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Coal is the richest fossil fuel in the world. Theby-product formed during incoalation is gas that iscomposed primarily of methane (CH4)[1,2]. This gascan generally be named coal measure gas. Accordingto the occurrence conditions, coal measure gas can befurther divided into humic gas and coal-bed methane.Humic gas refers to coal measure gas that generatesfrom the coal measure source rocks (coal and dark-coloured argillaceous rocks in coal measures), and canbe expelled and migrate into various …  相似文献   

针对扬子东南缘浙赣地区地质构造特征,通过研究中生代的构造分层、盆地演化、火山活动构造环境等,分析了研究区中生代构造环境,认为研究区中生代盆地演化经历了由近东西向、北东东向向北东、北北东向构造方向的转变和由挤压-拉张-挤压-拉张的构造环境变化;构造体制环境从晚侏罗世开始,到早白垩世早期基本完成转换过程。伴随构造环境的转变,研究区内形成了中生代不同类型的盆地。  相似文献   

基于重磁震资料的南海新生代盆地分布综合研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为西太平洋最大的边缘海,南海分布有30多个新生代沉积盆地,其蕴含着丰富的油气资源.但由于资料的限制,南海存在不同区域盆地研究程度不同,不同区域盆地面积差别较大,部分盆地只是坳陷而没有达到盆地的级别以及盆地外围可能存在凹陷等问题.南海新生代盆地分布问题制约了其油气分布规律、储量等基础地质问题的研究.本文以地震剖面数据为约束,以重力资料为主、辅以磁力资料,研究了南海新生代盆地分布及构造区划.通过提取新生代盆地及其构造单元引起的重力异常,结合地震剖面等资料反演了新生界底界面深度及新生界厚度.在充分调研已有盆地和构造单元划分方案的基础上,根据南海的地质及地球物理特征,确定了盆地及构造单元划分标准.以新生界厚度为基础并结合重、磁、震、地质等资料,进行地质-重磁震联合解释,将南海原有的36个盆地重新划分为24个盆地,盆地总面积扩大了约15万km2.研究表明,南海新生代盆地沉积层厚度在1.5~16 km之间,有6个北东东/北东向沉积坳陷带、2个近南北向沉积坳陷带以及1个三角沉积坳陷区;盆地展布方向主要为北东和北东东向,其次为北西和近南北向,呈现"南三北三"的分布特征.  相似文献   

西昆仑空巴克石英闪长岩为原特提斯洋基本闭合,康西瓦韧性剪切带活动的产物。岩体属强过铝质、钙碱性系列偏碱性浅成相花岗岩类,大多属I型花岗岩,少数为S型花岗岩,构造环境为晚加里东期活动陆缘碰撞造山带环境。岩浆源为壳幔混源型。  相似文献   

我国油气资源勘探开发中存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:8,自引:22,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文对中国石油、天然气资源作了重点的介绍.强调了这些资源对我国国民经济和国防建设的重要性.目前,我国油气资源短缺的现象日益严重.作者指明了在前第三纪海相残留盆地中勘探这些资源,会带来光明的前景.  相似文献   

~~Characteristics of the mantle source region of sodium lamprophyres and petrogenetic tectonic setting in northeastern Hunan,China~~  相似文献   

皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩沿祁门-歙县-三阳深断裂呈串珠状出露。本文在对其岩石学、地球化学细致分析的基础上,探讨了岩体的岩石成因和产出环境。皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩主要由石英、钾长石和斜长石组成,普遍含富铝矿物黑云母和堇青石,副矿物包括锆石、磷灰石、钛铁矿、独居石、磷钇矿、极少的磁铁矿等。地球化学分析数据显示,岩石总体具高硅、高钾、高铝和低钠、低镁、低钙的特征;岩石富碱(ALK=6.63%),高K2O/Na2O比值(1.33)。里特曼指数δ为0.8~2.91,碱度率AR为1.56~3.14,属高钾钙碱性系列。岩石铝饱和指数(A/CNK-1.31)大于1.1,具强过铝质S型花岗岩的特征。岩石稀土元素呈轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的特征,∑LREE/∑HREE比值为5.36~8.36,具较强的负铕异常(δEu=0.39~0.7),配分模式为右倾“V”字形态;微量元素明显富集Rb、Th而亏损Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr等,为低Sr高Yb型花岗岩。地球化学特征显示其岩浆源于围岩-中元古代牛屋组浅变质千枚岩的部分熔融,反映陆-陆碰撞挤压造山环境,为晋宁运动晚期华夏板块向北俯冲与扬子板块碰撞造山的火山弧产物。  相似文献   

