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概述了南昌大知引桥工程中采用袋装砂井排水固结法处理软弱地基的经验;介绍了从工程勘察,设计,施工和检测的全过程的取得的技术经济效果。  相似文献   

王树理  夏柏如  王强 《探矿工程》2000,(4):11-12,14
通过在深圳弯填海区软基处理工程中的实践,详述了塑料插板堆预压排水固结法在该工程的应用。实践证明,该法是软处理中比较好的方法,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

常规真空预压法在处理超软土地基时耗时较长,且加固效果有限。真空预压联合加热技术是近年来提出的一种新型软基处理技术,但国内相关研究刚刚兴起。针对宁波典型软黏土地基,利用自制的温控模型试验装置,设计并开展了真空预压联合加热与常规真空预压处理效果的对比研究,细致分析了不同加热温度情况下(常温~80℃)软土地基的温度、孔压和沉降的发展趋势,对比了不同技术加固前后土体的物理力学特性变化情况。研究结果表明:相比于常规真空预压法,真空预压联合加热技术能加快固结速率,减小工后沉降,提高软土地基承载力;当加热温度不高时,真空预压法处理效果随温度升高而增强,但这种趋势并非线性增长;当温度达到一定值后,热法联合处置技术的加固效果会衰减,甚至起反作用;通过对固结沉降的反演分析得出,相比于常温情况,40℃、50℃和60℃处理后软土固结系数分别提高30%、35%和5%;从处置效果和经济性出发,加热到40~50℃是热法地基处理技术的较适宜温度范围。  相似文献   

薛茹  李广慧 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3242-3248
软土中孔隙水压力长消规律是研究动力排水固结法加固机制及控制施工效果的关键因素。针对这一问题,设计了动力排水固结法加固软土路基的模型试验装置并进行了试验。试验模拟某高速公路现场条件,按不同锤重、不同落距、不同锤底面积等工况分别进行。重点研究了动力排水固结法加固软土路基时,夯击击数、夯击能、夯锤重量及落距等参数在不同组合情况下土体不同深度处孔隙水压力的长消规律。研究表明,夯击能相同的情况下增加夯击次数将导致孔隙水压力消散减慢,但保持夯击能不变的情况下增加锤重比增加落距的加固效果好;高夯击能能使孔隙水压力有较大增幅,相应的加固范围也会增大。为了促使孔隙水压力消散,施工时宜采取多遍夯击,逐遍增加夯击能的施工方法  相似文献   

王九林 《探矿工程》2004,31(9):26-28
结合工程实践,总结沿海公路淤泥软基排水固结处理的质量控制途径与方法。  相似文献   

在静动力排水固结法处理饱和软黏土地基处理的场地进行现场的数据测试,分析了该条件下的孔隙水压力和土压力的响应规律,提供在一定的施工条件下沉降规律及与孔压、土压响应关系的求解方法,为静动力排水固结法加固淤泥类软土地基的研究和工程实践提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

砂井地基固结的三维有限元模型及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一维和二维的数值方法对刻画砂井地基的固结都不够准确和全面,但砂井密集地基的完全三维耦合模拟难度比较大。在对称性原理和Biot固结理论基础上,对三维渗流-二维变形的有限单元方法(PDSS法)进行了改进,给出了砂井地基经济合理的三维剖分方案,使PDSS模型能够直接刻画正三角形布局的砂井。砂井重新布置到节点上而非处理成单元,原模型计算中砂井附近径向流的偏离也得到修正。改进的PDSS模型还与反求参数的方法相结合,用于真空联合堆载预压下砂井路基固结变形的工程模拟。  相似文献   

