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Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von ca. 1500 radiometrischen Zeitmessungen wird eine Synthese der prÄkambrischen Entwicklung Südamerikas aufgestellt. In Abb. 1 wird versucht, die Lage der spÄtprÄkambrischen orogenen Gürtel sowie ihre Plattformen darzustellen.Der grö\te alte Kern des Kontinents umfa\t den Guyana-Schild, das Basement des Amazonas-Sedimentbeckens und den Guaporé-Kraton im Süden, einen Raum von ungefÄhr 4,5 Mio. qkm. Die meisten Gesteine wurden von dem transamazonischen orogenen Zyklus erfa\t, dessen radiometrisches Alter etwa 2000 M. J. betrÄgt. Der etwa gleichaltrige SÃo-Francisco-Kraton in Ostbrasilien umfa\t ungefÄhr 1 Mio. qkm. Kleinere Kerne, die ebenfalls die Ereignisse des transamazonischen Zyklus' widerspiegeln, wurden nahe der Atlantikküste, östlich der Mündung des Amazonasflusses (SÃo-Luis-Kraton-Gebiet) und in der Umgebung des La-Plata-Flusses (Rio de la Plata-Kraton-Gebiet) gefunden.Die Kratone sind getrennt durch metamorphe Gürtel, die zum brasilianischen orogenen Zyklus spÄtprÄkambrischen Alters gehören. Der Caririan-Gürtel und die Sergipe-Geosynklinale liegen in der Nordostecke von Brasilien, und der Ribeira-Gürtel erstreckt sich entlang der Atlantikküste im Süden. Zwei symmetrische geosynklinale Einheiten wurden im zentralen Teil des Kontinents erkannt: der Brasilia- und der Paraguay-Araguaia-Gürtel.In den brasilianischen orogenen Gürteln treten an vielen Stellen transamazonische oder sogar Ältere Serien auf, Anzeichen für aufgearbeitetes altes Basement. Dies scheint zu zeigen, da\ die Sialkruste des südamerikanischen Kontinents vor 2000 M. J. schon eine rÄumliche Ausdehnung von mehr als 10 Mio. qkm hatte.
A general synthesis of the precambrian evolution of South America has been made with the aid of about 1500 radiometric age determinations. In Fig. 1, the position of the late precambrian orogenic belts, as well as their platforms, is tentatively outlined.The largest ancient core of the continent includes the Guyana Shield, the basement of the Amazon sedimentary basin, and the Guaporé craton, to the south, covering an area of about 4.5 million square kilometers. Most of the rocks were affected by the Trans-Amazonian orogenic cycle, whose radiometric ages are close to 2000 m. y. The SÃo Francisco craton of similar age outcrops over an area of about one million square kilometers, in eastern Brazil. Smaller ancient nucleii, also reflecting the events of the Tranz-Amazonian cycle, were found near the Atlantic coast, east of the mouth of the Amazon river (SÃo Luis cratonic area), and surrounding the La Plata river (Rio de la Plata cratonic area).The old cratonic areas are separated from each other by metamorphic belts which belong to the Brazilian orogenic cycle of late precambrian age. The Caririan belt, and the Sergipe geosyncline, occur at the northeastern corner of Brazil, and the Ribeira belt along the Atlantic coast, to the south. Two symmetrical geosynclinal units were recognized in the central part of the continent: the Brasilia and the Paraguay-Araguaia belts.Within the areas of the Brazilian orogenic belts, in many places Trans-Amazonian or even older ages occur, indicating remobilized ancient basement. This seems to demonstrate that the sialic crust of the South American continent, 2000 m. y. ago, already exhibited an areal extent of more than 10 million square kilometers.

