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A biannual survey of physico-chemical quality indices of 104 irrigation-water wells located in a cultivated plain of a Mediterranean island catchment was conducted using a multi-parameter probe. The campaign was planned so as to differentiate between the dry and wet seasons. The acquired data constituted the test bed for evaluating the results and the features of four spatial interpolation methods, i.e. ordinary kriging, universal kriging, inverse distance weighted and nearest neighbours, against those of the recently introduced bilinear surface smoothing (BSS). In several cases, BSS outperformed the other interpolation methods, especially during the two-fold cross-validation procedure. The study emphasizes the fact that both in situ measurements and good mathematical techniques for studying the spatial distribution of water quality indices are pivotal to agricultural practice management. In the specific case studied, the spatio-temporal variability of water quality parameters and the need for monitoring were evident, as low irrigation water quality was encountered throughout the study area.  相似文献   


New mathematical programming models are proposed, developed and evaluated in this study for estimating missing precipitation data. These models use nonlinear and mixed integer nonlinear mathematical programming (MINLP) formulations with binary variables. They overcome the limitations associated with spatial interpolation methods relevant to the arbitrary selection of weighting parameters, the number of control points within a neighbourhood, and the size of the neighbourhood itself. The formulations are solved using genetic algorithms. Daily precipitation data obtained from 15 rain gauging stations in a temperate climatic region are used to test and derive conclusions about the efficacy of these methods. The developed methods are compared with some naïve approaches, multiple linear regression, nonlinear least-square optimization, kriging, and global and local trend surface and thin-plate spline models. The results suggest that the proposed new mathematical programming formulations are superior to those obtained from all the other spatial interpolation methods tested in this study.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Grimaldi

Citation Teegavarapu, R.S.V., 2012. Spatial interpolation using nonlinear mathematical programming models for estimation of missing precipitation records. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 383–406.  相似文献   


Several satellite-based precipitation estimates are becoming available at a global scale, providing new possibilities for water resources modelling, particularly in data-sparse regions and developing countries. This work provides a first validation of five different satellite-based precipitation products (TRMM-3B42 v6 and v7, RFE 2.0, PERSIANN-CDR, CMORPH1.0 version 0.x) in the 1785 km2 Makhazine catchment (Morocco). Precipitation products are first compared against ground observations. Ten raingauges and four different interpolation methods (inverse distance, nearest neighbour, ordinary kriging and residual kriging with altitude) were used to compute a set of interpolated precipitation reference fields. Second, a parsimonious conceptual hydrological model is considered, with a simulation approach based on the random generation of model parameters drawn from existing parameter set libraries, to compare the different precipitation inputs. The results indicate that (1) all four interpolation methods, except the nearest neighbour approach, give similar and valid precipitation estimates at the catchment scale; (2) among the different satellite-based precipitation estimates verified, the TRMM-3B42 v7 product is the closest to observed precipitation, and (3) despite poor performance at the daily time step when used in the hydrological model, TRMM-3B42 v7 estimates are found adequate to reproduce monthly dynamics of discharge in the catchment. The results provide valuable perspectives for water resources modelling of data-scarce catchments with satellite-based rainfall data in this region.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor N. Verhoest  相似文献   

Kriging with external drift for functional data for air quality monitoring   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Functional data featured by a spatial dependence structure occur in many environmental sciences when curves are observed, for example, along time or along depth. Recently, some methods allowing for the prediction of a curve at an unmonitored site have been developed. However, the existing methods do not allow to include in a model exogenous variables that, for example, bring meteorology information in modeling air pollutant concentrations. In order to introduce exogenous variables, potentially observed as curves as well, we propose to extend the so-called kriging with external drift—or regression kriging—to the case of functional data by means of a three-step procedure involving functional modeling for the trend and spatial interpolation of functional residuals. A cross-validation analysis allows to choose smoothing parameters and a preferable kriging predictor for the functional residuals. Our case study considers daily PM10 concentrations measured from October 2005 to March 2006 by the monitoring network of Piemonte region (Italy), with the trend defined by meteorological time-varying covariates and orographical constant-in-time variables. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated by predicting PM10 concentration curves on 10 validation sites, even with simulated realistic datasets on a larger number of spatial sites. In this application the proposed methodology represents an alternative to spatio-temporal modeling but it can be applied more generally to spatially dependent functional data whose domain is not a time interval.  相似文献   


