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全断面硬岩隧道掘进机(tunnel boring machine, TBM)对岩体条件极其敏感,且其前期投入较大,准确地评估岩体可掘性、预测TBM掘进性能对TBM隧道施工至关重要。基于来自中国、伊朗两国涵盖3种不同岩性的5条TBM施工引水隧洞约300组现场数据,以现场贯入度指数FPI为岩体可掘性评价指标,分析了岩石单轴抗压强度UCS、岩体完整性指数 、岩体主要结构面与洞轴线的夹角?、隧洞直径D等与岩体可掘性之间的关系;探讨了适用于岩体可掘性研究的岩体参数统一方法,进一步建立了精度较高的(相关系数为0.768)岩体可掘性经验预测方法。基于该预测方法,运用K中心聚类分析方法,将岩体可掘性分为6类,探讨了不同岩体可掘性条件下TBM平均单刀推力、刀盘转速分布规律,相应成果可为实际工程中TBM施工隧洞岩体可掘性评估、掘进参数的选择、施工进度的安排提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

The penetration rate of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) depends on many factors ranging from the machine design to the geological properties. Therefore it may not be possible to capture this complex relationship in an explicit mathematical expression. In this paper, we propose an ensemble neural network (ENN) to predict TBM performance. Based on site data, a four-parameter ENN model for the prediction of the specific rock mass boreability index is constructed. Such a neural-network-based model has the advantages of taking into account the uncertainties embedded in the site data and making appropriate inferences using very limited data via the re-sampling technique. The ENN-based prediction model is compared with a non-linear regression model derived from the same four parameters. The ENN model outperforms the non-linear regression model.  相似文献   

Summary The paper analyses the influence of rock mass quality on the performance of a double shield TBM in the excavation of a tunnel in a gneiss formation which is characterized by high strength and low fracture intensity.As full observation of the rock conditions was prevented by the use of segmental lining, a geomechanical survey of the face was performed during maintenance downtime and the observed conditions were correlated with the machine performance parameters for that same day. A statistical analysis of the data shows that penetration rate correlates well with a slightly modified RMR index (in which the influence of the water conditions and joint orientation were discounted), but the most important factor is by far the partial rating of the RMR classification related to joint spacing only. However in tunnels characterized by greater variability in rock strength and joint conditions, it could be worthwhile using the complete RMR index.Given the toughness of the rock, failure of the cutter bearings and supports were a frequent occurrence during excavation. Owing to this factor the influence of rock quality on the rate of advance was found to be weak and the correlation more scattered.The results obtained for the Varzo tunnel were compared with those relative to other tunnels in granitic rocks and found to be in good agreement. However the relationships obtained should be considered valid only for this type of rock; machine behaviour could be found to be markedly different in other rock types, even where rock material strength and joint frequency are the same.  相似文献   

褚卫江  徐卫亚  苏静波  任强  石崇 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):156-160
采用非饱和的渗流应力耦合模型分析了糯扎渡水电站2#导流洞的开挖过程,导流洞部分洞身穿过节理带,洞顶水头较高。详细地讨论了高水头和节理带对施工过程的影响。节理带采用描述高密度平行节理组的各向异性节理本构来逼近;考虑开挖引起的介质变形对渗透系数的影响;考虑排水引起的饱和度变化对渗透系数的影响。所用的非饱和瞬态耦合模型可以模拟出开挖引起的EDZ区域孔隙水压力急剧升高、有效应力减小、渗透系数动态的变化以及排水对洞室稳定性的提高。数值模拟的计算结果与国外类似试验的一般性观测结论相吻合,因此,可以用来评价水位以下隧洞施工方法和施工速度的合理性和经济性。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the magnitude and orientation of the initial in situ stress of rock mass in underground spaces in mining, construction, and oil projects are so vital; hence, putting it aside could not only cost a lot rather incur some irrecoverable damage. Various methods are available to estimate in situ stress in rock mass. However, the most commonly used one, i.e., hydraulic fracturing (HF) method is considered expensive and time consuming. As a matter of fact, laboratory methods based on drilled “core” have become prevalent these days considering them simple, cheap, and quick. Taking into account one such procedure, i.e., deformation rate analysis (DRA), the current research tries to review the DRA capability in determining the magnitude of initial in situ stress is in different parts of stress–strain curve. Further, an investigation was made about the usage of DRA method for both brittle and ductile rocks. To compare the DRA and hydraulic fracturing methods in in situ stress measurement, the water conveyance tunnel of Gotvand Dam was selected as a case study. The DRA tests were conducted on core samples prepared from blocks of tuff (as brittle) and soft sandstones (as ductile) from shallow quarry. The results show that the DRA method is suitable for all types of intact rock and that this could easily estimate in situ stress values. A comparison between in situ stress values obtained by DRA and those of HF method show the feasibility of geotechnical project, simplicity, speed, and low cost.  相似文献   

