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A laterally extensive and conspicuously smooth erosional surface is exposed near the Wenlock–Ludlow boundary on east-central Gotland, Sweden. It occurs in the reef complex area of a carbonate platform, has an undulating topography, and separates truncated bioherms and biostromes from overlying allochthonous high energy deposits. On a basin regional scale, the surface is associated to a shift from a prograding to a retrograding platform, and to a substantial hiatus in basin marginal areas (Estonia). The significance of the surface is further indicated by: (a) clear-cut truncation of the reef complex, including m-sized stromatoporoids, along a distance of at least 20 km, (b) an erosional relief exceeding 2.08 m, (c) a conspicuously smooth nature in both palaeolows and palaeohighs, (d) present, although scarce, subaerial diagenetic indications, e.g. shallow karst features at the unconformity surface and pendant/meniscus cement in the lowermost part of overlying strata, (e) a locally occurring basal conglomeratic lag in overlying strata, and (f) peritidal indications and, as evident from at least one quarry, onlapping geometry in overlying strata.

The unconformity has implications for the analysis of the middle Silurian Baltic basin evolution as well as for the interpretation of erosional surfaces on carbonate platforms in general. Based on the above characteristics, the formation of the unconformity is attributed to a relative sea-level fall, causing subaerial exposure, followed by transgressive abrasion in a rocky shore environment. The unconformity hence constitutes a ravinement surface which, based on the associated basin regional sedimentary changes, is interpreted as coinciding with a regional exposure surface (sequence boundary). It thus increases our understanding of the hitherto poorly understood palaeogeographic evolution of the middle Silurian Baltic basin. Further, the transgressive erosion was significant as well as recurrent, as indicated by the clear-cut truncation of large stromatoporoids at the unconformity surface and by truncated marine fossil fragments in upper edges of karst infills. The unconformity therefore constitutes a good example of the capability of transgressive erosion in creating stratigraphic incompleteness, and hence in removing subaerial indications, on previously exposed carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Irregular, scalloped erosion surfaces in the shelf carbonate sequences of the lower Eke Formation (Ludlow Series, upper Silurian) in the east of Gotland, Sweden, comprise series of shallow hollows separated by sharp-crested ridges, and cavities with sculptured, undercut walls, cut into lithified sediment. These represent analogues of the solution basins formed in modern coastal and subaerial karst terrains. Discrete erosional cavities merge on enlargement by breaching of the intervening walls to leave remnant, tapering ridges. Sets of the ridges and basins seen in surface view show an average width of basins of 1–2 m, with relief of 40–50 cm and pronounced N-S axes for the ridges; this alignment may reflect the local drainage direction. The lowermost erosion surface passes laterally into a planar, mineralized horizon at the top of the underlying Hemse Group that was resistant to and forms the base level of erosion. Because of restricted exposure of higher Eke Formation sediments the upper limit of erosion remains unknown. There is no evidence of caliche or subaerial diagenetic textures, but solution vugs are common in the eroded limestones. Marine hard-bottom biota attached to some surfaces, and transition from scalloped to planar surfaces indicate erosion in tidal zones, but subaerial karstic erosion is also inferred. The resubmerged karst-eroded topography is overlain by shallow marine carbonates, including small organic buildups. Finely-layered stromatolitic mats developed over the initial infill, in subtidal environments, and grew to form domed mounds within the erosional cavities. They abut sharply against bounding side walls and overhangs. Some emergence is evident from desiccation features in the upper parts of mounds. Biostratigraphical evidence dating the events from initial uplift and karstic erosion to covering of the drowned relief topography places the whole sequence within upper Ludlow times.  相似文献   

