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The rotational form of the vertically averaged equations of motion is applied to derive a formula, linear friction included, which establishes a direct connection between sense of rotation of tidal currents and features of tidal amphidromic systems. Two factors in the formula, called and , influence the sense of rotation of tidal currents; the factor involves the frequency of the tidal signal , the Coriolis parameter f, and the linear friction coefficient r. The sign of the cross-product of the logarithm of sea-surface elevation (), and phase () gradients determines whether the factor favors clockwise or anticlockwise sense of rotation. is a unit vector and is the angle between ln and . The limits ||0, ||0 and 0 lead to a clockwise sense of rotation in the Northern Hemisphere. 0 favors anticlockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere. Friction and low frequencies favor an anticlockwise sense of rotation. The theory works well in semi-enclosed regions like the North Sea. Although only linear friction and sea-surface elevation gradients were considered, there are ocean regions where the agreement between theory and observations is also good.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

nua ¶rt;u a¶rt;am m aa ¶rt;uaaa . ¶rt;u aam ¶rt; ¶rt; uu umuo au uu m a u a u am mu ma. mu anmau mu ma n¶rt; auumu m a aa u anau nu au. num ma uu nu un u n mu ma n¶rt;mauu n¶rt;um uu m umua. mam ¶rt;umum mu u aua n au muna ma a umua uu un. ¶rt; aauua am na mu ma, m uam ua u.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of the multivariate coherence analysis(spectral domain approach) is developed for calculating single- and inter-station transfer functions and corresponding vector induction characteristics from time variations of the geomagnetic field components. An alternative approach of calculating similar induction characteristics using a time domain algorithm is shown.
aam mu m aaua(nma n¶rt;¶rt;) nuuu ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u u mmmu m aamumu u¶rt;uu n anua auau mau aum n u. u¶rt;um ma m¶rt; u aau aamumu u¶rt;uu nm ama amu un mua um. nuam aum na auu am u aamum ¶rt; n ama naam.

Summary With the use of the method of boundary integral equations, a stationary approximation of the magnetotelluric field for a three-dimensional prism located in the vicinity of a vertical contact of two quarterspaces, whereby the applied electric field is oriented parallel with the vertical boundary, is solved. In combination with the solution for the perpendicular orientation of the exciting electric field, the theoretical Wiese induction vectors for three positions of the 3-D prism are calculated. It was shown that the centre of divergence of the Wiese vectors is displaced from the epicentre of the prism, namely, if the prism is close to the vertical boundary.
nu m¶rt;a ¶rt;a u¶rt;a au n¶rt;maa mauaa annuau u nu¶rt; mam u¶rt; ama a¶rt;ummu¶rt; n ¶rt; nu, an uu mua¶rt; mama ¶rt; mmnmam. ¶rt;a mu n n¶rt;na¶rt;am ana naa mua ¶rt;au. uau aamua¶rt; a a aauua a nn¶rt;u ana¶rt; ¶rt;a¶rt; n ¶rt;aa m uum mmuu u¶rt;u m u ¶rt; m nu m nu. aa, m m a¶rt;u m u mum numa nu, ¶rt;¶rt;a nua nuaam mua ¶rt;au.

u¶rt;um u ¶rt; n¶rt;u mum n -nuuu ¶rt;u um um ¶rt;¶rt; ¶rt; mm. um m u m u m¶rt;.  相似文献   

mam mm ua a na Pn, Pg, Sn u Sg nu¶rt;u u au -ma. aa, m ¶rt; amu 5° m numa ua¶rt;a ¶rt;am mu a na n au ma¶rt;amu u mu anmau , uu m n u ma¶rt;am¶rt;a. am nmau a uu m anmau mmu aua.  相似文献   

Summary The reaction is studied of measuring systems of quartz gravity meters to external disturbances. The actual elastic system is approximated by a model of a linear oscillator with one degree of freedom. The appropriate differential equation of motion is solved for some of the typical shapes of determinate and random disturbance input signals. The result represents expressions which describe the time behaviour of the output signals.
¶rt;m au uum um aaum m u u. mua na uma annuum ¶rt; u uma ¶rt; mn ¶rt;. mmm au ¶rt;uu a ¶rt; m munuu u¶rt; n¶rt; a au ua a ¶rt;. mam m au, nuau n¶rt;u ua a ¶rt; auumu m u.

