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东昆仑断裂带、阿尔金断裂带、祁连山一海原活动断裂带等组成了青藏高原北部大型走滑断裂系。这些断裂之间的空间联系、巨大的走滑量及其地壳缩短特征,都显示了它们在印度板块和欧亚板块汇聚过程中青藏高原的形成扮演了主要角色。这些断裂准确的滑动速率对于研究青藏高原变形和演化过程,确定水平滑动、变形的规模,建立高原的变形和演化模式提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

东昆仑断裂带东段玛曲断裂古地震初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北部一条重要的NWW向边界断裂。玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。本文通过3个古地震剖面揭示出东昆仑断裂东段玛曲断裂全新世共有4次古地震事件。最新一次古地震事件为距今(1730±50)~(1802±52)a,第二次古地震的时间为距今(3736±57)~(4641±60)a;第三次为距今(8590±70)a;第四次为距今(12200±1700)a。其中第一次和第二次古地震事件的时间较为可靠,两次古地震事件之间的复发间隔为2400a左右,由此认为东昆仑断裂带东段的古震事件之间的复发间隔为2400a左右,古地震的离逝时间为距今(1730±50)~(1802±52)a。  相似文献   

在巴彦喀拉块体边界地震活动和构造分析的基础上,从地震活动空间图像、时间序列演化两方面对巴彦喀拉块体北边界东昆仑断裂带玛曲—玛沁空区的大震危险性进行探讨。与以前震例进行对比发现当前甘青川交界区域已形成与共和大震前相似的平静区,活动性参数计算表明东昆仑断裂带玛曲—玛沁段有逼近的大震危险性。  相似文献   

东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北部一条重要的NWW向边界断裂。 玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。 根据野外考察结果认为玛曲断裂全新世以来活动强烈, 主要表现为左旋走滑运动, 并伴有正倾滑运动性质。 断错地貌特征明显, 断裂过玛曲县城以后, 沿黑河南岸穿过若尔盖草地向东, 直至岷山北端求吉附近。 通过两处断错地貌的全站仪器实测和测年资料讨论了玛曲断裂新活动特征和全新世滑动速率, 玛曲断裂全新世早期以来的平均水平滑动速率为6.29~5.71 mm/a, 全新世晚期以来的平均水平滑动速率为4.19~4.03 mm/a。  相似文献   

李建军  蔡瑶瑶  张军龙 《地震》2019,39(1):20-28
塔藏断裂位于东昆仑断裂带东段,长约170km,与岷山断裂带共同构成巴颜喀拉块体的东北构造边界,中部与岷江断裂、荷叶断裂、虎牙断裂的北延段交会,构成岷山隆起的地貌边界。通过卫星影像解译结合构造地貌调查,确定了断层属于全新世活动断层,并利用断层走向弯曲和活动性、阶区等标志将塔藏断裂分为三段。西段为罗叉段,总体走向NWW,西侧与玛曲断裂形成左行左阶拉分区,东侧在下黄寨村走向顺时针偏转至东北村段。中段为东北村段,总体走向NW,东侧在九寨沟口附近走向逆时针偏转至马家磨段。东段为马家磨段,总体走向NWW,西侧隔荷叶断裂、虎牙断裂的北延段与中段相接。东北村段以岷江断裂斜交点为界可分为南北两个次级段,马家磨段以阶区为界划分为扎如次段、唐寨次段、勿角次段。罗叉段和马家磨段的地震离逝时间较近,东北村段相对较远。断裂带整体呈反"S"形,自西向东滑动速率总体呈减小趋势,大部分水平变形转化为垂向的岷山隆升。结合不同段上的滑动速率,发现东昆仑断裂东段滑动速率呈梯度下降特征与东昆仑断裂带东段断层弯曲的几何特征相对应。  相似文献   

利用P、S波最大振幅比计算得到东昆仑断裂带玛沁段周围2008年以来57个小地震震源机制解,并进行系统聚类分析。结果表明,该区小震错动方式以走滑型活动为主,平均主压应力P轴方位角为50°,倾角为5°,主张应力T轴方位角为140°,倾角为4°,与该区所受的地球动力学背景基本一致。  相似文献   


