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The alluvial architecture of fine‐grained (silt‐bed) meandering rivers remains poorly understood in comparison to the extensive study given to sand‐bed and gravel‐bed channels. This paucity of knowledge stems, in part, from the difficulty of studying such modern rivers and deriving analogue information from which to inform facies models for ancient sediments. This paper employs a new technique, the parametric echosounder, to quantify the subsurface structure of the Río Bermejo, Argentina, which is a predominantly silt‐bed river with a large suspended sediment load. These results show that the parametric echosounder can provide high‐resolution (decimetre) subsurface imaging from fine‐grained rivers that is equivalent to the more commonly used ground‐penetrating radar that has been shown to work well in coarser‐grained rivers. Analysis of the data reveals that the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo is characterized by large‐scale inclined heterolithic stratification generated by point‐bar evolution, and associated large‐scale scour surfaces that result from channel migration. The small‐scale and medium‐scale structure of the sedimentary architecture is generated by vertical accretion deposits, bed sets associated with small bars, dunes and climbing ripples and the cut and fill from small cross‐bar channels. This style of alluvial architecture is very different from other modern fine‐grained rivers reported in the literature that emphasize the presence of oblique accretion. The Río Bermejo differs from these other rivers because it is much more active, with very high rates of bank erosion and channel migration. Modern examples of this type of highly active fine‐grained river have been reported rarely in the literature, although ancient examples are more prevalent and show similarities with the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo, which thus represents a useful analogue for their identification and interpretation. Although the full spectrum of the sedimentology of fine‐grained rivers has yet to be revealed, meandering rivers dominated by lateral or oblique accretion probably represent end members of such channels, with the specific style of sedimentation being controlled by grain size and sediment load characteristics.  相似文献   

概要地回顾了近年来国内外湖泊沉积物中重金属环境污染方面的研究成果,介绍了湖相沉积物重金属研究的主要内容、方法和可能的发展方向。认为就重金属成因方面应加强区分其主要来源是岩石和矿物风化的碎屑产物、大气降尘、人类活动等的研究;重金属污染方面更应重视污染物质的生物有效性、迁移转化机理和重金属“二次污染”的研究;研究手段上,注重运用同位素示踪与定年技术来研究重金属的来源和污染历史,应用高分辨率沉积物钻心研究环境的变迁。最后提出加强多学科的综合研究,建立中国湖泊基准数据库,为探讨湖泊湿地的可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

To date, published studies of alluvial bar architecture in large rivers have been restricted mostly to case studies of individual bars and single locations. Relatively little is known about how the depositional processes and sedimentary architecture of kilometre‐scale bars vary within a multi‐kilometre reach or over several hundreds of kilometres downstream. This study presents Ground Penetrating Radar and core data from 11, kilometre‐scale bars from the Río Paraná, Argentina. The investigated bars are located between 30 km upstream and 540 km downstream of the Río Paraná – Río Paraguay confluence, where a significant volume of fine‐grained suspended sediment is introduced into the network. Bar‐scale cross‐stratified sets, with lengths and widths up to 600 m and thicknesses up to 12 m, enable the distinction of large river deposits from stacked deposits of smaller rivers, but are only present in half the surface area of the bars. Up to 90% of bar‐scale sets are found on top of finer‐grained ripple‐laminated bar‐trough deposits. Bar‐scale sets make up as much as 58% of the volume of the deposits in small, incipient mid‐channel bars, but this proportion decreases significantly with increasing age and size of the bars. Contrary to what might be expected, a significant proportion of the sedimentary structures found in the Río Paraná is similar in scale to those found in much smaller rivers. In other words, large river deposits are not always characterized by big structures that allow a simple interpretation of river scale. However, the large scale of the depositional units in big rivers causes small‐scale structures, such as ripple sets, to be grouped into thicker cosets, which indicate river scale even when no obvious large‐scale sets are present. The results also show that the composition of bars differs between the studied reaches upstream and downstream of the confluence with the Río Paraguay. Relative to other controls on downstream fining, the tributary input of fine‐grained suspended material from the Río Paraguay causes a marked change in the composition of the bar deposits. Compared to the upstream reaches, the sedimentary architecture of the downstream reaches in the top ca 5 m of mid‐channel bars shows: (i) an increase in the abundance and thickness (up to metre‐scale) of laterally extensive (hundreds of metres) fine‐grained layers; (ii) an increase in the percentage of deposits comprised of ripple sets (to >40% in the upper bar deposits); and (iii) an increase in bar‐trough deposits and a corresponding decrease in bar‐scale cross‐strata (<10%). The thalweg deposits of the Río Paraná are composed of dune sets, even directly downstream from the Río Paraguay where the upper channel deposits are dominantly fine‐grained. Thus, the change in sedimentary facies due to a tributary point‐source of fine‐grained sediment is primarily expressed in the composition of the upper bar deposits.  相似文献   

