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全球变化下青藏高原湖泊在地表水循环中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
青藏高原是地球上最重要的高海拔地区之一,对全球变化具有敏感响应.青藏高原作为"亚洲水塔",其地表水资源及其变化对高原本身及周边地区的经济社会发展具有重要的影响.然而,在气候变暖的情况下,构成高原地表水资源的各个组分,如冰川、湖泊、河流、降水等水体的相变及其转化却鲜为人知.湖泊是青藏高原地表水体相变和水循环的关键环节.湖泊面积、水位和水量对西风和印度季风的降水变化非常敏感,但湖泊面积和水量变化在不同区域和时段的响应也不尽相同.湖泊水温对气候变暖具有明显响应,湖泊水温和水下温跃层深度的变化能够对水—气的热量交换具有明显影响,从而影响了区域蒸发和降水等水循环过程.由于湖泊水量增加,高原中部色林错地区湖泊盐度自1970s以来普遍下降.根据60多个湖泊实地监测建立的遥感反演模型研究发现,2000—2019年湖泊透明度普遍升高.对不同补给类型的大湖水量平衡监测发现,影响湖泊变化的气象和水文要素具有较大差异.在目前的暖湿气候条件下,青藏高原的湖泊将会持续扩张.为了深入认识湖泊变化在青藏高原区域水循环和气候变化中的作用,需要全面了解湖泊水量赋存及连续的时间序列变化,需要深入了解湖泊理化参数变化及对湖泊...  相似文献   

1.Introduction Global Change Hydrology(GCH)is an emerging interdisciplinary field that links global change research and hydrology.GCH integrates hydrology,climatology,and geography to study the interactions between the terrestrial water cycle and global change across various time and space scales.The main objective of GCH is to understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of the changing terrestrial water cycle and the associated influences and feedbacks in the Earth system.  相似文献   

Preliminary analysis of spatiotemporal pattern of global land surface water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Land surface water (LSW) is one of the most important resources for human survival and development, and it is also a main component of global water recycling. A full understanding of the spatial distribution of land surface water and a continuous measuring of its dynamics can support to diagnose the global ecosystem and environment. Based on the Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010 products, this research analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water under scale-levels of global, latitude and longitude, continents, and climate zones. The Global Land 30-water products were corrected the temporal inconsistency of original remotely sensed data using MODIS time-series data, and then calculated the indices such as water area, water ration and coefficient of spatial variation for further analysis. Results show that total water area of land surface is about 3.68 million km2 (2010), and occupies 2.73% of land area. The spatial distribution of land surface water is extremely uneven and is gathered mainly in mid- to high-latitude area of the Northern Hemisphere and tropic area. The comparison of water ratio between 2000 and 2010 indicates the overall fluctuation is small but spatially differentiated. The Global Land 30-water products and the statistics provided the fundamental information for analyzing the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water and diagnosing the global ecosystem and environment.  相似文献   

鉴于扰动重力垂直梯度在大地测量和物探中有重要作用,在未直接测量的情况下,对如何由地面重力异常及地形数据求取扰动垂直梯度进行了研究和分析,认为在被研点附近要求重力点分布密集,且精度不低于1×10-6ms-2;对中央区域积分奇异性问题也作了讨论;此外,扰动重力垂直梯度如何在大地测量和地球物理中进一步得到应用,以及为何用扰动重力垂直梯度代替重力异常垂直梯度也给予了简明的论述.  相似文献   

Records of superconducting gravimeters (SGs) at Canberra (Australia), Esashi (Japan), Metsähovi (Finland) and Syowa Stations (Antarctica) were analyzed to search for further evidence of background free oscillations of the Earth. Spectrograms for 1-year period and averaged power spectra for seismically quiet periods were obtained for each of the stations. Anomalous features of the oscillations observed at Syowa Station, such as an apparent seasonal variation and a high intensity at frequencies between 3 and 4 mHz, were absent at the other SG stations. Among the SG stations used in this study, the background free oscillations were detected most consistently and distinctly at Canberra, where the noise level was comparable to that at the IDA quietest station, while that at Syowa Station was close to the critical limit for detecting the oscillations. The background free oscillations provide a good reference to evaluate the noise level in the milliHertz band.  相似文献   