Scale issues are ubiquitous in geosciences. Because of their simplicity and intuitiveness, and despite strong limitations, notably its non-stationarity features, discrete random multiplicative cascade processes are very often used to address these scale issues. A novel approach based on the parsimonious framework of Universal Multifractals (UM) is introduced to tackle this issue while preserving the simple structure of discrete cascades. It basically consists in smoothing at each cascade step the random multiplicative increments with the help of a geometric interpolation over a moving window. The window size enables to introduce non-conservativeness in the simulated fields. It is established theoretically,] and numerically confirmed, that the simulated fields also exhibit a multifractal behaviour with expected features. It is shown that such an approach remains valid over a limited range of UM parameters. Finally, we test downscaling of rainfall fields with the help of this blunt discrete cascade process, and we discuss challenges for future developments.  相似文献   

A recently proposed method for the computation of the gravitational effect due to the topographic masses defined by a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) involves the representation of the surface relief by means of parts of bilinear surfaces. The so-called bilinear method delivers eventually the mathematical model for the gravitational attraction of a right rectangular prism, whose top is modeled by a bilinear surface. Scope of the paper is to assess the new method by conducting numerical tests using both real and synthetic data. The performance of the bilinear method is evaluated in terms of its computational efficiency as well as its precision by comparing it with other analytical methods available for the practical evaluation of gravitational terrain effects. The techniques considered for the assessment of the bilinear approximation are the vastly applied right rectangular prism method and the polyhedral modeling, a less popular but extremely flexible approach based on the closed expression for the gravity field of an arbitrarily shaped mass distribution defined by planar faces. The different geometric modeling of the topographic relief produces discrepancies to the gravitational attraction of up to several mGal. Thus the choice for the geometric representation of the terrain plays a fundamental role to the numerical computation of potential field quantities especially in the critical region surrounding the computation point.  相似文献   

In many practical cases, it is necessary to characterize the explored area with a regular set of geodata. Regular matrix data (e.g., ordinary maps) are calculated via existing data interpolation and extrapolation. For low frequency (oversampled) data acquired within a dense profile net (e.g., seismic three‐dimensional structural or gravity mapping), this procedure is mathematically more or less stable and, to a certain extent, unique since we might neglect discrepancies resulting from different interpolations. The situation is quite different for high‐resolution and high‐frequency contaminated data (e.g., raw seismic attributes or geochemistry measurements) represented by sparse profiling. Considering the variety of exploration cases, the investigation of different interpolation algorithm efficiency seems very important. Since it is impossible to compare all algorithms by means of formal mathematics, we have designed a test program. A representative set of seismic attribute maps has been artificially destroyed by introducing blank values (from 20% up to 95%) and then restored by different interpolation algorithms— bicubic, bilinear, nearest neighbor, and “smart averaging.” Smart averaging interpolation is done in a “live” window. The position, form, and size of the window are determined by some mathematical criterion on a trial‐and‐error basis. Discrepancies between restored and initial (true) data have been assessed and analysed. It is shown that the total (absolute) efficiency and comparative (relative) efficiency of the algorithms depend mostly upon the initial interpolant data characteristics. Identifying the best interpolation algorithm for all interpretive cases seems impossible. Some aspects of data processing are discussed in connection with interpolation accuracy.  相似文献   


The problem of identifying and reproducing the hydrological behaviour of groundwater systems can often be set in terms of ordinary differential equations relating the inputs and outputs of their physical components under simplifying assumptions. Conceptual linear and nonlinear models described as ordinary differential equations are widely used in hydrology and can be found in several studies. Groundwater systems can be described conceptually as an interlinked reservoir model structured as a series of nonlinear tanks, so that the groundwater table can be schematized as the water level in one of the interconnected tanks. In this work, we propose a methodology for inferring the dynamics of a groundwater system response to rainfall, based on recorded time series data. The use of evolutionary techniques to infer differential equations from data in order to obtain their intrinsic phenomenological dynamics has been investigated recently by a few authors and is referred to as evolutionary modelling. A strategy named Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) has been applied to a real hydrogeological system, the shallow unconfined aquifer of Brindisi, southern Italy, for which 528 recorded monthly data over a 44-year period are available. The EPR returns a set of non-dominated models, as ordinary differential equations, reproducing the system dynamics. The choice of the representative model can be made both on the basis of its performance against a test data set and based on its incorporation of terms that actually entail physical meaning with respect to the conceptualization of the system.

