough surfaces and complex fluid flows. A large distribution of apertures (residual voids) within their walls and the presence of contact points (in situ normal loads) produce heterogeneous flows (channeling). The resulting permeabilities, porosities or fluid–rock exchange surfaces cannot be realistically modeled by parallel and smooth plate models. Four natural fractures are sampled at different depths and degrees of alteration in the Soultz sandstone and granite (EPS1 drillhole, Soultz-sous-Forêts, Bas-Rhin, France). The fracture surfaces are measured with mechanical profilometry and maps of asperity heights (XYZ). Resulting local apertures (XYe) are then calculated. A statistical study of the surface profiles (XZ) show that the fractures are more or less rough and tortuous according to the types of alteration. Altered samples are characterized by smoother surfaces of fractures. Such differences imply that (i) the average fracture aperture is not representative for the whole fracture and that (ii) the different local apertures should be integrated in hydraulic and mechanical models. A hydraulic model (finite difference calculations) of fluid flow, taking into account the elastic closure (Hertz contact theory) of fractures with depth, is used. Maps of contact points and relative local loads within the fracture planes are compared to flow maps. They show different channeling of fluid flows. Strongly altered fractures are characterized by homogeneous fluxes despite the presence of numerous contact zones during the closure of fracture. By contrast, fresh fractures develop, increasing fluid flow channels with depth.Fracture closure (increasing normal stress) does not systematically increase the channeling of fluid flow. There is evidence for a general smoothing out of the irregularities of the fracture walls due to precipitation of secondary minerals, indicating that the cubic law can be commonly valid, also at great crustal depth but this validity depends on the degree of fracture alteration. Mineralogical and geochemical observations, thus, should be taken into account to perform more accurate permeability calculations and models of fluid circulation in fracture networks.  相似文献   

The role of shear dilation as a mechanism of enhancing fluid flow permeability in naturally fractured reservoirs was mainly recognized in the context of hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal reservoir stimulation. Simplified models based on shear slippage only were developed and their applications to evaluate HDR geothermal reservoir stimulation were reported. Research attention is recently focused to adjust this stimulation mechanism for naturally fractured oil and gas reservoirs which reserve vast resources worldwide. This paper develops the overall framework and basic formulations of this stimulation model for oil and gas reservoirs. Major computational modules include: natural fracture simulation, response analysis of stimulated fractures, average permeability estimation for the stimulated reservoir and prediction of an average flow direction. Natural fractures are simulated stochastically by implementing ‘fractal dimension’ concept. Natural fracture propagation and shear displacements are formulated by following computationally efficient approximate approaches interrelating in situ stresses, natural fracture parameters and stimulation pressure developed by fluid injection inside fractures. The average permeability of the stimulated reservoir is formulated as a function of discretized gridblock permeabilities by applying cubic law of fluid flow. The average reservoir elongation, or the flow direction, is expressed as a function of reservoir aspect ratio induced by directional permeability contributions. The natural fracture simulation module is verified by comparing its results with observed microseismic clouds in actual naturally fractured reservoirs. Permeability enhancement and reservoir growth are characterized with respect to stimulation pressure, in situ stresses and natural fracture density applying the model to two example reservoirs. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fault zone structure and lithology affect permeability of Triassic Muschelkalk limestone-marl-alternations in Southwest Germany, a region characterized by a complex tectonic history. Field studies of eight fault zones provide insights into fracture system parameters (orientation, density, aperture, connectivity, vertical extension) within fault zone units (fault core, damage zone). Results show decreasing fracture lengths with distances to the fault cores in well-developed damage zones. Fracture connectivity at fracture tips is enhanced in proximity to the slip surfaces, particularly caused by shorter fractures. Different mechanical properties of limestone and marl layers obviously affect fracture propagation and thus fracture system connectivity and permeability. Fracture apertures are largest parallel and subparallel to fault zones and prominent regional structures (e.g., Upper Rhine Graben) leading to enhanced fracture-induced permeabilities. Mineralized fractures and mineralizations in fault cores indicate past fluid flow. Permeability is increased by the development of hydraulically active pathways across several beds (non-stratabound fractures) to a higher degree than by the formation of fractures interconnected at fracture tips. We conclude that there is an increase of interconnected fractures and fracture densities in proximity to the fault cores. This is particularly clear in more homogenous rocks. The results help to better understand permeability in Muschelkalk rocks.  相似文献   

