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The chronology of two adjacent Danish Lateglacial sedimentary sequences with well-developed layering of alternating aeolian sand and organic matter has been investigated using both Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (14C). Both sites are known to cover at least the period Bølling to Younger Dryas, with the so-called older and younger coversand types present at both localities. Typical overall uncertainties with the OSL data are about two to five times those of the 14C ages, but both data sets contain clear outliers. When these are excluded, OSL ages appear to be systematically slightly younger than the 14C ages, by about 10%; possible reasons for this are discussed. The investigation stresses the importance of making several age estimates from any single locality. The older coversand type makes up the pre-Bølling and most, or possibly all, of the Bølling (which also has the highest net accumulation rate). Deposits of the younger coversand type are dominant in layers younger than the Bølling.  相似文献   

Particle size and geochemical data have been used to investigate the development of a large cliff-top dune at Rubjerg Knude, located on the western coast of Jutland, Denmark. Textural parameters and geochemical ratios provided useful indicators of the dune sediment provenance and mode of evolution of the dune. The dune sediments themselves showed no significant spatial particle size trends and reflect a number of processes, including grainfall, wind-ripple migration and avalanching (grainflow), which formed a high proportion of the deposits on both the stoss and lee sides of the present dune. Fine grainfall sediments, which have accumulated to form a sandplain in the lee of the dune, show fining and improved sorting with distance, and extend more than 2 km downwind of the dune crest. Comparison of the textural and geochemical data from Rubjerg Knude and other locations on the Jutland coast indicates that, although there is a contribution of sand to the dune from local marine sources, the main source of sand to the cliff-top dune and sand plain sediments has been provided by the wind erosion of the underlying cliffs, which are composed of Weichselian age sandy glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. Optically stimulated luminescence dating indicated an apparent age for the sand at the base of 274 ± 14 years. If this date is reliable, it suggests that accumulation of the aeolian sand in this area began within approximately the last 300 years. Map and photographic evidence indicate that the modern high dune only began to form after 1885, apparently associated with an acceleration in the rate of coastal cliff retreat.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and landscape evolution of the Lodbjerg coastal dune system record the interplay of environmental and cultural changes since the Late Neolithic. The modern dunefield forms part of a 40 km long belt of dunes and aeolian sand‐plains that stretches along the west coast of Thy, NW Jutland. The dunefield, which is now stabilized, forms the upper part of a 15–30 m thick aeolian succession. The aeolian deposits drape a glacial landscape or Middle Holocene lake sediments. The aeolian deposits were studied in coastal cliff exposures and their large‐scale stratigraphy was examined by ground‐penetrating radar mapping. The contact between the aeolian and underlying sediments is a well‐developed peaty palaeosol, the top of which yields dates between 2300 BC and 600 BC . Four main aeolian units are distinguished, but there is some lateral stratigraphic variation in relation to underlying topography. The three lower aeolian units are separated by peaty palaeosols and primarily developed as 1–4 m thick sand‐plain deposits; these are interpreted as trailing edge deposits of parabolic dunes that moved inland episodically. Local occurrence of large‐scale cross‐stratification may record the head section of a migrating parabolic dune. The upper unit is dominated by large‐scale cross‐stratification of various types and records cliff‐top dune deposition. The nature of the aeolian succession indicates that the aeolian landscape was characterized by alternating phases of activity and stabilization. Most sand transported inland was apparently preserved. Combined evidence from luminescence dating of aeolian sand and radiocarbon dating of palaeosols indicates that phases of aeolian sand movement were initiated at about 2200 BC , 700 BC and AD 1100. Episodes of inland sand movement were apparently initiated during marked climate shifts towards cooler, wetter and more stormy conditions; these episodes are thought to record increased coastal erosion and strong‐wind reworking of beach and foredune sediments. The intensity, duration and areal importance of these sand‐drift events increased with time, probably reflecting the increasing anthropogenic pressure on the landscape. The formation of the cliff‐top dunes after AD 1800 records the modern retreat of the coastal cliffs.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune dimensions and migration rates are analysed along the Ceará coast, north-east Brazil. Dunes that are currently mobile along the Ceará coast are composed of barchans and sand sheets. The results show that barchans maintain an equilibrium form, which can be characterized by values of dimensionless shape parameters H/W and W/L , where H is the dune height, W is the wing-to-wing width and L is the dune length. Dunes are highly mobile, with average migration rates of 17·5 m year−1 for barchans and 10 m year−1 for sand sheets. The calculated migration rates were found to depend strongly on dune dimensions for both barchans and sand sheets, i.e. the larger the dune is, the lower the migration rate will be. This size dependence was associated with the existence of a representative common transport rate along the dune fields, which induces a different dune migration rate dependent on dune size. Finally, from the observed dune evolution, an aggregated scale aeolian sediment transport was inferred. This bulk transport rate, of the order of 90–100 m3 m−1 year−1, is only valid for a timescale of years to decades, which is the timescale used in dune evolution analysis.  相似文献   