Résumé Une synthèse générale de l'évolution précambrienne de l'Amérique du Sud a été faite à l'aide de 1500 déterminations d'âge radiométrique. La fig. 1 présente un essai sur la répartition des zones orogéniques du Précambrien supérieur et de leurs platesformes.Le noyau ancien du continent, qui est le plus vaste, comprend le bouclier de la Guyane, le socle du bassin sédimentaire de l'Amazone et le Craton de Guaporé, au Sud, couvrant une aire d'environ 4,5 millions de Km2. La plupart des roches ont été affectées par le cycle orogénique Trans-Amazonien dont l'âge radiométrique est d'environ 2000 millions. Le craton de SÃo Francisco d'âge semblable, affleure sur une étendue d'environ 1 million de Km2, dans l'Est du Brésil. Des noyaux anciens plus petits, affectés également par le cycle Trans-Amazonien, ont été trouvés près de la cÔte Atlantique, à l'Est de l'embouchure de l'Amazone (région cratonique de SÃo Luis), et aux environs du fleuve la Plata (région cratonique du Rio de la Plata).Les régions cratoniques anciennes sont séparées les unes des autres par des zones métamorphiques appartenant au cycle orogénique brésilien, d'âge Précambrien supérieur. La zone caririenne et le géosynclinal de Sergipe affleurent dans l'extrémité NE du Brésil, et la zone de Ribeira, le long de la cÔte Atlantique au S. Deux unités géosynclinales symétriques ont été reconnues dans la partie centrale du continent: les zones de Brasilia et de Paraguay-Araguaia.Dans les régions occupées par les ceintures orogéniques Brésiliennes, il existe en beaucoup d'endroits des roches d'âge Trans-Amazonien et mÊme plus ancien, indices d'un socle ancien remobilisé. Ceci semble démontrer que la croûte sialique du continent Sud Américain montrait déjà, il y a environ 2000 millions d'années, une étendue de plus de 10 millions de Km2.

1500 . . 1 , , . , Guaporé , . . 4,5 . , 2000 . Sao Francisco 1 . . , , , ( Sao Luis) la Plata ( (Rio de la Plata). , . Caririan Sergipe , Paraiba . : Brasilia Paraguay-Araguaia. , . , , , - , 10 . 2000 .

Chemical analysis for major and trace elements have been performed on 30 Swedish Precambrian iron ores and on some from Iran and Chile. The Swedish ores consist of apatite iron ores, quartz-banded iron ores, skarn and limestone iron ores from the two main ore districts of Sweden, the Bergslagen and the Norrbotten province. Some Swedish titaniferous iron ores were also included in the investigation. The trace element data show that the Swedish ores can be subdivided into two major groups: 1. orthomagmatic and exhalative, 2. sedimentary. Within group 1 the titaniferous iron ores are distinguished by their high Ti-contents. From the ferride contents of the Kiruna apatite iron ores, the ores are considered to be mobilization products of skarn iron ores from the Norbotten province.  相似文献   

Carbon abundances have been determined in mantle xenoliths from alkalic basalts and kimberlites and interpreted in terms of the nature and distribution of the C-rich phases. Anhydrous Cr-diopside Group I spinel lherzolites from basalts typically contain 15–50 ppm C, and amphibole-bearing ones have only marginally higher concentrations (40–100 ppm). Carbon abundances in Al-augite Group II pyroxenites are not significantly different from those of the Group I rocks. Although most LREE-depleted lherzolite xenoliths contain less C than enriched samples, there is no clear relationship between abundances of C and the incompatible trace elements.In the suite of deformed cumulate peridotite and dunite xenoliths of the 1801 Kaupulehu flow of the Hualalai volcano, Hawaii, C abundances are clearly related to texture, modal composition, and style of deformation. The most C-rich rocks are wehrlites in which the clinopyroxenes deformed more brittly and thus possess higher fluid inclusion and crack densities than the surrounding olivines.Regardless of their lithology, all xenoliths from kimberlites (including both peridotites and eclogites) are C-rich compared to those from basalts. Most of the C in these xenoliths exists as calcite or carbonaceous matter associated with serpentine veins and was thus probably contributed by the kimberlite host. Primary carbonates are extremely rare in all xenoliths, although occasionally they have been observed as daughter products in fluid inclusions.Although most C exists as inclusions of CO2-rich vapor, condensed carbonaceous matter also appears to occur in all rocks as discrete platy grains and as a film on natural surfaces such as grain boundaries and cracks.  相似文献   