史蓝天  李传勋  杨洋 《岩土力学》2023,44(1):183-192
竖井排水固结法中井阻随时空演变(即由淤堵和弯折所引起的竖井排水能力下降)的现象已引起广泛关注,且变井阻对竖井地基固结速率的影响不容忽略。但目前能同时考虑变荷载及井阻随时间和空间变化的固结解析解还鲜有报道。考虑井阻随时空演变过程,引入实际中广泛采用的单级或多级加载模式,建立了竖井地基固结模型,并应用分离变量法获得固结模型的解析解答。通过与已有的解析解、有限差分解及工程实测值进行对比分析,充分验证了该模型的正确性。通过大量的计算,分析变井阻参数对竖井地基固结性状的影响。结果表明:竖井地基固结速率随竖井最终排水能力的增大而加快,随深度井阻参数及时间井阻参数的增大而减缓,且时间井阻参数的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

针对沿海地区深厚淤泥软土的特点和工程建设时效性的要求,本文在总结软土排水固结S-T曲线规律的基础上提出应用短程超载真空预压动力排水固结法加固深厚淤泥的方法,发现深厚淤泥软土在真空负压、超载正压和动力冲击三者优化组合的作用下,主固结沉降可在短时间内完成,土体强度提高的同时地表吹填土在动力冲击作用下形成超固结的硬壳层。深厚淤泥软土加固后能够满足地基承载力的要求并且能够有效控制工后沉降和不均匀沉降。并通过工程实例,对地基处理后的效果进行分析评价,证明了该工法的可行性和有效性,为沿海地区广泛分布的深厚淤泥软土地基的加固提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

对厚度10.5~13.8m、埋深2~17m、高含水量、高压缩性、低强度及欠固结的不能满足公路工程建设工后沉降量要求的软基路段进行了砂井排水堆载预压法地基处理;采用分层综合法等理论方法,通过对地基处理前后地基沉降量的计算和预压处理工程中地层固结度的计算,并与预压过程中分层沉降量观测成果进行对比分析,预压处理后的地基工后沉降量可满足规范要求,达到了预期目的。  相似文献   

蔡晓光  刘汉龙 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):647-650
塑料排水板是软土地基加固排水材料,根据芯板与滤膜的复合方式不同,可分为分离式和整体式两种。分别对分离式和整体式两种塑料排水板的物理性能、力学性能和水力学性能开展了一系列的试验,研究探讨了这两种排水板的性能差异。结果表明:整体式排水板与分离式排水板相比,具有整体抗拉强度高、延性好,在复杂条件下施工,滤膜与芯板不易剥离脱开、刚度大、抗侧向压曲能力强、通水能力强等特点。  相似文献   

黄朝煊 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4819-4827
针对目前国内外竖井地基非线性固结计算大多均采用近似等效法求解的不足,根据软土固结理论及数学理论推导,基于塑料排水板椭圆柱假定,推导了考虑地基土水平渗透系数、压缩模量随固结过程非线性变化影响下的排水板处理地基非线性固结控制方程,并利用数学中非线性微分方程理论,给出了非线性固结解析解。通过与Indraratna等非线性固结近似解对比分析,认为理想井下预压荷载越大(Nu越大),则Indraratna等近似法成果误差越大;且在Cc/Ck = 1.8、Nu = 5时Indraratna等近似解与该理想井非线性固结精确解析解误差高达16%,而解析解与精确数值解基本一致。最后通过Indraratna等典型工程案例验证分析,认为所得理论更符合工程实际,具有较好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

杨鹏  蒲诃夫  宋丁豹 《岩土力学》2019,40(10):4049-4056
简单介绍了真空-堆载联合预压下饱和软土竖井地基大变形固结沉降模型(VRCS1模型),该模型能考虑大应变、材料非线性、非达西流、真空折损和竖井未打穿等因素。使用该模型对澳大利亚巴利纳支路某现场沉降进行预测,结果与现场实测数据吻合良好。基于该工程案例,讨论了分级堆载、循环荷载、真空联合堆载、上边界为等应力/等应变条件以及排水板打入深度等因素对竖井地基固结过程的影响规律。计算结果表明:分级堆载可降低土体超静孔压峰值进而改善土体稳定性;循环荷载使土体固结过程发生震荡,且土体沉降峰值迟于超静孔压峰值和荷载峰值出现;真空荷载和堆载作用机制有本质区别,真空荷载不可简单以堆载替代;上边界等应变条件下的固结速率一般快于等应力条件,工程真实条件一般介于两者之间;排水板打入深度超过0.9倍土层厚度时,再加大打入深度加速固结效果不明显。  相似文献   