湖南株洲市土壤重金属分布特征及污染评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对株洲市土壤重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Hg、As污染现状进行了调查与评价。结果表明:①株洲市60个样品中Cd已达到重度污染程度,污染严重;Cu、Hg、As处于中度污染;Pb、Zn、Cr属于轻度污染。内梅罗综合污染指数也已达重污染。②不同土地利用类型土壤中各重金属含量由高到低变化如下:Cu、Zn、Cr为水田→菜地→旱地;Pb、Hg、As为旱地→水田→菜地;Cd为菜地→旱地→水田。③不同土壤类型中各重金属含量由高到低变化如下:Zn、Cd、As为潮土→粘土→红壤;Pb、Hg为粘土→潮土→红壤;Cr为红壤→潮土→粘土;Cu为潮土→红壤→粘土。  相似文献   

基于地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,对承德全域表层土壤重金属As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn、微量元素Se正态分布特征、主导分布趋势及相互作用规律进行了分析,确定了不同元素最适宜的地统计插值模型并厘定出其空间分布规律。结果表明:As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn的质量含量平均值分别为8.28,0.200,60.85,24.37,0.034,27.76,26.65,77.10 mg/kg,Cd、Cu、Hg和Pb变异系数分别为385%、143%、350%、118%,分异性强。Zn含量均值受土壤类型影响显著,Cr、Cu、Ni含量均值则受土地利用类型影响显著。经过不同趋势阶数元素插值误差的综合对比,确定As、Cr、Pb、Zn、Ni、Se适宜选择无趋势参数,Hg和Cu适宜选择一阶趋势参数,而Cd适宜选择二阶趋势参数。As的理论模型为指数模型,主要受到结构性因素的影响;Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn、Se的理论模型为线性模型,主要受到随机性因素的影响。通过普通克里格插值图可见区内9种元素具有北低南高的特点,中部地区形成了一条较宽的Pb高值带,与Cd相似。按照含量分布特点,土壤中Cr和Ni、Cu和Hg、Zn和Pb、Se和Cd之间的高值空间展布区具有相似性且来源相同,仅As具有个性,分析结果与传统统计学结果数据保持部分一致性。  相似文献   

Heavy metals (HMs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are two sorts of important pollutants, which were frequently detected in natural aquatic environments at the same time. Surfacial sediments (SSs), suspended particulates (SPs) and natural surface coatings (NSCs) are recognized as the key solid sinks and sources of heavy metals (HMs) and organic materials (OMs) in natural water systems, playing critical roles in the cycling and transformation of pollutants. The behaviors of HMs in the multi-phases (SSs, SPs and NSCs) have been well investigated, but less reports on those of PAHs, especially on those of HMs and PAHs simultaneously in the multi-phases. Hence, the relationship between HMs (Pb, Cd and Cu) and PAHs (fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene) in the multi-phases of Nanhu Lake in Changchun, China, was studied in this study using methods of acid digestion and extraction, in order to reveal the combined pollution of HMs and PAHs in Nanhu Lake. The information indicated that HMs and PAHs have the similar distribution patterns in the multi-phases of Nanhu Lake, with increasing levels of riMs and PAHs in the SSs, SPs and NSCs. And the enrichment capacities of SPs and NSCs for HMs and PAHs in the water were similar to each other and much greater than that of SSs, implying that SPs and NSCs contributed more to the transference and transformation of HMs and PAHs in the aquatic environments. The relationship between HMs and PAHs has been analyzed by SPSS statistical analysis, and the results showed that the significant correlation of riMs and PAHs was found in the SSs at the confidence level of p = 0.05, but Pb, Cd or Cu had no correlation with any monomer of PAHs in the SPs or NSCs, highlighting the existence of combined pollution of HMs and PAHs in SSs. This was partly due to the relative lability of SPs or NSCs compared to SSs resulting from the water quality of being varied.  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for more than 90% of the total metal load in rivers to be transported in the solid phase, either sorbed onto particle surfaces and coatings, or incorporated into mineral grains. Fluvial geomorphic processes are therefore of fundamental importance in the transport and fate of heavy metals derived from mine sites. In this paper, the role of physical processes in the dispersal of heavy metals in river systems are reviewed for channels that have (1) remained relatively unchanged in terms of process and form following the introduction of mine wastes, and (2) exhibited a significant metamorphosis in channel form in response to the influx of mining and milling debris. In general, all processes responsible for the variations in metal concentrations within sediments moving through stable channels also operate in channels undergoing metamorphosis. However, downstream, lateral, and vertical patterns in metal values tend to be more complex where channel transformations have occurred. This complexity results, in part, because temporal and spatial changes in the types, rates, and magnitudes of erosional and depositional processes lead to highly variable stratigraphic sequences of post-mining age, and because greater quantities of contaminated debris is stored along the channel margins where it can be eroded and sporadically redistributed during times of flood.  相似文献   

