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When applied to a sea surface, shortcomings are noted for the ordinary classification of drag conditions at rigid underlying surfaces according to the Reynolds roughness number Re s . It is shown that in the case of mobile underlying surfaces, it would be more natural to use the dynamical classification of drag conditions according to the order of magnitude of the ratio ( = /) of the momentum flux toward the waves ( w) to the viscous momentum flux through the surface ( w). The relevant estimates of for the main stages of development of the wind waves indicate that the observed values of the drag coefficient of the sea surface correspond to the case of underdeveloped roughness.  相似文献   

Cloud water and interstitial aerosol samples collected at Mt. Sonnblick (SBO) were analyzed for sulfate and aerosol carbon to calculate in-cloud scavenging efficiencies. Scavenging efficiencies for sulfate (SO) ranged from 0.52 to 0.99 with an average of 0.80. Aerosol carbon was scavenged less efficiently with an average value (AC) of 0.45 and minimum and maximum values of 0.14 and 0.81, respectively. Both SO and AC showed a marked, but slightly different, dependence on the liquid water content (LWC) of the cloud. At low LWC, SO increased with rising LWC until it reached a relatively constant value of 0.83 above an LWC of 0.3 g/m3. In the case of aerosol carbon, we obtained a more gradual increase of AC up to an LWC of 0.5 g/m3. At higher LWCs, _ remained relatively constant at 0.60. As the differences between SO and A varied across the LWC range observed at SBO, we assume that part of the aerosol carbon was incorporated into the cloud droplets independently from sulfate. This hypothesis is supported by size classified aerosol measurements. The differences in the size distributions of sulfate and total carbon point to a partially external mixture. Thus, the different chemical nature and the differences in the size and mixing state of the aerosol particles are the most likely candidates for the differences in the scavenging behavior.  相似文献   

Refuge has patchy vegetation in sandy soil. During midday and at night, the surface sources and sinks for heat and moisture may thus be different. Although the Sevilleta is broad and level, its metre-scale heterogeneity could therefore violate an assumption on which Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) relies. To test the applicability of MOST in such a setting, we measured the standard deviations of vertical (w) and longitudinal velocity (u), temperature (t), and humidity (q), the temperature-humidity covariance (¯tq), and the temperature skewness (St). Dividing the former five quantities by the appropriate flux scales (u*, *, and q*) yielded the nondimensional statistics w/u*, u/u*, t/|t*|, q/|q*|, and ¯tq/t*q*. w/u*, t/|t*|, and St have magnitudes and variations with stability similar to those reported in the literature and, thus, seem to obey MOST. Though u/u* is often presumed not to obey MOST, our u/u* data also agree with MOST scaling arguments. While q/|q*| has the same dependence on stability as t/|t*|, its magnitude is 28% larger. When we ignore ¯tq/t*q* values measured during sunrise and sunset transitions – when MOST is not expected to apply – this statistic has essentially the same magnitude and stability dependence as (t/t*)2. In a flow that truly obeys MOST, (t/t*)2, (q/q*)2, and ¯tq/t*q* should all have the same functional form. That (q/q*)2 differs from the other two suggests that the Sevilleta has an interesting surface not compatible with MOST. The sources of humidity reflect the patchiness while, despite the patchiness, the sources of heat seem uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments were carried out to measure the shear stressduring snow saltation. Shear stress acting on the snow surface, measured directly with a newly developed drag meter system, revealedthat the shear stress increased with the development ofsaltation. This result supports Owen's hypothesis that the saltationlayer acts as an increased roughness to the flow above the saltationlayer, leading to an increase in surface shear stress. To investigate the contribution of the grain borne shear stressg and the fluid shear stress f to the increment of the total shear stress total, g was calculated from the loss of horizontal momentum of saltating snowparticles. Since g is the largest contribution to theincrement of total, the collision of thesaltating particles is dominant for the shear stressmodification. The results qualitatively support the numericalsimulation reported by McEwan and Willetts.  相似文献   

