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Unpolarized absorption spectra of single crystals of Cr3+ doped Al2O3 (synthetic ruby) have measured using a new, time-resolving, dispersive, streak photographic system over the range ~350 to ~700 nm during a series of shock loading experiments. The crystal field absorptions assigned to the transition 4 A 2g4 T 2g were observed to shift in a series of experiments from 555±1 nm at atmospheric pressure to 503±5 nm at 46 GPa. In a single experiment at 32 GPa the 4 A 2g4 T 1g transition was observed to shift from 405±1 to 386±5 nm. The present data extrapolate downwards in compression toward the 10 GPa data of Stephens and Drickamer (1961) although both crystal field absorption energies increase considerably less with compression than predicted by the simple ionic point charge model. The single datum observed for the Racah parameter B, 588±38 cm?1 at 32 GPa, is consistant with previous results to 10 GPa and the trend of decreasing B, with compression expected from the divergence of the data from the point charge model due to increasing covalancy.  相似文献   

Experiments on the join Al2SiO5-“Mn2SiO5” of the system Al2O3-SiO2-MnO-MnO2 in the pressure/temperature range 10–20 kb/900–1050° C with gem quality andalusite, Mn2O3, and high purity SiO2 as starting materials and using /O2-buffer techniques to preserve the Mn3+ oxidation state had following results: At 20 kb/1000°C orange-yellow kyanite mixed crystals are formed. The kyanite solid solubility is limited at about (Al1.88Mn 0.12 3+ )SiO5 and, thus, equals approximately that on the join Al2SiO5-“Fe2SiO5” (Langer and Frentrup, 1973) indicating that there is no Jahn-Teller stabilisation of Mn3+ in the kyanite matrix. 5 mole % substitution causes the kyanite lattice constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.015, 0.009, 0.014 Å, and 1.6 Å3, resp., while α, β, γ, remain unchanged. Between 10 and 18 kb/900°C, Mn3+-substituted, strongly pleochroitic (emeraldgreen-yellow) andalusitess (viridine) was obtained. At 15 kb/900°C, the viridine compositional range is about (Al1.86Mn 0.14 3+ )SiO5-(Al1.56Mn 0,44 3+ )SiO5. Thus, Al→Mn3+ substitutional degrees are appreciably higher in andalusite than in kyanite, proving a strong Jahn-Teller effect of Mn3+ in the andalusite structure, which stabilises this structure type at the expense of kyanite and sillimanite and, thus, enlarges its PT-stability range extremely. 17 mole % substitution cause the andalusite constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.118, 0.029, 0.047 Å and 9.4 Å3, resp. At “Mn2SiO5”-contents smaller than about 7 mole %, viridine coexists with Mn-poor kyanite. At “Mn2SiO5”-concentrations higher than the maximum kyanite or viridine miscibility, braunite (tetragonal, ideal formula Mn2+Mn3+[O8/Si04]), pyrolusite and SiO2 were found to coexist with the Mn3+-saturated ky ss or and ss, respectively. In both cases, braunites were Al-substituted (about 1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Pure synthetic braunites had the lattice constants a o 9.425, c o, 18.700 Å, V o 1661.1 Å3 (ideal compn.) and a o 9.374, c o 18.593 Å3, V o 1633.6 Å3 (1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Stable coexistence of the Mn2+-bearing phase braunite with the Mn4+-bearing phase pyrolusite was proved by runs in the limiting system MnO-MnO2-SiO2.  相似文献   

