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Estuaries, commonly, are densely populated areas serving the needs of the inhabitants in multiple ways. Often the interests are conflicting and decisions need to be made by the local managers. Intake of fresh water for consumption, agricultural purposes or use by industries may take place within a region not far landward of the limit of salt intrusion. Human interventions (e.g. deepening of the navigation channels) or climate changes (sea level rise, reduction of the river discharge) can bring these intake locations within the reach of saline or brackish water and consequently endanger their function. To support policy and managerial decisions, a profound knowledge of processes associated with the salinity structure in estuaries is required. Although nowadays advanced numerical three-dimensional models are available that are able to cope with the complexity of the physics there is still a need for relatively simple tools for quick-scan actions in a pre-phase of a project or for instructive purposes. The analytical model described in this paper may serve these needs. It computes the maximum salinity distribution using the dispersion coefficient in the mouth as the only model parameter. The model has been calibrated using observational data in a large number of estuaries and experimental data in a tidal flume. The dispersion coefficient was successfully related to geometric and hydrodynamic parameters resulting in an expression that can be used for convergent estuaries as well as prismatic channels, see Eqs. 25a and 25b. Application of the model in a predictive mode showed its promising capabilities. Comparison with three-dimensional numerical models indicates that the channel geometry in the estuary mouth largely influences dispersive processes. The analytical model for salt intrusion may be used in combination with the analytical model for tidal propagation in convergent estuaries and tidal channels by Van Rijn (part I). In this way, input is obtained on the tidal velocity amplitude and the Chézy roughness following calibration of this model on tidal amplitudes along the estuary.  相似文献   


Little is known about the salt intrusion behaviour in Malaysian estuaries. Study of salt intrusion generally requires large amounts of data, especially if 2-D or 3-D numerical models are used; thus, in data-poor environments, 1-D analytical models are more appropriate. A fully analytical 1-D salt intrusion model, which is simple to implement and requires minimal data, was tested in six previously unsurveyed Malaysian estuaries (Kurau, Perak, Bernam, Selangor, Muar and Endau). The required data can be collected during a single day of observations. Site measurements were conducted during the dry season (June–August 2012 and February–March 2013) near spring tide. Data on cross-sections (by echo-sounding), water levels (by pressure loggers) and salinity (by moving boat) were collected as model input. A good fit was demonstrated between the simulated and observed salinity distribution for all six estuaries. Additionally, the two calibration parameters (the Van der Burgh coefficient and the boundary condition for the dispersion) were compared with the existing predictive equations. Since gauging stations were only present in some nested catchments in the drainage basins, the river discharge had to be up-scaled to represent the total discharge contribution of the catchments. However, the correspondence between the calibration coefficients and the predictive equations was good, particularly in view of the uncertainty in the river discharge data used. This confirms that the predictive salt intrusion model is valid for the cases studied in Malaysia. The model provides a reliable, predictive tool, which the water authority of Malaysia can use for making decisions on water abstraction or dredging.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor A. Fiori  相似文献   

Both natural changes (e.g., tidal forcing from the ocean and global sea level rise) and human-induced changes (e.g., dredging for navigation, sand excavation, and land reclamation) exert considerable influences on the long-term evolution of tidal regimes in estuaries. Evaluating the impacts of these factors on tidal-regime shifts is particularly important for the protection and management of estuarine environments. In this study, an analytical approach is developed to investigate the impacts of estuarine morphological alterations (mean water depth and width convergence length) on tidal hydrodynamics in Lingdingyang Bay, Southeast China. Based on the observed tidal levels from two tidal gauging stations along the channel, tidal wave celerity and tidal damping/amplification rate of different tidal constituents are computed using tidal amplitude and phase of tidal constituents extracted from a standard harmonic analysis. We show that the minimum mean water depth for the whole estuary occurred in 2006, whereas a shift in tidal wave celerity for the M2 tide component occurred in 2009. As such, the study period (1990–2016) could be separated into pre-human (1990–2009) and post-human (2010–2016) phases. Our results show that the damping/amplification rate and celerity of the M2 tide have increased by 31% (from 7 to 9.2 m−1) and 28% (from 7 to 9 m·s−1) respectively, as a consequence of the substantial impacts of human interventions. The proposed analytical method is subsequently applied to analyse the historical development of tidal hydrodynamics and regime shifts induced by human interventions, thus linking the evolution of estuarine morphology to the dominant tidal hydrodynamics along the channel. The observed tidal regime shift is primarily caused by channel deepening, which substantially enlarged the estuary and reduced effective bottom friction resulting in faster celerity and stronger wave amplification. Our proposed method for quantifying the impacts of human interventions on tidal regime shifts can inform evidence-based guidelines for evaluating hydraulic responses to future engineering activities.  相似文献   

