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Après la mise en place des nappes dans le Rif, des bassins intramontagneux se sont créés et ont subi des déformations depuis le Miocène supérieur jusqu’au Quaternaire. L’analyse microtectonique de la fracluration, et les marqueurs de tectonique synsédimentaire (tailles synsédimentaires, discordances progressives, talus de progradation) montrent que ces bassins ont été soumis à un régime tectonique compressif depuis le Tortonien. La direction de la contramte maximale compressive a changé au cours du temps depuis la direction N040 au Tortono-Messinien jusqu’à la direction N000-140 au Plio-quaternaire. L’évolution sédimentaire et tectonique de ces bassins est à mettre en relation avec l’avancée vers l’WSW du bloc d’Alboran et son blocage entre l’Europe et l’Afrique.  相似文献   

According to major discontinuities, continental deposits in the Cenozoic Atlas basins are subdivided into three groups (pre-, syn- and post-tectonic). Progressive unconformities are the main characteristic of the syntectonic formations, implying that the Atlas tectonic episode is synchronous with Neogene and Quaternary sedimentation. This tectonic episode is responsible for the inversion of Early Mesozoic extensional structures within the basement, which were reactivated into symmetrical thrusts or transpressional faults. Shortening of the basement induced the detachment of the cover. Deformation of the cover is expressed by thrust faults (with southern and northern vergences), folds and flexures linked to blind thrusts. Kinematic data show that the main regional compression was directed N150 ± 10° during the Neogene and north-south during the Quaternary. The involvement of the upper crust, in the Alpine Atlasic Belt, contributed to create areas of high relief. The High Atlas can be interpreted as resulting from large Cenozoic thrusts, and compared with the Pyrenean Axial Zone, although their pre-Cenozoic histories can differ markedly.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die quartären tektonischen Bewegungen in Sizilien waren in ihrem Stil und ihrer Amplitude in den einzelnen Zonen unterschiedlich. Diese Zonen decken sich mit bestimmten paläogeographischen Einheiten. Die marinen Ablagerungen des Calabrien sind teilweise schwach gefaltet, teilweise nur geneigt. Die Verstellung des marinen Quartär ist dort am stärksten, wo auch das Pliozän selbst kräftiger disloziert war. Auf dem Plateau von Syracus, einer deutlich abgegrenzten paläogeographischen Einheit, erreicht das Pliozän nur eine Höhe von 150 m, während Calabrien und Sicilien unbekannt sind.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(6-7):643-656
Despite some controversies, an international consensus on what is sustainable development has emerged, the nature of which is first specified. Then the author explains why the implementation of the measures consistent with this consensus comes up against obstacles, particularly political ones, which makes clear why the topic is still under animated debate. Examples will be taken in the domain of the management of water and soils resources. To cite this article: M. Petit, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   


La modélisation analogique d’une superposition de plissements dans une série sédimentaire stratifiée, représentée ici par un multicouche de paraffine et graisse, fait apparaître le rôle déterminant de la géométrie des plis initiaux. Les plis ouverts peuvent évoluer sous l’effet de la seconde compression :

- Si les directions des axes de ces plis sont parallèles à la seconde compression, on verra apparaître des plis superposés.

- Si les directions des axes sont obliques à celle-ci, on observera la réutilisation des plis qui seront alors réorientés grâce à la migration de leur charnière. En fin de déformation la ou les familles de plis présentes dans le modèle ne sont perpendiculaires ni à la première ni à la seconde direction de compression.  相似文献   


— A l’aide des données disponibles sur la stratigraphie et la localisation des formations carbonatées de plates-formes du Crétacé inférieur périatlantique et caraïbe, il est possible de préciser l’état actuel des connaissances sur la distribution des dispositifs sédimentaires correspondants, à l’Aptien inférieur. Les schémas paléobiogéographiques proposés pour les organismes inféodés à ces plates-formes, confrontés à leur distribution, se heurtent à des difficultés d’ordre paléogéographique et paléocéanographique mais s’accordent généralement assez bien avec les hypothèses paléotectoniques. Les problèmes paléogéographiques se posent dans l’interprétation de la dispersion biologique par les marges. Les problèmes paléocéanographiques qui concernent essentiellement les schémas de paléocirculation hydrologique et leurs implications climatiques, se posent dans l’interprétation de la dispersion biologique transatlantique. Des éléments de solution à ces différents problèmes pourraient être apportés par de nouvelles recherches.  相似文献   

