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In order to investigate the impact of the smoothed orography and the spurious orographic ripples on simulations in the low-resolution spectral model, three different numerical tests, that is, the unsmoothed orography scheme, the smoothed orography scheme and non-ripples scheme are performed. In this paper, the model used by us is the same as Part I except for orographic specification.The results from simulations indicate that, as far as the climatic simulation is concerned, some aspects of the simulated stationary disturbances, zonal and meridional wind, temperature and precipitation in the low-resolution spectral model with properly smoothed mountains are significantly improved, especially in winter hemisphere.The deep ripples in the model with the unsmoothed orography produce spurious high pressure regions at the surface with subsidence, and suppress rainfall, causing an unrealistic splitting of the precipitation area in northern winter and summer. Removal of the deep ripples by using the special proc  相似文献   

A numerical experiment has been carried out to study the mechanism of cyclogenesis and the development of disturbances. First, an idealized field of temperature and pressure is designed, which is very similar to the actual synoptic situation, consisting of the jet-like zonal circulation with some nonzonal waves superimposed on it. Prediction is made by using a six-level splitting primitive model with the idealized field as an initial one. The results show that if a disturbance like a frontal zone in the lower troposphere is superimposed on the zonal circulation, a frontal cyclone will quickly develop and then gradually become an occluded one. Its life cycle is similar to that of the actual frontal cyclone on the synoptic map. However, if there is a disturbance superimposed on the zonal circulation in the middle troposphere, the cyclone with weaker intensity will be slowly formed near the surface. Finally, if the initial disturbance is located at the high-level, a situation like a cut-off low rather than  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the effects of topography on the summer atmospheric energetics of the Northern Hemisphere in a low-resolution global spectral model. The numerical model is a global, spectral, primitive equation model with five equally spaced sigma levels in the vertical and triangular truncation at wavenumber 10 in the horizontal. The model includes comparatively full physical processes.Each term of the energy budget equations is calculated in four specific latitudinal belts (81.11°S-11.53°S; 11.53°S-11.53°N; 11.53°N-46.24°N; 46.24癗-81.ll癗) from a five-year simulation with mountains and a one-year simulation without mountains, respectively. Differences between them are compared and statistically tested. The results show that synoptical scale waves transport available potential energy and kinetic energy to long waves and increase conversion from available potential energy of the zonal flow to eddy's and from the eddy kinetic energy to the zonal kinetic energy in region 3 (11.53°N-46.24°N  相似文献   

An informal review is presented of recent developments in numerical simulation of the global atmospheric circulation with very fine numerical resolution models. The focus is on results obtained recently with versions of the GFDL SKYHI model and the Atmospheric Model for the Earth Simulator (AFES) global atmospheric models. These models have been run with effective horizontal grid resolution of 10–40 km and fine vertical resolution. The results presented demonstrate the utility of such models for the study of a diverse range of phenomena. Specifically the models are shown to simulate the development of tropical cyclones with peak winds and minimum central pressures comparable to those of the most intense hurricanes actually observed. More fundamentally, the spectrum of energy content in the mesoscale in the flow can be reproduced by these models down to near the smallest explicitly-resolved horizontal scales. In the middle atmosphere it is shown that increasing horizontal resolution can lead to significantly improved overall simulation of the global-scale circulation. The application of the models to two specific problems requiring very fine resolution global will be discussed. The spatial and temporal variability of the vertical eddy flux of zonal momentum associated with gravity waves near the tropopause is evaluated in the very fine resolution AFES model. This is a subject of great importance for understanding and modelling the flow in the middle atmosphere. Then the simulation of the small scale variations of the semidiurnal surface pressure oscillation is analyzed, and the signature of significant topographic modulation of the semidiurnal atmospheric tide is identified.  相似文献   

An atmospheric general circulation model is used in a series of three experiments to simulate the intraseasonaloscillation in the tropical atmosphere.Analyses of the model daily data show that various physical variables,from sever-al different regions,exhibit fluctuations with a spectral peak between 30 and 60 days.This represents a 30—60 dayoscillation in the tropical atmosphere and possesses several features which are consistent with observations.These in-clude a horizontal structure dominated by zonal wavenumber 1 and a vertical structure which is predominantlybaroclinic.The effect of warm SST (sea surface temperature) anomalies on the 30—60 day oscillation in the tropical atmos-phere is also simulated by prescribing global SST as observed in 1983.This has the effect of weakening the oscillationwhile at the same time the vertical structure becomes less baroclinic.The importance of cumulus convection to the propagational characteristics of this oscillation is demonstrated by acomparison of results based on different parameterizations for convection.In one case,where the maximum convectionover the Pacific is simulated to be too far east,the simulated 30—60 day oscillation shows evidence of westward propa-gation.In the second case,where the convection maximum is located near the observed position in the western Pacific,there is more clearly evidence of eastward propagation.Both results suggest that the location of maximum convection in the Pacific can have an important influence on thestrength,structure and propagation of the 30—60 day oscillation.  相似文献   