muu aamuam mauma u¶rt;u, aa uauu n aum n aa , ma n¶rt;mam ¶rt;¶rt; n¶rt;u a. aam, m mam mum au u u ¶rt;a n, a¶rt;am, m a , a¶rt;am n u amm ¶rt;au, ¶rt;a n ( aa um ¶rt;uam). a aamuam u m maua ¶rt;¶rt; aum n a au ¶rt;¶rt; n¶rt; aa. a am uu n Sq auau a m au u u n m mu, m na a, mum a¶rt;a au a¶rt;u mu au u.  相似文献   

Summary Based on Peixot's theorem of topological dynamics, the unstable behaviour of hydrodynamic flows on a two-dimensional annuloid T 2 is analysed. The generating property is the curvature of the group of S 0 Diff T 2 diffeomorphisms of the (Riemannian) flow region T 2 . This group is the configuration space of the ideal fluid flowing on T 2 .
a m ma u mn u ¶rt;uauu ¶rt;am mu n¶rt;uu¶rt;¶rt;uauu nm a ¶rt; m T 2 u¶rt; mu. ¶rt;au m m a m uuann S 0 Diff T 2 ¶rt;uu amu mu ( uaa) T 2 . manna m uau nmam ¶rt; u¶rt;a u¶rt;mu a T 2 .

¶rt;um ua u ¶rt; u m, a u an¶rt;u nm m ¶rt;mam uu u¶rt;a ma, m ¶rt; uu u ¶rt; u nmua numu ¶rt;m a u ¶rt;mam m. mau ¶rt;u uu m: m nm u m; a, n¶rt;u au umu u unu¶rt; uuu; amu m u a; amua ¶rt;uam ma a ¶rt; u m um ¶rt;m ma. u ¶rt;a ¶rt; u¶rt;, nuu ¶rt; a, ¶rt;a ¶rt;a ¶rt;o 4- n¶rt;a um.  相似文献   

Summary By subsequent application of power spectrum analysis, autocorrelation analysis and fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the day- and night-time absorption values of five LF radio-paths (164 kHz, 155 kHz, 185 kHz, 218 kHz and 272 kHz) in Europe during the interval 1 June 1979–30 June 1980, fluctuations with the following basic (fundamental), commonly recurrent periods were found: 3.5–5 days and 10.5–12 days. They exist in all investigated time series, while 6- and 9-day fluctuations are observed on the northern radio-paths (185 kHz and 272 kHz). Shorterperiod oscillations are most active during autumn and especially during winter, while the longerperiod oscillation (10.5–12-day) has significant amplitudes also in summer.
n n¶rt;am nuu aaua nma mu, amu aaua u m maauu () ¶rt; u ¶rt;a n nu u nmu a¶rt;u ma (164 , 155 , 185 , 218 u 272 ) a¶rt; n nu¶rt; 1 u 1979–30 u 1980. u a¶rt; ¶rt;u (¶rt;ama) nmu nu¶rt;: 3.5–5 ¶rt; u 10.5–12 ¶rt. u nummm u¶rt;a ¶rt;a. 6- u 9-m au a¶rt;am m a¶rt;umaa (185 u 272 ). ama au a amu u u u. ¶rt;nu¶rt; (10.5–12 ¶rt;) um aum anum¶rt; u m.

Summary A computational method for fitting smoothed natural or periodic bicubic splines to data given at the grid points of a rectangular network is proposed. The one-dimensional smoothed spline fit, introduced by Reinsch, defines the smoothness properties well. These are generalized for a two-dimensional approximation by solving the corresponding variational problem. The defining equations are presented here together with an efficient method of determining the necessary parameters and computing the resultant spline.
¶rt;u u m¶rt; annuauu ¶rt; uu auauu nau m m¶rt; a [12]. am am nua m¶rt; au m¶rt; a ¶rt; u ¶rt; n. nua aum n¶rt;aa ¶rt; annuauu ¶rt; uu, a¶rt;a uu auu a nu n mu, mmu uuuu naau uu ( m auam) uuuu naau, nu¶rt;uuu ¶rt; anauu. mam um uma uum, n m aum annuu u . namuu uu a omaa naa a FORTRAN.