An analytical and a numerical model are used to understand the response of velocity and sediment distributions over Gaussian-shaped estuarine cross-sections to changes in tidal forcing and water depth. The estuaries considered here are characterized by strong mixing and a relatively weak along-channel density gradient. It is also examined under what conditions the fast, two-dimensional analytical flow model yields results that agree with those obtained with the more complex three-dimensional numerical model. The analytical model reproduces and explains the main velocity and sediment characteristics in large parts of the parameter space considered (average tidal velocity amplitude, 0.1–1 m s − 1 and maximum water depth, 10–60 m). Its skills are lower for along-channel residual flows if nonlinearities are moderate to high (strong tides in deep estuaries) and for transverse flows and residual sediment concentrations if the Ekman number is small (weak tides in deep estuaries). An important new aspect of the analytical model is the incorporation of tidal variations in the across-channel density gradient, causing a double circulation pattern in the transverse flow during slack tides. The gradient also leads to a new tidally rectified residual flow component via net advection of along-channel tidal momentum by the density-induced transverse tidal flow. The component features landward currents in the channel and seaward currents over the slopes and is particularly effective in deeper water. It acts jointly with components induced by horizontal density differences, Coriolis-induced tidal rectification and Stokes discharge, resulting in different along-channel residual flow regimes. The residual across-channel density gradient is crucial for the residual transverse circulation and for the residual sediment concentration. The clockwise density-induced circulation traps sediment in the fresher water over the left slope (looking up-estuary in the northern hemisphere). Model results are largely consistent with available field data of well-mixed estuaries.  相似文献   

Brine migration and saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers are among the hazards which may result from injecting CO2 into deep saline formations. Comprehensive risk assessment should include estimates of the salinization of freshwater aquifers, preferably based on numerical simulation results. A crucial task is to choose an appropriate conceptual model and relevant scenarios. Overly conservative assumptions may lead to estimation of unacceptably high risks, and thus prevent the implementation of a CO2 storage project unnecessarily. On the other hand, risk assessment should not lead to an underestimation of hazards. This study compares two conceptual model approaches for the numerical simulation of brine-migration scenarios through a vertical fault and salt intrusion into a fresh water aquifer. The first approach calculates salt discharge into freshwater using an immiscible two-phase model with constant salinity in the brine phase. The second approach takes compositional effects into account and considers salinity as a variable parameter in the water phase. A spatial model coupling is introduced to adapt the increased model complexity to the required complexity of the physics. The immiscible two-phase model is applied in the CO2 storage reservoir and spatially coupled to a single-phase (water) two-component (water, salt) model, where salt mass fraction is a variable. A Dirichlet–Neumann technique is used for the coupling conditions at the interface of the two models. The results show that the predicted salt discharges can vary by orders of magnitude depending on the choice of the model. The implications of the results for risk assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Rainwater, groundwater and soil-water samples were analysed to assess groundwater geochemistry and the origin of salinity in the Ochi-Narkwa basin of the Central Region of Ghana. The samples were measured for major ions and stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and δ13C). The Cl? content in rainwater decreased with distance from the coast. The major hydrochemical facies were Na-Cl for the shallow groundwaters and Ca-Mg-HCO3, Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 for the deep groundwaters. Groundwater salinization is caused largely by halite dissolution and to a minor extent by silicate weathering and seawater intrusion. Stable isotope composition of the groundwaters followed a slope of 3.44, suggesting a mixing line. Chloride profiles in the soil zone revealed the existence of salt crusts, which support halite dissolution in the study area. A conceptual flow model developed to explain the mechanism of salinization showed principal groundwater flow in the NW–SE direction.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis


