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In highly oxidized Mn- and Al-rich layers of the low-grade metamorphic metasediments north of Salmchâteau, Belgium, three types of viridine porphyroblasts can be distinguished: (a) single-phase porphyroblasts, (b) composite porphyroblasts with a core consisting of very fine-grained kaolinite, which is interpreted as a pseudomorph after andalusite, and a rim of viridine and, (c) composite porphyroblasts with a viridine core, a first mantle of kaolinite (as a pseudomorph after andalusite) and a second rim of viridine. These grains form an assemblage with muscovite, paragonite, Mg-chlorite, piemontite, braunite, hematite, quartz, rutile, and apatite. In the single-phase porphyroblasts the chemical composition of the core, (Mn 0.51 3+ Al0.44Fe 0.04 3+ )Al(O/SiO4), grades continuously into (Mn 0.79 3+ Al0.15Fe 0.06 3+ )Al(O/SiO4) of the rim. The outer zones of the analyzed grains are thus richer in kanonaite-component, MnAl(O/SiO4), than the original kanonaites described recently by Vrána et al. (1978) from the type locality in Zambia. Taking into consideration also other chemical data of viridines of the Salmchâteau locality there exists a complete solid solution series in the system Al2SiO5 (And)-MnAlSiO5 (Kan)-FeAlSiO5 at least from And61Kan37(FeAlSiO5)2 to And15Kan79(FeAl-SiO5)6 for the P-T conditions verified here ( 400 ° C/1–2 kb). The oxygen fugacity of the rocks is estimated to correspond to f O2 of the MnO2/ Mn2O3-buffer or to exceed it. Single-phase and composite porphyroblasts of the andalusite-type minerals contain S-shaped internal structures, which, in the marginal parts of the grains, are always oriented perpendicular to the schistosity planes. Together with the zoning of the composite grains these structures give clear evidence, that the andalusite formation is preceded by viridine growth in suitable rocks high in manganese. Thus, the viridines of the cores are formed under P-T conditions of less than 360–380 ° C/1–2 kb. The recurrent availability of Mn to form the kanonaite-rich rims in all three types of porphyroblasts may be explained by Mn release out of the recrystallizing hematites along the schistosity planes during decreasing temperatures.Although the Commision on New Minerals and Mineral Names, IMA, has deleted the classical name viridine it is preferred here and used as a varietal name for all intermediate members of the solid solution series between andalusite, Al2(O/SiO4), and the recently described kanonaite, MnAl(O/SiO4) (Vrána et al., 1978). This is done with special regard to the petrographie purpose of this investigation, since it is impracticable and by simple optical methods in strongly zoned crystals even impossible to distinguish between manganian andalusite [Al(6)>Mn] and aluminous kanonaite [Al(6)相似文献   

Two geochemical stream sediment surveys were conducted in the Belgian Ardennes for Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni and Mn. The geological setting is of quartzo-pelitic rocks of Early Devonian and Cambro-Ordovician age. One survey covers the Ourthe and Salm valleys, the other the Lesse and Lomme drainage basins. Results of these surveys show the geochemical similarity of the two regions. Anomalies have been ascribed to four factors: human activity, Fe-Mn enrichment, known mineralization and potential mineralization. Mean values of metal concentration and statistical dispersion are identical. This results from similar physico-chemical conditions which induce the same types of surficial metallic association. The stream environment is characterized by two main phases, an oxidizing phase where Fe-Mn oxides trap trace metals, and a reducing phase where organic matter and secondary sulphides are bound with Pb, Zn and Cu. In oxidizing conditions, Cu and Ni show a greater affinity for the Fe-oxides while Zn and especially Co are related to the Mn-oxides. Pb has only a weak relationship with the Fe-Mn oxides but is also associated with the organic matter and the secondary sulphides in the reducing environment. Consequently, one may propose the following scale of mobility: Zn > Ni-Mn > Cu-Co > Pb > Fe.  相似文献   

