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Pumiceous peperite comprising irregularly shaped apophyses of feldspar-phyric rhyolitic tube pumice and siltstone occurs within well-bedded volcaniclastic sandstone and siltstone facies of the Early Permian Berserker beds at Mount Chalmers, Australia. The tube pumice structure is preserved where sericite or silica have replaced the glass of vesicle walls and vesicles have been infilled by silica. In some instances, the peperite occurs gradationally above or below intervals of coherent feldspar-phyric rhyolite that are also predominantly pumiceous. The siltstone in the pumiceous peperite is texturally homogeneous, locally vesicular and contains shards and crystals derived from disintegration of the pumiceous rhyolite. Pumiceous rhyolite and peperite occur at various positions in the stratigraphy and may represent interconnected intrusive digits or lobes. Intrusion of the lobes was accommodated by expansion of the pore water and possible fluidisation of the host sediment, resulting in local destruction of bedding. The lobes developed chilled margins at contacts with wet sediment and inflated in response to vesiculation and the supply of new magma. Cooling of the lobes was possibly accompanied by development of microfractures in the glassy vesicle walls. Rupture of the chilled margin and propagation of fractures into the interior could have temporarily and locally depressurised the lobes, resulting in failure, disintegration and mixing with the adjacent wet and/or steam-rich sediment. Hot pumiceous rhyolite in lobe interiors may have interacted directly with the wet sediment and been dismembered by quench fragmentation and/or steam explosions. Bubbles of magmatic gas and/or steam were trapped in the sediment that mixed with the pumiceous rhyolite. The development of pumiceous texture in the sills was favoured by emplacement beneath a thin cover of wet sediment in a relatively shallow, submarine shelf setting in which the confining pressure was sufficiently low to permit vesiculation. This setting was also important in limiting the extent of degassing of the pumiceous rhyolite during cooling.  相似文献   

Silcretes from Queensland (Australia) were dated by means of the electron spin resonance dating technique. The results range from 1.5 to 10.8 million years; therefore, these silcretes were formed between the upper Miocene and the early Pleistocene. For a conclusive interpretation of the data geochemical and thin section analyses were also carried out. ESR dating of silcretes for the first time offers a direct approach to a chronostratigraphic framework of the genesis of these duricrusts, and of the palaeoclimatic events attributed to them.  相似文献   

Several previous attempts have been made to explain the apparent poor development of coastal dunes in the humid tropics in terms of lack of wind energy, failure of sand supply to the shoreline, excessive climatic wetness, salt crust formation on beaches, and the character of tropical back-beach vegetation. However, recent published reports indicate that coastal dune occurrences are more common in the humid tropics than was formerly thought, throwing suspicion on the idea that environmental conditions militate against dune formation in these areas as a whole. Evidence from the humid tropical sector of the North Queensland coast suggests that the poor development of dunes in this area primarily reflects poor sediment sorting in the beach and nearshore zone and low wind energy at the shoreline due to the nature of the coastal orientation and physiography in relation to the prevailing southeasterly winds. These limiting factors are not unique to humid tropical climates.  相似文献   

The volcanic island of Milos, Greece, comprises an Upper Pliocene –Pleistocene, thick (up to 700 m), compositionally and texturally diverse succession of calc-alkaline, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks that record a transition from a relatively shallow but dominantly below-wave-base submarine setting to a subaerial one. The volcanic activity began at 2.66±0.07 Ma and has been more or less continuous since then. Subaerial emergence probably occurred at 1.44±0.08 Ma, in response to a combination of volcanic constructional processes and fault-controlled volcano-tectonic uplift. The architecture of the dominantly felsic-intermediate volcanic succession reflects contrasts in eruption style, proximity to source, depositional environment and emplacement processes. The juxtaposition of submarine and subaerial facies indicates that for part of the volcanic history, below-wave base to above-wave base, and shoaling to subaerial depositional environments coexisted in most areas. The volcanic facies architecture comprises interfingering proximal (near vent), medial and distal facies associations related to five main volcano types: (1) submarine felsic cryptodome-pumice cone volcanoes; (2) submarine dacitic and andesitic lava domes; (3) submarine-to-subaerial scoria cones; (4) submarine-to-subaerial dacitic and andesitic lava domes and (5) subaerial lava-pumice cone volcanoes. The volcanic facies are interbedded with a sedimentary facies association comprising sandstone and/or fossiliferous mudstone mainly derived from erosion of pre-existing volcanic deposits. The main facies associations are interpreted to have conformable, disconformable, and interfingering contacts, and there are no mappable angular unconformities or disconformities within the volcanic succession.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