Two drainage experiments were carried out to identify the hydraulic parameters of a quartz sand by using inverse modelling. Our results, based on sensitivity and error analyses, show that (i) water content measurements are essential to estimate the parameters of the van Genuchten–Mualem retention curve, (ii) the saturated conductivity (Ks) has a low sensitivity to pressure data and is not sensitive to other measures (water content and measured outflow), (iii) the inverse approach can be verified by comparing the simulated outflow to the measured one. To cite this article: H. Beydoun, F. Lehmann, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   


Les failles naturelles correspondent à des zones d’une certaine largeur, composées de fractures élémentaires en échelons. Plusieurs exemples de zones de failles, d’échelles très diverses, permettent de montrer que ces fractures élémentaires forment selon les cas différents types d’associations que l’on cherche à relier aux conditions mécaniques de formation de la zone de discontinuité.

Pour cela on réalise des modèles analogiques de zones de faille par cisaillement direct sur des argiles en faisant varier la contrainte normale, la teneur en eau et la vitesse de sollicitation.

On montre ainsi que l’accroissement de la contrainte normale à la zone de discontinuité qui se traduit par des fractures élémentaires correspondant à un comportement de plus en plus pseudo-plastique fait diminuer l’emprise de la zone et la longueur des fractures mais accroît leur nombre. Lorsque le matériau n’est pas saturé l’augmentation de la teneur en fluides a, sur la fracturation élémentaire un effet de même sens que celui de l’accroissement de a». Lorsque le matériau est saturé l’accroissement de la vitesse de sollicitation a un effet inverse de celui de l’augmentation de a?.  相似文献   

In the Eastern part of French Pyrenees, the Cucugnan area (Southern Corbières) corresponded during the early/Mid-Paleocene (Danian/Selandian) to a narrow transitional zone between the sea to the South (Pyrenean Paleocene Trough) and the continent (fluvio-palustrine and lacustrine Vitrollian deposits) to the North. To the South, in the North-Pyrenean Zone, the polygenic marine breccias and the associated Dano-Selandian Globigerinid-bearing hemipelagites have been preserved within successive paleokarsts superimposed onto the carbonate substratum (ante-Albian). Four paleosurfaces are recognized, principally filled by marine internal sediments with proximal and distal facies. To the North, in the Sub-Pyrenean Zone, a continental foreland basin is characterized by four formations of variegated Microcodium-bearing marls and channelized conglomerates, separated by erosional paleosurfaces underlining well-marked unconformities. An event correlation (chronodiagrams) between the marine realm to the South and the continental realm to the North is proposed, using the successive paleosurfaces and the lithological sequences (same number within the two realms). Our paleogeographic reconstruction shows, to the North, the Lake of Cucugnan and, to the South, a calcareous mountainous zone broken by the juxtaposition of deep paleocanyons (eroded in a continental context) later converted into rias submitted to marine oscillations. Several palinspastic transects are reconstructed: they show the polyphase control of the Frontal North-Pyrenean Overthrust on the Paleocene sedimentation and the importance of the successive intra-Vitrollian compressions/ transpressions (phase fini-crétacée auct.) inducing, within the two juxtaposed realms, emersions, erosions and karstic features which give a very contrasted paleogeography during a period characterized by plate convergence and creation of steep topographies.Manuscrit reçu le 25 septembre 2003 Révision acceptée le 4 mai 2004  相似文献   

The southern termination of the left-lateral ‘Moyenne Durance’ Fault (FMD) consists in several segments, some being connected to WSW-trending south-verging reverse faults. To the south, the Aix fault is reactivated in a post-Oligocene strike-slip movement showing that these two faults might belong to the same system. This system seems to transfer, in turn, slip to the east-trending, south-verging Trévaresse reverse fault, allowing southward propagation of the Alpine deformation front in western Provence. Fault kinematics analysis shows lateral stress field change between the two faults. Strike-slip stress state is characterized by an average N150°E trending σ1 near the FMD termination, whilst strike-slip and reverse faulting stress states show north-trending σ1 to the south. To cite this article: P. Guignard et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(4):183-203
Various synsedimentary structures (dish-structure, convolute bedding, loadcast, bedding dislocation and dissipation, sand intrusion) are interpreted as being due to seismic liquefaction and subsequent fluidization of marine and fluviatile sands. Their diversity is compared to the various deformation processes of seismites and related to the local influence of granulometry, diagenesis and slope. The two seismites horizons are referred to the end of the Middle Pliocene and the Late Pliocene and associated with tectonics to the south of the Rif orogenic belt.  相似文献   


