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L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser à l’échelle du bassin du fleuve Sénégal l’évolution de quatre classes de précipitations journalières, le nombre de jours de pluie et la durée de la saison des pluies. La méthode consiste à appliquer des tests statistiques d’homogénéité aux séries de pluies annuelles sur la période 1950–1998 pour détecter des ruptures et caractériser l’évolution de ces six variables de part et d’autre des dates de rupture. Les séries de pluie annuelle présentent une rupture entre 1966 et 1970. Les déficits de jours pluvieux de la période après rupture par rapport à celle d’avant varient entre 6,2% à Kédougou et 38,6% à Saint Louis. La classe de pluie de plus de 50 mm (P4) présente les déficits les plus importants qui varient entre 14,8% à la station de Mamou et 66,6% à la station de Nioro du Sahel.  相似文献   


This work critically assesses the storage, or hydrological methods of flood routing, focusing on the Muskingum and Kalinin-Miljukov methods. The common hydraulic basis of these methods and their inter-relationships are established, emphasising hydraulic derivations of the Muskingum method's weighting coefficient. Important characteristics of the routing scheme are highlighted, especially the scheme's affinity to the pseudo-viscosity method of shock computation; the flow-dependence (nonlinearity) of routing parameters is analysed, as are mass balance errors. Options in calculating depths and in handling lateral flows are presented. Storage routing models are shown to be instances of a numerically equivalent convection—diffusion equation or kinematic wave-derived convection—diffusion routing model that is also able to relate depth and discharge at-a-section via loop-shaped rating curves; the consequences of ignoring the rating curves' transience are pointed out. System analytic parameter estimations are summarised, a routing option with direct use of the diffusion wave system response function (SRF) is reviewed, the selection of routing reaches based on the river morphology is discussed, and the extension of storage-type routing to mass transport simulation is indicated.  相似文献   


Abstract Characterization of heterogeneity at the field scale generally requires detailed aquifer properties such as transmissivity and hydraulic head. An accurate delineation of these properties is expensive and time consuming, and for many if not most groundwater systems, is not practical. As an alternative approach, stochastic representation of random fields is used and presented in this paper. Specifically, an iterative stochastic conditional simulation approach was applied to a hypothetical and highly heterogeneous pre-designed aquifer system. The approach is similar to the classical co-kriging technique; it uses a linear estimator that depends on the covariance functions of transmissivity (T), and hydraulic head (h), as well as their cross-covariances. A linearized flow equation along with a conditional random field generator constitutes the iterative process of the conditional simulation. One hundred equally likely realizations of transmissivity fields with pre-specified geostatistical parameters were generated, and conditioned to both limited transmissivity and head data. The successful implementation of the approach resulted in conditioned flow paths and travel-time distribution under different degrees of aquifer heterogeneity. This approach worked well for fields exhibiting small variances. However, for random fields exhibiting large variances (greater than 1.0), an iterative procedure was used. The results show that, as the variance of the ln[T] increases, the flow paths tend to diverge, resulting in a wide spectrum of flow conditions, with no direct discernable relationship between the degree of heterogeneity and travel time. The applied approach indicates that high errors may result when estimation of particle travel times in a heterogeneous medium is approximated by an equivalent homogeneous medium.  相似文献   


L'étude des bassins côtiers de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès Nord, basée sur l'interprétation des données hydrochimiques (éléments majeurs) et isotopiques (18O, 2H et 14C), a permis une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement hydrodynamique de l'aquifère Miocène le long de la frange côtière. En effet, d'après les données géochimiques, apparaît la présence de deux types de faciès chimiques: chloruré sodique dans le bassin de Sfax et mixte à chloruré sodique dans le bassin de Gabès Nord. Cette transition d'un faciès à un autre souligne la variabilité des origines de minéralisation des eaux. L'utilisation des outils isotopiques a permis l'identification d'une eau relativement ancienne à l'exception de quelques poches de recharge récente matérialisées à partir du relief de Zemlet El Beida en amont du bassin de Gabès Nord. Ceci a été vérifié par les fortes activités en14C des eaux dans cette région. Par conséquent, on peut noter que le passage du Sud au Nord le long de la côte est marqué par une grande variation latérale de lithologie et d'épaisseur de la formation aquifère, soulignant ainsi l'indépendance de chacun des deux réservoirs de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès en absence de toute continuité hydrodynamique entre les deux bassins.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé S. Faye

Citation Ben Cheikh, N., Zouari, K., et Abidi, B., 2012. Application des outils chimiques et isotopiques à l'étude de la relation hydrodynamique entre les aquifères profonds de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès Nord (Sud-Est tunisien). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1662–1671.  相似文献   


Abstract Since the end of the 1950s, suspended matter measurements have been carried out in the streams and rivers of Cameroon. Despite the fact that these are often point measurements, they provide a framework for a global approach towards studying the regimes of suspended sediment transport in these rivers. The objective here is to assess the intensity of sediment transport and to determine the principal factors which influence it, according to the main climatic units. The influence of human activities is pointed out. It appears that steep slopes, population density, soil cultivation and cattle grazing are the essential factors. The sediment load in these rivers is increasing with latitude with 20–40 g m-3 at the Equator, 80–100 g m-3 in the transition zones and 150–160 g m-3 in the dry tropical zones. The choice of drainage basin size for the characterisation of the rate of effective erosion is indispensable. In fact, in large drainage basins (5 × 104 km2), there is an integration of heterogeneous geomorphological, phytogeographical, pedological and anthropogenic characteristics into average characteristics which do not show the influence of local conditions on sediment transport.  相似文献   


Abstract After the destructive flood in 1998, the Chinese government planned to build national weather radar networks and to use radar data for real-time flood forecasting. Hence, coupling of weather radar rainfall data and a hydrological (Xinanjiang) model became an important issue. The present study reports on experience in such coupling at the Shiguanhe watershed. After having corrected the radar reflectivity and the attenuation data, the weather radar rainfall was estimated and then corrected in real time using a Kalman filter. In general, the precipitation estimated from weather radar is reasonably accurate in most of the catchment investigated, after corrections as above. Compared to the results simulated by raingauge data, the simulations based on the weather radar data are of similar accuracy. Present research results show that rainfall estimated from the weather radar, the radar data correction method, the method of coupling, and the Xinanjiang model lend themselves well to application in operational real-time flood forecasting.  相似文献   


Abstract Geophysical results obtained in the Rharb basin, Morocco are reported. Correlations between hydrogeological well logs reveal several water-bearing Plio-Quaternary units resting on a substrate of blue marls. Geo-electrical borehole analyses were interpreted using bi-logarithmic diagrams which indicate the permeable layers of the aquifer and also its basement. Resistivity data from NE–SW and NW–SE electrical sections allow definition of the permeable/impermeable levels, and identification of ?ditches? that may be favourable sectors for hydrogeological exploitation. Resistivity anomalies were investigated by analysing maps of resistivity at 400 and 1000 m AB. Anomalies identified in the Rharb basin are related to the thickening of the permeable bodies (sand, limestone, sandstone deposits). In the coastal zone (AB = 1000 m), there is a strong decrease of the resistivity gradient (35–10 Ω m), which is probably linked to marine intrusion. Electrical anomalies allow detection of the water-bearing zones notably in the western and southwestern parts of the Rharb basin.  相似文献   

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