With the development of numerical weather prediction technology,the traditional global hydrostatic models used in many countries of the world for operational weather forecasting and numerical simulations of general circulation have become more and more unfit for high-impact weather prediction.To address this,it is important to invest in the development of global nonhydrostatic models.Few existing nonhydrostatic global models use consistently the grid finite difference scheme for the primitive equations of dynamical cores,which can subsequently degrade the accuracy of the calculations.A new nonhydrostatic global spectral model,which utilizes the Eulerian spectral method,is developed here from NCAR Community Atmosphere Model 3.0(CAM3.0).Using Janjic's hydrostatic/nonhydrostatic method,a global nonhydrostatic spectral method for the primitive equations has been formulated and developed.In order to retain the integrity of the nonhydrostatic equations,the atmospheric curvature correction and eccentricity correction are considered. In this paper,the Held-Suarez idealized test and an idealized baroclinic wave test are first carried out,which shows that the nonhydrostatic global spectral model has similar climate states to the results of many other global models for long-term idealized integration,as well as better simulation ability for short-term idealized integration.Then,a real case experiment is conducted using the new dynamical core with the full physical parameterizations of subgrid-scale physical processes.The 10-day numerical integration indicates a decrease in systematic error and a better simulation of zonal wind,temperature,and 500-hPa height.  相似文献   

A global coupled air-sea model of shallow water wave is developed based on coupled ocean-atmospheredynamics.The coupling is realized through the air-sea interaction process that the atmosphere acts on theocean by wind stress and the ocean acts on the atmosphere with heating proportional to sea surface temperature(SST)anomaly.The equation is harotropic primitive one.Response experiments of coupling system arealso carried out SSTA in two categories of intensities.Compared with the results of AGCM simulation ex-periment in which only the dynamic change of air system is considered,it demonstrates that the air-seainteraction between the tropical ocean and the global atmosphere plays a very important role in the evolutionof climate system.The results of numerical simulation show that it is encouraging.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruption is an important external forcing factor of climate change on time scale frommonth to hundred years.In this paper,the climatic effect of the last large historical eruption ofTianchi volcano,which happened in 1229 AD,has been investigated with a two-dimensionalenergy balance model.Taking Mt.Pinatubo volcano and Changbai Mountain-Tianchi volcano forexample,the numerical simulation on time scale from months to years indicates that such largeeruptions may have significant impacts on global climate.Based on the simulation results,it issuggested that the last large eruption of Tianchi volcano should be responsible for the abruptclimate change event,which began in the period from 1230 to 1260 AD.  相似文献   

By employing the T42L9 spectral model introduced from ECMWF and utilizing the FGGE-III_b datacovering the period from 14 June to 19 June 1979,the effects of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on the medium-range weather processes of the rain during the onset period of the summer monsoon in Eastern Asia in1979 were studied numerically.According to the initial field of 12GMT 14 June 1979,five-day numericalexperiments with or without the orographic effects were carried out respectively.The results show that thePlateau can influence the precipitation significantly during the summer monsoon season.Although the summermonsoon is the result of the seasonal variations of the global circulation and the heating difference betweenland and sea,it is influenced evidently by the Plateau in medium-range processes.There are very complexinteractions between the mountain and diabatic heating effects so that both of them should be consideredcorrectly in the general circulation models in order to describe the nature of the atmosphere reliably.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment of an asynchronous coupled ocean-atmosphere model has been described in this paper.Atwo-layer global atmosphere general circulation model(OSU/IAP-AGCM)and a two-layer North Pacific Oceangeneral circulation model(NPOGCM)developed by Liu et al.(1992)are used in numerical experiment.The sea surfacetemperature anomaly(SSTA)corresponding to the meander of the Kuroshio is treated as the initial perturbation in thePacific Ocean and the abnormal phenomena caused by the disturbance and the interaction between atmosphere andocean,have been studied.The numerical experiment showed that the SST anomaly in the North Pacific could induce a new 30—60 dayoscillation through the coupling between atmosphere and ocean and the interaction between the meander of theKuroshio and atmosphere circulation is a positive feedback process.  相似文献   