西南山区某铁路隧道口上部广泛分布着高位危岩体,对下部隧道建(构)造物具有严重的威胁.采用Rockfall Analyst软件对该隧道上部五类不同尺寸的高位危岩体进行三维运动轨迹数值模拟,研究表明:研究区的高位危岩落石具有弹跳高度大、速度快、冲击能量高的特点;弹跳高度、运动速度与危岩落石的质量无关,冲击能量大小与落石质量...  相似文献   

苯、甲苯碳同位素组成作为气源对比新指标的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
利用热模拟与在线同位素分析技术研究了天然气与源岩中的苯和甲苯的央同位素组成变化特征,发现热成熟度和运移效应对苯、甲苯碳同位素组成影较小,同一类型气源岩热模拟产物中苯、甲苯同位素组成受热成熟度的影响不大。在400~600℃热模拟实验中,除个别点外,变化小于1‰,说明它们基本上不受热成熟度的影响。不同层位气源岩苯、甲苯碳同位素组成有明显区别,大多相差3‰以上。甲苯脱吸附实验表明,甲苯同位素组成在脱吸附  相似文献   

常用围岩分类方法对某深埋隧洞的适用性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
某深埋隧洞局部地应力高达42 MPa,局部外水压力高达10 MPa,具有高地应力、高外水压力的特点。一般认为,最大主应力大于20 MPa属于高地应力,外水压力远大于1 MPa为高外水压力。采用Q系统、RMR分类、水电规范HC分类、国标BQ分类等4种常用围岩分类方法对该隧洞进行了围岩分类。分类结果表明,高地应力条件下,Q系统的适用性较好,RMR分类、HC分类、BQ分类适用性均差。4种分类方法在高外水压力条件下的适用性均差。出现上述现象的主要原因有:Q系统通过最大切向应力与岩石抗压强度的比值σθ/σc的大小,反映高地应力对围岩类别的影响。故其在高地应力条件下的适用性较好;RMR分类没有考虑高地应力对围岩类别的影响。其分类结果在高地应力区特别是岩爆段偏高;HC分类在高地应力区简单地采用降级的方法。其分类结果误差较大;BQ分类对岩石强度过于敏感。其分类结果在高地应力区过于保守。这4种方法均未考虑高外水压力对围岩类别的影响。论文提出了一种“归一化方法”,可以对不同分类方法分类结果进行相互比较。  相似文献   

张盼盼 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):505-514
冀北地区是河北省矿产资源重要聚集地之一,成矿条件优越,其中中-酸性侵入岩体与银铅锌多金属矿床成矿密切相关。然而,大量的第四系覆盖压制了一些深部及隐伏弱异常成矿信息,使得常规化探方法在该覆盖区提取效果微弱。本文运用奇异性分析及主成分分析对冀北1:20万水系沉积物常量元素化探数据进行分析处理,提取区内成矿元素弱异常,并将其与未进行奇异性处理的结果进行对比。结合区域地质背景、物化探资料圈定覆盖区内与中-酸性侵入岩体有关的异常区,对成矿作用、成矿规律进行分析、讨论,以期揭示区内元素富集规律。结果显示,上述组合方法可以有效提取元素弱异常并进行成矿有利区圈定,并且圈定位置与已知岩体位置、区域构造条件相吻合,共圈出隐伏异常点7个,推测其为成矿远景区。  相似文献   

滇西芒市盆地是在喜马拉雅构造运动第Ⅱ幕基础上形成的陆相沉积盆地,该盆地中的上新世芒棒组为河湖相沉积体系。根据矿区钻孔资料,芒棒组在工程地质岩组划分上属半固结软岩,可分为砂岩-砂砾岩软弱岩组、粉砂岩软弱岩组和炭质泥岩-煤层软弱岩组3类,各岩组强度依次为P砂-砾<P粉砂<P泥-炭。煤层为低—中灰分(15%~25%)、低硫—中硫(0.5%~2.5%)的半暗淡—半亮褐煤,有一定的自燃性。测井数据和曲线显示,煤层视电阻率中等,放射性异常曲线明显与其它围岩不同;抽水试验结果表明,渗透系数k在0.1~0.01m/d 之间 ,降落漏斗影响半径77~119m,煤矿虽然距离芒市河很近,但却无明显的水力联系,证实芒棒组整体透水性较差。矿山勘探、开采持续时间近50年,已形成了一些采空区和废弃采空区,由于距铁路优选线较远(1.5~2km),不会对大理-瑞丽铁路建设产生明显的影响。  相似文献   