Kanonaite forms rare porphyroblasts up to 12mm long in a gahnite— Mg-chlorite — coronadite — quartz schist occurring near Kanona, Zambia. The composition is (microprobe analysis): SiO2 32.2, Al2O3 33.9, Mn as Mn2O3 32.2, Fe2O3 0.66, ZnO 0.13, MgO 0.04, BaO 0.04, TiO2 0.01, CaO 0.01, PbO 0.01, CuO 0.01, total 99.21, corresponding to $$\left( {{\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.76}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.23}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.015}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} } \right)_{1.005}^{\left[ 6 \right]} {\text{AL}}_{1.00}^{\left[ 5 \right]} \left[ {{\text{O}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.00}}} |{\text{Si}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.99}}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{4}}{\text{.00}}} } \right]$$ The mineral is greenish black, strongly pleochroic with X(∥a) yellow green, Y(∥b) bluish green, Z(∥c) deep golden yellow, biaxial positive, with 2V = 53°(3°), α = 1.702, β = 1.730, γ = 1.823. Vickers microhardness (100 gram load) ranges between 906 and 1017kp/mm2. The structure is orthorhombic, isotypic with andalusite, space group Pnnm, a = 0.7953(2), b = 0.8038(2), c = 0.5619(2) nm, V = 0.3592(1) nm3, a/b = 0.9895(3), c/b = 0.6990(3), S.G.(x) = 3.395 g/cm3, Z = 4. The strongest X-ray powder lines are (d in nm, I, hkl):0.5669, 100, 110; 0.4590, 75, 011 and 101; 0.3577, 90, 120 and 210; 0.2827, 94, 220; 0.2517, 90, 310 and 112; 0.2212, 83, 320, 122 and 212. Comparison of the intensities of 373 observed X-ray reflections with those calculated for several models of Mn3+-distribution indicates octahedral coordination of all or most of the manganese present. Interpretation of magnetic measurements (μeff = 3.15B.M. per Mn atom at 25 ° C) indirectly supports octahedral coordination of Mn3+. The name of the mineral is for Kanona, a town near the type locality. The name is proposed for the end member Mn3+ [6]Al[5][O¦SiO4] and for members of the solid-solution series towards andalusite with octahedral Mn3+>Al. The presently described mineral may be referred to as aluminian kanonaite.  相似文献   

Iron- and vanadium-bearing kyanites have been synthesized at 900 and 1100° C/20 kb in a piston-cylinder apparatus using Mn2O3/Mn3O4- and MnO/Mn-mixtures, respectively, as oxygen buffers. Solid solubility on the pseudobinary section Al2SiO5-Fe2SiO5(-V2SiO5) of the system Al2O3-Fe2O3(V2O3)-SiO2 extends up to 6.5 mole% (14mole %) of the theoretical end member FeSiO5(V2SiO5) at 900°C/20 kb. For bulk compositions with higher Fe2SiO5 (V2SiO5) contents the corundum type phases M2O3(M = Fe3+, V3+) are found to coexist with the Fe3+(V3+)-saturated kyanite solid solution plus quartz. The extent of solid solubility on the join Al2SiO5-Fe2SiO5 at 1 100°C was not found to be significantly higher than at 900° C. Microprobe analyses of iron bearing kyanites gave no significant indication of ternary solid solubility in these mixed crystals. Lattice constants a 0, b 0, c 0, and V0 of the kyanite solid solutions increase with increasing Fe2SiO5- and V2SiO5-contents proportionally to the ionic radii of Fe3+ and V3+, respectively, the triclinic angles ,, remain constant. Iron kyanites are light yellowish-green, vanadium kyanites are light green. Iron kyanites, (Al1.87 Fe 0.13 3+ )SiO5, were obtained as crystals up to 700 m in length.  相似文献   

