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The southern termination of the left-lateral ‘Moyenne Durance’ Fault (FMD) consists in several segments, some being connected to WSW-trending south-verging reverse faults. To the south, the Aix fault is reactivated in a post-Oligocene strike-slip movement showing that these two faults might belong to the same system. This system seems to transfer, in turn, slip to the east-trending, south-verging Trévaresse reverse fault, allowing southward propagation of the Alpine deformation front in western Provence. Fault kinematics analysis shows lateral stress field change between the two faults. Strike-slip stress state is characterized by an average N150°E trending σ1 near the FMD termination, whilst strike-slip and reverse faulting stress states show north-trending σ1 to the south. To cite this article: P. Guignard et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The originality of the Malm–Cretaceous series of the Tariquides (Gibraltar arc), as compared to those of the Rifian–Betic ‘Dorsale’ (Alboran domain), and especially with the Penibetic (Iberia) domain, is emphasized. In the Los Pastores Group, near Algeciras, Upper Tithonian nodular limestones directly lie on the Dogger and are followed by Aptychus-bearing limestones (Late Berriasian to Barremian). In the Musa Group, Rif, radiolarites are followed by siliceous limestones (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), then by karst and massflow breccias connected to a Berriasian tectonics, by Aptychus-bearing marly limestones, then by karst filled by Turonian limestones, and finally by Maastrichtian–Palaeocene polychrome pelites, whose micropalaeontological and mineral compositions (clay minerals, FeMn nodules) refer to a deep-sea, probably infra-CCD, sedimentation. To cite this article: M. Durand-Delga et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The direct precipitation of apatite in seawater is inhibited by Mg ions. The action of various factors on this precipitation is studied: addition of Ca, addition of F, reduction of pH and simultaneous effect of reduction of pH and addition either of F or of Ca. It is established that the reduction of the pH of seawater to 7 allows the precipitation of the apatite with a Ca/Mg ratio in the water of 1.2. The favourable environment for the settlement of natural apatite must then be either neutral or acid. This result is corroborated by the re-study of Gulbrandsen's equation. Such an acid environment with a high phosphorus content may be the result of oxidation of large quantities of organic matter due to previous intense biological activity. The acidity is probably brought about by bubbling of CO2.  相似文献   

The thermal history of the central part of the Paris basin is reconstructed using C31 hopane S/R isomerisation ratios and organic matter transformation ratios measured on Lower Toarcian and Callovo-Oxfordian samples. Maximum burial palaeotemperatures range between 90 and 115?°C for the Toarcian shales, and between 75 and 95?°C for the Callovo-Oxfordian samples, from the East to the centre of the basin, respectively. The amount of Late Cretaceous erosion was evaluated to be between ca. 400 to 600 m in the eastern part of the studied area and 100 to 300 m in the centre of the basin. To cite this article: C. Ménétrier et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Our interest is related to the hydrological characteristics of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Water samples were taken monthly from July 2001 to June 2002 in 15 stations distributed along the lagoon. The various measured hydrological parameters (temperature, salinity, suspended matter, chlorophyll a) showed significant monthly variations (p<0.001), whereas spatially among all sampled stations, only the salinity showed significant variations. The variability analysis approached by the analysis of the normalized principal components combined with discriminate analysis showed very small inter-stations variability. Its percentage is 11% and 9% of the total variance during high and low tide, respectively. To cite this article: H. Labbardi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   


De nouvelles datations et grade-datations fondées sur les Foraminifères planctoniques, ponctuellement identifiés en dépit d’un épimétamorphisme campanien, permettent de doubler voire à triper l’étendue du « sous-bassin » coniacien de Lordat (Zone des Écailles Bordières, Ariège), en partie calciturbiditique, aux dépens terrains jusqu’à présent tenus pour paléozoïques, tels ceux de l’ex-« Écaille paléozoïque de Lordat ». Ces derniers correspondent à des olistolithes de très grande taille au sein d’un vaste olistostrome (château de Lordat, ermitage de Saint-Pierre), lui-même inclus dans une épaisse série monoclinale, à dominante calcschisteuse, constituant un probable équivalent latéral du « Flysch à Fucoïdes ». Cette série déborde vers le Nord jusque sur la Zone Interne Métamorphique, comme le démontre l’âge néocrétacé du lambeau ex-paléozoïque de Carmilles, directement chevauché par le massif Primaire nord-pyrénéen de Saint-Barthélémy. Plus à l’Ouest, le « sous-bassin » de Vicdessos, prolongeant celui de Lordat, est constitué par une épaisse série également coniacienne, monoclinale, avec ses termes les plus récents vers le Nord, primitivement attribuée à un synclinorium subdivisé par des anticlinaux d’Urgo-Aptien qui sont en fait des intercalations plus calcaires dans le Crétacé supérieur. Le complexe coniacien partiellement turbiditique de Lordat-Vicdessos, subdivisé en au moins deux séquences tectono-sédimentaires de 3e ordre, A et B, est interprété comme le remplissage de gouttières synclinales synsédimentaires successives d’un sous-bassin d’avant-pays, alimentées par l’érosion probablement sous-marine du front, migrant vers le Nord, de la Haute Chaîne Primaire organisée en anticlinaux d’amortissement (limités euxmêmes par des chevauchements synsédimentaires aveugles). Ce modèle de sous-bassin d’avant-pays s’insère parfaitement dans le schéma évolutif d’une chaîne interplaque en compression pendant tout le Crétacé supérieur et à double vergence, où se creuseraient, au Coniacien, sur une transversale N-S et de part et d’autre de la future Haute Chaîne en voie de structuration, au moins deux sousbassins liés à l’Europe (Lordat-Vicdessos et Nalzen I) et un sousbassin (San Gervas) lié à l’ibérie. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Analysis of landscapes and soil covers from the outer to the inner part of a 75km×60km watershed in the South-Cameroon rainforest zone, characterized by important remnants of inherited ferricretes and stable hydrostatic base levels, indicates that the development of present landforms has not involved significant erosion by slope retreat because of the relative preservation of downslope residual ferricrete and that soil covers have vertically decayed under in situ geochemical process. To cite this article: D. Bitom et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(2):103-111
Measurements of present-day erosion may give heterogeneous results according to the methods used. This article proposes an approach to erosion during the Little Ice Age by the quantitative analysis of detritical materials trapped in a dammed lake. This infill is recognized through two drillings, and these specific observations are supplemented by a seismic reflexion survey which provided a reliable estimate of the geometry of the lake infill. The sedimentary production is calculated from three pieces of data: (1) the surface of the drainage area, (2) duration of the lake system activity and (3) the volume of trapped sediments. From the three determined variables, we propose a detritical production sedimentary rate of 1846 ± 145 tonnes/km2/year, which represents a mean denudation of 0.68 ± 0.05 mm/year. The importance of a hydro-climatic and anthropic forcing on the sedimentary production during the Little Ice Age is emphasized by this study.  相似文献   

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