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The paper presents a semi-analytical method of calculating the response of a pile group. The approach is based on tying the displacement at any point of the soil mass around a pile or group of piles to the displacements experienced by the piles themselves. This is done by multiplying the pile displacements by decay functions. Application of the principle of minimum potential energy and calculus of variations to the resulting displacement field formulation leads to the differential equations for the soil and piles. Solution of these differential equations using finite differences and the method of eigenvectors leads to the desired displacement field in the soil and deflection profiles of the piles. The method produces displacement fields that are very close to those produced by the finite element method at a fraction of the cost. To illustrate the ease of application of the method, it is then used to prepare pile group efficiency charts for some typical soil modulus profiles.  相似文献   

A total-displacement-loading approach based on the extended mobilisable strength design (EMSD) method is developed for predicting nonlinear foundation responses and upper-bound capacities with continuous velocity fields. Different from EMSD, the new approach turns optimizing a minimum energy solution into solving an elastic problem with strain-dependent equivalent elastic modulus. The strain-dependent modulus is determined by a nonlinear iterative method. This transform guarantees that the reaction force is consistent with the elastic solution in early stages of loading and gradually approaches an upper-bound solution at a large value of displacement. The approach is demonstrated on a problem of the laterally loaded pile.  相似文献   

The influence of vertical loads on the lateral response of group piles installed in sandy soil and connected together by a concrete cap is studied through finite elements analyses. The analyses focus on the five piles in the middle row of 3 × 5 pile groups. The vertical load is applied by enforcing a vertical displacement equivalent to 2% of the pile diameter through the pile cap prior to the application of the lateral loads. The results have shown that the lateral resistance of the leading pile (pile 1) does not appear to vary considerably with the vertical load. However, the vertical load leads to 23%, 36%, 64%, and 82% increase in the lateral resistance of piles 2–5, respectively. The increase in the lateral pressures in the sand deposit is the major driving factor to contribute the change in the lateral resistance of piles, depending on the position of the pile in the group. The distribution of lateral loads among piles in the group tends to be more uniform when vertical loads were considered leading to a more economical pile foundation design.  相似文献   

Bridge pile foundations in the midst of water current are often subjected to scour, which induces the loss of soil support around the piles and thus results in a significant decrease of foundation capacities or even the failure of bridges. In the current practice, when the scour-affected behavior of the pile foundations is analyzed, either the whole scour-hole geometry or the possible changes in the stress history of the remaining soils is often ignored. In reality, however, scouring creates scour holes with certain dimensions around the pile foundations and the remaining soils that are not scoured away undergo an unloading process at the same time, which will increase the over-consolidation ratios of the remaining soils and accordingly changes of their mechanical properties. This paper examines the behavior of laterally loaded piles in soft clay under scour conditions by using the p-y method. The conventional p-y curves have been modified appropriately to reasonably reflect the effects of three-dimensional scour-hole geometry as well as the stress history of the soils, with the aid of integration of Mindlin’s fundamental solutions. A field test is used to serve as a reference case and to investigate the effects of stress history, scour depth, scour width, and scour-hole slope angle on the responses of laterally loaded piles in soft clay. The results indicate that neglecting the stress history effect can be unconservative for scour-affected pile foundations in soft clay, whereas neglect of the scour-hole dimensions and geometry would lead to over-conservative predictions/design of the laterally loaded piles under scour condition.  相似文献   

