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随着深海油气田的快速发展,新兴的浮式生产系统,尤其是半潜式平台,由于具有性能优良、运动响应小、工作水深适用范围广、抗风浪荷载能力强等优点,在工程实际中得到快速的发展。在半潜式平台设计过程中,气隙和斜浪作用下的波浪爬升问题对其安全性能的影响至关重要。通过采用系泊定位状态下的四立柱半潜式平台进行波浪爬升实验,对平台不同位置进行全方位的监测,而后对测量数据进行分析,得出关于海浪对半潜式平台气隙响应的影响和相关规律,为半潜式平台的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

半潜平台的波浪爬升与气隙响应是设计过程中的重要考量因素。为探究随机波浪场中畸形波对半潜平台波浪爬升及气隙响应的影响,将含畸形波的随机波浪试验与一般随机波浪试验结果进行了对比研究分析。对模型试验测得的运动以及监测点处的波浪爬升及气隙进行频谱分析以及极值统计分析。研究发现,纵荡和纵摇的极大值主要受畸形波的影响而显著增大,纵荡、垂荡以及纵摇响应谱几乎不受单个畸形波影响;波浪爬升与气隙的极大值受到畸形波的影响而增大,同时,畸形波对气隙响应谱造成极大影响,增强了波浪爬升与气隙响应的非线性性。  相似文献   

深海立柱式平台概念设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室提出的多柱桁架式立柱平台(Cell-Truss Spar)概念为例,对Spar平台的概念设计方法和过程进行了初步的研究,并对其水动力性能进行理论和数值计算,分析一些影响Spar平台运动性能的参数。设计涉及到两方面的问题:一是设计方法、流程以及结构物的形式;二是水动力性能。整个设计流程是一个不断循环的交互式的过程,需要考虑很多方面因素的影响。  相似文献   

应用经CSPM法和黎曼解修正后的光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法,建立了主动吸收无反射数值波浪水槽,研究波浪作用下多孔介质结构的水动力特性。流体运动控制方程采用N-S方程,多孔渗水结构内流体的运动控制方程考虑渗流力的影响。数值计算结果给出了水槽内不同位置测点的波面历时曲线和越浪量随时间变化曲线,并同试验结果和Philip Liu的数值计算结果进行了比较。并对一个波浪周期内斜坡堤多孔介质结构内外的速度场和压力分布进行了讨论分析。计算分析表明,数值计算波面较Philip Liu的计算结果与试验结果吻合更好。说明应用SPH方法建立的二维数学模型能够较好地模拟破碎波在多孔渗水斜坡上的爬坡和越浪。  相似文献   

以方形立柱作为研究对象,对其在聚焦波作用下的波浪力特性进行研究。研究主要基于计算流体力学数值方法,对聚焦波作用下方形立柱在固定、单自由度纵荡、单自由度垂荡三种运动状态下所受波浪力进行研究。利用phase-inversion逆相位分解方法对其高阶力特性进行分析。首先对聚焦波生成方法、数值计算方法与参数设置进行简要介绍,其次展示了三种运动状态下立柱在聚焦波作用下所受波浪力,并对其进行分析,最后利用phase-inversion逆相位分解方法获得高阶波浪力成分并对其载荷特性进行分析讨论。研究发现逆相位分解方法可以有效分离波浪力高阶成分,不同运动状态下立柱所受波浪力会有显著不同。  相似文献   

碟形越浪式波能发电装置是1种新型的波能发电装置,本文对其几何形状及尺寸进行了初始设计。通过对装置越浪性能的物理模型试验研究,揭示了装置越浪量与入射波要素的变化关系,得到了不同干舷高度在各入射波要素下装置的波能俘获能力。  相似文献   

透空式防波堤周围的非线性波浪传播的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李熙  王义刚 《海洋工程》2004,22(3):97-101
对非线形波浪在透空式防波堤周围的波浪变形进行了数值模拟,在Boussinesq波浪方程中加入与透空建筑物有关的新的耗散项,从而界定了透空建筑物引起的部分反射和透射,波浪折射衍射的传播过程通过控制方程求解。波浪控制方程通过有限差分方法求解。模型应用于模拟波浪经过具有部分反射的群桩式透空结构,结果表明透空式防波堤可以有效地衰减波浪,是重力式结构的一种替代形式。  相似文献   