From a statistical study of the atmospheric circulation types over the Northern Hemisphere it is found that the zonal type circulation predominates in East Asia. From a three-layer primitive equation model in σ-coordinate, the orographic effect on a westerly current over the Northern Hemisphere is studied. A distinguished deepening trough is observed in the lee-side slope of the Rocky Mountains. But a pronounced trough is over the East Asia coast far from the Tibetan Plateau. In a case of 48 h numerical forecast, it is found that the effect of the Tibetan Plateau tends to build up a rather zonal type circulation, which is con-sistent with the observations. These may be partly explained by the topographic effect of the north slope of the Tibetan Plateau in a simple geostrophic theory.  相似文献   

It is a worthwhile attempt to address the role of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in the seasonal transition of general circulation from a global prospective. In this paper, the CCM1 (R15L7)-LNWP spectral model is used to study the influences of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on the seasonal transfer of the general circulation, with the objective analysis form the State Meteorological Center for March 17, 1996 as the initial field. A mid-level heating source in regions on the same latitudes is shown to cause a warming center of 224 K to form on the level of 200 hPa that warms up the atmosphere by more than 7 K and a drop of temperature by about 6 K on most of the 200-hPa layer over the Antarctic continent, with the largest negative center being-8.28 K. It is favorable to the deepening and widening of the polar vortexes in the course of transition from summer to winter. The topographic effect of the plateau plays a vital role in forming and maintaining the mean troughs and ridges of the atmospheric circulation in Northern Hemisphere such that it strengthens (weakens) the south-north positive gradient of temperature on the northern (southern) side of the latitude zone in which the plateau sits and increases the north-south gradient of temperature near 30°N. The seasonal transition is thus favored so that the bulk travel of global westerly at the middle latitudes and the formation of Asian monsoon in early summer are made possible. In the equatorial and low-latitude areas where the geopotential is increased, the effect of the plateau terrain is also evident in that it is favorable for the northern withdrawal of the tropical high ridge in Southern Hemisphere and the northern shift of the subtropical high in Northern Hemisphere. In addition, the effect also helps increase the polar easterly over the Southern Hemisphere and weaken the low zone at 500 hPa. It acts as an increasing factor for the polar vortex around the Ross Sea and contributes to the genesis of the Somali Jet on the equator.  相似文献   

In this study, in order to investigate the global climatic oscillations forced by sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over equatorial central-eastern Pacific, two numerical schemes with different SST distri-butions (normal and anomalous cases) are tested by using a nine-layer global spectral model. Experiment results show that (i) in northern summer, a wave train that is similar to the teleconnection pattern suggested by Nitta (1987) and Huang (1987) in the Northern Hemisphere and another one in the Southern Hemisphere are reproduced; (ii) simulated results suggest that the response of atmosphere in middle-high latitudes of both hemispheres to an anomalous heating source is more sensitive in tropical western Pacific than in equatorial central-eastern Pacific; and (iii) in northern summer, the formation of low-frequency oscillations on monthly (seasonal) time scale results from energy dispersion as well as interactions between eddies and zonal flow; and between eddies.  相似文献   

Blocking is one of the intensive atmospheric disturbances which can maintain for a long time. In this paprer we investigate the general conditions favorable for the generation and maintenance of the intensive disturbances. First, the evolutional process of disturbances superimposed on a jet-like zonal flow is studied by using the wave-packet representation and the WKBJ method. Second, the mechanism for generation and maintenance of disturbances is investigated by using the nonlinear equations and the general physical laws. Finally, some numerical experiments are given for illustration, showing the rapid absorption of disturbances by the jet-like zonal flow in one case and the maintenance of disturbances for a long time in the other case.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the effects of topography on the summer atmospheric energetics of the Northern Hemisphere in a low-resolution global spectral model. The numerical model is a global, spectral, primitive equation model with five equally spaced sigma levels in the vertical and triangular truncation at wavenumber 10 in the horizontal. The model includes comparatively full physical processes.Each term of the energy budget equations is calculated in four specific latitudinal belts (81.11°S-11.53°S; 11.53°S-11.53°N; 11.53°N-46.24°N; 46.24°N-81.11°N) from a five-year simulation with mountains and a one-year simulation without mountains, respectively. Differences between them are compared and statistically tested. The results show that synoptical scale waves transport available potential energy and kinetic energy to long waves and increase conversion from available potential energy of the zonal flow to eddy’s and from the eddy kinetic energy to the zonal kinetic energy in region 3 (11.53°N-46.24°N) due to mountains; topography intensifies the atmospheric baroclinity in region 3, consequently the baroclinic conversion of atmosphere energy is increased. The seasonal characteristics associated with the summer atmospheric energy source in region 3 are caused by seasonal variation of the solar radiation and the land-ocean contrasts and independent of topographic effects. The mechanism of topographic effects on the increase of long wave kinetic energy is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a 5-level spectral AGCM is used to examine the sensitivity of simulated East Asian summer mon-soon circulation and rainfall to cumulus parameterization schemes. From the simulated results of East Asian mon-soon circulations and rainfalls during the summers of 1987 and 1995, it is shown that the Kuo’s convective parameterization scheme is more suitable for the numerical simulation of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall and circulation. This may be due to that the cumulus in the rainfall system is not strong in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