Citation Doglioni, A., Mancarella, D., Simeone, V. & Giustolisi, O. (2010) Inferring groundwater system dynamics from hydrological time-series data. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 593–608.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of precipitation has often been a topic of research, since accurate modelling of precipitation is a crucial condition for obtaining reliable results in hydrology and geomorphology. In mountainous areas, the sparsity of the measurement networks makes an accurate and reliable spatialization of rainfall amounts at the local scale difficult. The purpose of this paper is to show how the use of a digital elevation model can improve interpolation processes at the subregional scale for mapping the mean annual and monthly precipitation from rainfall observations (40 years) recorded in a region of 1400 km2 in southern Italy. Besides linear regression of precipitation against elevation, two methods of interpolation are applied: inverse squared distance and ordinary cokriging. Cross‐validation indicates that the inverse distance interpolation, which ignores the information on elevation, yields the largest prediction errors. Smaller prediction errors are produced by linear regression and ordinary cokriging. However, the results seem to favour the multivariate geostatistical method including auxiliary information (related to elevation). We conclude that ordinary cokriging is a very flexible and robust interpolation method because it can take into account several properties of the landscape; it should therefore be applicable in other mountainous regions, especially where precipitation is an important geomorphological factor. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A new methodology is proposed for the calibration of distributed hydrological models at the basin scale by constraining an internal model variable using satellite data of land surface temperature (LST). The model algorithm solves the system of energy and mass balances in terms of a representative equilibrium temperature that governs the fluxes of energy and mass over the basin domain. This equilibrium surface temperature, which is a critical model state variable, is compared to operational satellite LST, while calibrating soil hydraulic parameters and vegetation variables differently in each pixel, minimizing the errors. This procedure is compared to the traditional calibration using only discharge measurements. The distributed energy water balance model, Flash-flood Event-based Spatially-distributed rainfall–runoff Transformation – Energy Water Balance model (FEST-EWB), is used to test this approach. This methodology is applied to the Upper Yangtze River basin (China) using MODIS LST retrieved from satellite data in the framework of the NRSCC-ESA DRAGON-2 Programme. The calibration procedure based on LST seems to outperform the calibration based on discharge, with lower relative error and higher Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index on cumulated volume.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Perrin  相似文献   


Monitoring the change of snow-covered area (SCA) in a basin is vitally important for optimum operation of water resources, where the main contribution comes from snowmelt. A methodology for obtaining the depletion pattern of SCA, which is based on satellite image observations where mean daily air temperature is used, is applied for the 1997 water year and tested for the 1998 water year. The study is performed at the Upper Euphrates River basin in Turkey (10 216 km2). The major melting period in this basin starts in early April. The cumulated mean daily air temperature (CMAT) is correlated to the depletion of snow-covered area with the start of melting. The analysis revealed that SCA values obtained from NOAA-AVHRR satellite images are exponentially correlated to CMAT for the whole basin in a lumped manner, where R 2 values of 0.98 and 0.99 were obtained for the water years 1997 and 1998, respectively. The applied methodology enables the interpolation between the SCA observations and extrapolation. Such a procedure reduces the number of satellite images required for analysis and provides solution for the cloud-obscured images. Based on the image availability, the effect of the number of images on the quality of snowmelt runoff simulations is also discussed. In deriving the depletion curve for SCA, if the number of images is reduced, the timing of image analysis within the snowmelt period is found very important. Analysis of the timing of satellite images indicated that images from the early and middle parts of the melt period are more important.  相似文献   

A framework for the validation of computational models used to predict seismic response based on observations from seismometer arrays is presented. The framework explicitly accounts for the epistemic uncertainty related to the unknown characteristics of the ‘site’ (i.e. the problem under consideration) and constitutive model parameters. A mathematical framework which makes use of multiple prediction–observation pairs is used to improve the statistical significance of inferences regarding the accuracy and precision of the computational methodology and constitutive model. The benefits of such a formal validation framework include: (i) development of consistent methods for determination of constitutive model parameters; (ii) rigorous, objective, and unbiased assessment of the validity of various constitutive models and computational methodologies for various problem types and ground motion intensities; and (iii) an improved understanding of the uncertainties in computational model assumptions, constitutive models and their parameters, relative to other seismic response uncertainties such as ground motion variability. Details regarding the implementation of such a framework to achieve the aforementioned benefits are also addressed.  相似文献   