In the area studied, three differently oriented sets of kink bands occur. The geometry of these structures is described. One particular set with mean kink angles of about 70 shows statistically that the interlimb angles are bisected by the kink band boundary planes. In the author's opinion it reflects the mechanism of formation.
Zusammenfassung Im Untersuchungsgebiet gibt es drei verschieden orientierte Gruppen von KnickbÄndern. Die Geometrie dieser Strukturen wird beschrieben. Eine der Gruppen mit Knickwinkeln von etwa 70 zeigt nach statistischer Prüfung, da\ die Winkel zwischen den Flanken der Strukturen von den KnickbandbegrenzungsflÄchen geteilt werden. Diese Daten spiegeln nach Meinung des Autors die Bildungsweise dieser Strukturen wider.

Résumé Dans la région étudiée, il y a trois systèmes de «kink bands» distingués par leurs orientations. La géométrie de ces structures est décrite. Un des systèmes avec un angle de kink de 70 environ, indique que l'angle entre les flancs des structures est partagé par le milieu par les plans limites des kinks. Il est supposé que ces données reflètent la génèse des structures.

. , , 70, . , , .

Chemical composition and equilibrium trends in mine pit lakes were examined to provide guidance for the application of geochemical models in predicting future lake water quality at prospective open pit mines. Composition trends show that elevated solute levels generally occur only at the extremes of acidic and alkaline pH conditions. Concentrations of cationic metals (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn) are elevated only in acidic pit lakes, whereas anionic metalloids (As and Se) are generally elevated only in alkaline pit lakes. These trends are indicative of sulfide mineral oxidation and evapoconcentration for acidic and alkaline conditions, respectively.For nearly all pit lakes, SO4 is the dominant solute, but is limited by gypsum solubility. Fluorite, calcite, and barite are also important solubility controls. Well-defined solubility controls exist for the major metals (Al, Fe, Mn), including jurbanite and alunite for Al, ferrihydrite for Fe, and manganite, birnessite, and, possibly, rhodochrosite for Mn. Determinations of definite controls for the minor metals are less distinct, but may include otavite for Cd, brochantite and malachite for Cu, cerrusite and pyromorphite for Pb, and hydrozincite and Zn silicates for Zn. Concentrations of As and Se appear to be limited only by adsorption, but this control is sharply diminished by increased pH and SO4 concentration. In general, the concentrations of minor metals in pit lakes are not well represented by the theoretical solubilities of pure-phase minerals contained in the thermodynamic databases. Hence, modeling efforts will generally have to rely on empirical data on the leaching characteristics of pit wall-rocks to predict the concentrations of minor metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in mine pit lakes.Methodologies for predicting pit lake water chemistry are still evolving. Geochemical and equilibrium trends in existing pit lakes can provide valuable information for guiding the development and application of predictive models. However, mineralogical studies of pit lake sediments, suspended particles, and alteration assemblages and studies of redox transformations are still needed to validate and refine the representations of geochemical processes in water quality models of mine pit lakes.  相似文献   