Summary During an expedition to the high Andes of Southern Peru in June–July 1977, measurements of direct solar radiation in four spectral bands (0.270–0.530–0.630–0.695–2.900 ) were conducted at six sites in elevations ranging from sea level to 5645 m. These measurements were evaluated in Langley plots to determine total optical depths () and irradiances at the top of the atmosphere. In addition, water vapor optical depths (wv) were calculated from the mean radiosounding over Lima during the expedition, and Rayleigh (ray) and ozone (oz) optical depths were obtained from published tabulations. Subtracting ray, oz, and wv from yielded estimates of aerosol optical depth aer. The components ray and oz decrease from the shorter towards the longer wavelength bands and from the lower towards the higher elevation sites; aer also decreases towards the higher elevations. Particularly pronounced is the decrease of aer and from the lowlands of the Pacific coast to the highlands of the interior, reflecting the effect of a persistent lower-tropospheric inversion and the contrast from the marine boundary layer to the clear atmosphere of the high Andes.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Meteorological measurements taken at the Näsudden wind turbine site during slightly unstable conditions have been analyzed. The height of the convective boundary layer (CBL) was rather low, varying between 60 and 300 m. Turbulence statistics near the ground followed Monin-Obukhov similarity, whereas the remaining part of the boundary layer can be regarded as a near neutral upper layer. In 55% of the runs, horizontal roll vortices were found. Those were the most unstable runs, with -z i/L > 5. Spectra and co-spectra are used to identify the structures. Three roll indicators were identified: (i) a low frequency peak in the spectrum of the lateral component at low level; (ii) a corresponding increase in the vertical component at mid-CBL; (iii) a positive covariance {ovvw} together with positive wind shear in the lateral direction (V/z) in the CBL. By applying these indicators, it is possible to show that horizontal roll circulations are likely to be a common phenomenon over the Baltic during late summer and early winter.  相似文献   

The variations of and in the drainage flow in the Brush Creek valley of western Colorado are investigated using data from Doppler acoustic sodars and instrumented towers. The data were obtained on two experimental nights during the 1984 ASCOT field study. There is good agreement between the variations derived from low-level observations of the sodars and those derived from the towers located throughout the valley. The observed hourly average and in the nocturnal drainage flow are about 20 ° to 25 ° and 5 °, respectively; these values are much larger than those generally observed over flat terrain during nighttime stable conditions. After sunrise (about 0600 MST), as the valley warms and the flow direction changes to up-valley, these parameters increase sharply to their peak values at about 0800 MST and then decrease to their normal daytime values after about two hours.In the drainage flow, the hourly average varies inversely with wind speed according to the relation u 0.7ms-1. The vertical standard deviation is much less enhanced by complex terrain than the horizontal standard deviation. The observed values are predicted fairly well by the local similarity theory.Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 andOak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 and  相似文献   

The photooxidation of -humulene in the presence of NOx, natural sunlight, and rural background air was investigated using a combination of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Identification and quantification of gas and particulate reaction products were reported over the course of the reaction. The daytime photooxidation was carried out in a large outdoor smog chamber (190 m3). A wide range of ring retaining and ring opening products in the gas and particle phase are reported. On average, measured gas and particle phase products accounted for 44% of the reacted -humulene carbon. Measurements show that a number of reaction products with low vapor pressures (e.g. 3-seco--humulone aldehyde, 7-seco--humulone aldehyde, -humulal aldehyde, -humulene 3-oxide or -humulene 7-oxide, -humulaic/alic acid isomers, and 3-seco--14-hydroxyhumulone aldehyde) were found in the early stage of the reaction and may play an important role in the early formation of secondary organic aerosol. A detailed mechanism is proposed to account for most products observed in this investigation.  相似文献   

Horizontal u and vertical w velocity fluctuations have been measured together with temperature fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer, at a small height above a wheat crop canopy. Marginal probability density functions are presented for both individual fluctuations u, w, and for the instantaneous Reynolds stress uw, and heat fluxes w and u. Probability density functions of the velocity fluctuations deviate less significantly from the Gaussian form than the probability density of temperature. There appears to be closer similarity between statistics of the instantaneous heat fluxes than between the momentum flux and either of the heat fluxes investigated. The mean momentum flux receives equal contributions from the events referred to as ejections and sweeps in laboratory boundary layers. Sweeps provide the largest contribution to the heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Shear convection     
The paper discusses convection in the presence of wind shear, a condition analysed previously by Zilitinkevich (1971). This region (between the forced and fully developed convective layers) was also considered by Betchov and Yaglom (1971). In the present paper the author endeavors to develop a consistent analysis from the basic hypothesis of a very weak interaction between the vertical convective motions and mechanical turbulence, employing a new similarity model of the turbulent regime. Additional experimental data are introduced. Unlike the notation used in the references quoted above, this regime is termed shear convection rather than free convection. The latter is traditionally regarded as synonymous with the terms pure or fully developed convection.  相似文献   