The metasedimentary-volcanic series of the Wutai and Hutuo groups experienced regional metamorphism and thus turned into moderate-to low-grade metamorphic rocks.REE abundances and REE distribution patterns in the Shizui and Taihuai Subgroup metasedimentary-volcanic rocks are typical of the Archean,whereas the Gaofan Subgroup and the Hutuo Group show post-Archean REE geochemical char-acteristics.Five types of REE distribution pattern are distinguished:(1)rightward inclined smooth curves with little REE anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.73-0.95) and heavy REE depletion (e.g.the Late Archean metasedimentary rocks);(2)rightward inclined V-shaped curves with sharp Eu anoma-ly (Eu/Eu*=0.48-0.76) and slightly higher ∑REE (e.g.the post-Archean metasedimentary rocks);(3) rightward inclined steep curves with negative Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.73-0.76) and the lowest ∑REE (e.g.the post-Archean dolomites);(4)rightward inclined,nearly smooth curves with both positive Eu anomaly and unremarkable positive Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.95-1.25)(e.g.the meta-basic volcanic rocks);and (5) rightward inclined curves with Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=1.09-1.19)and heavy REE depletion(e.g.the meta-acid volcanic rocks).Strata of the two groups are considered to have been formed in an island-arc belt-an instable continental petrogenetic environment.  相似文献   

The supracrustal rocks of the Wuyang metamorphic terrain are divided into the Zhao anzhuang,Tieshanmiao and Yangshuwan Formations.These three Formations were dated at 3000-2550Ma,2550-2300Ma and 2300-2200Ma,respectively.∑REE and La/Yb)n of the Zhao anzhuang Formation volcanic rocks are obviously higher than those of the Tiesanmiao Formation equivalents,suggesting a sedimentary gap(2550 Ma boundary)between these two formations,The Zhao‘anzhuang Formation is older than the Tieshanmiao Formation.The sediments of these two Formations show no obvious differences in REE and are generally characterized by low ∑REE and positive Eu anomalies.On the contrary,the sediments of the Yangshuwan Formation are characterized by high ∑REE and negative Eu anomalies.Detailed discussions demonstrate that the Yangshuwan Formation was deposited in an oxidizing environment whereas the other two formations were formed in a reducing environment.At the end of the evolution of the Tieshanmiao Formation about 2300 Ma ago,the sedimentary environment was transformed from reducing to oxidizing .On the basis of the SHAB (soft/hard acid and base)theory,an oxidation-reduction model for sedimentary REE evolution has been established .It is proposed that the mantle tends to become gradually depleted in REE.especially in LREE,and the indices ∑REE and La/Yb) n of mantle-dervived volcanic rocks also tend to become lower and lower.  相似文献   

The Saramta peridotite massif is located within the Sharyzhalgai complex, SW margin of the Siberian craton. The Saramta massif was formed in the Archean and then juxtaposed with granulites of crystalline basement of the Siberian craton. The Saramta harzburgites are highly refractory in terms of lack of residual clinopyroxene, olivine Mg-number (up to 0.937), and spinel Cr-number (∼0.5), suggesting high degree of partial melting. Detailed study of their microstructures shows that they have extensively reacted with a SiO2-rich melt, leading to the crystallization of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, amphibole and spinel at the expense of olivine. The major element compositions of the least reacted harzburgites are similar to the residues of refractory peridotites produced by the fractional melting (initial melting pressures >3 GPa and melt fractions ∼40%). Moreover, non-residual clinopyroxenes are highly depleted in Yb, Zr and Ti, but highly enriched in LREE. A two-stage history is proposed for the Saramta peridotite: (1) primitive mantle underwent depletion in the garnet stability field followed by melting in the spinel stability field; (2) refractory harzburgites underwent refertilization by SiO2-rich melt in supra-subduction zone. Rare Saramta lherzolites probably formed from more refractory harzburgites as a result of such a melt–rock reaction. The Saramta peridotites are similar to low-T coarse-grained peridotites of subcratonic mantle. Processes of their formation, as reflected by textures and composition of minerals of the Saramta peridotites, are characteristic of the early stages of subcratonic mantle formation.  相似文献   

We propose that the europium excess in Precambrian sedimentary rocks, relative to those of younger age is derived from volcanic rocks of ancient island arcs, which were the source materials for the sediments. Precambrian sedimentary rocks and present-day volcanic rocks of island arcs have similar REE patterns, total REE abundances and excess Eu, relative to the North American shale composite. The present upper crustal REE pattern, as exemplified by that of sediments, is depleted in Eu, relative to chondrites. This depletion is considered to be a consequence of development of a grandioritic upper crust by partial melting in the lower crust, which selectively retains europium.  相似文献   