The Silurian of Gotland, Sweden, consists of 440 m of carbonate deposits. Repeatedly, uniform sequences of micritic limestones and marls are interrupted by complex-structured reefs and by adjacent platform sediments. Generally, the alteration of facies is interpreted as the result of sea-level fluctuations caused by a gradual regression with superimposed minor transgressive pulses. The purpose of this study is a facies interpretation based on both field observations and stable isotope measurements of brachiopod shells. Approximately 700 samples from stratigraphically arranged localities in different facies areas have been investigated. The carbon and oxygen isotopes show principally parallel curves and a close relationship to the stratigraphic sequence. Lower values occur in periods dominated by deposition of marly sequences. Higher values are observed in periods dominated by reefs and extended carbonate platforms. The oxygen isotope ratios are interpreted to reflect paleosalinity changes due to varying freshwater input, rather than to paleotemperature. Carbon isotope ratios are believed to have been connected to global changes in the burial of organic carbon in black shales during periods of euxinic deep water conditions. Consequently, the facies succession on Gotland results from global paleoclimatic conditions. Changes in terrigenous input due to different rates of weathering and freshwater runoff, rather than sea-level fluctuations, control the carbonate formation of the Silurian on Gotland.  相似文献   

Stacked stromatoporoid‐dominated biostromes of the Ludlow‐age Hemse Group (Silurian) in eastern Gotland, Sweden, are 0·5–5 m thick and a few tens of metres to >1 km in lateral extent. They form one of the world's richest Palaeozoic stromatoporoid deposits. This study compiles published and new data to provide an overall facies model for these biostromes, which is assessed in relation to possible modern analogues. Some biostromes have predominantly in‐place fossils and are regarded as reefs, but lack rigid frameworks because of abundant low‐profile non‐framebuilding stromatoporoids; other biostromes consist of stromatoporoid‐rich rudstones interpreted here as storm deposits. Variation between these two `end‐members' occurs both between interlayered biostromes and also vertically and laterally within individual biostromes. Such variation produces problems of applying established reef classification terms and demonstrates the need for the development of terminology that recognizes taphonomic destruction of reef fabrics. An approach to such terminology is found in all four categories of a recent biostrome classification scheme that are easily recognized in the Hemse biostrome facies: autobiostromes (>60% in place); autoparabiostromes (a mixture of in‐place and overturned reef‐building organisms, 20–60% in place); parabiostromes (builders are overturned and damaged, <20% in place); and allobiostromes (transported and detrital reef material, nothing in place). These categories provide a broad taphofacies scheme for the Hemse biostromes, which are mostly autoparabiostrome to allobiostrome. The biostromes developed on crinoidal grainstone sheets and expanded laterally across relatively flat substrates in a marine setting of low siliciclastic input. Planar erosion surfaces commonly terminate biostrome tops. Three broadly similar modern analogues are identified, each of which has elements in common with the Hemse biostromes, but none of which is an exact equivalent: (a) laterally expanded and coalesced back‐barrier patch reefs behind the Belize barrier, an area influenced by limited accommodation space; (b) a hurricane‐influenced shelf, interpreted for Grand Cayman, where reef cores consist of rubble and lack substantial framework; the wide distribution of rounded pebbles and cobbles of stromatoporoids in the Hemse biostromes most probably resulted from hurricanes; (c) coral carpets in 5–15 m water depth of the northern Red Sea, where lateral expansion of low‐diversity frames dominated by Porites coral has produced low‐profile biostromes up to 8 m thick and several km long. Such carpets accumulated large amounts of carbonate, with little export, as in the Hemse biostromes, although the latter did not build frameworks because of the nature of growth of the stromatoporoids. The notable lack of algae in the Hemse biostrome facies is also a feature of Red Sea coral carpets; nevertheless, coral carpets are ecologically different. Hemse biostromes lack evidence of a barrier reef system, although this may not be exposed; the facies assemblage is consistent with either a storm/hurricane‐influenced mid‐ to upper ramp or back‐barrier system.  相似文献   