In recent years, environmental assessments of groundwater resources have resulted in the development of models that help identify the vulnerable zones. An aquifer is investigated using both GALDIT and DRASTIC indices. The GALDIT model is developed to determine the vulnerability of coastal aquifers in terms of saltwater intrusion whereas the DRASTIC model is generally applicable to all aquifers. Having compared the results of both the GALDIT and DRASTIC models with quality parameters, the salinity model proved to be more appropriate in identifying the vulnerability of coastal aquifers. The results show a Pearson correlation coefficient between TDS and the GALDIT vulnerability map of 0.58 while the corresponding value for the DRASTIC index is 0.48.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Fiori  相似文献   

The main regularities of hydrological and hydrological-environmental processes occurring within the complex estuary, the Chesapeake Bay and the mouths of its tributaries, are discussed. The peculiarities of the estuary morphological structure, including the structures of tidal and net currents, salinity and water turbidity fields and their variability, the environmental conditions, and their human-induced changes. Using the Chesapeake Bay as an example, it became possible to reveal the basic features of classical estuaries subject to a considerable impact of river runoff and featuring mixing of river and sea water and moderate stratification of the water mass. It is shown that the regularities of hydrological processes in the Chesapeake Bay are typical of many mouth water bodies of estuarine type (inlets, drowned river valleys, lagoons, and tidal estuaries proper).  相似文献   

The increase of salt intrusion in recent years in the Modaomen Estuary, one of the estuaries of the Pearl River Delta in China, has threatened the freshwater supply in the surrounding regions, especially the cities of Zhongshan, Zhuhai in Guangdong Province and Macau. A numerical modeling system using nested grids was developed to investigate the salt transport mechanisms and the response of salt intrusion to changes in river discharge and tidal mixing. The steady shear transport induced by estuarine circulation reaches maximum and minimum, respectively, during neap and spring tides, while the tidal oscillatory transport shows an opposite pattern. The net transport is landward during neap tides and seaward during spring tides. The salt intrusion length responding to constant river discharges generally follows a power law of ?0.49. The dependence of salt intrusion on tidal velocity is less than that predicted by theoretical models for exchange flow dominated estuaries. The response of salt intrusion to change in tidal velocity depends largely on river discharge. When river flow increases, the impact of tidal velocity increases and the phase lag of response time decreases. The asymmetries of salt intrusion responding to increasing and decreasing river discharge (tidal velocity) are observed in the estuary.  相似文献   

In tidal estuaries, quantifying freshwater discharge is still a difficult problem that has not yet been overcome due to the inherent difficulty in measuring and analysing the tidal discharge, especially during periods of low river flow. Because observations are often made in the stations further upstream, where the ratio of river to tidal discharge is large, it remains difficult to determine the discharge rate in the saline region. Freshwater discharge estimation is even more difficult in a branched estuary system having multiple diversion channels that connect with each other at a junction. To date, several methods have been developed for estimating freshwater discharge in estuaries. The most widely used are analytical and conceptual models that employ salinity as the principal trace and numerical simulations. However, these methods are very time consuming and costly as they require large sets of observations before the computations can take place. This paper presents a simple approach to investigating the discharge distribution over branched channels by considering the energy loss due to friction. We develop an analytical model that can obtain the discharge rate quantitatively at a junction where the main flow bifurcates into two branches. The model uses the bed roughness, tidal water level, and cross‐sectional profile under tidally averaged conditions as input data. Two selected estuarine systems in the Hiroshima delta in Japan and the Mekong delta in Vietnam have been investigated. Computations of the newly developed model show good agreement with earlier published results computed by sophisticated analytical and numerical models.  相似文献   


The intrusion of seawater in a tidal river is treated as a diffusion problem, characterized by a coefficient of longitudinal diffusivity.

