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Nightglow emissions provide insight into the global thermospheric circulation, specifically in the transition region (~70–120 km). The O2 IR nightglow statistical map created from Venus Express (VEx) Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) observations has been used to deduce a three-dimensional atomic oxygen density map. In this study, the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Venus Thermospheric General Circulation Model (VTGCM) is utilized to provide a self-consistent global view of the atomic oxygen density distribution. More specifically, the VTGCM reproduces a 2D nightside atomic oxygen density map and vertical profiles across the nightside, which are compared to the VEx atomic oxygen density map. Both the simulated map and vertical profiles are in close agreement with VEx observations within a ~30° contour of the anti-solar point. The quality of agreement decreases past ~30°. This discrepancy implies the employment of Rayleigh friction within the VTGCM may be an over-simplification for representing wave drag effects on the local time variation of global winds. Nevertheless, the simulated atomic oxygen vertical profiles are comparable with the VEx profiles above 90 km, which is consistent with similar O2 (1Δ) IR nightglow intensities. The VTGCM simulations demonstrate the importance of low altitude trace species as a loss for atomic oxygen below 95 km. The agreement between simulations and observations provides confidence in the validity of the simulated mean global thermospheric circulation pattern in the lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1636-1652
Venus Express is the first European mission to planet Venus. The mission aims at a comprehensive investigation of Venus atmosphere and plasma environment and will address some important aspects of the surface physics from orbit. In particular, Venus Express will focus on the structure, composition, and dynamics of the Venus atmosphere, escape processes and interaction of the atmosphere with the solar wind and so to provide answers to the many questions that still remain unanswered in these fields. Venus Express will enable a breakthrough in Venus science after a long period of silence since the period of intense exploration in the 1970s and the 1980s.The payload consists of seven instruments. Five of them were inherited from the Mars Express and Rosetta projects while two instruments were designed and built specifically for Venus Express. The suite of spectrometers and imaging instruments, together with the radio-science experiment, and the plasma package make up an optimised payload well capable of addressing the mission goals to sufficient depth. Several of the instruments will make specific use of the spectral windows at infrared wavelengths in order to study the atmosphere in three dimensions. The spacecraft is based on the Mars Express design with minor modifications mainly needed to cope with the thermal environment around Venus, and so a very cost-effective mission has been realised in an exceptionally short time.The spacecraft was launched on 9 November 2005 from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, by a Russian Soyuz-Fregat launcher and arrived at Venus on 11 April 2006. Venus Express will carry out observations of the planet from a highly elliptic polar orbit with a 24-h period. In 3 Earth years (4 Venus sidereal days) of operations, it will return about 2 Tbit of scientific data.Telecommunications with the Earth is performed by the new ESA ground station in Cebreros, Spain, while a nearly identical ground station in New Norcia, Australia, supports the radio-science investigations.  相似文献   

The Venus Express Radio Science Experiment VeRa retrieves atmospheric profiles in the mesosphere and troposphere of Venus in the approximate altitude range of 40–90 km. A data set of more than 500 profiles was retrieved between the orbit insertion of Venus Express in 2006 and the end of occultation season No. 11 in July 2011. The atmospheric profiles cover a wide range of latitudes and local times, enabling us to study the dependence of vertical small-scale temperature perturbations on local time and latitude.Temperature fluctuations with vertical wavelengths of 4 km or less are extracted from the measured temperature profiles in order to study small-scale gravity waves. Significant wave amplitudes are found in the stable atmosphere above the tropopause at roughly 60 km as compared with the only shallow temperature perturbations in the nearly adiabatic region of the adjacent middle cloud layer, below.Gravity wave activity shows a strong latitudinal dependence with the smallest wave amplitudes located in the low-latitude range, and an increase of wave activity with increasing latitude in both hemispheres; the greatest wave activity is found in the high-northern latitude range in the vicinity of Ishtar Terra, the highest topographical feature on Venus.We find evidence for a local time dependence of gravity wave activity in the low latitude range within ±30° of the equator. Gravity wave amplitudes are at their maximum beginning at noon and continuing into the early afternoon, indicating that convection in the lower atmosphere is a possible wave source.The comparison of the measured vertical wave structures with standard linear-wave theory allows us to derive rough estimates of the wave intrinsic frequency and horizontal wavelengths, assuming that the observed wave structures are the result of pure internal gravity waves. Horizontal wavelengths of the waves at 65 km altitude are on the order of ≈300–450 km with horizontal phase speeds of roughly 5–10 m/s.  相似文献   