东昆仑断裂带是青藏高原北部一条活跃的大型左旋走滑活动断裂, 其东段滑动速率呈自西向东递减的特征; 东段的玛沁—玛曲段被认为是地震破裂空段, 存在发生大震的可能.本文首先处理2014—2021年间覆盖东昆仑断裂带玛沁—玛曲段的Sentinel-1卫星升、降轨影像, 获得该区域近7年的视线(Line-of-sight, LOS)向形变速率场; 然后, 联合GPS速度场解算该区域的三维形变速率场和应变率场; 最后, 对玛沁—玛曲段的应变率积累、滑动速率和形变模式进行分析.结果表明: (1)该区域地壳变形表现为整体向东运动的特征, LOS向和东西向形变速率在玛沁—玛曲段南北两侧存在明显的梯度, 且沿断裂带自西向东逐渐减小; (2)玛沁—玛曲段上的阿尼玛卿山和西贡周断层交汇区附近具有显著的应变率积累, 同时这两处距上次地震的离逝时间已非常接近其地震复发间隔, 表明这两个区域具有较高的地震危险性; (3)玛沁—玛曲段的滑动速率自阿尼玛卿山向东分别为6.0±0.2 mm·a-1、5.6±0.2 mm·a-1、3.9±0.2 mm·a-1和3.5±0.2 mm·a-1, 意味着东昆仑断裂带东段的滑动速率在距离断裂带最东端至少300 km处的阿尼玛卿山附近就已经开始缓慢递减; (4)玛沁—玛曲段附近的次级块体表现出顺时针旋转的刚性运动特征, 符合书斜构造模型, 即青藏高原东北部的侧向挤出产生的区域变形由东昆仑断裂带和周缘次级断裂的左旋走滑及其断裂带最东端的地壳缩短共同吸收调节.


下热尔断裂位于巴颜喀拉块体东北边界变形带即东昆仑断裂带东段与迭部-白龙江断裂2条剪切断裂之间挤压变形带内,在空间上属于“玛曲空段”范围.经野外考察及遥感资料验证,确定下热尔断裂走向为310°,长度约为20km,运动学特征表现为左旋走滑为主兼少量倾滑分量,沿断裂发育大量断错地貌,水平位移主要分布在3.5~5m,而未发现垂向断错地貌;垂直断裂走向开挖2处探槽,揭示断层切穿晚第四纪地层,被地表沼泽相泥炭层覆盖,结合相关地层年龄资料,初步得出平均水平滑动速率约为6.3mm/a.该断裂在几何学与运动学方面与东昆仑断裂带具有较好的一致性,推测两者之间存在一定相关性,属于东昆仑断裂带走滑断裂体系内的一条次级断裂或过渡性断裂.  相似文献   

通过在东昆仑活动断裂带西大滩段进行断层气测试,首次获取了该断裂带中Rn和CO2的释放量。在2004年开挖的2~3m深的探槽内,氡浓度可达20732Bq.m-3,氡发射率可达433mBq.m-2.s-1,远高于在地表的氡浓度505~2380Bq.m-3与氡发射率7~28.19mBq.m-2.s-1(地表氡发射率均值为14.7mBq.m-2.s-1,与世界平均值相当)。从而我们推断该断裂具有从上部第四系覆盖物到深部花岗岩之间的良好连通性。在地表CO2的析出率平均值为18.9g.m-2.d-1,与通常的背景值相当,在探槽中和距离断层1km的地方没有明显的空间变化,但是在断层北侧3km处的一个近乎直立的千枚岩小山上,CO2的析出率却很高,为421g.m-2.d-1,同时该处氡的发射率也高,达503mBq.m-2.s-1,因此,有必要在该断裂附近进行长期监测  相似文献   