A multivariate assessment has been adapted to the classification of a large, irregular dataset of approximately 34,000 surface water samples accumulated over more than 30 years. A two-stage K-means clustering method was designed to analyse chemical data in the form of percentages of major ions (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, HCO3 and SO4); the first stage of clustering produced 347 groups, which were then re-clustered to generate the final nine water types. The analysis enabled the definition of provinces of water composition and highlighted natural processes influencing the surface water chemistry. On a statewide basis, sodium is the dominant cation and around 50% at all stream flows, while proportions of calcium and magnesium are about equal. Chloride and bicarbonate constitute the bulk of anions present, while sulfate occurs occasionally and tends to be localised. On a global basis, Queensland surface waters are relatively high in sodium, chloride and magnesium, and low in calcium and sulfate. It was also found that the geographical location has a greater impact on major ion ratios than does the stage of stream flow.

The regional chemical trends are consistent with geology and climate. Streams in northeast Queensland, with short, steep catchments and high rainfall, yield low salinity, sodium-dominated water; this is also the case for sandy southern coastal catchments. Both also reflect an oceanic influence. The proportions of sodium and chloride decrease westward; streams draining the western side of the Great Dividing Range or flowing into the Gulf of Carpentaria have low salinity but relatively hard water. Streams in western Queensland are higher in calcium and bicarbonate. In the large catchments flowing from Queensland into central Australia, the water composition is highly variable, commonly with elevated sulfate. Also in Queensland, there are several other clearly definable water provinces such as the high magnesium waters of basaltic areas.

The findings of this study confirm that the application of such analytical methods can provide a useful assessment of controls over water composition and support management at regional level; the approach used is shown and are applicable to large, disparate datasets.  相似文献   

A paired catchment study was conducted over a 10‐year period on the hydrology of an exotic Pinus plantation in the coastal lowlands of south‐east Queensland, Australia. Each catchment was instrumented with a stream monitoring station, tipping bucket rain gauge, and a network of piezometers to monitor the shallow perched water table. After a 6‐year calibration period a harvest treatment was imposed on one catchment (Review): clearfelling approximately 90% of the catchment area, which contained a mature (44‐year‐old) Pinus elliottii plantation. This subsequently was re‐established with a second rotation plantation of a hybrid of P.elliottii × P.caribaea var. hondurensis. The control catchment (Crayfish) contained a P. elliottii plantation similar to that clearfelled at Review. The post‐harvest period was monitored for a further 4 years. Evapotranspiration was found to be the major output flux, with stream flow only a minor component of the study catchments' water budget. Areas with gleyed podzolic soils were found to remain waterlogged for periods up to 7 months following the seasonally high summer rainfall period, with other soils having water logging periods of only a few months. Little change was observed in waterlogging characteristics following harvesting, in contrast to stream flow which increased for 3 years but with evidence of a decline after 5 years. The perched‐watertable piezometric surface indicated that its lateral drainage differs from that of surface flows; the perched‐watertable drainage fluxes from the study catchments seem minor and off‐site movement of solutes (e.g. nutrients and contaminants) via them would be limited. It was identified that the interaction between the perched and deep aquifers was poorly understood, as well as the relative importance of the soil moisture storage of the aquitard clay layer between them. It was concluded that there is a need to undertake more detailed analysis using modelling, and to obtain additional field data on soil‐layer properties and piezometric levels of the deep aquifer. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Very thick units of massive pumice and lithic clast-rich breccia in the Early Permian Berserker beds at Mount Chalmers, Queensland, are deposits from cold, water-supported, volcaniclastic mass flows emplaced in a below-wave base submarine setting. Adjacent to syn-volcanic andesitic and rhyolitic sills and dykes, the pumice-lithic breccia shows a well-developed eutaxitic texture. The eutaxitic foliation is parallel to intrusive contacts and extends as far as a few metres away from the contact. At these sites, pumice clasts are strongly flattened and tube vesicles within the pumice clasts are compacted and aligned parallel to the direction of flattening. Some lenticular pumice clasts contain small (2 mm), round, quartz-filled amygdales and spherulites. Further away from the sills and dykes, the pumice clasts have randomly oriented, delicate tube vesicle structure and are blocky or lensoid in shape. Round amygdales were generated by re-vesiculation of the glass and the spherulites indicate devitrification of the glass at relatively high temperatures. The eutaxitic texture is therefore attributed to re-heating and welding compaction of glassy pumice-lithic breccia close to contacts with intrusions. In cases involving sills, secondary welding along the contacts formed extensive, conformable, eutaxitic zones in the pumice-lithic breccia that could be mistaken for primary welding compaction in a hot, primary pyroclastic deposit.  相似文献   