Growth of rigid high-relief patch reefs, Mid-Silurian, Gotland, Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Patch reefs up to 35 m thick and generally 100–150 m wide, separated by bedded inter-reef sediment, dominate the Högklint Formation (Lower Wenlock) of north-west Gotland. The spacing between adjacent patch reefs is variable, but is commonly 150–350 m. The Högklint is a shallowing sequence, and the patch reefs exhibit a well-developed vertical succession: (1) Axelsro-type patch reefs developed in the underlying Visby Formation; (2) halysitid tabulates capped by laminar stromatoporoids; (3) domical and bulbous stromatoporoids and red algae; (4) cyanobacterial–algal reef crest. The patch reefs expand upwards from an initial bioherm phase with a small base to a laterally extensive biostrome phase. This gives them a thumb-tack appearance. In stage 2 of the bioherm phase, rigid framework development and high reef relief resulted in breakage of angular blocks up to 15 m long, which were incorporated into the reefs or fell into adjacent sediments. Poorly sorted talus haloes (Millingsklint Member) also developed adjacent to stage 2 of the bioherm phase. These include angular blocks and exhibit depositional slopes up to 40° away from the reefs. Stage 3 biostrome development was mainly non-rigid cluster reef, which shed skeletal debris (Domkyrka Member) but few lithified blocks. Stage 4 biostrome development was a reef crest with open to closed frame structure. Storm breakage and overturning produced large blocks with complex cavity fill sequences including double geopetals. Relief during the bioherm phase, indicated by fallen blocks and talus slopes, was up to at least 15 m; during the biostrome phase, it was up to 10 m.  相似文献   

The area of study is strategically placed 250–500 km inside the border of the Weichselian glaciation. The low relief of the area, the surrounding of a shallow sea and the varying bedrock have all influenced the physical nature of the ice. Different methods, including analyses of reworked microfossils, have been used to produce a new informal lithostratigraphy for the area. The glacial striae have been studied and grouped according to orientation and relative age. Correlation is drawn between the ice-flow pattern determined by the lithostratigraphy and the pattern determined by the glacial striae. The correlation shows the general ice flow during the different glacial events in he Late Weichselian. It is possible to broadly correlate these events with the events in Denmark. The record of glacial advances between 21,000 and 13,000 B.P. starts and ends with an ice stream following the topographyy of the Baltic. The ice streams show low profile and longitudinal axial, lobatic flow. The flow pattern during the Main Weichselian advance indicates a radially flowing dome over the mainland. There is no geologic evidence of separate ice domes in the southern Baltic during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Comparison of ultrastructures in Pliocene periplatform carbonates from the Bahamas with Silurian limestones from Gotland (Sweden) reveals that despite the differences in primary sediment composition and age, they reflect a similar mechanism of lithification. In both sequences calcite microspar was formed as a primary cement at an early stage of marine burial diagenesis. Neither significant compression nor meteoric influence are necessary for the formation of calcite microspar. A model is proposed for the process of microsparitic cementation of fine-grained aragonite needle muds comprising four stages: (1) unconsolidated, aragonite-dominated carbonate mud; (2) precipitation of microspar that engulfs aragonite needles; (3) dissolution of aragonite, resulting in pitted surfaces of the microspar crystals; and (4) slight recrystallization. Our results contradict the widespread opinion that microspar necessarily is a product of secondary recrystallization of a previously lithified micrite.  相似文献   