科学家首次绘制地幔电导率全球三维图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家用电器警示标签中通常会注明,水是很好的导电材料。现在,科学家发现,地幔局部电导率的增大很可能意味着地表下含水量的增大。研究人员首次绘制了地幔电导率全球三维图像,他们的研究结果发表在近期的Nature杂志上。  相似文献   

An analylical treatment of the background or far-field temperature distribution associated with the cooling water discharge from a direct-cooling coastal power station is presented. Factors considered in the formation of this temperature field include residual tidal currents, horizontal mixing, the cooling water flow rate, separation of the outlet and intake and heat transfer across the water surface.A criterion is derived which specifies conditions under which the circulation of water between the outlet and the intake is expected to have a significant influence on background temperatures. As an illustration, the analysis suggests that under conditions typical of the U.K. coast in the southern North Sea this recirculation, while affecting the operation of the power station, has little effect on the far-field temperature for plant of less than 3–5 GW electrical capacity.At many coastal locations there will be a mean, or residual tidal current running parallel to the shore. The effect of this is to limit the off-shore extent of the temperature field while transporting the heat a considerable distance along the coast. These factors are quantified and it is demonstrated that the ‘area’ of the far-field is very sensitive to the threshold temperature which is taken to define its boundary.The results obtained with this model are greatly influenced by the values adopted for residual currents and mixing. The paper therefore stresses the need for reliable data, obtained from site surveys, on which the parameters must be based.  相似文献   

Earth's oblateness is varying due to the redistribution of Earth's fluid mass and the interaction of various components in the Earth system. Nowadays, continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) observations can estimate Earth's oblateness (J2) variations with the least squares method, but are subject to ill-conditioned equations with limited GPS observations and aliasing errors from truncated degrees. In this paper, a Tikhonov regularization method is used to estimate J2 variations from global continuous GPS observations. Results show that the J2 has been better estimated from GPS observations based on a Tikhonov regularization method than the usual least squares method when compared to SLR solutions. Furthermore, the amplitudes and phases of the annual and semi-annual J2 variations are closer to the SLR results with truncated degrees from 2 to 5. Higher truncated degrees will degrade the J2 estimate. Annual J2 variations are best estimated from GPS observations with truncated degree 4 and semi-annual J2 variations are best estimated with truncated degree 2.  相似文献   

As human water demand is increasing worldwide, pressure on available water resources grows and their sustainable exploitation is at risk. To mimic changes in exploitation intensity and the connecting feedbacks between surface water and groundwater systems, a dynamic attribution of demand to water resources is necessary. However, current global-scale hydrological models lack the ability to do so. This study explores the dynamic attribution of water demand to simulated water availability. It accounts for essential feedbacks, such as return flows of unconsumed water and riverbed infiltration. Results show that abstractions and feedbacks strongly affect water allocation over time, particularly in irrigated areas. Also residence time of water is affected, as shown by changes in low flow magnitude, frequency, and timing. The dynamic representation of abstractions and feedbacks makes the model a suitable tool for assessing spatial and temporal impacts of changing global water demand on hydrology and water resources.  相似文献   

黄娅  徐荣栏  李亮  金鑫 《地球物理学报》2009,52(11):2683-2688
本文是利用计算机断层成像(CT)方法中的滤波反投影法(FBP)和代数迭代法(ART),根据等离子体层的仿真模型,重建其全球密度分布.在重建过程中,地球遮挡是一个很重要的问题.计算结果表明两种方法都可以使用,但ART比FBP重建的效果好.ART重建图像的相关系数可达0.98,而FBP重建图像的相关系数仅为0.86.FBP重建的偏差是由地球遮挡引起,向阳面靠近地球区域的密度会减小.从定量分析中可以进一步看出地球遮挡所引起的偏差变化.  相似文献   

Summary On the assumption of a constant earth radius the spherical-trigonometric determination of former pole positions depends on the position of the North Pole of today. On the basis of an expanding earth, the determination of the palaeopoles should not be attempted on the present globe. There should rather be used a pole position on a model globe with a reckoning pole which is situated along the present northern direction of the measuring origin and spaced therefrom by its present pole distance. In that way Palaeozoic pole positions formerly determined in the Mid-Pacific shift to northeastern Siberia.
Zusammenfassung Bei der sphärisch-trigonometrischen Berechnung früherer Pollagen unter Voraussetzung eines konstanten Erddurchmessers spielt die Lage des heutigen Nordpols eine wichtige Rolle. Bei Voraussetzung einer expandierenden Erde darf jedoch die Bestimmung der Paläopole nicht am heutigen Globus erfolgen. Vielmehr ist an einem Modellglobus ein Berechnungspol zu verwenden, der auf der heutigen Nordrichtung des Meßorts in seiner heutigen Poldistanz von ihm entfernt liegt. Auf diese Weise ergeben sich für das Paläozoikum Pollagen in Nordostsibirien an Stelle von Pollagen mitten im Pazifik.