In this paper, statistics were analyzed concerning correlation between the storm rainfall far from typhoon and non-zonal upper-level jet stream. The results show that the jet stream at 200 hPa is constantly SW (90.2 %) during the period in which storm rainfall occurs. Rainfall area lies in the right rear regions of the jet axes. While the storm intensifies, the jet tends to be stronger and turn non-zonal. With the MM4 model, numerical simulation and diagnosis were carried out for Typhoon No.9711 (Winnie) on August 19 to 20, 1997. The distant storm rainfall is tightly correlative to the jet and low-level typhoon trough. The divergence field of jet is related to the v component. The upper level can cause the allobaric wind convergence at low level. This is the result of the form of low-level typhoon trough and the strength of the storm. By scale analysis, it is found that there is a branch of middle scale transverse inverse circulation in the right entrance regions behind the jet below the 300-hPa level, which is very important to the maintenance and strengthening of storm rainfall. This branch of inverse circulation is relative to the reinforcement of jet's non-zonal characteristics. From the field of mesoscale divergence field and non-zonal wind field, we know that the stronger symmetry caused by transverse circulation in the two sides of the jet, rainfall’s feedback and reinforcement of jet’s non-zonal characteristics had lead to positive feedback mechanism that was favorable of storm rainfall’s strengthening.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of precipitation was studied by conducting control aqua-planet experiments(APEs) with a model to determine atmospheric general circulation.The model includes two versions: that with a spectral dynamical core(SAMIL) and that with a finite-volume dynamical core(FAMIL).Three factors were investigated including dynamical core,time-step length,and horizontal resolution.Numerical results show that the dynamical core significantly affects the structure of zonal averaged precipitation.FAMIL exhibited an equatorial precipitation belt with a single narrow peak,and SAMIL showed a broader belt with double peaks.Moreover,the time step of the model physics is shown to affect the zonal-averaged tropical convective precipitation ratio such that a longer time step leads to more production and consumption of convective available potential energy and convection initiated away from the equator,which corresponds to equatorial double peaks of precipitation.Further,precipitation is determined to be sensitive to horizontal resolution such that higher horizontal resolution allows for more small-scale kinetic energy to be resolved and leads to a broader probability distribution of low-level vertical velocity.This process results in heavier rainfall and convective precipitation extremes in the tropics.Abstract The sensitivity of precipitation was studied by conducting control aqua-planet experiments(APEs)with a model to determine atmospheric general circulation.The model includes two versions:that with a spectral dynamical core(SAMIL)and that with a finite-volume dynamical core(FAMIL).Three factors were investigated including dynamical core,time-step length,and horizontal resolution.Numerical results show that the dynamical core significantly affects the structure of zonal averaged precipitation.FAMIL exhibited an equatorial precipitation belt with a single narrow peak,and SAMIL showed a broader belt with double peaks.Moreover,the time step of the model physics is shown to affect the zonal-averag  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are carried out using a global spectral model to study the role of an ideal heating source over the western tropical Pacific region in a medium-term weather process that marks the western advancement of the subtropical high in mid-June 1979. The result has indicated that the effect of the ideal heating source is evident in about 4 days after the inclusion in the high and the circulation at mid-and high-latitudes over the eastern part of China; the disturbance produced over the tropical ocean first transfers towards the northwest along the easterly flow on the southern edge of the subtropical high and then divides into two branches as it moves over the westerly over the mid-latitude area, one continuing the journey northwestward and the other turning to the northeast by east, resulting in changes in the subtropical high and the westerly through combined action.  相似文献   

Experiments using a quasi-geostrophic model and the ECMWF T21 spectral model with and without orography are performed to investigate the effects of mechanical forcing on the mean meridional circulation. Results show that mechanical forcing intensifies the horizontal poleward heat flux and redistributes the eddy angular momentum in the vertical, and that this changes significantly the intensity and location of the mean meridional circulation centres.It is shown how the mean meridional circulation is set up in such a way to satisfy both the dynamical and thermodynamical transport requirements of the model atmosphere. Whenever external forcing changes the eddy fluxes, the Coriolis torques from the upper horizontal branches of the mean meridional circulations change to balance the extra divergence of eddy momentum flux, and additional adiabatic heating is produced by the vertical branches of the toroids to balance the extra divergence of eddy heat flux. The mean meridional circulation is, therefore, confirm  相似文献   

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