非传统同位素体系(如Hf、Os、Li、Fe、Ti、Mg、He、Ar等)是相对于传统同位素体系(如Sr、Nd、Pb、O等)而言的,即新近发展起来的同位素体系。随着同位素测试技术的进步和多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)、二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)以及激光剥蚀技术配合MC-ICP-MS(LA-MC-ICP-MS)等测试手段的开发应用,多种同位素体系(包括放射性同位素和稳定同位素体系)的示踪作用在地学研究中得到了日益广泛的应用。在简要介绍传统同位素体系的基础上,旨在总结报道近年来国际上有关非传统同位素体系在地幔地球化学研究中取得的重要成果,展示这些同位素体系在地幔地球化学研究中的重要性及其可能的应用前景,以加速我国在非传统同位素地球化学方面的应用研究。  相似文献   

Komatiites of the Tjakastad Subgroup of the Onverwacht Group (S. Africa) were dated by the Sm/Nd method. A whole-rock isochron yields an age of 3.56±0.24 (2) AE, with initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio of 0.50818±23 (2), corresponding to Nd(T)= + 1.9±4.5. This age is interpreted as the time of initial Onverwacht volcanism. This result agrees with earlier Sm/Nd data of Hamilton et al. (1979) and is consistent with the Rb-Sr result of Jahn and Shih (1974).Komatiites may be divided into 3 groups based on the typology of heavy REE distributions (Jahn and Gruau 1981). According to this scheme, the Onverwacht komatiites of the present study belong to two groups: the predominant Group II rocks showing (Gd/Yb)N1.4, CaO/Al2O3 = 1.33, Al2O3/TiO210.6; and the subordinate Group III rocks with (Gd/Yb)N<1.0; CaO/Al2O30.6 and A12O3/ TiO240. This contrasting feature is best explained by garnet fractionation within the mantle sources.Younger komatiites (2.7 AE) from Finland, Canada, Rhodesia, and Australia have (Gd/Yb)N1.0, CaO/ Al2O3<1.1 and Al2O3/TiO221 based on 58 analyses. These ratios are nearly chondritic or of the bulk earth value (Anders 1977). It appears that some late Archean komatiites are different in chemistry from many early Archean komatiites. This may imply that the upper mantle chemistry has evolved through Archean times. However, the age connotation of the chemical parameters, such as CaO/Al2O3, (Gd/Yb)N or Al2O3/TiO2 ratio has not been firmly established. The characteristic high CaO/Al2O3 or (Gd/Yb)N ratios in many Onverwacht Group rocks can also be explained as a result of local short-term mantle heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Mafic dykes of Almora region intrude the Precambrian crystalline rocks of Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. Mafic dykes exhibit fine grained margin and medium to coarse grained core, melanocratic, low to highly ferromagnetic (MS=0.85?38.58×10?3SI) in nature commonly showing subophitic to ophitic textures with ol-pl-cpx-hbl-bt-mt-ap-sp assemblage, and modally correspond to leucogabbro and olivinegabbro (sensu stricto). Olivine (Fo61-Fo33), clinopyroxene (Wo46-En42-Fs22 to Wo40-En36-Fs15) and plagioclase (An58-An12) have crystallized in the temperature range of ca1400–980°C at pressure <2 kbar in an olivine tholeiitic basalt parent. Low acmite (Napfu=0.033?0.025), (Mg#=0.64–0.82), Ti-Al contents of clinopyroxenes and their evolution along enstatite-ferrosilite join (i.e. Mg?Fe substitution) strongly suggest tholeiitic nature of mafic dyke melt with changing activities of alumina and silica. Clinopyroxene compositions of mafic dykes differ markedly as compared to those observed for adjoining Bhimtal volcanics but closely resemble to that crystallized in tholeiitic melts of Deccan province. Observed Cr vs Mg# variation, enriched LILE (Sr, Ba)-LREE and positive Eu-anomaly of the studied mafic dykes are indicative of fractional crystallization of olivine-clinopyroxene -plagioclase from a crustally-contaminated tholeiitic basalt magma derived from enriched mantle source. The mafic dykes of Almora are geochemically identical to mafic dykes of Nainital, but are unrelated to Precambrian mafic volcanic flow and dykes of NW Himalaya and dykes of Salma and Rajmahal regions.  相似文献   