Low-grade Mn-rich metamorphic rocks of the Lienne syncline (westernpart of the Venn–Stavelot Massif, Belgian Ardennes) havebeen re-examined to evaluate the petrological significance ofcarpholite proper, Mn2$ Al2[Si2O6](OH)4. Metamorphic P–Tconditions of these rocks are estimated to be {small tilde}300C1–2 kbar, which is in accordance with the exclusive occurrenceof carpholite in low-P rocks such as hydrothermal environmentselsewhere. Carpholite of the Lienne syncline exclusively occursin quartz-rich segregations. Its composition is close to end-member.Thermodynamic calculations confirm that carpholite is a stablephase at low-pressure–low-temperature conditions, in contrastto ferro- and magnesiocarpholite, which are high-pressure minerals.No information is available on the high-P behaviour of carpholite.The occurrence of carpholite is partly closely associated withspessartine-bearing country rocks, or carpholite is alteredto assemblages with spessartine, sudoite, chlorite, muscoviteand paragonite. Spessartine in these rocks contains minor amountsof hydrogarnet component {(H/4)/[Si$(H/4)] = 0.03–0.06}.The presence of carpholite-spessartine assemblages in theselow-P rocks is in contrast to high-pressure metamorphic rocksfrom other areas, where parageneses such as fem/magnesiocarpholite–chloritoidor magnesiocarpholite–chlorite–kyanite occur. Theappearance of carpholite–garnet assemblages in low-P Mn-richrocks can be explained by contrasting phase relations becauseof a high Mn–Mg partition coefficient between the mineralsunder consideration. In rhodo-chrosite-bearing veins in theLienne syncline, nearly complete replacement of carpholite byspessartine and chlorite is due to the continuous reaction carpholite$ rhodochrosite $ quartz = spessartine $ chlorite $ H2O $ CO2,which defines a very low Xco, in the temperature range underconsideration. It is suggested that spessartine (possibly containingsome hydrogarnet component), during prograde metamorphism atlow pressure, becomes stable at a temperature of {small tilde}300C KEY WORDS: carpholite; spessartine; sudoite; Venn–Stavelot Massif; Ardemes *Corresponding author. Fax: x49/531/3918131. e-mail: t.theye{at}tu.bs.de  相似文献   

Two groups of rocks are distinguished in the Assab volcanic range (Afar) on the basis of their petrology. The first one is a typical alkaline suite with high Li, Ba, Rb, Sr, Th and U concentrations. A second subalkaline group may be related to a parental basalt characterized by low trace-element concentrations and intermediate in character between alkali and tholeiitic basalt.U and Th concentrations of the analyzed Assab basalts, as well the reported values for the alkali and transitional basalts of the East African Rift and the Afar depression, are higher than values reported for similar basalts from oceanic and continental environments.  相似文献   

Data are presented pertinent to the genesis of the boudinage structure at Bastogne. It are the geometrical relations between the structural elements, the state of strain of the boudined layer and the relations between the dimensions of individual boudins. These data are consistent with a hypothesis of boudin formation by layer-parallel elongation, preceding the folding of the layers.  相似文献   

Geochemical variation trends established from 700 chemical analyses of rocks from the Canary Islands, show that the islands can be separated into two distinct groups. One group consists of Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Palma with alkaline characters and rapid progressive alkalinization trends. The other group of islands (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Gomera and El Hierro), also has an alkaline character but differs from the former in showing slower alkalinization trends. The evolution patterns of the magmas of both groups indicate that each new magmatic cycle is on the whole more alkaline than its immediate predecessor. These differences a are supposed to be connected with the predominance in the one group of magmatism related to ‘African’ tectonic lines and in the other of magmatism related to ‘Atlantic’ tectonic lines.  相似文献   

Six days were spent in the field in the Ardennes and four in the Vosges. In the Ardennes, the party followed the section along the River Meuse from Charleville-Mézières to Huy, studying the Lower Palaeozoic of the Givonne, Rocroi and Brabant massifs, the Devonian and Carboniferous of the Dinant and Namur synclinoria and the Grande Faille du Midi. One day was spent on the Devonian biostromes and bioherms near Couvin and Frasnes. The Stavelot massif was examined en route for the Vosges.In the Vosges, the party visited the classic contact metamorphic aureole of the Barr-Andlau granite, saw a granite differentiation sequence in the Champ-du-Feu complex, Permian volcanics at Nideck Falls, ultrametamorphics at the Col des Bagenelles and the glacial lakes near Gerardmer. The Ballon d'Alsace granite and the Lower Carboniferous volcanics forming its country rock were examined.The party returned to London via Lièvin in the North French Coalfield, where they collected early Devonian faunas, stopping at a Holocene river channel en route.  相似文献   