The ultra-low-permeability shale gas reservoir has a lot of well-developed natural fractures. It has been proven that hydraulic fracture growth pattern is usually a complex network fracture rather than conventional single planar fractures by micro-seismic monitoring, which can be explained as the shear and tensile failure of natural fractures or creation of new cracks due to the increase in reservoir pore pressure caused by fluid injection during the process of hydraulic fracturing. In order to simulate the network fracture growth, a mathematical model was established based on full tensor permeability, continuum method and fluid mass conservation equation. Firstly, the governing equation of fluid diffusivity based on permeability tensor was solved to obtain the reservoir pressure distribution. Then Mohr–Coulomb shear failure criterion and tensile failure criterion were used to decide whether the rock failed or not in any block on the basis of the calculated reservoir pressure. The grid-block permeability was modified according to the change of fracture aperture once any type of rock failure criterion was met within a grid block. Finally, the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) zone was represented by an enhancement permeability zone. After calibrating the numerical solution of the model with the field micro-seismic information, a sensitivity study was performed to analyze the effects of some factors including initial reservoir pressure, injection fluid volume, natural fracture azimuth angle and horizontal stress difference on the SRV (shape, size, bandwidth and length). The results show that the SRV size increases with the increasing initial pore reservoir and injection fluid volume, but decreases with the increase in the horizontal principal stress difference and natural fracture azimuth angle. The SRV shape is always similar for different initial pore reservoir and injection fluid volume. The SRV is observed to become shorter in length and wider in bandwidth with the decrease in natural fracture azimuth angle and horizontal principal stress difference.  相似文献   

As part of a study investigating the naturally-occurring fractures in mafic rocks, two holes were drilled 450 m apart through the Palisades dolerite sill in New York. Well-2 is 229 m deep and Well-3 was drilled to 305 m, both penetrating through the sill and into the underlying Triassic sediments of the Newark Basin. Both holes were logged with downhole geophysical tools, including the BHTV, which acoustically images fractures intersecting the well. Understanding the fracture pattern, density, and porosity in the sill is essential for identifying possible zones of active fluid flow and high permeability. Using the BHTV logs, 96 and 203 fractures were digitally mapped within the sill in Well-2 and Well-3, respectively. Most fractures appear to dip steeply (76-78°). There is a shift in fracture orientation, however, and these fractures may or may not be continuous over the short lateral distance between Well-2 and Well-3. The lithology of the sill as identified by drill chips is nevertheless continuous between the holes. Both intersect a 7 m thick olivine-rich layer about 15 m above the bottom of the sill. Several fractures identified in Well-2 have large apparent aperture (>6cm) which correspond to high porosity zones (6-14%) observed in the logs. Resistivity logs were used to compute porosity using Archie's law and match well with the neutron porosity log in Well-2. We use the relationship between porosity and fracture aperture within the sill at Well-2 to infer the porosity in Well-3. High-porosity, large-aperture zones, including the target olivine layer, are identified in both holes. Changes in the temperature gradient log indicate active fluid flow in the sill, although flow appears to be most active in the sediments. Direct field measurements of bulk permeability, hydrologic modeling of fluid flow and calibration of fracture and log porosity will be undertaken in the future.  相似文献   