华南板块由扬子板块和华夏褶皱系在四堡期碰撞形成,与罗迪尼亚大陆形成时间一致,碰撞形成了变质岩、岩浆岩及蛇绿岩等地质特征。华南板块形成之后的860~740Ma期间,经历了激烈的岩浆岩活动,其成因主要有三种解释:地幔说、俯冲说、陆内裂谷说,至今没有一个比较统一的认识。前寒武纪的岩浆活动使华南板块发生重要的成矿事件,在扬子板块周边形成了康滇地轴、九万大山-元宝、钦杭等成矿带。  相似文献   

Major, trace element, Sr isotopic and mineral chemical data are reported for mafic volcanic rocks (Mg-value 65) from the northern-central sector of the potassic volcanic belt of Central Italy. The rocks investigated range from potassic series (KS) and high-K series (HKS) to lamproitic (LMP) and kamafugitic (KAM) through a transitional series (TRANS), thus covering the entire compositional spectrum of potassic and ultrapotassic magmas. KAM rocks are strongly silica undersaturated and, compared with the other rock series, have low SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, Sc and V and high CaO, K/Na, (Na + K)/Al. KS and HKS have high Al2O3, CaO and variable enrichment in K2O and incompatible elements. LMP rocks are saturated in silica and have high SiO2, K2O, K2O/Na2, MgO, Ni and Cr and low Al2O3, CaO, Na2O, Sc and V. TRANS rocks display intermediate compositional characteristics between LMP and KS.

All the rocks under study have fractionated hygromagmaphile element patterns with high LIL/HFS element values and negative anomalies of Ti, Ta, Nb and Ba. Negative Sr anomalies are observed in the LMP and TRANS rocks. LIL elements show overall positive correlations with K2O, whereas different trends of Sr and HFSE vs. K2O are defined by LMP-TRANS and KS-HKS-KAM. 87Sr/86Sr range from about 0.710 to 0.716. KS, HKS and KAM rocks have similar 87Sr/86Sr values clustering around 0.710. LMP and TRANS rocks have the highest 87Sr/86Sr values.

Geochemical and isotopic data reported for the most primitive Italian potassic and ultrapotassic rocks support the hypothesis that the interaction between crustal and mantle reservoirs was a main process in the genesis of Italian potassic magmatism. Simple mass balance calculations exclude, however, an important role of crustal assimilation during ascent of subcrustal magmas to the surface and indicate that the sources of Central Italy volcanics underwent contamination with fluids and/or melts released by upper crustal material previously brought into the mantle by subduction processes.

Different trends of incompatible elements vs. K2O observed in the studied rocks suggest distinct metasomatic processes for the sources of the investigated magmas. Liquids derived by bulk melting of pelitic sediments are believed to be the most likely contaminants of the source of LMP rocks. Fluids or melts rich in Ca, Sr and with high LILE/HFSE value and Sr isotopic composition around 0.710 are the most likely contaminant of the source region of KS, HKS and KAM volcanics. Variations in CaO, Na2O and ferromagnesian element abundances and ratios suggest that, in some zones, the mantle source of potassic magmas experienced partial melting with extraction of basaltic liquids prior to metasomatism.  相似文献   