洞庭湖沉积物重金属环境地球化学   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
姚志刚  鲍征宇  高璞 《地球化学》2006,35(6):629-638
对洞庭湖沉积物样进行了Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Ni、As和Hg等8种元素含量分析.结果显示,洞庭湖沉积物中重金属污染物主要是Cd和Hg,其次是Pb、Zn、As和Cu;Cd平均含量达到2.7mg/kg,是国家土壤环境质量三级标准(1.0mg/kg)的近3倍;Cu、Pb、Zn、As和Hg平均含量分别为51.3mg/kg、52.8mg/kg、140mg/kg、22.5mg/kg和0.22mg/kg,均超过国家土壤环境质量一级标准.运用地累积指数法对其污染程度进行了评价,认为重金属污染最严重的湖区是东洞庭湖的鹿角至城陵矶湖区(段),污染物可能主要来源于湘江流域;各子湖区(段)重金属综合污染状况评价结果是:东洞庭湖>大通湖>横岭湖>万子湖>西洞庭湖>采桑湖.入湖各河口区沉积物重金属含量与历史资料的对比表明,8种重金属含量均有较高程度的富集,反映近年来洞庭湖流域内重金属污染有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

长期地下煤炭开采在地表产生了大面积的塌陷塘,并造成了不同程度的水域污染。为研究塌陷塘重金属的分布特征及成因,选择了8种对环境影响较大的重金属元素(Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,Cr,Cd,Pb,Ni)为研究对象,以淮南潘集一矿塌陷塘为研究区域,利用ArcGIS地统计模块中的协同克里格算法,通过水体实测光谱反射率作为协变量来估算水体中的重金属含量空间分布特征。结果表明:水体实测光谱与重金属含量有较好的关系,以水体光谱为协变量的协同克里格插值与单变量的普通克里格插值相比,8种重金属元素的预测值与实际值之间的均方根误差明显减少,证明水体实测光谱适合作为协变量来估计水体重金属的空间分布情况。综合分析发现,水体中的Cd,Pb,Cu,Ni主要来自水域西北部的煤矸石堆山,且Cd,Cu,Pb含量均超过了当地的背景值,对环境影响较大;Cr主要来自农业肥料、成土母质和周边道路旁的煤泥灰厂及煤矸石堆;Zn的来源主要是煤矸石、上游生活污水、农业肥料、土壤母质,由于其含量较低,对水环境质量的影响不大。  相似文献   

A case study is presented to assess the use of sedimentary chemical indicators for estuarine health. Reliable and efficient estuarine indicators are essential for management and monitoring purposes. Estuarine and fluvial sediments from Brisbane Water estuary were analysed for heavy metals to assess the quality of sediments and to determine the source and dispersion of contaminants in the estuary. Brisbane Water, 50 km north of Sydney, is a shallow (~5 m in main water body), wave-dominated barrier estuary with a generally sparsely developed catchment, except in the north where it is urbanised and industrialised. Heavy-metal loadings calculated for sub-catchments and the distribution of metals in surficial sediment identified Narara Creek, which drains the urbanised northern part of the catchment, as the main source of contaminants. Vertical profiles of sedimentary contaminants show that contamination continues to increase rapidly in all parts of the waterway to the present day. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in sediment adjacent to Narara Creek exceeded lower guideline levels, although moderate bioavailability (~40% for Cu, Pb and Zn) suggests the risk posed by sediments to benthic populations is low. Sediments in all parts of Brisbane Water show evidence of minor anthropogenic influence with maximum human-induced change (up to 5× enrichment) in the north of the estuary. Results demonstrate the use of sediment-bound heavy metal as an appropriate indicator of estuarine health.  相似文献   