The Kristineberg volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, located in the westernmost part of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte district, northern Sweden, has yielded 22.4 Mt of ore, grading 1.0% Cu, 3.64% Zn, 0.24% Pb, 1.24 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag and 25.9% S, since the mine opened in 1941, and is the largest past and present VMS mine in the district. The deposit is hosted in a thick pile of felsic to intermediate and minor mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Skellefte Group, which forms the lowest stratigraphic unit in the district and hosts more than 85 known massive sulphide deposits. The Kristineberg deposit is situated lower in the Skellefte Group than most other deposits. It comprises three main ore zones: (1) massive sulphide lenses of the A-ore (historically the main ore), having a strike length of about 1,400 m, and extending from surface to about 1,200 m depth, (2) massive sulphide lenses of the B-ore, situated 100–150 m structurally above the A-ore, and extending from surface to about 1,000 m depth, (3) the recently discovered Einarsson zone, which occurs in the vicinity of the B-ore at about 1,000 m depth, and consists mainly of Au–Cu-rich veins and heavily disseminated sulphides, together with massive sulphide lenses. On a regional scale the Kristineberg deposit is flanked by two major felsic rock units: massive rhyolite A to the south and the mine porphyry to the north. The three main ore zones lie within a schistose, deformed and metamorphosed package of hydrothermally altered, dominantly felsic volcanic rocks, which contain varying proportions of quartz, muscovite, chlorite, phlogopite, pyrite, cordierite and andalusite. The strongest alteration occurs within 5–10 m of the ore lenses. Stratigraphic younging within the mine area is uncertain as primary bedding and volcanic textures are absent due to strong alteration, and tectonic folding and shearing. In the vicinity of the ore lenses, hydrothermal alteration has produced both Mg-rich assemblages (Mg-chlorite, cordierite, phlogopite and locally talc) and quartz–muscovite–andalusite assemblages. Both types of assemblages commonly contain disseminated pyrite. The sequence of volcanic and ore-forming events at Kristineberg is poorly constrained, as the ages of the massive rhyolite and mine porphyry are unknown, and younging indicators are absent apart from local metal zoning in the A-ores. Regional structural trends, however, suggest that the sequence youngs to the south. The A- and B-ores are interpreted to have formed as synvolcanic sulphide sheets that were originally separated by some 100–150 m of volcanic rocks. The Einarsson zone, which is developed close to the 1,000 m level, is interpreted to have resulted in part from folding and dislocation of the B-ore sulphide sheet, and in part from remobilisation of sulphides into small Zn-rich massive sulphide lenses and late Au–Cu-rich veins. However, the abundance of strongly altered, andalusite-bearing rocks in the Einarsson zone, coupled with the occurrence of Au–Cu-rich disseminated sulphides in these rocks, suggests that some of the mineralisation was synvolcanic and formed from strongly acidic hydrothermal fluids. Editorial handling: P. Weihed  相似文献   

In Sweden, knowledge of the location and timing of glacially induced faulting and seismicity is critical to effective engineering of a long-term nuclear disposal facility. To improve understanding and modeling of the complex ice-induced and tectonic stresses associated with glacially induced faulting, field studies detailing the location and timing of movement of such structures are required. Although the fault has not been confirmed in the bedrock, multi-proxy surficial geologic evidence indicates that the recently discovered scarp in Bollnäs is such a structure. Machine-excavated trenches across the scarp reveal landsliding down the scarp and, in one location, faulted and vertically offset fine-grained glacial sediments. The presence of water-escape structures in trenches excavated on a topographic high strongly suggests a co-seismic origin derived from earthquake magnitudes >5.5. Numerous landslides in till exist in the region as well. Four slopes with landslides were examined in detail, and the factors of safety for these slopes indicate stable conditions and suggest a seismic trigger. Basal radiocarbon dates from peat bogs located stratigraphically above the landslides provide minimum limiting ages for the co-seismic landslides. The oldest date indicates sliding prior to 10,180 calendar years before the present. The proposed Bollnäs Fault is 400 km south of the so called Lapland Fault Province. To date, it is the southernmost confirmed glacially induced fault in Sweden. The results of this study are consistent with existing modeling results that indicate fault instability in this region of central Sweden following deglaciation.  相似文献   

The author gives a brief review of the most important research on Quaternary geology in Sweden during the last few years and the main lines of development of ideas. Emphasis is put on the present 'state of the art' within the following fields: Mapping, international projects, Quaternary deposits, dating methods, Pleistocene stratigraphy, glaciation models, deglaciation, sea-level changes, and Holocene.  相似文献   

Lacustrine carbonate (Chara lime) from the Island of Gotland provides an excellent paleotemperature record for the last 10,700 years. From arctic conditions during the Younger Dryas Stadial, the temperature rapidly rose to the present level, which was reached at about 9000–9250 B.P. A Holocene climatic optimum is clearly recorded. It ended with a drastic deterioration at about 2500 B.P. at the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition. The Subatlantic temperatures are significantly lower than those of the climatic optimum. The Holocene of Sweden seems to have started with a tremendous earthquake linked to extensive faulting (explaining the inconsistencies in the sea level records and the 'drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake'), a distinct peak in the non-dipole geomagnetic field (explaining the intensity peak at this level in cores from different environments) and regional disturbancies of the sedimentation (explaining the 'drainage varve' character of varve - 1073 in the Swedish Time Scale).  相似文献   

