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Streamflow in the Himalayan rivers is generated from rainfall, snow and ice. The distribution of runoff produced from these sources is such that the streamflow may be observed in these rivers throughout the year, i.e. they are perennial in nature. Snow and glacier melt runoff contributes substantially to the annual flows of these rivers and its estimation is required for the planning, development and management of the water resources of this region. The average contribution of snow and glacier melt runoff in the annual flows of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam has been determined. Keeping in view the availability of data for the study basin, a water balance approach was used and a water budget period of 10 years (October 1986-September 1996) was considered for the analysis. The rainfall input to the study basin over the water budget period was computed from isohyets using rainfall data of 10 stations located at different elevations in the basin. The total volume of flow for the same period was computed using observed flow data of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam. A relationship between temperature and evaporation was developed and used to estimate the evapotranspiration losses. The snow-covered area, and its depletion with time, was determined using satellite data. It was found that the average contribution of snow and glacier runoff in the annual flow of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam is about 59%, the remaining 41% being from rain.  相似文献   


Forest growth unfavourably reduces low flows and annual runoff in a basin in Japan. Annual precipitation and runoff of the watershed are summarized from observed daily rainfall and discharge, and annual evapotranspiration is estimated from the annual water balance. The water balance analysis shows obvious trends: reduced annual runoff and increased evapotranspiration over a 36-year period when forest growth increased the leaf area index. Between two periods, 1960–1969 and 1983–1992, mean annual runoff decreased 11%, from 1258 to 1118 mm, due to a 37% increase in evapotranspiration (precipitation minus runoff) from 464 to 637 mm. This increase in evapotranspiration cannot be attributed to changed evaporative demand, based on climatic variability over the 36-year period of record. Flow duration curves show reduced flows in response to forest growth. In particular, they suggest stronger absolute changes for higher flows but stronger proportional changes for medium and lower flows. A distributed model is applied to simulate the influences of five scenarios based on a 30% change in leaf area index and 5% change in soil storage capacity. From the simulation results, canopy growth appears to contribute much more to flow reduction than changes in soil storage capacity.  相似文献   


A modelling experiment is used to examine different land-use scenarios ranging from extreme deforestation (31% forest cover) to pristine (95% forest cover) conditions and related Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes to assess whether a change in streamflow dynamics, discharge extremes and mean annual water balance of a 73.4-km2 tropical headwater catchment in Costa Rica could be detected. A semi-distributed, conceptual rainfall–runoff model was adapted to conceptualize the empirically-based, dominant hydrological processes of the study area and was multi-criteria calibrated using different objective functions and empirical constraints on model simulations in a Monte Carlo framework to account for parameter uncertainty. The results suggest that land-use change had relatively little effect on the overall mean annual water yield (<3%). However, streamflow dynamics proved to be sensitive in terms of frequency, timing and magnitude of discharge extremes. For low flows and peak discharges of return periods greater than one year, land use had a minor influence on the runoff response. Below these thresholds (<1-year return period), forest cover potentially decreased runoff peaks and low flows by as much as 10%, and non-forest cover increased runoff peaks and low flows by up to 15%. The study demonstrated the potential for using hydrological modelling to help identify the impact of protection and reforestation efforts on ecosystem services.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Birkel, C., Soulsby, C., and Tetzlaff, D., 2012. Modelling the impacts of land-cover change on streamflow dynamics of a tropical rainforest headwater catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1543–1561.  相似文献   

The impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation was studied for rainfed, snowfed and glacierfed basins located in the western Himalayan region. Hydrological processes were simulated under current climatic conditions using a conceptual hydrological model, which accounts for the rainfall–runoff, evaporation losses, snow and glacier melt. After simulations of daily observed streamflow (R2=0.90) for 6 years, the model was used to study the impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation. Based on the future projected climatic scenarios in the study region, three temperature scenarios (T+1, T+2 and T+3 °C) were adopted for quantifying the effect of warmer climate. The comparison of the effect of warmer climate on different types of basins indicated that the increase in evaporation was the maximum for snowfed basins. For a T+2 °C scenario, the annual evaporation for the rainfed basins increased by about 12%, whereas for the snowfed basins it increased by about 24%. The high increase of the evaporation losses would reduce the runoff. It was found that under a warmer climate, melt was reduced from snowfed basins, but increased from glacierfed basins. For a T+2 °C scenario, annual melt was reduced by about 18% for the studied snowfed basin, while it increased by about 33% for the glacierfed basin. Thus, impact of warmer climate on the melt from the snowfed and glacierfed basins was opposite to each other. The study suggests that out of three types of basins, snowfed basins are more sensitive in terms of reduction in water availability due to a compound effect of increase in evaporation and decrease in melt. For a complex type of basin, the decrease in melt from seasonal snow may be counterbalanced by increase in melt from glaciers. However, on long-term basis, when the areal extent of glaciers will decrease due to higher melt rate, the water availability from the complex basins will be reduced.  相似文献   


The upper Niger and Volta rivers exhibit a great and highly contrasting variability of inter-annual runoff. The Bani River, the largest tributary to the Niger River in Mali, shows a dramatic decrease in runoff after the 1970s, with the result that many boreholes in the region have dried up since the drought began. In contrast, the Nakambe River (Upper Volta basin, in Burkina Faso) shows an increase in runoff for the same period, leading to unexpected flood peaks that damaged infrastructures. The contribution that the groundwater and its variability make to surface runoff variability is assessed in this study by comparing the data of the national groundwater monitoring networks of Mali and Burkina Faso to surface runoff. Several variables are compared at the basin scale: the date of the maximum level of the water table, the annual rainfall, discharge, low flows and depletion coefficients. Variability in the low flows of the Bani River is well correlated to a decrease in the water table. Since 1970, the greater decrease in runoff in comparison to the rainfall decrease is due to a reduction in the baseflow, related to the cumulated rainfall deficit. Concerning the Nakambe River, the runoff increase is not supported by a water table increase, but is due to the increase in runoff coefficient related to land degradation.  相似文献   


By means of the energy-budget method, measurements of evaporation losses from four reservoirs on Salt River, Ariz., were determined to range from 57.5 to 69.9 inches for the 12-month period April 1958 to March 1959. Water is withdrawn from Roosevelt Lake at considerable depth and released through three run-of-the-river reservoirs. Because the water released from Roosevelt Lake is cold, evaporation losses from the downstream reservoirs are considerably lower than those from Roosevelt Lake. Evaporation pan coefficients computed for the various reservoirs ranged from 0.53 to 0.65. A base evaporation rate was computed for each reservoir as the evaporation rate that would have occurred had there been no change in energy storage and the net advected energy equalled zero during the year.  相似文献   


This study modified the BTOPMC (Block-wise TOPMODEL with the Muskingum-Cunge routing method) distributed hydrological model to make it applicable to semi-arid regions by introducing an adjustment coefficient for infiltration capacity of the soil surface, and then applied it to two catchments above the dams in the Karun River basin, located in semi-arid mountain ranges in Iran. The application results indicated that the introduced modification improved the model performance for simulating flood peaks generated by infiltration excess overland runoff at a daily time scale. The modified BTOPMC was found to fulfil the need to reproduce important signatures of basin hydrology for water resource development, such as annual runoff, seasonal runoff, low flows and flood flows. However, it was also very clear that effective model use was significantly constrained by the scarcity of ground-gauged precipitation data. Considerable efforts to improve the precipitation data acquisition should precede water resource development planning.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   


This paper describes the use of a simple two stage rainfall-runoff model in which a curve number (CN) principle is used to calculate the soil water content and, subsequently, the rainfall contribution to direct runoff and groundwater flow. The maximum soil water retention, S, is used to express various characteristics of a catchment (infiltration rate, soil cover and land use, as in the CN method) relevant to flood formation. Using historical flood events, the model is calibrated, and the statistical distribution parameters of peak flows determined. With the same historical input data scenarios (rainfall), sets of flood hydrographs are simulated for various values of the parameter S, and corresponding distribution parameters of peak flows are determined. This procedure is used to demonstrate possible changes in flood regime to be expected due to changes of the catchment soil properties and its vegetation cover. A case study is presented for the River Hron catchment, area 582 km2, in the mountainous region of central Slovakia.  相似文献   