The effect of composition and temperature on the relaxed adiabatic bulk modulus of melts in the P2O5-Al2O 3-Na2SiO3 system have been investigated in the temperature range of 1140 to 1450 °C using ultrasonic interferometric methods at frequencies of 3, 5 and 7 MHz. The density of these melts was determined using Pt-double-bob Archimedean densitometry techiques. P2O5 is known to dramatically affect the structure and the chemical and physical properties of granitic and pegmatitic melts as a function of the peralkalinity of the melt. The physical results of the structural changes occurring in Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 melt upon the addition of P2O5 are observed by variations in the properties such as density and compressibility. For the present peralkaline melts, the bulk modulus and density decrease with addition of 15 mol% P2O5, and increase with the addition of 15 mol% Al2O3. The addition of P2O5 to the present melts results in a larger increase in melt compressibility than that observed with increasing polymerization between Na2SiO3 and Na2Si2O5 melts. This would suggest that not only is the polymerization of the melt increasing with the addition of P2O5 (Mysen et al. 1981; Nelson and Tallant 1984; Gan and Hess 1992), but that the tetrahedrally co-ordinated phosphorus complexes are influencing the bond lengths and energies within the melt structure; resulting in the structure becoming more compressible than expected, although incompressible (Vaughan and Weidner 1987) tetrahedral P2O5 polyhedra (Mysen et al. 1981; Gan and Hess 1992; Toplis et al. 1994) are being added to the melt structure.  相似文献   

The National Centre for Compositional Characterisation of Materials (NCCCM) / Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), India have produced an Indian origin bauxite certified reference material (CRM), referred to as BARC-B1201, certified for major (Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2, loss on ignition - LOI) and trace contents (V2O5, MnO, Cr2O3, MgO). Characterisation was undertaken by strict adherence to ISO Guides. A method previously developed and validated in our laboratory, using single step bauxite dissolution and subsequent quantitation (of Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2, V2O5, MnO, Cr2O3 and MgO) by ICP-AES (SSBD ICP-AES) was used for homogeneity studies and an inter-laboratory comparison exercise (ILCE) of the candidate CRM. LOI was determined by thermo-gravimetric analysis. Property values were assigned after an ILCE with participation from seventeen reputed government and private sector laboratories in India. The CRM was certified for nine property values: Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2, V2O5, MnO, Cr2O3, MgO and LOI, which are traceable to SI units.  相似文献   

The addition of phosphorus to H2O-saturated and initially subaluminous haplogranitic (Qz–Ab–Or) compositions at 200 MPa(H2O) promotes expansion of the liquidus field of quartz, a marked decrease of the solidus temperature, increased solubility limits of H2O in melt at low phosphorus concentrations, and fractionation of melt out of the haplogranite plane (projected along an Or28 isopleth) toward a peralkaline, silica-poor but quartz-saturated minimum composition. The partition coefficient for P2O5 between aqueous vapor and melt with an ASI (aluminum saturation index, mol Al/[mol Na+K])=1 is negligible (0.06), and consequently so are the effects of phosphorus on other melt-vapor relations involving major components. Phosphorus becomes more soluble in vapor, however, as the concentration of a NaPO3 component increases via the fractionation of melt by crystallization of quartz and feldspar. The experimental results here corroborate existing concepts regarding the interaction of phosphorus with alkali aluminosilicate melt: phosphorus has an affinity for alkalis and Al, but not Si. Phosphorus is incorporated into alkali feldspars by the exchange component AlPSi-2. For subaluminous compositions (ASI=1), the distribution coefficient of phosphorus between alkali feldspar and melt, D[P]Af/m, is 0.3. This value increases to D[P]Af/m=1.0 at a melt ASI value of 1.3. The increase in D[P]Af/m with ASI is expected from the fact that excess Al promotes the AlPSi-2 exchange. With this experimental data, the P2O5 content of feldspars and whole rocks can reveal important facets of crystallization and phosphorus geochemistry in subaluminous to peraluminous granitic systems.  相似文献   

Three reactions limiting the stability field of the di-trioctahedral chlorite cookeite in the presence of quartz, in the system Li2O−Al2O3−SiO2−H2O (LASH) have been reversed in the range 290–480°C, 0.8–14 kbar, using natural material close to the end member composition. Combining our results with known and estimated thermodynamic properties of the other minerals belonging to the LASH system, the enthalpy (-8512200 J/mol) and the entropy (504.8 J/mol*K) of cookeite are calculated by a feasible solution space approach. The knowledge of these values allowed us to draw the first P−T phase diagram involving both the hydrated Li-aluminosilicates cookeite and bikitaite, which is applicable to a large variety of natural rock systems. The low thermal extent of the stability field of cookeite+quartz (260–480°C) makes cookeite a valuable indicator of low temperature conditions within a wide range of pressure (1–14 kbar).  相似文献   