Bryozoan–stromatolite associations (bryostromatolites) formed conspicuous reef structures throughout the Sheinwoodian (Wenlock) to Ludfordian (Ludlow) stratigraphy on Gotland but have not been described so far. They are mainly composed of encrusting bryozoans forming a complex intergrowth with porostromate and spongiostromate microbes and are different from the abundant stromatoporoid–coral–algal reefs with respect to their composition. In the bryostromatolite different growth stages can be identified. The observed succession can be taken as evidence for cyclic environmental changes during reef formation. Stenohaline reef-dwelling organisms, such as echinoderms, sponges, corals and trilobites, indicate fully marine salinities. Ten localities exposing bryostromatolites were discovered. Individual bryostromatolites are small with few decimetres up to one metre in size, and occur solely in shallow marine areas. Common features of these reefs on Gotland are cauliflower-like growth, a high bryozoan diversity, a high abundance of phosphatic fossils and components such as bryozoan pearls and inarticulate phosphatic brachiopods, enhanced bioerosion, Palaeomicrocodium crusts, vadose silt and gypsum pseudomorphs. The high abundance of Palaeomicrocodium, as well as the alternation with other crust-forming contributors, suggest that it could have been formed directly at the palaeo-sea surface, probably in times of minor but high-frequency sea-level fluctuations. Vadose silt and pseudomorphs after gypsum in reef cavities indicate subaerial exposure shortly after reef growth. The high amount of phosphatic components indicates a high nutrient input, probably by dust. All bryostromatolites were formed in times of strongly elevated δ13C values. The unusual combination of sedimentological and palaeoecological features, as well as their occurrence exclusively during strong positive δ13C excursions, are evidence that the bryostromatolite development responded to climatic/oceanographic changes, which may have played an important role in reef control.  相似文献   

The Silurian succession in the Tortworth Inlier includes strata belonging to the three main divisions of the System. The Upper Llandovery, which rests unconformably on Tremadoc beds, consists of about 700 ft. (213 m.) of fine-grained sandstones, mudstones and shales with two igneous bands. The Wenlock Series is represented by some 800 ft. (244 m.) of mudstones, siltstones and calcareous sandstones with impersistent limestone bands at various horizons. The Ludlow succession is incomplete, but at least 300 ft. (91 m.) of mudstones, siltstones and fine-grained sandstones are present, and they pass up conformably into the Downtonian.  相似文献   

An active search for pre-Holocene organic deposits in stratigraphically well-defined positions has proved to be a useful tool for reconstruction of glacial and non-glacial Weichselian development in northernmost Sweden. The investigations have been concentrated to kettle holes connected to eskers belonging to a morphologically prominent northwesterly glacial system characterized by extensive drumlinization. Organic deposits, radiocarbon-dated as older than the Holocene, have been found at some 25 localities. Some sites display two organic-bearing sequences separated by a till bed. The pollen flora in the lowest organic bed reflects an interstadial vegetational development: Arctic shrub and herb tundra-subarctic light birch forestherb tundra with ericaceous shrubs and dwarf birch. This interstadial is correlated with Peräpohjola in Finland. During the younger Tärendö Interstadial the vegetational development was similar, but a more continental climate is indicated hy high values of steppe plants, e.g. Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae. The Tärendö Interstadial, correlated with Odderade, wascharacterized by open, unstable soils due to periglacial processes such as cryoturbation and eolian activities. The Weichselian glaciation is divided into three glacial stades separated by ice-free interstadials in the area studied. Except for a zone with S-SW drumlinization the impact of the two later ice sheets is insignificant.  相似文献   

西秦岭的志留系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
<正> 西秦岭西段的志留系,最早由叶连俊、关士聪(1944)报道,白龙江群代表古道岭灰岩以下的一套浅变质岩系。通过近年来工作的结果,白龙江群包括下泥盆统,志留系下、中、上三统,及上奥陶统和更老的地层,如下表所示:  相似文献   

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