Properties of acoustic-gravity waves in the upper atmosphere of Venus are studied using a two-fluid model which includes the effects of wave-induced diffusion in a diffusively separated atmosphere. In conjunction with neutral mass spectrometer data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter, the theory should provide information on the distribution of wave sources in the Venus upper atmosphere. Observed wave structure in species density measurements should generally have periods ?30–35 min, small N2, CO, and O amplitudes, and highly variable phase shifts relative to CO2. A near resonance may exist between downward phase-propagating internal gravity and diffusion waves near the 165-km level at periods near 29 min. As a result, if very large He wave amplitudes are observed near this level, it will indicate that the wave source is below the 150- to 175-km level and that the exospheric temperature is close to 350°K. Wave energy dissipation may be an important mechanism for heating of the nightside Venus thermosphere. Large-density oscillations in stratospheric cloud layer constituents are also possible and may be detectable by the Pioneer Venus large probe neutral mass spectrometer.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

A. Seiff  Donn B. Kirk 《Icarus》1982,49(1):49-70
Data on the thermal structure of the nightside middle atmosphere of Venus, from 84 to 137 km altitude, have been obtained from analysis of deceleration measurements from the third Pioneer Venus small probe, the night probe, which entered the atmosphere near the midnight meridian at 27°S latitude. Comparison of the midnight sounding with the morning sounding at 31°S latitude indicates that the temperature structure is essentially diurnally invariant up to 100 km, above which the nightside structure diverges sharply from the dayside toward lower temperatures. Very large diurnal pressure differences develop above 100 km with dayside pressure ten times that on the nightside at 126 km altitude. This has major implications for upper atmospheric dynamics. The data are compared with the measurements of G. M. Keating, J. Y. Nicholson, and L. R. Lake (1980, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7941–7956) above 140 km with theoretical thermal structure models of Dickinson, and with data obtained by Russian Venera spacecraft below 100 km. Midnight temperatures are ~ 130°K, somewhat warmer than those reported by Keating et al.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional nonlinear hydrodynamic model has been developed for studying the global scale winds, temperature, and compositional structure of the mesosphere and thermosphere of Venus. The model is driven by absorption of solar radiation. Ultraviolet radiation produces both heating and photodissociation. Infrared solar heating and thermal cooling are also included with an accurate NLTE treatment. The most crucial uncertainty in determining the solar drive is the efficiency by which λ < 1080 A? solar radiation is converted to heat. This question was analyzed in Part I, where it was concluded that essentially all hot atom and O(1D) energy may be transferred to vibrational-rotational energy of CO2 molecules. If this is so, the minimum possible euv heating occurs and is determined by the quenching of the resulting excess rotational energy. The hydrodynamic model is integrated with this minimum heating and neglecting any small-scale vertical eddy mixing. The results are compared with predictions of another model with the same physics except that it assumes that 30% of λ < 1080 A? radiation goes into heat and that the heating from longer-wavelength radiation includes the O(1D) energy. For the low-efficiency model, exospheric temperatures are ?300°K on the dayside and drop to < 180°K at the antisolar point. For the higher-efficiency model, the day-to-night temperature variation is from ?600°K to ?250°K. Both versions of the model predict a wind of several hundred meters per second blowing across the terminator and abruptly weakening to small values on the nightside with the mass flow consequently going into a strong tongue of downward motion on the nightside of the terminator. The presence of this circulation could be tested observationally by seeing if its signature can be found in temperature measurements. Both versions of the model indicate that a self-consistent large-scale circulation would maintain oxygen concentrations with ?5% mixing ratios near the dayside F-1 ionospheric peak but ?40% at the antisolar point at the same pressure level.  相似文献   