Consequent upon continued active field investigations and the advent of radioactive dating of samples from the area, the time is thought opportune to attempt a synthesis of Precambrian correlations throughout West Africa. Some isotope age determinations would, at first glance, appear to necessitate radically new concepts of stratigraphic successions and correlations. For example, the Ahaggar Suggarian and the Anti-Atlas Precambrian I suggest age values consonant with Upper or then Middle Precambrian times; the Older and Younger Granites of Nigeria appear to have been emplaced in Lower Palaeozoic and Jurassic times respectively. These and other examples trend towards younger ages than had hitherto been surmised for many stratigraphic units. However, it is thought premature at this time to place too much emphasis on isotope age values obtained for these ancient rocks of West Africa.Field studies to date have been more successful in establishing successions rather than correlations, whereas isotope age determinations have achieved little in either respect.Several well-known series, once placed in the Precambrian, e.g. Falemian, Akjoujt, Bakel, are now thought to be rather Cambro-Ordovician in age. On the other hand, for other familiar units, e.g. Ahnet Purple Series, Buem Formation, the stratigraphic position remains problematical.
Zusammenfassung Nach fortgesetzten aktiven Feldforschungen und mit dem Erscheinen von radioaktiven Datumsbestimmungen von Proben aus dem Gebiet, scheint es an der Zeit, eine Synthese der präkambrischen Verhältnisse in ganz Westafrika zu unternehmen.Einige isotopische Altersbestimmungen scheinen auf den ersten Blick eine vollkommen neue Auffassung der stratigraphischen Sukzessionen und Korrelationen nötig zu machen. So lassen zum Beispiel das Ahaggar Suggarien und das Anti-Atlas Präkambrium I Alterswerte vermuten, die mit dem oberen und mittleren Präkambrium übereinstimmen; die älteren und jüngeren Granite in Nigeria scheinen im unteren Paläozoikum bzw. im Jura übergelagert worden zu sein. Diese und andere Beispiele zeigen einen Trend zu jüngerem Alter, als bisher für viele stratigraphische Einheiten angenommen wurde. Jedoch wird es für verfrüht gehalten, den isotopischen Alterswerten für diese alten Gesteine in Westafrika eine zu große Bedeutung beizumessen.Feldstudien waren bisher erfolgreicher bei der Herstellung von Sukzessionen als bei der Herstellung von Korrelationen, während die isotopischen Altersbestimmungen für beides wenig erbracht haben.Einige wohlbekannte Reihen, z. B. Falemien, Akjoujt und Bakel, die zuvor ins Präkambrium gelegt wurden, werden nun dem Alter nach eher dem Kambro-Ordovicium zugeordnet. Andererseits bleibt für andere bekannte Reihen, z. B. die Ahnet Purple Series und de Buem Formation, die stratigraphische Position problematisch.

Résumé Par suite des recherches actives et prolongées sur le terrain et de la venue d'échantillons radio-actifs datés de cette région, le temps semble opportun pour tenter une synthèse de corrélations précambriennes de toute l'Afrique Occidentale.A première vue, quelques déterminations d'âge absolu semblent nécessiter de nouvelles idées de successions et de corrélations stratigraphiques. Par example, l'Ahagar Suggarien et l'Anti-Atlas Précambrien I suggèrent des valeurs d'âge conforme au temps Précambrien supérieur ou moyen; les Vieux Granites (Older Granites) et les Granites Jeunes (Younger Granites) du Nigéria semblent avoir été placés respectivement dans le Paléozoique inférieur et le Jurassique. Ces examples-ci, et encore d'autres, tendent à indiquer pour beaucoup d'unités stratigraphiques des âges plus jeunes qu'on n'a supposés jusqu'à présent. Mais il est encore prématuré d'appuyer trop sur les valeurs d'âge absolu obtenus pour ces anciens terrains de l'Afrique Occidentale.Jusqu'à présent, des recherches sur le terrain ont réussi à établir des successions plutôt que des corrélations, pendant que les déterminations d'âge absolu n'ont eu que peu de succès des deux côtés.Quelques séries bien connues, qui jadis étaient placées dans le Précambrien, p. ex. le Falmien, la Série de l'Akjoujt et les Quartzites de Bakel sont à présent considérés d'être plutôt de l'âge Cambro-Ordovicien. Par contre, la position stratigraphique reste problématique pour d'autres unités bien connues, comme pour la Série Pourprée de l'Ahnet, la formation de Buem, et d'autres.

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峨眉山地幔柱沉积构造演化及沉积响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
中、晚二叠世上扬子区发生了一次规模巨大的峨眉山地幔柱事件,该事件的火山产物为峨眉山玄武岩。峨眉山地幔柱事件的沉积与构造演化、火山活动过程中的沉积特征及沉积响应等研究表明,峨眉山地幔柱经历了岩浆深部活动、火山穹窿形成、火山喷发及地壳下沉等多个阶段。地幔柱除造成火山喷发外,还引发了很多与之相关的重要事件,如火山穹窿形成、地震、海啸及热液活动等,造成的沉积响应有沉积物同生滑动、热液沉积及风暴沉积等。其中,茅口组疙瘩状团块灰岩及其相关特征是沉积物同生滑动的结果,茅口组-长兴组中的燧石是岩浆分异的热液沉积,茅口组地层中的泥质及其中粗碎屑为风暴沉积。茅口组及吴家坪组杂乱沉积与地震活动有关,或许可以称之为“震积岩”。  相似文献   