During the spring of 1961, evaporation from snow and soil surfaces was measured in the central Rocky Mountains near Fraser, Colorado. Measurements were made in natural forest openings at 9,000 feet elevation. Evaporation from wet soil surfaces greatly exceeded evaporation from nearby snow. There was little evidence of transfer of vapor from soil to nearby patches of snow, but as areas of bare, wet soil increased and evaporation amounts from such surfaces increased, evaporation from snow decreased. It was concluded that, as greater amounts of water evaporated from soils, the vapor pressure of the air was raised sufficiently to reduce evaporation from snow. Since transfer of vapor from soil to snow appeared small at best, evaporation losses from snow and soil surfaces essentially constituted a total moisture loss from the area.  相似文献   


The 1911–2010 variability in monthly runoff and the effect of 1995–2005 summer water temperatures in a highly productive salmon system, the Fraser River Basin (FRB) of British Columbia, Canada are explored. Hydrometric data from 141 FRB gauges provide variations in monthly runoff including their extremes and months of occurrences, as well as trends in their variability. Stream temperatures and their relationships to runoff are also assessed. There is a gradual increase of monthly runoff ranges from the central plateau of the FRB towards higher altitudes with maxima in glacier-fed alpine streams. Maximum and minimum monthly runoff across the FRB typically occur during May–June and February, respectively. There is a tendency towards greater FRB variability in July runoff. Water temperatures show high variability in the unregulated North and South Thompson rivers and low variability in the regulated Nechako River. FRB low flows are associated with higher water temperatures, while high flows are associated with cooler ones, both of which may have a negative impact on salmon.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor S. Yue  相似文献   


Techniques are described for annual forecasts of the water balance after drainage of large river basins. In the development of these techniques precipitation was assumed to be constant and unaffected by drainage. It is shown that the effect of drainage upon the annual runoff of the improved basins is to decrease the groundwater and swamp water resources which leads to evaporation changes. According to experimental data on the hydrophysical properties of peats, mineral soils and subsoils and how they change after drainage, the decrease in the groundwater resources was estimated for each per cent of the basin drained. This allowed account to betaken of this effect while making forecasts of runoff changes. Evaporation changes are computed as the difference between the maximum possible evaporation (potential evaporation) from cultivated areas and that from undisturbed swamps.  相似文献   


The spatial-temporal variation of runoff in an inland basin is very sensitive to climate change. Investigation of runoff change in arid areas is typically limited by lack of meteorological and hydrogeological data. This study focused on runoff change in the Yarkand River source area of the Tarim Basin, China, with the aim of analysing the influence of climate change on the response characteristics of discharge. Sensitivity analysis was introduced to reflect the degree of influence of climate on runoff. Based on the sensitivity factors, over 30 sets of schemes including the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report were simulated using the MIKE 11/NAM rainfall–runoff model and the response of runoff was analysed. The results indicate that there are significant correlations and synchronous fluctuations between runoff and precipitation, evaporation and temperature. The characteristics of the sensitivity of runoff can be fitted well by Bi-Gaussian functions. The functions show that high sensitivity indexes mainly appear in the interval of 165 ± 100 m3 s-1. The influence of precipitation on runoff is greater than that of other climate factors. Through simulation using the NAM model, we found that change of annual runoff was related to the initial climate condition. Annual runoff will have an increasing trend if it has a strong sensitivity to the initial meteorological condition. Moreover, the runoff decreases linearly with evaporation. Also it has a positive relationship with temperature and precipitation. Across the four seasons, the impact in summer and winter is greater than that in spring and autumn. Estimation of the spatial-temporal influence of climate on runoff could provide insight for water resource development in arid areas.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