Bulk sample analysis of Late- and Postglacial sediments from the Randers fjord area, Eastern Jutland, seem to indicate a relationship between palaeosalinity and B, Li and Rb contents determined on weak acid extracts of the sediment. Investigations of different size fractions, grain size distribution, and of clay minerals show, however, that variations in palaeosalinity as determined by palaeontological methods in this case have no direct influence on the chemistry. The variation of Li and Rb is related to variation in grain size, while the B variation seems to be related to the content of montmorillonite in the clay fraction.  相似文献   

Shoreface architecture, evolution (mid-Holocene to present) and depths of transgressive ravinement were examined from Sabine Pass, at the Texas–Louisiana border, to South Padre Island, near the Texas–Mexico border, using 30 shoreface transects. Shoreface transects extend out to 16-m water depth, each created from an echo-sounding profile and, on average, seven sediment cores. The shoreface is composed of three broad sedimentological facies: the upper shoreface, composed almost entirely of sand; the proximal lower shoreface, composed of sand with thickly to medium-bedded (50–10 cm) mud; and the distal lower shoreface, composed dominantly of mud with medium- to thinly bedded (20–3 cm) sand. Shoreface architecture and evolution is extremely variable along the Texas coast. Shoreface gradients increase from 2·25 m km–1 in east Texas to 3·50 m km–1 in south Texas. Shoreface sands coarsen towards south Texas. East and south Texas shoreface deposits are thin and retrograding whereas central Texas shoreface deposits are thicker and prograding. Central Texas is characterized by stacked shoreface successions, whereas in east Texas, lower shoreface sands are preserved only in offshore banks. Preservation of shoreface deposits is low in south Texas. Although eustatic fluctuations and accommodation space have a strong impact on overall mid-Holocene to present shoreface evolution and preservation potential, along-strike variations in sediment supply and wave energy are the main factors controlling shoreface architecture. The transgressive ravinement surface varies from –6 to –15 m along the Texas coast.  相似文献   

The wave-induced nearshore circulation model suggested by Noda has been modified and applied for three small segments along the coast of Goa. The present model incorporates the prevailing bottom topography and considers its variation along with the radiation stress as the driving force for the circulation. We find that the flow pattern is strongly dependent on bottom topography. While normal incidence of waves results in a cellular pattern of flow, meandering flows prevail for oblique incidence along the coast. The shoreward flows are always located over shoals while the rip currents prevail over channels. The onshore/offshore flows show magnitudes as high as 3·1 m/s, while those alongshore reach a maximum of 1·1 m/s. When compared with field observations these values are slightly higher.  相似文献   

Exemplified by young Tertiary sandy sediments from Denmark, general aspects of the study of heavy-minerals are discussed. It is demonstrated that three different heavy-mineral associations of the sediments have originated from one single association by successive chemical weathering of amphibole and epidote. Physical processes active during deposition may influence the composition within associations, but differences of this origin are shown to be insufficient to explain the differences between the associations. It has not been possible to demonstrate major influence on the heavy-mineral associations from differences in the composition within the source area, which is assumed to be part of the Scandinavian Shield.  相似文献   

From the wave refraction diagrams it is delineated that the Jaigad Head and Warori Bluff are the zones of wave energy convergence and the Narvan and Ambwah bays the areas of wave energy divergence. The presence of two distinct mineral phases noticed at the Jaigad, Ambwah and Varvade bays shows that there are two different circulations of sediment movements. The presence of natural barriers restricts the movement of sediment along the coast. The sand bar at the mouth of the Jaigad Bay has different orientations during the monsoon and non-monsoon periods causing obstruction to navigation during the former period.  相似文献   