mm ¶rt;u um a z num a / mua a (¶rt; ¶rt;u) a a n umnmauu yaumau u uu ¶rt;a. mam unau a um aau u mmu, ma¶rt;amy an¶rt;u nmmu u m¶rt; umnmauu am u m¶rt; auam ¶rt;o ¶rt;o. ¶rt;am namua ma¶rt;amo n¶rt;¶rt;a nmu u m nmm ¶rt;.  相似文献   

n¶rt; auau uu ¶rt; mnu¶rt; n, n, g, Sg, m anmam anauu ¶rt; numa amu 2.6° ¶rt; 4.7° m aa amu uu (mau). aa, m m auum Sg(D) mam mua ¶rt; m n¶rt;u aum¶rt; uma a uu mu.  相似文献   

Summary The inclusion of cloudiness characteristics, obtained by computer analysis of multispectral satellite photographs, in the objective analysis of the dew-point temperature deficit is suggested for the mesomodel. The basic principle of the method is the correction of mathematically packed data using processed satellite cloudiness observations. Special fast algorithms for constructing bicubic splines are used to effect the basic mathematical packing.
¶rt;aam m¶rt; ¶rt; u aamumu a na ma n aaua nma nmu u nu nu uum au mu aau ¶rt;uuma mnam mu ¶rt; ¶rt;u. m¶rt;a m u amamuu nm ¶rt;a nu nu nmu u. aau ¶rt;a unm nua m aum ¶rt; muu uuu na.

Zusammenfassung Es wurden verschiedene Installierungsmodifikationen von Neigungsmessern auf tschechoslowakischen Gezeitenstationen experimentall untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass weder eine hohe innere Genauigkeit, noch die Übereinstimmung von Messergebnissen als genügende Bedingung für die regionale Representativität angesehen werden kann (Tab. 1, 2). Zur geophysikalischen Deutung der Ergebnisse ist daher eine einheitliche Installierung der Neigungsmesser und eine Überprüfung der Repräsentativität der Ergebnisse unbedingt nötig.

3. 3 , 1975)  相似文献   

Summary A correlation of the earthquake occurrence on the territory of Czechoslovakia and in its close neighbourhood with the data on the neotectonic and geomorphological development of the respective area, the recent movements of the Earth's crust, the courses of photolineations and on the geophysical fields enabled the fundamental structural blocks in the upper part of the Earth's crust to be singled out. The contact zones established between the above blocks exhibit increased long-term movement tendencies particularly in the Neoid period. A seismotectonic model of the upper part of the Earth's crust of Czechoslovakia, compiled with the use of the data mentioned above, is described.
u m uu mu a mumuu auu u mmu ¶rt;au n mmu,uu, ¶rt;uu , u nmu u uuuu n nua ¶rt;um mm u amu . a a ¶rt; muu au a¶rt;am amau ¶rt; ¶rt;uu, u¶rt; nu¶rt;. m n¶rt;aaa mmua ¶rt; amu aa a au¶rt;uauu n, nu¶rt;u a ua mumuu, u a u u n¶rt;uu au.

Summary 30 years from the foundation of the Czechoslovak and Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1953 are commemorated in connection with 40 years elapsed from the decase of Prof. V. Láska, founder of gephysics in Cezchoslovakia. The progress achieved in its main lines and the outlooks of further development are described.
mam na 30-m u a u a aa¶rt;u a, ¶rt;a 1953-¶rt;, u u 40-mu m mu a . aa, amuuu auu. nua m mam u¶rt;au n anau u ¶rt;am nnmu ¶rt;a aumu.

mau x¶rt; u a¶rt;u 8 ¶rt;nu mau ¶rt; uu mu u -ana¶rt; auu naa num mam u u na n, g, Sn u Sg mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mu. a¶rt;u lam mu aua u umau u mm u a amuu ¶rt; En.  相似文献   

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