The Turpan-Hami basin (as the Tu-Ha basin here-after) and the Santanghu basin, as the late Paleozoic– Mesozoic-Cenozoic reworked and superimposed sedi-mentary basins with the similar evolution history 1, 2), are located in between the Tianshan and the Altay moun-tains in northeastern Xinjiang. As the major oil-and gas-bearing basins in Xinjiang, study of both the ba-sins through their complicated tectonic evolution his-tory is scientifically significant for exploring conti-nental geology …  相似文献   

南海大陆边缘盆地由于边界条件的差异,形成了离散型、走滑-伸展型和伸展-挠曲复合型3类陆缘盆地.这些盆地由于其构造演化差异性,导致了盆地沉积充填存在较大差异,相应地导致这些盆地油气成藏条件及油气资源量的巨大差异.南海北部离散型大陆边缘盆地主要发育湖相泥岩和海相泥岩烃源岩,尽管存在较好的湖相烃源岩,但由于各断陷分隔且面积较小,因而油气主要富集于各富烃凹陷周缘.南海南部伸展-挠曲复合型大陆边缘盆地构造演化差异明显,南部曾母盆地周缘前陆阶段早于礼乐盆地、北康盆地和南薇西盆地,一方面由于坳陷面积大及相应的海陆交互相煤系地层及海相泥岩烃源岩面积大、厚度大,另一方面断坳转换时期(15.5 Ma)缓慢的沉降速率导致大面积碳酸盐岩及礁灰岩广泛发育,形成了较为有利的生储盖组合.南海西部走滑-伸展型陆缘盆地介于上述两者之间,具有较厚的沉积物充填和高热流值,油气聚集以天然气藏为主.总之,无论是烃源岩分布范围及厚度,还是储集层,特别是礁灰岩储层分布以及生储盖组合等方面,南海南部大陆边缘盆地油气成藏条件均优于北部大陆边缘盆地,前者具有更优的油气勘探前景.  相似文献   

青海扎日根结扎群火山岩中基性岩以贫硅、钾,高钛、钙,中性岩类以低硅、中钾、钛、钙,酸性岩类以高硅、钾,中钛,低钙为特征。根据Fe*/MgO-TiO2图解上显示出本区火山岩绝大多数火山岩落在岛弧区。微量元素中Th/Nb=0.9〉0.11,Nb/Zr〉0.04显示出其构造背景为陆-陆碰撞形成的岛弧区。扎日根结扎群火山岩时代Rb-Sr同位素等时线给出的年龄为231±28Ma和225±8 Ma,属晚三叠世。另外Sr同位素的初始比值ISr=0.70522±0.00023,小于0.719,表明岩浆(原始)来源于上地幔,并且在上升的过程中受到地壳的混染。  相似文献   

本文利用奥陶系米钵山组砂岩地球化学分析,结合区域地质研究,探讨贺兰山中、晚奥陶世的构造环境。贺兰山中段奥陶系米钵山组砂岩的地球化学研究表明,砂岩的siO2平均含量为81.3%;A120。/Si02值0.07~0.11,平均值为0.08;K20/Na20值变化较大,最大60.7,一般介于4.79~7.81;Fe2O3+MgO含量较低,介于2.1%~2.81%。砂岩微量元素Nb丰度及V/(V+Ni)与Ce/La、Sr/Ba值均较高,说明砂岩沉积于湿热、还原、低盐度环境,具有大陆型沉积特征。砂岩稀土元素富集,含量在116×10^-6~195×10^-6之间,平均值为158×10~;8Eu为0.52~0.58,具显著的负铕异常。这些数据指示了米钵山组具有重力流快速堆积的特征和大量陆源补给,浊流沉积作用是重力流携带陆源物质的主要途径。通过多种构造环境判别图解分析,显示物源区地质构造具有被动大陆边缘性质。  相似文献   

南海南部海域油气资源丰富,由于盆地沉积厚度大、沉积相横向变化快和构造演化复杂等原因,致使该海域新生代地层的划分方案差异大,地层时代的认识也存在较大分歧,这极大地制约了对盆地油气资源评价的正确认识.本文在总结国内外不同分层方案基础上,通过收集国外在南海南部深水区两口关键钻井的资料,开展曾母和北康两盆地重处理二维地震剖面的构造-地层解译,以及联井剖面的井震对比,重新识别和标定新生代重要构造变革面的地震反射特征.根据海域钻井、地层岩性、沉积环境、构造应力体系和古生物资料的综合对比研究,结合婆罗洲陆地测年结果和区域构造事件,重新厘定中中新世T3构造变革面的发育时代,年龄为15~17 Ma,分析了该界面的构造含义,认为其是南海海底扩张停止的一个构造响应界面,在南海南部海域对应南沙运动,在北婆罗洲地区表现为沙巴造山运动.  相似文献   