群桩荷载位移特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石名磊  战高峰 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1607-1611
将杆系结构有限单元法与荷载传递迭代法相耦合,形成一桩基沉降分析计算的混合法。采用近似解析解中Randolph and Wroth’Model与双曲线模型相结合,模拟桩身与桩周介质边界上剪切滑移的非线性。桩间相互作用在采用弹性理论Mindlin方程解答计算,并考虑了桩间“加筋与遮帘”作用。桩周土介质非均质性特征,采用指数函数模拟。分析了刚性承台下群桩桩数、桩长、桩间距和桩土模量比等群桩工作特性的影响。尤其是桩台基础沉降对群桩相互作用影响机制的研究,对桥梁拼接等对桩基础沉降要求严格的工程有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A semi‐analytical method for calculating the response of single piles and pile groups subjected to lateral loading is developed in this paper. Displacements anywhere in the soil domain are tied to the displacements of the piles through decay functions. The principle of virtual work and the calculus of variations are used to derive the governing differential equations that describe the response of the piles and soil. The eigenvalue method and the finite difference technique are used to solve the system of coupled differential equations for the piles and soil, respectively. The proposed method takes into account the soil surface displacement along and perpendicular to the loading direction and produces displacement fields that are very close to those produced by the finite element method but at lower computational effort. Compared with the previous method that considered only the soil displacement along the loading direction, accounting for the multi‐directional soil displacement field produces responses for the piles and soil that are closer to those approximated by the finite element method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Static and dynamic lateral load tests were carried out on model aluminium single piles embedded in soft clay to study its bending behaviour. Model aluminium piles with length to diameter ratios of 10, 20, 30 and 40 were used. Static lateral load tests were conducted on piles by rope and pulley arrangement upto failure and load–deflection curves were obtained. Dynamic lateral load tests were carried out for different magnitudes of load ranging from 7 to 30 N at wide range of frequencies from 2 to 50 Hz. The load transferred to the pile, pile head displacement and the strain variation along the pile length were measured using a Data Acquisition System. Safe static lateral load capacity for all piles is interpreted from load–deflection curves. Dynamic characteristics of the soil–pile system were arrived from the acquired experimental data. The soil–pile system behaves predominantly in nonlinear fashion even at low frequency under dynamic load. The displacement amplitude under dynamic load is magnified by 4.5–6.5 times the static deflection for all piles embedded in soft clay. But, the peak magnification factor reduces with an increase in the magnitude of lateral load mainly because of increase of hysteretic damping at very soft consistency. The maximum BM occurs at the fundamental frequency of the soil–pile system. Even the lower part of the pile affects the pile head response to the inertial load applied at the pile head. The maximum dynamic BM is magnified by about 1.5 times the maximum static BM for model piles in tested consistency of clay. The maximum dynamic BM occurs at a depth of about 1.5 times the depth of maximum static BM for model piles, which indicates an increase of active pile length under dynamic load.  相似文献   

水平推力桩在大位移情况下m值的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据《港口工程桩基规范局部修订》关于m法的新解释,结合某码头2根大直径钢管嵌岩桩的试桩资料总结了m值与泥面处位移 的指数关系以及m值对桩受力特性的影响,发现规范建议的m值难以适应大位移情况下的取值要求。建议通过收集大量有关大位移情况下的试桩资料,根据m值和泥面处位移 的指数关系,统计分析出在各种土质条件下相应于某一大位移时m值的取值范围,为工程设计提供依据。  相似文献   

为探讨桩侧地基土反力对高承台嵌岩灌注桩桩身屈曲稳定的影响,假定地基反力系数呈更为复杂的幂分布,基于弹性地基梁理论建立桩土体系总势能方程,采用最小势能原理,导出了桩身屈曲临界荷载与稳定计算长度的解析解,并据此获得了地基反力系数分布模式、桩身自重及桩侧摩阻力等对桩身屈曲稳定的影响规律。工程应用分析结果表明,考虑地基反力系数为一般幂分布时,桩身屈曲分析结果更趋合理。  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is the analysis of full-height bridge abutments on pile foundations, installed through soft soils, with a commercially available finite element software and soil model. Well-documented centrifuge test data were used as reference. Excess pore pressures developed in the clay layer, vertical and horizontal movements of the soft clay, pile displacements and bending moments, and abutment wall bending moments were chosen for comparison, since they are the most critical parameters for observation and design. Additionally, the validity of an analytical method (SIMPLE), which was proposed to analyse the piled abutments subjected to nearby surcharge loading, is discussed. This soil-structure interaction problem has been investigated over the last three decades, using either field or centrifuge tests, accompanied by FE analyses. Special modelling techniques and advanced soil models were used in these numerical studies to establish the most representative field behaviour. However, since the codes or techniques used in these advanced FE analyses are neither very practical nor easily accessible, it is difficult to employ them consistently in design. Thus, the results of this study are intended to provide some guidelines for designers, and to bring insight about the interacting mechanisms into the design process.  相似文献   