Des structures synsédimentaires de type dish-structure, plis disharmoniques, figures de charge, dislocation et des destructions du litage et intrusions sableuses, observées dans le Saïss, sont interprétées comme des structures induites par une liquéfaction sismique de sables marins et fluviátiles, parfois associée à des injections sableuses. La place de ces structures parmi les divers types de séismites est discutée par rapport à l’influence des caractéristiques de granulométrie, de diagenèse et de pente qui conditionnent les différents modes de déformation. Les deux niveaux déformés marocains sont replacés dans le déroulement de la tectonique pliocène au sud du Rif. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

Analysis of landscapes and soil covers from the outer to the inner part of a 75km×60km watershed in the South-Cameroon rainforest zone, characterized by important remnants of inherited ferricretes and stable hydrostatic base levels, indicates that the development of present landforms has not involved significant erosion by slope retreat because of the relative preservation of downslope residual ferricrete and that soil covers have vertically decayed under in situ geochemical process. To cite this article: D. Bitom et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(1-2):29-38
The climate of the tropics is characterized by a strong interaction between the land surface conditions and the monsoon dynamics controlling the formation of precipitation. The water cycle of these regions is thus both a controlling factor and a depending factor of the climate dynamics. West Africa, which suffered the most extensive and severe drought worldwide in the 20th century, may be viewed as a paradigm for studying this interaction. One major issue when trying to relate climate to the water cycle is the scale gap between the models commonly used for climate simulations and the models used for hydrological studies. To cite this article: T. Lebel, T. Vischel, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The originality of the Malm–Cretaceous series of the Tariquides (Gibraltar arc), as compared to those of the Rifian–Betic ‘Dorsale’ (Alboran domain), and especially with the Penibetic (Iberia) domain, is emphasized. In the Los Pastores Group, near Algeciras, Upper Tithonian nodular limestones directly lie on the Dogger and are followed by Aptychus-bearing limestones (Late Berriasian to Barremian). In the Musa Group, Rif, radiolarites are followed by siliceous limestones (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), then by karst and massflow breccias connected to a Berriasian tectonics, by Aptychus-bearing marly limestones, then by karst filled by Turonian limestones, and finally by Maastrichtian–Palaeocene polychrome pelites, whose micropalaeontological and mineral compositions (clay minerals, FeMn nodules) refer to a deep-sea, probably infra-CCD, sedimentation. To cite this article: M. Durand-Delga et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Paléocène-Early Eocene phosphate outcrop in the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia) comprises alternances of P-rich strata (P2O5 ≥ 18%) and P-poor ones (P2O5 ≤ 2%). In phosphate rich strata, P is concentrated in rounded grains—so-called pellets—(28% ≤ P2O5 ≤ 38%) embedded in a matrix—so-called exogangue—much poorer in P (P2O5 # 7%) than pellets. The study of pellets (whose size lies mainly between 100 and 500 μm), of their surrounding matrix and of poorly phosphatic sediments, interlayered between the phosphatic strata, has been performed by optical microscopy and various chemical analyses, ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and punctual chemical analyses by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Mineralogical and chemical studies of the Tunisian phosphatic pellets show that the basic mineralogical component of these grains is carbonate-fluor-apatite, or francolite. The structural formula of a representative specimen of francolite in the basin is as follows: (Ca4.63Mg0.13Na0.22)(PO4)2.51(CO3)0.48(OH0.77F0.23). The mineralogy of the constituents of the sediment surrounding pellets comprises carbonates, clays, silica (opal, quartz). Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix. Fecal cylindrical bodies and subspherical pellets, the latest being supposed to proceed from the fecal bodies by fragmentation, are considered to have been formed by fishes, as P-rich and organic matter-rich faeces. These faeces turn out to be resistant to mechanical dispersion and to chemical diffusion of soluble elements from and in direction of sea water. This closeness is responsible for the strong reducing conditions having prevailed inside and during the pellets diagenesis.  相似文献   

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