围绕东昆仑断裂带强震构造背景及巴颜喀拉断块动力学环境,分析了1900年以来断块边界强震活动及强震周期性特征,探讨了东昆仑断裂带东段的强震危险性。  相似文献   

The East Kunlun Fault is a giant fault in northern Tibetan, extending eastward and a boundary between the Songpan-Ganzi block and the West Qinling orogenic zone. The East Kunlun Fault branches out into a horsetail structure which is formed by several branch faults. The 2017 Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake occurred in the horsetail structure of the East Kunlun Fault and caused huge casualties. As one of several major faults that regulate the expansion of the Tibetan plateau, the complexity of the deep extension geometry of the East Kunlun Fault has also attracted a large number of geophysical exploration studies in this area, but only a few are across the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Changes in pressure or slip caused by the fluid can cause changes in fault activity. The presence of fluid can cause the conductivity of the rock mass inside the fault zone to increase significantly. MT method is the most sensitive geophysical method to reflect the conductivity of the rock mass. Thus MT is often used to study the segmented structure of active fault zones. In recent years MT exploration has been carried out in several earthquake regions and the results suggest that the location of main shock and aftershocks are controlled by the resistivity structure. In order to study the deep extension characteristics of the East Kunlun Fault and the distribution of the medium properties within the fault zone, we carried out a MT exploration study across the Tazang section of the East Kunlun Fault in 2016. The profile in this study crosses the Jiuzhaigou earthquake region. Other two MT profiles that cross the Maqu section of East Kunlun Fault performed by previous researches are also collected. Phase tensor decomposition is used in this paper to analyze the dimensionality and the change in resistivity with depth. The structure of Songpan-Ganzi block is simple from deep to shallow. The structure of West Qinlin orogenic zone is complex in the east and simple in the west. The structure near the East Kunlun Fault is complex. We use 3D inversion to image the three MT profiles and obtained 3D electrical structure along three profiles. The root-mean-square misfit of inversions is 2.60 and 2.70. Our results reveal that in the tightened northwest part of the horsetail structure, the East Kunlun Fault, the Bailongjiang Fault, and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault are electrical boundaries that dip to the southwest. The three faults combine in the mid-lower crust to form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north. In the southeastward spreading part of the horsetail structure, the north section of the Huya Fault is an electrical boundary that extends deep. The Tazang Fault has obvious smaller scale than the Huya Fault. The Minjiang Fault is an electrical boundary in the upper crust. The Huya Fault and the Tazang Fault form a one-side flower structure. The Bailongjiang and the Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault form a "flower structure" that expands from south to north too. The two "flower structures" combine in the high conductivity layer of mid-lower crust. In Songpan-Ganzi block, there is a three-layer structure where the second layer is a high conductivity layer. In the West Qinling orogenic zone, there is a similar structure with the Songpan-Ganzi block, but the high conductivity layer in the West Qinling orogenic zone is shallower than the high conductivity layer in the Songpan-Ganzi block. The hypocenter of 2017 MS7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is between the high and low resistivity bodies at the shallow northeastern boundary of the high conductivity layer. The low resistivity body is prone to move and deform. The high resistivity body blocked the movement of low resistivity body. Such a structure and the movement mode cause the uplift near the East Kunlun Fault. The electrical structure and rheological structure of Jiuzhaigou earthquake region suggest that the focal depth of the earthquake is less than 11km. The Huya Fault extends deeper than the Tazang Fault. The seismogenic fault of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is the Huya Fault. The high conductivity layer is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast, which indicates that the northeast movement of Tibetan plateau is the cause of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake.  相似文献   

文中以东昆仑断裂带周围分布的27个GPS站点的地壳运动速率矢量为约束,利用半无限弹性空间三维断裂位错模型,反演了东昆仑断裂、柴达木盆地北缘断裂、玛尼-玉树断裂和玛尔盖茶卡断裂带在2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震之前的运动速率,并认为这些断裂带以反演出的运动速率错动所形成的形变场可以作为震前的背景地壳形变场。基于这一具有构造意义的背景速度场资料,计算了区域地壳应变率场和地震矩累积率场。结果表明,昆仑山口西地震前,东昆仑断裂的东西大滩段和玛尼-玉树断裂西段为该区域2个最显著的地震矩累积率高值区,其中东昆仑断裂的东西大滩段高值区为后来的昆仑山口西MS8.1地震的发震段  相似文献   

东秦岭铁炉子断裂的新活动特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
描述了东秦岭山地铁炉子断裂新活动的方式、表现以及断裂所在地区的新构造应力场。从河流阶地所反映的断裂在水平方向和垂直方向上的错距和错动速率看 ,铁炉子断裂的新活动主要表现为左旋走滑活动 ,其水平活动规模比垂直活动大一个数量级 ;该断裂垂直活动比较明显的地方是沿盆地发育的地段 ;断裂活动有加速的趋势。铁炉子断裂的新活动方式很可能是由于印度板块向北碰撞挤入欧亚板块及由此造成青藏高原隆起 ,使中国东部地块向东或东南方向差异性滑移的结果  相似文献   

天桥沟-黄羊川活动断裂带的几何学和运动学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
依据1 :50 000 地质填图资料,对天桥沟—黄羊川活动断裂带晚更新世以来的几何学和运动学特征进行了详细的论述.认为该断裂带可分为逆走滑( 左旋) 的天桥沟断裂段和正走滑( 左旋) 的黄羊川断裂段,其主要活动时期是晚更新世,滑动速率为4 ~5 m m/a .全新世早期,该断裂带活动强度逐渐减弱,其最后一次活动的时间为距今0 .759 ×104 ~1 .02 ×104 年  相似文献   