Alluvial gullies are often formed in dispersible sodic soils along steep banks of incised river channels. Field data collected by Shellberg et al. (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38: 1765–1778, 2013) from a gully outlet in northern Australia showed little hysteresis between water discharge and fine (<63 µm) and coarse (>63 µm) suspended sediment, indicating transport‐limited rather than source‐limited conditions. The major source of the fine (silt/clay) component was the sodic soils of upstream gully scarps, and the coarser (sand) component was sourced locally from channel bed material. In this companion paper at the same study site, a new method was developed for combining the settling velocity characteristics of these two sediment source components to estimate the average settling velocity of the total suspended sediment. This was compared to the analysis of limited sediment samples collected during flood conditions. These settling velocity data were used in the steady‐state transport limit theory of Hairsine and Rose (Water Resources Research 28: 237–243, 245–250, 1992) that successfully predicted field data of concentrations and loads at a cross‐section, regardless of the complexity of transport‐limited upstream sources (sheet erosion, scalds, rills, gullies, mass failure, bank and bed erosion, other disturbed areas). The analysis required calibration of a key model parameter, the fraction of total stream power (F ≈ 0.025) that is effective in re‐entraining sediment. Practical recommendations are provided for the prediction of sediment loads from other alluvial gullies in the region with similar hydrogeomorphic conditions, using average stream power efficiency factors for suspended silt/clay (Fw ≈ 0.016) and sand (Fs ≈ 0.038) respectively, but with no requirement for field data on sediment concentrations. Only basic field data on settling velocity characteristics from soil samples, channel geometry measurements, estimates of water velocity and discharge, and associated error margins are needed for transport limit theory predictions of concentration and load. This theory is simpler than that required in source‐limited situations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Hruškovec quarry of basaltoid rocks is situated on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Kalnik, within the Zagorje–Mid-Transdanubian zone, a part of the North-western Dinarides. The basaltoids are inter-bedded with radiolarites of the Middle and Upper Triassic age (Langobardian, Carnian–Norian). Spilites, altered diabases and meta-basalts form part of Triassic volcanic-sedimentary sequence, made of sandstones, shales, micritic limestone, altered vitric tuffs and radiolarian cherts, incorporated tectonically into the Jurassic–Cretaceous mélange.  相似文献   