The 1.02 μm wavelength thermal emission of the nightside of Venus is strongly anti-correlated to the elevation of the surface. The VIRTIS instrument on Venus Express has mapped this emission and therefore gives evidence for the orientation of Venus between 2006 and 2008. The Magellan mission provided a global altimetry data set recorded between 1990 and 1992. Comparison of these two data sets reveals a deviation in longitude indicating that the rotation of the planet is not fully described by the orientation model recommended by the IAU. This deviation is sufficiently large to affect estimates of surface emissivity from infrared imaging. A revised period of rotation of Venus of 243.023 ± 0.002 d aligns the two data sets. This period of rotation agrees with pre-Magellan estimates but is significantly different from the commonly accepted value of 243.0185 ± 0.0001 d estimated from Magellan radar images. It is possible that this discrepancy stems from a length of day variation with the value of 243.023 ± 0.002 d representing the average of the rotation period over 16 years.  相似文献   

The ESA/Venus Express mission spent more than 8 years in orbit around Venus to extensively study its atmosphere, ionosphere and plasma environment and unveil new aspects of its surface. Extensive reviews of the work of Venus Express are underway, to cover in-depth studies of the new face of Venus revealed by Venus Express and ground-based concurrent observations. This paper intends to give a summarized and wide overview of some of the outstanding results in all the science areas studied by the mission. This paper will first review the main aspects of the mission and its instrumental payload. Then, a selection of results will be reviewed from the outermost layers interacting with the Solar wind, down to the surface of Venus. As Venus Express is already considered by space agencies as a pathfinder for the future of Venus exploration, perspectives for future missions will be given, which will have to study Venus not only from orbital view, but also down to the surface to solve the many remaining mysteries of the sister planet of the Earth.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1315-1335
The Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa) uses radio signals at wavelengths of 3.6 and 13 cm (“X”- and “S”-band, respectively) to investigate the Venus surface, neutral atmosphere, ionosphere, and gravity field, as well as the interplanetary medium. An ultrastable oscillator (USO) provides a high quality onboard reference frequency source; instrumentation on Earth is used to record amplitude, phase, propagation time, and polarization of the received signals. Simultaneous, coherent measurements at the two wavelengths allow separation of dispersive media effects from classical Doppler shift.VeRa science objectives include the following:
  • (1)Determination of neutral atmospheric structure from the cloud deck (approximately 40 km altitude) to 100 km altitude from vertical profiles of neutral mass density, temperature, and pressure as a function of local time and season. Within the atmospheric structure, search for, and if detected, study of the vertical structure of localized buoyancy waves, and the presence and properties of planetary waves.
  • (2)Study of the H2SO4 vapor absorbing layer in the atmosphere by variations in signal intensity and application of this information to tracing atmospheric motions. Scintillation effects caused by radio wave diffraction within the atmosphere can also provide information on small-scale atmospheric turbulence.
  • (3)Investigation of ionospheric structure from approximately 80 km to the ionopause (<600 km), allowing study of the interaction between solar wind plasma and the Venus atmosphere.
  • (4)Observation of forward-scattered surface echoes obliquely reflected from selected high-elevation targets with anomalous radar properties (such as Maxwell Montes). More generally, such bistatic radar measurements provide information on the roughness and density of the surface material on scales of centimeters to meters.
  • (5)Detection of gravity anomalies, thereby providing insight into the properties of the Venus crust and lithosphere.
  • (6)Measurement of the Doppler shift, propagation time, and frequency fluctuations along the interplanetary ray path, especially during periods of superior conjunction, thus enabling investigation of dynamical processes in the solar corona.