Osumilitess was synthesized as a single phase product in the model system K2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 at 800° C/ 0.5 Kbar water pressure and at 800° to 840° C/1.0 Kbar total pressure with 0.3 in the gas phase. The experimentally determined solid solubility range of synthetic osumilites can be expressed by the formula KMg2(Al3-xMgx) (Al2–xSi10+x)O30 with 0x0.4. A survey of sixteen chemical analyses of natural osumilites from eleven occurrences shows a solid solubility characterized by 0x0.6. Reversed stability experiments for the synthetic osumilite KMg2(Al2.75Mg0.25)(Al1.75Si10.25)O30 determined at water pressure equal to total pressure demonstrate its restriction to water pressures below 0.8 Kbar (at 0.5 Kbar, the stability range is between 765° and 800° C). At the lower thermal stability limit osumilite+H2O vapor break down to cordierite+K feldspar+phlogopitess+quartz, at the higher one to cordierite+K feldspar+phlogopite+liquid. Reduction of water fugacity will expand the stability field largely by shifting the lower and higher thermal stability limits to lower and higher temperatures, respectively. The dependence of osumilite stability on water fugacity makes osumilite a sensitive indicator mineral for dry conditions in rocks formed at total pressures higher than about 0.8 Kbar.  相似文献   

Mn3+-bearing piemontites and orthozoisites, Ca2(Al3-pMn3+ p)-(Si2O7/SiO4/O/OH), have been synthesized on the join Cz (p = 0.0)-Pm (p = 3.0) of the system CaO-Al2O3-(MnO·MnO2)-SiO2-H2O atP = 15 kb,T= 800 °C, and \(f_{O_2 } \) of the Mn2O3/MnO2 buffer. Pure Al-Mn3+-piemontites were obtained with 0.5≦p≦1.75, whereas atp=0.25 Mn3+-bearing orthozoisite (thulite) formed as single phase product. The limit of piemontite solid solubility is found near p=1.9 at the above conditions. Withp>1.9, the maximum piemontite coexisted with a new high pressure phase CMS-X1, a Ca-bearing braunite (Mn 0.2 2+ Ca0.8)Mn 6 3+ O8(SiO4), and quartz. Al-Mn3+-piemontite lattice constants (LC),b 0,c 0,V 0, increase with increasingp:

The effects of the addition of Al2O3 on the large stable two liquid field in the SiO2-TiO2-CaO-MgO-FeO system were experimentally determined. The increase of Al2O3 content in the starting composition results in the decrease of critical temperature, phase separation and liquidus temperature of the two liquid field until it is rendered completely metastable. The shrinkage of the two liquid field indicates that Al2O3 is acting in the role of a network former and homogenizes the structure of the two melts. In this alkali-free system Al+3 utilizes the divalent cations, Ca+2 and Mg+2, for local charge balance with a preference for Ca+2 over Mg+2. Thus, AlO4 tetrahedra combine with SiO4 tetrahedra to form an aluminosilicate framework which polymerizes the SiO2-poor melt and makes it structurally more similar to the SiO2-rich melt. However, Ca+2 and Mg+2 are not as efficient in a charge balancing capacity as the monovalent K+ and Na+ cations. The lack of alkalis in this system limits the stability of AlO4 tetrahedra in the highly polymerized SiO2-rich melt and results in the preference of Al2O3 for the SiO2-poor melt. The partitioning systematics of Ti are virtually identical to those of Al. It is concluded that Ti occurs in tetrahedral coordination as a network forming species in both the high — and low — SiO immiscible melts.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The β-factor dependences on temperature upon 18O/16O substitution have been originally deduced in andalusite, sillimanite and kyanite accounting for pressure effect:...  相似文献   