A numerical model is presented to describe the evolution of fracture aperture (and related permeability) mediated by the competing chemical processes of pressure solution and free‐face dissolution/precipitation; pressure (dis)solution and precipitation effect net‐reduction in aperture and free‐face dissolution effects net‐increase. These processes are incorporated to examine coupled thermo‐hydro‐mechano‐chemo responses during a flow‐through experiment, and applied to reckon the effect of forced fluid injection within rock fractures at geothermal and petroleum sites. The model accommodates advection‐dominant transport systems by employing the Lagrangian–Eulerian method. This enables changes in aperture and solute concentration within a fracture to be followed with time for arbitrary driving effective stresses, fluid and rock temperatures, and fluid flow rates. This allows a systematic evaluation of evolving linked mechanical and chemical processes. Changes in fracture aperture and solute concentration tracked within a well‐constrained flow‐through test completed on a natural fracture in novaculite (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2006, in press) are compared with the distributed parameter model. These results show relatively good agreement, excepting an enigmatic abrupt reduction in fracture aperture in the early experimental period, suggesting that other mechanisms such as mechanical creep and clogging induced by unanticipated local precipitation need to be quantified and incorporated. The model is applied to examine the evolution in fracture permeability for different inlet conditions, including localized (rather than distributed) injection. Predictions show the evolution of preferential flow paths driven by dissolution, and also define the sense of permeability evolution at field scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

构造应力对裂缝形成与流体流动的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
裂缝是低渗透储层流体流动的主要通道,控制了低渗透油气藏的渗流系统。低渗透储层裂缝的形成与流体密切相关,高流体压力引起岩石内部的有效正应力下降,导致岩石剪切破裂强度下降,使岩石容易产生裂缝。高孔隙流体压力还造成某一点的应力摩尔圆向左移动,可以使其最小主应力(σ3)由压应力状态变成拉张应力状态,从而在岩石中形成拉张裂缝。裂缝的渗透性受现今应力场的影响,通常与现今应力场最大主压应力近平行分布的裂缝呈拉张状态,连通性好,开度大,渗透率高,是主渗透裂缝方向。构造应力对沉积盆地流体流动的影响主要表现在三个方面:(1)构造应力导致的岩石变形,不仅提供了流体流动的通道,而且还改变了岩石的渗透性能;(2)在构造强烈活动时期,构造应力的快速变化是流体流动的重要驱动力;(3)岩石中应力状态影响多孔介质的有效应力,从而影响介质中的渗流场。当作用在含流体介质上的构造应力发生改变时,岩石孔隙体积变小,构造应力首先由岩石的骨架来承担;当岩石孔隙体积减小到一定程度时,构造应力由孔隙流体来承担,从而影响岩层渗流场的变化。  相似文献   

Summary. Permeability is a physical property in rocks of extreme importance in energy engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and various areas of geology. Early on, fractures in fluid flow models were assumed to be rigid. However, experimental research and field data confirmed that stress-deformation behavior in fractures is a key factor governing their permeability tensor. Although extensive research was conducted in the past, the three-dimensional stress-permeability relationships, particularly in the inelastic deformation stage, still remain unclear. In this paper, laboratory experiments conducted on large concrete blocks with randomly distributed fractures and rock core samples are reported to investigate fluid flow and permeability variations under uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial complete stress-strain process. Experimental relationships among flowrate, permeability and fracture aperture in the fractured media are investigated. Results show that the flowrate and stress/aperture exhibit “cubic law” relationship for the randomly distributed fractures. A permeability-aperture relationship is proposed according to the experimental results. Based on this relationship, stress-dependent permeability in a set of fractures is derived in a three-dimensional domain by using a coupled stress and matrix-fracture interactive model. A double porosity finite element model is extended by incorporating such stress-dependent permeability effects. The proposed model is applied to examine permeability variations induced by stress redistributions for an inclined borehole excavated in a naturally fractured formation. The results indicate that permeability around underground openings depends strongly on stress changes and orientations of the natural fractures.  相似文献   