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1457-1471
Observations of oxygen pickup ions by the plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) Mission arguably launched broad interest in solar wind erosion of unmagnetized planet atmospheres, and its potential evolutionary effects. Oxygen pickup ions may play key roles in the removal of the oxygen excess left behind from the photodissociation of water vapor by enabling direct escape, additional sputtering of oxygen when they impact the exobase, and escape as energetic neutrals produced in charge exchange reactions with the ambient exospheric oxygen and hydrogen. Although the PVO observations were compromised by an ∼8 keV energy limit for O+ detection, a lack of ion composition capability, and the limited sampling and data rate of the plasma analyzer which was designed for solar wind monitoring, these measurements provide our best information about the extended O+ exosphere and wake at Venus. Here we show the full picture of the spatial distribution and energies of the O+ ion observations collected by the plasma analyzer during PVO's ∼5000 orbit tour. A model of O+ test particles launched in the circum-Venus fields described by an MHD simulation of the solar wind interaction is used to help interpret the PVO observations and to anticipate the expanded view of Venus O+ escape that will be provided by the ASPERA-4 experiment on Venus Express.  相似文献   

We analyze night-time near-infrared (NIR) thermal emission images of the Venus surface obtained with the 1-μm channel of the Venus Monitoring Camera onboard Venus Express. Comparison with the results of the Magellan radar survey and the model NIR images of the Beta-Phoebe region show that the night-time VMC images provide reliable information on spatial variations of the NIR surface emission. In this paper we consider if tessera terrain has the different NIR emissivity (and thus mineralogic composition) in comparison to the surrounding basaltic plains. This is done through the study of an area SW of Beta Regio where there is a massif of tessera terrain, Chimon-mana Tessera, surrounded by supposedly basaltic plains. Our analysis showed that 1-μm emissivity of tessera surface material is by 15–35% lower than that of relatively fresh supposedly basaltic lavas of plains and volcanic edifices. This is consistent with hypothesis that the tessera material is not basaltic, maybe felsic, that is in agreement with the results of analyses of VEX VIRTIS and Galileo NIMS data. If the felsic nature of venusian tesserae will be confirmed in further studies this may have important implications on geochemical environments in early history of Venus. We have found that the surface materials of plains in the study area are very variegated in their 1-μm emissivity, which probably reflects variability of degree of their chemical weathering. We have also found a possible decrease of the calculated emissivity at the top of Tuulikki Mons volcano which, if real, may be due to different (more felsic?) composition of volcanic products on the volcano summit.  相似文献   

A fast method is presented for deriving the tropospheric CO concentrations in the Venus atmosphere from near-infrared spectra using the night side 2.3 μm window. This is validated using the spectral fitting techniques of Tsang et al. [Tsang, C.C.C., Irwin, P.G.J., Taylor, F.W., Wilson, C.F., Drossart, P., Piccioni, G., de Kok, R., Lee, C., Calcutt, S.B., and the Venus Express/VIRTIS Team, 2008a. Tropospheric carbon monoxide concentrations and variability on Venus with Venus Express/VIRTIS-M observations. J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003089. E00B08] to show that monitoring CO in the deep atmosphere can be done quickly using large numbers of observations, with minimal effect from cloud and temperature variations. The new method is applied to produce some 1450 zonal mean CO profiles using data from the first eighteen months of operation from the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer infrared mapping subsystem (VIRTIS-M-IR) on Venus Express. These results show many significant long- and short-term variations from the mean equator-to-pole increasing trend previously found from earlier Earth- and space-based observations, including a possible North-South dichotomy, with interesting implications for the dynamics and chemistry of the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