The applicability of multivariate interpolation and information entropy to optimize the raingauge network in the Mekong River Basin (MRB) is investigated. Three different spatial interpolation methods are tested: inverse distance squared (IDS), ordinary kriging (OK) and gradient plus inverse distance squared (GIDS). The validated results confirm that the GIDS method outperformed IDS and OK. The application of information entropy together with GIDS on a network of 57 gauges provided the same information content (7.34 nat) as could be obtained using all 6788 gauges in the MRB. Combining this result with meteorological and hydrological indicators revealed that the number of gauges for the optimum raingauge network could be reduced to 40. The results imply good applicability of the proposed method, which may be used to help prioritize efforts and funds to maintain the raingauge network in a given river basin.  相似文献   


This study presents a systematic illustration quantifying how misleading the calibration results of a groundwater simulation model can be when recharge rates are considered as the model parameters to be estimated by inverse modelling. Three approaches to recharge estimation are compared: autocalibration (Model 1), the empirical return coefficient method (Model 2), and distributed hydrological modelling using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT (Model 3). The methodology was applied in the Dehloran Plain, western Iran, using the MODFLOW modular flow simulator and the PEST method for autocalibration. The results indicate that, although Model 1 performed the best in simulating water levels at observation wells in the calibration stage, it did not perform satisfactorily in real future scenarios. Model 3, with SWAT-based recharge rates, performed better than the other models in the validation stage. By not evaluating the model performance solely on calibration results, we demonstrate the relative significance of using more accurate recharge estimates when calibrating groundwater simulation models.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR M. Besbes  相似文献   

Probability theory as logic (or Bayesian probability theory) is a rational inferential methodology that provides a natural and logically consistent framework for source reconstruction. This methodology fully utilizes the information provided by a limited number of noisy concentration data obtained from a network of sensors and combines it in a consistent manner with the available prior knowledge (mathematical representation of relevant physical laws), hence providing a rigorous basis for the assimilation of this data into models of atmospheric dispersion for the purpose of contaminant source reconstruction. This paper addresses the application of this framework to the reconstruction of contaminant source distributions consisting of an unknown number of localized sources, using concentration measurements obtained from a sensor array. To this purpose, Bayesian probability theory is used to formulate the full joint posterior probability density function for the parameters of the unknown source distribution. A simulated annealing algorithm, applied in conjunction with a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, is used to draw random samples of source distribution models from the posterior probability density function. The methodology is validated against a real (full-scale) atmospheric dispersion experiment involving a multiple point source release.  相似文献   