阎琨  庞国涛  李伟  毛方松 《物探与化探》2022,46(4):1030-1036
为揭示茅尾海入海河口表层沉积物中重金属分布特征及生态风险,在茅岭江、大榄江、钦江入海河口采集13件表层沉积物样品进行重金属分析。研究结果表明,茅尾海沉积物中重金属As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn含量平均值分别为7.78×10-6、0.14×10-6、37.6×10-6、18.9×10-6、0.004 8×10-6、22.5×10-6、54.7×10-6,均低于GB 18668—2002的一类标准。沉积物中重金属空间分布差异较大,茅尾海东部工业区和西部茅岭江附近具有较高的重金属含量。重金属污染分析表明,大部分重金属元素显示为无污染—轻度污染水平,Cr具有中等污染水平;生态风险分析显示,重金属总体处于较低潜在风险,东部工业区Hg、Cd显示出中等生态风险。通过相关性分析、聚类分析、主成分分析探讨重金属污染物来源,结果显示重金属污染主要受河流控制,Hg、As、Cd还受到临港工业区废水排放的影响。综合研究表明,茅尾海生态环境总体较好,但建议重点关注东部工业区重金属排污状况。  相似文献   

太湖沉积物中重金属的地球化学形态及特征分析   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
用连续提取法分析了太湖沉积物5种重金属的地球化学形态,对地球化学形态的组成和地理特征进行了分析研究.重金属地球化学形态配分的共同特点是可交换态最低,残渣态最高.两种形态中Cd的可交换态最高,Cr的残渣态最高,可交换态最低.Cd的碳酸盐态较高,Cr的最低;Pb、Cd的Fe-Mn氧化态较高,Cu的偏低;Cu的有机态最高,Cd的最低;Zn的地球化学形态比例大都处于中间.地域上变化较大的元素是Cd和Cu,变化不明显的元素有Pb和Zn.化学成分中Fe2O3、MnO与重金属地球化学形态的相关性最好,TOC与Cu的形态相关系数最高.综合对比分析表明,太湖沉积物重金属的生物有效性以Cd为最高,其次为Pb.  相似文献   

以中国北方某湖泊(以下称A湖)为例,开展了底泥中氮磷污染及重金属生态风险评价研究,探讨多种评价方法的相关性,并分析底泥中氮磷元素向上覆水迁移造成水体富营养化的风险.选取A湖中心区域的10个底泥监测点位数据,对其总氮、总磷及重金属(Pb、Cr、As、Cd、Ni)含量进行分析,并采用有机污染指数法评价总氮污染,单因子指数法...  相似文献   

Contaminations of groundwater by heavy metals due to agricultural activities are growing recently. The objective of this study was to evaluate and map regional patterns of heavy metals (Cd, Zn and Cu) in groundwater on a plain with high agricultural activities. The study was conducted to investigate the concentration of heavy metals and distribution in groundwater in regions of Shush Danial and Andimeshk aquifers in the southern part of Iran. Presently, groundwater is the only appropriate and widely used source of drinking water for rural and urban communities in this region. The region covers an area of 1,100 km2 between the Dez and Karkhe rivers, which lead to the Persian Gulf. For this study, the region was divided into four sub-regions A, B, C and D. Additionally, 168 groundwater samples were collected from 42 water wells during the earlier months of 2004. The flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS-Flame) was used to measure the concentration of heavy metals in water samples and the Surfer software was used for determination of the contour map of metal distribution. The results demonstrated that in all of the samples, Cd and Zn concentrations were below the EPA MCLG and EPA secondary standard, respectively. However, the Cu contents of 4.8 % of all samples were higher than EPA MCL. It is also indicated that the concentrations of metals were more pronounced at the southern part of the studied region than at the others. The analysis of fertilizers applied for agricultural activities at this region also indicated that a great majority of the above-mentioned heavy metals were discharged into the environment. Absence of confining layers, proximity to land surface, excess agricultural activities in the southern part and groundwater flow direction that is generally from the north to the southern parts in this area make the southern region of the Shush plain especially vulnerable to pollution by heavy metals than by other contaminants.  相似文献   