In December 2006, a single active region produced a series of proton solar flares, with X-ray class up to the X9.0 level, starting on 5 December 2006 at 10:35 UT. A feature of this X9.0 flare is that associated MeV particles were observed at Venus and Mars by Venus Express (VEX) and Mars Express (MEX), which were ∼80° and ∼125° east of the flare site, respectively, in addition to the Earth, which was ∼79° west of the flare site. On December 5, 2006, the plasma instruments ASPERA-3 and ASPERA-4 on board MEX and VEX detected a large enhancement in their respective background count levels. This is a typical signature of solar energetic particle (SEP) events, i.e., intensive MeV particle fluxes. The timings of these enhancements were consistent with the estimated field-aligned travel time of particles associated with the X9.0 flare that followed the Parker spiral to reach Venus and Mars. Coronal mass ejection (CME) signatures that might be related to the proton flare were twice identified at Venus within <43 and <67 h after the flare. Although these CMEs did not necessarily originate from the X9.0 flare on December 5, 2006, they most likely originated from the same active region because these characteristics are very similar to flare-associated CMEs observed on the Earth. These observations indicate that CME and flare activities on the invisible side of the Sun may affect terrestrial space weather as a result of traveling more than 90° in both azimuthal directions in the heliosphere. We would also like to emphasize that during the SEP activity, MEX data indicate an approximately one-order of magnitude enhancement in the heavy ion outflow flux from the Martian atmosphere. This is the first observation of the increase of escaping ion flux from Martian atmosphere during an intensive SEP event. This suggests that the solar EUV flux levels significantly affect the atmospheric loss from unmagnetized planets.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Venus’ mesosphere (60–100 km altitude) was investigated using data acquired by the radio-occultation experiment VeRa on board Venus Express. VeRa provides vertical profiles of density, temperature and pressure between 40 and 90 km of altitude with a vertical resolution of few hundred meters of both the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Pressure and temperature vertical profiles were used to derive zonal winds by applying an approximation of the Navier–Stokes equation, the cyclostrophic balance, which applies well on slowly rotating planets with fast zonal winds, like Venus and Titan. The main features of the retrieved winds are a midlatitude jet with a maximum speed up to 140 ± 15 m s?1 which extends between 20°S and 50°S latitude at 70 km altitude and a decrease of wind speed with increasing height above the jet. Cyclostrophic winds show satisfactory agreement with the cloud-tracked winds derived from the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC/VEx) UV images, although a disagreement is observed at the equator and near the pole due to the breakdown of the cyclostrophic approximation. Knowledge of both temperature and wind fields allowed us to study the stability of the atmosphere with respect to convection and turbulence. The Richardson number Ri was evaluated from zonal field of measured temperatures and thermal winds. The atmosphere is characterised by a low value of Richardson number from ~45 km up to ~60 km altitude at all latitudes that corresponds to the lower and middle cloud layer indicating an almost adiabatic atmosphere. A high value of Richardson number was found in the region of the midlatitude jet indicating a highly stable atmosphere. The necessary condition for barotropic instability was verified: it is satisfied on the poleward side of the midlatitude jet, indicating the possible presence of wave instability.  相似文献   

We investigate the Venus cloud top structure by joint analysis of the data from Visual and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) and the atmospheric temperature sounding by the Radio Science experiment (VeRa) onboard Venus Express. The cloud top altitude and aerosol scale height are derived by fitting VIRTIS spectra at 4–5 μm with temperature profiles taken from the VeRa radio occultation. Our study shows gradual descent of the cloud top from 67.2 ± 1.9 km in low latitudes to 62.8 ± 4.1 km at the pole and decrease of the aerosol scale height from 3.8 ± 1.6 km to 1.7 ± 2.4 km. These changes correlate with the mesospheric temperature field. In the cold collar and high latitudes the cloud top position remarkably coincides with the sharp minima in temperature inversions suggesting importance of radiative cooling in their maintenance. This behaviour is consistent with the earlier observations. Spectral trend of the cloud top altitude derived from a comparison with the earlier observations in 1.6–27 μm wavelength range is qualitatively consistent with sulphuric acid composition of the upper cloud and suggests that particle size increases from equator to pole.  相似文献   

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