The failure mechanism of hydraulic fractures in heterogeneous geological materials is an important topic in mining and petroleum engineering. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model that considers the coupled effects of seepage, damage, and the stress field is introduced. This model is based on a previously developed two-dimensional (2D) version of the model (RFPA2D-Rock Failure Process Analysis). The RFPA3D-Parallel model is developed using a parallel finite element method with a message-passing interface library. The constitutive law of this model considers strength and stiffness degradation, stress-dependent permeability for the pre-peak stage, and deformation-dependent permeability for the post-peak stage. Using this model, 3D modelling of progressive failure and associated fluid flow in rock are conducted and used to investigate the hydro-mechanical response of rock samples at laboratory scale. The responses investigated are the axial stress–axial strain together with permeability evolution and fracture patterns at various stages of loading. Then, the hydraulic fracturing process inside a rock specimen is numerically simulated. Three coupled processes are considered: (1) mechanical deformation of the solid medium induced by the fluid pressure acting on the fracture surfaces and the rock skeleton, (2) fluid flow within the fracture, and (3) propagation of the fracture. The numerically simulated results show that the fractures from a vertical wellbore propagate in the maximum principal stress direction without branching, turning, and twisting in the case of a large difference in the magnitude of the far-field stresses. Otherwise, the fracture initiates in a non-preferred direction and plane then turns and twists during propagation to become aligned with the preferred direction and plane. This pattern of fracturing is common when the rock formation contains multiple layers with different material properties. In addition, local heterogeneity of the rock matrix and macro-scale stress fluctuations due to the variability of material properties can cause the branching, turning, and twisting of fractures.  相似文献   

The representation of the surface of a rock fracture and a numerical method to simulate fluid flow in single fractures are the keys to understanding the hydraulic behaviour of rock fractures. In this paper, a cellular automaton (CA) approach is used to generate the single fracture structure, which is assumed to be composed of contacts and voids. We develop a CA evolution rule to produce a contact area, and randomly model a single rock fracture with different contact ratios to reflect natural fracture properties such as dead voids, islands and tortuous flow path. Then, based on the localisation theory of a CA, a numerical method to simulate fluid flow in single fractures with contacts is developed. In this method, the fracture is discretised into a system composed of cell elements. Different apertures, i.e., zero for contacts and non-zero for voids, are assigned to each cell element. Therefore, the contribution of the cell elements in a contact on a cell’s transmissivity can be ignored completely. The local transmissivity is assumed to conform to the cubic law. The fluid flow in a fracture with different contact situations is then modelled using the method established in this paper. The fluid flow path, flow velocity and fluid head distributions as well as the channel flow in the fracture are well-modelled. The flow behaviour of the fracture strongly depends on the effective fluid flow path.  相似文献   

In this paper, the two computer codes TOUGH2 and RDCA (for “rock discontinuous cellular automaton”) are integrated for coupled hydromechanical analysis of multiphase fluid flow and discontinuous mechanical behavior in heterogeneous rock. TOUGH2 is a well-established code for geohydrological analysis involving multiphase, multicomponent fluid flow and heat transport; RDCA is a numerical model developed for simulating the nonlinear and discontinuous geomechanical behavior of rock. The RDCA incorporates the discontinuity of a fracture independently of the mesh, such that the fracture can be arbitrarily located within an element, while the fluid pressure calculated by TOUGH2 can be conveniently applied to fracture surfaces. We verify and demonstrate the coupled TOUGH–RDCA simulator by modeling a number of simulation examples related to coupled multiphase flow and geomechanical processes associated with the deep geological storage of carbon dioxide—including modeling of ground surface uplift, stress-dependent permeability, and the coupled multiphase flow and geomechanical behavior of fractures intersecting the caprock.  相似文献   