China sedimentary basins present abundant natural gas resource thanks to its unique geological settings.Marine highly-matured hydrocarbon source rocks,widespread coal-measure strata and low temperature Quaternary saline strata,etc.,indicate the wide foreground of China natural gas resources. Up to now,most of the petroliferous basins have been discovered to have wholesale natural gas accumulation from Precambrian,Paleozoic,Mesozoic to Cenozoic in the east,the central,the west and the coast of China.These large and medium-scale gas reservoirs are mainly composed of hydrocarbon gas with big dry coefficient,tiny non-hydrocarbon,wide carbon isotope distribution and varying origin types,the hydrocarbon gas includes coal-formed gas,oil-formed gas,biogenic gas and inorganic gas, etc.Coal-formed gas is the main type of China natural gas resources,in particular several explored large-scale gas fields(>100 billion cubic meter)of Kela 2,Sulige and Daniudi,etc.,they all belong to coal-formed gas fields or the gas fields consisting mostly of coal-formed gas.Oil-formed gas is also abundant in China marine basins,for example marine natural gas of Sichuan Basin generated from crude oil cracking gas.Primary and secondary biogenic gas fields were discovered respectively in the Qaidam Basin and Western Slope of Songliao Basin.In addition,inorganic gases are mainly distributed in the eastern China,in particular the Songliao Basin with abundant carbon dioxide accumulation,indicating that the eastern China present large exploration potential of inorganic gas.  相似文献   

湘西南兰蓉岩体为一加里东期小侵入体,由黑云母二长花岗岩和二云母二长花岗岩组成.(443.5±8.1)Ma的锆石SHRIMP U Pb年龄表明花岗岩形成于早志留世早期.主量元素组成表明岩体总体属钙碱性高钾钙碱性系列强过铝质花岗岩类.该侵入体Ba、(Ta+Nb)、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,Rb、(Th+U+K)、(La+Ce)、Nd、(Zr+Hf+Sm)、(Y+Yb+Lu)等相对富集;稀土元素含量较高、轻稀土富集明显、Eu显著亏损;Isr值为0.71299,εSr(t)值为120,εNd (t)值为 8.11和-8.89,t2DM为1.82和1.84Ga.C/MF-A/MF图解显示其源岩为泥质岩和砂屑岩.上述地球化学特征表明兰蓉岩体为陆壳碎屑岩石部分熔融形成的S型花岗岩.基于岩石成因、构造环境判别以及区域构造演化过程,推断兰蓉岩体的具体形成机制为:奥陶纪末志留纪初的北流运动(板内造山运动)导致地壳增厚、升温,尔后在挤压减弱、应力松弛的后碰撞减压构造环境下,中、上地壳酸性岩石发生部分熔融并向上侵位而形成兰蓉岩体.  相似文献   

Shaly sands reservoir is one of the most distributive types of the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs discovered in China, and low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs are mostly shaly sands reservoirs. Therefore, shaly sands reservoir conductive model is the key to evaluate low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs using logging information. Some defects were found when we studied the clay distribution type conductive model, dual-water conductive model, conductive rock matrix model, etc. Some models could not distinguish the conductive path and nature of microporosity water and clay water and some models did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume. So, we utilize the merits,overcome the defects of the above models, and put forward a new shaly sands conductive model-dual water clay matrix conductive model (DWCMCM) in which dual water is the free water and the microporosity water in shaly sands and the clay matrix(wet clay) is the clay grain containing water. DWCMCM is presented here, the advantages of which can tell the nature and conductive path from different water (microporosity water and freewater), in consid-eration of the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume in shaly sands. So, the results of logging interpretation in the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs in the north of Tarim Basin area, China with DWCMCM are better than those interpreted by the above models.  相似文献   