In order to analyse the longitudinal diffusivity, a mathematical model is set up, consisting of two bodies of water, either one besides the other or one on top of the other. The two bodies are assumed to move relatively to each other, as a secondary effect of the tidal flow. It is moreover assumed that there is turbulent exchange of salt between the bodies.

It is demonstrated that the diffusion of salt into the river is greatest for an optimum value of the coefficient of exchange between the two bodies.

Exchange weaker or stronger than this optimum both diminish the salt intrusion.

The theory is applied to the Rotterdam Waterway, for which estimates of the exchange are made. Estimation of the reduction of the turbulence by stratification and hence of the vertical exchange, shows that the observed strong intrusion is explainable.

Intensified vertical mixing, for instance as provoked by compressed air, need not always result in less intrusion, and hence should be considered carefully.  相似文献   


This paper presents a neural network model capable of catchment-wide simultaneous prediction of river stages at multiple gauging stations. Thirteen meteorological parameters are considered in the input, which includes rainfall, temperature, mean relative humidity and evaporation. The NARX model is trained with a representative set of hourly data, with optimal time delay for both the input and output. The network trained using 120-day data is able to produce simulations that are in excellent agreement with field observations. We show that for application with one-step-ahead predictions, the loss in network performance is marginal. Inclusion of additional tidal observations does not improve predictions, suggesting that the river stage stations under consideration are not sensitive to tidal backwater effects despite the claim commonly made.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR F. Pappenberger  相似文献   


Researchers have used various physical, chemical, or topographic features to define estuaries, based on the needs of their particular subject. The principal features of estuaries are the tides that influence their water stages; thus, the boundaries of an estuary can be determined based on whether the water stage is subject to tidal influence. However, the water stage is also influenced by the upstream river discharge. A hydrograph of water stage will therefore include both non-stationary and nonlinear features. Here, we use the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT), which allows us to process such non-stationary and nonlinear signals, to decompose the water-stage hydrographs recorded at different gauging stations in an estuary into their intrinsic mode function (IMF) components and residuals. We then analyse the relationships between the frequencies of IMFs and known tidal components. A frequency correlation indicates that the water stage of the station is subject to tidal influences and is located within the estuary. The spatial distribution of the stations that are subject to tidal influences can then be used to define the estuary boundaries. We used data from gauging stations in the estuary region of Taiwan's Tanshui River to assess the feasibility of using the HHT to define an estuary. The results show that the HHT is a dependable and easy method for determining the boundaries of an estuary.

Citation Chen, Y.-C., Kao, S.-P., and Chiang, H.-W., 2013. Defining an estuary using the Hilbert-Huang transform. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 841–853.  相似文献   


Increased demand associated with population or economic growth, and decreased supply under some climatic shifts, obviously contribute to water scarcity. As a fresh perspective, we offer a generic theoretical treatment using a computational “maquette”, employing parameterizations to avoid assumptions about the origin and scale of climate and demand changes. The results suggest a distinct (and more subtle) point: the sensitivities of water stress to changes in both the mean and the variance of hydroclimate are modulated by demand level. Theoretical behaviours generated by the reduced-complexity model are surprisingly intricate, including profound nonlinearities and bifurcations. These may form a lower bound on the dynamical complexity of the demand–supply–scarcity nexus. Overall, the outcomes suggest that demand growth substantially intensifies and nonlinearizes water stress sensitivities to secular climate variation, and, in particular, that the interactions between demand changes and second-order hydroclimatic non-stationarity may produce non-intuitive water scarcity impacts requiring much closer study.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR N. Ilich  相似文献   