Single crystals of two novel calcium oxotellurate(IV) nitrates were grown under hydrothermal conditions and were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction. Ca $_5$ Te $_4\text {O}_{12}$ (NO $_3$ ) $_2$ (H $_2$ O) $_2$ [ $Cc$ , $Z=4$ , $a=25.258(3)$ Å, $b=5.7289(7)$ Å, $c=17.0066(19)$ Å, $\beta =124.377(2)^{\circ}$ , $R[F^2 > 2\sigma (F^2)]=0.043$ , 4083 $F^2$ data, 281 parameters] can be described as a non-classic order/disorder (OD) structure, which fulfills the basic principle of OD theory, viz. local equivalence of polytypes, but does not strictly follow the vicinity condition (VC) of OD theory. The structure is made up from an alternating stacking of non-polar layers composed of isolated [TeO $_3$ ] units and Ca $^{2+}$ ions and polar layers containing NO $_3^-$ ions and water molecules. The electron lone-pairs of the [TeO $_3$ ] units protrude into the free space of the anion/water layers. The crystal under investigation was a non-classic OD-twin of domains of a maximum degree of order (MDO). At the twin plane a fragment of the second MDO polytype is located. The main building blocks of Ca $_6$ Te $_5\text {O}_{15}$ (NO $_3$ ) $_2$ [ $P2_1/c$ , $Z=4$ , $a=15.494(2)$ Å, $b=5.6145(7)$ Å, $c=39.338(4)$ Å, $\beta =142.480(5)^{\circ}$ , $R[F^2 > 2\sigma (F^2)]=0.043$ , 3026 $F^2$ data, 307 parameters] are isolated [TeO $_3$ ] units and Ca $^{2+}$ ions which are connected to a three-dimensional framework perforated by channels in which the N atoms of the nitrate anions are located and the electron lone-pairs of the [TeO $_3$ ] units protrude. The structure can topologically be derived from the structure of Ca $_5$ Te $_4\text {O}_{12}$ (NO $_3$ ) $_2$ (H $_2$ O) $_2$ by removing the water molecules and connecting the CaTeO $_3$ layers with additional [TeO $_3$ ] units and Ca $^{2+}$ ions.  相似文献   

水泥-水玻璃浆材在灌浆工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水泥-水玻璃作为一种复合型灌浆材料,集中了水泥和水玻璃两种灌浆材料的优点,在许多灌浆工程中发挥了重要作用。本文从水泥、水玻璃的基本性能出发,对水泥-水玻璃灌浆材料的性能和应用进行了探讨  相似文献   

Migration of uranium and arsenic in aquatic environments is often controlled by sorption on minerals present along the water flow path. To investigate the sorption behaviour, batch experiments were conducted for uranium and arsenic as single components and also solutions containing both uranium and arsenic in the presence of SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2 and FeOOH at a pH ranging from 3 to 9. In solutions containing only U(VI) or As(V) with the minerals, the sorption of U(VI) was low at acidic pH range and increases with increasing pH, whereas As(V) showed opposite sorption behaviour to Al2O3, TiO2 and FeOOH from acidic pH range to alkaline condition. For the As(V)–SiO2 system, the sorption was low for almost all pH. Sorption of U(VI) and As(V) on SiO2 and FeOOH is almost similar in solutions containing either U(VI) or As(V) separately, or both together. In the U(VI)–As(V)–Al2O3 system, a significant retardation in uranyl sorption and an enhancement in arsenate sorption on Al2O3 were observed for a wide range of pH. The sorption behaviour of U(VI) and As(V) was changed when Al2O3 was replaced by TiO2, where an increase in sorption was observed for both elements. The sorption behaviour of uranyl and arsenate in the U(VI)–As(V)–TiO2 system gives evidence for the formation of uranyl–arsenate complexes. The change in sorption retardation/enhancement of U(VI) and As(V) could be explained by the formation of uranyl–arsenate complexes or due to the competitive sorption between uranyl and arsenate species.  相似文献   