Effects of gully and channel erosion on the export of sediments are in general well understood, but the effects on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export remain an open question. We examined these effects and the role of flow magnitude, total wet season rainfall, catchment size and the C and N content and solubility of most probable sediment sources in a subtropical catchment. We sampled the baseflow and the rising stage of high‐flow events for one wet season and analysed 5 years of water quality data from event sampling stations. Total suspended sediment was the main variable explaining N export followed by rainfall, flow and catchment size. N was exported mainly in particulate organic form and C in dissolved form. The quality of most probable sediment source fractions explains these results and points to fractionation during transport into C and N richer and C and N poorer fractions, with travel distance ultimately determining the average quality of transported sediment for different flow magnitudes. Erosion would have caused a lower C and N concentration in sediments, a lower proportion of mineralized N, a larger proportion of dissolved organic C and a larger C : N ratios of the soluble fraction as compared with unincised grassed valleys. This would alter the rates of nutrient cycling and energy flow within and across ecosystem compartments in streams receiving this export. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increased erosion associated with land use change often alters the flux of sediments and nutrients, but few studies have looked at the interaction between these disrupted cycles. We studied the effects of gully erosion on carbon and nitrogen storage in surface soil/sediment and herbaceous vegetation and on C and N mineralization in a headwater catchment used for cattle grazing. We found significantly lower C and N stored in an incising gully compared with an intact valley. This storage was significantly higher in an adjacent stabilizing gully, although not to the levels found in the intact valley. The intact valley had two to four times higher soil/sediment concentrations of total organic C, total N and Colwell extractable P than the incising gully. Lower storage was not explained by differences in vegetation biomass density or silt and clay content. Vegetation accounted for only 8% of C and 2% of N storage. Although not a significant store in itself, vegetation has an important indirect role in restoring and maintaining soil/sediment C and N stocks in eroding areas. We found significant linear relationships between C and N mineralization rates and soil/sediment C and N content, with lower rates occurring in the eroded sediment. These findings support our initial hypothesis that gully erosion reduces C and N storage and mineralization rates in eroding catchments. The implications of this study include a change to the quality of eroded sediments in headwater catchments, causing C‐poorer and N‐poorer sediments to be exported but overall loads to increase. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid and arid river basins, understanding the connectivity between rivers and alluvial aquifers is one of the key challenges for the management of groundwater resources. The type of connection present (gaining, losing‐connected, transitional and losing‐disconnected) was assessed at 12 sites along six Murray–Darling Basin river reaches. The assessments were made by measuring the hydraulic head in the riparian zone near the rivers to evaluate if the water tables intersected the riverbeds and by measuring fluid pressure (ψ) in the riverbeds. The rationale for the latter was that ψ will always be greater than or equal to zero under connected conditions (either losing or gaining) and always lesser than or equal to zero under losing‐disconnected conditions. A mixture of losing‐disconnected, losing‐connected and gaining conditions was found among the 12 sites. The losing‐disconnected sites all had a riverbed with a lower hydraulic conductivity than the underlying aquifer, usually in the form of a silty clay or clay unit 0.5–2 m in thickness. The riparian water tables were 6 to 25 m below riverbed level at the losing‐disconnected sites but never lower than 1 m below riverbed level at the losing‐connected ones. The contrast in water table depth between connected and disconnected sites was attributed to the conditions at the time of the study, when a severe regional drought had generated a widespread decline in regional water tables. This decline was apparently compensated near losing‐connected rivers by increased infiltration rates, while the decline could not be compensated at the losing‐disconnected rivers because the infiltration rates were already maximal there. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although originally designed to measure surface denudation, the micro-erosion meter (MEM) can be adapted easily to measure deposition rates of chemical sediments such as travertines and speleothems. At Louie Creek, northwest Queensland, Australia, travertine deposition rates measured using the MEM average 4·15 mm a−1. However, this figure masks considerable rate variability. Both purely hydraulic and hydraulically related variables appear to be the major mechanisms controlling deposition rates. The most rapid rates occur within relatively high-energy hydraulic regimes (impact and flow zones), whilst deposition rates in pools separating individual travertine barrages (standing water zones) are relatively slow. Dsposition rate variations within spray and impact zones are related directly to discharge. The highest rates in flow zones correlate with the incorporation into the travertine of in situ and allochthonous biogenic material, such as caddis fly larvae, green algal mats and phytoclasts, which proliferate or are entrapped easily under such hydraulic conditions. Considerable spatial variability in deposition rates also prevails. The highest rates for a given set of hydraulic conditions occur at two sites, the Upper Everglades and the Lower Everglades. The MEM also measures net erosion of travertines. At Louie Creek, most of the travertine erosion occurs in the wet season and is confined primarily to standing water zones. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A vast sheet of mature quartz sand blanketed north Africa and Arabia from the Atlantic coast to the Persian Gulf in Cambro–Ordovician times. U–Pb geochronology of a representative section of Cambrian sandstone in southern Israel shows that these sediments are dominated by 550–650 Ma detrital zircons derived from Neoproterozoic Pan-African basement. The short time lag between magmatic consolidation of a Pan-African source and deposition of its erosional products indicates that, despite their significant mineralogical maturity, the voluminous quartz-rich sandstones on the northern margin of Gondwana are essentially first-cycle sediments.