Conceptual models of circulation theorise that the dominant forces controlling estuarine circulation are freshwater discharge from the riverine section (landward), tidal forcing from the ocean boundary, and gravitational circulation resulting from along-estuary gradients in density. In micro-tidal estuaries, sub-tidal water level changes (classified as those with periods between 3 and 10 days) with amplitudes comparable to the spring tidal range can significantly influence the circulation and distribution of water properties. Field measurements obtained from the Swan River Estuary, a diurnal, micro-tidal estuary in south-western Australia, indicated that sub-tidal water level changes at the ocean boundary were predominantly from remotely forced continental shelf waves (CSWs). The sub-tidal water levels had maximum amplitudes of 0.8 m, were comparable to the maximum tidal range of 0.6 m, propagated into the estuary to its tidal limit, and modified water levels in the whole estuary over several days. These oscillations dominated the circulation and distribution of water properties in the estuary through changing the salt wedge location and increasing the bottom water salinity by 7 units over 3 days. The observed salt wedge excursion forced by CSW was up to 5 km, whereas the maximum tidal excursion was 1.2 km. The response of the residual currents and the salinity distribution lagged behind the water level changes by ∼24 h. It was proposed that the sub-tidal forcing at the ocean boundary, which changed the circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the upper estuary, was due to a combination of two processes: (1) a gravity current generated by a process similar to a lock exchange mechanism and (2) amplified along-estuary density gradients in the upper estuary, which enhanced the gravitational circulation in the estuary. The salt intrusions under the sub-tidal forcing caused the rapid movement of anoxic water upstream, with significant implications for water quality and estuarine health.  相似文献   

While recent studies have revealed that tidal fluctuations in an estuary significantly affect groundwater flows and salt transport in the riparian zone, only seawater salinity in the estuary has been considered. A numerical study is conducted to investigate the influence of estuarine salinity variations on the groundwater flow and salt dynamics in the adjacent aquifer to extend our understanding of these complex and dynamic systems. Tidal salinity fluctuations (synchronous with estuary stage) were found to alter the magnitude and distribution of groundwater discharge to the estuary, which subsequently impacted on groundwater salinity patterns and residence times, especially in the riparian zone. The effects of salinity fluctuations were not fully captured by adopting a constant, time-averaged estuarine salinity. The modelling analysis also included an assessment of the impact of a seasonal freshwater flush in the estuary, similar to that expected in tropical climates (e.g. mean estuary level during flood significantly greater than average), on adjacent groundwater flow and salinity conditions. The three-month freshwater flushing event temporarily disrupted the salt distribution and re-circulation patterns predicted to occur under conditions of constant salinity and tidal water level fluctuations in the estuary. The results indicate that the salinity variations in tidal estuaries impact significantly on estuary–aquifer interaction and need to be accounted for to properly assess salinity and flow dynamics and groundwater residence times of riparian zones.  相似文献   

An empirical model for salinity intrusion in alluvial estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main parameters that affect the salinity intrusion in estuaries are their geometric, hydrologic and hydrodynamic characteristics. The recognition of effective parameters and understanding their roles in the salinity intrusion are required for estuarine water management. In this study, the governing equations of the salinity intrusion processes were scaled to derive the effective dimensionless parameters. Then, a previously verified model, CE-QUAL-W2, was utilized as a virtual laboratory to investigate the effects of different governing parameters on the salinity intrusion. Analysis of the results showed that logarithmic functions can be used to describe the effect of dimensionless parameters obtained by scaling of governing equations. Finally, a formula was suggested to predict the salinity intrusion length based on geometrical and hydrodynamic characteristics of alluvial estuaries.  相似文献   