 Premelting effects in gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and calorimetry, and in gehlenite and pseudowollastonite (CaSiO3) by electrical conductivity. The enthalpy of premelting of gehlenite is 17.3 kJ mol−1 and represents 9% of the reported enthalpy of fusion, which is in the range of the reported fraction of other minerals. The Raman and electrical conductivity experiments at high temperatures, for gehlenite and pseudowollastonite, show that the premelting effects of both compositions are associated with enhanced dynamics of calcium atoms near the melting point. This conclusion agrees with the results obtained for other minerals like diopside, but contrasts with those found for sodium metasilicate in which the weaker bonding of sodium allows the silicate framework to distort near the melting temperature and deform in such a way to prefigure the silicate entities present in the melt. Received: 30 April 2002 / Accepted: 7 August 2002 Acknowledgements We thank Y. Linard for help with DSC measurements and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work has been partly supported by the EU Marie-Curie fellowship contract no. HPMF-CT-1999-00329, the CNRS-Carnegie Institution of Washington program PICS no.192, and the NSF grants EAR-9614432 and EAR-9901886 to B.O.M.  相似文献   

An acid assisted microwave-based method for the complete dissolution of bauxite using mixture of H2SO4, H3PO4 and HF acids in a single step was developed for the determination of various analytes (Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2, Cr2O3, MgO, MnO and V2O5) using ICP-AES. The method was validated with respect to ruggedness, linearity, trueness, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), working range and measurement uncertainties by analysing a bauxite reference material (Alcan BXT-12) and four certified reference materials (IPT-131, BXBA-4, NIST SRM 600, NIST SRM 697). The expanded uncertainties obtained for Al2O3 (40.0%), Fe2O3 (17.0%), SiO2 (20.3%), TiO2 (1.31%), Cr2O3 (0.024%), MgO (0.05), MnO (0.013), and V2O5 (0.60%), were 0.80, 0.40, 0.50, 0.033, 0.0008, 0.002, 0.0007 and 0.002 respectively, which are fit for the intended use to characterise bauxite. The developed method was also evaluated through participation in an interlaboratory comparison exercise organised by the Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development and Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur, India, using bauxite sample (BXT-JNA), with satisfactory z-scores achieved.  相似文献   

Using a previously published, internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and updated models of activity–composition relations for solid solutions, petrogenetic grids in the model system KFMASH (K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O) and the subsystems KMASH and KFASH have been calculated with the software THERMOCALC 3.1 in the PT range 5–36 kbar and 400–810 °C, involving garnet, chloritoid, biotite, carpholite, talc, chlorite, staurolite and kyanite/sillimanite with phengite, quartz/coesite and H2O in excess. These grids, together with calculated AFM compatibility diagrams and pseudosections, are shown to be powerful tools for delineating the phase equilibria and PT conditions of pelitic high-P assemblages for a variety of bulk compositions. The calculated equilibria and mineral compositions are in good agreement with petrological observation. The calculation indicates that the typical whiteschist assemblage kyanite–talc is restricted to the rocks with extremely high XMg values, decreasing XMg in a bulk composition favoring the stability of chloritoid and garnet. Also, the chloritoid–talc paragenesis is stable over 19–20 kbar in a temperature range of ca. 520–620 °C, being more petrologically important than the previously highlighted assemblage talc–phengite. Moreover, contours of the calculated Si isopleths in phengite in PT and PX pseudosections for different bulk compositions extend the experimentally derived phengite geobarometers to various KFMASH assemblages.  相似文献   