Drag and drag partition on rough surfaces   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
An analytic treatment of drag and drag partition on rough surfaces is given. The aims are to provide simple predictive expressions for practical applications, and to rationalize existing laboratory and atmospheric data into a single framework. Using dimensional analysis and two physical hypotheses, theoretical predictions are developed for total stress (described by the square root of the canopy drag coefficient), stress partition (described by the ratio S/ of the stress s on the underlying ground surface to total stress ), zero-plane displacement and roughness length. The stress partition prediction is the simple equation S/= 1/(1+), where = CRCS the ratio of element and surface drag coefficients. This prediction agrees very well with data and is free of adjustable constants. Other predictions also agree well with a range of laboratory and atmospheric data.  相似文献   

The standard deviation of temperature T is proposed as a temperature scale and as a velocity scale to describe the behaviour of turbulent flows in the Atmospheric Surface Layer (ASL), instead of * andu * of the Monin—Obukhov similarity theory, and ofT f andU f used for free convection stability conditions. On the basis of experimental evidence reported in the literature, it is shown that T T f andv * U f in the free convection region, and T * andv * U * in nearneutral and stable conditions. This implies that the proposed scales can be applied for all stabilities. Furthermore, a new length scale is proposed and its relation with Obukhov length is given. Also, a simple semi-empirical expression is presented with which T andv * can be evaluated in a rather simple way. Some examples of practical applications are given, e.g., a stability classification for unstable conditions.  相似文献   

The reactions of alkoxy radicals determine to a large extent the products formed during the atmospheric degradations of emitted organic compounds. Experimental data concerning the decompositions, 1,5-H shift isomerizations and reactions with O2 of several classes of alkoxy radicals are inconsistent with literature estimations of their absolute or relative rate constants. An alternative, although empirical, method for assessing the relative importance under atmospheric conditions of the reactions of alkoxy radicals with O2 versus decomposition was derived. This estimation method utilizes the differences in the heats of reaction, (H)=(Hdecomposition–HO 2 reaction), between these two reactions pathways. For (H)[22–0.5(HO 2 reaction)], alkoxy radical decomposition dominates over the reaction with O2 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure of air, while for (H)[25-0.5(HO 2 reaction)], the O2 reaction dominates over decomposition (where the units of H are in kcal mol–1). The utility and shortcomings of this approach are discussed. It is concluded that further studies concerning the reactions of alkoxy radicals are needed.  相似文献   

E- turbulence model predictions of the neutralatmospheric boundary layer (NABL) are reinvestigated to determine thecause for turbulence overpredictions found in previous applications. Analytical solutions to the coupled E and equations for the case of steady balance between transport and dissipation terms, the dominant balance just below the NABL top, are derived. It is found that analytical turbulence profiles laminarizeat a finite height only for values of closure parameter ratio c 2 /e equal toor slightly greater than one, with laminarization as z for greater . The point = 2 is additionally foundthat where analytical turbulent length scale (l) profilesmade a transition from ones ofdecreasing ( < 2) to increasing ( > 2)values with height. Numerically predicted profiles near the NABL topare consistent with analytical findings. The height-increasingvalues of l predicted throughout the NABL with standard values ofclosure parameters thus appear a consequence of 2.5(> 2), implied by these values (c 2 = 1.92, = 1.3, e = 1). Comparison of numericalpredictions with DNS data shows that turbulence overpredictions obtained with standard-valued parameters are rectifiedby resetting and e to 1.1 and 1.6, respectively, giving, with c 2 = 1.92, 1.3, and laminarization of the NABL's cappingtransport-dissipation region at a finite height.  相似文献   

Measurements in the atmospheric surface layer of sixth-order velocity structure functions and of sixth-order mixed velocity-temperature structure functions support values of and previously obtained in the laboratory at moderate turbulence Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