Natural soils are one of the most inherently variables in the ground. Although the significance of inherent soil variability in relation to reliable predictions of consolidation rates of soil deposits has long been realized, there have been few studies that addressed the issue of soil variability for the problem of ground improvement by prefabricated vertical drains. Despite showing valuable insights into the impact of soil spatial variability on soil consolidation by prefabricated vertical drains, available stochastic works on this subject are based on a single‐drain (or unit cell) analyses. However, how the idealized unit cell solution can be a supplement to the complex multi‐drain systems for spatially variable soils has never been addressed in the literature. In this study, a rigorous stochastic finite elements modeling approach that allows the true nature of soil spatial variability to be considered in a reliable and quantifiable manner, both for the single‐drain and multi‐drain systems, is presented. The feasibility of performing an analysis based on the unit cell concept as compared with the multi‐drain analysis is assessed in a probabilistic context. It is shown that with proper input statistics representative of a particular domain of interest, both the single‐drain and multi‐drain analyses yield almost identical results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground improvement is a complex issue, and accurately predicting the consolidation and settlement of soft soil with prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) presents a significant challenge. Recent laboratory and field tests have highlighted the influence of the variable discharge capacity of PVD and the non-Darcian flow behavior of soft soil on consolidation. However, existing theories have not yet considered these two factors simultaneously. To address this gap, a numerical solution for consolidation analysis incorporating non-Darcian flow and variable discharge capacity of PVD was developed and applied in a test area. The results of this study demonstrate the significant impact of both non-Darcian flow and variable discharge capacity on the consolidation rate. A comprehensive comparison between the findings of this numerical solution, the degenerate solution, and monitored data reveals clear differences. Notably, the non-Darcian exponent (s) and discharge capacity parameters (A3) were found to exert a greater influence on consolidation behavior compared to other factors. These findings provide valuable guidance for the design and implementation of following airport ground improvement strategies.  相似文献   

In recent years, a new technique of ground improvement, which involves the combined use of impervious column and vertical drains, has been proposed and utilized in many field projects to accelerate consolidation and increase bearing capacity of soft soil ground. To cover the possible distribution patterns of impervious columns and vertical drains, 2 analytical models, including Model A with outward flow and Model B with inward flow within the soils, are proposed to predict the consolidation of combined composite ground by considering the following factors: (1) disturbance effects of both impervious columns and vertical drains, (2) the well resistance of vertical drains, and (3) time‐variant loadings. The average degrees of consolidation predicted by the proposed analytical models are compared with several existing solutions and then against the measured data in the literature. The consolidation behavior of a combined composite ground is investigated by the proposed analytical solutions. The results show that the combined use of impervious columns and vertical drains can remarkably accelerate the consolidation rate of soft soils compared with the single use of either of them. The average degrees of consolidation predicted by both analytical models agree well with the measured data. Compared with Model B, Model A usually predicts a faster consolidation rate because of a shorter drainage path. Many factors can influence consolidation behavior of combined composite ground, such as loading scheme, distribution patterns and the disturbance effects of impervious columns and vertical drains, and compression modulus ratio of impervious column to soil.  相似文献   