东昆仑活动断裂带大地震之间的黏弹性应力触发研究   总被引:36,自引:30,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
对青藏高原北部东昆仑破裂带大地震之间的应力转移和断层相互作用进行研究. 考虑1937年以来沿此破裂带发生的5个M≥7的地震:1937年M7.5花石峡地震,1963年MS7.1都兰地震,1973年MS7.3玛尼地震,1997年MW7.5玛尼地震和2001年MW7.8可可西里地震,模拟了黏弹性成层介质中地震断层错动产生的应力演化过程,并计算了在后续地震破裂面上产生的库仑破裂应力变化. 结果表明,前面4个地震均造成2001年可可西里地震断层面上库仑破裂应力的增加,并且中地壳和下地壳的黏弹性松弛效应使得库仑破裂应力场随着时间的推移而逐渐加强. 在计算过程中定量估计了可可西里地震发生时前面4个地震同震形变和黏弹性松弛导致可可西里地震破裂面上库仑破裂应力变化之间的比值,发现前3个地震由黏弹性松弛造成的变化远远大于同震形变所造成的变化. 可可西里地震之后应力场的模拟表明东昆仑断层中段的东大滩-西大滩断层段(位于可可西里地震破裂以东及都兰地震以西)的库仑破裂应力显著增加,变化值达0.05~0.1 MPa,预示这一地区地震危险性的增加.  相似文献   

It is well known that the slip rate of Kunlun Fault descends at the east segment, but little known about the Awancang Fault and its role in strain partitioning with Kunlun Fault. Whether the sub-strand(Awancang Fault) can rupture simultaneously with Kunlun Fault remains unknown. Based on field investigations, aerial-photo morphological analysis, topographic surveys and 14C dating of alluvial surfaces, we used displaced terrace risers to estimate geological slip rates along the Awancang Fault, which lies on the western margin of the Ruoergai Basin and the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau, the results indicate that the slip rate is 3mm/a in the middle Holocene, similar to the reduced value of the Kunlun Fault. The fault consists of two segments with strike N50° W, located at distance about 16km, and converged to single stand to the SE direction. Our results demonstrate that the Awancang fault zone is predominantly left-lateral with a small amount of northeast-verging thrust component. The slip rates decrease sharply about 4mm/a from west to east between the intersection zone of the Awancang Fault and Kunlun Fault. Together with our previous trenching results on the Kunlun Fault, the comparison with slip rates at the Kunlun fault zone suggests that the Awancang fault zone has an important role in strain partitioning for east extension of Kunlun Fault in eastern Tibet. At the same time, the 15km long surface rupture zone of the southeast segment was found at the Awancang Fault. By dating the latest faulted geomorphologic surface, the last event may be since the 1766±54 Cal a BP. Through analysis of the trench, there are four paleoearthquake events identified recurring in situ on the Awancang Fault and the latest event is since (850±30)a BP. The slip rate of the Awancang Fault is almost equivalent to the descending value of the eastern part of the east Kunlun Fault, which can well explain the slip rate decreasing of the eastern part of the east Kunlun Fault(the Maqin-Maqu segment)and the characteristics of the structure dynamics of the eastern edge of the Tibet Plateau. The falling slip rate gradient of the eastern Kunlun Fault corresponds to the geometric characteristic. It is the Awancang Fault, the strand of the East Kunlun Fault that accommodates the strain distribution of the eastward extension of the east Kunlun Fault. This study is helpful to seismic hazard assessment and understanding the deformation mechanism in eastern Tibet.  相似文献   

沿格尔木—五道梁公路测线 1979,2 0 0 1年的 2期水准观测资料表明 :1)东昆仑山及可可西里地区现今相对于柴达木盆地仍在发生继承性的隆升运动。 1979— 2 0 0 1年期间 ,昆仑山口主峰一带相对于格尔木约上升了 2 80mm ,上升速率高达 15mm/a ;五道梁相对于格尔木上升了约 2 10mm ,上升速率约 10mm/a。 2 )昆仑山口至五道梁之间的可可西里地区 ,在相对于柴达木盆地以 7mm/a的速度整体抬升的同时 ,还相对于南、北两侧的五道梁和昆仑山隆起区以 3~ 7mm/a的速度下沉。 3)格尔木—五道梁剖面垂直形变整体符合俯冲 -逆掩地壳增厚模式 ,其中 ,沿西大滩断裂、中昆仑山断裂和昆仑山北缘断裂带的逆冲推覆运动 ,占了整个东昆仑山现今构造隆起的大部分 ,其逆冲推覆运动有自南向北衰减的特点。 4 )地质调查结果表明 ,沿 2 0 0 1年 11月 14日昆仑山口西MS8.1地震 35 0km的左旋破裂带 ,可以划分出若干个不均匀错动段 ,错动量最大可达 6m ,最小只有 2m。基于Okada (1985 )位错模型的理论计算结果表明 ,地震断层不均匀左旋错动可以在昆仑山口破裂带  相似文献   

东昆仑断裂带强震构造条件研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震的发震构造-东昆仑活动断裂带,从构造环境、深部构造、断裂运动条件、断裂结构条件及地震活动特征等方面,都具有特殊的强震构造背景。其地震激动具有周期短、频度低、强度大的特点。地震活动性表现出的强震孕育特征,可作为东昆仑断裂带未来强震的预报指标。  相似文献   

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