Mass production of these voluminous first-cycle quartz-rich sandstones resulted from widespread chemical weathering of the Pan-African continental basement. We suggest that conditions favoring silicate weathering, particularly a warm and humid climate, low relief and low sedimentation rates prevailed over large tracts of Gondwana in the aftermath of the Pan-African orogeny. An unusually corrosive Cambro–Ordovician atmosphere and humid climate enhanced chemical weathering on the vegetation-free landscape. We infer that late Neoproterozoic–Cambro–Ordovician atmospheric pCO2 rose as a consequence of widespread late Neoproterozoic volcanism, followed by an uptake of CO2 by chemical weathering to produce the Cambro–Ordovician sandstone as a negative feedback.  相似文献   


The Pimpama coastal plain is situated in southern Moreton Bay, in subtropical eastern Australia. The plain is low lying and tidal and is situated behind a large sand barrier island. Largely due to recent (30 years) drainage networks within the flood plain, surface water quality has declined. Groundwater hydrographs have enabled the determination of different flow systems: a deeper system responding to seasonal weather patterns and a shallower flow system more responsive to individual rainfall events. Elevated potentiometric heads in semi-confined aquifers reflect upward movement of saline to hypersaline groundwaters. However, interaction of this deeper groundwater with shallower groundwater and the surface drains is yet to be determined. Recharge to the shallower system is by direct infiltration while recharge to the deeper system includes a component from landward ranges or bedrock outcrops within the plain. Discrimination between groundwater bodies is possible using salinity, ionic ratios and stable isotopes. Features of groundwater hydrology, the distribution of salinity and variations in water chemistry all suggest that under current conditions infiltration has increased, plus there is a greater landward migration of groundwaters of marine origin.  相似文献   