滇西芒市盆地是在喜马拉雅构造运动第Ⅱ幕基础上形成的陆相沉积盆地,该盆地中的上新世芒棒组为河湖相沉积体系。根据矿区钻孔资料,芒棒组在工程地质岩组划分上属半固结软岩,可分为砂岩-砂砾岩软弱岩组、粉砂岩软弱岩组和炭质泥岩-煤层软弱岩组3类,各岩组强度依次为P砂-砾<P粉砂<P泥-炭。煤层为低—中灰分(15%~25%)、低硫—中硫(0.5%~2.5%)的半暗淡—半亮褐煤,有一定的自燃性。测井数据和曲线显示,煤层视电阻率中等,放射性异常曲线明显与其它围岩不同;抽水试验结果表明,渗透系数k在0.1~0.01m/d 之间 ,降落漏斗影响半径77~119m,煤矿虽然距离芒市河很近,但却无明显的水力联系,证实芒棒组整体透水性较差。矿山勘探、开采持续时间近50年,已形成了一些采空区和废弃采空区,由于距铁路优选线较远(1.5~2km),不会对大理-瑞丽铁路建设产生明显的影响。  相似文献   

Chemical weathering indices are useful tools in characterizing weathering profiles and determining the extent of weathering. However, the predictive performance of the conventional indices is critically dependent on the composition of the unweathered parent rock. To overcome this limitation, the present paper introduces an alternative statistical empirical index of chemical weathering that is extracted by the principal component analysis (PCA) of a large dataset derived from unweathered igneous rocks and their weathering profiles. The PCA analysis yields two principal components (PC1 and PC2), which capture 39.23% and 35.17% of total variability, respectively. The extent of weathering is reflected by variation along PC1, primarily due to the loss of Na2O and CaO during weathering. In contrast, PC2 is the direction along which the projections of unweathered felsic, intermediate and mafic igneous rocks appear to be best discriminated; therefore, PC1 and PC2 represent independent latent variables that correspond to the extent of weathering and the chemistry of the unweathered parent rock. Subsequently, PC1 and PC2 were then mapped onto a ternary diagram (MFW diagram). The M and F vertices characterize mafic and felsic rock source, respectively, while the W vertex identifies the degree of weathering of these sources, independent of the chemistry of the unweathered parent rock.

The W index has a number of significant properties that are not found in conventional weathering indices. First, the W index is sensitive to chemical changes that occur during weathering because it is based on eight major oxides, whereas most conventional indices are defined by between two and four oxides. Second, the W index provides robust results even for highly weathered sesquioxide-rich samples. Third, the W index is applicable to a wide range of felsic, intermediate and mafic igneous rock types. Finally, the MFW diagram is expected to facilitate provenance analysis of sedimentary rocks by identifying their weathering trends and thereby enabling a backward estimate of the composition of the unweathered source rock.  相似文献   

为统一核算区域蓝水、绿水资源有效利用程度,构建了农业广义水资源利用系数(Eg)指标,核算中国31个省区粮食生产中的Eg,并基于空间自相关和通径分析方法对其时空格局及成因进行分析。中国1998-2010年Eg为0.588,大部分省区呈随时间增大趋势;Eg相似的省区在空间上显著地聚集,高值省区聚集于西部,低值省区集中于东南地区,且空间聚集现象呈减弱趋势;农业生产管理水平对Eg的影响大于气候要素,社会经济条件影响最小。结合广义水资源利用状况,西南省区可扩大粮食生产规模以发挥Eg较大优势,东北与华北粮食主产区应通过提高Eg以保障粮食安全和水资源可持续利用。研究可发展农业用水效率评价理论同时为国家粮食生产与水资源管理策略的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

乡镇水权分配是乡镇水资源承载力研究的前提,是乡镇落实最严格的水资源管理和水权交易制度的基础,为新时期乡村振兴与美丽乡村建设提供物质保障.以最严格水资源管理制度确定的甘州区用水总量控制目标为可分配水权总量,在优先保障生活和生态基本用水基础上,选取2017年为规划水平年,采用人口、面积、产值单指标和混合分配模式,以及综合指...  相似文献   

由于地震分辨率的限制,传统的时间域反演方法很难精确预测薄储层的三维空间分布,极大制约了该类储层发育区高效水平井组的部署.要实现这类薄储层的精确预测,关键在于如何井震结合、拓宽频带,获得合理的高频成分.通过对比分析当前主流的反演方法,笔者提出深度域地震波形指示反演方法,该方法能够精确识别陆相薄层砂岩储层.以苏东南地区陕1...  相似文献   