天津市某主塔楼桩基选用后压浆超长钻孔灌注桩,为了掌握超长后压浆钻孔灌注桩在该地层的工程特性,共设计了2组(共8根)试桩进行单桩竖向抗压静载试验。试桩中安装了振弦式钢筋计和分层沉降管以反映桩侧摩阻力和桩身分层沉降状态。对试验数据进行对比分析和计算结果表明,桩侧注浆可以明显提高超长桩的侧摩阻力;采用预压加载可以增强超长桩的弹性,减少桩顶的沉降;卸荷稳定后试桩具有桩侧阻力,桩身上段所受阻力为负摩阻力,下段为正摩阻力,同时具有的桩身轴力使试桩产生一定的压缩,其压缩量为残余变形量的重要组成部分  相似文献   

滑坡治理中抗滑桩桩位分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用有限元强度折减法对单排桩、桩间距为4 m的抗滑桩在不同设桩位置加固滑坡进行数值模拟,研究发现不同的桩位影响滑坡的稳定安全系数、滑动面的位置和形状。桩位不同决定了是桩后土体还是桩前土体滑落。桩位选择的一个重要原则是加固后滑坡体的稳定安全系数必须大于设计要求的安全系数,否则就会出现桩端越顶破坏或桩前土体滑落。斜坡在同一稳定安全系数下,桩位不同时抗滑桩所受的滑坡推力、桩的内力(剪力、弯矩)和桩的挠度不同。抗滑桩位于斜坡中部时,桩身长度较长,推力和内力大,是不合理的桩位;但桩身挠度大,提供的桩前抗力也大。按常规方法与按有限元法计算桩前无土体的悬臂桩桩上推力是相近的。把桩视作埋入滑坡体中的梁单元,按有限元法算出的推力比较小,因为它已经充分考虑了桩前土体的抗力。  相似文献   

杜一鸣  郑刚  张立明 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):2019-2028
对于深基坑坑底以下的工程桩,受开挖效应影响,桩侧摩阻力分布与常规条件下差异较大。基于超长钻孔灌注桩的足尺试验和数值分析结果,研究了常规和基坑开挖条件下试桩不同侧摩阻力分布导致的沉降特性差异。研究结果表明,超长钻孔灌注桩在工作荷载下一般端阻比较小,桩侧摩阻力的分布形式直接决定了桩身压缩综合系数。无深基坑开挖影响时,规范推荐的桩身压缩综合系数计算超长桩桩身压缩量是可行的。但在深基坑开挖条件下,钻孔灌注桩桩身压缩综合系数取值可比现行规范基于不考虑基坑开挖效应的推荐值大20%,不考虑深基坑开挖影响可能导致桩顶沉降被低估。此外,在深开挖条件下,超长钻孔灌注桩的桩身压缩综合系数随桩身长径比l/d的增大而减小;而常规条件下,桩身压缩综合系数随桩身长径比l/d变化的规律不明显。  相似文献   

桩端阻力与桩侧阻力相互作用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张建新  吴东云 《岩土力学》2008,29(2):541-544
以嵌岩桩为例,通过进行室内模型试验分析,研究了桩端阻力与桩侧阻力的相互作用。结果表明,桩端岩层对桩侧阻力有较大影响,表现为随着桩端岩石强度的越高,桩侧阻力有增大现象,但这种桩侧阻力的增强效应并不发生在整个桩侧,只集中在桩端附近,反过来,较好的桩侧岩层又可使桩端阻力增大。利用此种相互作用关系可提高桩的承载力,优化桩基设计。  相似文献   