The Olorgesailie Formation (1.2-0.49 Ma) consists of fluvial and lacustrine rift sediments that have yielded abundant Acheulean artifacts and a fossil hominin (Homo cf. erectus). In testing prior understandings of the paleoenvironmental context, we define nine new geochemical zones. A Chemical Index of Alteration suggests increased catchment weathering during deposition of Members 1, 2, 7, 11, and 13. Biophile elements (Br, S) peak in M8-9 and lower M13 possibly reflecting increased input from soil erosion. REE data show that the Magadi Trachytes supplied most siliciclastic grains. Sixteen diatom stages indicate conductivities of 200-16,000 μS cm− 1 and pH of 7.5-9.5 for five deep-water lakes, ten shallow lakes and sixteen wetlands. These results are compared with diatom data from other sections in the basin and show aquatic spatial variability over km-scale distances. Similar floras are traceable over several kilometers for M2, M3 and M9, indicating broadly homogeneous lacustrine conditions during these times, but diatoms in other members imply variable conditions, some related to local tectonic controls. This lateral and temporal variability emphasizes the importance of carrying out stratigraphic sampling at multiple sites within a basin in efforts to define the environmental context relevant to human evolution.  相似文献   

The Southern Venn-Stavelot Massif is characterized by Ordovician and Devonian rocks very rich in manganese and aluminum, which are attacked by a low grade regional metamorphism. The assemblages 1 (phengite, paragonite, chlorite, chloritoid, garnet, quartz, hematite, rutile) and 2 (phengite, paragonite, chlorite, kaolinite (andalusite, pyrophyllite), garnet, quartz, hematite, rutile) are of basic interest for the formation of chloritoid. As the two rock types are isofaciell and quasi-identical in chemistry except for the iron oxides, there is clear evidence for the influence of on the chloritoid formation at its lower p-T stability limit. This can be shown by a discussion of the phase relations of chloritoid, garnet, kaolinite, chlorite and phengite in respect to the oxidation ratio mol 2 Fe2O3x 100/2 Fe2O3+ FeO of the host rocks. Especially chloritoid and chlorite change their chemistry in a characteristic way with rising oxidation ratio in getting richer and richer in manganese and magnesium (chloritoid) and magnesium (chlorite). A simultaneous increase in trivalent iron in these phases is supposed. At an oxidation ratio of 85–90 the stability limit of chloritoid is reached. The increasing substitution of manganese and magnesium up to this limit should have a stabilizing effect. In a rough estimate the oxygen partial pressure is supposed to be in the order of 10−10 atm at the stability limit of chloritoid assuming a temperature of metamorphism between 360–400° C. Rocks with oxidation ratios between 90 and 100 are characterized by the presence of kaolinite. If the oxidation ratio is still higher (all iron as Fe3+, parts of the manganese in the trivalent state), the rocks belong to assemblage 3 (phengite, paragonite, chlorite, viridine, (kaolinite), (garnet), quartz, hematite, braunite, rutile). Dedicated to Prof. Dr. K. Jasmund at his 60. birthday.  相似文献   

The effects of two deformation phases can be seen in the rocks of Vielsalm and Salm-Chateau; the first deformation produced the principal schistosity and the second a crenulation cleavage. The main metamorphism and the, formation of chloritoid, kaolinite and possible garnet porphyroblasts are later than the development of the first schistosity but earlier than the crenulation. It is very probable that the schistosity in both these places represents the same period of deformation. This deformation may be Hercynian, but it cannot be definitely ascertained. If this were true, the metamorphism would be post-tectonic with respect to the principal Hercynian deformation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the accessibility of nodes in the Belgian road network. The intersection of roads are considered as the nodes and their connecting roads as the edges of a network. By means of the Dijkstra algorithm accessibility values are computed for each node by summing shortest travel times to a reference system of 158 nodes spread evenly over the Belgian territory. A comparison of the measured actual accessibility with that determined from an optimal situation provides an indication of the quality of directness of the Belgian road system. Accessibility and directness are shown cartographically. An isochronal map illustrates the access to Brussels.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the accessibility of nodes in the Belgian road network. The intersection of roads are considered as the nodes and their connecting roads as the edges of a network. By means of the Dijkstra algorithm accessibility values are computed for each node by summing shortest travel times to a reference system of 158 nodes spread evenly over the Belgian territory. A comparison of the measured actual accessibility with that determined from an optimal situation provides an indication of the quality of directness of the Belgian road system. Accessibility and directness are shown cartographically. An isochronal map illustrates the access to Brussels.  相似文献   

