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Résumé L'adsorption des ions sur les surfaces minérales est un phénomène auquel on a recours en flottation pour modifier les propriétés des surfaces. Un cristal naturel présente des faces brillantes et des faces rugueuses. Sur ces deux types de face peuvent se développer des édifices épitactiques. Sur les faces rugueuses on assiste plus spécialement au garnissage de trous ou au remplacement d'ions du cristal, ces processus étant avant tout liés au diamètre ionique. Enfin, certains ions ont simplement une action chimique sur les surfaces minérales ou sur le collecteur.
Ionic adsorption on mineral surfaces is a phenomenon used in flotation practice for modifying surface properties. Actual crystals show bright or rough faces. On both types of faces, epitactic formations can develop. On rough surfaces it is more probable to obtain a filling of the holes or a replacement of crystal ions. This action is connected closely with ionic radii. However the action of some ions can be a chemical one either on mineral surfaces or on the collector.

The direct precipitation of apatite in seawater is inhibited by Mg ions. The action of various factors on this precipitation is studied: addition of Ca, addition of F, reduction of pH and simultaneous effect of reduction of pH and addition either of F or of Ca. It is established that the reduction of the pH of seawater to 7 allows the precipitation of the apatite with a Ca/Mg ratio in the water of 1.2. The favourable environment for the settlement of natural apatite must then be either neutral or acid. This result is corroborated by the re-study of Gulbrandsen's equation. Such an acid environment with a high phosphorus content may be the result of oxidation of large quantities of organic matter due to previous intense biological activity. The acidity is probably brought about by bubbling of CO2.  相似文献   

The Late Hercynian evolution in the French Massif Central corresponds to the transition from a LP–HT (M3 event at 314 ± 5 Ma) to a higher temperature metamorphism corresponding to the emplacement of the Velay granite dome (M4 event at 301 ± 5 Ma). This transition is outlined by the development of sillimanite folia, which represent planes of base-cation leaching, associated with ductile deformation. This evolution implies a counterclockwise retrograde PTt path under subsolidus conditions between M3 and M4. To cite this article: P. Barbey et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   


La distribution des fabriques dans un dôme trachytique a été analysée sur la base des orientations préférentielles des cristaux de sanidine. L’orientation préférentielle des plans (010) des cristaux de sanidine a été quantifiée par le calcul du tenseur d’orientation. Le sens de cisaillement a été déterminé à l’aide de relations entre les plans S et C.

Les plans (010) des cristaux de sanidine montrent une fabrique résultant d’un aplatissement dans la partie centrale du dôme et d’un cisaillement simple dans les parties marginales. Les critères de cisaillement montrent le mouvement uni forme de magma trachytique à l’échelle de tout le massif. Nous interprétons la disposition des plans S-C et la répartition des fabriques dans le massif à la superposition de lames successives de magma les unes sur les autres. L’acquisition des fabriques dans le massif est comparée aux expériences en compression uniaxiale le Tullis (1976) et la mise en place des magmas trachytiques est assimilée au mouvement d’un piston dans des conditions de basse pression de confinement et de haute vitesse de déformation pendant le stade d’intrusion précuce. Le gonflement faible a modifié tardivement les fabriques initiales surtout dans la partie de déversement et sommitale.  相似文献   

The frequency analysis of many log data permits to verify that their stochastic component show ‘power-law-type’ spectral densities, characteristic of 1/f noise. They can be modelled by fractional Brownian motions. Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT) provides us with very efficient methods to determine the local spectral exponents of these scaling laws. These new attributes are related to the local fractality of these signals. We first present some theoretical results and an application to a fractional Brownian motion. The second application concerns a dataset recorded in the MAR203 borehole. We show that clustering of these new pseudo-logs leads to a good resolution between different lithofacies. To cite this article: N. Zaourar et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The southern termination of the left-lateral ‘Moyenne Durance’ Fault (FMD) consists in several segments, some being connected to WSW-trending south-verging reverse faults. To the south, the Aix fault is reactivated in a post-Oligocene strike-slip movement showing that these two faults might belong to the same system. This system seems to transfer, in turn, slip to the east-trending, south-verging Trévaresse reverse fault, allowing southward propagation of the Alpine deformation front in western Provence. Fault kinematics analysis shows lateral stress field change between the two faults. Strike-slip stress state is characterized by an average N150°E trending σ1 near the FMD termination, whilst strike-slip and reverse faulting stress states show north-trending σ1 to the south. To cite this article: P. Guignard et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(4):183-203
Various synsedimentary structures (dish-structure, convolute bedding, loadcast, bedding dislocation and dissipation, sand intrusion) are interpreted as being due to seismic liquefaction and subsequent fluidization of marine and fluviatile sands. Their diversity is compared to the various deformation processes of seismites and related to the local influence of granulometry, diagenesis and slope. The two seismites horizons are referred to the end of the Middle Pliocene and the Late Pliocene and associated with tectonics to the south of the Rif orogenic belt.  相似文献   

Paléocène-Early Eocene phosphate outcrop in the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia) comprises alternances of P-rich strata (P2O5 ≥ 18%) and P-poor ones (P2O5 ≤ 2%). In phosphate rich strata, P is concentrated in rounded grains—so-called pellets—(28% ≤ P2O5 ≤ 38%) embedded in a matrix—so-called exogangue—much poorer in P (P2O5 # 7%) than pellets. The study of pellets (whose size lies mainly between 100 and 500 μm), of their surrounding matrix and of poorly phosphatic sediments, interlayered between the phosphatic strata, has been performed by optical microscopy and various chemical analyses, ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and punctual chemical analyses by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Mineralogical and chemical studies of the Tunisian phosphatic pellets show that the basic mineralogical component of these grains is carbonate-fluor-apatite, or francolite. The structural formula of a representative specimen of francolite in the basin is as follows: (Ca4.63Mg0.13Na0.22)(PO4)2.51(CO3)0.48(OH0.77F0.23). The mineralogy of the constituents of the sediment surrounding pellets comprises carbonates, clays, silica (opal, quartz). Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix. Fecal cylindrical bodies and subspherical pellets, the latest being supposed to proceed from the fecal bodies by fragmentation, are considered to have been formed by fishes, as P-rich and organic matter-rich faeces. These faeces turn out to be resistant to mechanical dispersion and to chemical diffusion of soluble elements from and in direction of sea water. This closeness is responsible for the strong reducing conditions having prevailed inside and during the pellets diagenesis.  相似文献   

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