按单桩极限承载力设计复合桩基方法的可靠度分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
宰金珉  陆舟  黄广龙 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1483-1486
从按单桩极限承载力设计复合桩基的总安全度方法出发,运用可靠度理论,结合工程实例,建立了用该法确定的承载力极限状态方程,进行了可靠度分析与验证。对抗力及各基本变量的敏感性、设计参数不同组合时的安全系数与可靠度指标的关系进行了全面的分析,研究了天然地基承载力满足率ψ的合理取值范围,证实了天然地基满足率ψ≥0.5的必要性。  相似文献   

边坡桩-土相互作用的土拱力学模型与桩间距问题   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李邵军  陈静  练操 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1352-1358
桩-土相互作用机制是边坡抗滑桩设计需要考虑的重要因素之一。基于抗滑桩在侧向荷载作用下的受力条件,通过土力学和弹性力学的基本理论,导出了桩-土作用下桩后土体任意点的应力解析解,建立了土拱的力学模型;获得了土拱应力的等值线分布,得出了双曲拱、扩肩拱、马鞍拱和圆弧拱4种土拱形态,分析了不同桩间距、桩宽、桩后距离及土体力学特性对土拱效应的影响及其变化规律,阐明了土拱的作用机制。以拱体内土体破坏时的极限平衡状态为依据,基于Mohr-Coulomb抗剪强度理论建立了最大桩间距控制方程,并给出了具体的工程实例,对桩-土相互作用机制和抗滑桩设计理论研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

静压管桩单桩极限承载力与终压力关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王俊林  王志宽  马艳 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):631-634
通过静压管桩单桩承载力的静载荷试验研究,依据Q-S曲线等试验成果给出单桩极限承载力,采用数理统计方法探讨单桩极限承载力和终压力之间的区别和联系,提出两者之间的相关估算方法,为静压管桩技术的进一步推广和应用提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

考虑桩-土体系渐进破坏的单桩承载特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林春金  张乾青  梁发云 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1131-1140
针对目前桩基承载特性确定时未考虑桩-土体系渐进变形过程的现状,采用现场试验和理论分析等手段对考虑桩-土体系渐进破坏的单桩承载特性展开研究。首先,利用现场试验数据对侧阻和端阻的软化特性展开深入探讨,提出了侧阻和端阻软化模型,明确了模型中各参数取值方法,并验证了其合理性。同时,根据提出的侧阻和端阻软化模型,建立了一种可考虑桩-土体系渐进破坏的单桩承载特性的迭代算法。算例分析表明,计算获得的破坏性单桩承载特性与实测值有较好的一致性,且可反映侧阻和端阻的破坏特性。实际工程中,结合单桩承载特性分析算法,可根据单桩的实际受力特点灵活选用不同形式的侧阻和端阻荷载传递函数来分析不同桩顶荷载水平下的单桩受力特性。  相似文献   

随着工程建设向外海、深水区域不断发展,大直径嵌岩灌注斜桩因其具有更好的承受水平载荷能力,在港口、码头等构筑物基础施工中得到了广泛应用。受工程场地和桩孔设计参数等的影响,该类嵌岩桩多采用冲击成孔的施工方式,且其成孔速度相对其他灌注桩施工方法仍然非常低(约为0.1 m/h)。基于此,本文建立了大直径嵌岩斜桩冲击成孔过程中的冲锤下落受力模型,并通过单因素分析和双因素耦合分析的方式研究了冲锤质量、冲击行程、桩孔斜度,以及冲锤与钢护筒之间的摩擦系数等因素对冲击成孔速度的影响规律。分析认为,在桩孔斜度确定的情况下,冲锤质量和冲击行程是影响冲击成孔效率的主要因素,而摩擦系数的影响可以不作具体要求。  相似文献   

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