地球化学填图与地球化学勘查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢学锦  刘大文 《地质论评》2006,52(6):721-732
在中国与西方国家,地球化学填图的目的与做法并不相同,西方的地球化学填图是由研究机构开展的,使用等离子焰光量计、X射线荧光光谱仪等大型仪器进行多元素分析,目的是取得多种元素在地球表层分布的基础性资料。地球化学勘查则由矿业公司主要分析少量成矿元素,目的是为了找矿。而中国的地球化学填图计划却做出了巨大努力,使地球化学填图取得的资料既有学术价值又对矿产勘查具有重大的实用意义。本文详细讨论了西方国家与中国地球化学填图与地球化学勘查的思路、方法与技术的演变,并瞻望了地球化学填图在21世纪的巨大发展前景。  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - A model of the Ba geochemical cycle in the ocean is discussed based on a few own and published data. Barium ion reacts with the sulfate ion in various fluids (pore...  相似文献   

Four volcanoes in the Pantar Strait, the westernmost part of the extinct sector of the east Sunda arc, show remarkable across-arc variation in elemental abundances (K2O: 1.2 to 4.3%), trace element ratios (Pb/Ce: 0.4 to 0.18; Ce/Yb: 20 to 55) and isotope ratios (143Nd/144Nd: 0.51263 to 0.51245; 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7053 to 0.7068; 206Pb/204Pb: 19.29 to 19.15). Pb isotopes are decoupled from Sr and Nd isotopes, with the frontal volcanoes showing the higher Nd and Pb and lower Sr isotopic ratios. The isotopic and trace element ratios of the volcanic samples are best explained by modification of a MORB-type source (with Indian Ocean island basalt-type Pb isotopic characteristics) by a fluid and a partial melt of subducted continental material (SCM). The frontal volcano contains the highest proportion of the fluid component, with a small contribution of partial melt. The source of the rear-arc volcano is strongly influenced by a partial melt of SCM that had undergone a previous dehydration event, by which it lost most of its fluid-mobile elements such as Pb. The SCM partial melt was in equilibrium with both rutile and garnet, whereas mantle melting took place in the presence of residual mica. The relatively large across-arc increase in incompatible elements can be explained by a combination of increasing addition of SCM partial melt, changing mantle wedge fertility and smaller degrees of partial melting toward the rear of the arc. Comparison with a more westerly across-arc transect shows that the relatively low 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the frontal volcano, and the decoupling of Pb from Sr and Nd isotopes are unique to the Pantar Strait volcanoes. This is likely to reflect magma generation in a collisional environment, where the leading edge of the Australian continent, rather than subducted sediment, contributes to the magma source.  相似文献   

羌塘高原是目前区域化探全国扫面工作最大的空白区和地质找矿工作的新区,这里的化探扫面和地质找矿工作正在推进中。水系沉积物测量是该区主要区域化探扫面方法。在羌塘高原上,风成沙广布,其粒级主要集中在–40目,比例高达90%以上,是影响区域化探找矿效果的最大因素。通过四个矿区水系沉积物地球化学特征研究发现:1)水系沉积物不同粒级中,大部分矿化指示元素含量都呈不对称的"反S"型或"U"型分布,富集在+40目粒级和–160目粒级中。以–10~+40目为采样粒级,很大程度上可以消除风成沙的干扰。2)大型矿床形成的指示元素异常沿水系迁移距离为4~8 km,异常面积25 km2;小型矿床形成的异常迁移距离1 km左右,异常面积1 km2左右。3)确定区域化探扫面最佳技术指标为:采样粒级–10~+40目;采样密度1点/4 km2(勘查目标定位到大型以上矿床时)或1点/km2(勘查目标定位到小型以上矿床时)。  相似文献   

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