We summarize chemical characteristics of chromian spinels from ultramafic to mafic plutonic rocks (lherzolites, harzburgites, dunites, wehrlites, troctolites, olivine gabbros) with regard to three tectonic settings (mid‐ocean ridge, arc, oceanic hotspot). The chemical range of spinels is distinguishable between the three settings in terms of Cr# (= Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio) and Ti content. The relationships are almost parallel with those of chromian spinels in volcanic rocks, but the Ti content is slightly lower in plutonics than in volcanics at a given tectonic environment. The Cr# of spinels in plutonic rocks is highly diverse; its ranges overlap between the three settings, but extend to higher values (up to 0.8) in arc and oceanic hotspot environments. The Ti content of spinels in plutonics increases, for a given lithology, from the arc to oceanic hotspot settings by mid‐ocean ridge on average. This chemical diversity is consistent with that of erupted magmas from the three settings. If we systematically know the chemistry of chromian spinels from a series of plutonic rocks, we can estimate their tectonic environments of formation. The spinel chemistry is especially useful in dunitic rocks, in which chromian spinel is the only discriminating mineral. Applying this, discordant dunites cutting mantle peridotites were possibly precipitated from arc‐related magmas in the Oman ophiolite, and from an intraplate tholeiite in the Lizard ophiolite, Cornwall.  相似文献   

Active tectonic blocks and strong earthquakes in the continent of China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The primary pattern of the late Cenozoic to the present tectonic deformation of China is characterized by relative movements and interactions of tectonic blocks. Active tectonic blocks are geological units that have been separated from each other by active tectonic zones. Boundaries between blocks are the highest gradient of differential movement. Most of tectonic activity occurs on boundaries of the blocks. Earthquakes are results of abrupt releases of accumulated strain energy that reaches the threshold of strength of the earth's crust. Boundaries of tectonic blocks are the locations of most discontinuous deformation and highest gradient of stress accumulation, thus are the most likely places for strain energy accumulation and releases, and in turn, devastating earthquakes. Almost all earthquakes of magnitude greater than 8 and 80%-90% of earthquakes of magnitude over 7 occur along boundaries of active tectonic blocks. This fact indicates that differential movements and interactions of active tectonic blocks are the primary mechanism for the occurrences of devastating earthquakes.  相似文献   

在分析中国大陆宏观格架、全国布格重力异常和东北地区1:50万剩余重、磁力异常的基础上,结合东北地质及构造演化史,分析了东北剩余重磁异常特征,并探讨了剩余重磁异常特征与地质构造的关系.总结了与成矿有关的剩余重磁场特征,说明了剩余重磁异常可在刻画地质构造、断裂分布、地层分布及成矿带方面提供重要的参考信息.  相似文献   

The northern part of North China is located where the Paleo-Asian domain is superposed by the Paleo-Pacific domain. The period from the end of the Late Paleozoic to the beginning of the Mesozoic is important for the superposition of the two domains. It is demonstrated according to the coupling of the superficial and deep geological effects that in this period begins the lithosphere modulation, hot interface uprising, and crust extension in this area. Thus a new understanding about the Indo-China movement has arisen. Project supported by the National Natural Scirnce Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Apatite Fission Track (AFT) data from the Songliao Basin indicates that the late stage tectonic movements in the Songliao Basin have zoning in space and episodes in time. The late stage tectonic movements started from the east part of the basin and migrated westward. AFT ages in the east part of the basin are older than those in the west part of the basin, suggesting that the uplift occurred earlier in the east than in the west. The denudation thickness in the east part of the basin is significantly greater than that in the centre and west. The thermal history evolved two episodes of rapid cooling and subsequent slow cooling processes. Age-depth relationship derived from the AFT data indicates a four-episode denudation history. Further Monte Carlo random simulation of the AFT data reveals the four changing points of the thermal evolution at 65 Ma, 43.5 Ma, 28 Ma and 15 Ma, respectively. The uplifting and denudation rates from different episodes of evolution are proportional to the plate convergence rate. Based on the above analyses and the regional geologic background, it is concluded that the late stage thermal events in the Songliao Basin are the far field response to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasian Plate. The first episode of the rapid cooling probably started at the end of the Nenjiang Formation, climaxed at the end of the Cretaceous and ceased at the Late Eocene. The subsequent slow cooling lasts another 15 Ma. The first episode of the evolution is the far field response to the major episode of the Yanshan Movement and subsequent series of the tectonic reorganization, especially the directional change of the Pacific Movement and also the subduction of the Indian Plate underneath the Eurasian Plate. While the second episode of the evolution is the far field response to the extension and closure of the Sea of Japan. Extension led to the migration and converging of the mantle heat flow to the Sea of Japan and resulted in the rapid cooling of the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

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