A hydrological–lithostratigraphical model was developed for assessment of transmission losses and groundwater recharge from runoff events in arid water courses where hydrological and meteorological records are incomplete. Water balance equations were established for reaches between hydrometric stations. Because rainfall and tributary flow data are scarce, lateral inflow, which is an essential component of the water balance equation, could not be estimated directly. The solution was obtained by developing a method which includes a hydrological–lithostratigraphical analogy. This is based on the following assumptions: (a) runoff resulting from a given rainfall event is related to the watershed surface lithology; (b) for a given event, the spatial distribution of runoff reflects the distribution of rainfall: and (c) transmission losses are uniquely related to the total inflow to the reach. The latter relationship, called the loss function, and the water balance equation comprise a model which simultaneously assesses lateral inflow and transmission losses for runoff events recorded at the terminal stations. The model was applied to three reaches of the arid Nahal Tsin in Israel. In this case study, the transmission losses were of the same order of magnitude as the flow at the major hydrometric stations. The losses were subdivided into channel moistening, which subsequently evaporates, and deep percolation, which recharges groundwater. For large runoff events, evaporation was substantially smaller than the losses. The mean annual recharge of groundwater from runoff events in the Tsin watershed was 4·1×106 m3, while the mean annual flow volume at the major stations ranged from 0·6 to 1·5×106 m3. Once in 100 years, the annual recharge may be seven times higher than the mean annual value, but the recharge during most years is very small. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Abstract Land development often results in adverse environmental impact for surface and subsurface water systems. For areas close to the coast, land changes may also result in seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers. Due to this, it is important to evaluate potential adverse effects in advance of any land development. For evaluation purposes a combined groundwater recharge model is proposed with a quasi three-dimensional unconfined groundwater flow equation. The catchment water balance for a planned new campus area of Kyushu University in southern Japan, was selected as a case study to test the model approach. Since most of the study area is covered with forest, the proposed groundwater recharge model considers rainfall interception by forest canopy. The results show that simulated groundwater and surface runoff agree well with observations. It is also shown that actual evapotranspiration, including rainfall interception by forest canopy, is well represented in the proposed simulation model. Several hydrological components such as direct surface runoff rate, groundwater spring flow rate to a ground depression, trans-basin groundwater flow etc., were also investigated.  相似文献   


Precipitation and streamwater were analysed weekly for δ18O in seven tributaries and five main stem sites of a 2100 km2 catchment; >60% of it is upland in character. Precipitation δ18O followed seasonal patterns ranging from –20‰ in winter to –4‰ in summer. Seasonality was also evident in stream waters, though much more damped. Mean transit times (MTTs) were estimated using δ18O input–output relationships in a convolution integral with a gamma distribution. The MTTs were relatively similar (528–830 days): tributaries exhibited a greater range, being shorter in catchments with montane topography and hydrologically responsive soils, and longer where catchments have significant water storage. Along the main stem, MTTs increased modestly from 621 to 741 days. This indicates that montane headwaters are the dominant sources of runoff along the main stem of the river system. Models suggest that around 10% of runoff has transit times of less than two weeks during higher flows whilst older (>10-year old) water sustains low flows contributing around 5% of runoff.

Citation Speed, M., Tetzlaff, D., Hrachowitz, M. & Soulsby, C. (2011) Evolution of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the isotope hydrology of a montane river basin. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(3), 426–442  相似文献   