The sedimentary rocks exposed in the study area, the Cham Bon reservoir and nearby area in Phichai District, Uttaradit Province, Thailand were grouped as non-marine Jurassic Phra Wihan Formation of the Khorat Group. After the previous reconnaissance by geologists of Department of Mineral Resources of Thailand, marine bivalves have been newly discovered in this area. This made us eagerly to examine the sedimentology, stratigraphy and geotectonic evolution of this region. The purpose of this research is to study in detail the sedimentary rocks in order to reconstruct the depositional environment. Two sections, the Cham Bon section and another section at 58 km-stone of Highway no.11, have been measured and 25 samples were petrographically examined. The Cham Bon sec-tion, which is 252 m thick, can be lithologically di-vided into 3 parts: the lower, middle and upper parts. The lower part is characterized by thick-bedded and massive quartz arenite.  相似文献   

作为流体作用过程中水—岩反应的产物,粘土矿物可以帮助人们认识水—岩反应的机制和流体活动的特征。本文以江西金山金矿为例,通过对热液蚀变粘土矿物伊利石和绿泥石结晶度、平均结晶大小和晶格应变的测定,讨论了岩石变形对伊利石和绿泥石结晶生长差异的影响。在岩石应变较弱、水/岩比较小的糜棱岩带,伊利石的平均结晶大小与结晶度成负相关,而在岩石应变较强、水/岩比较大的超糜棱岩带,绿泥石的平均结晶大小与结晶度成正相关。由应变较弱的蚀变糜棱岩带到应变较强的蚀变超糜棱岩带,伊利石的结晶度有变小的趋势,而绿泥石的结晶度则基本保持不变。认为在成矿流体作用过程中,粘土矿物的形成和特点不仅受水/岩比的影响,而且在岩石变形过程中,岩石的应变和恢复速率也影响粘土矿物的结晶大小;伊利石和绿泥石平均结晶大小与其结晶度之间的关系可以反映岩石变形的机制和行为。  相似文献   

张勇  项彦勇 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3481-3490
针对高放射核废深地质处置库近场环境,建立分布热源作用下饱和裂隙岩体三维水流-传热过程中位移和应力的一种半解析计算方法:采用Goodier热弹性位移势和Laplace变换计算由温度梯度产生的温梯位移和应力;考虑单一裂隙的情况,利用经典弹性力学的Boussinesq解和Cerruti解计算为满足边界条件的约束位移和应力,与温梯位移和应力叠加,可得总体热位移和应力;把裂隙面离散为矩形单元集合,采用极坐标系下的解析法计算包含奇点的单元积分,采用数值法计算与分布热源有关和不含奇点的单元积分。与基于裂隙面法向一维热传导假设的一种解析解对比,结果表明,半解析法与解析法的计算结果基本一致,但由于半解析法考虑岩石的三维热传导,因温度时空分布和演变的不同而导致不同的温梯应力。针对一个假想单裂隙岩体三维水流-传热过程,计算温梯位移和应力、约束位移和应力、总体位移和应力;结果表明,裂隙水流-传热可能对位移和应力的分布和演变有显著影响,距离分布热源较近的岩石因升温膨胀受到约束而出现压应力,而距离分布热源较远的岩石则可能因协调收缩受到约束而出现拉应力。  相似文献   

Several methods were evaluated and compared for the estimation of pyrite oxidation rates (POR) in waste rock at Mine Doyon, Quebec, Canada. Methods based on data collected in situ, such as the interpretation of temperature and oxygen concentration profiles (TOP) measured in the waste rock pile and pyrite mass balance (PMB) on solid phase samples were compared with the oxygen consumption measurements (OCM) in closed chamber in the laboratory. A 1-D analytical solution to a gas and heat transport equation used temperature and oxygen profiles (TOP) measured in the pile for the preliminary POR estimates at a site close to the slope of the pile (Site 6) and in the core of the pile (Site 7). Resulting POR values were 1.1 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 for the slope site and the core site, respectively. Oxidation rates based on pyrite mass balance (PMB) calculations for solid samples were 2.21 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 2.03 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1, respectively, for the same slope and core sites, but the difference between sites was within the error margin. The OCM measurements in the laboratory on fresh waste rock samples yielded higher POR values than field methods, with average oxidation rate of 6.7 × 10− 8 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. However, the OCM results on weathered and decomposed material from the rock stockpile (average oxidation rate 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) were consistent with results from the field-based estimates. When POR values based on fresh material are excluded, the remaining POR values for all methods range from 1.0 × 10− 10 to 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. The lowest estimated value (1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) was based on TOP estimates in the interior of the pile where oxygen transport was limited by diffusion from the surface. These results suggest that small-scale OCM laboratory experiments may provide relatively representative values of POR in the zones of waste rock piles in which oxygen transport is not dominated by diffusion.  相似文献   

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