As demand for water continues to escalate in the western Unites States, so does the need for accurate monitoring of the snowpack in mountainous areas. In this study, we describe a simple methodology for generating gridded‐estimates of snow water equivalency (SWE) using both surface observations of SWE and remotely sensed estimates of snow‐covered area (SCA). Multiple regression was used to quantify the relationship between physiographic variables (elevation, slope, aspect, clear‐sky solar radiation, etc.) and SWE as measured at a number of sites in a mountainous basin in south‐central Idaho (Big Wood River Basin). The elevation of the snowline, obtained from the SCA estimates, was used to constrain the predicted SWE values. The results from the analysis are encouraging and compare well to those found in previous studies, which often utilized more sophisticated spatial interpolation techniques. Cross‐validation results indicate that the spatial interpolation method produces accurate SWE estimates [mean R2 = 0·82, mean mean absolute error (MAE) = 4·34 cm, mean root mean squared error (RMSE) = 5·29 cm]. The basin examined in this study is typical of many mid‐elevation mountainous basins throughout the western United States, in terms of the distribution of topographic variables, as well as the number and characteristics of sites at which the necessary ground data are available. Thus, there is high potential for this methodology to be successfully applied to other mountainous basins. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of testing the various methods of permanent stations’ velocity residua interpolation in a regular grid, which constitutes a continuous model of the velocity field in the territory of Poland. Three packages of software were used in the research from the point of view of interpolation: GMT (The Generic Mapping Tools), Surfer and ArcGIS. The following methods were tested in the softwares: the Nearest Neighbor, Triangulation (TIN), Spline Interpolation, Surface, Inverse Distance to a Power, Minimum Curvature and Kriging. The presented research used the absolute velocities’ values expressed in the ITRF2005 reference frame and the intraplate velocities related to the NUVEL model of over 300 permanent reference stations of the EPN and ASG-EUPOS networks covering the area of Europe. Interpolation for the area of Poland was done using data from the whole area of Europe to make the results at the borders of the interpolation area reliable. As a result of this research, an optimum method of such data interpolation was developed. All the mentioned methods were tested for being local or global, for the possibility to compute errors of the interpolated values, for explicitness and fidelity of the interpolation functions or the smoothing mode. In the authors’ opinion, the best data interpolation method is Kriging with the linear semivariogram model run in the Surfer programme because it allows for the computation of errors in the interpolated values and it is a global method (it distorts the results in the least way). Alternately, it is acceptable to use the Minimum Curvature method. Empirical analysis of the interpolation results obtained by means of the two methods showed that the results are identical. The tests were conducted using the intraplate velocities of the European sites. Statistics in the form of computing the minimum, maximum and mean values of the interpolated North and East components of the velocity residuum were prepared for all the tested methods, and each of the resulting continuous velocity fields was visualized by means of the GMT programme. The interpolated components of the velocities and their residua are presented in the form of tables and bar diagrams.  相似文献   


The GR4H lumped hourly rainfall–runoff model was assessed for its integration in a ridge-to-reef modelling framework. Particular attention was paid to rainfall representation, robustness of parameter estimates and ability to reproduce the main runoff features. The study was conducted in four tropical mountainous watersheds in New Caledonia, which are exposed to intense rainfall events, large annual climatic variations triggered by El Niño oscillation, and wildfires. The inverse distance and elevation weighting algorithm outperformed other classical rainfall interpolation methods under data-limited conditions. The time span of data needed for robust calibration was site specific and varied from 6–7 years to 10 years, which may be linked to El Niño events and to wildfires. With sufficient data, simulation quality was equivalent during the calibration and validation periods. The GR4H model was generally able to simulate both flash floods and large annual variations. The model was more reliable when simulating wet years and watersheds not subject to land-cover changes.  相似文献   

Rainfall data in continuous space provide an essential input for most hydrological and water resources planning studies. Spatial distribution of rainfall is usually estimated using ground‐based point rainfall data from sparsely positioned rain‐gauge stations in a rain‐gauge network. Kriging has become a widely used interpolation method to estimate the spatial distribution of climate variables including rainfall. The objective of this study is to evaluate three geostatistical (ordinary kriging [OK], ordinary cokriging [OCK], kriging with an external drift [KED]), and two deterministic (inverse distance weighting, radial basis function) interpolation methods for enhanced spatial interpolation of monthly rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment in Victoria, Australia. Historical rainfall records from existing rain‐gauge stations of the catchments during 1980–2012 period are used for the analysis. A digital elevation model of each catchment is used as the supplementary information in addition to rainfall for the OCK and kriging with an external drift methods. The prediction performance of the adopted interpolation methods is assessed through cross‐validation. Results indicate that the geostatistical methods outperform the deterministic methods for spatial interpolation of rainfall. Results also indicate that among the geostatistical methods, the OCK method is found to be the best interpolator for estimating spatial rainfall distribution in both the catchments with the lowest prediction error between the observed and estimated monthly rainfall. Thus, this study demonstrates that the use of elevation as an auxiliary variable in addition to rainfall data in the geostatistical framework can significantly enhance the estimation of rainfall over a catchment.  相似文献   


An adaptive multilevel correlation analysis, a kind of data-driven methodology, is proposed. The analysis is done by subdividing the time series into segments such that adjacent segments have significantly different mean values. It is shown that the proposed methodology can provide multilevel information about the correlation between two variables. An integrated coefficient with its significance testing is also proposed to summarize the correlation at each level. Using the adaptive multilevel correlation analysis methodology, the correlation between streamflow and water level is investigated for a case study, and the results indicate that real correlation might be far more complicated than the empirically constructed picture.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. Volpi  相似文献   

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