The stratification profile of the Earth's magnetofluid outer core is unknown, but there have been suggestions that its upper part may be stably stratified. Braginsky (1984) suggested that the magnetic analog of Rossby (planetary) waves in this stable layer (the ‘H’ layer) may be responsible for a portion of the short-period secular variation. In this study, we adopt a thin shell model to examine the dynamics of the H layer. The stable stratification justifies the thin-layer approximations, which greatly simplify the analysis. The governing equations are then the Laplace's tidal equations modified by the Lorentz force terms, and the magnetic induction equation. We linearize the Lorentz force in the Laplace's tidal equations and the advection term in the magnetic induction equation, assuming a zeroth order dipole field as representative of the magnetic field near the insulating core-mantle boundary. An analytical β-plane solution shows that a magnetic field can release the equatorial trapping that non-magnetic Rossby waves exhibit. A numerical solution to the full spherical equations confirms that a sufficiently strong magnetic field can break the equatorial waveguide. Both solutions are highly dissipative, which is a consequence of our necessary neglect of the induction term in comparison with the advection and diffusion terms in the magnetic induction equation in the thin-layer limit. However, were one to relax the thin-layer approximations and allow a radial dependence of the solutions, one would find magnetic Rossby waves less damped (through the inclusion of the induction term). For the magnetic field strength appropriate for the H layer, the real parts of the eigenfrequencies do not change appreciably from their non-magnetic values. We estimate a phase velocity of the lowest modes that is rather rapid compared with the core fluid speed typically presumed from the secular variation.  相似文献   

Solar geoengineering has been proposed as a potential mechanism to counteract global warming. Here we use the University of Victoria Earth System Model (UVic) to simulate the effect of idealized sunshade geoengineering on the global carbon cycle. We conduct two simulations. The first is the A2 simulation, where the model is driven by prescribed emission scenario based on the SRES A2 CO2 emission pathway. The second is the solar geoengineering simulation in which the model is driven by the A2 CO2 emission scenario combined with sunshade solar geoengineering. In the model, solar geoengineering is represented by a spatially uniform reduction in solar insolation that is implemented at year 2020 to offset CO2-induced global mean surface temperature change. Our results show that solar geoengineering increases global carbon uptake relative to A2, in particular CO2 uptake by the terrestrial biosphere. The increase in land carbon uptake is mainly associated with increased net primary production (NPP) in the tropics in the geoengineering simulation, which prevents excess warming in tropics. By year 2100, solar geoengineering decreases A2-simulated atmospheric CO2 by 110 ppm (12%) and causes a 60% (251 Pg C) increase in land carbon accumulation compared to A2. Solar geoengineering also prevents the reduction in ocean oxygen concentration caused by increased ocean temperatures and decreased ocean ventilation, but reduces global ocean NPP. Our results suggest that to fully access the climate effect of solar geoengineering, the response of the global carbon cycle should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The search for a signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the heights and temperatures of the lower stratosphere was previously successfully conducted for the northern hemisphere with a data set from the Freie Universität Berlin, covering four solar cycles. This work has been extended to the whole globe by means of the NCEP/NCAR reanalyses for the period 1968–1996. The re-analyses show that the signal exists in the southern hemisphere too, and that it is of nearly the same size and shape as on the northern hemisphere. The NCEP/NCAR reanalyses yield higher correlations with the solar cycle than do the Berlin analyses for the same period, because the interannual variability is lower in the NCEP/NCAR data.The correlations between the solar cycle and the zonally averaged temperatures at the standard levels between 200 and 10 hPa are largest between the tropopause and the 25 km level, that is, in the ozone layer. This may be partly a direct effect in this layer, because of more absorber (ozone) and more ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the peaks of the 11-year solar cycle. However, it is more likely to be mainly an indirect dynamical consequence of UV absorption by ozone in the middle and upper stratosphere.The largest temperature correlations move with the sun from one summer hemisphere to the other, and the largest height correlations move poleward from winter to summer.  相似文献   

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