A simple kinetic mechanism of nitrate radicals uptake on dry sea-salt NaCl, NaBr surfaces is proposed. The mechanism includes adsorption/desorption equilibrium and unimolecular decomposition of the adsorbed complex: NO3(g) + NaX(s) (NO3-NaX)(s); (NO3-NaX)(s) NaNO3 + X(s) Two techniques were used: the matrix isolation ESR and mass spectrometry. The uptake coefficient () is found to be dependent on exposure time of salt to NO3 for raw coating. The initial (t0) is higher than the observable steady-state obs. At room temperature obs is independent of [NO3] at low [NO3] = 3 × 109 - 1011 cm-3, but it is inversely proportional to [NO3] at concentrations higher than 1012 cm-3. At temperatures above 100 °C, obs becomes independent of [NO3] in a wider range of [NO3]. An increased number of dislocations is supposed to exist in the case of raw coating. Due to a wide spread of the surface sites binding energy with the ionic lattice near dislocations, the part of surface complexes has lower binding energy and "burns" more rapidly. That burning determines the transition from (t0) down to obs.The kinetic parameters and elementary rate coefficients are obtained. The recommended for low atmospheric NO3 concentration are in the range of 0.002 ± 0.04 for NaCl and 0.1-0.3 for NaBr depending on a mechanism of the (t) relaxation.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to use the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration to qualify earlier climatic classifications of Nigeria for proper ecological zonation.Results show that in the pure forest belt located south of latitude 7° N the value is greater than 0.75, while in the middle belt (7–10° N) belonging to the wooded savanna and in areas further north gradually approaching steppe-type vegetation of pure Sahel, the values of below 0.40.Modulations of values (hence the eco-zones) appear to be responses to variable precipitation, especially in drought years. It is suggested that this notwithstanding, irreversible trends in land-surface degradation are mainly due to uncontrolled human interference in relation to large-scale agriculture in areas where is less than 0.40 in the Sudan-Shael belt of Nigeria. This needs to be re-appraised, if this desertification trend is to be checked
Zusammenfassung In vorliegender Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, mittels des Quotienten von Niederschlag und potentieller Evapotranspiration frühere klimatische Klassifikationen der ökologischen Zonen von Nigeria genauer zu bestimmen.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß im reinen Waldgürtel südlich des 7. Breitengrades-Werte über 0.75 auftreten, während im mittleren (7–10° N), zur Waldsavanne gehörigen Gürtel, und in weiter nördlich gelegenen Gebieten, die zunehmend die steppenartige Vegetation der reinen Sahelzone aufweisen,-Werte unter 0.40 auftreten.Die Schwankungen der-Werte (forthin Ökozonen) scheinen die Reaktion auf unterschiedlichen Niederschlag besonders in Dürrejahren zu sein. Ungeachtet dessen ist die Annahme naheliegend, daß die irreversiblen Trends der Verschlechterung der Landoberflächen vor allem unkontrollierten menschlichen Eingriffen in Zusammenhang mit großflächigem Landbau in Gebieten des Sudan-Sahel-Gürtel Nigerias zuzuschreiben sind, wo weniger als 0.40 beträgt. Diesem Aspekt muß eine neuerliche Untersuchung gewidmet werden, um diesen Trend zur Desertifikation zu überprüfen.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

The standard E – model generates aplanetary boundary layerthat appears to be much too deep. The cause of theproblem is traced to the equation for the dissipationrate () of turbulent kinetic energy (E), specifically theparameterization of dissipation production anddestruction. In the context of atmosphericboundary-layer modelling, we argue that a part of thedissipation production should be modelled as the inputto the spectral cascade from the energy-containingpart of the spectrum, with a characteristic length , while the equilibrium imbalancebetween local production and destruction ofdissipation is modelled as proportional toE2/E, as in the standard model. Wepropose an E – – turbulence closurescheme, in which both the mixing length, m, and are prescribed. The importance ofthe equation is diminished, though itstill determines the dissipation rate in the Eequation.  相似文献   

A pair of parallel cold wires separated in either the vertical or lateral direction was used to obtain the three components x, y, z of the temperature derivative in the streamwise, lateral and vertical directions, respectively. The average absolute skewness values of x and z are nonzero and approximately equal, while the skewness of y is approximately zero. These results appear to be consistent with the presence of a large, three-dimensional organised structure in the surface layer. There is an apparent low-frequency contamination in the spectral density of y and z due mainly to small errors in estimating the sensitivity of the cold wires. The temperature derivatives were high-pass filtered, the filter being set to remove possible contributions from the large structure and to minimise low-frequency sensitivity contamination. The filtered rms ratios \~x/\~y and \~x/\~z were in the range 0.7 to 0.9, a result in qualitative agreement with that obtained in the laboratory boundary layer by Sreenivasan et al. (1977). The skewness of filtered x or z is negligible, consistent with local isotropy of small-scale temperature fluctuations and in support of the high wavenumber spectral isotropy discussed in Antonia and Chambers (1978).  相似文献   

Daily mean values of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, ¯, are derived from a simple model of the daily growth of a convective boundary layer. For a particular control set of driving environmental variables, ¯ is related to the prescribed bulk surface resistance, rS by 1/¯ = 1/0 + mrS for parameters 0 and m. The dependence of the parameters 0 and m on weather is explored and a potential use of this linear relation to provide information about regional values of rS is indicated.  相似文献   

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