与单立柱平台(Spar)类似,四立柱平台在洋流作用下也容易发生涡激运动,对锚泊和立管系统的疲劳寿命产生不利影响。一种非对称半潜式平台具有两种不同尺寸的立柱,立柱直径比对非对称平台涡激运动性能的影响尚需深入研究。采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法,对直径比分别为1.0、1.5和2.0的立柱组合在两种不同角度水流作用下的运动响应进行了二维数值模拟,分析发现:立柱直径比不为1时四立柱平台也具有明显的涡激运动,其横荡运动具有显著的锁定现象;在广义折合速度定义下,与相同直径的四立柱平台相比,立柱直径比不为1时其横荡运动锁定区间变宽且滞后,横荡响应幅值的峰值具有明显差异;在所研究的直径比范围内,大直径立柱在上游时涡激运动响应比其在下游时更显著,且这种差异随着直径比变大而变大。  相似文献   

张娜  邹国良 《海洋工程》2015,33(2):32-41
为合理确定防浪建筑物的越浪量,基于含非静水压力梯度项的非线性浅水方程建立了近岸波浪越浪数值模型。通过采用域内造波、消波并结合波前静压假定的破碎模型,模拟了规则波和不规则波在斜坡上的波浪传播变形,并在此基础上进行了越浪量数值计算。数值计算结果与物理模型实验结果表明,非静压模型可合理地描述波浪破碎点位置、破碎后的波高、增减水以及斜坡上的堤后越浪量。数值模型具有较高的计算精度和计算效率,可为实际工程防浪建筑物越浪以及堤顶高程的设计提供一种新的数值研究手段。  相似文献   

陈恒  王磊 《海洋工程》2006,24(4):124-128
回顾了近几年来深海平台二阶波浪力的研究成果。对几种典型深海平台结构二阶波浪力研究作了详细的阐述,包括理论分析、数值计算和实验验证等。最后指出目前该领域主要研究方向,作为进一步研究的参考。  相似文献   

波浪的方向分布对波浪的传播及其与工程结构物的作用都具有明显影响,目前现有的研究大多是基于单向波浪进行的。为了研究方向分布对群墩结构上的爬高影响,基于规则波浪与群墩作用的理论解,结合多向不规则波浪的造波方法,建立了多向不规则波浪与群墩作用的计算模型,同时进行了物理模型试验对模型的有效性进行了验证。系统地对群墩周围及表面上的波浪爬高进行了计算分析,结果表明,方向分布对波浪爬高具有较大的影响,且不同位置处的影响并不相同,在实际的工程设计中如果按照单向波浪计算,可能低估或者高估群墩周围的爬高。  相似文献   

A finite element model of Boussinesq-type equations was set up, and a direct numerical method is proposed so that the full reflection boundary condition is exactly satisfied at a curved wall surface. The accuracy of the model was verified in tests. The present model was used to further examine cnoidal wave propagation and run-up around the cylinder. The results showed that the Ursell number is a nonlinear parameter that indicates the normalized profile of cnoidal waves and has a significant effect on the wave run-up. Cnoidal waves with the same Ursell number have the same normalized profile, but a difference in the relative wave height can still cause differences in the wave run-up between these waves. The maximum dimensionless run-up was predicted under various conditions. Cnoidal waves hold entirely distinct properties from Stokes waves under the influence of the water depth, and the nonlinearity of cnoidal waves enhances rather than weakens with increasing wavelength. Thus, the variations in the maximum run-up with the wavelength for cnoidal waves are completely different from those for Stokes waves, and there are even significant differences in the variation between different cnoidal waves.  相似文献   

通过物理模型试验研究陡墙式海堤复坡平台高程和宽度对波浪爬高的影响。平台越宽对波浪爬高影响越大,平台位于静水位处对波浪爬高影响最大,并得出了受平台影响的波浪爬高折减系数计算公式,可供工程参考使用。  相似文献   

This paper describes a plane regular wave interaction with a combined cylinder which consists of a solid inner column and a coaxial perforated outer cylinder.The outer perforated surface is a thin porous cylinder with an annular gap between it and the inner cylinder.The non-linear boundary condition at the perforated wall is a prime focus in the study;energy dissipation at the perforated wall occurs through the resistance to the fluid across the perforated wall.Explicit analytical formulae are presented to calculate the wave run-up on the outer and inner surfaces of the perforated cylinder and the surface of the inner column.The theoretical results of the wave run-up are compared with previous experimental data.Numerical results have also been obtained:when the ratio of the annular gap between the two cylinders to incident wavelength(b-a)/L≤0.1,the wave run-up on the inner surface of the perforated cylinder and the surface of inner column can partially or completely exceed the incident wave height.  相似文献   