Various analytical theories of consolidation for soils with vertical drains have been proposed in the past. Most conventional theories are based on a cylindrical unit cell that contains only a single vertical drain. This paper described a new analytical model where a vertical drain located at the centre (the ‘inner vertical drain’) and is surrounded by two or three vertical drains (the ‘outer vertical drains’), the number of which depends on whether the configuration is triangular or rectangular. Both types of drains are combined into a cylindrical unit cell, and the water is assumed to flow both inwards to the inner vertical drain and outwards to the outer vertical drains distributed around the circumference. The outer radial boundary of the unit cell is regarded as a permeable boundary, with a drainage capacity of two or three separate vertical drains for triangular and rectangular configurations, respectively. The smear effects and the drainage resistances for both the inner and outer vertical drains are considered in the analysis as well. In this way, the equations governing the consolidation process with multiple vertical drains are derived, and the corresponding analytical solutions are obtained for instantaneously loading, ramp loading and multi‐stage of instantaneously loading and multi‐stage of ramp loading. The present solutions are finally compared with several conventional solutions for a single vertical drain in the literature. The results show that the present model predicts the same average degree of consolidation as conventional models do, which verifies the correctness of this new model. Finally, the settlement predicted by the present solution is compared with the measured settlement from a field test at the Port of Brisbane, Australia, which shows a good agreement between them. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用大型动三轴试验仪进行重塑高岭土试样的循环三轴试验,试样直径为300 mm,高度为600 mm。圆柱体试样中心放置了一块竖向排水板,在循环加载试验进行时和结束后都可进行径向排水。试验结果验证了径向排水可以有效地消散循环荷载引起的孔隙水压力。通过结合径向固结理论与不排水循环加载土体模型,提出了一个循环荷载作用下径向固结模型,用来描述在允许径向排水的情况下软黏土在循环荷载作用下的孔压累积特性。模型中考虑了应力历史和孔隙水压力消散对孔隙水压力生成的影响,并用大型循环三轴试验结果进行验证。研究发现,当施加较大循环荷载时,径向排水减缓了孔隙水压力累积到临界值的速率,因而土体在破坏前可以经历更多次的循环荷载;当施加中等循环荷载时,径向排水可有效阻止孔隙水压力增长至临界值。除此之外,还研究了加载间歇期对孔压累积特性的影响,结果显示3组循环加载结束后,累积孔隙水压力开始减小,表明之后更多的循环加载并不会引起孔隙水压力的累积增长。  相似文献   

针对塑料排水板(PVD)安装热源能提升PVD性能、加速竖井地基固结这一工程现象,基于热-水-应力 (T-H-M) 三场全耦合的有限元方法来模拟利用热源进行地基处理新技术(PVTD)。首先,以微分形式与等效弱形式分别给出T-H-M耦合控制方程,并推导出其有限元方程组。然后在多场耦合有限元软件中建立饱和土的T-H-M全耦合模型,并通过与已有解析解比较,验证了模型正确性。最后,对一个经典有涂抹区的竖井地基算例,分不耦合温度(UT)、耦合温度但不考虑其对饱和土物性影响(CT)、耦合温度考虑温度对饱和土渗透性影响(CTP) 3种情况进行固结计算分析。研究结果表明,相对于无热源竖井地基,CT情况下由于热源产生的附加孔隙水压力,固结速度略有下降;CTP情况下,由于热源有效改善涂抹区的渗透性能,竖井地基固结速率明显加快。上述研究结论从理论上较好地阐明了PVTD的作用机制。  相似文献   

A solution for the consolidation by vertical drains under time‐dependent loading is presented in this paper. Considering the well resistance and the smear action, the simultaneous basic partial differential equations of the consolidation by vertical drains are obtained for the arbitrary loading method. However, the impulse function method cannot be directly applied to obtain the solution. The partial differential equations and the solution conditions that satisfy the impulse function method are obtained after some mathematical processing. The solution for the consolidation by vertical drains under time‐dependent loading is obtained by virtue of the impulse function method and the solution under instantaneous loading. The solutions under single ramp loading and multi‐ramp loading are obtained and the feasibility of Carrillo's method under time‐dependent loading is discussed. Further, the characteristics of the consolidation by vertical drains under instantaneous loading and time‐dependent loading are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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