The snow and rain in the Himalayas are the main sources of supply for the rivers in the Indo-Gangetic plains. Irrigation, hydropower generation, and water supply are very much dependent on the availability of water in the Himalaya rivers. Mathematical models serve as important aids for the estimation of water availability in rivers. In the present study the SLURP watershed model is applied to a rainfed area of the Satluj catchment located in the western Himalayas, India. The SLURP model developed at NHRI, Canada, is a distributed conceptual model which simulates the behaviour of a watershed by carrying out vertical water balances for each element of a matrix of landcovers and subareas of a watershed and then routing the resulting runoff between subareas. The ILWIS geographic information system was used to prepare the input data required for SLURP and land use data were obtained from the IRS satellite LISS II visible and near infrared sensors. The simulated flows at the Bhakhra Dam outlet of the Satluj catchment were computed and found to compare well with the observed flows.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff modelling was conducted to estimate the flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River downstream of Albasini Dam. The confluence of Latonyanda and Luvuvhu Rivers is ungauged. The contributed flows compensate for upstream water abstractions and periodic lack of releases from Albasini Dam. The flow contributions from tributaries to Luvuvhu River are important for ecosystem sustenance, meeting downstream domestic and agricultural water demand and ecological water requirements particularly in Kruger National Park. The upper Latonyanda River Quaternary Catchment (LRQC), with streamflow gauging station number A9H027 was delineated and used for rainfall–runoff modelling. The simulation was done using Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model. Calibration and verification runs of Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model were carried out using data for periods of 4 and 2 years, respectively. The model was calibrated using shuffled complex evolution optimizer. The model efficiency was tested using coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), overall water balance error (OWBE) and percentage bias (PBIAS). The model parameters obtained from the upper LRQC were transferred and used together with rainfall and evaporation data for 40 years period in the simulation of runoff for the LRQC. The flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River were computed by subtracting irrigation abstractions and runoff drained to Tshakhuma Dam from the simulated runoff time series of the LRQC. The observed and the simulated runoff showed similar trends and measures of performances for both calibration and verification runs fell within acceptable ranges. The pairs of values obtained for R2, RMSE, OWBE and PBIAS for calibration and verification were 0.86 and 0.73, 0.21 and 0.2, 2.1 and 1.3, and 4.1 and 3.4, respectively. The simulated runoff for LRQC correlated well with the areal rainfall showing that the results are reasonable. The mean and maximum daily flow contributions from the Latonyanda River are 0.91 and 49 m3/s respectively. The estimation of these ungauged flows makes it possible to plan and manage the water requirements for the downstream users.  相似文献   


It is shown that a numerical model for predicting the depth time variation of water temperature in a fresh water lake or reservoir can be used also for prediction of water losses due to evaporation. The seasonal change in peak evaporation from summer (in small lakes) to winter (in large lakes) is satisfactorily simulated.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a severe problem hindering sustainable agriculture on the Loess Plateau of China. Plot experiments were conducted under the natural rainfall condition during 1995–1997 at Wangdongguo and Aobao catchments in this region to evaluate the effects of various land use, cropping systems, land slopes and rainfall on runoff and sediment losses, as well as the differences in catchment responses. The experiments included various surface conditions ranging from bare soil to vegetated surfaces (maize, wheat residue, Robinia pseudoacacia L., Amorpha fruticosa L., Stipa capillata L., buckwheat and Astragarus adsurgens L.). The measurements were carried out on hill slopes with different gradients (i.e. 0 ° to 36 °). These plots varied from 20 to 60 m in length. Results indicated that runoff and erosion in this region occurred mainly during summer storms. Summer runoff and sediment losses under cropping and other vegetation were significantly less than those from ploughed bare soil (i.e. without crop/plant or crop residue). There were fewer runoff and sediment losses with increasing canopy cover. Land slope had a major effect on runoff and sediment losses and this effect was markedly larger in the tillage plots than that in the natural grass and forest plots, although this effect was very small when the maximum rainfall intensity was larger than 58·8 mm/h or smaller than 2·4 mm/h. Sediment losses per unit area rose with increasing slope length for the same land slope and same land use. The effect of slope length on sediment losses was stronger on a bare soil plot than on a crop/plant plot. The runoff volume and sediment losses were both closely related to rainfall volume and maximum intensity, while runoff coefficient was mainly controlled by maximum rainfall intensity. Hortonian overland flow is the dominant runoff process in the region. The differences in runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment losses between the catchments are mainly controlled by the maximum rainfall intensity and infiltration characteristics. The Aobao catchment yielded much larger runoff volume, runoff coefficient and sediment than the Wangdongguo catchment. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Increased surface water runoff from about 3000 km2 of land converted to pasture from native forest and scrub, mostly in the last 20 years, in the central North Island of New Zealand has caused gully erosion. The causes of increased runoff were investigated by using 20 runoff plots and collecting data over a two-year period on climatic, soil, vegetation and runoff variables for 44 storms. Statistical analysis has shown that: runoff from pasture is greater than that from scrub or ungrazed grass; most of the intense runoff can be explained by intense rainfalls occuring on previously dry areas; 63 per cent of the runoff can be explained statistically in terms of three variables. Land use practices should be designed to reduce soil moisture depletion and to inhibit peak storm runoff, especially during intense summer rainstorms.  相似文献   

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