A linear, continuously stratified ocean model is used to investigate vertical propagation of remotely forced, baroclinic Kelvin waves along the Indian west coast. The extent of vertical propagation over the length of the coast is found to be an increasing function of the forcing frequency. Simulations show that, over the length of the Indian west coast, vertical propagation is limited at annual and semi-annual periods, but significant at periods shorter than about 120 days. This has two major consequences. First, the depth of subsurface currents associated with these frequencies varies substantially along the coast. Second, baroclinic Kelvin waves generated in the Bay of Bengal at periods shorter than about 120 days have negligible influence on surface currents along the north Indian west coast.  相似文献   

One profile and four short borings were analyzed. A marine Quaternary deposit, here called the Hostrup Clay, was found. The two dominant species in the Hostrup Clay were Elphidium excavatum , forma clavata and Cassidulina crassa , whereas characteristic accessory species were Protelphidium orbiculare in the lower clayey part of the deposit, and Buccella frigida, Elphidiuni albiumbilicatum , and E. subarcticum together with P. orhiculare in the upper more sandy part. The Hostrup Clay faunas were compared with assemblages from other marine Quaternary deposits. The present deposit is probably correlatable with the lower part of the marine sequence of the Inder Bjergum borings at Ribe, which is supposed to be of Holsteinian Interglacial age. However, as the foraminiferal faunas indicate a climatic succession from arctic to probably boreo-arctic conditions, the Hostrup Clay, together with the corresponding cold part of the marine Quaternary sequence in the Ribe-Esbjerg region, may represent the Lateglacial part of the preceding Glacial Period, i.e. the Elsterian.  相似文献   

苏北沿海沉积物的主要矿物组成为石英、伊利石、高岭石和绿泥石,主元素化学成分变化较大,反映沉积物物质组成差异大.重金属元素分析显示,Cd的富集系数明显高于其它元素,较高的还有Cu和Cr,Hg元素大多低于背景值;连云港、射阳、启东三个地方的变异系数较高,反映它们受人类活动影响大.比较连云港区沉积物不同时间的重金属含量发现,几乎所有重金属都明显增加,特别是新港区.对照沉积物质量标准,Cr的污染最严重,其次是Cd、Cu和As.  相似文献   

Widely scattered marine Elsterian and Holsteinian deposits around the Limfjord and in the Kattegat region have normally subsequently been displaced by ice. The stratigraphic position and palaeoenvironments of these are discussed on the basis of their foraminiferal faunas and a few absolute dates. The concentration of finds around the present Limfjord might indicate the presence of a fjord system extending from the North Sea across to the Kattegat during the Late Elsterian–Holsteinian. The exact position of this coastline in the Kattegat region is still difficult to establish.  相似文献   

Concentration and distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn) in surface sediments collected from five stations located along the southwest coast of India were investigated seasonally to assess whether there is insidious buildup of heavy metals. Spatial variation was in accordance with textural characteristics and organic matter content. The concentration of the metals in sediments of the study area followed the order: Zn > Cr > Ni > Cu > Pb > Cd > Hg. The use of geochemical tools and sediment quality guidelines to account for the magnitude of heavy metal contamination revealed high contamination in monsoon and impoverishment during post-monsoon. Estimated total metal concentrations in the present investigation were comparable with other studies; however, concentrations of Ni and Zn were higher than that of other coastal regions. Concentrations of metals in sediment largely exceed NOAA effects range:low (e.g., Cu, Cr, Hg) or effects range:median (e.g., Ni) values. This means that adverse effects for benthic organisms are highly probable.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the contents of macro- and microelements (rare earth elements included) determined in grain size fractions of the Upper Pleistocene hydrothermally altered and unaltered sediments from the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California). Sediments subjected to high-temperature hydrothermal alteration were recovered by DSDP Hole 477A. In the finely dispersed fractions, which are mainly composed of clay minerals, alteration of the chemical composition was provoked by the hydrothermal transformation of terrigenous clay minerals. The concentration of microelements in these fractions takes place primarily at the cost of the hydrothermal finely dispersed ore minerals. Alteration of the chemical composition of the coarse-grained fractions is related to the replacement of clastogenic minerals by the secondary varieties and the formation of new minerals (including ore minerals and native metals) from the solutions. Hydrothermal alterations of the chemical composition of bulk samples depend on the degree of chemical element concentration in fractions and their content in samples.  相似文献   