近岸植被对波浪爬坡具有一定的衰减作用。在自然界中,由于植被的死亡、再生或人为破坏等原因,近岸植被通常呈片状分布,且其内部分布也是不均匀的。本文以完全非线性Boussinesq方程为基础,引入植被作用项,建立了模拟近岸植被区波浪传播的数值模型,验证了模型可靠性,进而采用该模型模拟分析了片状分布植被对孤立波爬高的影响。数值模拟结果表明,片状分布植被能有效减小孤立波爬高;对于均匀分布的片状植被,高密度片状植被对孤立波爬高的消减效果优于低密度片状植被;对于相同密度、不同分布形式的片状植被,均匀分布的片状植被对孤立波的消减效果优于不均匀分布的片状植被;对于不均匀分布的片状植被,前密后疏的片状植被对孤立波的消减效果优于前疏后密的片状植被。  相似文献   

本文采用圆柱体阵列来模拟珊瑚礁面的大糙率,通过波浪水槽实验研究礁面糙率对孤立波传播变形及岸滩爬高的影响。结果表明,粗糙礁面的存在显著削弱了礁坪上孤立波的首峰和礁后岸滩反射造成的次峰,同时降低了波浪在珊瑚礁面的传播速度;垂直于岸线方向沿礁相对波高随着入射波增大而减小,随着礁坪水深的增大而增大,粗糙礁面上波高沿礁的衰减更为显著;礁前斜坡的无量纲反射波高随无量纲入射波高的变化与礁坪水深有关,当入射波高足够大时其趋于常值,粗糙礁面略微增大了礁前斜坡的反射;无量纲透射波高和岸滩爬高随着无量纲入射波高的增大而减小,特别是礁坪水深较大时更为显著,粗糙礁面时的无量纲岸滩爬高相对于光滑礁面平均减小46%;通过回归分析得出了同时适合于光滑和粗糙礁面的预测孤立波岸滩爬高的经验关系式。  相似文献   

The benchmark simulations of wave run-up on a fixed single truncated circular cylinder and four circular cylinders are presented in this paper. Our in-house CFD solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU is adopted which is an unsteady two-phase CFD code based on the open source package OpenFOAM. The Navier-Stokes equations are employed as the governing equations, and the volume of fluid (VOF) method is applied for capturing the free surface. Monochromatic incident waves with the specified wave period and wave height are simulated and wave run-up heights around the cylinder are computed and recorded with numerical virtual wave probes. The relationship between the wave run-up heights and the incident wave parameters are analyzed. The numerical results indicate that the presented naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver can provide accurate predictions for the wave run-up on one fixed cylinder and four cylinders, which has been proved by the comparison of simulated results with experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper, first we introduce the wave run-up scale which describes the degree of wave run-up based on observed sea conditions near and on a coastal structure. Then, we introduce a simple method which can be used for daily forecast of wave run-up on a coastal structure. The method derives a multiple linear regression equation between wave run-up scale and offshore wind and wave parameters using long-term photographical observation of wave run-up and offshore wave forecasting model results. The derived regression equation then can be used for forecasting the run-up scale using the offshore wave forecasting model results. To test the implementation of the method, wave run-up scales were observed at four breakwaters in the East Coast of Korea for 9 consecutive months in 2008. The data for the first 6 months were used to derive multiple linear regression equations, which were then validated using the run-up scale data for the remaining 3 months and the corresponding offshore wave forecasting model results. A comparison with an engineering formula for wave run-up is also made. It is found that this method can be used for daily forecast and warning of wave run-up on a coastal structure with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

A finite-difference scheme and a modified marker-and-cell (MAC) algorithm have been developed to investigate the interactions of fully nonlinear waves with two- or three-dimensional structures of arbitrary shape. The Navier–Stokes (NS) and continuity equations are solved in the computational domain and the boundary values are updated at each time step by the finite-difference time-marching scheme in the framework of a rectangular coordinate system. The fully nonlinear kinematic free-surface condition is implemented by the marker-density function (MDF) technique developed for two fluid layers.To demonstrate the capability and accuracy of the present method, the numerical simulation of backstep flows with free-surface, and the numerical tests of the MDF technique with limit functions are conducted. The 3D program was then applied to nonlinear wave interactions with conical gravity platforms of circular and octagonal cross-sections. The numerical prediction of maximum wave run-up on arctic structures is compared with the prediction of the Shore Protection Manual (SPM) method and those of linear and second-order diffraction analyses based on potential theory and boundary element method (BEM). Through this comparison, the effects of non-linearity and viscosity on wave loading and run-up are discussed.  相似文献   

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