Contrary to general belief, not all large igneous provinces (LIPs) are characterised by rocks of basaltic composition. Silicic-dominated LIPs, such as the Whitsunday Volcanic Province of NE Australia, are being increasingly recognised in the rock record. These silicic LIPs are consistent in being: (1) volumetrically dominated by ignimbrite; (2) active over prolonged periods (40–50 m.y.), based on available age data; and (3) spatially and temporally associated with plate break-up. This silicic-dominated LIP, related to the break-up of eastern continental Gondwana, is also significant for being the source of >1.4×106 km3 of coeval volcanogenic sediment preserved in adjacent sedimentary basins of eastern Australia.The Whitsunday Volcanic Province is volumetrically dominated by medium- to high-grade, dacitic to rhyolitic lithic ignimbrites. Individual ignimbrite units are commonly between 10 and 100 m thick, and the ignimbrite-dominated sequences exceed 1 km in thickness. Coarse lithic lag breccias containing clasts up to 6 m diameter are associated with the ignimbrites in proximal sections. Pyroclastic surge and fallout deposits, subordinate basaltic to rhyolitic lavas, phreatomagmatic deposits, and locally significant thicknesses of coarse-grained volcanogenic conglomerate and sandstone are interbedded with the ignimbrites. The volcanic sequences are intruded by gabbro/dolerite to rhyolite dykes (up to 50 m in width), sills and comagmatic granite. Dyke orientations are primarily from NW to NNE.The volcanic sequences are characterised by the interstratification of proximal/near-vent lithofacies such as rhyolite domes and lavas, and basaltic agglomerate, with medial to distal facies of ignimbrite. The burial of these near-vent lithofacies by ignimbrites, coupled with the paucity of mass wastage products such as debris-flow deposits indicates a low-relief depositional environment. Furthermore, the volcanic succession records a temporal change in: (1) eruptive styles; (2) the nature of source vents; and (3) erupted compositions. An early explosive dacitic pyroclastic phase was succeeded by a later mixed pyroclastic-effusive phase producing an essentially bimodal suite of lavas and rhyolitic ignimbrite. From the nature and distribution of volcanic lithofacies, the volcanic sequences are interpreted to record the evolution of a multiple vent, low-relief volcanic region, dominated by several large caldera centres.  相似文献   

Heimaey is the southernmost and also the youngest of nine volcanic centres in the southward-propagating Eastern Volcanic Zone, Iceland. The island of Heimaey belongs to the Vestmannaeyjar volcanic system (850 km2) and is situated 10 km off the south coast of Iceland. Although Heimaey probably started to form during the Upper Pleistocene all the exposed subaerial volcanics (10 monogenetic vents covering an area of 13.4 km2) are of Holocene age. Heimaey is composed of roughly equal amounts of tuff/tuff-breccias and lavas as most eruptions involve both a phreatomagmatic and an effusive phase. The compositions of the extrusives are predominantly alkali basalts belonging to the sodic series. Repeated eruptions on Heimaey, and the occurrence of slightly more evolved rocks (i.e. hawaiite approaching mugearite), might indicate that the island is in an early stage of forming a central volcano in the Vestmannaeyjar system. This is further substantiated by the development of a magma chamber at 10–20 km depth during the most recent eruption in 1973 and by the fact that the average volume of material produced in a single eruption on Heimaey is 0.32 km3 (dense rock equivalent), which is twice the value reported for the Vestmannaeyjar system as a whole. We find no support for the previously postulated episodic behaviour of the volcanism in the Vestmannaeyjar system. However, the oldest units exposed above sea level, i.e. the Norðurklettar ridge, probably formed over a 500-year interval during the deglaciation of southern Iceland. The absence of equilibrium phenocryst assemblages in the Heimaey lavas suggests that magma rose quickly from depth, without long-time ponding in shallow-seated crustal magma chambers. Eruptions on Heimaey have occurred along two main lineaments (N45°E and N65°E), which indicate that it is seismic events associated with the southward propagation of the Eastern Volcanic Zone that open pathways for the magma to reach the surface. Continuing southward propagation of the Eastern Volcanic Zone suggests that the frequency of volcanic eruptions in the Vestmannaeyjar system might increase with time, and that Heimaey may develop into a central volcano like the mature volcanic centres situated on the Icelandic mainland.  相似文献   