为研究青藏高原金属矿山勘探、开采、闭坑阶段不同开发阶段河流重金属污染的严重程度,通过野外调查,室内测试分析,对比5个金属矿山河流重金属元素含量、污染指数沿程变化,得出以下结果:(1)勘探阶段和闭坑后河流水质污染较小,开采阶段矿业活动对河水水质污染较大。(2)As、Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn五种元素是金属矿山的特征污染物。开采矿区中德尔尼铜矿区、下柳沟铅锌矿、甲玛矿区河流均有重金属元素污染,微碱性环境中德尔尼铜矿区,主要污染物为As,单项污染指数为0~10.6;下柳沟铅锌矿Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn元素单项污染指数分别为0.2~2.1、0~55、0.4~24、0.3~1550;偏酸性环境中甲玛矿区的特征污染物主要为Cu、Cd。其中Cu、Cd单项污染指数为0~4174、0~4;勘探矿区大场金矿、闭坑矿区罗布莎铬铁矿区河流未出现污染元素。(3)青藏高原5处典型的高海拔山地矿山河流由于稀释作用重金属流经2km后达到安全水平,研究结果可为青藏高原矿山开采中河流水环境保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

石家庄城市土壤重金属空间分布特征及源解析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
文章对石家庄市土壤重金属含量水平进行了研究,通过采集的220个城市土壤样品,分析了Al2O3、As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn等8个元素。结果表明,与土壤背景值相比,石家庄市土壤中除As和Al2O3外的重金属含量总体明显升高。采用相关分析和主成分分析,对土壤重金属元素来源进行解析,认为有3种主要来源:一是Cu、Zn、Pb与人类的工业生产、汽车尾气排放有关。二是Ni、Cr、Cd除与工业生产有关外,还与燃煤活动排放有关。三是As、Al2O3主要与土壤母质有关(自然来源)。石家庄城市土壤的重金属含量高值区与工业区域、交通分布相吻合。  相似文献   

周墨  唐志敏  张明  梁晓红  湛龙 《地质通报》2021,40(12):2149-2158
为研究江西省赣州市主要耕作区土壤-水稻系统中重金属的含量及人体健康风险,系统采集了赣州市主要耕作区水稻及根系土样品954组,分析了水稻籽实和根系土中Cd、Cr、Hg和Pb的含量及根系土pH值,利用美国环保署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评估模型进行健康风险评价。研究表明:随着土壤pH值升高,水稻籽实中各重金属元素超标率逐渐降低,其中Cd是土壤和水稻中最主要的污染元素;在土壤-水稻系统中,Cd的迁移能力和土壤pH值是决定水稻籽实重金属是否超标的主要因素。健康风险评价结果显示,研究区重金属总非致癌风险指数HI < 1,说明几乎不存在由食用水稻得慢性疾病的风险。致癌健康风险值为7.10×10-3,Cd是最主要的致癌风险因子,Cr和Pb致癌风险属于可接受范围。基于行政单元的人体健康风险区划表明,上犹县、兴国县和南康区存在一定的风险,虽然重金属没有出现显著超标,但是有关部门应对水稻及根系土中Cd元素含量予以重视,将Cd元素作为赣州市土壤重金属污染防控工作中优先控制的重金属。  相似文献   

植物修复在治理矿区重金属污染土壤中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿业活动是环境中污染土壤的重金属的主要来源,采用植物修复技术具有物理、化学修复方法所无法比拟的费用低廉、不破坏场地结构、不造成地下水的二次污染等优点。文章从植物稳定、植物提取和植物一微生物以及动物的协同修复等三个方面简要介绍了对矿区污染土壤进行植物修复的研究进展。  相似文献   

金属矿产资源的持续开发活动通常会导致矿区土壤重金属含量累积,厘清土壤重金属环境污染特征并评价其生态风险,可为监测土壤环境质量和预防土壤污染提供依据。选择江西于都某百年开采钨矿山,采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗综合指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,对其周边土壤中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As、Hg污染特征及潜在生态风险进行调查评价。评价结果表明,研究区土壤受到Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As等重金属的污染,单因子污染指数分别为6.74、3.72、45.1、3.36、8.88;综合污染评价表明,Cd是主要污染贡献因子,其次为As、Cu、Pb、Zn;土壤综合潜在生态风险指数平均值高达2065,属很强生态风险;强生态风险及以上区域主要分布在矿山周边及矿山下游河道附近,分布面积约占研究区总面积的43.89%;研究区土壤重金属相关性分析表明,Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb之间具有显著的相关性。综合研究结果可知,该区域土壤Cd具有一定的潜在生态风险,应引起充分重视,矿山开发利用可能是导致Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

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