Lithospheric thinning beneath the North China Craton is widely recognized, but whether the Yangtze block has undergone the same process is a controversial issue. Based on a detailed petrographic study, a suite of xenoliths from the Lianshan Cenozoic basalts have been analyzed for the compositions of minerals and whole rocks, and their Sr–Nd isotopes to probe the nature and evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the lower Yangtze block. The Lianshan xenoliths can be subdivided into two Types: the main Type 1 xenoliths (9–15% clinopyroxene and olivine-Mg# < 90) and minor Type 2 peridotites (1.8–6.2% clinopyroxene and olivine-Mg# > 90). Type 1 peridotites are characterized by low MgO, high levels of basaltic components (i.e., Al2O3, CaO and TiO2), LREE-depleted patterns in clinopyroxenes and whole rocks, and relatively high 143Nd/144Nd (0.513219–0.513331) and low 86Sr/87Sr (0.702279–0.702789). These features suggest that Type 1 peridotites represent fragments of the newly accreted fertile lithospheric mantle that have undergone ~ 1% of fractional partial melting and later weak silicate–melt metasomatism, similar to Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton. Type 2 peridotites may be shallow relics of the older lithospheric mantle depleted in basaltic components, with LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns, relatively low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512499–0.512956) and high 86Sr/87Sr (0.703275–0.703997), which can be produced by 9–14% partial melting and subsequent carbonatite–melt metasomatism. Neither type shows a correlation between equilibration temperatures and Mg# in olivine, indicating that the lithospheric mantle is not compositionally stratified, but both types coexist at similar depths. This coexistence suggests that the residual refractory lithospheric mantle (i.e., Type 2 peridotites) may be irregularly eroded by upwelling asthenosphere materials along weak zones and eventually replaced to create a new and fertile lithosphere mantle (i.e., Type 1 xenoliths) as the asthenosphere cooled. Therefore, the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the lower Yangtze block shared a common evolutional dynamic environment with that beneath the eastern North China Craton during late Mesozoic–Cenozoic time.  相似文献   

A new suggested model outlining the evolution of the organic world from the mid-Early Proterozoic (∼2.0 Ga) to the Early Cambrian is based on data characterizing the relevant chert-embedded and compression-preserved organic-walled microbiotas, impressions of soft-bodied multicellular organisms, and biomarkers. Critical analysis of overall paleontological data resulted in the distinguishing of seven successive assemblages of Proterozoic micro- and macrofossils. Being of global geographic range, the assemblages correspond to the major stages in evolution of the organic world and typify global units which are termed the Labradorian (∼2.0–1.65 Ga), Anabarian (1.65–1.2 Ga), Turukhanian (1.2–1.03 Ga), Uchuromayan (1.03–0.85 Ga), Yuzhnouralian (0.85–0.635 Ga), Amadeusian (0.635–0.56 Ga), and Belomorian (0.56–0.535 Ga). Characteristic of the Labradorian unit are microfossil assemblages of the Gunflint type including remains of morphologically bizarre prokaryotic microorganisms: star-like Eoastrion, umbrella-shaped Kakabekia, dumbbell-shaped Xenothrix, and some others. Fine-grained siliciclastic deposits of the same age yield the oldest remains of millimeter-sized eukaryotes: spherical to ribbon-like Chuaria and Tawuia. Microfossils prevailing in shallow-water carbonate facies of the Anabarian unit are akinetes of nostocalean cyanophyceae Archaeoellipsoides and entophysalidacean cyanobacteria Eoentophysalis, whereas acanthomorphic acritarchs Tappania and Shuiyousphaeridium dominate the assemblages of open-shelf facies, where they are associated with the first-found rare macroscopic multicellular fossils Horodyskia. The distinguishing feature of the next Turukhanian unit is the first occurrence of filamentous red alga Bangiomorpha and the stalked cyanobacterium Polybessurus. The Uchuromayan unit is characterized by the appearance and worldwide radiation of structurally complicated eukaryotic microorganisms, primarily of acanthomorphic acritarchs Trachyhystrichosphaera and Prolatoforma, branching thalli of green algae Aimophyton, Palaeosiphonella, Palaeovaucheria and Proterocladus, and of spiral-cylindrical cyanobacteria Obruchevella. In the Yuzhnouralian unit is recorded the first occurrence of vase-shaped testate amoebas Melanocyrillium, Cycliocyrillium, and others, and of scale microfossils Characodictyon, Paleohexadictyon, etc. As distinct from the others, the Amadeusian unit characterizes the global expansion of acanthomorphic acritarchs of complex structure (the Pertatataka-like assemblage of Tanarium, Cavaspina, Appendisphaera, and others) and associated remains of red algae and cyanobacteria Obruchevella. The terminal Belomorian unit marks the extinction of Pertatataka-type microfossils, the appearance of soft-bodied multicellular organisms on different continents, and the origin of diverse skeletal fossils in the terminal phase.  相似文献   