The Holocene and late Pleistocene environmental history of the teri (‘sandy waste’ in local parlance) red sands in the southeast coastal Tamil Nadu was examined using remote sensing, stratigraphy, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Geomorphological surveys enabled the classification of the teri red sands as, 1) inland fluvial teri, 2) coastal teri and, 3) near-coastal teri dunes. The inland teri sediments have higher clay and silty-sand component than the coastal and near-coastal teri, suggesting that these sediments were deposited by the fluvial process during a stronger winter monsoon around > 15 ka. The coastal teri dunes were deposited prior to 11.4 ± 0.9 ka, and the near-coastal dunes aggraded at around 5.6 ± 0.4 ka. We interpret that the coastal dunes were formed during a period of lower relative sea level and the near-coastal dunes formed during a period of higher sea level. Dune reddening is post deposition occurred after 11.4 ± 0.9 ka for the coastal teri dunes and after 5.6 ± 0.4 ka for the near-coastal teri dunes. Presence of microlithic sites associated with the coastal dunes suggest that the cultures existed in the region during 11.4 ± 0.9 ka and 5.6 ± 0.4 ka.  相似文献   

During the last decade, exploration and mining of modern-Tertiary heavy mineral beach and raised beach sands along the west coast of South Africa has developed into a major industry. High resolution radiometric techniques have demonstrated their use as a quantitative indicator of total heavy mineral concentration (THM) and also have the ability to discriminate between sediments derived from different provenance terrains. Results indicate that it is possible to calculate the total heavy mineral concentration from high resolution radiometric measurements, but the ability to quantify the concentration of individual mineral fractions, such as ilmenite, requires further refinement of the method. Radiometric characteristics of the light mineral fraction made it possible to distinguish between sediments from mixed marine-aeolian palaeoplacers and active present beach placers. The effects of in situ alteration of the ilmenite fraction in the palaeoplacers were also reflected by subtle contrasts in the radiometric character of the deposits. Furthermore, the uniform radiometric character of the sample population indicates a common provenance for the heavy mineral suite and supports previous results which indicate the metamorphites of the mid-Proterozoic Namaqua Province as the primary source terrain. The high resolution radiometric techniques discussed offer a broad spectrum of applications in sedimentology and have the potential to aid heavy mineral exploration. With further refinement it can possibly be used quantitatively in grade control during mining and beneficiation of heavy mineral deposits. Received: 19 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 January 1997  相似文献   

Although the sediments of coastal marine mangrove forests have been considered a minor source of atmospheric methane, these estimates have been based on sparse data from similar areas. We have gathered evidence that shows that external nutrient and freshwater loading in mangrove sediments may have a significant effect on methane flux. Experiments were performed to examine methane fluxes from anaerobic sediments in a mangrove forest subjected to secondary sewage effluents on the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico. Emission rates were measured in situ using a static chamber technique, and subsequent laboratory analysis of samples was by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector. Results indicate that methane flux rates were lowest at the landward fringe nearest to the effluent discharge, higher in the seaward fringe occupied by red mangroves, and highest in the transition zone between black and red mangrove communities, with average values of 4 mg CH4 m?2 d?1, 42 mg CH4 m?2 d?1, and 82 mg CH4 m?2 d?1, respectively. Overall mean values show these sediments may emit as much as 40 times more methane than unimpacted pristine areas. Pneumatophores ofAviciennia germinans have been found to serve as conduits to the atmosphere for this gas. Fluctuating water level overlying the mangrove sediment is an important environmental factor controlling seasonal and interannual CH4 flux variations. Environmental controls such as freshwater inputs and increased nutrient loading influence in situ methane emissions from these environments.  相似文献   

Structurally complex sequences of sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive igneous rocks characterize a nearly continuous narrow band along the Pacific coast of North America from Baja California, Mexico to southern Alaska. They occur in two modes: (1) as complexly folded but coherent sequences of graywacke and argillite that locally exhibit blueschist-grade metamorphism, and (2) as melanges containing large blocks of graywacke, chert, volcanic and plutonic rocks, high-grade schist, and limestone in a highly sheared pelitic, cherty, or sandstone matrix. Fossils from the coherent graywacke sequences range in age from late Jurassic to Eocene; fossils from limestone blocks in the melanges range in age from mid-Paleozoic to middle Cretaceous. Fossils from the matrix surrounding the blocks, however, are of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and rarely, Tertiary age, indicating that fossils from the blocks cannot be used to date the time of formation of the melangesBoth the deformation of the graywacke, with accompanying blueschist metamorphism, as well as the formation of the melanges, are believed to be the result of late Mesozoic and early Tertiary subduction. The origin of the melanges, particularly the emplacement of exotic tectonic blocks, is not understood.  相似文献   

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