Floodplains comprise geomorphologically important sources and sinks for sediments and associated pollutants, yet the sedimentology of large dryland floodplains is not well understood. Processes occurring on such floodplains are often difficult to observe, and techniques used to investigate smaller perennial floodplains are often not practical in these environments. This study assesses the utility of 137Cs inventory and depth‐profile techniques for determining relative amounts of floodplain sedimentation in the Fitzroy River, northeastern Australia; a 143 000 km2 semi‐arid river system. Caesium‐137 inventories were calculated for floodplain and reference location bulk soil cores collected from four sites. Depth profiles of 137Cs concentration from each floodplain site and a reference location were recorded. The areal density of 137Cs at reference locations ranged from 13 to 978 Bq m–2 (0–1367 Bq m–2 at the 95% confidence interval), and the mean value ± 2 (standard error of the mean) was 436 ± 264 Bq m–2, similar to published data from other Southern Hemisphere locations. Floodplain inventories ranged from 68 to 1142 Bq m–2 (0–1692 Bq m–2 at the 95% confidence interval), essentially falling within the range of reference inventory values, thus preventing calculation of erosion or deposition. Depth‐profiles of 137Cs concentration indicate erosion at one site and over 66 cm of deposition at another since 1954. Analysis of 239+240Pu concentrations in a depositional core substantiated the interpretation made from 137Cs data, and depict a more tightly constrained peak in concentration. Average annual deposition rates range from 0 to 15 mm. The similarity between floodplain and reference bulk inventories does not necessarily indicate a lack of erosion or deposition, due to low 137Cs fallout in the region and associated high measurement uncertainties, and a likely influence of gully and bank eroded sediments with no or limited adsorbed 137Cs. In this low‐fallout environment, detailed depth‐profile data are necessary for investigating sedimentation using 137Cs. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sr and Nd isotope and geochemical investigations were performed on a remarkably homogeneous, high-silica rhyolite magma reservoir of the Aira pyroclastic eruption (22,000 years ago), southern Kyushu, Japan. The Aira caldera was formed by this eruption with four flow units (Osumi pumice fall, Tsumaya pryoclastic flow, Kamewarizaka breccia and Ito pyroclastic flow). Quite narrow chemical compositions (e.g., 74.0–76.5 wt% of SiO2) and Sr and Nd isotopic values (87Sr/86Sr=0.70584–0.70599 and Nd=−5.62 to −4.10) were detected for silicic pumices from the four units, with the exception of minor amounts of dark pumices in the units. The high Sr isotope ratios (0.7065–0.7076) for the dark pumices clearly suggest a different origin from the silicic pumices. Andesite to basalt lavas in pre-caldera (0.37–0.93 Ma) and post-caldera (historical) eruptions show lower 87Sr/86Sr (0.70465–0.70540) and higher Nd (−1.03 to +0.96) values than those of the Aira silicic and dark pumices. Both andesites of pre- and post-caldera stages are very similar in major- and trace-element characteristics and isotope ratios, suggesting that the both andesites had a same source and experienced the same process of magma generation (magma mixing between basaltic and dacitic magmas). Elemental and isotopic signatures deny direct genetic relationships between the Aira pumices and pre- and post-caldera lavas. Relatively upper levels of crust (middle–upper crust) are assumed to have been involved for magma generation for the Aira silicic and dark pumices. The Aira silicic magma was derived by partial melting of a separate crust which had homogeneous chemistry and limited isotope compositions, while the magma for the Aira dark pumice was generated by AFC mixing process between the basement sedimentary rocks and basaltic parental magma, or by partial melting of crustal materials which underlay the basement sediments. The silicic magma did not occupy an upper part of a large magma body with strong compositional zonation, but formed an independent magma body within the crust. The input and mixing of the magma for dark pumices to the base of the Aira silicic magma reservoir might trigger the eruptions in the upper part of the magma body and could produce a slight Sr isotope gradient in the reservoir. An extremely high thermal structure within the crust, which was caused by the uprise and accumulation of the basaltic magma, is presumed to have formed the large volume of silicic magma of the Aira stage.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. Over the following days, approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, however a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the immediate impacts on the intertidal habitat and to gain baseline information for future comparative assessments.Sediment PAH and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed within one month post-spill at oil-impacted sites; adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted; and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill. Highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand Sediment Quality Guidelines (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). These sites contained very few or no crab holes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. Little immediate impact was evident on the mangrove and macrobenthic communities, however future surveys may show evidence of longer-term impacts on these communities.  相似文献   

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