Wen‐Cheng Liu 《水文研究》2005,19(20):4039-4054
A vertical (laterally integrated) two‐dimensional numerical model was applied to study the hydrodynamic characteristics, salt‐water intrusion and residual circulation in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The cross‐sectional profiles measured in 2001 and 1990 respectively represent the conditions after and before channel regulation in the Keelung River. The model was re‐verified with the available hydrological data measured in 2001. Detailed model re‐verification has been conducted with water surface elevations, tidal current, and salinity distributions measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available field data. The model was then used to investigate the change in tidal ranges, salt‐water intrusion, and residual circulation as a result of channel regulation in the Keelung River. The model simulations indicate that more tidal energy propagates into the estuarine system before channel regulation because of the substantial increase in river cross‐sections. The residual circulations before channel regulation are greater than those after channel regulation and result in the limits of the salt intrusion before channel regulation being extended farther inland than those after channel regulation. This may show that channel regulation for flood control in the Keelung River did not contribute to the expansion of the mangrove areas and the disappearance of freshwater marshes at the Kuan‐Du wetlands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, hydrostatic, primitive equation numerical model with modern turbulence closures is used to explore lateral circulation and the associated transport of sediments in idealized, moderately to highly stratified estuaries. The model results suggest that boundary mixing on a sloping bottom can drive a significant amount of lateral circulation. This mechanism has received little attention to date in the estuarine literature. Good agreement with an analytical solution and similar vertical structures of lateral flows to observations from the Hudson River estuary support the importance of the boundary mixing mechanism. Boundary mixing is at least as important as differential advection for the modeled scenarios, when the two mechanisms are evaluated using the salt balance equation for model runs without rotation. Linearly superposing analytical solutions for lagged boundary mixing lateral flow and Ekman-forced lateral flow yields a good representation of the near-bottom lateral flow from the model with rotation. The 2 h lag required for the boundary mixing solution is roughly equal to the vertical diffusion time scale, indicating that lateral flow adjustment depends on development of a bottom mixed layer. Sediment dynamics at cross sections seaward and landward of the salt intrusion are very different. Seaward of the salt intrusion, sediments are eroded in the channel and preferentially deposited on the right slope (looking seaward), mainly due to the combination of high sediment concentration in the channel during flood with strong up-slope transport on that side (tidal pumping). Lateral sediment re-distribution landward of the salt intrusion is negligible due to weak residual lateral circulation.  相似文献   

Current velocity and hydrographic profiles obtained for the first time in a Chilean glacial fjord were combined with under-way surface temperature and salinity measurements to describe the formation of tidal intrusion fronts and plume-like fronts. These fronts formed within several hundred meters from each other in the vicinity of a shallow sill, maximum depth of approximately 3 m, in a glacial fjord off the Strait of Magellan in the Chilean Patagonia. Measurements were obtained in mid-December of 2003 and 2004, during late austral spring, under active glacier melting and calving. The glacial fjord is approximately 18 km long from the face of the glacier to the connection with the Strait of Magellan and typically less than 1 km wide throughout the system. Between the glacier face and the 3-m sill, depths are typically less than 100 m, and seaward of the sill, depths increase to more than 200 m. Velocity and salinity data obtained during flood periods revealed that water with oceanic salinity was aspirated to near-surface levels from depths of approximately 30 m as flood flows accelerated from approximately 10 cm s−1, seaward of the sill, to approximately 60 cm s−1 at the sill crest. The upwelled water was then slightly diluted by mixing at the sill crest before plunging down to the basin between the glacier and the sill. The plunging of salty water over the sill created dramatic tidal intrusion fronts only a few tens of meters from the sill crest and pumping of salt with every flood period. During ebb periods, the low salinity waters derived from the glacier and a small river near the glacier converged at the sill crest. After some mixing, the buoyant waters were released within a thin layer (∼3 m deep) lead by a plume-like front that remained coherent for a few hundred meters seaward of the sill. The main findings of this study were that tidal intrusion and plume fronts were observed within 2 km from each other, and that tidal pumping was the predominant mechanism for salt fluxes into the system.  相似文献   

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