Triaxial tests on the two-phase flow of air and water through fractured granite specimens were performed to discover whether the two-phase fluid flow within rock fractures was laminar or turbulent. The two-phase flow characterization was carried out based on the macroscopic two-phase steady state flow model and the homogeneous steady state flow model. Rock specimens with a single natural fracture (joint roughness coefficient, JRC < 10) were tested using two-phase, high pressure triaxial rig. Experimental results show that the estimated Reynolds numbers for various inlet fluid pressures are well below 1000. The findings of this study reveal that both single and two-phase flow through rock fractures (JRC < 10) can be characterized as laminar flows at moderate inlet fluid pressures. However, for single-phase air flow, an increase in inlet air pressures may result in the formation of turbulent flow.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented that describes the effects of pore fluid aqueous diffusion and reaction rate on the isotopic exchange between fluids and rocks in reactive geo-hydrological systems where flow is primarily through fractures. The model describes a simple system with parallel equidistant fractures, and chemical transport in the matrix slabs between fractures by aqueous diffusion through a stagnant pore fluid. The solid matrix exchanges isotopes with pore fluid by solution-precipitation at a rate characterized by a time constant, R (yr−1), which is an adjustable parameter. The effects of reaction on the isotopes of a particular element in the fracture fluid are shown to depend on the ratio of the diffusive reaction length for that element (L) to the fracture spacing (b). The reaction length depends on the solid-fluid exchange rate within the matrix, the partitioning of the element between the matrix pore fluid and the matrix solid phase, the porosity and density of the matrix, and the aqueous diffusivity. For L/b < 0.3, fluid-rock isotopic exchange is effectively reduced by a factor of 2L/b relative to a standard porous flow (single porosity) model. For L/b > 1, the parallel fracture model is no different from a porous flow model. If isotopic data are available for two or more elements with different L values, it may be possible to use the model with appropriate isotopic measurements to estimate the spacing of the primary fluid-carrying fractures in natural fluid-rock systems. Examples are given using Sr and O isotopic data from mid-ocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal vent fluids and Sr isotopes in groundwater aquifers hosted by fractured basalt. The available data for MOR systems are consistent with average fracture spacing of 1-4 m. The groundwater data suggest larger effective fracture spacing, in the range 50-500 m. In general, for fractured rock systems, the effects of fracture-matrix diffusive exchange must be considered when comparing isotopic exchange effects for different elements, as well as for estimating water age using radioactive and cosmogenic isotopes.  相似文献   

One-dimensional advection-dispersion models predict that characteristic δ18O vs. distance and δ18O vs. δ13C profiles should be produced during isothermal metamorphic fluid flow under equilibrium conditions. However, the patterns of isotopic resetting in rocks that have experienced fluid flow are often different from the predictions. Two-dimensional advection-dispersion simulations in systems with simple geometries suggest that such differences may be as a result of fluid channelling and need not indicate disequilibrium, high dispersivities, or polythermal flow. The patterns of isotopic resetting are a function of: (1) the permeability contrast between more permeable layers ('channels') and less permeable layers ('matrix'); (2) the width and spacing of the channels; (3) the width and spacing of discrete fractures; and (4) the orientation of the pressure gradient with respect to layering. In fractured systems, the efficiency of isotopic transport depends on the fracture aperture and the permeability of the surrounding rock. Resetting initially occurs along and immediately adjacent to the fractures, but with time isotopic resetting because of flow through the rock as a whole increases in importance. Application of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equations to metamorphic fluid flow systems may yield incorrect estimates of fluid fluxes, intrinsic permeabilities, dispersivities, and permeability contrasts unless fluid flow occurred through zones of high permeability that were separated by relatively impermeable layers.  相似文献   

Reactive fluid-flow experiments in fractures subjected to normal stress suggest the potential for either increased or decreased permeability resulting from fracture-surface dissolution. We present a computational model that couples mechanical deformation and chemical alteration of fractures subjected to constant normal stress and reactive fluid flow. The model explicitly represents micro-scale roughness of the fracture surfaces and calculates elastic deformation of the rough surfaces using a semi-analytical approach that ensures the surfaces remain in static equilibrium. A depth-averaged reactive transport model calculates chemical alteration of the surfaces, which leads to alteration of the contacting fracture surfaces. The mechanical deformation and chemical alteration calculations are explicitly coupled, which is justified by the disparate timescales required for equilibration of mechanical stresses and reactive transport processes. An idealized analytical representation of dissolution from a single contacting asperity shows that under reaction-limited conditions, contacting asperities can dissolve faster than the open regions of the fracture. Computational simulations in fractures with hundreds of contacting asperities show that the transition from transport-limited conditions (low flow rates) to reaction-rate-limited conditions (high flow rates) causes a shift from monotonically increasing permeability to a more complicated process in which permeability initially decreases and then increases as contacting asperities begin to dissolve. These results are qualitatively consistent with a number of experimental observations reported in the literature and suggest the potential importance of the relative magnitude of mass transport and reaction kinetics on the evolution of fracture permeability in fractures subjected to combined normal stress and reactive fluid flow.  相似文献   