Numerical models of mantle convection are presented that readily yield midocean ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB) ages equaling or exceeding the apparent ∼1.8-Ga lead isotopic ages of trace-element heterogeneities in the mantle. These models feature high-viscosity surface plates and subducting lithosphere, and higher viscosities in the lower mantle. The formation and subduction of oceanic crust are simulated by means of tracers that represent a basaltic component. The models are run at the full mantle Rayleigh number and take account of faster mantle overturning and deeper melting in the past. More than 97% of the mantle is processed in these models. Including the expected excess density of former oceanic crust readily accounts for the depletion of MORB source relative to OIB sources. A novel finding is of gravitational settling of dense tracers within the low-viscosity upper mantle, as well as at the base of the mantle. The models suggest as well that the seismological observation of a change in tomographic character in the deep mantle might be explained without the need to postulate a separate layer in the deep mantle. These results expand the range of models with the potential to reconcile geochemical and geophysical observations of the mantle.  相似文献   

The compositional structure and thermal state of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Kalahari Craton and the surrounding mobile belts have been mapped in space and time using >3400 garnet xenocrysts from >50 kimberlites intruded over the period 520–80 Ma. The trace-element patterns of many garnets reflect the metasomatic refertilisation of originally highly depleted harzburgites and lherzolites, and much of the lateral and vertical heterogeneity observed in the SCLM within the craton is the product of such metasomatism. The most depleted, and possibly least modified, SCLM was sampled beneath the Limpopo Belt by early Paleozoic kimberlites; the SCLM beneath other parts of the craton may represent similar material modified by metasomatism during Phanerozoic time. In the SW part of the craton, the SCLM sampled by “Group 2” kimberlites (>110 Ma) is thicker, cooler and less metasomatised than that sampled by “Group 1” kimberlites (mostly ≤95 Ma) in the same area. Therefore, the extensively studied xenolith suite from the Group 1 kimberlites probably is not representative of primary Archean SCLM compositions. The relatively fertile SCLM beneath the mobile belts surrounding the craton is interpreted as largely Archean SCLM, metasomatised and mixed with younger material during Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic rifting and compression. This implies that at least some of the observed secular evolution in SCLM composition worldwide may reflect the reworking of Archean SCLM. There are strong correlations between mantle composition and the lateral variations in seismic velocity shown by detailed tomographic studies. Areas of relatively low Vp within the craton largely reflect the progressive refertilisation of the Archean root during episodes of intraplate magmatism, including the Bushveld (2 Ga) and Karroo (ca. 180 Ma) events; areas of high Vp map out the distribution of relatively less metasomatised Archean SCLM. The relatively low Vp of the SCLM beneath the mobile belts around the craton is consistent with its fertile composition. The seismic data may be used to map the lateral extent of different types of SCLM, taking into account the small lateral variations in the geotherm identified using the techniques described here.  相似文献   


During Renzy Mines Ltd. exploration programme in 1972, an iron-formation was found in the Midternæs area north east of Ivigtut, South-West Greenland. It contains up to 32.9% Fe. The dominant mineral is greenalite, with minor amounts of magnetite, siderite and quartz. It was found in the northernmost part of the Ketilidian supracrustals (? 1800 m.y.), which are non-metamorphosed or very weakly metamorphosed. The iron-formation is suggested to be of submarine-exhalative origin, and precipitated in a moderately deep sea at low atmospheric O2 pressure.


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