Phase relations and mineral chemistry involving the phases garnet (Gt), spinel (Sp), hypersthene (Hy), sapphirine (Sa), cordierite (Cd), sillimanite (Sil) and quartz (Qz) have been experimentally determined in the system FMAS (FeO−MgO−Al2O2−SiO2) under low fO2 and for various H2O/CO2 conditions. Several compositions were studied with 100 (Mg/Mg+Fe) ratio ranging from 64 to 87 with excess quartz and sillimanite. Our data do not show any differences in Gt−Cd stability and composition as a function of H2O, CO2 and H2O−CO2 (±CH4) content, in good agreement with a previous experimental study at lower temperature (Aranovich and Podlesskii 1983). At 1,000° C and 11 kbar, under CO2-saturated conditions, cordierite grew from a crystalline mix unseeded with cordierite. Thus, under water-absent conditions, cordierite will have a high-P stability field in the presence of CO2. If water has a pressure stabilizing effect on cordierite, then our results would indicate that the effects of H2O and CO2 are of the same magnitude at high temperature. Our data support the theoretical P-T grid proposed by Hensen (1986) for high-T metapelites and are largely consistent with the high-temperature experimental data of Hensen and Green (1973). The univariant boundary Gt+Cd=Hy+Sil+Qz, which marks the disappearance of Hy−Sil−Qz assemblages, has a negative dP/dT slope above 1,000° C and a positive one below this temperature. Extrapolation of our data to iron-free systems shows that the high-P breakdown limit of Mg-cordierite has a negative slope in the range 1,025–1,300° C and probably positive below 1,000° C. This indicates a maximum of stability for Mg-cordierite at around 1,000° C and 13 kbar. Because of the curvature of the univariant reactions En+Sil=Py+Qz, Mg−Cd=En+Sil+Qz and Gt+Cd=Hy+Sil+Qz, the iron-free invariant point involving the phases Py, En, Cd, Sil and Qz probably does not exist. Sapphirine—Qz-bearing assemblages are stable only at temperatures above 1,050° C. At 1,075° C, the joint Gt−Sa is stable up to 11 kbar. At higher pressure, garnet, sapphirine and quartz react according to the reaction Gt+Sa+Qz=Hy+Sil. Reequilibrated sapphirines are more aluminous than the theoretical endmember Mg2Al4SiO10 due to AlAl=MgSi substitutions [100(Al2O3/Al2O3+FeO+MgO) in experimental sapphirines ranges from 50.5 to 52.2]. Sapphirine in the assemblage Sa−Cd−Sil−Qz shows a decrease in Al content with decreasing temperature and pressure, such that the alumina isopleths for sapphirine have a slight negative dP/dT slope. A similar decrease in Al content of sapphirine with temperature is also observed in Sa−Sil−Qz assemblages.  相似文献   

Single-crystal structure determinations at pressure have shown that the structural response of synthetic (Mg0.6Fe0.4)SiO3 orthopyroxene to compression is the same as that previously observed in MgSiO3 orthoenstatite. At pressure below ~4?GPa there is no significant compression of the SiO4 tetrahedra, while above ~4?GPa the tetrahedra decrease in volume as a result of Si?O bond shortening. A study of the compressional behaviour of synthetic FeSiO3 orthoferrosilite also shows the same behaviour below 4?GPa, but studies at higher pressures are precluded due to the transformation of the sample to the higher density C2/c high-clinoferrosilite polymorph. A further single-crystal study to 6?GPa of a Ca2+-containing natural orthopyroxene shows that chemical substitution of, primarily, Al3+ and Ca2+ into the structure of orthopyroxene inhibits the initial rapid compression of the M2?O3 bonds observed in the synthetic samples, and no significant tetrahedral compression is observed in this sample. Raman data collected from synthetic MgSiO3 orthoenstatite show that there is a change in the rate of change of frequency with pressure, δν/δP, between 3.5 and 6.0?GPa, but no changes in the number of observed bands. These observations indicate a non-symmetry-breaking change in the properties of the orthoenstatite, which is associated with the change in compression mechanism observed using X-ray diffraction techniques at this pressure.  相似文献   

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