Flowback analysis recently has been considered as a potential tool for assessing induced fractures through corresponding pressure analyses and rate transient analysis. In this paper, we study fracture closure mechanisms during the flowback of fracturing fluid after hydraulic fracturing treatments. Although it is known that flowback can be significantly affected by the geometry of the fractures and closure stress, there has not been any effort to understand the problem from the geomechanical point of view; rather, available studies assume that a fracture closes uniformly with constant fracture compressibility. The coupled geomechanics and fluid flow model presented in this paper help to elucidate how geostresses may affect fracturing fluid recovery under different conditions. We perform a scaling analysis to formulate the occurrence of different fracture closure modes and then use numerical analyses to verify our scaling parameters. The factors governing the flowback process include the mechanical and petrophysical properties of the rock as well as preexisting discontinuities such as natural fractures. Three different closure modes for fracture networks are described and numerically verified. The occurrence of each mode can dramatically affect fracturing fluid recovery. The role of fluid leakoff into the formation, fractures conductivity, and drawdown strategy are examined for each fracture closure scenario.  相似文献   

刘日成  李博  蒋宇静  蔚立元 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3165-3174
等效水力隙宽和水力梯度是影响岩体裂隙网络渗流特性的重要因素。制作裂隙网络试验模型,建立高精度渗流试验系统;求解纳维-斯托克斯方程,模拟流体在裂隙网络内的流动状态,研究等效水力隙宽和水力梯度对非线性渗流特性的影响。结果表明,当水力梯度较小时,等效渗透系数保持恒定的常数,流体流动属于达西流动区域,流量与压力具有线性关系,可采用立方定律计算流体流动;当水力梯度较大时,等效渗透系数随着水力梯度的增加而急剧减少,流体流动进入强惯性效应流动区域,流量与压力具有强烈的非线性关系,可采用Forchheimer方程计算流体流动。随着等效水力隙宽的增加,区别线性和非线性流动区域的临界水力梯度呈幂函数关系递减。当水力梯度小于临界水力梯度时,控制方程可选立方定律;当水力梯度大于临界水力梯度时,控制方程可选Forchheimer方程,其参数A和B可根据经验公式计算得到。其研究结果可为临界水力梯度的确定及流体流动控制方程的选取提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Borehole studies of the Soultz-sous-Forêts granite are dedicated to deep geothermics. The hydraulic properties of the reservoir are mainly controlled by the occurrence of some altered cataclastic shear zones showing a low natural permeability characterized by the occurrence of brines. Those zones show a fracture cluster organisation with sealed fractures of various types (post-filled joints, sheared fractures, veins). The main hydrothermal deposits observed within the permeable zones are geodic quartz, carbonates, illite and more locally sulphides. The fracture wall–rocks are intensely transformed: dissolution of igneous minerals, crystallization of new minerals, porosity and permeability increase. It is important to characterize the newly-formed minerals in order to choose the reagents used to improve the permeability of the exchanger by chemical stimulations. This article represents a synthesis of the studies completed by the authors between 1990 and 2008 on the fracture networks, hydrothermal alterations and mineral crystallizations they induced and data about the flow pathways in the exchanger.  相似文献   

Grand Mesa is an erosional remnant on the southern margin of the Piceance basin (Colorado, USA) that appears to host topographically driven groundwater flow in low permeability strata via a pervasive network of vertical extensional fractures. The vertical fractures cut more than 1 km of clay-rich lithology ranging in age from Upper Cretaceous through Eocene, and likely formed from horizontal dilation, cooling, and erosional unloading associated with 2.8 km of regional uplift and 1.5 km of incision by the Gunnison and Colorado rivers. The vertical fractures create anisotropy in which vertical permeability exceeds horizontal permeability. This enhances vertical flow and depth of penetration of groundwater, favors local flow regimes over regional flow, and results in groundwater temperatures that are elevated by up to 10°C over mean surface temperatures at the location of springs. The uplift and cooling that formed the fractures may also have produced domains of abnormally underpressured pore fluids and natural gas within blocks of low permeability bedrock bounded by the fractures. Pore pressures inside these blocks may be in disequilibrium with the groundwater flow system due to ongoing stress release, and the long time scales required for pressure equilibration in the low permeability strata.  相似文献   

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